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Entanglement of whales in fishing gear occurs globally and where populations are recovering from past exploitation, entanglement frequency is likely to increase. The Western Australian population of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) is growing rapidly, yet from 1990 to 2010 the number of whales reported entangled in gear from the pot-based western rock lobster fishery was relatively stable at around one per year. However, from 2010, reported entanglements increased, reaching a maximum of 17 in 2013. This increase occurred immediately after a shift to a year-round quota-based fishery that eliminated the annual 4½-month closure that coincided with the whale migration. Gear modifications that eliminated surface rope, shortened rope lengths, and reduced float numbers were implemented in June 2014 to reduce whale entanglements. The effectiveness of these modifications was evaluated using a Bayesian model that incorporated changes in humpback whale population size, entanglement reporting probability, fishing effort, and whale migration timing. Our analyses indicate that gear modifications reduced entanglement in fishing gear from the rock lobster fishery by at least 25% (with 95% probability), with a median reduction of 64%. The model also showed that the greatest entanglement risk occurs on the northward migration and in water depths of 55–73 m.  相似文献   

Two test systems were developed to evaluate the influence of draw‐length and tissue compliance on entanglement‐induced epidermal abrasion in humpback (Megaptera novaeangliae) and right whale (Eubalaena glacialis) tissue samples. Under straight pull abrasion tests, an adult right whale fluke required 3.7 times the load and 15 times the draw‐length of a right whale calf flipper to induce epidermal failure whereas a humpback fluke was intermediate between these extremes. A load applied tangentially to the leading edge of the fluke or flipper resulted in a substantial, but reversible, deflection of the leading edge in the direction of the applied load. The maximum possible deformation of the leading edge under shear load, prior to the line slipping relative to the skin, was defined as the tissue compliance limit. Oscillatory abrasion tests revealed that line draw‐lengths exceeding the tissue compliance limit resulted in substantially increased tissue abrasion. In actual entanglements, line draw‐length relative to the tissue compliance may determine if the line will cut into the body or simply press against the skin. Increasing the entangling line's ability to stretch in response to a load could potentially minimize sliding of the line relative to the skin and help mitigate entanglement injuries.  相似文献   

Polymorphisms at five microsatellite DNA loci provide evidence that Atlantic cod Gadus morhua inhabiting Gilbert Bay, Labrador are genetically distinguishable from offshore cod on the north-east Newfoundland shelf and from inshore cod in Trinity Bay, Newfoundland. Antifreeze activity in the blood suggests that Gilbert Bay cod overwinter within the Bay. Gilbert Bay cod are also smaller (weight and length) for their age and consequently less fecund for their age, than cod elsewhere within the northern cod complex. The productivity and recruitment potential of coastal cod off Labrador may thus be much lower than that of offshore northern cod or of inshore cod farther south, implying that a more conservative management strategy may be required for cod from coastal Labrador than traditionally practised for northern cod inhabiting less harsh environments. Relatively high F ST and R ST measures of population structure suggest that important barriers to gene flow exist among five components that include two inshore (Gilbert and Trinity Bay) and three offshore cod aggregations on the north-east Newfoundland Shelf and the Grand Bank. D A and D SW estimates of genetic distance that involve Gilbert Bay cod are approximately three- and 10–fold larger, respectively, than estimates not involving Gilbert Bay cod. The differences between inshore cod from Gilbert Bay and Trinity Bay raise the possibility that other genetically distinguishable coastal populations may exist, or may have existed prior to the northern cod fishery collapse. Harvesting strategies for northern cod should recognize the existence of genetic diversity between inshore and offshore components as well as among coastal components.  相似文献   

Mercury levels in fish have been demonstrated to increase after impoundment with augmented levels of mercury predicted to decline as the reservoir ages. Previous research in Newfoundland predicted return rates in the order of 10 to 12 years for landlocked Atlantic salmon or ouananiche (Salmo salar) and 7 years for brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis). In order to test the validity of these predictions on a broader spatial and temporal scale, and develop more generally predictive models, mercury levels in three fish species were studied in 16 older Newfoundland hydroelectric reservoirs of various age (32 to 95 years) and area flooded (21 to 13,000 ha).Mercury concentrations were standardized to fish length and correlated with physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of the sampling sites. Standard length mercury levels ranged from 0.23 to 0.86 ppm in ouananiche, 0.13 to 0.59 ppm in brook trout, and 0.22 to 0.72 in arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus). Fish in excess of the Canadian Safety Limit (0.5 ppm) were collected from 14 of 16 sites for ouananiche, 8 of 17 sites for brook trout, and 3 of 7 sites for arctic charr, including control lakes. Standard length fish mercury levels were correlated with reservoir age and (log10) area flooded for ouananiche and with pH for arctic charr. A multiple regression model was developed relating standard length mercury in ouananiche with reservoir age and log10 of the flooded area. There were no apparent relationship between reservoir characteristics and brook trout mercury concentrations. Based on this analysis, it is not possible, at present, to develop generally predictive models for all species found in Newfoundland impoundments.  相似文献   

Questions centered on the development of local and traditional ecological knowledge and the relationship of that knowledge to the development of conservation and management practices have recently attracted critical attention. We examine these questions with respect to the dynamic commercial fisheries of the Canadian province of Newfoundland and Labrador. The knowledge of fish harvesters coevolves with fishing practices and is embedded in a dynamic socioecological network that extends into and beyond the fisher, fishery households, and communities to include management, technologies, markets, and marine ecological conditions. Changes in these networks have moved knowledge and practices related to fishing in directions defined by policy, science, economic rationality, and new ecological realities. We characterize this movement as a shift along a continuum from local ecological knowledge (LEK) towards globalized harvesting knowledge (GHK) as harvesters become increasingly disconnected from socioecological relationships associated with traditional species and stocks. We conclude with a discussion of how LEK/GHK have interacted over time and space with other knowledge systems (particularly science) to influence management, and suggest that contingent, empirical evaluations of these interactions will provide a fruitful avenue for future interdisciplinary research.
Grant MurrayEmail:

The European green crab (Carcinus maenas) is a newly invasive species in Newfoundland, where it has likely been present for ≤15 years. The green crab has been found in stomach contents of American lobster (Homarus americanus) in New England and Nova Scotia, Canada, but predation on this species has not yet been quantified in Newfoundland. We conducted feeding experiments to determine whether lobsters from Newfoundland were as likely as those from Nova Scotia (which have coexisted with green crabs for >60 years) to recognize and prey upon this new species. We also performed experiments to determine whether green crabs reach a size refuge from predation and whether factors including starvation, availability of alternate food sources, or habitat complexity would influence the probability of lobster attacking or feeding on green crabs. In our trials, lobster origin had no significant effect on crab predation; lobsters, irrespective of origin, were more likely to consume small (<40 mm carapace width [CW]) and medium (40–65 mm CW) crabs than larger (>65 mm CW) ones. Nevertheless, even small lobsters (73–76 mm carapace length, 300 g) were able to kill and consume the largest green crabs (78 mm CW, 100 g). Green crabs were less likely to be attacked or eaten when an alternative food source was present, suggesting that the lobsters were preying on the crabs, rather than simply killing them in a dispute over territory. The addition of a shelter provided a refuge for the green crabs; however, the crabs were only able to avoid being injured or eaten if this shelter was structurally complex. The green crab is slowly spreading westward around the island of Newfoundland, and so its long‐term effects, interactions with other organisms, and contribution to the diet of Newfoundland lobsters remain to be seen.  相似文献   

Bowhead whales (Balaena mysticetus) of the western Arctic stock winter in ice‐covered continental shelf regions of the Bering Sea, where pot fisheries for crabs (Paralithodes and Chionoecetes spp.) and Pacific cod (Gadus macrocephalus) pose a risk of entanglement. In the winter of 2008–2009 and 2009–2010 the spatial distribution of 21 satellite tagged bowhead whales partially overlapped areas in which pot fisheries for cod and blue king crab (Paralithodes platypus) occurred. However, these fisheries ended before whales entered the fishing areas, thus avoiding temporal overlap. A fishery for snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio) typically runs from January to May and provides the greatest potential for bowhead whales to encounter active pot gear. Tagged whales did not enter the area of the snow crab fishery during this study and generally remained in areas with >90% sea ice concentration, which is too concentrated for crab boats to penetrate. Pack ice sometimes overruns active fishing areas, resulting in lost gear, which is the most likely source of entanglement. The western Arctic stock of bowhead whales was increasing as of 2004; as such, incidental mortality from commercial pot fisheries is probably negligible at this time. Regardless, entanglement may increase over time and should be monitored.  相似文献   

Restriction analysis of mitochondrial DNA was used to study genetic variation and geographic population structure of Atlantic cod from localities around Iceland. Gene phylogenies were constructed and geographic locations superimposed on these. The variation was not localized. Estimated gene flow was large. Thus, Atlantic cod in Iceland belong to a single genetic population. Analyses of published sequence variation of cod from Norway and Newfoundland showed that the extensive continuity of intraspecific phylogeny of cod in Iceland, which is very similar to other marine organisms with a similar life history, extends from Norway to Newfoundland and possibly to larger areas of the Atlantic.  相似文献   

Globally, spatial distributions of fish stocks are shifting but although the role of climate change in range shifts is increasingly appreciated, little remains known of the likely additional impact that high levels of fishing pressure might have on distribution. For North Sea cod, we show for the first time and in great spatial detail how the stock has shifted its distribution over the past 100 years. We digitized extensive historical fisheries data from paper charts in UK government archives and combined these with contemporary data to a time‐series spanning 1913–2012 (excluding both World Wars). New analysis of old data revealed that the current distribution pattern of cod – mostly in the deeper, northern‐ and north‐easternmost parts of the North Sea – is almost opposite to that during most of the Twentieth Century – mainly concentrated in the west, off England and Scotland. Statistical analysis revealed that the deepening, northward shift is likely attributable to warming; however, the eastward shift is best explained by fishing pressure, suggestive of significant depletion of the stock from its previous stronghold, off the coasts of England and Scotland. These spatial patterns were confirmed for the most recent 3½ decades by data from fisheries‐independent surveys, which go back to the 1970s. Our results demonstrate the fundamental importance of both climate change and fishing pressure for our understanding of changing distributions of commercially exploited fish.  相似文献   

Humpback whale use of areas off eastern Canada is poorly understood, a knowledge gap that could impact future conservation efforts. We describe the acoustic occurrence of humpback whales in and around the Gully Marine Protected Area (MPA), an eastern Scotian Shelf submarine canyon. Near‐continuous acoustic recordings sampling at 16 kHz were collected from the MPA and nearby slope areas from October 2012 to September 2014 using near‐bottom recorders. In an offshore region where humpbacks were thought to be rare, we observed calls from October to June with a peak in song and nonsong calls in December and January. This suggests that some individuals occur in Canadian waters in winter and the Gully region may be a North Atlantic humpback whale migratory corridor. Calls were predominantly songs indicating potential mating activities. Song and nonsong calls occurred more at sunset and during hours of darkness than during daylight. This study improves our understanding of the seasonal occurrence of humpback whales on the Scotian Slope and, more specifically, their use of an offshore protected area.  相似文献   

Two hundred and eighty‐seven longnose sucker Catostomus catostomus were collected from 14 lakes in Labrador, 52 from three lakes in Ontario, 43 from two lakes in British Columbia and 32 from a lake in Yukon; a total of 414 in all. The resulting 34 haplotypes (20 in Labrador) contained moderate haplotypic diversity (h = 0·657) and relatively low nucleotide diversity (π = 3·730 × 10?3. Mean ?ST (0·453, P < 0·05) over all populations revealed distinct genetic structuring among C. catostomus populations across Canada, based on province, which was validated by the analysis and spatial analysis of molecular variance (c. 80% variation between provinces). These results probably reflect the historical imprint of recolonization from different refugia and possibly indicate limited ongoing gene flow within provinces. A haplotype network revealed one major and two minor clades within Labrador that were assigned to the Atlantic, Beringian and Mississippian refugia, respectively, with tests of neutrality and mismatch distribution indicative of a recent population expansion in Labrador, dated between c. 3500 and 8300 years ago.  相似文献   

Marine ecosystems, particularly in high‐latitude regions such as the Arctic, have been significantly affected by human activities and contributions to climate change. Evaluating how fish populations responded to past changes in their environment is helpful for evaluating their future patterns, but is often hindered by the lack of long‐term biological data available. Using otolith increments of Northeast Arctic cod (Gadus morhua) as a proxy for individual growth, we developed a century‐scale biochronology (1924–2014) based on the measurements of 3,894 fish, which revealed significant variations in cod growth over the last 91 years. We combined mixed‐effect modeling and path analysis to relate these growth variations to selected climate, population and fishing‐related factors. Cod growth was negatively related to cod population size and positively related to capelin population size, one of the most important prey items. This suggests that density‐dependent effects are the main source of growth variability due to competition for resources and cannibalism. Growth was also positively correlated with warming sea temperatures but negatively correlated with the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation, suggesting contrasting effects of climate warming at different spatial scales. Fishing pressure had a significant but weak negative direct impact on growth. Additionally, path analysis revealed that the selected growth factors were interrelated. Capelin biomass was positively related to sea temperature and negatively influenced by herring biomass, while cod biomass was mainly driven by fishing mortality. Together, these results give a better understanding of how multiple interacting factors have shaped cod growth throughout a century, both directly and indirectly.  相似文献   

Vitamin A and E concentrations were determined in liver (n = 51), blubber (n = 23) and serum (n = 53) of subsistence-hunted bowhead whales (Balaena mysticetus), between 1998 and 2001. Retinol and alpha-tocopherol were the major forms of vitamins A and E detected, respectively. Liver contained the highest mean concentrations of vitamin A, followed by epidermis, blubber, and serum. Liver also contained the highest mean concentration of vitamin E, followed by serum, epidermis, and blubber. Stratification of retinol and tocopherol was examined throughout the blubber cores collected. Retinol concentrations were significantly higher in the epidermis than in the deeper blubber layers. Tocopherol concentrations were similar for epidermis and the intermediate layer of blubber. Both the epidermis and the intermediate layer of blubber had significantly higher tocopherol concentrations than the innermost and outermost blubber layers. Vitamin A and E concentrations were investigated with respect to gender and reproductive status of females (males, non-pregnant females, pregnant females), age groups and season of harvest. Certain persistent organic contaminants are known to have a negative effect on retinol concentration in serum of pinnipeds and cetaceans. Bowhead whales have relatively low concentrations of organochlorines (OCs) in comparison to other mysticete species. The relationships between serum, liver and blubber retinol and serum and blubber OC concentrations were examined with no significant correlations noted.  相似文献   


探讨呼吸机相关性肺炎(VAP)患者感染病原菌分布情况以及血清高迁移率族蛋白B1(HMGB1)、降钙素原(PCT)、降钙素原基因相关肽(CGRP)水平的变化, 为该类患者的治疗提供参考。


选择2018年1月至2019年9月在我院接受治疗的机械通气患者137例, 其中符合VAP诊断标准的86例患者作为感染组, 其余51例作为未感染组; 选择同期在我院进行体检的60例健康者作为对照组。采用酶联免疫吸附法(ELISA)检测血清HMGB1、PCT、CGRP水平, 利用受试者工作曲线(ROC)预测血清HMGB1、PCT、CGRP对VAP的诊断价值。


137例机械通气治疗患者中有86例患者发生感染, 感染率为62.77%。86例感染患者样本共培养出95株致病菌, 其中革兰阴性菌(G-)56株, 占58.95%;革兰阳性菌(G+)36株, 占37.89%;真菌3株, 占3.16%。感染组和未感染组患者血清HMGB1、PCT水平均高于对照组, CGRP水平低于对照组(均P < 0.05);感染组患者血清HMGB1、PCT水平均高于未感染组, CGRP水平低于未感染组(均P < 0.05)。ROC结果显示, 血清HMGB1、PCT、CGRP对VAP诊断的曲线下面积(AUC)分别为0.846、0.845、0.769, 最佳截断值分别为43.473μg/L、1.966μg/L、112.778 ng/L, 灵敏性分别为73.26%、65.12%、82.65%, 特异性分别为88.24%、94.12%、68.63%;三者联合诊断的AUC为0.932, 灵敏性和特异性分别为83.72%、94.12%。


VAP患者感染病原菌主要为革兰阴性菌。VAP患者血清HMGB1、PCT呈高表达, CGRP呈低表达, 三者对预测VAP均有一定效果, 其中三者联合诊断的效果最好, 具有一定的临床应用价值。


The protein nucleobindin-2 (NUCB2) was identified over a decade ago and recently raised great interest as its derived peptide nesfatin-1 was shown to reduce food intake and body weight in rodents. However, the involvement of NUCB2 in feeding behavior has not well been studied in fish. In the present study, we characterized the structure, distribution, and meal responsive of NUCB2A/nesfatin-1 in Ya-fish (Schizothorax prenanti) for the first time. The full length cDNA of Ya-fish was 2140 base pair (bp), which encoded a polypeptide of 487 amino acid residues including a 23 amino acid signal peptide. A high conservation in NUCB2 sequences was found in vertebrates, however the proposed propeptide cleavage site (Arg–Arg) conserved among other species is not present in Ya-fish NUCB2A sequence. Tissue distribution analysis revealed that Ya-fish NUCB2A mRNA was ubiquitously expressed in all test tissues, and abundant expression was detected in several regions including the hypothalamus, hepatopancreas, ovary and intestines. NUCB2A mRNA expression respond to feeding status change may vary and be tissue specific. NUCB2A mRNA levels significantly increased (P < 0.05) in the hypothalamus and intestines after feeding and substantially decreased (P < 0.01) during a week food deprivation in the hypothalamus. Meanwhile, NUCB2A mRNA in the hepatopancreas was significantly elevated (P < 0.001) during food deprivation, and a similar increase was also found after short-time fasting. This points toward a potential hepatopancreas specific local role for NUCB2A in the regulation of metabolism during food deprivation. Collectively, these results provide the molecular and functional evidence to support potential anorectic and metabolic roles for NUCB2A in Ya-fish.  相似文献   

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