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The ultrastructure of the microfilaria of Brugia, Nematoda: Filarioidea   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The microfilaria of Brugia pahangi is a differentiated nematode larva. The basic nematode body plan is present showing cuticle, hypodermis, dorsal, ventral, and lateral cords, muscle cells, longitudinal nerves, papillary nerves, amphids and phasmids. Secretory granules are present in ganglionic cells and in axons in the nerve ring. There is no differentiated pseudocoelom. There is only a single row of muscle cells between each pair of cords. The excretory cell complex is similar in structure to the hypodermal gland cells of other nematodes. The alimentary canal of the microfilaria is very much modified. The pharyngeal cells are attached to the pharyngeal thread which is circular in cross section and there is no pharyngeal musculature. The intestine is represented by the solid mass of the inner body within paired intestinal cells. The intestine is separated from the rectum. The three rectal cells form a syncytium of villi in the anal vesicle. The structure in Brugia is related to the ultrastructure of other microfilariae and it is concluded that the evolution of the modifications of the basic larval structure is due to the small size of these nematodes as a consequence of their adaptation to a parasitic mode of life in the capillaries of the vertebrate host with transmission through an intermediate arthropod vector.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the amphidial, oesophageal and excretory glands of N. americanus is described. There are two amphidial glands, and each is attached to a lateral hypodermal cord. Anteriorly the glands become associated with the amphidial sense organs. The amphidial glands synthesize complex secretion granules which appear to release their contents into the sense organ. Secretions thus pass over the amphidial cilia and exit via the amphidial pore. It is suggested that the secretory activity of these glands is under direct nervous control. There are three oesophageal glands, and each synthesizes dense secretion granules. The secretions of the oesophageal glands are released into the lumen of the oesophagus and into the buccal capsule. The two excretory glands are ventral in position and connected to the tubular excretory system. These glands synthesize secretion granules of varying density. Secretions from the excretory glands may exit via the excretory pore, or pass back into the tubular excretory system, or both.  相似文献   

Lehane M. J. 1978. The first stage larva of Brugi pahangi in Aedes togoi: an ultrastructural study. International Journal for Parasitology8: 207–218. The ultrastructure of the first stage larva in the mosquito is described up to the onset of the first cuticular moult. The following structural changes from the microfilarial stage have been noted at this time; the numbers of muscle cells have increased, usually to four with a maximum of six in each intercordai quadrant ; part of the pharyngeal thread has formed into a knot ; the intestinal lumen has developed and is surrounded in any given transverse section by up to four intestinal cells and the inner body has largely been lost; the anal apparatus has enlarged and developed; the excretory apparatus has largely degenerated. The functional morphology of the various organ systems described is discussed.  相似文献   

The waltonelline Ochoterenella esslingeri n. sp., a filarial parasite of the anuran Bokermannohyla luctuosa in Minas Gerais, Brazil is described. Several characters distinguish this new species from the 15 species presently included in the genus: the cuticular ornamentation of the female that is restricted to the posterior region of the body, the irregular arrangement of the small, rounded bosses, the postoesophageal vulva, the short glandular oesophagus, the size and shape of the microfilariae, the long left spicule and high spicular ratio. Irregularly arranged, tiny, rounded bosses are common in the monotypic genus Paraochoterenella from an Indonesian ranid, which is not well defined but likely valid. In the Neotropical Realm, the type hosts of the species of Ochoterenella are Hylidae (O. esslingeri n. sp.), Leptodactylidae (two species) and the remaining 13 species were described from the giant toad Rhinella marina (Bufonidae).  相似文献   

The female gonad of Prorhynchus is heterocellular (neoophoran organization) and consists of an unpaired, elongate germovitellarium enveloped by a finely granular extracellular lamina. It is composed of a posterior germinative area where early oocytes are randomly associated with differentiating vitellocytes and a growth area with follicular organization. In each follicle a single oocyte is surrounded by a layer of vitellocytes. By electron microscopy, the oocytes showed features typical of non-vitellogenic germ cells; they had chromatoid bodies, annulate lamellae, lipid droplets and R.E.R. and Golgi complexes producing small granules with a multilamellar pattern. Vitellocytes showed features typical of secretory cells with the R.E.R. and Golgi complex developed to a great extent and involved in the production of type A and type B globules, respectively. We speculate that type A globules are shell-globules and type B globules are yolk. The structure, composition and role of vitellocyte globules of Prorhynchus are compared with those of homologous inclusions from other Platyhelminthes.Abbreviations A type A globule - B type B globule - ECL extracellular lamina - GC Golgi complex - L lipid - RER rough endoplasmic reticulum - O oocyte - V vitellocyte  相似文献   

After its final moult and fertilization an adult female of the marine fish-parasitic copepod, Lernaeocera branchialis, begins an extensive metamorphosis. This commences while the parasite is still on the flounder intermediate host and is completed once the female has established itself on the whiting final host. One early component of the metamorphosis is a considerable elongation of the parasite's abdominal region. S.e.m. and t.e.m. studies have revealed that part of the mechanism of the elongation consists of a straightening out of a highly folded abdominal cuticle. Before fertilization, the epicuticle and outer procuticular layers of this integument are thrown into a series of transverse, 4–6 µm deep pleats or folds with a density of 1–1.2 folds/µm of abdominal length. Straightening these folds can generate an approximately 6-fold length increase. The folds are already present beneath the female chalimus IV cuticle when the epidermis of this development stage starts to secrete the adult cuticle. Immediately before the final moult, the adult cuticle is super-folded with the whole cuticle displaying second-order folds, 8–10 µm deep.The capacity of Lernaeocera to engage in extensive cuticular modifications without recourse to a moult is compared with similar abilities shown by some insect species.  相似文献   

The present investigations describe the fine structure of the excretory complex, rectal cells and the anal vesicle of the microfilaria of Breinlia sergenti. The structure of the excretory cell and rectal cells is found to be similar to nerve cells. Axonal (digitiform) processes in the excretory and anal vesicles are described and a possible sensory function is ascribed to these structures.  相似文献   

Third-stage larvae of the genus Anisakis from the fish Leionura atun (Trichiuroidei: Perciformes) form a new cuticle and moult in vitro in about 72 h. If the culture medium is Krebs-Ringer under 5% carbon dioxide in air at 37°C, relatively few moult and survival is poor. But more moult and survival is enhanced if worms are incubated in tissue culture medium 199, even if the gas phase is air, although they moult more quickly if it contains 5% carbon dioxide. In both Krebs-Ringer and 199 the benefits of high concentrations of carbon dioxide only accrue if the gas is present during the first 40 h of incubation. Worms do not feed in these media until they have moulted.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the principal stages of Barroussia schneideri in the intestinal cells of the centipede, Lithobius forficatus, is described. The structure of the merozoites has much in common with that of other Eimeriidae: pellicle of an outer and two inner membranes, microtubules, mitochondria, micronemes, rhoptries, endoplasmic reticulum, and polysaccharide granules. The mature macrogamete has a large nucleus with a distinct nucleolus, wall-forming bodies of type 1 (WFB1), and presumably of type 2 (WFB2), and a large number of polysaccharide granules. The microgametocyte includes smaller polysaccharide granules closely associated with the cisternae of the endoplasmic reticulum. The microgametocyte surface is smooth in outline and has peripherally arranged nuclei. Microgametes have a curved nucleus, a mitochondrion, polysaccharide granules, and two flagella. One of the flagella is attached for some distance along the body.  相似文献   

Observations are reported on the ultrastructure of the buccal cavity, body cuticle, spermatids, spermatozoa, male genitalia, and caudal glands of Gonionchus australis. The buccal cuticle is a continuation of the pharyngeal cuticle. Anteriorly it is secreted by arcade tissue and overlaps the mouth rim; laterally it forms longitudinal tooth ridges. The non-annulated cephalic cuticle differs sharply from the remainder of the body wall cuticle. The cortical and basal zones become much thinner, while a largely structureless, lucent median zone expands to fill the bulk of the lips and lip flaps. Spermatids possess fibrous bodies, multimembrane organelles, mitochondria, and compact chromatin. The spermatozoa of G. australis resemble those of most other nematodes by the absence of the nuclear envelope and presence of fibrous bodies, mitochondria, and compact chromafin. The ejaculatory duct possesses microvilli. Two ejaculatory glands lie beside the duct. Two neurons are located within each spicule and each part of the paired gubernaculum. Caudal gland nuclei are large, with dispersed chromatin. The ducts of all three caudal glands are filled with secretory vesicles.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural studies on microfilariae (Nematoda: Filarioidea)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
D J McLaren 《Parasitology》1972,65(2):317-332

Wharton D. A. 1979. The structure of the egg-shell of Porrocaecum enslcaudatum (Nematoda: Ascaridida). International Journal for Parasltology9: 127–131. The egg-shell of Porrocaecum ensicaudatum is oval with an opercular plug at either end. The shell consists of three layers: an inner lipid layer, a middle chitinous layer and an outer vitelline layer. The vitelline layer has strands of particulate material attached to its outer surface. The chitinous layer consists of 8.5 nrn fibrils which are made up of a chitin microfibril core surrounded by a protein coat. The fibrils are oriented randomly or in parallel, there being no indication of helicoidal architecture.The chitinous layer varies in thickness to form a pattern of interconnecting ridges on the surface of the egg. This pattern presumably increases the shell's structural strength.  相似文献   

The distribution of third-stage D. roemeri in its tabanid intermediate host was observed in histological sections of naturally infected Dasybasis oculata and Tabanus parvicallosus. Larvae invade the brain, eye, nerve cord, muscles of the mouthparts, horizontal and indirect flight muscles, fat body, hind gut and gonad of flies. Third-stage D. roemeri migrate from the abdomen via the haemocoelic spaces of the thorax to the head of the fly. Evidence suggests that larvae escape from the intermediate host by rupturing the tip of the labrum or the labro-epipharyngeal membranes. Injury was observed in the eye, nerve cord and musculature. There was no evidence that the parasite had a detrimental effect on the host and tabanids showed no response to the presence of filarioids. Species of Dasybasis and Tabanus acting as intermediate host of D. roemeri in nature epitomize the concept of a ‘good’ host.  相似文献   

Larvae of Lucilia cuprina, fed toxic levels of α-methyl DOPA (or other DOPA decarboxylase inhibitors) during the first or second instar, die at the completion of the next moult, soon after exposing their new cuticles. In electron micrographs of newly synthesised cuticle from these treated larvae, the ultrastructure of the lipid-rich outer epicuticle layer appears to be abnormal. This newly formed cuticle of the treated larvae is apparently defective in its role as a water permeability barrier (compared with that of normal larvae), since it permits the free movement of water in both directions. Thus, treated larvae die most probably as a direct result of dehydration. Larvae fed toxic levels of α-methyl DOPA can be rescued from death by simultaneously adding N-acetyldopamine (the cuticular sclerotizing agent) to the food. The rescued larvae are apparently normal in all respects. This suggests that sclerotization is required for the formation of a normal outer epicuticle. Diflubenzuron, which is known to inhibit chitin deposition in the cuticles of a number of different species of insect, also apparently affects chitin deposition in the larval cuticle of L. cuprina. Thus, in electron micrographs of cuticle from larvae fed toxic levels of diflubenzuron the ultrastructure of the chitin-containing endocuticle layer appears to be abnormal.  相似文献   

Perry R. N., Wharton D. A. and Clarke A. J. 1982. The structure of the egg-shell of Globodera rostochiensis (Nematoda: Tyienchida). International Journal for Parasitology12: 481–485. The ultrastructure and histochemistry of the egg-shell of Globodera rostochiensis are described. The eggshell consists of an outer vitelline layer, a chitinous layer and an inner lipid layer. The vitelline layer is not unit membrane-like and has strands of particulate material attached to its outer surface. The chitinous layer is made up of fibres consisting of a chitin microfibril core, surrounded by a protein coat. The lipid layer contains lipoprotein membranes. These vary in number, the most commonly observed pattern being two or three membranes loosely associated with the inner surface of the egg-shell.  相似文献   

Hoole D. and Mitchell J.B. 1981. Ultrastructural observations on the sensory papillae of juvenile and adult Gorgoderina vitelliloba (Trematoda : Gorgoderidae). International Journal for Parasitology11: 411–417. Ultrastructural observations have been made on the juvenile and adult stages of Gorgoderina vitelliloba from Rana temporaria. Four types of sensory papillae occur; button, rosette, ciliated and domed. Button papillae, which contain a ciliary-rootlet but lack a cilium, occur on the oral sucker, dorsal preacetabular surface and the lateral margins of the fluke. Scanning electron microscopical observations reveal that the tegumental protuberances of the papilla are transformed from a spiked or conical appearance in juvenile flukes to a rounded form in adult flukes. Rosette papillae, which also contain a rootlet, occur on the lip of the ventral sucker of both juvenile and adult flukes. Ciliated papillae only occur on the oral sucker of juvenile flukes. Domed papillae, which contain a large area of electron-dense material, occur on the internal surface of the ventral sucker of both juvenile and adult flukes. The functions of papillae and their possible role in the migration of the parasite are discussed.  相似文献   

A new species of Litomosoides is described from sigmodontine murids occurring in the rain forests of Misiones, Argentina. Litomosoides anguyai n. sp., a parasite of the abdominal cavity of Oxymycterus misionalis, belongs to the sigmodontis group and is closely related to L. legerae and L. oxymycteri. The new species is differentiated by the salient amphids, an asymmetrical annular thickening of the buccal capsule, by the arrangement of the head and tail papillae, and the shape and size of the microfilaria.  相似文献   

Hybridization experiments between Haemonchus contortus from sheep and H. placei from cattle indicate that the H. placei vulvar morph type and the inability of the eggs to hatch and develop at 11°C were inherited as dominant traits in the hybrids. The size of the third stage larvae was similar to H. placei in hybrids from the mating of male H. placei × female H. contortus while larvae from the reciprocal mating were intermediate in size. Hybrids produced by the mating of thiabendazole resistant female H. contortus × non-resistant male H. placei were also resistant. The F1 males of the mating between male H. contortus and female H. placei were sterile. Male sterility did not occur in the reciprocal cross until the F2 generation. Female hybrids from these generations had a low level of fertility when backcrossed to males of either parent species. Cytological studies of the hybrid males indicated that sterility was due to several kinds of meiotic disturbance and that spermatogenesis stopped during metaphase I. The chromosomes in eggs of unfertilized females did not undergo meiosis and polar body formation; instead they increased in number by a process of endomitosis. Unfertilized eggs in the faeces were characterized by uneven cytoplasmic division and abnormal shape. It is proposed that hybrid sterility can lead to the local eradication of one species of Haemonchus by the other. Furthermore, the outcome of which species is eradicated can be influenced by such variables as initial population sizes, climate, and the local ratio of sheep to cattle.  相似文献   

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