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Morphological features, development and reproduction behavior of the parasite Melittobia acasta (Walker) were studied when reared on the pupae of the bumblebee Bombus terrestris L. in the laboratory under 23°C, 50% relative humidity and 12 h light : 12 h dark conditions. The parasites laid transparent white and elongated eggs. Newly hatched larval size and shape were very similar to eggs but they were identified by their body segments. Larvae increased their body size through moulting and transformed into a vermiform shape. Male pupae were shiny brown with dots. The female pupae were distinguished by their black shiny color, shorter size and the presence of compound eyes. Adult male pupae were dark brown and dwarf‐winged, whereas female pupae were macropterous and brachypterous. Reproduction took place by fertilization and also parthenogenetically. Mean fecundity within 5 days by mated (47.9 ± 30.5 female?1) and virgin (7.4 ± 6.8 female?1) females were statistically different. Mated females laid fertilized eggs that produced adult males or females, whereas virgin females laid unfertilized eggs that produced males. Development durations of the virgin female originated eggs, larvae, pupae and adults were statistically identical with those of mated females. The parasites were female‐biased and foundress number did not affect offspring sex ratio. This study shows that both mated and virgin females of M. acasta can produce many offspring on B. terrestris pupae within a short period, indicating that they are dangerous parasites of the bumblebee in a mass rearing system.  相似文献   

The cephalic region of the labial gland in the buff-tailed bumblebee, Bombus terrestris, consists of numerous acini (formed by associated secretory cells and a central lumen) and connecting ducts. Age-dependent changes in secretion production (both qualitative and quantitative) are associated with changes in the amount of rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER), Golgi apparatus, and smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER). The main secretory organelle is RER in the youngest individuals (pharate, and less-than-a-day old males), Golgi apparatus in 1-day-old males, and SER in males older than 2 days. Secretory cell death starts at 5 days of age, with maximal longevity to 10 days. Pheromone production starts immediately after eclosion, with pheromone quantities increasing until day 7. 2,3-dihydrofarnesol, the main component of the male-marking pheromone, appears in 1-day-old male glands, and reaches a maximum at 7 days of age, when its presence in the gland starts to decrease gradually. Older glands contain compounds not present in young ones. Variation in pheromone quantity and composition are reflected sensitively in the response of the queen antennae. Though queen antennae responded to gland extracts of all ages examined, maximum sensitivity was observed in response to extracts of glands 2-10 days old, while extracts of older glands gradually lose their effectiveness. Both major and minor components of the labial gland secretion extract elicited queen antennal responses suggesting that the pheromone is a multicomponent blend. Age-dependent changes in pheromone production, accumulation and tuning of pheromone activity are all synchronized approximately with male flight from the hive.  相似文献   

The large bumblebee, Bombus terrestris, indigenous to Europe and adjacent area, and used extensively for high‐value crop pollination, has been artificially introduced to several parts of the world. Here we show the interspecific hybridization between the bumblebee species, B. hypocrita sapporoensis and B. terrestris, under laboratory conditions. The mating and oviposition percentages resulting from the interspecific hybridization of a B. terrestris queen with a B. h. sapporoensis male were higher than those resulting from the intraspecific mating of B. h. sapporoensis. Furthermore, a competitive copulation experiment indicated that the mating of B. h. sapporoensis males with B. terrestris queens was 1.2‐fold more frequent than the mating of these males with B. h. sapporoensis queens. The interspecific hybridization of a B. terrestris queen with a B. h. sapporoensis male produced either B. terrestris workers or the B. terrestris male phenotype, and the hybridization of a B. h. sapporoensis queen with a B. terrestris male produced B. h. sapporoensis males. Our results indicated that interspecific hybridization occurred between B. h. sapporoensis and B. terrestris. The results suggest that such hybridization will have a negative competitive impact and will cause genetic contamination of native bumblebees.  相似文献   

In this paper we show that, (1) Drosophila melanogaster larvae utilize a variety of pupal microhabitats in an orchard, (2) variation in larval foraging path length, pupation distance from the food and pupal microhabitat preference (on or off the fruit) is genetically based and, (3) variation in these behaviours can be maintained in a spatially heterogenous environment since there is a reversal in pupation site suitability in wet and dry pupal microhabitats. Differences in path length in both laboratory and natural populations can be attributed to genes on the second pair of chromosomes and is under simple genetic control, whereas differences in pupal height are polygenically inherited (the second pair of chromosomes influences pupal height three times more than the third pair). Pupae collected from on-fruit sites had shorter foraging path lengths and lower pupal heights than off-fruit populations. Populations from the orchard maintained their field pupal microhabitat preferences even after 1 year of rearing them in the laboratory. Larvae with the sitter larval phenotype (short path lengths and low pupal heights tended to pupate more on-fruit than those with the rover phenotype (long path lengths and high pupal heights). To determined if these genetically based differences in microhabitat preference contributed to fitness, larval pupation behaviour was studied in a “field assay” (dish with fruit on soil) with soil water content varied. At low soil water contents, pupal survivorship was significantly better on the fruit whereas, at high soil water contents, survivorship was better in the soil. There was a reversal in which microhabitat (dry or wet) was a better site for pupation. In the field environment where soil water content fluctuates in space and time, such a reversal would explain the maintenance of genetic variation for these larval behaviours. Another selective agent acting on D. melanogaster larvae in our orchard is parasitization by Asobara tabida. This parasitoid parasitizes larvae with high locomotory scores (e.g. rovers) significantly more than those with low scores (sitters). This study relates laboratory phenotypes to field phenotypes thereby linking the ecological, behavioural and genetic components of larval habitat selection in D. melanogaster.  相似文献   

Venom is a prominently maternal virulent factor utilized by parasitoids to overcome hosts immune defense. With respect to roles of this toxic mixture involved in manipulating hosts immunity, great interest has been mostly restricted to Ichneumonoidea parasitoids associated with polydnavirus (PDV), of which venom is usually considered as a helper component to enhance the role of PDV, and limited Chalcidoidea species. In contrast, little information is available in other parasitoids, especially ectoparasitic species not carrying PDV. The ectoparasitoid Scleroderma guani injects venom into its host, Tenebrio molitor, implying its venom was involved in suppression of hosts immune response for successful parasitism. Thus, we investigated the effects of parasitism and venom of this parasitoid on counteracting the cellular immunity of its host by examining changes of hemocyte counts, and hemocyte spreading and encapsulation ability. Total hemocyte counts were elevated in parasitized and venom‐injected pupae. The spreading behavior of both granulocytes and plasmatocytes was impaired by parasitization and venom. High concentration of venom led to more severely increased hemocyte counts and suppression of hemocyte spreading. The ability of hemocyte encapsulation was inhibited by venom in vitro. In addition to immediate effects observed, venom showed persistent interference in hosts cellular immunity. These results indicate that venom alone from S. guani plays a pivotal role in blocking hosts cellular immune response, serving as a regulator that guarantees the successful development of its progenies. The findings provide a foundation for further investigation of the underlying mechanisms in immune inhibitory action of S. guani venom.  相似文献   

Winter survival and oviposition before and after overwintering in Ooencyrtus nezarae, an egg parasitoid of phytophagous heteropterans, were examined in Osaka, Japan. Eggs of Riptortus clavatus parasitized by O. nezarae were kept under natural photoperiod and temperature. When honey was supplied, some female adults emerging from early September to late November overwintered. The percentage of overwintering individuals increased as the date of adult emergence advanced. Most female adults supplied with honey and hosts oviposited soon after emergence, then stopped laying eggs. Female adults emerging in mid‐October and early November laid eggs and then overwintered. The induction of diapause in the field seems to vary greatly depending on host availability. Without honey, the survival time of female adults was very short, whether host eggs were supplied or not. After overwintering, most females began to lay eggs in early May if host eggs were supplied, and they produced both male and female progeny. In the study area, a legume field in Osaka, parasitization by O. nezarae was observed from early July to November.  相似文献   

Metamorphosing insects often have complex and poorly known life histories. In particular, what they feed on during their larval stages remains unknown for the vast majority of species, and its documentation only results from difficult and time-intensive field observations, rearing or dissections. Through the application of a DNA analysis of gut contents in adult parasitoid wasps, we were able to selectively sequence a diagnostic DNA marker that permitted the identification of the host used by these wasps during their larval stages. By reproducing these results in species with different life histories, we excluded other potential sources of host DNA, confirming that after ingestion by the parasitoid larva the host DNA can persist through metamorphosis in the abdominal contents of the adult wasp. Our discovery considerably extends the applicability of molecular analysis of gut contents by enabling the documentation of food used by insects during their larval stages and thus increasing the accuracy and precision of food web studies. The 24% success rate of our approach is surprisingly high considering the challenging context for host DNA preservation, and we discuss the factors possibly affecting this rate. We propose molecular analysis of parasitoid linkages (MAPL) as a new method to document host-parasitoid associations at a faster pace and with unrivalled precision. Because of the key regulatory role of parasitoid wasps in ecosystems, which makes them the most commonly used biological control agents, MAPL will have immediate applications in both basic and applied biological sciences.  相似文献   

1. Although preference–performance relationships in insects are typically studied in a bi-trophic context, it is well known that host plants can affect both the preference and performance of natural enemies of herbivorous insects. 2. This study presents evidence from field and laboratory studies that two species of milkweeds, the putatively less defended Asclepias incarnata and the putatively more defended Asclepias syriaca, differentially affect adult oviposition and larval performance in Aphidoletes aphidimyza, an aphid-feeding predatory midge, independent of aphid density. 3. Host plant species affected predatory fly larvae abundance by a factor of 50 in the field and a factor of 8 in the laboratory. Larval and adult emergence rates in our laboratory studies provided strong evidence for reduced performance on A. syriaca. Oviposition in choice and no-choice settings provided some evidence for preference for A. incarnata, and a potentially suppressive effect of A. syriaca. 4. The results provide limited support for the hypothesis that natural selection can lead to positive correlations between adult oviposition preferences and larval performance upon various food sources, even when predatory insects oviposit onto host plants of their herbivorous prey. 5. Preference and performance are not perfectly aligned in this system, however, because ovipositing females do not reject A. syriaca entirely. Potential explanations for mismatches between preference and performance in this system include the neural constraints associated with being a generalist, adaptive time-limited foraging strategies, and unique evolutionary histories of laboratory colonies compared with wild insects.  相似文献   

Koinobiont parasitoid females when attacking host species are faced with barriers at various levels, host behavioral defenses represent one of these barriers. We present data of the effects of host behavioral defenses on host preference of larval and adult parasitoid. We quantified the effects of defensive behaviors of the exotic host, Harmonia axyridis (Pallas), and the indigenous host, Coleomegilla maculata lengi Timberlake (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), on the handling time and attack preference of the indigenous parasitoid, Dinocampus coccinellae Schrank (Hymenoptera: Braconidae). Successful egg development was also recorded as a consequence of host behavioral defense and unsuitability. Female parasitoids were offered in an interspecific choice test, adult or larvae of both H. axyridis and C. maculata, and in an intraspecific choice test, larval and adult stage of H. axyridis. Adult H. axyridis exhibited a greater number of defensive behaviors compared to adult C. maculata or larval H. axyridis resulting in significantly longer handling time by the parasitoid. Our results suggest that host acceptance cues used by the generalist parasitoid D. coccinellae are inadequate to evaluate adult H. axyridis. These results provide support to the hypothesis that H. axyridis represents an evolutionary trap for D. coccinellae.  相似文献   

1. Feeding and defence against parasites are among the major simultaneous requirements for survival and successful reproduction of any animal, including colonies of social insects. Harsh environments may therefore not only negatively affect overall success, but force animals to allocate resources in different ways, for example, to reduce immune defence under adverse conditions while maintaining growth rate.
2. This study examines how colony growth, reproduction and immune defence of the bumble bee, Bombus terrestris , varies with environmental condition. In particular, the manner in which limited or unpredictable food availability affects the number and size of workers and sexuals produced, the timing of reproduction, and the level of encapsulation of a novel antigen was tested. A new experimental paradigm was applied by splitting colonies into two halves while ensuring integrity by regular swaps of the residing queen.
3. The results show that limited food availability, as expected, led to fewer and smaller workers and sexuals. Unpredictable food availability, in contrast, was associated with higher numbers of workers and heavier sexuals. Also, reproductive success was highest under unpredictable conditions, due to an increased rate of collection of resources.
4. The timing of reproduction did not vary among treatments. Contrary to expectation, also immunocompetence did not vary among treatments.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effect of the photoperiodic regimes 0 h light : 24 h dark (LD 0:24), LD 8:16, LD 16:8 and LD 24:0 at 28°C and 50% Relative Humidity (RH) on the colony development of hibernated (2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5 and 4.0 months) bumblebee queens. The queens which had hibernated for 3.0 months and which were reared in a LD 8:16 photoperiod showed the highest rate of colony initiation (88.2%), colony foundation (67.6%) and progeny queen production (38.2%). The photoperiod LD 8:16 also produced the shortest period of colony initiation and colony foundation. The highest number of sexual males (171.2 ± 12.2) and queens (91.2 ± 9.9) were produced in the colonies when 3.5 and 3.0 month hibernated queens were kept in an LD 8:16 photoperiod. The results show that light regime and hibernation duration affect colony characteristics of Bombus terrestris.  相似文献   

One component of developing a systematic approach for deployment of trap crops is to understand how the trap crop modifies pest behavior. Glossy‐leafed collards, Brassica oleracea L. var. acephala (Brassicaceae), were evaluated as a potential trap crop for diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae), because they are attractive to P. xylostella adults and are a poor host for P. xylostella larvae compared to cabbage, Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata. We used large field plots to measure the changes in adult, egg, and larval P. xylostella densities in cabbage when the trap crop was planted in the field. Furthermore, we planted the trap crop in dispersed and concentrated spatial arrangements to determine the impact of trap crop arrangement on the behavior of P. xylostella. In 2002, results showed that the presence of collards within a cabbage field reduced larval density on cabbage. In 2003, neither trap crop arrangement had a significant impact on P. xylostella larval density on cabbage. Adult moths aggregated in proximity to collards in 2002, but not in 2003. Egg and larval data in both years in all treatments showed that total oviposition was highest near a central release point, indicating that females lay many eggs before dispersing very far when suitable host plants are available. The mean direction of P. xylostella movement and oviposition from a central release point was not consistent or correlated to wind direction. Plant size of the trap crop in relation to the main crop and environmental factors may have been responsible for the inconsistent effectiveness of the trap crop.  相似文献   

Abstract. During the annual life cycle of the bumble bee Bombus terrestris (L.) colony, there is a stage characterized by worker reproduction in the presence of the queen. It has been proposed that this is a result of a decrease in queen inhibition. This hypothesis was examined by studying the effects of queens taken from colonies at different stages of development on several aspects of worker physiology and behaviour: rates of Juvenile Hormone (JH) release in vitro , ovary development, and behaviour associated with reproduction. After optimizing and validating the radiochemical assay for JH release for bumble bee workers, we found that queenless workers had significantly more developed ovaries and higher rates of release of JH than did queenright workers, confirming and extending previous findings that suggest that bumblebee ovarian development is under JH control. Mated queens, separated from their colony and brood, can have the same inhibitory effect on the reproductive development of callow workers. In contrast, workers confined with virgin queens or in queenless groups demonstrated a significantly higher rate of release of JH, overt aggression and threatening behaviours. However, there were no differences in rates of release of JH between workers confined in groups in the laboratory with queens taken from colonies either before or after the onset of worker reproduction. Furthermore, overt aggression and threatening behaviours were similar and low in both types of groups. These results gave no support to the hypothesis that a decrease in queen inhibition is associated with the onset of worker reproduction. We also show that young workers reared in colonies either before or after worker reproduction occurs, or in queenless colonies, all demonstrated similar, low rates of release of JH. These results suggest that older workers may inhibit the corpora allata of younger workers in queenless colonies.  相似文献   

The effects of temperature and larval density on survival of larvae, growth rate, age at pupation, and adult size (measured as wing length and dry weight) of laboratory-reared Anopheles gambiae (Diptera: Culicidae) were studied. Larvae were reared at three temperatures (24, 27 and 30°C) and three densities (0.5, 1 and 2 larvae/cm2). The effects of density and temperature strongly interacted to determine the mosquitoes' life-history parameters. Survival was highest at the intermediate temperature of 27°C. The differences between the temperatures increased with increasing density. At 30°C survival decreased as density increased, but at 27°C increasing density led to higher survival. Age at pupation increased as temperature decreased from 30°C to 24°C and as density decreased from 2 to 0.5 larvae/cm2. Adult size also increased as temperature decreased, but showed a negative correlation with density only at 27°C. In contrast, at 24°C and 30°C a decrease in density led to a decrease in adult size. Growth rate showed a similar pattern. At 27°C growth rate decreased as density increased, but at other temperatures the opposite trend was observed.  相似文献   

Among the antimicrobial peptides, abaecin is rich in proline content and plays a vital role in insect innate immune defense. Here, the full-length gene of abaecin from the bumblebee Bombus lantschouensis was cloned, and its expression profiles for different tissues, developmental stages and reproductive statuses were analyzed by RT-qPCR. Meanwhile, the responses of abaecin to a bacterium (Escherichia coli) and a fungus (Beauveria bassiana) were tested. The full length of abaecin cDNA was 470 bp, and the open reading frame (ORF) was 258 bp, encoding a polypeptide of 85 amino acids. The abaecin gene consists of three exons and two introns. Phylogenetic analysis showed that Bombus ignitus was the closest species to B. lantschouensis base on putative Abaecin protein sequence. Expression analysis showed that abaecin was expressed broadly in different tissues, with the highest expression in fat bodies and extremely low expression in antennae. Regarding developmental stage, low expression of abacein was detected in eggs and larvae, and high expression was detected in pupal stages. The highest expression was observed at the Pw pupal stage (pupae with an unpigmented body cuticle and white eyes), and the expression then decreased from the Pp (pupae with pink eyes) to the Pdd (dark-eye pupae with a dark-pigmented cuticle) stages. In addition, the expression of abaecin was higher in egg-laying than in non-egg-laying female bumblebees. Both E. coli and B. bassiana infections induced the expression of abaecin. Our results indicated that the abaecin gene plays important roles in the development, reproduction and immune responses of bumblebees. During the artificial rearing of bumblebees, a good environment should be created to avoid infection with bacteria or fungi.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2021,24(3):918-924
Among Korean bumblebees, Bombus ignitus and B. ardens are relatively abundant and important for pollination of wildflowers and agricultural crops. Although the males are easily distinguishable phenotypically, the female castes are difficult to identify from each other. Here we evaluated the value of some morphometric characters in species identification. Also, we developed a polymerase chain reaction followed by restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) to discriminate these similar species. In spite of statistically significant differences of some morphological characters between two species, overlapping quantitative traits hindered accurate identification of the species. However, using 435 bp of COI gene and AluI, BspHI and Earl restriction enzymes allowed molecular identifications of these two species with unique profiles from the digestion by these restriction enzymes. This method can also be applied for older specimens with some morphological characters damaged. We also developed species-specific primers for fast and cost-effective identification of these species.  相似文献   

Parasites typically reduce host survival or fecundity. To minimize fitness loss, hosts can make temporal adjustments of their reproductive effort. To date such plastic shifts of life‐history traits in response to parasitism are only known from solitary organisms where infected individuals can react by themselves. In the case of social insects, where brood care and reproductive effort is shared between reproductive individuals (typically the queen) and workers, adjustments of the reproductive effort would depend on collective decision‐making. We tested for this possibility by experimentally activating the immune response of individual workers in colonies of the bumblebee, Bombus terrestris L. This induction resulted, in combination with environmental conditions, in a reduction of fitness of the social unity (i.e. colony success, measured by number and biomass of offspring) and a collective response towards earlier reproduction. As both phenomena are expressed at the level of the colony, the result suggests that key elements of the use of immune defence have been maintained through the evolutionary transition to sociality.  相似文献   

研究武汉亮斑扁角水虻幼虫肠道微生物对武汉亮斑水虻成虫产卵行为的影响。首先使用LB(Luria-Bertani)培养基对武汉亮斑水虻幼虫肠道微生物进行分离纯培养,筛选得到23株肠道微生物。以灭菌的LB液体培养基为阴性对照,使用已证实引诱产卵效果好的来自武汉亮斑水虻卵表的属于戈登氏菌属的细菌(Gordonia sihwensis)FE06为阳性对照,利用筛选到的武汉亮斑水虻幼虫肠道微生物摇瓶发酵液对武汉亮斑水虻成虫进行产卵行为实验。发现有5株武汉亮斑水虻幼虫肠道微生物(BSFLG01、BSFLG03、BSFLG04、BSFLG05、BSFLG06)对武汉亮斑水虻产卵有显著的积极促进作用,其中3株(BSFLG03、BSFLG05、BSFLG06)对水虻成虫产卵的引诱作用明显强于所设立的阳性对照FE06;菌株BSFLG07为一种毕赤酵母菌(Pichia kudriavzevii),对武汉亮斑水虻产卵有消极影响。经菌落培养特征、菌体形态比较、16SrDNA或18SrDNA序列测定和发育树比对分析,鉴定出这5种具有显著引诱武汉亮斑水虻产卵作用的微生物分别为:枯草芽胞杆菌(Bacillus subtilis)BSFLG01、一种沙雷氏菌(Serratiasp.)BSFLG03、库德毕赤酵母(Pichia kudriavzevii)BSFLG04、皱落假丝酵母(Candida rugosas)BSFLG05、粘质沙雷氏菌(Serratia marcescens)BSFLG06。  相似文献   

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