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Subsurface bacterial growth occurred in an N-free medium inoculated with interior tissues of big non-mycorrhizal roots (7 to 8 mm diameter) of 15-20 years-old Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) growing on sand dunes at the Baltic Sea of Poland. The bacteria were not N2 fixers as determined by the acetylene reduction method. Light microscopic and scanning electron microscopic observations revealed massive bacterial clusters residing in the cortical cells underlying epidermis and parenchyma. The bacteria produced yellow-green pigments on King's medium, which fluoresced under ultraviolet (UV) irradiation at 366 nm wavelength, and could be a siderophore-producing Pseudomonas.  相似文献   

Kinetics of net phosphate (Pi) uptake was measured on intact ectomycorrhizal and non‐mycorrhizal Pinus sylvestris seedlings using a semihydroponic cultivation method. The depletion of Pi in a nutrient solution was assessed over a 160–0.2 μM Pi gradient. Growth of the pine seedlings was P limited and measurements were performed 7 and 9 weeks after inoculation. Three ectomycorrhizal fungi were studied: Paxillus involutus, Suillus bovinus and Thelephoraterrestris. Pi uptake was extremely fast in plants colonised by P. involutus. The Pi concentration dropped below 0.2 μM within 4–5 h. In plants colonised with S. bovinus this occurred in 5–6 h and in plants associated with T. terrestris 8 h were needed to run through the whole concentration range. Non‐mycorrhizal plants of similar size and nutrient status decreased Pi to a concentration between 1 and 2 μM in 18 h. Data were curve fitted to a two‐phase Michaelis‐Menten equation. The apparent kinetic constants, Km and Vmax, for the high affinity Pi uptake system of the pine roots could be estimated accurately. Vmax of this system was up to 7 times higher in pines associated with P. involutus than in non‐mycorrhizal seedlings. The intact extraradical mycelium greatly increased the absorption surface area of the roots (Vmax). Non‐mycorrhizal plants had a Km between 7.8 and 16.4 μM Pi. Plants mycorrhizal with P. involutus had Km values between 2.4 and 7.2, plants colonised with S. bovinus had a Km between 5.1 and 12.3, and seedlings associated with T. terrestris had a Km from 4.6 to 10.1 μM Pi. All 3 ectomycorrhizal fungi had a strong impact on the Pi absorption capacity of the pine seedlings. The results also demonstrated that there is substantial heterogeneity in kinetic parameters among the different mycorrhizal root systems.  相似文献   


Key message

A novel non-destructive method is presented for studying the frost hardiness of roots. Principal component analysis from the electrical impedance spectra revealed differences between freezing temperatures, but no clear differences between the mycorrhizal treatments as regards freezing stress.


We present a novel non-destructive method for the classification of root systems with different degrees of freezing injuries based on the measurement of electrical impedance spectra (EIS). Roots of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) seedlings, raised in perlite with nutrient solution, were colonized by Hebeloma sp. or Suillus luteus or left non-mycorrhizal, and exposed to a series of low temperatures (5, ?5, ?12 and ?18 °C) after cultivation with and without cold acclimation regimes. In EIS measurements, we ran a small-amplitude electric current to the root system at 44 frequencies between 5 Hz and 100 kHz through electrodes set in the stem and in perlite at the bottom of the container. The normalized (Euclidian) electrical impedance spectra were classified using the CLAFIC-method (CLAss-Featuring Information Compression) that is based on a subspace method with two variants where the longest projection vector defines the sample class. The current delivery through the root system was affected by freezing injuries in the roots. The most remarkable change, indicating the threshold for cold tolerance, took place between ?5 and ?12 °C for non-acclimated and between ?12 and ?18 °C for cold acclimated roots. No difference was found between the mycorrhizal treatments in the response to the freezing temperatures. The results on the effects of both the low-temperature exposure and mycorrhizas agree with freezing damage assessments done by other methods.

The effect of Paxillus involutus, Laccaria laccata, Suillus luteus, S. bovinus, Hebeloma crustuliniforme and a strain of the ectendomycorrhizal fungus Mrg X (Ascomycotina) on the content of volatile organic compounds in roots of Pinus sylvestris seedlings grown in vitro was investigated. Volatile compounds extracted with a supercritical fluid extraction were primarily terpenes and sesquiterpenes and qualitatively were the same in roots of mycorrhizal and nonmycorrhizal plants. The major monoterpenes were α-pinene, Δ3-carene and β-pinene. Inoculation of plants with the fungi resulted in statistically non-significant increases in the total amount of the volatiles. The mycorrhizal fungi showed diversified effect on the concentrations of several terpenoids.  相似文献   

Chemical composition of inter and intracellular hyphae was elucidated in Pennisetum pedicellatum roots colonized by Gigaspora margarita by employing energy dispersive X-ray microanalysis. Maximum amount of phosphate was estimated in polyphosphate granules present in the roots. Amount of phosphate was low in fungal hyphae, arbuscular trunks and degenerated arbuscules. Elements S, K and Ca were present in the hyphae, arbuscular trunk and degenerated arbuscules.  相似文献   

The impact of ectomycorrhiza formation on the secretion of exoenzymes by the host plant and the symbiont is unknown. Thirty-eight F(1) individuals from an interspecific Populus deltoides (Bartr.)×Populus trichocarpa (Torr. & A. Gray) controlled cross were inoculated with the ectomycorrhizal fungus Laccaria bicolor. The colonization of poplar roots by L. bicolor dramatically modified their ability to secrete enzymes involved in organic matter breakdown or organic phosphorus mobilization, such as N-acetylglucosaminidase, β-glucuronidase, cellobiohydrolase, β-glucosidase, β-xylosidase, laccase, and acid phosphatase. The expression of genes coding for laccase, N-acetylglucosaminidase, and acid phosphatase was studied in mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal root tips. Depending on the genes, their expression was regulated upon symbiosis development. Moreover, it appears that poplar laccases or phosphatases contribute poorly to ectomycorrhiza metabolic activity. Enzymes secreted by poplar roots were added to or substituted by enzymes secreted by L. bicolor. The enzymatic activities expressed in mycorrhizal roots differed significantly between the two parents, while it did not differ in non-mycorrhizal roots. Significant differences were found between poplar genotypes for all enzymatic activities measured on ectomycorrhizas except for laccases activity. In contrast, no significant differences were found between poplar genotypes for enzymatic activities of non-mycorrhizal root tips except for acid phosphatase activity. The level of enzymes secreted by the ectomycorrhizal root tips is under the genetic control of the host. Moreover, poplar heterosis was expressed through the enzymatic activities of the fungal partner.  相似文献   

The effect of arbuscular mycorrhizas on fructan accumulation was studied in barley ( Hordeum vulgare ) infected with Glomus mosseae . Treatments with and without fertilizer were included in order to distinguish between mere fertilizer effects and the effects of the symbiosis, and plants were harvested at two different time points, 35 and 50 d after planting. Fructan was the major storage carboyhdrate in both leaves and roots. The amounts of fructan were markedly altered in the mycorrhizal plants. In roots of non-fertilized mycorrhizal plants, fructan pools were significantly greater than in the corresponding non-mycorrhizal plants. By contrast, fertilization caused a general decrease in amounts of fructan in roots. The increase of fructan in mycorrhizal roots was correlated with a decrease of invertase activity. In leaves, fructan pools decreased or remained unchanged upon mycorrhizal infection; fertilization had a similar effect. However, when individual leaves of a plant were compared, intriguing effects of the mycorrhizal symbiosis could be observed. Whereas in non-mycorrhizal plants, the youngest leaves had the highest fructan contents and the oldest leaves the lowest (as previously reported), this gradient was markedly altered in mycorrhizal plants, indicating systemic effects of mycorrhiza on assimilate partitioning in shoots.  相似文献   

T. Fagerström  U. Lohm 《Oecologia》1977,26(4):305-315
Summary A theory of mechanisms underlying growth response to nitrogen in Scots pine is developed. Nitrogen in needles is considered as distributed in two mutually exclusive pools, viz. mobile and structurally bound. The size of the former pool, relative to total needle biomass, determines the rate of production of new needle biomass; this process decreases the pool size due to immobilization of mobile nitrogen. Some implications of the theory are derived and compared with published experimental results. It predicts a one-year time delay between a pulse fertilization and commencement of growth response, the latter having a total duration of about ten years with a maximum after about three; these predictions are not contradicted by available data.  相似文献   

Twelve-week-old seedlings of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst), non-mycorrhizal or mycorrhizal with Laccaria laccata, Paxillus involutus or Pisolithus tinctorius were exposed to 5 M Pb for either 32 or 42 days in a quartz sand-nutrient solution system. Ultrathin sections of mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal short roots were examined by X-ray microanalysis. After 42 days Pb treatment, the Pb content of the cortex cell walls was lower in the non-mycorrhizal short roots and in the P. involutus mycorrhizae than in the mycorrhizae of L. laccata or P. tinctorius. The Pb content of the cell walls of the hyphal mantle was higher in P. involutus than in L. laccata or P. tinctorius. The short term experiment over 32 days showed that the Pb content of the cortex cell walls strongly increased during the first 16 days in the non-mycorrhizal roots and the L. laccata mycorrhizae, whereas it increased more slowly in the P. involutus mycorrhizae. After 32 days Pb treatment, the Pb content in the cortex cell walls in the P. involutus mycorrhizae was similar to that in the non-mycorrhizal roots. P. involutus also decreased Pb translocation from the roots to the stems. Mycorrhizal infection was not affected by Pb but with P. involutus, the amount of extramatrical mycelium was reduced by 50% on day 32 compared to day 16. The extramatrical mycelium of L. laccata was not reduced by Pb. It is concluded that ectomycorrhizal fungi differ in their effect on Pb accumulation in the roots of Norway spruce. The binding capacity of the extramatrical mycelium seems to be an important factor.  相似文献   

Summary The amounts of starch, soluble sugars, triacylglycerols, diacylglycerols and free fatty acids were studied in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) during an annual cycle in current-year needles and in 1-, 2- and 3-year-old needles collected shortly after bud break. Determination of the compounds was performed using specific enzymatic assays, capillary gas chromatography and thin layer chromatography. Newly emerging needles contained relatively large amounts of starch, but only trace amounts of fat. During autumn and winter, fat content rose, while starch content decreased; amounts of both these reserve materials were very high the next spring shortly before bud break and decreased again during shoot elongation. Concentration of intermediates in triacylglycerol biosynthesis (diacylglycerols and free fatty acids), were low in summer and high in winter. The same pattern was observed for fructose and glucose (the predominant soluble sugars), galactose/arabinose and raffinose/melibiose. In contrast, sucrose concentrations were highest in spring and in autumn. Mature needles of different ages collected in May showed significant differences only in their triacylglycerol and starch content. Concentration changes of reserve materials are discussed in relation to season, mobilization and translocation processes, dormancy, frost resistance and the possibility of carbohydrate-fat interconversions.  相似文献   

Pennisetum pedicellatum plants were inoculated with Glomus mosseae, G. aggregatum and Gigaspora margarita. There were both quantitative and qualitative changes in the protein pattern of inoculated plants. Gi. margarita induced increase in protein in the plants. Acid phosphatase, alkaline phosphatase, superoxide dismutase and chitinase activities were high at the beginning of infection, but declined as the infection advanced. Gi. margarita was an efficient fungus in enhancing enzyme activity and proteins in roots compared with G. mosseae and G. aggregatum. Protein profile revealed the presence of 12 peaks in mycorrhizal plants compared with 8 in nonmycorrhizal plants.  相似文献   

1. The external mycelia of the ectomycorrhizal fungi Thelephora terrestris and Suillus luteus , associated with Pinus sylvestris roots, exhibited a substantial extracellular acid phosphatase activity. The activity was positively correlated with the ergosterol concentration in the growth substratum and decreased with an increasing P nutrition.
2. The pioneer species T. terrestris grew best at a high Pi nutrition level whereas S. luteus , a 'late-stage' mycobiont, produced more active biomass at a low Pi nutrition level.
3. The phytase activity of the external mycelia could not be detected; at the root surface a phytase activity was observed. Mycorrhizas had significantly higher activities than uninfected roots.
4. The addition of a relatively high concentration of a soluble phytate to the growth substratum resulted in an increased relative growth rate (RGR) in both mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal plants. The influence of the mycorrhizal fungi on the use of the phytate-P was small, despite the phytase activity of the mycorrhizal feeder roots.
5. The addition of phytate fixed on a HPLC resin did not result in an increase of the RGR and P uptake neither in the non-mycorrhizal nor in the mycorrhizal Pines. The experiment did not support the hypothesis that phytate, which has a low solubility in soils, is a useful P source for ectomycorrhizal plants.  相似文献   

The influence of pollution stress (SO2, Cu2+, Pb2+, Zn2+ and fluoride) on composition changes in cellular membranes of roots of three European of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) populations were examined. Plant material growing in three experimental areas: Kórnik relatively free of air pollution (control), Luboń: SO2 and HF and Głogów: SO2 and heavy metals. Analysis of total phospholipids and their composition indicates that the phosphatidylcholine (PC) and phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) were present in lower concentration in the root tissues from both polluted sites (Luboń and Głogów). The difference in PC:PE ratio between control and both polluted sites was greater in root of Scots pine population from Russia than in the population from Slovakia. Under pollution conditions the content of lipid soluble antioxidant α-tocopherol was lower about 220 %, in comparison to the control. The action of pollution stress also lead to lowering of unsaturated:saturated ratio of total fatty acid, and lower content of polyunsaturated fatty acids, linoleic acid (18:2) and eicosatrienoic acid (20:3). We concluded that the long-term pollution stress markedly inhibited lipid biosynthesis in root tissue of Scots pine and it is probably contribute to the reduction of productivity of forests. These results also suggest that lipid composition can be used as an indicator of changes in tissue roots of Scots pine caused by air and/or soil long-term pollution.  相似文献   



The aim was to quantify the nitrogen (N) transferred via the extra-radical mycelium of the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Glomus intraradices from both a dead host and a dead non-host donor root to a receiver tomato plant. The effect of a physical disruption of the soil containing donor plant roots and fungal mycelium on the effectiveness of N transfer was also examined.


The root systems of the donor (wild type tomato plants or the mycorrhiza-defective rmc mutant tomato) and the receiver plants were separated by a 30 μm mesh, penetrable by hyphae but not by the roots. Both donor genotypes produced a similar quantity of biomass and had a similar nutrient status. Two weeks after the supply of 15?N to a split-root part of donor plants, the shoots were removed to kill the plants. The quantity of N transferred from the dead roots into the receiver plants was measured after a further 2 weeks.


Up to 10.6 % of donor-root 15N was recovered in the receiver plants when inoculated with the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus (AMF). The quantity of 15N derived from the mycorrhizal wild type roots clearly exceeded that from the only weakly surface-colonised rmc roots. Hyphal length in the donor rmc root compartments was only about half that in the wild type compartments. The disruption of the soil led to a significantly increased AMF-mediated transfer of N to the receiver plants.


The transfer of N from dead roots can be enhanced by AMF, especially when the donor roots have been formerly colonised by AMF. The transfer can be further increased with higher hyphae length densities, and the present data also suggest that a direct link between receiver mycelium and internal fungal structures in dead roots may in addition facilitate N transfer. The mechanical disruption of soil containing dead roots may increase the subsequent availability of nutrients, thus promoting mycorrhizal N uptake. When associated with a living plant, the external mycelium of G. intraradices is readily able to re-establish itself in the soil following disruption and functions as a transfer vessel.  相似文献   

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