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The Salmonella genomic island 1 (SGI1) is a Salmonella enterica-derived integrative mobilizable element (IME) containing various complex multiple resistance integrons identified in several S. enterica serovars and in Proteus mirabilis. Previous studies have shown that SGI1 transfers horizontally by in trans mobilization in the presence of the IncA/C conjugative helper plasmid pR55.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Here, we report the ability of different prevalent multidrug resistance (MDR) plasmids including extended-spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL) gene-carrying plasmids to mobilize the multidrug resistance genomic island SGI1. Through conjugation experiments, none of the 24 conjugative plasmids tested of the IncFI, FII, HI2, I1, L/M, N, P incompatibility groups were able to mobilize SGI1 at a detectable level (transfer frequency <10−9). In our collection, ESBL gene-carrying plasmids were mainly from the IncHI2 and I1 groups and thus were unable to mobilize SGI1. However, the horizontal transfer of SGI1 was shown to be specifically mediated by conjugative helper plasmids of the broad-host-range IncA/C incompatibility group. Several conjugative IncA/C MDR plasmids as well as the sequenced IncA/C reference plasmid pRA1 of 143,963 bp were shown to mobilize in trans SGI1 from a S. enterica donor to the Escherichia coli recipient strain. Depending on the IncA/C plasmid used, the conjugative transfer of SGI1 occurred at frequencies ranging from 10−3 to 10−6 transconjugants per donor. Of particular concern, some large IncA/C MDR plasmids carrying the extended-spectrum cephalosporinase bla CMY-2 gene were shown to mobilize in trans SGI1.


The ability of the IncA/C MDR plasmid family to mobilize SGI1 could contribute to its spread by horizontal transfer among enteric pathogens. Moreover, the increasing prevalence of IncA/C plasmids in MDR S. enterica isolates worldwide has potential implications for the epidemic success of the antibiotic resistance genomic island SGI1 and its close derivatives.  相似文献   

The genomic island SGI1 and its variants, the important vehicles of multi-resistance in Salmonella strains, are integrative elements mobilized exclusively by the conjugative IncA/C plasmids. Integration and excision of the island are carried out by the SGI1-encoded site-specific recombinase Int and the recombination directionality factor Xis. Chromosomal integration ensures the stable maintenance and vertical transmission of SGI1, while excision is the initial step of horizontal transfer, followed by conjugation and integration into the recipient. We report here that SGI1 not only exploits the conjugal apparatus of the IncA/C plasmids but also utilizes the regulatory mechanisms of the conjugation system for the exact timing and activation of excision to ensure efficient horizontal transfer. This study demonstrates that the FlhDC-family activator AcaCD, which regulates the conjugation machinery of the IncA/C plasmids, serves as a signal of helper entry through binding to SGI1 xis promoter and activating SGI1 excision. Promoters of int and xis genes have been identified and the binding site of the activator has been located by footprinting and deletion analyses. We prove that expression of xis is activator-dependent while int is constitutively expressed, and this regulatory mechanism is presumably responsible for the efficient transfer and stable maintenance of SGI1.  相似文献   

Incompatibility group A/C (IncA/C) plasmids have received recent attention for their broad host range and ability to confer resistance to multiple antimicrobial agents. Due to the potential spread of multidrug resistance (MDR) phenotypes from foodborne pathogens to human pathogens, the dissemination of these plasmids represents a public health risk. In this study, four animal-source IncA/C plasmids isolated from Escherichia coli were sequenced and analyzed, including isolates from commercial dairy cows, pigs and turkeys in the U.S. and Chile. These plasmids were initially selected because they either contained the floR and tetA genes encoding for florfenicol and tetracycline resistance, respectively, and/or the bla(CMY-2) gene encoding for extended spectrum β-lactamase resistance. Overall, sequence analysis revealed that each of the four plasmids retained a remarkably stable and conserved backbone sequence, with differences observed primarily within their accessory regions, which presumably have evolved via horizontal gene transfer events involving multiple modules. Comparison of these plasmids with other available IncA/C plasmid sequences further defined the core and accessory elements of these plasmids in E. coli and Salmonella. Our results suggest that the bla(CMY-2) plasmid lineage appears to have derived from an ancestral IncA/C plasmid type harboring floR-tetAR-strAB and Tn21-like accessory modules. Evidence is mounting that IncA/C plasmids are widespread among enteric bacteria of production animals and these emergent plasmids have flexibility in their acquisition of MDR-encoding modules, necessitating further study to understand the evolutionary mechanisms involved in their dissemination and stability in bacterial populations.  相似文献   

In the family Enterobacteriaceae, plasmids have been classified according to 27 incompatibility (Inc) or replicon types that are based on the inability of different plasmids with the same replication mechanism to coexist in the same cell. Certain replicon types such as IncA/C are associated with multidrug resistance (MDR). We developed a microarray that contains 286 unique 70-mer oligonucleotide probes based on sequences from five IncA/C plasmids: pYR1 (Yersinia ruckeri), pPIP1202 (Yersinia pestis), pP99-018 (Photobacterium damselae), pSN254 (Salmonella enterica serovar Newport), and pP91278 (Photobacterium damselae). DNA from 59 Salmonella enterica isolates was hybridized to the microarray and analyzed for the presence or absence of genes. These isolates represented 17 serovars from 14 different animal hosts and from different geographical regions in the United States. Qualitative cluster analysis was performed using CLUSTER 3.0 to group microarray hybridization results. We found that IncA/C plasmids occurred in two lineages distinguished by a major insertion-deletion (indel) region that contains genes encoding mostly hypothetical proteins. The most variable genes were represented by transposon-associated genes as well as four antimicrobial resistance genes (aphA, merP, merA, and aadA). Sixteen mercury resistance genes were identified and highly conserved, suggesting that mercury ion-related exposure is a stronger pressure than anticipated. We used these data to construct a core IncA/C genome and an accessory genome. The results of our studies suggest that the transfer of antimicrobial resistance determinants by transfer of IncA/C plasmids is somewhat less common than exchange within the plasmids orchestrated by transposable elements, such as transposons, integrating and conjugative elements (ICEs), and insertion sequence common regions (ISCRs), and thus pose less opportunity for exchange of antimicrobial resistance.  相似文献   

Multidrug resistance blaCMY-2 plasmids that confer resistance to expanded-spectrum cephalosporins have been found in multiple bacterial species collected from different hosts worldwide. The widespread distribution of blaCMY-2 plasmids may be driven by antibiotic use that selects for the dissemination and persistence of these plasmids. Alternatively, these plasmids may persist and spread in bacterial populations in the absence of selection pressure if a balance exists among conjugative transfer, segregation loss during cell division, and fitness cost to the host. We conducted a series of experiments (both in vivo and in vitro) to study these mechanisms for three blaCMY-2 plasmids, peH4H, pAR060302, and pAM04528. Results of filter mating experiments showed that the conjugation efficiency of blaCMY-2 plasmids is variable, from <10(-7) for pAM04528 and peH4H to ~10(-3) for pAR060302. Neither peH4H nor pAM04528 was transferred from Escherichia coli strain DH10B, but peH4H was apparently mobilized by the coresident trimethoprim resistance-encoding plasmid pTmpR. Competition studies showed that carriage of blaCMY-2 plasmids imposed a measurable fitness cost on the host bacteria both in vitro (0.095 to 0.25) and in vivo (dairy calf model). Long-term passage experiments in the absence of antibiotics demonstrated that plasmids with limited antibiotic resistance phenotypes arose, but eventually drug-sensitive, plasmid-free clones dominated the populations. Given that plasmid decay or loss is inevitable, we infer that some level of selection is required for the long-term persistence of blaCMY-2 plasmids in bacterial populations.  相似文献   

Plasmid Rms312, specifying resistance to tetracycline (Tc), chloramphenicol (Cm), streptomycin (Sm), sulfonamide (Su), and mercury chloride (Mer), deletes both Tc and Cm Sm Su Mer determinants at a high frequency in Salmonella typhimurium LT2. S. typhimurium mutants that were stable carriers of Rms312 were isolated by alternate culture of R-bearing cells in a medium containing either tetracycline or chloramphenicol. In one of these mutants the deletion frequency of drug resistance determinants was decreased by about 100-fold not only Rms312, but also in R100, R1, and R6-5. This mutation caused a slight reduction of ultraviolet resistance but did not affect generalized genetic recombination, indicating that the mutation is different from recA. The mutation, designated dor (deletion of r-determinants), was mapped to a position near 57 units in the new linkage map of S. typhimurijm LT2 (K. E. Sanderson and P. E. Hartman, Microbiol. Rev. 42:471-519, 1978). The dor mutation had no effect on IS1-mediated illegitimate deletion, indicating that the dor mutation is different from the del mutation described by Nevers and Saedler (P. Nevers and H. Saedler, Mol. Gen. Genet. 160:209-214, 1978).  相似文献   

The data on the influence of acquired plasmid resistance to antibiotics on S. typhimurium phagovar. Plasmid R was transferred from S. typhimurium strain, isolated from the focus of hospital salmonellosis and resistant to the lytic action of phages, to Escherichia coli K12 and then to antibiotic-sensitive S. typhimurium strains of different phagovars, isolated from patients with alimentary toxicoinfections. The influence of plasmid R on the phagovar of recipient strains, most pronounced in strains of phagovar I, was revealed. The transconjugates of this phagovar considerably changed sensitivity to phages and in some cases acquired resistance to the lytic action of typing phages, thus becoming identical in this feature to the donor of the plasmid.  相似文献   

A group of low molecular-weight ColE1-like plasmids carrying the aph sequence type aph(ii) from three different Salmonella serovars were sequenced. These plasmids carry two or more copies of IS903 elements, with up to 21bp sequence differences to one another, two of which flank the aph gene. This group of plasmids did not appear to carry any known mobilization genes and instead carry three open reading frames encoding hypothetical proteins of unknown function possibly organized in an operon. The plasmid replication region (RNA I/II--rom) of this plasmid group showed extensive homology to that of pKPN2 plasmid of Klebsiella pneumoniae and pCol-let plasmid of Escherichia coli. Three of the four plasmids had identical sequences, and the fourth had an extra copy of IS903 with target duplication, suggesting a recent divergence in the different Salmonella serovars from a common ancestor.  相似文献   

One limiting factor in studies of tuberculosis and leprosy is the difficulty of genetic analysis and manipulation of mycobacteria. Two approaches were adopted for the construction of vectors, based on different Escherichia coli plasmids and using Mycobacterium smegmatis as the host. In both cases we found that the original E. coli plasmid is capable of being replicated in M. smegmatis, yielding chloramphenicol-resistant colonies. One such plasmid has been recovered from a M. smegmatis transformant and used to re-transform both M. smegmatis and E. coli to chloramphenicol resistance. This plasmid is indistinguishable from the original plasmid by restriction analysis, and can be used as a shuttle vector for the genetic manipulation of mycobacterial species.  相似文献   

This study investigated the mechanisms of resistance of 36 quinolone‐resistant Salmonella Typhimurium strains isolated from outpatients with infectious diarrhea in Beijing Tian Tan Hospital between 2013 and 2015. The resistance spectrum of the 36 strains was measured using a broth dilution method. Class 1 integrons harboring the β‐lactamase gene and mutations in quinolone resistance determining regions were also investigated. All 36 quinolone‐resistant Salmonella Typhimurium strains were found to be multidrug‐resistant and the majority of these strains harbored Class 1 integrons. These findings study suggests that strategies for determining resistance spectrums should be implemented with greater urgency.  相似文献   

The enteric pathogen Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium (S. Typhimurium) encounters a variety of anti-microbial peptides during the course of infection. We report here that the extracytoplasmic sigma factor sigma(E) (RpoE) is required for Salmonella resistance to killing by the bactericidal/permeability-increasing protein (BPI)-derived peptide P2 and the murine alpha-defensin cryptdin-4 (Crp4). Moreover, sigma(E)-deficient S. Typhimurium is attenuated for virulence after oral infection of immunocompromised gp91phox(-/-) mice that lack a functional NADPH phagocyte oxidase, suggesting that sigma(E) plays an important role in resistance to non-oxidative mucosal host defences such as anti-microbial peptides. Although both P2 and Crp4 target the cell envelope, bacterial killing by these peptides appears to occur by distinct mechanisms. Formate enhances bacterial resistance to P2, as previously demonstrated, but not to Crp4. Both sigma(E) and cytoplasmic membrane-associated formate dehydrogenase are required for the protective effect of formate against P2. In contrast to P2, Crp4 does not inhibit bacterial respiration at lethal concentrations. However, both peptides induce expression of rpoE, suggesting that they trigger a common mechanism for sensing extracytoplasmic stress.  相似文献   

Among more than 2,500 serovars, eight contain a virulence plasmid, including medically important Salmonella enterica serovars Choleraesuis, Dublin, Enteritidis, and Typhimurium. These serovar-specific virulence plasmids vary in size, but all contain the spv operon, which plays a role in the expression of the virulence. Genetically, these virulence plasmids are likely derived from a common ancestral plasmid possessing virulence-related genes and loci. Based on the analysis of the available DNA sequences of the plasmids, the phylogenetic path may be split into two: pSPV (virulence plasmid of S. Gallinarum-Pullorum) acquires an incompatibility-related locus that differs from that of the others. At some point, pSCV (virulence plasmid of S. Choleraesuis) and pSDV (virulence plasmid of S. Dublin) lose oriT by recombination or simply by deletion, making the two unable to be mobilized. On the other hand, pSEV (virulence plasmid of S. Enteritidis) also loses some DNA by deletion but not as extensively as pSCV, and therefore pSEV is closest to pSTV (virulence plasmid of S. Typhimurium) both genetically and biologically. The pSTV shows the least alternation during the evolution. There are two types of pSDV. pSDVu recombines with non-virulence 36.6-kb plasmid to acquire additional incompatibility trait to form pSDVr. Recent reports indicated that S. Choleraesuis and S. Typhimurium could generate different types of hybrid plasmids, which consisted of the serovar-specific virulence plasmid and an array of resistance gene cassettes. The recombination gives Salmonella a survival advantage in an unfavorable drug environment. The integration of resistance genes and additional replicons into a Salmonella virulence plasmid constitutes a new and interesting example of plasmid evolution and poses a serious threat to public health.  相似文献   



Bacterial genomes are mosaic structures composed of genes present in every strain of the same species (core genome), and genes present in some but not all strains of a species (accessory genome). The aim of this study was to compare the genetic diversity of core and accessory genes of a Salmonella enterica subspecies enterica serovar Typhimurium (Typhimurium) population isolated from food-animal and human sources in four regions of Mexico. Multilocus sequence typing (MLST) and macrorestriction fingerprints by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) were used to address the core genetic variation, and genes involved in pathogenesis and antibiotic resistance were selected to evaluate the accessory genome.  相似文献   

Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium is one of the most prevalent serovars of Salmonella that causes human gastroenteritis. Here, we report the draft genome sequence of the S. Typhimurium multidrug-resistant strain ST1660/06. Comparative genomic analysis unveiled three strain-specific genomic islands that potentially confer the multidrug resistance and virulence of the strain.  相似文献   

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