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Summary This paper presents the first report of a mammalian internal organ with a lower temperature than its abdominal surrounds. Heterocephalus glaber, the naked mole-rat, is a poikilothermic mammal that leads a strictly subterranean existence and consumes a high proportion of fibre in its diet. The fermentation chamber in these animals appears to absorb rather than generate heat and the temperature in it was consistently 1.2±0.5°C (n=17) lower than rectal temperature. A caecum with a lower temperature than its abdominal surrounds provides an internal heat sink which could be advantageous for metabolic heat dissipation in the plugged humid burrows in which the naked mole-rat permanently resides.Abbreviations RH relative humidity - T b body temperature - T c caecal temperature - T i intraperitoneal temperature - T r rectal temperature  相似文献   

Aging refers to a gradual deterioration in function that, over time, leads to increased mortality risk, and declining fertility. This pervasive process occurs in almost all organisms, although some long-lived trees and cold water inhabitants reportedly show insignificant aging. Negligible senescence is characterized by attenuated age-related change in reproductive and physiological functions, as well as no observable age-related gradual increase in mortality rate. It was questioned whether the longest living rodent, the naked mole-rat, met these three strict criteria. Naked mole-rats live in captivity for more than 28.3 years, ∼9 times longer than similar-sized mice. They maintain body composition from 2 to 24 years, and show only slight age-related changes in all physiological and morphological characteristics studied to date. Surprisingly breeding females show no decline in fertility even when well into their third decade of life. Moreover, these animals have never been observed to develop any spontaneous neoplasm. As such they do not show the typical age-associated acceleration in mortality risk that characterizes every other known mammalian species and may therefore be the first reported mammal showing negligible senescence over the majority of their long lifespan. Clearly physiological and biochemical processes in this species have evolved to dramatically extend healthy lifespan. The challenge that lies ahead is to understand what these mechanisms are.  相似文献   

For molecular sexing of the naked mole-rat (Heterocephalus glaber), we designed a PCR primer set to amplify part of the Y-linked DBY gene. When this primer set was applied to the samples of known sex with the 16S rRNA gene (16S rDNA) primers as control, PCR products were successfully obtained as two DNA bands in males, a male-specific 163 bp DBY band and a 446 bp band of 16S rDNA shared with females, whereas females showed only the common band. This result shows that this multiplex PCR assay is useful for sex identification of H. glaber.  相似文献   

The neuropeptide oxytocin regulates a wide variety of social behaviors across diverse species. However, the types of behaviors that are influenced by this hormone are constrained by the species in question and the social organization that a particular species exhibits. Therefore, the present experiments investigated behaviors regulated by oxytocin in a eusocial mammalian species by using the naked mole-rat (Heterocephalus glaber). In Experiment 1, adult non-breeding mole-rats were given intraperitoneal injections of either oxytocin (1 mg/kg or 10 mg/kg) or saline on alternate days. Animals were then returned to their colony and behavior was recorded for minutes 15–30 post-injection. Both doses of oxytocin increased huddling behavior during this time period. In Experiment 2, animals received intraperitoneal injections of either oxytocin (1 mg/kg), an oxytocin-receptor antagonist (0.1 mg/kg), a cocktail of oxytocin and the antagonist, or saline across 4 testing days in a counterbalanced design. Animals were placed in either a 2-chamber arena with a familiar conspecific or in a small chamber with 1 week old pups from their home colony and behaviors were recorded for minutes 15–30 post-injection. Oxytocin increased investigation of, and time spent in close proximity to, a familiar conspecific; these effects were blocked by the oxytocin antagonist. No effects were seen on pup-directed behavior. These data suggest that oxytocin is capable of modulating affiliative-like behavior in this eusocial species.  相似文献   

Aspects of renal physiology were examined to test the hypothesis that two cryptic species of the genus Mastomys (Mastomys natalensis and Mastomys coucha) are geographically separated by differences in aridity tolerance. Laboratory-bred females of each species were subjected to different levels of salinity in their water source (distilled water, 0.9% NaCl, and 1.5% NaCl; 10 conspecifics in each group) from weaning until sexual maturity. Individuals of the two species exhibited similar rates of water consumption and urine production. The salinity treatments caused sodium diuresis in both species, evident in increased urine volume, decreased osmolality and increased osmotic output. Urine concentration, kidney mass and kidney relative medullary area (RMA) did not differ between species. The results of our study do not support the hypothesis that differences in osmoregulatory ability separate these two cryptic species. Nor do they support the use of salt loading to elicit maximum urine concentrations in mammals.  相似文献   

Summary Both seismic and auditory signals were tested for their propagation characteristics in a field study of the Cape mole-rat (Georychus capensis), a subterranean rodent in the family Bathyergidae. This solitary animal is entirely fossorial and apparently communicates with its conspecifics by alternately drumming its hind legs on the burrow floor. Signal production in this species is sexually dimorphic, and mate attraction is likely mediated primarily by seismic signalling between individuals in neighboring burrows. Measurements within, and at various distances away from, natural burrows suggest that seismic signals propagate at least an order of magnitude better than auditory signals. Moreover, using a mechanical thumper which could be triggered from a tape recording of the mole-rat's seismic signals, we established that the vertically-polarized surface wave (Rayleigh wave) propagates with less attenuation than either of the two horizontally-polarized waves. Thus, we tentatively hypothesize that Rayleigh waves subserve intraspecific communication in this species.Abbreviations PPM pulses per min - SB simulated burrow - SD standard deviation - SPL sound pressure level  相似文献   

The white-tailed prairie dog is an obligate hibernator that enters a heterothermic phase when maintained in the cold with low intensity light and ad libitum food and water. The black-tailed prairie dog (a facultative hibernator) will not hibernate under similar conditions. It has been suggested that the black tailed prairie dog remains active during the winter because it can conserve water more effectively due to a more efficient kidney. The present study revealed no significant differences between the species in renal morphology: relative medullary thickness, nephron heterogeneity, renal vasculature, or fornix dimensions, all of which are structures associated with the urinary concentrating mechanism. In addition, there was no difference in number of nephrons between the two species. The black-tailed prairie dog does produce a more concentrated urine when food and water deprived. However, this difference was not observed when the animals were salt loaded. The water-deprivation and salt-loading experiments suggest that the higher urine osmolality produced by the back-tailed prairie dog during fasting is a result of a higher urea load due to a greater protein catabolism and not because of a differential capacity to concentrate urine.Abbreviations C cortex - GFR glomerular filtration rate - H height - IS inner stripe - IZ inner zone of medulla - L length - OS outer stripe - PE polythylene - RMT relative medullary thickness - T a ambient temperature - W width  相似文献   

Mechanisms behind variation in physiological traits may assist in explaining how certain traits have evolved. The ability of mammals to concentrate urine has been seen as an adaptation to xeric environments. Urine osmolality and relative medullary thickness (RMT) are two indices which indicate urine concentrating powers. In addition, mammals living in xeric regions have lower water turnover rates (WTR) than their mesic counterparts. The RMT, urine concentrating ability (UCA) and WTR of the Black-tailed Tree Rat, Thallomys nigricauda, were investigated at three study sites along an aridity gradient. We investigated the extent to which these traits are influenced by evolutionary adaptation and/or phenotypic flexibility. There was no significant difference in RMT between sites and no difference in osmolalities when site and season were taken into account. In addition, there was no significant effect of site and season on WTR. This suggests that these traits might have a genetic basis, and reflect an evolutionary adaptation. Lack of differences in the renal traits in T. nigricauda across their range may be interpreted as lack of phenotypic flexibility. However, as a consequence of the degree of individual variation in the parameters measured there appears to be phenotypic flexibility with individuals responding to their specific conditions. This has positive implications for the survival of the species in the light of climate change.  相似文献   

The helminth fauna of the largest bathyergid, the Cape mole-rat ( Bathyergus suillus ) was studied throughout an entire calendar year. The species richness encountered was low, with only 3 species of nematodes ( Longistriata bathyergi , Mammalakis macrospiculum, and Trichostrongylus sp.) and 2 species of cestodes ( Taenia sp. and Rodentolepis sp.). At less than 10%, the prevalence for all helminths species was similarly low and may be a result of the solitary lifestyle and the subterranean habitat exploited by this rodent. Clear seasonal patterns were apparent for the most common nematode ( L. bathyergi ), and prevalence and abundance were highest among non-pregnant females compared to males and pregnant females. Dispersal patterns associated with the mating system of the host could explain this pattern. In contrast, the prevalence of the most common cestode ( Taenia sp.) was neither determined by season nor host sex, suggesting that foraging habits may constantly expose B. suillus to this parasite.  相似文献   

Nutritional response to different diet quality was examined in the subterranean rodent Ctenomys talarum (tuco-tuco). Animals maintained in captive conditions were fed with three plant species that differed in their fibre content. Tuco-tucos showed the ability to perform adjusts in short time lapse in response to diet quality; food ingestion, egestion and feces ingestion changed in animals under different plant species diets. Time budget, mainly time devoted to feeding and activity accompanied such changes. Coprophagy was practiced along the day and night following the arrhythmic activity pattern found for this species. Feces reingestion was not associated to resting. Furthermore, it was observed during fresh food ingestion, being pellets chewed. Soft and hard feces differed in morphological and nutritional characteristics.  相似文献   

We investigated reactions of free-living silvery mole-rats (Heliophobius argenteocinereus) to anthropogenic disturbances. Mole-rats detected soil vibrations caused by man carefully walking at a distance of up to 6 m (proved by radio-telemetry). Occasionally, mole-rats encountered outside a nest retreated there after this type of disturbance. After having their burrows broken into, the mole-rats retreated into deep tunnels, separating themselves from the rest of the burrows by soil plugs. Trapping success of silvery mole-rats using live traps for subterranean rodents was low, which contrasts with data so far published on social bathyergids. Antipredatory function of examined behaviours is discussed.  相似文献   

Pocket gophers (Thomomys bottae) are rodents that spend much of their lives in near-lightless subterranean burrows. The visual adaptations associated with this extreme environment were investigated by making anatomical observations of retinal organization and by recording retinal responses to photic stimulation. The size of the eye is within the normal range for rodents, the lens transmits light well down into the ultraviolet, and the retina conforms to the normal mammalian plan. Electroretinogram recording revealed the presence of three types of photopigments, a rod pigment with a spectral peak of about 495 nm and two types of cone pigment with respective peak values of about 367 nm (UV) and 505 nm (medium-wavelength sensitive). Both in terms of responsivity to lights varying in temporal frequency and in response recovery following intense light adaptation, the cone responses of the pocket gopher are similar to those of other rodents. Labeling experiments indicate an abundance of cones that reach densities in excess of 30,000 mm–2. Cones containing UV opsin are found throughout the retina, but those containing medium-wavelength sensitive opsin are mostly restricted to the dorsal retina where coexpression of the two photopigments is apparently the rule. Rod densities are lower than those typical for nocturnal mammals.  相似文献   

Low resting metabolic rate (RMR) in subterranean rodents used to be considered as a physiological adaptation to cope with stresses of the belowground environment. In African mole-rats (Bathyergidae, Rodentia), RMR was reported to be independent of body mass. This deviation from a general mammalian pattern was considered a precondition for evolution of eusociality, occurring in some bathyergids. We measured metabolic rate and thermoregulation in the silvery mole-rat, Heliophobius argenteocinereus, the only bathyergid genus for which well-supported, comparable data were still missing. Low RMR (154.04 mL O(2) h(-1), which is 82% of the value predicted for a rodent) corresponds to the value expected in a subterranean rodent. Broad range of the thermoneutral zone (25-33 degrees C) and only slightly higher conductance (17.3 mL O(2) h(-1) degrees C(-1), i.e. 112.5% of that predicted for subterranean mammals) indicate that H. argenteocinereus is adapted to lower burrow temperatures rather than to high temperatures. Low RMR in this solitary species, as in other subterranean rodents in general, is probably associated particularly with high energetic cost of foraging. Our results combined with data on other mole-rats show clearly that RMR within the Bathyergidae is mass-dependent.  相似文献   

In seasonal climatic regimes, animals have to deal with changing environmental conditions. It is reasonable to expect that seasonal changes are reflected in animal overall energetics. The relation between daily energy expenditure (DEE) and seasonally variable ecological determinants has been studied in many free-living small mammals; however with inconsistent results. Subterranean mammals, i.e. fossorial (burrowing) mammals which live and forage underground, live in a seasonally and diurnally thermally stable environment and represent a suitable model to test seasonality in DEE in respect to seasonal changes, particularly those in soil characteristics and access to food supply. Both factors are affected by seasonal rainfall and are supposed to fundamentally determine activity of belowground dwellers. These ecological constraints are pronounced in some tropical regions, where two distinct periods, dry and rainy seasons, regularly alternate. To explore how a tropical mammal responds to an abrupt environmental change, we determined DEE, resting metabolic rate (RMR) and sustained metabolic scope (SusMS) in a solitary subterranean rodent, the silvery mole-rat, at the end of dry season and the onset of rainy season. Whereas RMR did not differ between both periods, mole-rats had 1.4 times higher DEE and SusMS after the first heavy rains. These findings suggest that rainfall is an important environmental factor responsible for higher energy expenditure in mole-rats, probably due to increased burrowing activity. SusMS in the silvery mole-rat is comparable to values in other bathyergids and all bathyergid values rank among the lowest SusMS found in endothermic vertebrates.  相似文献   

During adaptation to brackish water the young great sturgeon Huso huso is able to regulate its serum osmolarity and ion concentrations. After transfer from fresh water to brackish water the ion concentrations in the urine increase and the urine becomes isoosmotic to the blood serum after 24h. The Na+ and K+ concentrations in the urine increase during the first 12 h by 4.4 and 7.7 times, respectively, later decreasing again. The Mg2+ and Ca2+ concentrations in the urine increase by 3.4 and 14 times during the first 72h in brackish water and remain high thereafter. These results suggest that the kidneys play an important part in the regulation of serum osmolarity and in the removal of Ca2+; however, in contrast to teleosts, Mg2+ must be removed extrarenally. During adaptation to a hyperosmotic medium the diameters of the Malpighian bodies, the glomeruli and the diameter of the tubules initially all decrease, but the distal tubules become morphologically differentiated into two regions and the diameter of the distal section later increases again. It is suggested that this is the site of Ca2+ secretion into the urine.  相似文献   

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