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This study investigated how female Antarctic fur seals adapt their foraging behavior, over time scales of days, to spatial unpredictability in the distribution of their food. Lactating Antarctic fur seals are central-place foragers that feed on highly patchy but spatially and temporally dynamic food. We measured the foraging distribution of 28 fur seals to test whether variation in foraging trip durations was reflected in variation in the location of foraging and the diving behavior of seals at sea. Based on the maximum distance travelled from the breeding beach, three categories of foraging trips were denned: those to the continental shelf area ( n = 12, median = 71 km), to oceanic water ( n = 11, median =164 km), and to farther offshore oceanic waters ( n = 5, median = 260 km). Trip duration and mean surface speed were positively correlated with the maximum distance travelled from the breeding beach. Seals on longer trips spent proportionally less of their time submerged, but there was no significant difference in the total number of dives or the total time spent foraging by seals in relation to trip duration. Evidence from this study and previous work investigating energy gain suggests that an animal on a longer foraging trip could potentially have a higher mean energy return per dive than a similar animal on a shorter foraging trip. Evidence presented suggests that the type of foraging trip (near or far) is not predetermined by the animal but may be a simple response to the stochastic distribution of the resources available.  相似文献   



Sooty (Puffinus griseus) and short-tailed (P. tenuirostris) shearwaters are abundant seabirds that range widely across global oceans. Understanding the foraging ecology of these species in the Southern Ocean is important for monitoring and ecosystem conservation and management.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Tracking data from sooty and short-tailed shearwaters from three regions of New Zealand and Australia were combined with at-sea observations of shearwaters in the Southern Ocean, physical oceanography, near-surface copepod distributions, pelagic trawl data, and synoptic near-surface winds. Shearwaters from all three regions foraged in the Polar Front zone, and showed particular overlap in the region around 140°E. Short-tailed shearwaters from South Australia also foraged in Antarctic waters south of the Polar Front. The spatial distribution of shearwater foraging effort in the Polar Front zone was matched by patterns in large-scale upwelling, primary production, and abundances of copepods and myctophid fish. Oceanic winds were found to be broad determinants of foraging distribution, and of the flight paths taken by the birds on long foraging trips to Antarctic waters.


The shearwaters displayed foraging site fidelity and overlap of foraging habitat between species and populations that may enhance their utility as indicators of Southern Ocean ecosystems. The results highlight the importance of upwellings due to interactions of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current with large-scale bottom topography, and the corresponding localised increases in the productivity of the Polar Front ecosystem.  相似文献   

Satellite telemetry was used to identify the foraging zones of Shy Albatrosses Diomedea cauta breeding at two sites off Tasmania, Australia (Albatross Island in western Bass Strait and Pedra Branca to the south) to assess their level of interaction with longline fisheries. Adult birds from both colonies fed locally both in and outside the breeding season. Breeding birds from Albatross Island foraged over the Australian continental shelf or slope waters off northwest Tasmania, while those from Pedra Branca foraged between the colony and the southeastern edge of the continental shelf. The distances travelled by the birds and the duration of their foraging trips varied during the breeding cycle and tended to decrease as eggs approached hatching. Adults which were tracked near the end of the breeding season (March-April, n = 7 birds) deserted their chicks prematurely, and while dispersing further than incubating or brooding birds, they remained over the continental shelf and slope waters off southeast Australia. Home range analyses indicated 41% overlap between foraging zones of birds during successive breeding stages. Dispersal during the postbreeding period extended the foraging zones with less overlap between individuals (10% for Albatross Island and 19% for Pedra Branca). The recent contraction of the Japanese Southern Bluefin Tuna longline fishery to the south and east coasts of Tasmania has resulted in extensive overlap with adult Shy Albatrosses from Pedra Branca, but appears to pose a minimal threat to adult birds from Albatross Island. Coupled with the concomitant increase in the Australian domestic tuna longlining industry, adult Shy Albatrosses from southern Tasmania (Pedra Branca and the Mewstone) are vulnerable to incidental capture through out their annual cycle.  相似文献   

Habitat selection in heterogeneous environments is assumed to allow diversification. Wide‐ranging species like pelagic seabirds present a paradox, in that their diversity appears difficult to reconcile with a frequent lack of geographical isolation between populations. We studied the foraging strategies of three closely related species of greater albatrosses, wandering albatross, Diomedea exulans, Amsterdam albatrosses D. amsterdamensis and royal albatross, D. epomophora, in relation to environmental heterogeneity at coarse‐grained and fine‐grained scales. During the incubation period the three species foraged at long distances from their colonies. We observed significant differences between the species in the duration of foraging trips and the distance travelled per day. There were significant differences in preference for habitat types in relation to bathymetric features, and in chlorophyll a concentrations in the waters traversed. Royal albatross preferred shallower waters (<1500 m depth), which were rich in chlorophyll (>0.5 mg/m3), while the other species spent on average 80% of their time in waters deeper than this, where chlorophyll levels were lower. Wandering albatrosses foraged in colder waters than Amsterdam albatrosses. Patterns of activity divided the species into two groups: those exploiting oceanic habitats (wandering and Amsterdam albatrosses) spent high proportions of time on the water (49%), and had on average 1.35 takeoffs and landings per hour, while royal albatross, which foraged mainly over neritic waters spent only 35% of their time sitting on the water, and made on average 2.6 takeoff per hour. Further, royal albatross showed a similar pattern of activity during all periods of the day, while wandering and Amsterdam albatrosses were mostly inactive during the night. We link these differences in activity to prey patch availability in two contrasting habitats – continental shelf areas compared to open ocean habitats. The divergent styles of foraging observed in this study suggest that these closely‐related and wide‐ranging species could effectively co‐exist by dividing the resources available to them by different modes of exploitation.  相似文献   

The association between the distribution of blue-footed boobies Sula nebouxii (BFB) and marine productivity around their breeding grounds is unclear. In Peru, they breed in a region seasonally influenced by the cold, nutrient rich Humboldt Current, and by warm, nutrient poor oceanic waters. The foraging range of BFB in Peru is unknown, although some evidence suggest that they may feed in warm offshore waters. During the austral winter 2002 and summer 2003, we tracked 26 BFBs breeding on Isla Lobos de Tierra, Peru (located approximately 15 km west of the mainland), during 59 feeding trips using small direction recorders to determine their marine habitat use. BFBs preferentially moved to the east of the island and foraged over the continental shelf in cold water masses where marine productivity and the abundance of the main prey, the Peruvian anchovy Engraulis ringens , are usually higher than in other areas. Overall, the median maximum foraging distance from the colony was 39 km (range 3–109 km), with 90% of all trips located within 30 km from the mainland, and enclosed in an area of 13,113 km2. These results reveal that BFBs exploit the productive waters of the Peruvian Coastal Upwelling System, rather than open oceanic waters as previously suggested. BFBs travelled a greater distance, dispersed in a broader area, and visited more offshore waters during the winter 2002, than during the summer 2003, following the typical seasonal horizontal dispersion of the Peruvian anchovy.  相似文献   

Potentially some of the biggest gaps in our knowledge about the ecology of Antarctic fur seals (Arctocephalus gazella) relate to juvenile animals. We investigated the at-sea distribution of five male and five female fur seal pups post-weaning. The study was carried out at Bird Island, South Georgia during two successive winters using satellite-linked platform transmitter terminals (PTTs). Our results are analysed in relation to pup sex and the physical environment and productivity of those 2 years, as well as in the context of our present knowledge of where post-breeding females and males forage. The available physical and biological data during both of the winters of this study suggest that both years were not unusual. We report marked differences between the sexes with male pups foraging significantly further away from land and their birth site than do females. The pups foraged in areas to the East of Bird Island seldom reported as foraging areas for the adult population. Also as winter progressed they showed a more oceanic distribution leaving the continental shelf, possibly to exploit a different prey source that was more readily available in the upper water column.  相似文献   

 Nineteen hooded seals (Cystophora cristata) were tagged with satellite-linked platform terminal transmitters (PTT) on the sea ice near Jan Mayen. Fifteen were instrumented after completion of the moult in July 1992 (five males, ten females, at 71°N, 12°W), and four during breeding in March 1993 (four females, at 69°N, 20°W). Sixteen of the seals were tagged with Satellite-Linked Time-Depth-Recorders (SLTDR), yielding location, dive depth and dive duration data. The average (±SD) longevity of all PTTs was 199±84 days (n=19; range: 43–340 days), and they yielded 12,834 location fixes. Between tagging in July 1992 and pupping in March 1993, two seals remained in or near the ice off the east coast of Greenland for most of the tracking period. However, most of the seals made one or several trips away from the ice edge, mostly to distant waters. These excursions had an average (±SD) duration of 47±22 days (n=46; range: 4–99 days). Eight seals travelled to waters off the Faeroe Islands, three to the continental shelf break south of Bear Island, and three to the Irminger Sea southwest of Iceland. Eleven seals were tracked in the period between breeding (March/April) and moulting (July). Several of these spent extended periods at sea west of the British Isles, or in the Norwegian Sea. Received: 3 August 1994/Accepted: 4 July 1995  相似文献   

Wandering Albatrosses Diomedea exulans are frequently killed when they attempt to scavenge baited hooks deployed by long-line fishing vessels. We studied the foraging ecology of Wandering Albatrosses breeding on Marion Island in order to assess the scale of interactions with known long-line fishing fleets. During incubation and late chick-rearing, birds foraged further away from the island, in warmer waters, and showed high spatial overlap with areas of intense tuna Thunnus spp. long-line fishing. During early chick-rearing, birds made shorter foraging trips and showed higher spatial overlap with the local Patagonian Toothfish Dissostichus eleginoides long-line fishery. Tracks of birds returning with offal from the Toothfish fishery showed a strong association with positions at which Toothfish long-lines were set and most diet samples taken during this stage contained fishery-related items. Independent of these seasonal differences, females foraged further from the islands and in warmer waters than males. Consequently, female distribution overlapped more with tuna long-line fisheries, whereas males interacted more with the Toothfish long-line fishery. These factors could lead to differences in the survival probabilities of males and females. Non-breeding birds foraged in warmer waters and showed the highest spatial overlap with tuna long-line fishing areas. The foraging distribution of Marion Island birds showed most spatial overlap with birds from the neighbouring Crozet Islands during the late chick-rearing and non-breeding periods. These areas of foraging overlap also coincided with areas of intense tuna long-line fishing south of Africa. As the population trends of Wandering Albatrosses at these two localities are very similar, it is possible that incidental mortality during the periods when these two populations show the highest spatial overlap could be driving these trends.  相似文献   

Understanding how marine top predators exploit their environment is a central topic in marine ecology. Among all methodologies used to investigate this part of ecology, electronic devices are very useful to track animals' movements and foraging habitats, but they do not provide any dietary information. Stable isotopes provide information on trophic levels but remain imprecise to identify small spatial‐scale habitats. In this study, we combined the two approaches to obtain a synoptic view of the foraging behaviour variability of southern elephant seals Mirounga leonina. Our results suggested marked differences in distribution, diving behaviour, foraging habitats, trophic levels, and dietary habits of elephant seals according to their sex and age. Thus, we characterized main foraging habitats over the Kerguelen‐Heard Plateau and the Antarctic shelf for juvenile males, while females foraged mainly in oceanic waters of the Polar Frontal Zone and the Antarctic Zone. In addition, we highlighted the ontogeny of niche partitioning in this sexually dimorphic species. While females did not exhibit a major dietary shift in relation to their age and their breeding status, a different picture emerged for males. Young males had a trophic level identical to that of all females. However, at 3–4 yr of age, males showed a progressive increase in trophic level. The inter‐annual combination of bio‐logging and stable isotopes could provide a powerful tool to investigate possible shifts in ecological niche between years according to environmental changes.  相似文献   

In seabirds, equal bi-parental care is the rule, as it is considered crucial for raising chicks successfully because seabirds forage in an environment with unpredictable and highly variable food supply. Frigatebirds forage in poor tropical waters, yet males reduce and even stop parental care soon after chick brooding, leaving the female to provision the chick alone for an extended fledging period. Using bird-borne tracking devices, male and female Christmas Island Frigatebirds (Fregata andrewsi) were investigated during the brooding, late chick rearing and post-fledging period to examine whether sexes exhibit foraging strategies that may be linked to differential breeding investments. During brooding, males and females showed similar foraging behaviour under average marine productivity of oceanic waters close to the colony, but males shifted to more distant and more productive habitats when conditions deteriorated to continue with reduced chick provisioning. During the late chick rearing period, females progressively increased their foraging range to the more distant but productive marine areas that only males had visited during brooding. Birds spent the non-breeding period roosting in highly productive waters of the Sunda Shelf. The sex-specific utilisation of three different foraging habitats with different primary productivity (oceanic, coastal, and shelf areas) allowed for temporal and spatial segregation in the exploitation of favourable habitats which seems to enable each sex to optimise its foraging profitability. In addition, post-fledging foraging movements of females suggest a biennial breeding cycle, while limited information on males suggests the possibility of an annual breeding cycle.  相似文献   

Strategies employed by wide-ranging foraging animals involve consideration of habitat quality and predictability and should maximise net energy gain. Fidelity to foraging sites is common in areas of high resource availability or where predictable changes in resource availability occur. However, if resource availability is heterogeneous or unpredictable, as it often is in marine environments, then habitat familiarity may also present ecological benefits to individuals. We examined the winter foraging distribution of female Antarctic fur seals, Arctocephalus gazelle, over four years to assess the degree of foraging site fidelity at two scales; within and between years. On average, between-year fidelity was strong, with most individuals utilising more than half of their annual foraging home range over multiple years. However, fidelity was a bimodal strategy among individuals, with five out of eight animals recording between-year overlap values of greater than 50%, while three animals recorded values of less than 5%. High long-term variance in sea surface temperature, a potential proxy for elevated long-term productivity and prey availability, typified areas of overlap. Within-year foraging site fidelity was weak, indicating that successive trips over the winter target different geographic areas. We suggest that over a season, changes in prey availability are predictable enough for individuals to shift foraging area in response, with limited associated energetic costs. Conversely, over multiple years, the availability of prey resources is less spatially and temporally predictable, increasing the potential costs of shifting foraging area and favouring long-term site fidelity. In a dynamic and patchy environment, multi-year foraging site fidelity may confer a long-term energetic advantage to the individual. Such behaviours that operate at the individual level have evolutionary and ecological implications and are potential drivers of niche specialization and modifiers of intra-specific competition.  相似文献   

Aim Resources can shape patterns of habitat utilization. Recently a broad foraging dichotomy between oceanic and coastal sites has been revealed for loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta). Since oceanic and coastal foraging sites differ in prey availability, we might expect a gross difference in home‐range size across these habitats. We tested this hypothesis by equipping nine adult male loggerhead sea turtles with GPS tracking devices. Location National Marine Park of Zakynthos (NMPZ) Greece, central and eastern Mediterranean (Adriatic, Ionian and Aegean seas). Methods In 2007, 2008 and 2009, Fastloc GPS‐Argos transmitters were attached to nine male loggerheads. In addition, a Sirtrack PTT unit was attached to one male in 2007. Four of the turtles were tracked on successive years. We filtered the GPS data to ensure comparable data volumes. Route consistency between breeding and foraging sites of the four re‐tracked turtles was conducted. Foraging site home range areas and within site movement patterns were investigated by the fixed kernel density method. Results Foraging home range size ranged between circa 10 km2 at neritic habitats (coastal and open‐sea on the continental shelf) to circa 1000 km2 at oceanic sites (using 90% kernel estimates), the latter most probably reflecting sparsely distributed oceanic prey. Across different years individuals did not follow exactly the same migration routes, but did show fidelity to their previous foraging sites, whether oceanic or neritic, with accurate homing in the final stages of migration. Main conclusions The broad distribution and diverse life‐history strategies of this population could complicate the identification of priority marine protected areas beyond the core breeding site.  相似文献   

Identifying the primary foraging grounds of abundant top predators is of importance in marine management to identify areas of high biological significance, and to assess the extent of competition with fisheries. We studied the search effort and habitat selection of the highly abundant short‐tailed shearwater Puffinus tenuirostris to assess the search strategies employed by this wide‐ranging seabird. During the chick‐rearing period 52 individuals were tracked performing 39 short foraging trips (1–2 days), and 13 long trips (11–32 days). First‐passage time analysis revealed that 46% of birds performing short trips employed area‐restricted searches, concentrating search effort at an average scale of 14 ± 5 km. Foraging searches were more continuous for the other 54%, who travelled faster to cover greater distances, with little evidence of area‐restricted searches. The prey returned indicated that continuous searchers consumed similar prey mass, but greater prey diversity than area‐restricted search birds. On long trips 23% of birds travelled 500–1000 km to neritic (continental shelf) habitats, showing weak evidence of preference for areas of higher chlorophyll a concentration, and foraged at a similar spatial scale to short trips. The other 76% performed rapid outbound flights of 1000–3600 km across oceanic habitats commuting to regions with higher chlorophyll a. The spatial scale of search effort in oceanic habitat varied widely with some performing broad‐scale searches (260–560 km) followed by finer‐scale nested searches (16–170 km). This study demonstrates that a range of search strategies are employed when exploiting prey across ocean basins. The trade‐offs between different search strategies are discussed to identify the value of these contrasting behaviours to wide‐ranging seabirds.  相似文献   

We studied several aspects of the foraging ecology of fulmars rearing young chicks on Bjørnøya. To determine precisely the duration of foraging trips during the brooding period, we used an automated logging system that recorded the presence of fulmars fitted with transponders. We also tracked, with satellite transmitters, four parent fulmars during the brooding period, and two after the chick had been left alone. When brooding the chick, fulmars appeared to alternate very rapidly on the nest, with foraging trips lasting on average 8?h. This period appeared constraining for the birds since parents lost mass. The growth of chicks was dependent on the ability of the female (and not the male) to do short foraging trips. At this time birds are foraging at an average distance of 60?km from the colony, with birds concentrating on the shelf around Bjørnøya. They did not return from one trip to the next to the same foraging area. As the season progressed and the chicks were left alone on the nest, parents increased the duration and maximum range of foraging trips as well as the distance covered. However, they still perform a succession of relatively short foraging trips to the east of the Bjørnøya shelf but they interspersed these short trips with longer foraging trips. One bird returned twice to the same site along the Norwegian coast 570?km from Bjørnøya, the other foraged at 580?km in the mid-Barents Sea. Average flight speed including time spent on the water was 28?km/h and reached 70?km/h during bouts of more than 1?h when the bird was probably continuously in flight.  相似文献   

The foraging patterns of ten male rockhopper penguins Eudyptes chrysocome from the Falkland Islands were recorded during the incubation period by using satellite telemetry. Irrespective of study site and year, two different foraging areas could be identified. Three foraging trips were directed towards the slope of the Patagonian Shelf c. 140 km to the northeast of the breeding colony and these trips had a duration of 11–15 days. The seven other rockhopper penguins travelled c. 400 km towards the edge of the Falkland Islands' waters; all these foraging trips followed an anti-clockwise direction and lasted 16–27 days. The calculated mean daily travelling speed, based on the time spent underwater and the distance covered between two positions, was significantly higher in birds travelling to the edge of the Falkland Islands' waters compared with those foraging at the shelf slope (4.4±1.6 km/h vs. 3.4±2.0 km/h, respectively). The consistent foraging patterns exhibited during the long trips may be linked to the Falklands current, allowing the penguins to reach remote areas while reducing their energy expenditure. Potential interactions between commercial fisheries and hydrocarbon exploration are discussed.  相似文献   

Boyd  I. L. 《Behavioral ecology》1999,10(2):198-208
This study examined three competing hypotheses to explain howlactating Antarctic fur seals (Arctocephalus gazella) respondto changes in the level of resource availability. Antarcticfur seals have episodic bouts of suckling (1-3 days), alternatingwith foraging trips (3-10 days). Foraging time budgets variedsignificantly (p <.001) among 8 consecutive years at BirdIsland, South Georgia. Foraging trip duration increased during periodsof relative food shortage. Time spent ashore was more consistentamong years than foraging trip duration but declined duringa year of particularly low food availability. In 4 of the 8years, there was a significant positive correlation betweentime spent ashore and foraging trip duration. In the other years,the relationship was close to statistical significance. Energydelivery to pups during suckling bouts followed an asymptoticpower function. Energy gain during foraging trips was estimatedfrom diving behavior, which suggested that the energy gain functionwas linear. Distance traveled during foraging trips was correlatedwith foraging trip duration, and long foraging trips were associatedwith reduced foraging intensity. There was support for the hypothesisthat lactating Antarctic fur seals compensate for reduced resources byincreasing the foraging trip duration rather than working harderand increasing their energy expenditure. However, there wasmost support for the hypothesis that lactating Antarctic furseals adjust time spent ashore as well as foraging trip duration,possibly to maximize the delivery of food to their offspring.Lactation appears to impose constraints on provisioning of offspringthat differ from those of seabirds foraging in the same environment andoften on the same prey.  相似文献   

Intrapopulational polymorphism in habitat use is widely reported in many animal species. The phenomenon has recently also been recognized in adult female loggerhead sea turtles Caretta caretta , with small females tending to inhabit oceanic areas (where water depths are >200 m) while presumably feeding pelagically and large females tending to inhabit neritic areas (where depths are <200 m) while presumably feeding benthically. In this study, dive recording satellite telemetry units were used to verify their foraging and diving behaviours in these habitats. Two females that nested on Yakushima Island, Japan, were tracked for 124 and 197 days. The small female wandered in the oceanic Pacific, and spent most of the time at 0–25 m depths regardless of day or night, implying that she foraged pelagically at the surface and shallow depths. Her mean dive durations were significantly longer at night than during the day. The large female moved into the neritic East China Sea, and spent most of the time over the continental shelf at 100–150 m depths during the day and at 0–25 m depths at night, suggesting that she alternated between diurnal benthic foraging and nocturnal resting within the depths where she could attain neutral buoyancy. Her mean dive durations were not significantly different between day and night. The increase in dive duration for both turtles coincided with a seasonal decrease in water temperature. The small female sometimes showed midwater dormancy at 0–25 m depths with a duration of >5 h that was in contrast with bottom dormancy by sea turtles inhabiting other regions. The diving behaviours observed during this study were consistent with their estimated main feeding habits, which demonstrated resource polymorphism in a marine reptile.  相似文献   

The population of Weddell seals (Leptonychotes weddellii) in the southern Weddell Sea is in a unique position on the continental shelf edge, with vast shelf waters to the south, and deep Southern Ocean to the north. We describe sex‐related differences in the winter distribution of this population, from data collected by 20 conductivity‐temperature‐depth satellite relay data loggers deployed in February 2011 at the end of the annual molt. The regional daily speed was calculated, and a state‐space model was used to estimate behavioral states to positions along individuals’ tracks. GLMMs estimated that males and smaller individuals, diving in shallower water, traveled less far per day of deployment (males 14.6 ± 2.26 km/d, females 18.9 ± 2.42 km/d), and males were estimated to dive in shallower water (males 604 ± 382 m, females 1,875 ± 1,458 m). Males and smaller individuals were also estimated to be more resident; males spent an average 83.4% ± 7.7% of their time in a resident behavioral state, compared to females at 74.1% ± 7.1%. This evidence that male and female Weddell seals in the southern Weddell Sea are adopting different strategies has not been shown elsewhere along their circumpolar distribution.  相似文献   

Figure of Eight Island is located in the southern end of the Auckland Islands and hosts the smallest breeding colony of New Zealand (NZ) sea lions (Phocarctos hookeri). Between 1995/96 and 2005/06, pup production in this colony decreased by 57% (from 144 to 62 pups). In contrast, there was a 30% decrease in pup production in the largest colony in the north-east of the Auckland Islands over the same period. NZ sea lions in the Auckland Islands area are subject to by-catch deaths and resource competition from subantarctic trawl fisheries. The present study investigated where four lactating females from Figure of Eight Island foraged during the austral summer of 2007/08 and compared their foraging areas with female NZ sea lions from the northern Auckland Islands breeding locations (Enderby and Dundas islands) and with fisheries activities. Females foraged south of Adams Island (the southernmost Auckland Island), predominantly at the edge of the Auckland Islands shelf, but those from Figure of Eight Island made shorter foraging trips within more concentrated areas than females from Enderby or Dundas islands. The 59 female NZ sea lions satellite-tracked to date from Figure of Eight, Enderby and Dundas islands foraged over the entire area of the Auckland Islands shelf and many (including three of the four females from Figure of Eight Island) had extensive overlap with subantarctic trawl fisheries. Further research is needed to determine whether the foraging behaviour of females from Figure of Eight Island is linked to their greater decline in pup production.  相似文献   

Central-place foragers organize their feeding trips both to feed themselves and to provide their offspring with food. In seabirds, several long-range foragers have been shown to alternate long and short trips to balance these dual needs. However, the strategies of short-range foragers remain poorly understood. We used a precise, miniaturized motion sensor to examine the time budget of 20 breeding Cape gannets, Morus capensis, foraging off the coast of South Africa. Birds stayed at sea for 5.5-25.3 h, occasionally spending the night at sea. The large number of isolated dives and extended flight time observed during these overnight trips suggested that birds either experienced poor foraging conditions or exploited more distant, yet more profitable prey patches. Conversely, birds that stayed at sea for less than 1 day had relatively consistent activity patterns. Most of these birds (88%) foraged actively at the beginning and at the end of the foraging trip. These feeding bouts were separated by protracted periods of sitting on the sea surface. Such resting periods probably allow birds to digest the food ingested during the first part of the foraging trip, so they initially feed themselves, and then obtain food for their chick on the way back to the breeding site.  相似文献   

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