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能源作物芒属双药芒组SSR引物的筛选及其评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
禾本科芒属植物具有在边际性土地(marginal land)上驯化成为高产能源作物的巨大潜力,其中尼泊尔芒(Miscanthus nepalensis)和双药芒(M.nudipes)两个双药芒组物种分布于喜马拉雅-黄断山地区,是具有耐寒及抗旱特性的优良种质资源.为了了解其遗传多样性和群体遗传结构,需要筛选出有效的分子标...  相似文献   

脑部存在星形胶质细胞-神经元的乳酸穿梭方式供能。单羧酸转运蛋白2(monocarboxylate transporter 2,MCT2)和MCT4的细胞特异性分布与乳酸穿梭的方向存在密切联系。MCT2和MCT4分别集中于神经元突触后膜致密区与星形胶质细胞终足膜,可能有利于N-甲基-D-天冬氨酸(N-methyl-D-asparticacid,NMDA)受体抑制的解除及循环中乳酸穿越血脑屏障。神经元和星形胶质细胞均能利用乳酸或血糖作为氧化底物。神经元中,乳酸是比血糖更为优势的氧化底物,其原因有待研究。脑部乳酸不仅来源于血糖酵解,还来源于血液循环中的乳酸及星形胶质细胞的糖原酵解。  相似文献   

A survey of Gramineae markers was carried out with the aim of developing cost-effective methods for the molecular analysis of Miscanthus species. Ten out of twenty Gramineae RFLP probes from ”anchor” sets hybridized well to Miscanthus DNA while all 15 maize probes tested cross-hybridized successfully, showing similar patterns in both species. Cross-taxa amplification of maize microsatellite primers was then tested. This showed that 57 out of 76 (75%) give highly reproducible amplification with Miscanthus DNA. Amplification products differed in size from those in maize but there was no bias toward higher or lower molecular weights. Microsatellite polymorphism produced by 17 primer pairs was studied in detail in a panel of 11 Miscanthus clones belonging to the species Miscanthus sinensis, Miscanthus sacchariflorus, Miscanthus ×giganteus and Miscanthus condensatus. Intra- and inter-specific length polymorphisms were frequent between the tested Miscanthus clones with length polymorphisms being found for all primer pairs, detecting 3–22 alleles. Polymorphism information content (PIC) values for microsatellites ranged from 0.48 to 0.94 with an average of 0.83. Species-specific amplicons were produced by two microsatellites. Genetic similarity coefficients of the Miscanthus clones ranged from 0.35 to 0.92, with an average of 0.57. Five polymorphisms were studied in a segregating population, where they showed Mendelian inheritance. In addition, two microsatellite markers mapping 1.3-cM apart on maize chromosome 7 were linked in Miscanthus at an estimated distance of 8 cM, suggesting collinearity. The high transferability of microsatellite markers from maize will enhance the power and resolution of genome analysis in Miscanthus. Received: 14 April 2000 / Accepted: 9 June 2000  相似文献   

如何识别水源供给服务在自然-人类社会系统中的空间流动过程和匹配特征,对于区域水资源管理和可持续利用具有重要意义。以重庆市为研究区域,基于InVEST模型和社会经济发展视角定量评估流域尺度下的水源供给量和需水量,结合水资源安全指数和热点分析构建水源供给服务流模型,揭示水源供给服务供需空间匹配关系,依据水源供给服务流空间属性特征划分供需匹配关系的区域类型,借助地理探测器从自然、社会和生态三个角度讨论影响各区域类型水源供给服务供需匹配关系的影响因素。结果表明:(1) 2000、2010、2020年重庆市流域水源供给量与需水量均先减少后上升,供需比平均值分别为1.17、1.08、0.9,整体供需不匹配的问题逐渐得到缓解,但局部仍有供需不匹配现象。空间上中高度赤字区域集中在主城区内,向外辐射为轻度赤字区域,盈余区域分布在东北和东南方向。(2) 2000、2010、2020年重庆市水源供需比冷、热点范围均在缩小,流域面积分别相对减少了25.34%、9.2%。水源供给服务流空间上整体呈现出自东北、东南方向向西流动的路径,同时冷点区内部呈边缘向中心流动。(3) 汇流区集中在西北部,经流区位于中部,外流区集中在东南和与东北部。影响汇流区供需匹配关系的主导因素是蒸散发,解释力为74.08%;影响经流区的主导因素是第三产业GDP,解释力为51.44%;外流区各影响因子的解释力均较低。不同影响因子之间蒸散发与其它因素的交互作用显著增强。研究可以为重庆市自然资源的管理与流域生态补偿机制的建立提供科学依据。  相似文献   

作物模型区域应用两种参数校准方法的比较   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
熊伟  林而达  杨婕  李迎春 《生态学报》2008,28(5):2140-2140~2147
区域模拟的目的是利用有限的空间数据模拟出产量等作物性状的时空变异规律.然而站点作物模型应用到区域范围时涉及到数据归一化、参数简化、模型的校准和验证等问题.利用CERES-Rice模型对作物模型在我国的区域应用进行了尝试并对部分参数进行了校准.首先利用田间观测数据在各实验点上对模型进行了详细的站点校准,以验证模型在我国的模拟能力;其次,以我国水稻种植区(精确到亚区)为单位,运用平均值和标准差(RMSE)两种方法进行了区域校准和验证,即找出能反映出品种空间差异的代表性品种参数集;然后分别运用两种方法的校准结果,模拟水稻产量和成熟期,并将模拟结果与实测值进行了比较.结果表明:区域校准能反映出水稻生育期和产量的时空变化规律,其中RMSE法较平均值法效果好.目前作物模型区域应用过程中还存在大量的误差来源,有待进一步研究.  相似文献   

王朝  李伟峰  海霞  周伟奇  韩立建  钱雨果 《生态学报》2018,38(12):4257-4267
城镇化发展加剧了城市对能源的消耗,进而加剧了能源供需不平衡,这种不平衡已经成为限制城镇化发展的重要因素。目前,城市群作为我国城镇化发展的重要形式,充分发挥城市群的协同效应以减缓能源供需矛盾,对实现区域可持续发展具有重要意义。研究以京津冀城市群为例,从地级市尺度系统地核算了2001—2015年能源供应和需求量,并采用ward聚类方法划分3种不同类型的能源供求特征,并分析了每种类型的能源供需特征差异。同时,以能源供需比值表示供需差异并进行了比较。在此基础上,采用多指标综合分析方法进一步探讨了能源供需与城市化的关系模式。结果表明:(1)京津冀城市群不同城市能源的供求特征及变化存在明显的时空差异。一方面,从能源供给特征来看,年平均能源生产量较高的城市(天津市)能源产量由上升转变为平缓变化趋势,而低产城市(石家庄市)呈不稳定的变化趋势,两类城市平均能源产量相差2497.66万t标准煤;另一方面,从能源需求特征来看,北京、天津市等能源高耗城市能源消费近年来趋于下降趋势,而低耗型城市(沧州市)近年来呈波动变化,二者平均差值为4752.49万t标准煤;(2)基于能源供需比值,京津冀城市群所有城市均表现为能源供不应求,且不同城市能源供需缺口差异明显。其中,天津市能源供给能力最强,但其生产量却不及自身消费量的65%,而供给能力相对最弱的城市保定市,其能源需求几乎完全依赖外部能源供给;(3)城市能源供需与城市化水平之间关系不完全一致。研究对能源供需模式与城市化模式不一致的城市,划分了先进型和滞后型两种关系模式。对于先进型的城市,主要有北京市、沧州市和廊坊市,它们的城市化水平相对较高,分析认为其能源开发利用相对集约;而属于滞后型的城市,包括唐山市、邯郸市和邢台市,其城市化水平偏低,分析认为这类城市能源开发利用效率低、发展方式相对粗放,是城市群能源效率提升的重点。本研究旨在为今后的城市群能源规划提供科学依据,建议北京市等能源相对集约型城市带动唐山市等发展方式粗放、落后的城市,以提高京津冀城市群整体的能源效率。  相似文献   

Recently, governmental legislations, limitation of natural resources and adverse effects of End-of-Life products on ecological system have spurred researchers to design closed-loop supply chains (CLSCs). Accordingly, designing green supply chains (SCs) that manage greenhouse gas emissions and prevent air pollution can be helpful for companies to heighten profitability and customer loyalty, besides, uncertainty of parameters and disruption strikes could adversely affect performance of SCs and lower quality of output decisions. Effective planning prevents great losses and increases reliability of manager's decisions against uncertainties. Therefore, this paper is proceeding to design a reliable bi-objective green CLSC that minimizes total costs of network aside with minimizing harmful gas emissions. The proposed model is capable of controlling adverse effects of disruptions via applying scenario-based stochastic programming approach. Also, an effective hybrid robust fuzzy stochastic programming method is extended to effectively control uncertainty of parameters and risk-aversion level of output decisions. Extended model analyzing is based on lead-acid battery SC case study that output results approve applicability and effectiveness of model.  相似文献   

A modified metabolic model for mixed culture fermentation (MCF) is proposed with the consideration of an energy conserving electron bifurcation reaction and the transport energy of metabolites. The production of H2 related to NADH/NAD+ and Fdred/Fdox is proposed to be divided in three processes in view of energy conserving electron bifurcation reaction. This assumption could fine‐tune the intracellular redox balance and regulate the distribution of metabolites. With respect to metabolite transport energy, the proton motive force is considered to be constant, while the transport rate coefficient is proposed to be proportional to the octanol–water partition coefficient. The modeling results for a glucose fermentation in a continuous stirred tank reactor show that the metabolite distribution is consistent with the literature: (1) acetate, butyrate, and ethanol are main products at acidic pH, while the production shifts to acetate and propionate at neutral and alkali pH; (2) the main products acetate, ethanol, and butyrate shift to ethanol at higher glucose concentration; (3) the changes for acetate and butyrate are following an increasing hydrogen partial pressure. The findings demonstrate that our modified model is more realistic than previous proposed model concepts. It also indicates that inclusion of an energy conserving electron bifurcation reaction and metabolite transport energy for MCF is sound in the viewpoint of biochemistry and physiology. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2013; 110: 1884–1894. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This article proposes a novel mixed integer linear programming model for solving a fuzzy supply chain network (SCN) design problem. This problem includes fuzzy parameters, choosing suppliers according to their quality of raw materials, and the supplier's engagement contracts. There is a tradeoff between raw material quality, and its purchasing and reprocessing costs. If a decision-maker (DM) wishes to work with a supplier that supplies a low-quality raw material, this raw material may be in need of reprocessing. To avoid the reprocessing costs, a supplier that provides a high-quality raw material can be chosen, but in this case the DM faces a high purchasing cost. An integrated fuzzy SCN system that consists of multiple suppliers, manufacturers, distribution centers, and retailers is considered in order to address problems under the aforementioned tradeoffs. Finally, concluding remarks and suggestions for future work are presented.  相似文献   

Li J  Abel R  Zhu K  Cao Y  Zhao S  Friesner RA 《Proteins》2011,79(10):2794-2812
A novel energy model (VSGB 2.0) for high resolution protein structure modeling is described, which features an optimized implicit solvent model as well as physics‐based corrections for hydrogen bonding, π–π interactions, self‐contact interactions, and hydrophobic interactions. Parameters of the VSGB 2.0 model were fit to a crystallographic database of 2239 single side chain and 100 11–13 residue loop predictions. Combined with an advanced method of sampling and a robust algorithm for protonation state assignment, the VSGB 2.0 model was validated by predicting 115 super long loops up to 20 residues. Despite the dramatically increasing difficulty in reconstructing longer loops, a high accuracy was achieved: all of the lowest energy conformations have global backbone RMSDs better than 2.0 Å from the native conformations. Average global backbone RMSDs of the predictions are 0.51, 0.63, 0.70, 0.62, 0.80, 1.41, and 1.59 Å for 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, and 20 residue loop predictions, respectively. When these results are corrected for possible statistical bias as explained in the text, the average global backbone RMSDs are 0.61, 0.71, 0.86, 0.62, 1.06, 1.67, and 1.59 Å. Given the precision and robustness of the calculations, we believe that the VSGB 2.0 model is suitable to tackle “real” problems, such as biological function modeling and structure‐based drug discovery. Proteins 2011; © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Stolwijk's multi-node model is modified by considering the sweat accumulation on the skin surface and is applied to simulate the human physiological regulatory response. This human model is interfaced with a coupled heat and moisture model of clothing materials that takes into consideration the adsorption of water vapor in the fibers. Furthermore, a multi-layer clothing system is developed and integrated with the human model. The result agrees well with the published experimental data.  相似文献   

A stochastic model is described that predicts the degree of singlet/singlet energy transfer in complexes formed between monovalent ligands and monovalent receptors. The modeling approach is intended to serve as an analytical tool for approximating the level of fluorescence quenching that can be expected to occur in fluorescently labeled monovalent ligands and receptors that are bound together in complexes. This approach has utility in areas such as modeling protein/protein interactions and designing fluorescence energy transfer assays.Using the crystallographic data for papain (monovalent ligand ) and concanavalin A (monovalent receptor ) along with a molecular graphics computational package the ligand and receptor were docked together to form a ligand/receptor complex. The intermolecular distances between the lysine resides of the ligand and receptor were then estimated, receptor complex was calculated assuming a value for the characteristic length R(0) of the donor/acceptor pair. Results from the stochastic model were used to calculate the level of fluorescence quenching one would expect for a resonance energy transfer competition assay based on the monovalent ligand/pair.Three key assumptions were made during the model development. First, all lysine resides for the ligand and receptor were equally reactive with the dye molecules so the stoichiometry of the donor and acceptor chromophores was governed by a binomial distribution. Second, the dye molecules were located at the alpha-carbon position for each reactive lysine residue. Finally, in the energy transfer competition assay, it was assumed that equilibrium existed between the ligand, receptor, and competing hapten at all times. Based on these assumptions, results are presented that indicate the maximum energy transfer for the monovalent papain/concanavalin. A complex is strongly dependent on the number of acceptor chromophores and on the value of R(0). Results are also presented on the approximate level of fluorescence quenching that may occur in a competition assay based on the papin/pConA complex. Lastly, a strategy is discussed for maximizing the dynamic range and linearity of energy transfer assays by optimizing several key design variables.  相似文献   

To decarbonize the European Union, protein consumption must transition to diets low in meat and dairy which will drastically change the material and energy flows in current meat and dairy supply chains. To understand the impacts on current flows, a baseline is required. Although recent studies have improved the scope of reported greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, no quantitative overview exists including intermediate and final product flows. To address this knowledge gap, we structured the meat and dairy supply chains into a connected set of transformation nodes and distribution nodes. The former are processes transforming inputs into outputs, whereas the latter distribute the outputs to other processes using them as inputs. Currently, livestock play a central role in agriculture and other industries through the consumption of 271 Mt fodder crops, 108 Mt grain, 85 Mt grazed biomass, 49 Mt oil meal, and 16 Mt feed by‐products. This feed is transformed into 64 Mt dairy and 35 Mt meat which ensures that the EU28 is a net exporter of meat and dairy while providing 25 Mt of by‐products. This production also leads to 435 Mt CO2‐eq. with the main contribution from beef cattle (35%), dairy cattle (32%), and swine (20%). Thus, the lower GHG intensities of dairy products compared to meat do not imply a low contribution to the total emissions. By mapping the material, energy, and GHG emission flows, we have created a baseline suitable for identifying potential supply chain changes and their related GHG increase or decrease resulting from the protein transition.  相似文献   

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