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生物多样性与人类可持续发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王斌 《生物学杂志》1996,13(5):9-10,19
生物多样性与人类可持续发展□王斌(华东师范大学河口海岸国家重点实验室,上海200062)1生物多样性的概念及其价值生物多样性可以简单地表述为:“生物之间的多样化和变异性以及物种生境的生态复杂性(OTA,1987)”,生物多样性包括植物、动物和微生物的...  相似文献   

生物多样性是指地球上所有生物种类及其功能关系的总和。它包括基因多样性、物种多样性和生态系统多样性。生物多样性具有多方面的价值。 1)存在价值强调生物体的“活着”就是一种价值表现 ,生物个体的活着并不只是为了自己 ,同时也在为其它物种提供食物来源。2 )选择价值是指生物多样性具有一种潜在的进化优势 ,当自然选择的进化驱力偏向某一方向时 ,必然能够找出适宜这种进化驱力的个体 ,即“选择”出某种生物体完成自然进化。3)维持价值强调自然界的每一个物种都在为生态系统的稳定和平衡起着维持作用。某一物种的灭绝往往导致食物链断裂…  相似文献   

苔藓植物的生物多样性及其保护   总被引:32,自引:1,他引:32  
曹同  高谦 《生态学杂志》1997,16(2):47-52
苔藓植物的生物多样性及其保护曹同高谦付星路勇(中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所,110015)DiversityofBryophytesandTheirConservation.CaoTong,GaoQian,FuXing,LuYong(Institut...  相似文献   

生物多样性保护现状及其研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
生物多样性是地球上所有生命的总和,是40亿年以来生物进化的最终结果,也是世界上的自然财富.它包括几百万不同种类的植物、动物和微生物以及它们所拥有的基因和由这些生物与所在地环境所构成的生态系统.因此,生物多样性包括三个层次的概念,即遗传多样性、物种多样性和生态系统多样性.此外,人们还重视更高层次的多样性即景观多样性.生物多样性是人类的生物资源,有的已为人类所利用,而大部分它的潜在价值尚未被人们所发现.自然保护在20世纪40年代已开始受到重视.自80年代初以来,有关生物多样性国际会议频频召开,1992年,世界资源研究所(WRI)、  相似文献   

城市生物多样性保护是全球生物多样性保护体系的重要组成部分,也是城市可持续发展的重要内容。通过对比中国和欧洲城市生物多样性保护实践,有助于完善中国城市生物多样性保护措施。首先,从城市发展和生态系统协同治理的视角出发,基于城市生物多样性保护的核心载体和功能,聚焦生境保护、空间规制和协同治理等实现路径,提出城市生物多样性保护的理论框架。然后,系统梳理、总结和对比中国与欧洲的城市生物多样性保护实践,发现中国城市生物多样性保护工作理念鲜明、治理效果明显,但仍然存在改进空间。在城市发展规划方面,欧洲城市生物多样性规划体系全面系统、针对性强,而中国城市生物多样性保护与城市发展规划融合不足,建议加强二者的有效衔接;在城市绿地建设方面,欧洲城市日益重视生态系统的连通性和完整性,而中国城市仍以公园等传统绿地建设为主,应提升微观尺度绿地空间利用和生态系统营造;在生态保护补偿方面,欧洲城市在多元化、市场化补偿方面探索较多,而中国的城市生物多样性保护补偿机制尚不成熟,建议逐步探索绿色基金等多元化补偿方式;在公众参与方面,欧洲城市强调自下而上的生物多样性保护公众参与机制,而中国仍以政府为治理主体,公众参与意识和参...  相似文献   

江西种子植物特有属的生物多样性及其保护   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
江西植被中拥有中国种子植物特有属56个(含80种),是华东特有属的生物多样性最显著的地区。通过近年调查和数量分析,研究了江西植被中中国种子植物特有属的物种多样性、空间分布格局、生态地理特性及生物多样性中心,探讨了本区与邻近地区中国种子植物特有属分布的联系及其重要地位,并对特有属的生物多样性保护与持续发展提出了切实可行的对策。  相似文献   

从火山锥中的单花郁金香说起 1992年5月末,内蒙古锡林河畔的一个火山口周围,缓缓走动着几个人。这是中国科学院内蒙古草原生态系统定位研究站的科研人员在寻找一种珍稀濒危植物——单花郁金香(Tulipa uniflora)。十几年前的这个季节,他们曾在这里、且仅在这里见到了这种生命的群体。这已是他们的第三次登山拜访了,但仍不见这娇花的影子。单花郁金香属于短命旱中生植物。早春开花,花大而艳丽,具有观赏价值。它在内蒙古草原东部的出现,是古地中海植物区系的残遗分布,证明了蒙古草原地区与中亚地区和地中海地区植物区系在起源上的密切联系。数十年的草原考察,只在这个火山口周围的碎石隙中采集到这种植物。编辑《中国植物志》和《中国高等植物图鉴》时,鉴于其标本数量的不足,均未  相似文献   

生物多样性是地球上生命经过几十亿年发展进化的结果,是人类赖以生存的物质基础。人类从生物多样性中得到了所需要的全部食品、许多药物和工业原料,同时,生物多样性在娱乐和旅游业中也起着重要的作用。这是我们大家熟知的生物多样性的直接价值。它的间接价值主要与生态系统的功能有关,通常它并不表现在国家核算体制上,但如果计算出来,它的价值大大超过其消费和生产性的直接价值。生  相似文献   

国际瞩目的生物多样性的保护   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
科学进步、工农业发展,促进了人类文明,也带来环境污染问题。人口的膨胀,需要更多的耕田和生活资料,消耗更多的资源。人们开始发现,人类正在不知不觉地破坏赖以生存的环境。生物多样性以前所未有的速度在减少,这已引起生物学家、生态学家及社会各界的震惊。生物多样性是指地球上所有有生命的资源,是40亿年来自然进化的结果,它包括几百万甚至上千万的植物、动物和微生物以及它们所拥有的基因,和由这些生物所组成的生态系统。因此生物多样性包括三个方面内容,即物种多样性、遗传多样性和生态系统多样性。在自然界有多种多样的物种。在物种下的品种或小种  相似文献   

浅述生物多样性的价值及其保护   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
阐明了生物多样性的概念与含义,以及生物多样性3个层次之间的相互关系。探讨了生物多样性的价值及保护问题。针对中国(或)世界生物多样性目前现状及存在的问题提出合理建议,为生物多样性的可持续利用与发展提供理论依据。  相似文献   

The coincidence of people and biodiversity in Europe   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
A positive correlation between human population density and species richness has been recorded across the tropics. Here I investigate whether this correlation holds true for Europe. Analyses reveal a positive correlation between human population density and plant (rho = 0.505), mammal (rho = 0.471) and reptile and amphibian (rho = 0.556) species richness. The results are largely concordant with those obtained in similar studies for Africa. However, contrary to previous analyses, the correlation found between people and breeding bird species richness (rho = 0.186) was weak. Of three measures of endemism used, only combined European endemic species richness correlated with human density (rho = 0.437). Richness among combined restricted‐range European endemics was not correlated (rho = 0.095) with human density, while richness among all combined restricted‐range species was only weakly correlated with human density (rho = 0.167). The results partially support the idea of a correlation between people and biodiversity, although there are some important exceptions. Discussion of possible mechanisms underling the observed patterns is undertaken.  相似文献   

In recent decades, the extent of primary forest in tropical regions has decreased drastically, with concurrent increases in the extent of tropical secondary forest. This has important implications for conservation management. We present novel data on species diversity and composition for three taxa (bats, geometrid moths and plants) in forests at two stages of secondary growth located in the Aberdare Mountains in Central Kenya. We found no significant differences in alpha diversity for any of the sampled groups between forest types. However, we found disturbance‐driven differences of tree and herb community compositions and correlations between tree and moth – and tree and shrub community compositions. Changes in community compositions were more pronounced using an abundance‐based indicator (Bray–Curtis) in comparison with an incidence based (Sørensen). Our results demonstrate that solely working with alpha diversity values can be misleading in conservation planning as they might not reflect compositional changes between habitats. Furthermore, abundance‐based compositional measures appear to be superior to incidence‐based measures for detecting subtle effects of disturbance on biodiversity.  相似文献   

不同植被类型对外界干扰和环境变化的敏感性不同。为厘清中国不同类型植被的动态变化特征及其对外界环境变化的响应,综合利用趋势分析、残差分析和情景模拟方法,在明确2000-2015年间我国不同植被类型归一化植被指数(NDVI)时空变化基础上,对气候变化和人类活动两大驱动要素在不同植被类型NDVI变化中的相对贡献进行了定量评估和归因。研究结果表明:(1)2000-2015年,我国植被NDVI整体呈增加趋势,且其空间占比高达84.1%。其中,森林植被的改善状况最佳,显著增加的面积占到了森林总面积的82.4%;而荒漠植被的改善状况相对较差,仅有22.3%的区域呈显著增加趋势。(2)人类活动在我国植被变化中占主导地位。植被改善区和植被退化区人类活动的相对贡献分别为76.4%和60.0%,且人类活动对植被的影响更多与管理方式而非土地利用类型转变有关。(3)不同类型植被对气候变化和人类活动的响应差异显著。对于植被改善区,除沼泽外,人类活动对各类型植被NDVI变化的贡献率均在70%以上,尤其是对农作物的贡献率最高,达到80.7%;对于植被退化区,人类活动影响较大的植被类型为沼泽和农作物,表明2000-2015年间我国沼泽受到了更强烈人类活动的负面影响。研究有助于增强对不同植被类型对全球变化响应机制的理解,并为促进生态建设和植被恢复工作的有效实施提供科学参考。  相似文献   

云南省西双版纳地区是我国典型热带雨林区,随着社会经济发展,人类活动对区域植被格局与动态产生强烈影响。利用NDVI变化趋势分析、土地利用转移矩阵和基于MODIS数据的干扰指数(MGDI)3种方法,分析了2000-2010年人类活动干扰下研究区植被动态变化,构建了人类活动干扰指数,并利用冗余分析的方法,分析其与植被特征的相关性。结果表明:通过NDVI变化趋势得出,2000-2010年间,研究区植被覆盖度总体较高,植被变化趋势的斜率均大于0,说明植被总体趋于改善;基于土地利用转移矩阵结果表明,植被变化主要发生在常绿阔叶林、常绿针叶林转变为乔木园地、灌木园地、人工园地或居住用地;基于MODIS影像结果得出,西双版纳地区MGDI分布很不均匀,且2000-2010不同土地覆被类型MGDI相差不大。构建的人类活动干扰指数结果显示人类干扰强度由中心向边缘呈递增趋势,呈分散分布,这与人类活动的分布规模和强度相关。通过冗余分析可知,NDVI与人类活动相关性较大,MGDI与人类活动相关性不大。总体上来说,上述3种方法能够从不同侧面反映出人类活动干扰下植被长时间的变化趋势。因此,对于西双版纳地区,局地的人类活动特别是旅游、基础设施建设、农业活动等对热带雨林自然生态系统的干扰不容忽视。  相似文献   

Patterns of biodiversity, environment and human impact were studied in 57 sample plots in an 1,178 ha forest area in a rural mountain area of Nepal that is administrated by the Annapurna Conservation Area Project. Alpha-, beta- and gamma-diversity was measured or estimated for six groups of organisms: trees, shrubs, climbers, herbs, polypores and mycorrhizal fungi, and the recorded patterns were correlated with a set of environmental variables. Human impact in terms of fuelwood collection, selective cutting and grazing was found to influence species diversity patterns in all organism groups. Species richness of trees, climbers and polypores at plot level (alpha-diversity) generally responded negatively to human impact, whereas species richness of herbs and shrubs showed a positive relation. Species turnover (beta-diversity), measured as length of the DCA first axis, was significantly correlated to distance to village for all species groups. This indicates that the human impact is very important for the biodiversity patterns in the study area, and that biodiversity connected to undisturbed forest habitats are potentially threatened in the area. The results are discussed in the context of practical conservation. A proposal for future management zones addressing protection of biodiversity without limiting the local use of the forest resource is put forward.  相似文献   

The most distinctive feature of planet Earth is that, unlike any other world in this solar system, it is rich in biodiversity. Our own species, which evolved as part of the biosphere that sustains us, has the intelligence and curiosity to explore the world around us and to understand its complexity. Given the environmental challenges that lie ahead we have much to learn by exploring all aspects of biodiversity. One astonishingly informative field of investigation is palynology, the study of the pollen grains and spores of plants. These microscopic, self-contained biological units are surrounded by chemically resistant cell walls with distinctive structures and symmetry. They can provide insights into such fundamental questions as how and when plants first colonised the land or how the earth's vegetation has developed through geological time and on finer time scales. They provide phylogenetic evidence important in plant systematics and model systems for understanding plant development at the cellular level. This short voyage through the microscopic world of pollen grains and spores is a personal account of the interest and importance of these microscopic keys to understanding the earth's biodiversity.  相似文献   

Historically, views and measurements of biodiversity have had a narrow focus, for instance, characterizing the attributes of observable patterns but affording less attention to processes. Here, we explore the question: how does a systems thinking view – one where the world is seen as elements and processes that connect and interact in dynamic ways to form a whole – affect the way we understand biodiversity and practice conservation? We answer this question by illustrating the systemic properties of biodiversity at multiple levels, and show that biodiversity is a collection of dynamic systems linking seemingly disparate biological and cultural components and requiring an understanding of the system as a whole. We conclude that systems thinking calls traditional views of species, ecosystem function, and human relationships with the rest of biodiversity into question. Finally, we suggest some of the ways in which this view can impact the science and practice of conservation, particularly through affecting our conservation targets and strategies.  相似文献   

Modern human societies have negatively impacted native species richness and their adaptive capacity on every continent, in clearly contrasting ways. We propose a general model to explain how the sequence, duration and type of colonising society alter native species richness patterns through changes in evolutionary pressures. These changes cause different ‘filtering effects' on native species, while simultaneously altering the capacity of surviving species to adapt to further anthropogenic pressures. This framework may better explain the observed native species extinction rates and extirpation legacies following human colonisation events, as well as better predict future patterns of human impact on biodiversity.  相似文献   

Aim Due to the important role of lianas in the functioning of forest ecosystem, knowledge of the factors that affect them are important in the management of forests. Currently, there are conflicting reports on the response of liana communities to disturbance, calling for more research in the area. The present study was carried out to investigate the response of liana diversity and structure to human disturbance within two major forests in the Penang National Park, Malaysia. The study also looked at the implication of the findings for conservation.Methods A total of 15 40 × 40-m 2 (or 40-m × 40-m) plots each were randomly located across a range of habitats in a primary forest and disturbed secondary forest. Trees with diameter at breast height ≥10 cm were examined for lianas with diameter ≥2 cm. Both lianas and trees were enumerated and compared between the two forests. Diversity and structural variables of lianas were compared between the two forests using the t -test analysis. Tree abundance was also compared between the two forests with t -test, while linear regression analysis was run to determine the effects of tree abundance on liana abundance.Important findings A total of 46 liana species belonging to 27 genera and 15 families were identified in the study. Human disturbance significantly reduced liana species richness and species diversity in the secondary forest. Liana abundance remained the same in both forests whereas liana basal area was significantly higher in the primary forest. Twiners and hook climbers were significantly more abundant in the primary and secondary forest, respectively. Large diameter lianas were more abundant in the primary forest compared with the secondary forest. The diameter distribution of most families in the primary forest followed the inverted J-shaped curve whereas only a few of the families in the secondary forest did so. Tree abundance was significantly higher in the primary forest. The abundance of lianas significantly depended on tree abundance in all the forests. The study has provided evidence of negative effects of human disturbance on liana diversity and structure that does not auger well for biodiversity in the forest. In view of the critical role of lianas in maintaining biodiversity in the forest ecosystem, lianas in the national park should be protected from further exploitation.  相似文献   

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