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Enzymatic activities and repartition of glycoproteins were studied with electron microscopy in human ejaculated spermatozoa. Enzymatic activities are localised in the head of spermatozoon: arylsulfatase in the acrosome, acid phosphatase in the periacrosomal cytoplasm. Phosphotungstic acid at low pH and collo?dal iron allow detection of glycoproteins and acid groups on the sperm cell surface. Glycoproteins are present in the acrosome. These results are slightly different to those obtained in other species.  相似文献   

An original method for organ culture of human skin epithelial cells using as a support human skin grafts obtained from the Human tissue Band of "C.H.R. de Bordeaux" is described. Methods and results of this technic which seems to represent a forward step relative to traditional practices are exposed.  相似文献   

An electronmicroscopical mapping of a number of regions of the polytene chromosomes of Ch. thummi salivary glands (3rd chromosome, right arm of the 1st chromosome, centromere regions, puffs 1-A2e, 1-A3ij, III-A5c and others) was done by the method of oriented ultrastructural sections of the unsquashed polytene chromosomes. The banding pattern on the electron micrograph was similar to the observed with the light microscope. The difference was that some doublets appeared as single cavity-containing bands with the double structure only in short regions under the electron microscope. It was also difficult to distinguish single bands in those regions where heavy adjacent bands were connected by dens, protrusions and anastomoses. These connections were most pronounced in the regions of the centromerers which had "spongy" appearance on the electron micrographs. These pictures may be connected with small interbands between heavy bands. Thin bands and some broad bands were frequently dotted. The puffs examined contained mainly RNP granules 200-400 A in diameter and RNP fibrils; BR-1 and BR-2 contained granules 500 A, RNP fibrils and smaller granules (200-400 A). BR and puffs were characterized by loop-like structures composed of granules arranged along the central DNP fibril. Only fibrils were presented in small interbands (0.05 mk), while larger interbands could include a small number of granules similar to those observed in puffs. It was found that centromere, telomeres and some heavy bands formed characteristic contacts with the nuclear membrane.  相似文献   

In non-inbred male rats, 140-200 g of body weight, the left lung was removed. In the right lung of the experimental and intact animals, brush alveolocytes were revealed electron microscopically and their structural organization was stated 1, 3, 7, 30 and 274 days after the operation. It was stated that during the process of compensatory hypertrophy in the lung, the occurrence rate of these cells increased considerably. In controls only 3 such cells were revealed, while in the experiment, the number of the brush alveolocytes was 20. In the experiment, most of the cells had signs of hyperfunction: increased amount of pinocytic vesicles in the apical part of the cell, dilated canaliculi in granular cytoplasmic network, formation of "laminar" structures from the membranes of the canaliculi of the granular cytoplasmic network. The brush alveolocytes were especially active during the period of acute alveolar hypertrophy (5-7 days after the operation) and correlated with the state of alveolar surfactant. The data obtained supported the hypothesis on chemoreceptor nature of the cells in question and demonstrated their participation in regulation of alveolar surface tension.  相似文献   

Analysis of nucleoproteins in resting human embryonic fibroblasts in vitro at different population doubling levels (PDL) using electron microscopy revealed the disappearance of non-nucleolar ribonucleoprotein structures at high PDL, the nucleoli became larger and the filamentous masses containing the nascent nucleolar RNA displayed a fibrillo-granular pattern which has never been described previously. In addition, conventional fixation revealed the disappearance of most of the stainable chromatin whose threads were unusually spaced and shortened specially at the nuclear surface after loosening. We interpret these changes in chromatin organization as the consequence of the alkali-sensitive sites that accumulate during senescence.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural organization of yeast chromatin   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文

In response to calcium influx, synaptic vesicles fuse very rapidly with the plasma membrane to release their neurotransmitter content. An important mechanism for sustained release includes the formation of new vesicles by local endocytosis. How synaptic vesicles are trafficked from the sites of endocytosis to the sites of release and how they are maintained at the release sites remain poorly understood. Recent studies using fast freezing immobilization and electron tomography have led to insights on the ultrastructural organization of presynaptic boutons and how these structural elements may maintain synaptic vesicles and organize their exocytosis at particular areas of the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

A complex morphological investigation (histology, histochemistry, scanning and transmissive electron microscopy, electron histochemistry) has been performed to study the intercellular substance of the costal hyalinous cartilage. It has been demonstrated that the fibrillar framework of the costal cartilage consists of branching collagenous fibrillae, chaotically scattering. The fibrillae are surrounded with the ground substance; one of its components is the reticular ruthenium-positive structure.  相似文献   

The basic organization of the Plathelminthes   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Ulrich Ehlers 《Hydrobiologia》1995,305(1-3):21-26
The basic organization of the Plathelminthes is summarized. Special attention is given to epidermal structures, musculature, extracellular matrices, nervous system and sensory structures, digestive system, totipotent stem cells, protonephridia, reproductive system and life cycle. The latest common ancestor of the Plathelminthes lacked any parenchymal cells and tissues; Plathelminthes do not represent Parenchymia. Discussions concerning the relationships of the Plathelminthes with other Metazoa must be based on the characteristics of the plathelminth stem species.  相似文献   

The study of serial sections of the metathoracic ganglion of Locusta migratoria showed that the fibres of the tympanal nerve terminate in the dorsal half of the anterior sensory neuropile (ASN). Three types of synaptic endings were found in the ASN. Endings type I contain dense-core vesicles 600-850 A in diameter, more or less uniformly distributed in the axoplasm. They do not form specialized contacts with postsynaptic fibres and are localized only in the most ventral part of the ASN. Endings type II contain clear round vesicles 400-450 A in diameter (rare 250-300 A) and form typical synapses with dense pre-and postsynaptic membranes and synaptic cleft 150-200 A. Four types of contacts formed by these endings with postsynaptic fibres were found: 1 : 1 synapses; convergent, divergent and serial. All of them are well presented in the auditory neuropile. Endings type III contain both dense-core and clear vesicles in different relation. Only clear vesicles of these endings are connected with the active sites of the membrane.  相似文献   

The morphology of intact or membrane-deprived interphase nuclei has been analysed by freeze-fracture electron microscopy. This method appears particularly useful for providing information on the distribution and organisation of chromatin and ribonucleoproteins in the absence of dehydration and embedding artifacts of conventional electron microscope techniques which, among other effects, appear to affect heterochromatin distribution, inducing its aggregation along the nuclear envelope. The main levels of chromatin superstructure, from nucleosome to solenoid fibres, are detectable in the replicas of freeze-fractured nuclei on the basis of the size of their shadow, a parameter particularly suitable for automated image analyses.  相似文献   

The renal pelvis of the hamster has been studied by light microscopy (epoxy resin sections), transmission electron microscopy, and morphometric analysis of electron micrographs. Three morphologically distinct epithelia line the pelvis, and each covers a different zone of the kidney. A thin epithelium covering the outer medulla (OM) consists of two cell types: (1) granular cells are most numerous and have apically positioned granules which stain intensely with toluidine blue, are membrane-bound, and contain a fine particulate matter that stains light grey to black in electron micrographs. (2) Basal cells do not have granules, are confined to the basal lamina region, and do not reach the mucosal epithelial surface. The inner medulla (IM) is covered by a pelvic epithelium morphologically similar to collecting duct epithelium of IM. Some cells in this portion of the pelvic epithelium (IM) stain intensely dark with toluidine blue, osmium tetroxide, lead, and uranyl acetate. Transitional epithelium, which separates cortex (C) from pelvic urine, has an asymmetric luminal plasma membrane and discoid vesicles, each of which is similar to those previously observed in mammalian ureter and urinary bladder epithelia. Based on morphological comparisons with other epithelia, the IM and OM pelvic epithelia would appear permeable to solutes and/or water, while the transitional epithelium covering the C appears relatively impermeable. It would also appear that the exchange of solutes and water between pelvic urine and OM would involve capillaries, primarily, since morphometric analysis showed that both fenestrated and continuous capillaries of the OM were extremely abundant (greater than 60% of OM pelvic surface area) just under the thin pelvic epithelium.  相似文献   

Anaerobacter polyendosporus cells do not have typical mesosomes. However, the analysis of this anaerobic multispore bacterium by electron microscopic cryofractography showed that its cytoplasmic membrane contains specific intramembrane structures in the form of flat lamellar inverted lipid membranes tenths of nanometers to several microns in size. It was found that these structures are located in the hydrophobic interior between the outer and inner leaflets of the cytoplasmic membrane and do not contain intramembrane particles that are commonly present on freeze-fracture replicas. The flat inverted lipid membranes were revealed in bacterial cells cultivated under normal growth conditions, indicating the existence of a complex-type compartmentalization in biological membranes, which manifests itself in the formation of intramembrane compartments having the appearance of vesicles and inverted lipid membranes.  相似文献   

The authors observed in electronic microscopy the methyl-bis-beta chlorethylamine action (nitrogen mustard) on normal human chromosomes. The effects were obtained in vitro after colchicine blocking and on grids after fixation. The action is remarkable on the fiber and on the chromatid's structure.  相似文献   

Differences in the location of putative inhibitory (F-type) synapses were revealed during research into the ultrastructural organization of the chemically sensitive cat ventrolateral medulla (VLM). These synapses are made up of axonal terminals filled with flattened synaptic vesicles with the long axis measuring 60–80 nm. They are mainly located in the caudal portion of the test area, while S-type synapses with spherical electron-transparent synaptic vesicals, with a mean diameter of 50 nm, are distributed fairly evenly within the confines of the test area. It is postulated that neuronal structure of the chemically sensitive cat VLM have a different functional significance in the exerting of central neurogenous control over circulatory function.A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 21, No. 3, pp. 300–305, May–June, 1989.  相似文献   

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