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Protocorms or protocorms with roots of an achlorophyllous orchidGaleola septentrionalis were inoculated with isolates ofRhizoctonia repens, R. solani, andRhizoctonia spp. The seedlings were infected with eight of twelve isolates ofR. repens. Fungal coils were formed in the cells, which was suggestive of a symbiotic association. The other isolates caused soft rot or no infection to the protocorms or the protocorms with a root. Contribution No. 97, Laboratories of Plant Pathology and Mycology, Institute of Agriculture and Forestry, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305, Japan.  相似文献   

Cha  Joo Young  Sung  Jae Mo  Igarashi  Tsuneo 《Mycoscience》1994,35(1):39-47
Three intersterility groups ofArmillaria mellea sensu lato were discovered by examining all pairwise combinations of monosporous isolates of basidiomes collected in Hokkaido. One of them, group IV, was identified asA. sinapina by mating it with tester strains. Two new species, groups III and V, were namedA. jezoensis andA. singula, respectively. Their morphological forms and the ecology of their basidiomes are described.  相似文献   

Specimens of basidiomes and/or rhizomorphs ofArmillaria mellea complex and basidiomes ofRhodophyllus abortivus, developing on the same decaying stumps or stems of forest trees, were collected in three forests in Hokkaido. Normal basidiomes ofR. abortivus were found near to, but free from, the rhizomorphs and/or basidiomes ofArmillaria, while abnormal basidiomes, as carpophoroid forms, were developed on the rhizomorphs ofArmillaria. Of three mycoparasiticArmillaria isolates found withR. abortivus, one was identified asA. gallica and two asA. jezoensis. The isolates ofR. abortivus showed excellent mycelial growth and rhizomorph formation on PDA. However, on MDA, RMDA and BMDA, they showed poor aerial mycelia growth and no rhizomorphs. In the contrapositional cultures, the growth ofA. gallica was completely inhibited byR. abortivus on PDA but only slightly inhibited on MDA and RMDA. On the other hand, mutual inhibition at a distance was observed on BMDA. The mycelial growth and rhizomorph formation inA. jezoensis were severely inhibited by the colony ofR. abortivus on PDA, but only slightly inhibited on MDA. On RMDA and BMDA, the colonies of twoArmillaria species andR. abortivus showed mutual inhibition at a distance and apparent rhizomorph formation by bothArmillaria species.  相似文献   

Hidetaka Umata 《Mycoscience》1995,36(3):369-372
Seed germination test ofGaleola altissima was carried out with five aphyllophorales fungi:Erythromyces crocicreas, Ganoderma australe, Loweporus tephroporus, Microporus affinus andPhellinus sp.. All five species were effective for seed germination of the orchid.Erythromyces crocicreas, which has hitherto been regarded as the only endomycorrhizal fungus of the orchid, was confirmed to be effective for further development of the orchid.  相似文献   

西藏兰科新记录   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道了兰科(Orchidaceae)高山铠兰[Corybas himalaicus (King & Pantl.) Schltr.]和山珊瑚(Galeola faberi Rolfe)在中国西藏自治区的分布新记录。高山铠兰形态上因唇瓣先端边缘齿蚀状,花瓣与侧萼片在基部贴生,长7~8 mm,距暗红色而区别于铠兰属其他种;山珊瑚形态上因萼片狭椭圆形,唇瓣上散生褶片状附属物,边缘不规则齿状而区别于山珊瑚属其他种。凭证标本存放于广西药用植物园标本馆(GXMG)。  相似文献   

Armillaria cepistipes and A. gallica (Basidiomycota, Physalacriaceae) are morphologically similar species, and they are often nearly indistinguishable using DNA-based methods targeting the ITS region of ribosomal DNA. The aim of this study was to examine morphological and ecological features of A. cepistipes and A. gallica, and to test other DNA-based methods to distinguish the two species. Our results revealed discriminative macro- and micromorphological features between these two species, especially the presence of a distinct central pileus ocella, the shape of the annulus, the character of the velar stipe remnants and the length of the terminal cells of the pileus scales. Ecologically, A. gallica generally prefers warmer areas in lowlands (oak and alluvial forests), while A. cepistipes is more common in hilly and lower montane beech forests in Central Europe. Nevertheless, despite differences in ecological preferences, certain locations between 300 and 500 m a.s.l. are known to sympatrically support both species. The sequences of the translation elongation factor 1-alpha showed high interspecific variability, and this gene is a more appropriate candidate for distinguishing A. gallica from A. cepistipes.  相似文献   

Genetic variation and differentiation of 12 populations of Picea jezoensis from the Russian Far East were studied using 20 allozyme loci. The mean number of alleles per locus was 2.63, the percent of polymorphic loci was 88.1%, the observed heterozygosity was 0.181, and the mean value of expected heterozygosity amounted to 0.189. The values of expected heterozygosity of the northern and central mainland populations were higher than in the southern part of the natural range. A significant bias of Hardy–Weinberg heterozygosity to equilibrium heterozygosity (Heq) suggests that most of the mainland populations have recently experienced a severe expansion in population size while populations from Kamchatka Peninsula have undergone a reduction in population size. Unbiased Nei’s genetic distance values were low within and between the mainland and Sakhalin Island populations (DN=0.008). The largest values (DN=0.063) were found between the mainland/Sakhalin and Kamchatka Peninsula populations. Based on genetic distance, P. jezoensis and P. kamtschatkensis could be considered as distinct taxa, but P. ajanensis, P. microsperma, and P. komarovii do not warrant taxonomic recognition.  相似文献   

The first set of 18 polymorphic microsatellite markers were developed from bluefin leatherjacket (Navodon septentrionalis Gunther, 1877). From a (GT)n-enriched genomic library, we got 121 microsatellites, of which 60 were randomly selected for designing microsatellite primers. Eighteen of these loci were polymorphic in a test population of 32 individuals with alleles ranging from 2 to 9, and expected and observed heterozygosities from 0.1463 to 0.8517 and from 0.1562 to 1.0000, respectively. No significant linkage disequilibrium between pairs of loci was found, but three loci significantly deviated from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium after Bonferroni correction. These polymorphic microsatellite loci should provide sufficient level of genetic diversity to investigate population structure in bluefin leatherjacket.  相似文献   

Summary   Vanda longitepala, a new species of orchid from northern Burma is described and discussed.  相似文献   

J. -L. Boevé 《Oecologia》1991,85(3):440-446
Summary The larvae of Croesus varus are cryptic and those of C. septentrionalis aposematic. In both species, females lay eggs in groups, but the groups formed by young larvae are smaller in C. varus than in C. septentrionalis. In both species, group size decreases during successive larval instars, and the cryptic species becomes solitary, while the aposematic species remains gregarious during all larval instars. On Alnus shrubs in the field, the distribution of the groups ofC. septentrionalis larvae is more aggregative. They are found mainly on mediumsized shrubs (1.5–2.5 m high), whereas groups of C. varus larvae are also found on larger shrubs. Moreover, during the 2 years of observation, C. septentrionalis was present for a shorter time than C. varus, even when the former was much more abundant than the latter. Thus, conspicuousness of the aposematic species should be amplified by this spatial and temporal aggregation. The efficiency of both defensive strategies is compared and discussed, taking into account these particular field distributions, predation and some parasitism factors, and the chemical defences of both species.  相似文献   

A new leaf blight and mummy fruit disease caused by a species of Monilinia was first found on Rhododendron kaempferi at the lakeside of Shikotsu-ko, Hokkaido, northern Japan, in 2002. Studies on morphology, life cycle, cultural characters, and gene analyses of the causal fungus enabled us to conclude that it is a new species of the genus. It is named M. jezoensis. Rhododendron is a new host genus for Monilinia fungi in Japan.  相似文献   

王洋洋  涂璇  王传华  金冠  赵俊 《菌物学报》2019,38(3):313-326
蜜环菌属Armillaria真菌是世界范围内广泛分布的担子菌,既是引起森林病害的重要病原菌,也是天麻和猪苓生长的必须共生真菌,具有重要的经济价值。本文对我国鄂西天麻主产区即神农架林区、大老岭自然保护区、宜昌市所属的夷陵区和五峰县、恩施自治州等地进行了系统的调查采样,共获得45份蜜环菌子实体样本及其二倍体菌株,其中通过孢子印分离获得约320个单孢菌株。在此基础上,采用IGS、ITS和elongation factor-1 alpha(EF1-α)分子标记对45份二倍体菌株进行测序和系统发育分析,对有单孢株的样本采用遗传互交不育性实验进行生物种鉴定。结果表明,鄂西地区的蜜环菌分为4个clade,共有6个不同的蜜环菌生物种,分别为CBS J,CBS L,CBS N,CBS O,CBS F和Armillaria mellea,具有丰富的遗传多样性。其中,24个样本鉴定为CBS L,是鄂西地区的优势种;9个样本鉴定为CBS J;9个样本鉴定为CBS N;另有3个样本分别鉴定为CBS O,CBS F和Armillaria mellea。其中CBS L、CBS N、CBS O首次在湖北地区报道,扩大了这3个生物种的分布范围。本研究为了解鄂西地区蜜环菌的资源情况提供基础数据,对天麻生产蜜环菌菌种选育具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

Liparis indiraii spec. nova from India is close toL. alata A. Rich. andL. atropurpurea Lindl.  相似文献   

Ornithocephalus aristatus, a new species from Panama, is described and illustrated. Among the species of the genusOrnithocephalus, it can be distinguished by the nonresupinate flowers, the sepals each provided with a flexuous awn half as long as the sepal itself, the porrect petals with revolute margins, the hastate lip with triangular-ovate, crose lateral lobes, the linear, acute midlobe, conduplicate and subreflexed at apex, and the dise with a bilobed, obreniform callus provided with a conical tuft of stiff hairs. A key to the species ofOrnithocephalus from Panama is provided.  相似文献   

In the southern part of Cyprus the pollinator —Ophrys (Orchidaceae) relationships and its specifity have been investigated from the end of February until the middle of March 1986. 12Ophrys spp. were found. To date, only a single pollinator reference has been reported from this island. We found the following pollinators:Melecta tuberculata (Ophrys kotschyi),Eucera dimidiata (Ophrys flavomarginata),Eucera gaullei (Ophrys umbilicata),Eucera paulusi (Ophrys bornmuelleri),Anthophora erschowi (Ophrys elegans),Andrena torda (Ophrys sicula =O. lutea subsp.minor),Andrena cinereophila (Ophrys fusca, small-flowered),Andrena flavipes (Ophrys israelitica),Andrena morio (Ophrys iricolor andOphrys transhyrcana),Andrena bimaculata (Ophrys sphegodes aggr., probably formerly confused withO. transhyrcana). Most interestingly, it could be verified thatO. flavomarginata/O. umbilicata, O. bornmuelleri/O. levantina andO. transhyrcana/O. sphegodes aggr. (possiblyO. sintenisii) are different biospecies. This is a result of genetic isolation due to varying pollinators, and of differences in flower morphology.  相似文献   

A new species from the Mexican state of Morelos, Malaxis lyonnetii, is described and illustrated. It is similar to M. lepanthiflora but is distinguished by its much smaller flowers, distally uncinate basal lip lobes, and entire, rounded apical lip lobe.
Resumen  Se describe e ilustra a Malaxis lyonnetii, una nueva especie del estado mexicano de Morelos. Esta especie es similar a M. lepanthiflora, de la que se distingue por las flores mucho menores, los lóbulos basales del labelo distalmente uncinados y el lóbulo apical del labelo entero y redondeado.

A new species from China, Thrixspermum tsii (Orchidaceae), is described and illustrated and its relationships to T. centipeda and T. subulatum are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary A microculture method for single embryogenic cell clusters was established for several Japanese conifer species, namely Picea jezoensis, Larix leptolepis and Cryptomeria japonica. Individual small, dense cell clusters were identified and picked up by a micromanipulator and cultured in 50 μl liquid medium in a 96-well culture plate. In all three species studied, a majority of the cell clusters actively proliferated within the wells. Maturation of somatic embryos was successful when the newly proliferated cell clusters were transferred to solid abscisic acid-containing medium. Thus, the small, dense cell clusters could be a useful morphological marker for cells capable of proliferation and differentiation.  相似文献   

Studies on chromosome numbers and karyotypes in Orchid taxa from Apulia (Italy) revealed triploid complements inOphrys tenthredinifera andOrchis italica. InO. tenthredinifera there is no significant difference between the diploid and the triploid karyotypes. The tetraploid cytotype ofAnacamptis pyramidalis forms 36 bivalents during metaphase I in embryo sac mother cells. Aneuploidy was noticed inOphrys bertolonii ×O. tarentina with chromosome numbers n = 19 and 2n = 38. There were diploid (2n = 2x = 36), tetraploid (2n = 4x = 72), hexaploid (2n = 6x = 108) and octoploid (2n = 8x = 144) cells in the ovary wall of the diploid hybridOphrys apulica ×O. bombyliflora. Evolutionary trends inOphrys andOrchis chromosomes are discussed.  相似文献   

The fecundity ofPlatanthera metabifolia was investigated in relation to different types of behavior and morphology in both noctuid and sphingid pollinator moths. Low capsule set in the native habitats resulted from low activity of pollinating moths. From different patterns of capsule formation on spikes, pollinated spikes could be classified into sphingid-pollinated and noctuid-pollinated types. The contributions of sphingids to capsule set were nearly constant at the three study sites. High percentage capsule set at one site was linked with high noctuid activity. Different preferences of sphingids and noctuids as to spike features were detected: sphingids selected spikes with large numbers of flowers in early stages of flowering. Flowers with different spur length were equally pollinated by sphingids. On the other hand, noctuids selected spikes with short and medium-sized spurs in the late stage of flowering. The size and density of spikes scarcely affected the pollination activity of noctuids. Selection pressure upon spike size and spur length in relation to sphingid pollination was suggested. The possibility of local differentiation in spur length due to activity of noctuids was discussed.  相似文献   

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