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Habitat modification is an established method of effective long-term mosquito management, particularly in salt-marsh environments. It is especially pertinent when mosquitoes are known vectors of life-threatening disease and their larval breeding habitat is in close proximity to residential areas. The Ilparpa Swamp is located less than 10 km from Alice Springs, Northern Territory. Wet season rainfall, often followed by effluent discharges to the swamp from the adjacent sewage treatment plant, create ideal sites for the immature stages of the common banded mosquito Culex annulirostris (Skuse), a major vector of Murray Valley encephalitis (MVEV) and Kunjin (KUNV) viruses. Subsequent to increases in notifications of MVEV disease cases in 2000 and 2001, a drainage system was established in the Ilparpa Swamp in early 2002. This paper evaluates the drainage intervention effects. Results indicate a significant reduction in mosquito numbers following habitat modification, which remain low. There have been no seroconversions in sentinel chickens to MVEV or KUNV and no human infections from these viruses in the Alice Springs urban region since the drains were completed. Habitat modification has successfully reduced mosquito numbers and minimized the risk for mosquito-borne disease to residents in Alice Springs urban and surrounding areas, which has never before been documented in Australia.  相似文献   

In Queensland, Australia, in response to isolated cases of dengue infection, larval control of the vector Aedes aegypti (L.) (Diptera: Culicidae) is targeted at breeding sites within 200 m of a case and interior spraying with a pyrethroid adulticide is targeted at premises within 100 m. To ascertain whether these limits are appropriate, we conducted a mark-release-recapture study to measure the dispersal of female Ae. aegypti in the city of Cairns where transmission occurs. Female mosquitoes reared from wild collected eggs were differentially marked with fluorescent dust depending on whether they were to be released blood-fed or non-blood-fed, and a total of 1,948 females was released. A total of 132 sticky ovitraps was set at 64 premises within a 200 m radius and collections of trapped adults were made at 5-15 days post-release. Sixty-seven females (3.4%) were recaptured, with the furthest being caught 200 m from the release point, and the mean distance travelled was 78 m. Overall, 23.1% of the recaptures outside the release site were taken beyond 100 m by day 15. Dispersal was comparable for both blood-fed and non-blood-fed releases. There was a significant tendency for dispersal to be in a north-westerly direction, probably because of the presence of numerous containers and heavy shading by trees in this direction and a busy road to the south of the release point that appeared to inhibit dispersal. The results suggest that adulticiding may have to be extended beyond 100 m if more than 8 days have elapsed since female Ae. aegypti could have fed upon a viraemic dengue case. The study also shows that dispersal is not random, and that it may be possible to maximize vector control by taking into account environmental factors that affect the direction of female mosquito flight.  相似文献   

In northern Australia the northern salt marsh mosquito Aedes vigilax is a vector of Ross River virus and is an appreciable pest. A coastal wetland adjacent to Darwin's residential suburbs offers a favorable habitat for Ae. vigilax, and despite vigilant mosquito control efforts, peaks of Ae. vigilax occur in excess of 500/trap/night some months. To improve mosquito control for disease and nuisance biting to nearby residential areas, we sought to investigate meteorological drivers associated with these Ae. vigilax peaks. We fitted a cross‐sectional logistic regression model to weekly counts of female Ae. vigilax mosquitoes collected between July, 1998 and June, 2009 against variables, tide, rainfall, month, year, and larval control. Aedes vigilax peaks were associated with rainfall during the months September to November compared with January, when adjusted for larval control and tide. To maximize mosquito control efficiency, larval control should continue to be implemented after high tides and with increased emphasis on extensive larval hatches triggered by rainfall between September and November each year. This study reiterates the importance of monitoring and evaluating service delivery programs. Using statistical modelling, service providers can obtain solutions to operational problems using routinely collected data. These methods may be applicable in mosquito surveillance or control programs in other areas.  相似文献   

Darwin's northern suburbs border an extensive coastal reed and upper mangrove wetland recognized as an important larval habitat for Aedes vigilax (Skuse), the northern salt marsh mosquito, an established vector for Ross River and Barmah Forest viruses and an appreciable pest species. We sought to identify the most important vegetation categories associated with Ae. vigilax breeding to maximize the efficiency of mosquito control efforts. Using a generalized linear model with negative binominal distribution and log link, this study compares larval densities, determined by focused dipping, between 13 discernable vegetation categories. The incidence rate ratios (RR) generated can be used to compare the magnitude of larval densities for each vegetation category, compared with the reference category. Aedes vigilax larval densities were almost ten times greater in artificial drainage areas (RR=9.82), followed by tide‐affected reticulate (Sporobolus/Xerochloa) areas (RR=8.15), then Schoenoplectus/mangroves (RR=2.29), compared with the reference vegetation category “lower mangroves.” Furthermore, larval densities were highest in May, due to tidal inundation, for drainage areas and tide‐affected reticulates (RR=12.2, 11.7, respectively) compared with March, the reference month. Thus, to maximize the efficiency of aerial salt marsh mosquito control operations in this wetland, larval control is best accomplished by concentrating on drains, Schoenoplectus/mangroves, and tide‐affected reticulate areas, commencing early after the wet season. These results should apply to other areas of salt marsh mosquito breeding across northern Australia.  相似文献   

Population genetics of the mosquito Aedes vigilax (Skuse) (Diptera: Culicidae), a major vector of arboviruses (e.g. Barmah Forest, Ross River), were investigated to obtain an indirect estimate of mosquito dispersal characteristics in typical habitats of Aedes vigilax in south-east Queensland: on the off-shore islands of Moreton Bay and on the mainland where disjunct breeding populations of Ae. vigilax are distributed along intertidal marsh. Six allozyme loci were assessed for genetic differentiation between samples from 11 localities. Significant larval variation between some breeding sites was attributed to site-specific selection. Nonsignificant genetic differentiation was found among collections of adult mosquitoes caught in light traps throughout the study area (exceeding 60x27 km), indicating widespread dispersal. As distances of < or = 9 km over water did not appear to act as effective barriers to Ae. vigilax dispersal, localized control activities applied to Ae. vigilax breeding sites are unlikely to be effective against the vagile adult population. Therefore, the contiguous shires programme of broad acre control is endorsed to prevent the spread of arboviruses carried by Ae. vigilax  相似文献   

Mosquito community composition and population dynamics were compared to weather variables and land use/cover data during 2008 to determine which variables affected population dynamics at the J.W. Jones Ecological Research Center in southwestern Georgia. Models relating adult mosquito distributions to weather variables and time of year were compared using Akaike's Information Criterion (AIC) model selection. Precipitation, temperature, humidity, and Keetch-Byram Drought Index were important factors correlated with mosquito abundance or presence/absence for the species considered. A cluster analysis, which grouped eight sites based on the percentages of land use/cover and hydric soils located in a 1-km radius surrounding collection sites, and an indicator species analysis were used to investigate the associations among 11 mosquito species and sites with similar land use/cover. Aedes albopictus (Skuse), Culex coronator Dyar & Knab, Culex quinquefasciatus Say, and Culex salinarius Coquillett were associated with sites that had the most anthropogenic influence, while Coquillettidia perturbans (Walker) and Psorophora ferox (von Humboldt) were associated with natural land cover such as wetlands and forested land. This study demonstrates that regional climate and land use/cover data can be predictive of the population dynamics of certain mosquito populations and is the first to examine how the distribution of Cx. coronator adults relate to land use/cover in the southeastern United States.  相似文献   

The most common modification of saltmarsh habitat for mosquito control in Australia is runnelling, a system of shallow channels increasing seawater exchange in pools high on the marsh. Local effects within the immediate vicinity of runnels were examined by testing the hypothesis that fish assemblages immediately alongside runnels differ from those further away. Nekton assemblages were sampled using pop nets in winter (May) and summer (December) on a saltmarsh in southeast Queensland, alongside runnels and further (30 m) away, at two distances from a mangrove-lined intertidal creek. Nekton assemblages were dominated numerically (50–80%) by one or two species of small fish (Ambassis marianus, Mugilogobius stigmaticus), and a commercially important prawn, Fenneropenaeus merguiensis. In winter, nekton assemblages alongside runnels were significantly different from those further away. Species richness, total nekton densities and densities of several individual species were higher away from runnels, but only at sites far from the creek. No differences in species richness or densities were found in summer. During both periods, nekton assemblages differed strongly with distance from the creek, with more species and higher densities of most species near the creek. For most species, the overall effect of runnelling appears to be a reduction in abundances in the immediate vicinity of runnels, at some times of year. This is probably related to lower prey availability near runnels. Given the extent of runnelling in some parts of Australia, even this local reduction in densities extending no more than 30 m from runnels means that nekton may be adversely affected over a large total area. The apparent influence of runnels on nekton densities highlights the potential effects of saltmarsh modification on non-target animals that should be considered as this management technique becomes more prevalent.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to identify the mosquito species that currently exist and their distributions in Kosovo in order to determine current potential endemic zones and areas at a higher risk for future epidemics. These scientific data will be shared with public health authorities for implementing mosquito control programs. During a two‐year period of monitoring in 48 localities in 23 provinces in Kosovo, a total of 1,604 mosquitoes representing 13 species and six genera were collected and morphologically identified. Members of species complexes were also classified to species using DNA barcoding. In total, 13 species were identified with Culex pipiens s.l., the predominant species with an abundance rate of 39%. The remaining 12 species identified were grouped into five genera: Anopheles, Aedes, Coquillettidia, Culiseta, Uranotaenia, including species that are vectors of arboviruses in other parts of the world.  相似文献   

Unlike most other insects, mosquitoes do not possess discrete corpora cardiaca composed of neuropile, intrinsic neurosecretory cells and glial cells. Cells homologous with the intrinsic neurosecretory cells of other insects are located at the junction of the neck and thorax of mosquitoes, close to the corpora allata. These cells are named cardiacal neurosecretory cells. Axons run forwards from the cardiacal neurosecretory cells into the allatal nerves. Neurosecretory release sites occur over almost the whole of the nervi corporum cardiacorum, allatal nerves and oesophageal nerves, and these nerves constitute a very extensive neurohaemal organ for many of the cerebral neurosecretory cells. The neurosecretory release sites of the cardiacal neurosecretory cells appear to be in the allatal nerves and possibly also on the perikarya of these cells.  相似文献   

红树林湿地是中国东南沿海的关键生态系统之一。近年来, 我国红树林陆续出现多种害虫种群暴发成灾的现象, 使红树林湿地的可持续利用面临严重挑战。本文归纳了近20年来中国红树林生态系统的主要害虫种类, 危害较严重的有海榄雌瘤斑螟Acrobasis sp., 毛颚小卷蛾Lasiognatha cellifera, 丽绿刺蛾Latoia lepida, 白囊袋蛾Chalioides kondonis, 蜡彩袋蛾Chalia larminati和小袋蛾Acanthopsyche subferalbata等; 对红树林虫害的防控现状进行总结, 目前开展的防控工作主要以生物农药、 昆虫生长调节剂、 昆虫天敌等生物防治方法为主, 结合灯光诱杀等物理防治手段的运用, 对暴发期的害虫种群可以取得较好的控制效果; 并从红树林生态系统健康水平和昆虫群落多样性等方面对害虫种群的成灾原因进行初步探讨; 最终提出以虫害可持续控制为目标的红树林生态系统生境调控策略, 以期为提高红树林湿地虫害管理水平以及促进红树林的可持续发展提供重要的理论参考和科学指导。  相似文献   

Abstract Long-term forecasts of pest pressure are central to the effective management of many agricultural insect pests. In the eastern cropping regions of Australia, serious infestations of Helicoverpa punctigera (Wallengren) and H. armigera (Hübner)(Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) are experienced annually. Regression analyses of a long series of light-trap catches of adult moths were used to describe the seasonal dynamics of both species. The size of the spring generation in eastern cropping zones could be related to rainfall in putative source areas in inland Australia. Subsequent generations could be related to the abundance of various crops in agricultural areas, rainfall and the magnitude of the spring population peak. As rainfall figured prominently as a predictor variable, and can itself be predicted using the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI), trap catches were also related to this variable. The geographic distribution of each species was modelled in relation to climate and CLIMEX was used to predict temporal variation in abundance at given putative source sites in inland Australia using historical meteorological data. These predictions were then correlated with subsequent pest abundance data in a major cropping region. The regression-based and bioclimatic-based approaches to predicting pest abundance are compared and their utility in predicting and interpreting pest dynamics are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract  In Australia, canola is subject to attack by at least 30 species of invertebrate pests, although the composition of this pest complex can vary between regions. Mites (e.g. the redlegged earth mite Halotydeus destructor and the blue oat mites Penthaleus spp.), lucerne flea ( Sminthurus viridis ) and false wireworms (e.g. the grey false wireworm Isopteron punctatissimus and the bronzed field beetle Adelium brevicorne ) are the major pests threatening the seedling establishment, whereas aphids (the cabbage aphid Brevicoryne brassicae , the turnip aphid Lipaphis erysimi and the green peach aphid Myzus persicae ), the native budworm ( Helicoverpa punctigera ), the diamondback moth ( Plutella xylostella ) and the Rutherglen bug ( Nysius vinitor ) can cause irregular and unpredictable damage to the flowering and podding plants. Current tactics of pest management for canola rely largely on the use of synthetic pesticides, but this single-technology approach is likely to incur negative effects on natural enemies and the risk of pest resistance. Thus, the sustainable production of canola requires integrated pest management (IPM) strategies, in which cultural control, crop resistance and biological control are used as important components, with chemical inputs applied only when absolutely needed to restrict pests from reaching economically damaging densities. Such IPM strategies should be built around a fundamental understanding of pest ecology at both regional and local farm levels and the integration of renewable technologies. Therefore, future research efforts need to be focused on the canola-cropping system, with a particular emphasis on the impact of pest species, natural enemies of the pests, varietal resistance to pests and the spatial ecology of pest species.  相似文献   

In Cairns, Australia, the impacts on Aedes aegypti L. (Diptera: Culicidae) populations of two types of ‘lure & kill’ (L&K) lethal ovitraps (LOs), the standard lethal ovitrap (SLO) and the biodegradable lethal ovitrap (BLO) were measured during three mass‐trapping interventions. To assess the efficacy of the SLO, two interventions (one dry season and one wet season) were conducted in three discrete areas, each lasting 4 weeks, with the following treatments: (i) SLOs (>200 traps, ∼4/premise), BG‐sentinel traps (BGSs; ∼15, 1/premise) and larval control (container reduction and methoprene treatment) and (ii) larval control alone, and (iii) untreated control. Female Ae. aegypti populations were monitored for 4 weeks pre‐ and post‐treatment in all three areas using BGSs and sticky ovitraps (SOs) or non‐lethal regular ovitraps (ROs). In the dry season, 206 SLOs and 15 BGSs set at 54 and 15 houses, respectively, caught and killed an estimated 419 and 73 female Ae. aegypti, respectively. No significant decrease in collection size of female Ae. aegypti could be attributed to the treatments. In the wet season, 243 SLOs and 15 BGSs killed ∼993 and 119 female Ae. aegypti, respectively. The mean number of female Ae. aegypti collected after 4 weeks with SOs and BGSs was significantly less than the control (LSD post‐hoc test). The third mass‐trapping intervention was conducted using the BLO during the wet season in Cairns. For this trial, three treatment areas were each provided with BLOs (>500, ∼4/premise) plus larval control, and an untreated control area was designated. Adult female Ae. aegypti were collected for 4 weeks pre‐ and post‐treatment using 15 BGSs and 20 SOs. During this period, 53.2% of BLOs contained a total of 6654 Ae. aegypti eggs. Over the intervention period, collections of Ae. aegypti in the treatment areas were significantly less than in the control area for BGSs but not SOs. An influx of relatively large numbers of young females may have confounded the measurement of changes in populations of older females in these studies. This is an important issue, with implications for assessing delayed action control measures, such as LOs and parasites/pathogens that aim to change mosquito age structure. Finally, the high public acceptability of SLOs and BLOs, coupled with significant impacts on female Ae. aegypti populations in two of the three interventions reported here, suggest that mass trapping with SLOs and BLOs can be an effective component of a dengue control strategy.  相似文献   

This study aims to determine the effect of climatic factors (temperature, relative humidity and rainfall) on mosquito abundance and to map mosquito larva breeding sites using GIS application in Eastern Province, Saudi Arabia. The data pertaining to larval and adult mosquito abundance/distribution and climatic factors were collected for the study period of 2014. Bi-variate and multivariate analyses were performed to determine the relationship between mosquito abundance and climatic factors (temperature, relative humidity and rainfall). The utilization of GIS with GPS facilitates to identify and map larva breeding sites in the study area. The result showed strong negative correlation between mosquito abundance and temperature while there appeared a strong positive correlation with relative humidity and moderate positive correlation with rainfall. Low mosquito abundance was observed at high temperatures whereas high and moderate mosquito abundance was observed at high humidity and during rainy months, respectively. In the adult mosquito, the regression model for three climatic factors (temperature, RH and rainfall) and other factors showed a variation of 84.5% of the variance accounted for the climatic factors while the remaining 15.5% were attributed to other factors. In larva, 64.3% of the variance accounted for climatic factors, and the remaining 35.7% attributed to other factors such as the presence of vegetation, waste materials and water reservoirs such as ditches. In comparison, the larva seems influenced by the presence of vegetation, waste material, water reservoirs and ditches and less influenced by climatic factors than the adult mosquito. Development of a risk map by considering the flying distance of the adult mosquito from the studied sites showed three major clusters where a recommendation for management control program was suggested.  相似文献   

The ability to monitor the abundance and diversity of tabanid flies over wide areas requires effective and low-cost surveillance methods. Such monitoring activities help to quantify the risk of transmission of pathogens by tabanids. Here we examine the effectiveness and practicality of two types of trap (canopy traps and Nzi traps) and two types of attractant (octenol and carbon dioxide) for monitoring tabanid flies in tropical Australia. The Nzi trap consistently caught more tabanids and more species of tabanids than the canopy trap. It was also more robust and therefore required less maintenance in remote locations. The use of attractants substantially increased capture rates, both of individuals and species, and traps using both attractants were consistently the most effective. However, in remote locations, where it is not possible to check traps frequently, the use of attractants may not be feasible. When attractants were not used, the canopy trap caught very few tabanids, but the Nzi trap remained effective enough to be useful as a monitoring device. In addition, the number of tabanid species caught by the Nzi traps remained high, and included those that were most abundant. We therefore conclude that, in this region, Nzi traps are preferable for tabanid monitoring and that attractants greatly improve their effectiveness. However, for longterm monitoring, especially in remote locations, Nzi traps without attractants are a satisfactory option.  相似文献   

The Class II transposable element, piggyBac, was used to transform the yellow fever mosquito, Aedes aegypti. In two transformed lines only 15–30 of progeny inherited the transgene, with these individuals displaying mosaic expression of the EGFP marker gene. Southern analyses, gene amplification of genomic DNA, and plasmid rescue experiments provided evidence that these lines contained a high copy number of piggyBac transformation constructs and that much of this DNA consisted of both donor and helper plasmids. A detailed analysis of one line showed that the majority of piggyBac sequences were unit-length donor or helper plasmids arranged in a large tandem array that could be lost en masse in a single generation. Despite the presence of a transposase source and many intact donor elements, no conservative (cut and paste) transposition of piggyBac was observed in these lines. These results reveal one possible outcome of uncontrolled and/or unexpected recombination in this mosquito, and support the conclusion that further investigation is necessary before transposable elements such as piggyBac can be used as genetic drive mechanisms to move pathogen-resistance genes into mosquito populations.  相似文献   

为调查甘肃省部分地区蚊虫及蚊媒病毒的种类及分布,本课题组2014年在甘肃省酒泉市和陇南市地区共采集蚊虫4 412只.酒泉市共采集蚊虫2属3种2 833只,其中背点伊蚊(Aedes dorsalis)2 665只(94.1%)、刺扰伊蚊(Aedes vexans)150只(5.3%)、淡色库蚊(Culex pipiens pallens)18只(0.6%);陇南市共采集2属2种1 579只蚊虫,其中淡色库蚊1 451只(91.9%)、中华按蚊(Anopheles sinensis)128只(8.1%).经实验室常规处理后,将蚊虫标本分为96批,接种于C6/36、BHK和Vero细胞,进行病毒分离和多种病毒基因特异性扩增检测.结果显示,96批蚊虫标本在3种细胞中均未出现细胞病变效应(cytopathic effect,CPE),在18批蚊虫标本研磨液中检测到辽宁病毒(Liaoning virus,LNV)基因阳性.病毒核苷酸序列的遗传进化分析显示,在甘肃省检测到的辽宁病毒与此前在我国新疆维吾尔自治区发现的辽宁病毒亲缘关系最近.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to assess the parity, presence of blood in the stomach, and the gonotrophic discordance of females of Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus captured in two areas of the city of São Paulo. The captures were undertaken monthly, by aspiration, in the period from January, 2015 to August, 2017. All the females of the two species had their midguts and ovaries dissected to determine the presence of blood and the parity/stage of maturation. With regard to parity, 27% and 34% of the females of Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus, respectively, were parous or were in advanced stages of the development of their ovaries (33% and 27%, respectively). The larger part of the females of Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus contained blood in their stomachs (77% and 60%, respectively), beyond which 36% and 27% of the females of Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus, respectively, were in gonotrophic discordance. Our results indicate favorable conditions in the study areas because of the presence of parous females. Moreover, this frequent and multiple contact of Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus females with vertebrate hosts, such as humans, increases the possibility of transmitting the viruses they may be carrying.  相似文献   

The migration sources and pathways of Sogatella furcifera (Horváth) in topologically complex regions like Yunnan, China, and adjacent montane areas have long been a challenging task and a bottleneck in effective pest forecast and control. The present research reinvestigated this issue using a combination of mtDNA and long‐term historical wind field data in an attempt to provide new insights. Genetic analyses showed that the 60 populations of S. furcufera collected across Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Yunnan, Guizhou, and Sichuan lack genetic structure and geographic isolation, while spatial analysis of haplotype and diversity indices discovered geographic relevance between populations. Migration rate analysis combined with high‐resolution 10‐year wind field analysis detected the following migration sources, pathways, and impacted areas which could explain the outbreak pattern in Yunnan. (a) Dominating stepwise northward migrations originated from northern Indochina, southern Yunnan, and central‐eastern Yunnan, impacting their northern areas. (b) Concurring summer–autumn southward (return) migration originated from nearly all latitude belts of Sichuan and Yunnan mainly impacting central and southern Yunnan. (c) Regular eastward and summer–autumn westward migrations across Yunnan. The northward migration reflects the temporal rhythm of gradual outbreaks from the south to the north in a year, while the return migration may explain the repeated or very severe outbreaks in the impacted areas. To form a better pest forecast and control network, attention must also be paid to the northern part of Yunnan to suppress the impact of return migration in summers and autumns.  相似文献   

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