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The paper is dedicated to the history of creation and development of a new trend of scientific investigations in Palladin Institute of Biochemistry of NAS of Ukraine and Ukraine as a whole, - molecular immunology - in the context of scientific, scientific-organizational, pedagogical, social and political activity of Serhiy Vasyliovych Komisarenko. Professor S. V. Komisarenko, Director of Palladin Institute of Biochemistry, Full Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, President of the Ukrainian Biochemical Society (since 1999), editor-in-chief Ukrainian Biochemical Journal (1989-1992 and since 1998), Academician-Secretary and Member of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (since April 2004) is a physician by education, molecular biologist by the calling, biochemist-immunologist by profession. He was one of the first researchers in our country who started systematic investigations in the field of molecular immunology, created a powerful world-famous scientific school, and made great contribution to solution of the acute problems of public health. He has proposed a new anti-tumor preparation MEBIFON which is produced at pharmaceutical firm Farmak in Kyiv. He was one of the first in the former USSR who introduced a hybridom technique for obtaining monoclonal antibodies. S. Komisarenko was awarded the State Prize of the Ukr. SSR (1979) for immunochemical investigation of milk for babies. He proved that small doses of total radiation cause essential inhibition of natural immunity, which he called "the Chernobyl AIDS". The collective of scientific workers of the Department of Molecular Immunology headed by S. Komisarenko was awarded the O. V. Palladin Prize of NAS of Ukraine (2003) for a cycle of works Immunochemical Analysis of Fibrin and Fibrinogen Polymerization Mechanisms. Serhiy Komisarenko combines successfully scientific, scientific-organizing activity with pedagogical work; he leads the division BIOTECHNOLOGY of the Department of Biochemistry at Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University. Under his supervision 6 doctors and 18 candidates of science have been prepared. He has above 400 scientific articles in the field of Biochemistry and/or Immunology, and more than 100 publications on Ukrainian culture and politics. Serhiy Komisarenko has performed great social and political work at the post of the Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Ukraine, Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine responsible for humanitarian sector (1990-1992), Ambassador of independent Ukraine in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and North Ireland (1992-1998). He is a trustee of activity of charitable organization of disabled children Special Olympics - Ukraine (since 2002). He was awarded a Diploma of the Supreme Council of Ukraine (2003), State Order of Merit (III degree - 1996, II degree - 1998), State Order of Prince Yaroslav the Wise (V degree - 2005). Serhiy Komisarenko was elected the Honorary Doctor of Kingston and North London Universities (1997). He has the Rank of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine.  相似文献   

In the article the short information about A.V. Palladin Memorial Museum, displaying some documentary materials on the life, scientific, scientific-administrative and enlightenment activity of the founder of the Institute of Biochemistry and Ukrainian Biochemical school, President of UkSSR Academy of Sciences (1946-1962), outstanding scientist and public figure, Academician Alexander Vladimirovich Palladin (1885-1972). The Museum created according to the Resolution of the UkSSR Soviet of Ministers due to the efforts of the Institute personnel, is officially considered as an affiliate of the State Historical Museum of Kiev and acquired a wide-spread reputation as a center of propagation and study of the history of Ukraine biochemical science, its achievements, contribution of the native scientists into the world treasury of the life sciences.  相似文献   

The paper is dedicated to Academician Oleksandr Volodymyrovych Palladin (1895-1972), a founder of neurochemical school in Ukraine. The problem of biochemistry of the nervous system has been developed in Ukraine since the 20's of the 20th century. Theoretical principles and prospects of development of the basic trends in neurochemistry were stated for the first time in the paper by O. V. Palladin--the first work in biochemistry of the nervous system in Ukraine--"Biochemistry of the Brain and Psychochemistry", published in the journal "Nauka v Ukraine" ("Science in Ukraine") in 1922. Researches in neurochemistry have been carried out systematically since 1925 at the Ukrainian Biochemical Institute founded and headed by O. V. Palladin (O. V. Palladin Institute of Biochemistry, now). During the following period of half a century O.V.Palladin and his disciples made original works in the field of chemical topography of the nervous system, functional neurochemistry, in particular, in the field of protein and nitrous, lipid, nucleic metabolism, transmembrane transport of ions and metabolites, etc. Results of long-term investigations were reported at numerous international physiological and biochemical congresses, All-Union and Ukrainian biochemical conferences, seminars and have acquired the world fame. O. V. Palladin's great deserts in development of biochemistry of the nervous system were recognized and he was proclaimed a "patriarch" of the world neurochemistry at the first congress of the International Neurochemical Society in Strassburg (1967) and awarded a Gold Medal--one of the four delivered at the Second Congress of this Society in Milan (1969).  相似文献   

The 150th anniversary of birth of Ivan Yakovych Horbachevsky (15.05.1854-24.05.1942) is celebrated in 2004. He was a well-known biochemist and epidemiologist, professor of medical chemistry of the Vienna University, Czech University of Prague from 1883 (rector--from 1902), Member of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukr.SSR (sinse 1925), the well-known public figure. His main works belonged to the field of physiological chemistry. I. Ya. Horbachevsky was the first to synthesize uric acid (1882), he established sources and methods of its formation in the organism. He established that amino acids are the components of proteins, discovered the enzyme xanthine oxidase, performed synthesis of creatine, investigated vitamins, found out the causes of pellagra, studied the problems of nutrition of Halychina population. Professor I. Ya. Horbachevsky is the author of the manual in physiological chemistry in four volumes which he wrote in Czech (1904-1908) and in organical chemistry in Ukrainian (1924). He initiated the creation of Ukrainian chemical terminology.  相似文献   

In this work the most important stages of the scientific-pedagogic school of biologic and medical chemistry formation in Bogomolets National Medical University starting from the period of foundation as early as in 1863 till nowadays the Chair of Medical Chemistry and Physics as a part of Medical Faculty of Saint Volodymyr Emperor University in the city of Kyiv have been estimated and generalized. The especial attention is attracted to the fact, that it was Kyiv University where firstly the Chair of Biochemistry was created in order of stuyding the regularities of biochemical processes running in the human organism and metabolism disturbances inducing the pathologic processes at some diseases. The scientific and scientific-pedagogical trends of the chair work in different periods of its development are presented, simltneously the leading role of famous Ukrainian scientists--biochemicians in foundation and development of biologic and medical chemistry scientific school in the University are emphasized. Nowadays the Chair is the educational and scientific center supporting and developing the best traditions on training the specialists of different qualification levels: physicians Masters of Science, Philosophy Doctors and Doctors of Science in Medicine and Biology. The Chair is considered to be a basic one among the Ukraine higher medic and pharmaceutic educational institutions having the III-IV accreditation rate on the problems of teaching-organizational, educational-methodical and scientific work. On the Chair base there is functioning the Scientific Problem-Solving Commission of Ministry of health Protections of Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine "Biological and medical Chemistry" (the chairman is the Corresponding-Member of Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Prof. Yu.I. Gubsky. The Chair personnel compiled and issued the contemporary manuals in Ukraine language on Biologic and Bioorganic Chemistry.  相似文献   

The article presents a short information about the Resolution of Ukr.SSR Soviet of Ministers on establishing the nominal premium of Presidium the Academy of Sciences of Ukr.SSR (of NAS of Ukraine, now) in the field of biochemistry and molecular biology dedicated to the famous scientists, founder of the Ukrainian biochemical school and the Institute of Biochemistry named after him--academician O. V. Palladin. There is a chronologically sequential list presenting all Laureates (with photo pictures) awarded by this honourable bonus with displaying their scientific works for which they received this reward.  相似文献   

A short review presented deals with the history of biochemistry development in the western regions of Ukraine. Two principal biochemical schools were founded here by J. Parnas (1884-1949) and S. Gzhytskiy (1900-1976). While most of the students and collaborators of Prof. J. Parnas left for Poland and other western states, those ones of Prof. S. Gzhytskiy stayed in Lviv and other scientific centers of Ukraine. In 1979 Prof. S. Kusen (one of Gzhytskiy's former students and collaborators) and Prof. G. Shavlovsky headed two scientific departments founded in Lviv at O. V. Palladin Institute of Biochemistry. This event could be considered as the beginning of modern biochemistry development in the western regions of Ukraine. Since 1992 in Lviv there exists the Division of Regulatory Cell Systems of O. V. Palladin Institute of Biochemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine headed since 1995 by Prof. R. Stoika. Four Departments work in the structure of this Division: 1) the Department of Biochemistry of Cell Differentiation headed in 1979-1997 by S. Kusen and since 1997 by L. Drobot; 2) the Department of Regulation of Cell Proliferation created in 1993 and headed by R. Stoika; 3) the Department of Biochemical Genetics created in 1988 and headed by A. Sibirny; 4) the Department of Regulation of Synthesis of Low Molecular Compounds headed in 1979-1996 by G. Shavlovsky and since 1996 by D. Fedorovych. Division of Regulatory Cell Systems is presently the leading scientific center in Ukraine in the study of the biochemical mechanisms of proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis of normal and tumour cells and in the development of effective biotechnological processes for obtaining the biologically active substances using yeast. Numerous publications of its collaborators in the high impact factor scientific magazines as well as the realisation of the international grants confirm this statement. Taking into account the high level of scientific research and availability of highly skilled scientists at the Division in 1999 the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine took a resolution to transform the Division into the Institute of Cell Biology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, which was founded in 2000 on the basis of the Division.  相似文献   

Vyacheslav Vasilevich (V.V.) Klimov (or Slava, as most of us called him) was born on January 12, 1945 and passed away on May 9, 2017. He began his scientific career at the Bach Institute of Biochemistry of the USSR Academy of Sciences (Akademy Nauk (AN) SSSR), Moscow, Russia, and then, he was associated with the Institute of Photosynthesis, Pushchino, Moscow Region, for about 50 years. He worked in the field of biochemistry and biophysics of photosynthesis. He is known for his studies on the molecular organization of photosystem II (PSII). He was an eminent scientist in the field of photobiology, a well-respected professor, and, above all, an outstanding researcher. Further, he was one of the founding members of the Institute of Photosynthesis in Pushchino, Russia. To most, Slava Klimov was a great human being. He was one of the pioneers of research on the understanding of the mechanism of light energy conversion and of water oxidation in photosynthesis. Slava had many collaborations all over the world, and he is (and will be) very much missed by the scientific community and friends in Russia as well as around the World. We present here a brief biography and some comments on his research in photosynthesis. We remember him as a friendly and enthusiastic person who had an unflagging curiosity and energy to conduct outstanding research in many aspects of photosynthesis, especially that related to PSII.  相似文献   

Professor V. O. Belitser, Doctor of Science (biology), (30.09.1906, Ryazan, RF-04.03.1988 Kyiv, Ukraine), Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, graduated from the physico-mathematical faculty of the Moscow University in speciality "physico-chemical biology". In 1934-1943 he worked at the All-Union Institute of Experimental Medicine (Moscow) where he was engaged in research of the relation between the respiratory system and glycolytic reactions in the animal tissues. V. O. Belitser established the effect of creatin on the muscular respiration on the role of creative phosphate in this process. He was the first to demonstrate that the anaerobic phosphorylation is bound to respiration. He investigated stechiometric relations between the joint phosphate binding and oxygen absorption and estimated thermodynamic importance of this process, he showed that the energy of electron transfer from the substrate to oxygen is a source of formation of three ATP molecules per one atom of absorbed oxygen. From 1944 to 1988 V. O. Belitser worked at the Institute of Biochemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukr.SSR (Kyiv), where he headed the Laboratory of Enzymes (then proteins), and from 1966 he headed the Department of Protein Structure and Function; for a certain period (1969-1972) he headed the Institute as its director. Investigations of properties of native and denaturated proteins jointly with K. I. Kotkova led to the creation of blood substitute from blood serum proteins of cattle--BK-8. The school of V. O. Belitser is known by studying the molecular mechanism of one of the basic reactions of blood coagulation--fibrinogen transformation to fibrin, by finding out the organization and function of fibrinogen and fibrin. It was proved experimentally that the specific polymerization centres significance for the fibrin lattice formation are of essential significance for the fibrin lattice formation, that fibrinogen to fibrin transformation occurs in two stages--enzymatic and polymerizational ones. V. O. Belitser proposed the mechanism of fibrinogen transformation to fibrin, as soon as he had substantiated the kinetic theory of this reaction; domain structure of fibrinogen has been investigated. Such diagnostic tests as the methods of definition of the products of fibrinogen and fibrin splitting in urine (for differential diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases) were developed and put into medical practice under his guidance. V. O. Belitser and members of his school have published above 300 scientific works, prepared 5 doctors and 25 candidates of science. The selfless work of the scientists was honoured with high state awards--the Orders of Lenin, the Order of the Labour Red Banner, the Order of Oktober Revolution, that of Friendship of Peoples and with numerous medals.  相似文献   

The article deals with a short record including the information about the history of creation and main developmental stages of the first and presently the single in Ukraine Palladin Institute of Biochemistry of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. The record contains the main achievements of the Institute scientific subdivisions for the 75 years period of their creative work in the field of the most urgent problems of fundamental and applied biochemistry. As well it displays the information about comprehensive and extensive publishing and educational activity conducted by the staff,, the work on training the scientific manpower of the highest qualification--Doctors of Science (D.Sc.) and Philosophy Doctors (Ph. D.), active participation of the research scientists in attracting to science the talented young people representing the students and school-children taking interest in the biological chemistry. The article shows the great role of the Institute famous scientists-biochemists in forming some scientific schools on functional biochemistry acknowledged in the world biochemistry. There are also some data about the each of nine scientific departments of the Institute for the period of last 20-25 years of their activity in the field of the most urgent problems of the contemporary biochemistry. These are the following Departments: Neurochemistry, Metabolism Regulation, Muscular Biochemistry, Protein Structure Functions, Coenzymes Biochemistry, Enzymes Chemistry and Biochemistry, Molecular Immunology, Biochemistry of Lipids, Sensor and Regulator Systems Biochemistry. There is also a short review regarding the history of foundation, development and scientific achievements of the Institute division in L'viv including four scientific departments: Biochemistry of Cellular Differentiation, Biochemical Genetics, Regulation of Low Molecular Compounds Synthesis, Regulation of Cells Differentiation.  相似文献   

Biochemistry of vitamins is one of the leading trends in the fundamental researches of A. V. Palladin Institute of Biochemistry from the moment of its foundation in 1925. The Laboratory of Vitamins Biochemistry was organised in 1994, it was reorganized into the Department of Vitamins Biochemistry in 1966, and later it was renamed as the Department of Coenzymes Biochemistry. Now the investigations at the Coenzymes Biochemistry Department headed (from 1986) by G. V. Donchenko, Corr.-Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, are directed to estimation of vitamins A, E, B1 and PP action molecular mechanisms. Investigation of specific protein-acceptors of vitamins and their biologically active derivatives is a contemporary and effective methodological approach to the estimation of some molecular mechanisms of vitamins action on cellular metabolism. Considering the challenging theoretical and practical aspects of the further fundamental investigation development in the molecular vitaminology the following items are currently being worked in the Department last time: 1. Study of some molecular mechanisms of thiamine and vitamin PP neurotropic action. These investigations are oriented to clearing some new aspects of noncoenzymic mechanism of its influence on the nervous cell functioning both in the norm and at some nervous diseases. 2. Study of some molecular mechanisms of regulation by means of fat-soluble vitamins A, E and their specific proteins-acceptors of DNA, RNA and protein biosynthesis in the nuclei and mitochondria of actively proliferous cells. These investigations are aimed to the estimation of molecular mechanisms of fat-soluble vitamins participation in the regulation of DNA-dependent synthesis of RNA, RNA-polymerase activity, mechanism of their anticancerogenous effect, vitamin E participation in the realisation of nuclear genetic information. 3. Study of intracellular protein-receptors, which take part in realisation of vitamins and their biologically active derivatives functions in the human and animals' organism. The investigations, directed to study of a role of retinol-binding proteins in exchange of the vitamin A and in biosynthesis of DNA, RNA and proteins, the role of tocopherol-binding proteins in realisation of biological action of vitamin E in cells and thiamine-binding proteins in realisation of neurotropic action of vitamin B1 are actively developed. 4. Investigation of mechanisms of antioxidizing and antiradical biological action of vitamin D3, ecdisterone and related biologically active compounds. Basing on the fundamental researches some vitamins preparations have been created, such as "Carotin-M", "Cardiovit", "Evit-1", "Soevit", "Metovit", "Caratel'ka" and others. The results of fundamental investigation of noncoenzymic thiamine function led us to elaboration of a new hypothesis about molecular mechanism of vitamin B1 neurotropic action. According to the hypothesis the thiamine high neuroactivity is a result of existence in the nervous ending a specific mobile thiamine pool and connection thiamine metabolism with nervous cell membrane potential and acetylcholine metabolism.  相似文献   

I. P. Pavlov, the great Russian physiologist, the founder of a leading scientific school of physiology, first Russian scientist to be awarded the Nobel Prize. Pavlov's work received wide international recognition. He was elected full or honorary member of more than 120 academies, scientific societies and universities. In 1907 he was elected a Full Member (Academician) of Russian Academy of Sciences and headed the Physiological Laboratory of the Academy. In 1925, at his petition, the Laboratory was transformed into the Physiological Institute, remaining his head until 1936, when he had died. Since 1950 this is the Pavlov Institute of Physiology of the Russian Academy of Sciences.  相似文献   

On 19 January 2014 Rolf (‘Roffe’) Bernander passed away unexpectedly. Rolf was a dedicated scientist; his research aimed at unravelling the cell biology of the archaeal domain of life, especially cell cycle‐related questions, but he also made important contributions in other areas of microbiology. Rolf had a professor position in the Molecular Evolution programme at Uppsala University, Sweden for about 8 years, and in January 2013 he became chair professor at the Department of Molecular Biosciences, The Wenner‐Gren Institute at Stockholm University in Sweden. Rolf was an exceptional colleague and will be deeply missed by his family and friends, and the colleagues and co‐workers that he leaves behind in the scientific community. He will be remembered for his endless enthusiasm for science, his analytical mind, and his quirky sense of humour.  相似文献   

Professor O. S. Tsyperovich (15.12.1910-20.12.1976), Doctor of biology, was born in the city of Odessa, graduated from the Faculty of Chemistry of Shevchenko Kyiv State University as a specialist in organic chemistry (1930-1935). In 1935-1941 he worked at the Institute of Biochemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukr.SSR (Kyiv) as a junior research worker, and then as a senior research worker at the Department of Enzymology. In 1941 O. S. Tsyperovich defended the thesis for the Candidate's degree dedicated to the investigation of synthetic effect of proteolytic enzymes, and he was awarded the title of the senior research worker. In 1941-1945 O. S. Tsyperovich struggled in the ranks of the Soviet Army, was awarded the Red Star Order, medals For Defense of Caucasus, For the Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. In 1946-1976 O. S. Tsyperovich worked at the Institute of Biochemistry of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. When investigating the mechanism of proteins denaturation he discovered the phenomenon of their "denaturational stabilization". New technological schemes of production of pepsin preparations were elaborated on the basis of the method of autholysis proposed by him. In 1954 O. S. Tsyperovich defended the thesis for the Doctor's Degree and was awarded the order The Badge of Honor. Beginning from 1963 he headed the laboratory, and from 1966 -- the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry of Enzymes, in 1969 the title of professor was conferred on him. In the 60-70's O. S. Tsyperovich investigated hydrolytic enzymes of microorganisms with the purpose of their use in industry. Thus, the method of production of the preparation "pronasa" from Streptomyces griseus was developed, aminopeptidases, dipeptidases, a-amylase, cellulases, were investigated. Investigations in the field of preparative enzymology resulted in the development of technological scheme for creation of the following drugs for the purposes of medicine: medical pepsin, preparation gastric juice, crystalline trypsin, highly purified chemotrypsin, highly purified trypsin, highly purified amylase which were introduced into industry. New methods of silver regeneration from photographic and cinema films with the use of proteinase of S. griseus were developed, as well as the enzyme-antibiotic preparation protezym for hydrolysis of fodder proteins which gave positive results in breeding calves and in feeding adult animals. O. S. Tsyperovich has proposed two simple structures of automatic collector of fractions for the column chromatography, published 178 scientific works including 3 monographs, 10 author's certificates; 12 candidates of science were brought up under his supervision.  相似文献   

Indices of oxygen supply are studied in preadolescent rats with experimental rachitis. Disturbances in transport, capillary-tissue diffusion and oxygen utilization by tissues of the brain, liver and skeletal muscles correlating with a degree of the rachitis gravity are revealed. It is proved as possible to correct the revealed disturbances while using piracetam and vitamin D3. In this case manifestation of the tissue hypoxia in animals with experimental rachitis weakens and at the same time metabolic disturbances are eliminated.  相似文献   

The paper is concerned with the main stages of scientific activity of R.V. Chagovets (1904-1982). Member Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR in the field of biochemistry of muscles, metabolism and biochemical functions of vitamins and their derivatives. The creative heredity of the scientist served as a theoretical ground of the present-day vitaminology, base for development of the nutrition theory, practical recommendations and suggestions in public health and husbandry opened the pathways for experimental solution of the problems concerning vitamin and coenzyme metabolism regulation, elucidation of molecular mechanisms of vitamin and coenzyme functioning in the cell.  相似文献   

One century ago, Christiaan Eijkman was appointed Professor of Bacteriology at the Utrecht University, The Netherlands. Despite his appointment to teach bacteriology, Christiaan Eijkman made his main contribution to medical science not in bacteriology but in nutrition. He discovered that Beri-Beri was not an infection but a nutritient deficiency (later called vitamin-deficiency) and was awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1929 for these observations. These landmark studies were made in the former Dutch East Indies. Interestingly, the results of his studies were presented in the Dutch language, in the medical journal of the Dutch East Indies. As a professor of Bacteriology, his work was the beginning of an important school in biochemistry in The Netherlands.  相似文献   

Prof. Dr. Pieter Hendrik (Piet) Nienhuis worked for almost 40 years in all aspects of aquatic ecology and environmental science and retired on 31 October 2003. He can be characterised as a distinguished scientist, shaped in an applied estuarine and aquatic research ambience of the former Delta Institute for Hydrobiological Research (DIHO) in Yerseke in the Netherlands. His appointment as a full professor at the Radboud University Nijmegen offered him a challenging step from monodisciplinarity in ecology, via multidisciplinarity in the application of ecological knowledge in river science to interdisciplinarity in environmental science and management. This paper describes his education, teaching activities, research, scientific publications, science management, and significance for various scientific disciplines. He made important contributions to biosystematics of angiosperms and algae, the ecology of seagrasses, nutrient cycling and eutrophication in estuarine ecosystems, and the integrated modelling of the ecological functioning of estuaries. Subsequently, he paid much attention to environmental problems in river basins, ecological rehabilitation and sustainable development. His work influenced the view of ecologists, aquatic scientists and water managers in the Netherlands as well as abroad, in particular regarding the drawbacks of compartmentalization of the estuaries and the importance of connectivity and morphodynamics in river systems. In hindsight, it appears as a logical line that he gradually moved from estuarine ecological research that became increasingly driven by societal and environmental problems to the field of environmental science and management.  相似文献   

The paper deals with the data on foundation and development of physiological chemistry (biochemistry) as independent science and education subject in the V. N. Karazin Kharkov National University before and after the organization of the Department of Physiological Chemistry. Studying the chemistry of natural compounds, their qualitative and quantitative content and transformations in living organisms both by foreign and home researchers made the basis for the appearance of physiological chemistry as static biochemistry. The improvement of the investigation methods and further discoveries caused the appearing of new branches--dynamic and functional biochemistry. The attention is paid to the fact that biochemistry arised at the Kharkov University as the education subject (A. I. Khodnev) and then developed as independent science due to efforts of A. Ya. Danilevskiy as well as biochemical school created by him. The Kazan' and Kharkov periods of scientific activity of A.Ya. Danilevskiy are described. The leading role of A. Ya. Danilevskiy in development of the home school of biochemistry is considered. Important role of A. V. Palladin in the foundation of Kharkov biochemists' school and organization of the Scientific-research Institute of Biochemistry in Kharkov is considered as well. It is stated that the Institute of Biochemistry after its arrival to Kiev and joining the Academy of Sciences became the center of Ukrainian biochemistry. The role of A. V. Nagorny and I. N. Bulankin in further development of biochemistry and foundation of a new scientific branch--age-related physiology and biochemistry--at the Kharkov University after its re-organization is discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract: To determine the vitamins A, C, and E and β-carotene content of Vicia species that can be used in animal feed, a high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method was used to investigate the vitamin and β-carotene content in mature and immature seeds of seven Vicia species ( Vicia anatolica Turrill., V. ervilia (L.) Willd., V. michauxii Sprengel, V. mollis Boiss. et Hausskn. ex Boiss., V. noeana Reuter ex Boiss., V. peregrina L., and V. sericocarpa Fenzl.), which are useful plants in animal feed in the eastern Anatolia region in Turkey. The vitamin content was found to differ between mature and immature seeds. The levels of vitamins A, C, and E and β-carotene were higher in mature seeds than in immature seeds ( P < 0.01).
(Managing editor: Wei WANG)  相似文献   

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