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Deletion of both iclR and arcA in E. coli profoundly alters the central metabolic fluxes and decreases acetate excretion by 70%. In this study we investigate the metabolic consequences of both deletions in E. coli BL21 (DE3). No significant differences in biomass yields, acetate yields, CO2 yields and metabolic fluxes could be observed between the wild type strain E. coli BL21 (DE3) and the double-knockout strain E. coli BL21 (DE3) ΔarcAΔiclR. This proves that arcA and iclR are poorly active in the BL21 wild type strain. Noteworthy, both strains co-assimilate glucose and acetate at high glucose concentrations (10–15 g l−1), while this was never observed in K12 strains. This implies that catabolite repression is less intense in BL21 strains compared to in E. coli K12.  相似文献   

We previously cloned a panel of peanut allergens by phage display technology. Examination of the codons used in these sequences indicated that most of the cDNAs contain an excess of the least used codons in Escherichia coli, namely AGG/AGA, that correspond to a minor tRNA, the product of the dnaY gene. To achieve high-level expression of the peanut allergens, the cDNAs were subcloned into an expression vector of the pET series (Novagen) in order to produce (His)10-tagged fusion proteins in conventional E. coli BL21(DE3) cells. The peanut allergens Ara h 1, Ara h 2, and Ara h 6 with an AGG/AGA codon content of 8–10% were only marginally expressed, whereas the peanut profilin Ara h 5, with an AGG/AGA codon content of only 0.8%, was efficiently expressed in these cells. Hence, by using modified BL21(DE3) E. coli cells, namely BL21-CodonPlus(DE3)-RIL cells (Stratagene) with extra copies of E. coli argU, ileY, and leuW tRNA genes, it was possible to attain high-level expression of the proteins affected by rare codon usage. IPTG-induced expression of several recombinant peanut allergens, such as Ara h 1, Ara h 2, and Ara h 6, was greatly increased in these special cells compared to the expression yield achieved by conventional E. coli hosts. The purification of the soluble and the insoluble fraction of Ara h 2 was performed by metal-affinity chromatography and yielded a total of about 30 mg (His)10-tagged recombinant protein per liter of culture of transformed BL21(DE3)CodonPlus-RIL cells. This is over 100 times more than achieved by production of Ara h 2 in conventional BL21(DE3) cells.  相似文献   

Summary Mutation of the ruv gene of E. coli is associated with sensitivity to radiation, and filamentous growth after transient inhibition of DNA synthesis. The filamentation of ruv strains is abolished by mutations in sfiA or sfiB that prevent SOS induced inhibition of cell division, but this does not restore resistance to UV radiation. Double mutants carrying both ruv and uvr mutations are considerably more sensitive to UV radiation than the single mutants, but there is no additive effect of ruv with recA, recF, recB, or recC mutations. ruv mutations have little effect on conjugal recombination in wild-type strains but confer recombination deficiency and extreme sensitivity to ionizing radiation in recBC sbcB strain. These results, together with the fact that ruv strains are excision proficient and mutable by UV light, are interpreted to suggest that the ruv + product is involved in recombinational repair of damaged DNA rather than in cell division as suggested by Otsuji et al. (1974).  相似文献   

Ultraviolet-radiation-induced DNA-repair replication was measured in wild-type, polA1, uvrD3, and uvrD3 strains of Escherichia coli K12. A large stimulation of repair replication was observed in the uvrD3 strain, compaired to the wild-type and polA1 strains. This enhanced repair replication was reduced in the polA1 uvrD3 strain. Therefore, a uvrD3 mutation appears to affect the amount of repair replication performed by DNA polymerase I. In the polA1 strain, there also appears to be an effect of the uvrD3 mutation on the amount of repair replication performed by DNA polymerase III (and/or II). The enhanced repair replication observed for the uvrD3 strains appears to be in response to the enhanced DNA degradation observed for these strains.  相似文献   

Summary The female-specific phages, I, II, W31 and H (but not T3 and T7) show a low efficiency of plating on all F-minus strains of Escherichia coli K12 except for the thr leu thi mutants descended from strain Y53. The locus responsible is linked to the histidine region and was presumably eliminated from the Y53 line of mutants in the course of mutagenesis.  相似文献   

Summary We have examined DNA strand breakage, DNA degradation, and the rate of DNA synthesis in lig and lig-recB strains of Escherichia coli K12 incubated in the presence and absence of 3 g/ml chloramphenicol. Substantial DNA strand breakage and DNA degradation is observed in the lig strain upon growth at 40°C; however, such strand breakage and DNA degradation is not observed in the lig-recB strain. Incubation of the lig strain at 40°C in the presence of 3 g/ml chloramphenicol reduces the amount of DNA strand breakage and DNA degradation to the level observed in the lig-recB strain. Together, these results demonstrate that exonuclease V (the recBC gene product) is responsible for the increased DNA degradation associated with DNA ligase deficiency.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli K-12 and B have been the subjects of classical experiments from which much of our understanding of molecular genetics has emerged. We present here complete genome sequences of two E. coli B strains, REL606, used in a long-term evolution experiment, and BL21(DE3), widely used to express recombinant proteins. The two genomes differ in length by 72,304 bp and have 426 single base pair differences, a seemingly large difference for laboratory strains having a common ancestor within the last 67 years. Transpositions by IS1 and IS150 have occurred in both lineages. Integration of the DE3 prophage in BL21(DE3) apparently displaced a defective prophage in the λ attachment site of B. As might have been anticipated from the many genetic and biochemical experiments comparing B and K-12 over the years, the B genomes are similar in size and organization to the genome of E. coli K-12 MG1655 and have > 99% sequence identity over ∼ 92% of their genomes. E. coli B and K-12 differ considerably in distribution of IS elements and in location and composition of larger mobile elements. An unexpected difference is the absence of a large cluster of flagella genes in B, due to a 41 kbp IS1-mediated deletion. Gene clusters that specify the LPS core, O antigen, and restriction enzymes differ substantially, presumably because of horizontal transfer. Comparative analysis of 32 independently isolated E. coli and Shigella genomes, both commensals and pathogenic strains, identifies a minimal set of genes in common plus many strain-specific genes that constitute a large E. coli pan-genome.  相似文献   

Summary The fpg + gene of Escherichia coli coding for formamidopyrimidine-DNA glycosylase was previously cloned on a multicopy plasmid. The plasmid copy of the fpg + gene was inactivated by cloning a kanamycin resistance gene into the open reading frame, yielding the fpg-1:: Knr mutation. This mutation was transferred to the chromosome in the following steps: (i) linearization of the plasmid bearing the fpg-1::Knr mutation and transformation of competent bacteria (recB recC sbcB); (ii) selection for chromosomal integration of the fpg-1::Knr mutation; (iii) phage P1 mediated transduction of the fpg-1::Knr mutation in the AB1157 background. The resulting fpg - mutant exhibited no detectable Fapy-DNA glycosylase activity in crude lysates. The insertion mutation was localized by means of genetic crosses between mtl and pyrE, at 81.7 min on the E. coli linkage map. Sequence analysis confirmed this mapping and further showed that fpg is adjacent to rpmBG in the order fpg, rpmGB, pyrE. The formamidopyrimidine-DNA glycosylase defective strain does not show unusual sensitivity to the following DNA damaging treatments: (i) methylmethanesulfonate, (ii) N-methyl-N-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine, (iii) ultraviolet light, (iv) -radiation. The fpg gene is neither part of the SOS regulon nor the adaptive response to alkylating agents.  相似文献   

Summary The nucleotide sequence of the Escherichia coli K12 -methylgalactoside transport operon, mgl, was determined. Primer extension analysis indicated that the synthesis of mRNA initiates at guanine residue 145 of the determined sequence. The operon contains three open reading frames (ORF). The operator proximal ORF, mglB, encodes the galactose binding protein, a periplasmic protein of 332 amino acids including the 23 residue amino-terminal signal peptide. Following a 62 nucleotide spacer, the second ORF, mglA, is capable of encoding a protein of 506 amino acids. The amino-terminal and carboxyl-terminal halves of this protein are homologous to each other and each half contains a putative nucleotide binding site. The third ORF, mglC, is capable of encoding a hydrophobic protein of 336 amino acids which is thought to generate the transmembrane pore. The overall organization of the mglBAC operon and its potential to encode three proteins is similar to that of the ara FGH high affinity transport operon, located approximately 1 min away on the E. coli K12 chromosome.  相似文献   

In matings of F′lac donors with an excess of recipient cells, different donor cells mated at different times. The concentration dependence of mating is incompatible with bimolecular reaction kinetics. In exponentially growing cultures, F′lac transfer from each donor cell continues to occur about once per generation. The establishment of F′lac in some recipient cells may take more than five generations.  相似文献   

Summary Mutations in the cysB and cysE genes of Escherichia coli K12 cause an increase in resistance to the gyrase inhibitor novobiocin but not to coumermycin, acriflavine and rifampicin. This unusual relationship was also observed among spontaneous novobiocin resistant (Novr) mutants: 10% of Novr mutants isolated on rich (LA) plates with novobiocin could not grow on minimal plates, and among those approximately half were cysB or cysE mutants. Further analyses demonstrated that cysB and cysE negative alleles neither interfere with transport of novobiocin nor affect DNA supercoiling.  相似文献   

We have previously reported the isolation of an Escherichia coli K12 mutant that is extremely sensitive to mutagenesis by low doses of ethylating agents. We now show by Southern analysis that the mutation involves a gross deletion covering at least the ogt and fnr genes and that no O6-alkylguanine-DNA-alkyltransferase activity is present in cell-free extracts of an ada::Tn10 derivative of these bacteria. Confirmation that sensitisation to ethylation-induced mutagenesis was attributable to ogt and not to any other loci covered by the deletion was obtained by constructing derivatives. Thus an ogt::kanr disruption mutation was introduced into the parental ogt + bacteria, and the ogt::kanr mutation was then eliminated by cotransduction of ogt + with the closely linked Tet r marker (zcj::Tn10). The (ogt-fnr) deletion or ogt::kanr disruption mutants were highly sensitive to ethyl methanesulphonate-induced mutagenesis, as measured by the induction of forward mutations to l-arabinose resistance (Ara1). Furthermore, the number of Arar mutants increased linearly with dose, unlike the case in ogt + bacteria, which had a threshold dose below which no mutants accumulated. Differences in mutability were even greater with propyl methanesulphonate. Overproduction of the ogt alkyltransferase from a multicopy plasmid reduced ethylmethanesulphonate-induced mutagenesis in the ogt mutant strains and also methylmethanesulphonate mutagenesis in ada bacteria. A sample of AB 1157 obtained from the E. coli K12 genetic stock centre also had a deletion covering the ogt and fnr genes. Since such deletions greatly influence the mutagenic responses to alkylating agents, a survey of the presence of the ogt gene in the E. coli K12 strain being used is advisable.  相似文献   

The effect of sucA or sucC gene knockout on the metabolism in Escherichia coli was investigated for the aerobic cell growth in batch and continuous cultivations based on gene expressions, enzyme activities, intracellular metabolite concentrations and metabolic flux analysis. In the batch cultivation, the cell growth rate and the glucose uptake rate were lower for sucA mutant as compared with the parent strain, while it was not the case for sucC mutant. A significantly higher amount of acetate was produced, and it was not utilized in sucC mutant, while a little less acetate was produced in sucA mutant as compared with the parent strain. Unlike the parent strain and sucC mutant, sucA mutant excreted a little amount of l-glutamate. Enzyme activity results show that some of the glycolytic enzymes such as Tpi and Pgk were up-regulated, while Pfk, Fba and Pyk activities were down-regulated for sucA mutant as compared with the parent strain. For sucC mutant, the activities of Pfk, Fba, Tpi, GAPDH, Pgk and Pyk activities were down-regulated. As for the TCA cycle enzymes, the activities of CS and ICDH were down-regulated, while those of Icl, MS, Fum and MDH were up-regulated for sucA mutant. The activities of the oxidative pentose phosphate (PP) pathway enzymes such as G6PDH and 6PGDH and the gluconeogenic pathway enzyme such as Mez were up-regulated in sucA mutant. The Ack activity was down-regulated for sucA mutant, but not for sucC mutant. In continuous cultivation, the gene expression results indicate that the global regulatory genes such as fadR and iclR were slightly down-regulated in sucA mutant, which enhanced the expression of aceA gene and caused the up-regulation of the isocitrate lyase activity in sucA mutant, while fadR and iclR of sucC mutant changed little and no isocitrate lyase activation was observed for sucC mutant. Some other global regulatory genes such as arcA and fnr genes were down-regulated in both mutants, which caused some of the TCA cycle genes to be up-regulated. The effect of the sucA gene knockout on the metabolic flux distributions was investigated based on 1H–13C NMR spectra and GC–MS signals obtained from 13C-labeling experiments. Flux analysis results indicate that the knockout of sucA gene caused the activation of PP pathway and the glyoxylate shunt. The fluxes through glycolysis and the TCA cycle were down-regulated in the sucA mutant. On the other hand, the fluxes through PP pathway and the anaplerotic reactions of Ppc-Pck and Mez increased.  相似文献   

Summary The phycobilisome rod linker genes in the two closely related cyanobacteria Synechococcus sp. PCC 6301 and Synechococcus sp. PCC 7942 were studied. Southern blot analysis showed that the genetic organization of the phycobilisome rod operon is very similar in the two strains. The phycocyanin gene pair is duplicated and separated by a region of about 2.5 kb. The intervening region between the duplicated phycocyanin gene pair was cloned from Synechococcus sp. PCC 6301 and sequenced. Analysis of this DNA sequence revealed the presence of three open reading frames corresponding to 273, 289 and 81 amino acids, respectively. Insertion of a kanamycin resistance cassette into these open reading frames indicated that they corresponded to the genes encoding the 30, 33 and 9 kDa rod linkers, respectively, as judged by the loss of specific linkers from the phycobilisomes of the insertional mutants. Amino acid compositions of the 30 and 33 kDa linkers derived from the DNA sequence were found to deviate from those of purified 33 and 30 kDa linkers in the amounts of glutamic acid/glutamine residues. On the basis of similarity of the amino acid sequence of the rod linkers between Synechococcus sp. PCC 6301 and Calothrix sp. PCC 7601 we name the genes encoding the 30, 33 and 9 kDa linkers cpcH, cpcI and cpcD, respectively. The three linker genes were found to be co-transcribed on an mRNA of 3700 nucleotides. However, we also detected a smaller species of mRNA, of 3400 nucleotides, which would encode only the cpcH and cpcI genes. The 30 kDa linker was still found in phycobilisome rods lacking the 33 kDa linker and the 9 kDa linker was detected in mutants lacking the 33 or the 30 kDa linkers. Free phycocyanin was found in the mutants lacking the 33 or the 30 kDa linkers, whereas no free phycocyanin could be found in the mutant lacking the 9 kDa linker.Abbreviations PCC Pasteur Culture Collection - UTEX University of Texas Culture Collection The nucleotide sequence data reported in this paper will appear in the EMBL, GenBank Nucleotide Sequence Databases under the accession number M94218  相似文献   

黄莘  丁涛  黄非  白林含 《微生物学报》2018,58(9):1605-1613
【目的】原核表达某些需辅因子的外源蛋白时往往酶活偏低,为提高酶活和减少外加辅因子的成本,我们尝试在大肠杆菌中表达外源过氧化氢-过氧化物酶的同时提高大肠杆菌中与该酶辅因子相关的合成代谢。【方法】本研究克隆了中度嗜盐菌Halomonas elongata DSM2581的过氧化氢-过氧化物酶CAT-POD(catalase-peroxidase)编码基因kat G的ORF,构建原核表达载体p ET28a-kat G,实现了CAT-POD在大肠杆菌中的重组表达。由于CAT-POD活性依赖其活性中心血红素,而血卟啉是血红素的骨架,通过构建原核表达载体p UC19-tac-hem A,将编码5-氨基乙酰丙酸合成酶的hem A基因在大肠杆菌中过量表达,提高卟啉的含量,从而提高重组蛋白CAT-POD的酶活。【结果】最终的CAT酶活达到了377 U/m L,为对照组的7.5倍。【结论】本研究为工业生产高活性CAT-POD提供了有效的方案,也为体外重组表达含辅因子的蛋白提供可借鉴的思路。  相似文献   

Summary Two new mutants of E. coli K12, strains PT9 and PT32 were isolated, that were defective in proline transport. They had no high affinity proline transport activity, but their cytoplasmic membranes retained proline binding activity with altered sensitivity to inhibition by p-chloromercuribenzoate(pCMB). The lesion was mapped at the putP gene, which is located at min 23 on the revised E. coli genetic map (Bachmann 1983) as a composite gene in the proline utilization gene cluster, putP, putC, and putA, arranged in this order. The putC gene was shown to regulate the synthesis of proline dehydrogenase (putA gene product).Hybrid plasmids carrying the put region (Motojima et al. 1979; Wood et al. 1979) were used to construct the physical map of the put region. The possible location of the putP gene in the DNA segment was determined by subcloning the putP gene, genetic complementation, and recombination analyses using several proline transport mutants.Abbreviations pCMB p-chloromercuribenzoate - DM Davis and Mingioli - Ap ampicillin - NTG N-methyl-N-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine - EMS ethylmethane sulfonate - Str streptomycin - Tet tetracycline - Ac l-azetidine-2-carboxylic acid - DHP 3, 4-dehydro-d,l-proline - MTT 3-(4,5-dimethyl-2)2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide - Tris tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane - EDTA ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid - Kan kanamycin - Spc spectinomycin  相似文献   

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