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Interspecific hybrid backcross animals from a Bos taurus×Bos gaurus F1 female were used to construct a linkage map of bovine Chromosome (Chr) 19. This map includes eight previously unmapped type I anchor loci, CHRNB1, CRYB1, GH1, MYL4, NF1, P4HB, THRA1, TP53, and five microsatellite markers, HEL10, BP20, MAP2C, ETH3, BMC1013, from existing linkage maps. The linkage relationship was determined to be centromere–HEL10–18.8cM–NF1–4.0cM–CRYB1–11.2cM–(BP20, CHRNB1, TP53)–4.0cM–(MAP2C, GH1, MYL4, THRA1)–14.4cM–P4HB–11.2cM–ETH3–4.0cM–BMC1013. It was previously revealed that bovine Chr 19 contains the largest known conserved autosomal synteny among human, bovine, and mouse. This study has shown that gene orders within this segment are not conserved among the three species. We propose structural changes in an ancestral mammalian chromosome to account for these differences. This is the first interspecific hybrid backcross used in bovine linkage studies, and it has proven to be an effective tool for incorporating bovine type I loci into the linkage map even with the small sample size presently available. This resource will facilitate the generation of comparative linkage maps that address gene order and effectively predict the locations of unmapped loci across species. Received: 11 June 1996 / Accepted: 19 November 1996  相似文献   

A bovine whole-genome radiation hybrid panel and outline map   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
A 3000-rad radiation hybrid panel was constructed for cattle and used to build outline RH maps for all 29 autosomes and the X and Y chromosomes. These outline maps contain about 1200 markers, most of which are anonymous microsatellite loci. Comparisons between the RH chromosome maps, other published RH maps, and linkage maps allow regions of chromosomes that are poorly mapped or that have sparse marker coverage to be identified. In some cases, mapping ambiguities can be resolved. The RH maps presented here are the starting point for mapping additional loci, in particular genes and ESTs that will allow detailed comparative maps between cattle and other species to be constructed. Radiation hybrid cell panels allow high-density genetic maps to be constructed, with the advantage over linkage mapping that markers do not need to be polymorphic. A large quantity of DNA has been prepared from the cells forming the RH panel reported here and is publicly available for mapping large numbers of loci.  相似文献   

A radiation hybrid map for the bovine Y Chromosome   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Screening a bovine Y Chromosome-specific DNA library resulted in 34 new microsatellites, six of which mapped to the pseudoautosomal region (PAR), and 28 localized to the Y-specific region. These microsatellites, together with 23 markers previously mapped to the bovine Y Chr, were scored on a 7000-rad cattle–hamster radiation hybrid (RH) panel. Retention frequency of individual markers ranged from 18.5% to 76.5% with an average of 48.4%. Markers with high retention frequency (>55%) were found to exist in multiple copies on the Y Chr. Thirteen markers were placed on the PAR RH map with the AmelY gene proximal to the pseudoautosomal boundary and 46 markers, including Sry and Tspy gene, on the Y-specific region of the RH map. The microsatellites developed and mapped in this work will be useful for comparative mapping of cattle, sheep, and goat, studying the origin, evolution, and migration of bovidae species and provide an initial platform to develop a high-resolution map of the Y Chr and positional cloning of Y-specific genes.  相似文献   

A genetic and physical map of bovine Chromosome 11   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A genetic map of bovine Chromosome (Chr) 11 (BTA11, synteny group U16) has been constructed from 330 animals belonging to 21 families, which constitute the international bovine reference panel (IBRP). This map is based on 13 polymorphic microsatellite markers, two of which were chosen in previously published maps. Three markers have been isolated from cosmids. Two of the three cosmids have been physically localized by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), to anchor the genetic map on the chromosome. In addition, a biallelic polymorphism in the -lactoglobulin gene (LGB) has been genetically positioned relative to the microsatellite markers. The most probable order of the markers is: cen-INRA044-BM716-INRA177-(TGLA 327, INRA198, INRA131)-INRA111-INRABERN169-(INRA115, INRA032)-INRA108-INRABERN162-INRA195-LGB. T The total linkage group spans 126 cM, which probably corresponds to most of the chromosome length. The average intermarker distance is about 10.5 cM, allowing the potential detection of a genetic linkage with any Economic Trait Loci (ETL) of this chromosome.  相似文献   

A male-specific genetic linkage map of nine loci on bovine Chromosome (Chr) 2 (BTA2) was constructed from 306 offspring belonging to six paternal halfsib families. Loci studied were the structural genes for liver/bone/kidney alkaline phosphatase (ALPL), Gardner-Rasheed feline sarcoma (v-fgr) oncogene homolog (FGR), alpha-L-fucosidase 1 (FUCA1), and fibronectin 1 (FN1), and the microsatellite loci ARO28, DU17S2, DU17S3, DU17S4, and DU17S5. Genotyping was performed by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) for structural genes and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the microsatellites. Two genetically independent linkage groups were identified. The order of genes in the first linkage group, L31, is (ARO28-FN1)-FGR-FUCA1-ALPL, covering a map distance of 34.1 cM between terminal markers. The second linkage group, L32, consists of DU17S2-DU17S5-DU17S4-DU17S3 and is 41.3 cM in length. Genetic linkage between FN1 and FGR confirms previous physical assignment of these genes to the same synteny group. Currently, the genetic linkage of FN1 and FGR is unique to cattle and thus localizes a site of chromosomal evolution to a 22-cM interval between the two loci.  相似文献   

We present a comprehensive radiation hybrid map of the bovine X chromosome (Chr) containing 20 new markers, including both microsatellites and expressed genes. This study was conducted with a 5000-rad whole genome RH cell panel consisting of 90 hybrid cell lines. Retention frequencies of individual markers range from 7.8% for XIST to 31.1% for TGLA325. Statistical analysis with RHMAPPER placed all the loci into five linkage groups under a LOD score criterion of 6.0. These groups could be oriented relative to each other because they included multiple microsatellite loci from the consensus linkage map of the X Chr. Markers included in both this RH map and the bovine cytogenetic map were in a consistent order. The comparative bovine–human map thus generated consists of five blocks of genes, the order of which is conserved, although in the opposite direction when presented as ideograms with p and q arms. Inversions of three blocks account for the difference in gene order across the entirety of the two X Chrs.  相似文献   

Nine microsatellite loci were mapped to rat Chromosome (Chr) 7 by genetic linkage and somatic cell hybrid analysis. These loci include the gene encoding a member of the IID sub-family of cytochrome P450 (Cyp2d), a gene with repetitive sequences expressed during myotube formation (D7Arb1e), four anonymous loci, D7Arb81, D7Arb208, D7Arb569, D7Arb609a, and three DNA loci defined by MapPairTM markers R245, R513, and R1071. The nine loci were all identified by PCR-based microsatellite polymorphism analysis and were characterized in 40 F2 intercross progeny of Fischer (F344/N) and Lewis (LEW/N) rats for segregation analysis. These markers formed a single linkage group spanning 76.8 cM with the following order and distances: D7Arb569-11.4 cM-D7Arb81-9.7 cM-R513-2.6 cM-Cyp2d-0.0 cM-R245-1.3 cM-D7Arb1e-10.4 cM-R1071-15.9 cM-D7Arb609a-15.4 cM-D7Arb208. Physical mapping of Cyp2d by somatic cell hybrid analysis allowed us to assign this linkage group to rat Chr 7. For each marker, two to six alleles were detected in a panel of 16 inbred rat strains (ACI/N, BN/SsN, BUF/N, DA/Bkl, F344/N, LER/N, LEW/N, LOU/MN, MNR/N, MR/N, SHR/N, SR/Jr, SS/Jr, WBB1/N, WBB2/N, WKY/N).  相似文献   

An interspecific backcross linkage map of mouse chromosome 8   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
We have established a 67-cM molecular genetic linkage map of mouse chromosome 8 by interspecific backcross analysis. Genes that were mapped in this study include Act-6, Aprt, Aprt-ps1, Emv-2, Es-N, Hp, Insr, Mt-1, Plat, Psx-8, Ucp, and Zfp-4. New regions of homology were established between mouse chromosome 8 and human chromosomes 8 and 19. A conserved linkage group was identified between mouse chromosome 8 and human chromosome 16. The map will be useful for establishing linkage of other markers to mouse chromosome 8.  相似文献   

An extensive and comprehensive radiation hybrid map of bovine Chromosome 15 (BTA15) was built with 42 anonymous markers, 3 ESTs, and 49 genes. This work allows us to refine the comparative map between human Chromosome (Chr) 11 (HSA11) and BTA15. Four blocks with a similar gene content and relatively good gene order conservation were identified. The discrepancies are concentrated on closely positioned genes for which discrimination is not possible between mapping resolution limits in either the human or the bovine maps and true local inversions. Using the gene order similarity and the human physical map as starting point, we estimated the overall physical length of BTA15 to be around 75.3 Mb. The INRA bovine BAC library was screened for all the markers ordered on the bovine map, which will provide anchors for future efforts in the construction of a physical map of the bovine genome. Finally, this map contains the majority of publicly available polymorphic markers described for BTA15 and integrates those with comparative mapping information. It should, therefore, constitute a powerful tool in the identification of relevant candidate genes in regions of BTA15 harboring economic trait loci.  相似文献   

An integrated genetic and physical map of the bovine X Chromosome   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Genotypic data for 56 microsatellites (ms) generated from maternal full sib families nested within paternal half sib pedigrees were used to construct a linkage map of the bovine X Chromosome (Chr) (BTX) that spans 150 cM (ave. interval 2.7 cM). The linkage map contains 36 previously unlinked ms; seven generated from a BTXp library. Genotypic data from these 36 ms was merged into an existing linkage map to more than double the number of informative BTX markers. A male specific linkage map of the pseudoautosomal region was also constructed from five ms at the distal end of BTXq. Four informative probes physically assigned by fluorescence in situ hybridization defined the extent of coverage, confirmed the position of the pseudoautosomal region on the q-arm, and identified a 4.1-cM marker interval containing the centromere of BTX. Received: 14 July 1996 / Accepted: 19 September 1996  相似文献   

The mapping resolution of the physical map for chicken Chromosome 4 (GGA4) was improved by a combination of radiation hybrid (RH) mapping and bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) mapping. The ChickRH6 hybrid panel was used to construct an RH map of GGA4. Eleven microsatellites known to be located on GGA4 were included as anchors to the genetic linkage map for this chromosome. Based on the known conserved synteny between GGA4 and human Chromosomes 4 and X, sequences were identified for the orthologous chicken genes from these human chromosomes by BLAST analysis. These sequences were subsequently used for the development of STS markers to be typed on the RH panel. Using a logarithm of the odds (LOD) threshold of 5.0, nine linkage groups could be constructed which were aligned with the genetic linkage map of this chromosome. The resulting RH map consisted of the 11 microsatellite markers and 50 genes. To further increase the number of genes on the map and to provide additional anchor points for the physical BAC map of this chromosome, BAC clones were identified for 22 microsatellites and 99 genes. The combined RH and BAC mapping approach resulted in the mapping of 61 genes on GGA4 increasing the resolution of the chicken–human comparative map for this chromosome. This enhanced comparative mapping resolution enabled the identification of multiple rearrangements between GGA4 and human Chromosomes 4q and Xp.  相似文献   

A genetic linkage map of Prunus has been constructed using an interspecific F2 population generated from self-pollinating a single F1 plant from a cross between a dwarf peach selection (54P455) and an almond cultivar Padre. Mendelian segregations were observed for 118 markers including 1 morphological (dw), 6 isozymes, 12 plum genomic, 14 almond genomic and 75 peach mesocarp specific cDNA markers. One hundred and seven markers were mapped to 9 different linkage groups covering about 800 cM map distance, and 11 markers remained unlinked. Three loci identified by three cDNA clones, PC8, PC5 and PC68.1, were tightly linked to the dw locus in linkage group 5. Segregation distortion was observed for approximately one-third of the markers, perhaps due to the interspecific nature and the reproductive (i.e. self-incompatibility) differences between peach and almond. This map will be used for adding other markers and genes controlling important traits, identifying the genomic locations and genetic characterizing of the economically important genes in the genus Prunus, as well as for markerassisted selection in breeding populations. Of particular interest are the genes controlling tree growth and form, and fruit ripening and mesocarp development in peach and almond.  相似文献   

A panel of 63 radiation-reduced hybrids has been derived from a mouse cell line containing a neo-marked human Chromosome (Chr) 6, primarily to provide a resource for higher resolution localization of new markers. Hybrids were generated with radiation doses of 40–400 Gy, selected in G418, and were shown by PCR to contain the neo gene. PCR was also used to score the retention of 15 loci that map from 6q13 to q25.2 of the current consensus map plus six other loci assigned to 6q26-q27. An average retention frequency of 27.8% was observed, with the highest frequencies at D6S313 and D6S280 (63.5%) located near the centromere at 6q13, and at D6S283 (68.5%) at 6q16.3-q21, presumably close to the neo integration site. Lowest frequencies (4.8%) were observed for telomeric markers. All markers segregated independently except D6S297 and D6S193. Agreement and some improvement to the current consensus map of 6q was made by mapping 12 loci by the non-parametric statistical method of Falk. In addition, deletion mapping with informative hybrids allowed the ordering of six loci from 6q26 to q27 and permitted some integration of maps of this region.  相似文献   

We have generated a 30-cM molecular genetic linkage map of the proximal half of mouse chromosome 14 by interspecific backcross analysis. Loci that were mapped in this study include Bmp-1, Ctla-1, Hap, hr, Plau, Psp-2, Rib-1, and Tcra. A region of homology between mouse chromosome 14 and human chromosome 10 was identified by the localization of Plau to chromosome 14. This interspecific backcross map will be valuable for establishing linkage relationships of additional loci to mouse chromosome 14.  相似文献   

Radiation hybrid (RH) mapping has proven to be an extremely powerful approach to constructing high density maps of human chromosomes and is experiencing increased use in other animals, including cattle. A 5000 rad bovine whole-genome radiation hybrid panel was recently constructed in order to integrate existing cattle linkage maps with evolutionarily conserved genes and provide high resolution comparative maps relative to humans and mice. We utilized this panel to construct a 19 marker framework map of bovine chromosome 1 (BTA1), which included 8 Type I loci and 11 Type II loci ordered with at least 1000:1 odds. A 35 marker comprehensive map including 15 Type I loci and 20 Type II loci was also produced. Of the 15 Type I loci ordered on the comprehensive map, three are ordered on HSA3 and five are ordered in three blocks on HSA21 on the human cytogenetic maps.  相似文献   

An interspecific backross was used to define a high resolution linkage map of mouse Chromosome (Chr) 1 and to analyze the segregation of the generalized lymphoproliferative disease (gld) mutation. Mice homozygous for gld have multiple features of autoimmune disease. Analysis of up to 428 progeny from the backcross [(C3H/HeJ-gld x Mus spretus)F1 x C3H/HeJ-gld] established a map that spans 77.6 cM and includes 56 markers distributed over 34 ordered genetic loci. The gld mutation was mapped to a less than 1 cM segment on distal mouse Chr 1 using 357 gld phenotype-positive backcross mice. A second backcross, between the laboratory strains C57BL/6J and SWR/J, was examined to compare recombination frequency between selected markers on mouse Chr 1. Significant differences in crossover frequency were demonstrated between the interspecific backcross and the inbred laboratory cross for the entire interval studied. Sex difference in meiotic crossover frequency was also significant in the laboratory mouse cross. Two linkage groups known to be conserved between segments of mouse Chr 1 and the long arm of human Chrs 1 and 2 where further defined and a new conserved linkage group was identified that includes markers of distal mouse Chr 1 and human Chr 1, bands q32 to q42.  相似文献   

Linkages among three biochemical loci (Acol, Ahd2, and Mup1) and four microsatellite loci (A8, Glut1, Jun, and Pnd) were determined to construct a linkage map of rat Chromosome (Chr) 5. Consequently, an extensive linkage map on rat Chr 5 was constructed with the following gene order: A8-Aco1-Mup1-Jun-Glut1-Ahd2-Pnd. In this linkage map, the Jun and A8 loci are newly placed, and two previously reported linkage groups on rat Chr 5 are connected by the Jun locus. The linkage map indicates an extensive linkage conservation between the loci on rat Chr 5 and those on mouse Chr 4.  相似文献   

Liu Z  Karsi A  Li P  Cao D  Dunham R 《Genetics》2003,165(2):687-694
Catfish is the major aquaculture species in the United States. The hybrid catfish produced by crossing channel catfish females with blue catfish males exhibit a number of desirable production traits, but their mass production has been difficult. To introduce desirable genes from blue catfish into channel catfish through introgression, a genetic linkage map is helpful. In this project, a genetic linkage map was constructed using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP). A total of 607 AFLP markers were analyzed using 65 primer combinations and an interspecific backcross resource family. A total of 418 AFLP markers were assigned to 44 linkage groups. Among the remaining 189 markers, 101 were not used because of significant segregation distortion, 29 were unlinked, and 59 were eliminated because they span very large distances. The 418 AFLP markers covered 1593 cM Kosambi. The AFLP markers showed a high level of clustering that appears to be related to certain primer combinations. This linkage map will serve as the basis for mapping a greater number of markers to provide a map with high enough resolution for it to be useful for selective breeding programs using introgression.  相似文献   

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