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This study is part of an on‐going effort to evaluate and monitor river dolphin populations in South America. It comprises the largest initiative to estimate population size and densities of Inia and Sotalia dolphins using statistically robust and standardized methods. From May 2006 to August 2007, seven visual surveys were conducted in selected large rivers of Bolivia, Colombia, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela in the Amazon and Orinoco river basins. Population sizes of Inia and Sotalia were estimated for different habitats (main river, tributary, lake, island, confluence, and channel). A total of 291 line and 890 strip transects were conducted, covering a distance of 2,704 linear kilometers. We observed 778 Inia geoffrensis, 1,323 Inia boliviensis, and 764 Sotalia fluviatilis. High‐density areas were identified (within 200 m from the river banks, confluences, and lakes) and we propose that these constitute critical habitat for river dolphins. High densities of river dolphins seem to coincide with well‐managed freshwater protected areas and should be considered as hot spots for river dolphins in South America.  相似文献   

Blood values of wild cetacean population are a valuable tool to drive proper management of threatened species. Reference intervals of 26 serum analytes were determined from 107 apparently healthy Amazon river dolphins (Inia geoffrensis) wild-caught in the Mamirauá Sustainable Development Reserve (3°3′S, 64°51′W), central Amazon, Brazil. No differences were detected between males and females or between pregnant and nonpregnant females. Calves had higher serum calcium than juveniles and adults, and alkaline phosphatase activity was higher in calves and juveniles than adults as a result of bone growth. Adults showed higher creatinine levels than juveniles due to higher body mass, and higher urea than calves. Positive correlation was found between body length and body weight with creatinine, urea, and alanine aminotransferase activity; whereas calcium and alkaline phosphatase and creatine kinase (CK) activities negatively correlated with these body parameters. Cardiac rate and respiratory frequency appear to have not correlated with any serum analyte, while stress level positively correlated with CK. Storage of frozen samples for 60 days at −80°C significantly altered 10 of the 19 analytes after one freeze–thaw cycle. Important differences were detected among age classes, stress level, and sample storage and should be taken into account before any clinical or physiological interpretations.  相似文献   

Deliberate killing for use as bait in a regional catfish (Calophysus macropterus) fishery is the primary threat affecting the survival of the Amazon river dolphin, or boto (Inia geoffrensis). Establishing and improving freshwater protected areas has been suggested as a possible course of action to protect the species. However, the ecology of the boto is poorly understood and more information is needed on the species’ habitat use and movement patterns to ensure that spatial protection initiatives meet conservation needs. In this study, mark‐recapture/resight data collected in and near the Mamirauá Sustainable Development Reserve, a várzea in the Brazilian Amazon, was used to examine transition probabilities of botos between various habitat types. Our findings suggest that it is imperative that spatial protection initiatives focused on the boto take into account the importance of várzea habitat and bay systems for individuals in early life stages. Moreover, because botos frequently occupy the main rivers, particularly during the low water period, protecting areas of the main river waters adjacent to várzeas could aid in the protection of hunted populations.  相似文献   

We monitored the underwater behavior of botos (Inia geoffrensis) using stereo acoustic data loggers to observe their local habitat use and its diel changes at the Mamirauá Sustainable Development Reserve, Brazil. A‐tags were set at five sites in three different habitat types: Lake (low current), Channel (middle current), and Junction (junction of two channels). The presence index during nighttime was significantly greater than during daytime in the Lake and Junction. Underwater movement was estimated from the changing pattern (trajectory) of the relative angle of the sound source from A‐tags. A staying‐type trajectory was dominant in the Lake, although the prevalence of moving‐type trajectory increased at night. More than 80% of detected trajectories were the staying type in the Junction, while moving‐type trajectories dominated in the Channel. The frequency of click trains was greatest in the Lake, followed by the Junction and Channels. The average interpulse interval, which reflects the mean target distance of echolocation, was shortest in the Lake, followed by the Junction and Channel. These results suggest that the botos used the Lake as their primary habitat for active behaviors like foraging, especially at night, and the Junction as their primary habitat for relatively inactive behaviors at night.  相似文献   

Reproduction of Amazon River Dolphins, Inia geoffrensis, is generally reported to be highly seasonal; however, this conclusion is based on studies from only one area of Inia distribution from throughout the Amazon and Orinoco river basins. Our observations of live dolphins from the Orinoco, Amazon, and Mamoré river basins (in Venezuela, Peru and Bolivia, respectively) indicate that reproduction in Inia often occurs year‐round, with seasonal peaks varying according to geographic location. Inia neonates in Peru and Bolivia were seen in all seasons, and were observed most often in falling water (season was defined by relative water level). Conversely, neonates in Venezuela were seen at the end of low water and in rising water, yet were never observed during falling water. Inia mating behavior in Peru was observed in all seasons, while mating was observed only during falling and low water in Bolivia. Our review of the literature from throughout the range of Inia indicates variation in reproductive seasonality, with year‐round reproduction in some areas. Seasonality of peaks in births varied according to study area, and may be more closely associated with local environmental and prey conditions than with taxonomic relatedness, relative seasonal differences in water levels, or broad geographic distribution.  相似文献   

The distribution and density of the Amazon's two contrasting endemic dolphins–boto, or Amazon river dolphin, Inia geoffrensis , and tucuxi, Sotalia fluviatilis –were examined on two adjoining large rivers in western Brazil. Using a 17-m river boat as a sightings platform, strip transects were used to cover areas within 150 m of the river margin and line transects were used in all other areas. Highest densities of both dolphins occurred near the margin, and lowest in the center of rivers. Seven different habitats were identified along river margins. The boto and the tucuxi differed in some elements of habitat choice, but they shared a preference for areas with diminished current and where two channels joined. Neither species favored the two most common edge types in this region of the Amazon-mud banks and flooded forest margins. Overall, the most preferred habitat type was the least common, and known as "meeting of the waters." In these areas a channel of sediment-rich white water meets one carrying acidic black water; the resultant mixing produces particularly productive, and obviously attractive, conditions for dolphins. These results demonstrate that Amazonian dolphins selectively occur in areas known to be favored for gill net deployment by local fishermen, and may explain why entanglement is apparently a common cause of mortality.  相似文献   

We developed specific primers for microsatellite DNA regions for the Amazon River dolphin or boto Inia geoffrensis, for use in population and conservation genetic studies. We also tested their transferability for two other species, Pontoporia blainvillei (sister taxon of I. geoffrensis) and Sotalia guianensis. A total of 12 microsatellite loci were polymorphic for the boto. An additional 25 microsatellite loci previously isolated from other cetacean species were also tested in the boto. The 26 polymorphic microsatellite loci indicate they will be excellent markers for studies of population structure and kinship relations of the boto.  相似文献   

Synchronous breathing may be a useful proxy for studying other, and perhaps more complex, aspects of cetacean behavior. Here we describe a study conducted in Babitonga Bay, southern Brazil, where we investigated the synchrony of breathing in two small populations of franciscana (Pontoporia blainvillei) and Guiana dolphins (Sotalia guianensis). The bay is affected by different sources of anthropogenic disturbances, such as boat activity and point‐source pollution. We assumed breathing synchrony to be the inverse of the time between breathing surfacing displays of dolphins within a swimming pair, which we refer to as lag. The relationship between lag and anthropogenic and animal‐related variables was evaluated with generalized additive models. For franciscana dolphins, breathing synchrony was only positively related to the proximity between animals. Breathing synchrony in Guiana dolphins was positively related to both the proximity between animals and to group size, and varied significantly depending on the research boat used. Proximal characteristics (i.e., of individuals or of the group) of these dolphin species seem to be more related to the synchronization in breathing than are the environmental variables assessed here. Results presented expand the current knowledge of these two dolphin species and provide general insights into the breathing synchrony for cetaceans.  相似文献   

The tucuxi (Sotalia fluviatilis) is a small dolphin endemic to the Amazon River basin. Because the abundance and trends are currently unknown for the species, this study aimed to estimate its abundance in a lake system of the Central Amazon. A total of 10 two‐day sampling periods were carried out from March to June of 2013 throughout a 13.5 km2 area in the Mamirauá Reserve. In the 104 encounters with the species, a minimum number of 389 dolphins were sighted and photographed, which allowed the positive identification of 49 individuals. Mark‐recapture models were used to estimate an abundance of 119 individuals (95% CI = 105–150) (corrected for the proportion of identifiable individuals). This is the first estimation of S. fluviatilis abundance using mark‐recapture analyses and, together with the photo‐id catalog made available, provides a useful reference for future studies regarding tucuxi dolphins.  相似文献   

The range of ecological interactions of the boto (Inia geoffrensis), an obligate freshwater dolphin of South America, is poorly known. We describe a new interaction between botos and small candiru catfish (genus Ochmacanthus), and their possible relationships. Candirus were photographed on at least 29 different botos. The minimum number of candirus per boto varied greatly from 1 to >230 (mean = 16.3, SD = 39.4, mode = 1). Our observations showed that candiru‐boto interactions occur commonly year‐round. Two types of ecological interaction may be occurring: parasitism (trophic) or phoresy (nontrophic). Although candirus are generally known as parasites, the candiru‐boto relationship does not appear to fulfill several characteristics of a typical parasitic interaction. Thus, the candiru‐boto relationship is most likely phoretic in nature. A shift in candiru trophic strategy may occur depending on the victim (botos or fish) and on the spatial scale, and human activities may influence the nature of these complex ecological interactions.  相似文献   

Fission‐fusion dynamics seem to reflect individual decisions as well as temporal and spatial variations in the organization of groups of the same species. To understand the group dynamics of the Guiana dolphin, Sotalia guianensis, at Pipa Bay, Brazil, we investigated the three dimensions of a fission‐fusion social system: (1) variation in spatial cohesion, (2) variation in party size, and (3) variation in party composition. Sampling took place from December 2007 to February 2009 over 176 d and we analyzed the behavioral patterns of 658 groups. Within subgroups, animals remained cohesive, particularly in groups of adults and calves. Greater cohesion was also observed during resting and fission‐fusion rates were higher during milling and feeding. Groups composed of adults and juveniles showed a higher dynamics index (group size variation as a function of time) than groups composed only of adults and the fission‐fusion rate was higher during dry periods. Guiana dolphin groups frequently changed their group size and composition every 20 min on average. Taking these factors into consideration, we suggest that the Guiana dolphin demonstrates fission‐fusion dynamics, a pattern of behavior similar to what has been observed in other coastal odontocete species, such as Tursiops spp. and Lagenorhynchus obscurus.  相似文献   

This study represents the first attempt to study the population dynamics of Guiana dolphins (Sotalia guianensis), by evaluating a set of demographic parameters. The population of the Caravelas River estuary, eastern Brazil, was systematically monitored through a long‐term mark‐recapture experiment (2002–2009). Abundance estimates revealed a small population (57–124 dolphins), comprised of resident dolphins and individuals that temporarily leave or pass through the study area. Temporary emigration from the estuary to adjacencies (γ″= 0.33 ± 0.07 SE) and return rate (1 ?γ′= 0 .67) were moderate and constant, indicating that some dolphins use larger areas. Survival rate (?= 0.88 ± 0.07 SE) and abundance were constant throughout the study period. Power analysis showed that the current monitoring effort has high probability of detecting abrupt population declines (1 ?β= 0.9). Although the monitoring is not yet sensitive to subtle population trends, sufficient time to identify them is feasible (additional 3 yr). Despite such apparent stability, this population, as many others, inhabits waters exposed to multiple human‐related threats. Open and closed population modeling applied to photo‐identification data provide a robust baseline for estimating several demographic parameters and can be applied to other populations to allow further comparisons. Such synergistic efforts will allow a reliable definition of conservation status of this species.  相似文献   

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