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Cells mechanically isolated from homogenized leaves ofC. sepium dividein vitro. The rate of cell division is strongly influenced by temperature with the optimum between 31 and 34 °C. The rate of cell division increases proportionally with a rise in temperature up to 31 °C and is accompanied by a reduction in the length of the preparatory phase of the division. A supraoptimal temperature (40 °C) inhibits or stops the cell division which can be restored provided that the cells are transferred to 31 °C. If the preparatory phase to the commencement of cell division is accomplished at 17 °C the cells then exposed to 31 °C divide more rapidly than if they are exposed directly to 31 °C.  相似文献   

C. Vago  O. Croissant 《BioControl》1960,5(4):271-283
Summary On ultra fine cross sections of adipeous tissues ofMelolontha melolontha taken at the successive stages of rickettsial infection the evolution of the pathogenesis in the cytoplasm was followed with electronic miscrocope. The appearance of the first lesions and the multiplication of the rickettsies in cytoplasmic groups were shown. A geometric ordening of the rickettsies was revealed in the heaps of rickettsies that were in the course of multiplying, leading to the formation of closely packed groups in the form of ?globular centers?. The internal structure of these formations and of intracellular cystals is analyzed and research on their significance in compared pathology is being carried out.   相似文献   

Summary The interrenal (adrenocortical) cells of spotted Salamanders seriously affected by a mycotic disease for a long period, have a strikingly large dimension. Their nuclei and nucleoli show a marked hypertrophy. The cytoplasm is sometimes completely deprived of liposomes; it is very rich in mitochondria, smooth-surfaced reticular tubules and free ribosomes. Ergastoplasmic cisternae are frequently encountered in the vicinity of the nuclei. The Golgi apparatus is considerably developed. This organisation, which is common to all the cells, characterizes a stage of intense activity of hormonal synthesis, probably induced by high levels of ACTH. Beside these typical features, small dense bodies are particularly abundant at the periphery of the cells. No mitotic division could be seen.In Salamanders which suffer only moderately from the disease, the cells of the central part of the interrenal islets are the only ones to show the characteristics of great activity. On the other hand it can be noted that such cells are the more numerous the more the situation of the islet is cranial. As opposed to this, the cells of the periphery of the islets show only signs of a poor activity.During the extension of the disease, the number of highly active cells increases progressively, probably as a consequence of the activation of the peripheral cells. This activation usually begins with the hypertrophy of the nucleus and the nucleolus. The cytoplasmic modifications (namely the lipid depletion and the apparition of numerous dense bodies in the vicinity of the Golgi apparatus) seem to appear during a second stage only.

Zusammenfassung Die Interrenalzellen von Feuersalamandern, welche seit längerer Zeit an einer Pilzkrankheit schwer leiden, zeigen einen ungewöhnlich großen Durchmesser. Ihre Zellkerne samt Nukleoli sind überentwickelt. Das Zytoplasma ist hie und da frei von Liposomen, zeigt aber überaus zahlreiche Mitochondrien, glatte Tubuli des endoplasmatischen Retikulums und freie Ribosomen. In der Nähe des Zellkerns trifft man häufig ergastoplasmatische Zisternen an. Der Golgi-Apparat ist stark ausgebildet. Diese Organisation, die man in allen Zellen wiederfindet, deutet auf eine starke Aktivität der Hormonsynthese hin, die wahrscheinlich unter dem Einfluß von hohem und andauerndem ACTH-Gehalt steht. Ferner findet man kleine elektronendichte Körper, vor allem häufig an der Peripherie der Zellen. Mitotische Zellteilungen wurden nicht beobachtet.Bei Salamandern, die von der Erkrankung weniger befallen waren, zeigen nur die inneren Zellen der Interrenalinseln Äquivalente einer starken Aktivität. Sie sind im übrigen desto zahlreicher, je weiter cranial die Interrenalinsel liegt. Die Zellen in der Peripherie dagegen tragen die Merkmale einer schwachen Aktivität.Im Laufe der Krankheit nimmt die Zahl der hochaktiven Zellen fortwährend zu, wahrscheinlich infolge der Aktivierung der Zellen der Peripherie. Diese Aktivierung beginnt mit der Vergrößerung der Zellkerne und Nukleoli. Die zytoplasmatischen Veränderungen, insbesondere das Verschwinden der Liposomen und das Erscheinen von elektronendichten Körpern in der Nachbarschaft des Golgi-Apparates, scheinen in einer zweiten Phase aufzutreten.

Résumé Les expériences que nous avons réalisées nous ont permis d'étudier le rôle de l'absence du gaz carbonique dans l'atmosphère où se trouve l'Insecte. L'une des deux femelles deBombus est introduite dans une cellule microcalorimétrique en atmosphère normale, l'autre femelle dans une cellule dont l'atmosphère est dépourvue de gaz carbonique.Dans l'expression des résultats, je considère d'abord les indications fournies par la forme des enregistrements. Afin d'apporter une plus grande précision dans l'interprétation des enregistrements, j'ai effectué une étude quantitative de la thermogenèse.Les résultats concernant l'influence de la température sur la thermogenèse des reines de Bourdons sont généralement conformes à ce que nous connaissons de la stimulation du métabolisme thermique par une élévation de la température chez la plupart des Poïkilothermes.On peut noter, qu'à température égale, les reines deBombus terrestris ont une thermogenèse relative supérieure à celle des reines deBombus lapidarius. D'autre part, pour chacune des espèces considérées, les valeurs thermogéniques des reines deBombus sont plus élevées — à une exception près — lorsque celles-ci sont placées en atmosphère dépourvue de gaz carbonique.En conclusion, l'absence de gaz carbonique dans l'atmosphère de la cellule microcalorimétrique ne modifie pas profondément le niveau des échanges respiratoires des reines deBombus, dans les limites de mes expériences.
Thermogenesis in Bumble-bees' queens
Summary Experiments have been performed on queens ofBombus terrestris L. andBombus lapidarius L., with a Calvet micro-calorimeter. Curves of thermogenesis (thermograms) are first examined; they vary according to individuals, species, temperature of the ambiance, and composition of the atmosphere.As a rule, at constant temperature, queens ofBombus terrestris produce more heat than these ofBombus lapidarius.Experiments performed in the presence of sodium hydroxide in order to absorb the carbon dioxide elaborated display less undulated thermograms, but individual differences are wide.The thermogenesis of insects placed in micro-calorimetric cells without carbon dioxide is a little higher than that of females in normal atmosphere, but variable results of thermogenic reactions are sometimes observed.

Résumé L'étude par la méthode histochimique de fluorescence de Falck, du ganglion cérébroïde ét de la chaine nerveuse ventrale de Glycera convoluta K. a permis la mise en évidence de péricaryons et de fibres présentant une fluorescence jaune et verte. La nature et le métabolisme des amines mises en évidence histochimiquement ont été étudiées par des techniques biochimiques. La présence d'adrénaline et de 5-hydroxytryptamine a pu être établie avec certitude. Deux autres amines identifiées chromatographiquement comme étant de la dopamine et de la noradrénaline présentent cependant des caractéristiques spectrofluorimétriques légèrement différentes de ces deux substances.La rétention de la noradrénaline et de la dopamine étudiée par des techniques radiochimiques s'est montrée plus longue que dans le canal déférent du Rat. Les composants lipidiques, protéolipidiques et protéiques étudiés chromatographiquement sont apparus assez différents de ceux rencontrés chez les Mammifères.Des données récentes ont montré l'importance de l'arrangement spatial des groupements fonctionnels dans la molécule du médiateur par rapport à la (ou aux) protéine (s) lors de la fixation de la noradrénaline dans les fibres adrénergiques des Mammifères. Aussi peut on estimer que les différences observées entre les caractéres spectrofluorimétriques des catécholamines de G. convoluta et du Rat pourraient tenir plus à la forme de capture et de stockage des amines qu'à une différence profonde de leur nature chimique.
Biogenic amine study of Glycera convoluta K. (annelida, polychaeta)
Summary The supra-oesophageal ganglion and ventral nerve cord of Glycera convoluta K. were studied with the fluorescence method of Falck. Many perikarya and fibers show a green and yellow fluorescence. The nature and metabolism of the observed biogenic amines were studied by biochemical methods. Epinephrine and 5-hydroxytryptamine were certainly present. Two other amines show chromatographic characters of dopamine and norepinephrine, but exhibit a slight difference in their fluorimetric spectra with these two catecholamines.Radiochemical methods have shown that the retention of norepinephrine and dopamine is longer in the ventral nerve cord of G. convoluta than in the vas deferens of the rat.The lipids, proteolipids and proteins of G. convoluta were different from those found in mammals as demonstrated by chromatographic analysis.Recent findings have shown the importance of the spatial arrangement of active groups in the molecule of transmitter for its retention by the protein matrix in the adrenergic fibers of mammals. The differences found by spectrofluorimetry and by measurements of the time of retention between catecholamines of rat and G. convoluta can be explained by differences in the nature of the protein matrix or by the spatial arrangement of active groups in the transmitter molecule.
Nos remerciements vont à Mme L. Desgroux-Lelièvre et à M.B. Lesbats, pour la collaboration qu'ils nous ont apportée dans la réalisation de ce travail, ainsi qu'au personnel de la Station Biologique de Roscoff qui nous a aimablement fourni les animaux utilisés.  相似文献   

Various di- and tri-saccharides containing l-rhamnose were synthesized by condensation of 2,3,4-tri-O-acetyl- or 2,3,4-tri-O-benzoyl-α-l-rhamnopyranosyl bromide with an unblocked glycopyranoside. The determination of the anomeric configuration of l-rhamnose saccharides by n.m.r. is difficult because structure has a greater effect on the spectra than does configuration. The α and β configurations and the position of the substitution may be assigned from the chemical shifts of H-5 and CH3. In all the compounds having a β configuration, a shielding of the methyl group and a deshielding of the H-5 proton have been observed as compared to the compounds having an α configuration. The H-5 proton and the methyl group of peracetylated, (1→3)-linked α-l derivatives always resonate at higher fields than the corresponding protons of (1→6)-linked α-l derivatives.  相似文献   

Experimental Study of changes in water content during dehydration and rehydration of the Fern: Notochlaena vellea R. Br.—This study takes place after studies made on otherPolypodiaceen Ferns. We have shown that, in these ferns, the survival duration was longer for the subterranean organs than for aerial ones. The problem was to show that this difference is due to a lower dehydration of the subterranean tissues. As far as we looked at the total water deficiency, we did not find any significant difference between the leaves and the meristematic parts of the subterranean organs: the main difference is the rate of rehydration which is higher in subterranean parts.  相似文献   

Iron, the presence of which can be revealed by histochemical techniques and microanalysis X, accumulates in the testis of Littorina littorea (L.). Its accumulation varies in relation to the annual cycle. The highest concentration occurs during the involution period (late summer) and is lowest during gametogenesis (early winter). Besides iron, S, P, Ca, Cl and sometimes Mg and F are found. These elements are contained in lysosomes of “epithelial cells” which develop in the testis following the reproductive stage.  相似文献   

D-Galacto-D-xylo-D-glucans (amyloids) from Balsamina, Tropaeolum, and Tamarindus seeds behave in a similar manner in the presence of various glycosidase preparations: slow depolymerization by enzymes from several germinated or non-germinated seeds, and hydrolysis into monosaccharides and oligosaccharides by commercial cellulase and hemicellulase preparations from fungi. A purified cellulase from Penicillium notatum gave a dialyzable fraction almost exclusively composed of α-D-xylopyranosyl-(1→6)-D-glucose residues and a nondialyzable fraction composed of chains of β-D-(1→4)[withsome (1→3)]-glucopyranosyl residues; β-D-galacto-pyranosyl-(1→2)-α-D-xylosyl groups are linked to some of the β-D-glucosyl residues at 0-6. The presence of (1→3)-linkages in the D-glucan chain of the Balsamina was verified by methylation and sequential periodate oxidation-borohydride reduction; the distribution of the substituents on the D-glucan chain is not regular. The main D-glucan backbone, where the β-D-glucosyl residues are partly linked at 0-6 to β-D-galactosyl-(1→2)-D-xylosyl groups, is linked to D-glucan chains where almost all the D-glucose units are linked at 0-6 by one α-D-xylosyl group. The presence of 3,6-di-O-methyl-D-glucose after permethylation and hydrolysis suggests that the xyloglucan chains are linked to 0-2 of the D-glucosyl units of the galactoxyloglucan backbone.  相似文献   

Gibberellic acid GA3 (50 ppm) decreases the photosynthetic rate and increases respiration rate of rye leaves (Secale cereale L., cv. Dankowskie Zlote). The effect of GA3 on transpiration rate is not distinctly marked.  相似文献   

Summary Cauterization of pole cells in embryos of the Colorado beetle does not prevent organogenesis of the gonads. So, pole cells do not govern to the differentiation of the gonadal mesoderm (this latter is limited to abdominal segments 6, 7 and 8). Moreover, this mesoderm develops into testis or ovary even without any innitial germ cells.

Following ethylene diamine treatment of the cell wall of Rhodotorula rubra, a water soluble fraction has been isolated. This fraction can be resolved into three glycoproteins and one protein. The major part is a glycoprotein, purified to homogeneity which has a molecular weight of 64 000. The glyco-part of this protein contains mannose, glucose and one residue of glucosamine. After pronase treatment, the presence of an “Asparaginyl-N-acetylglucosamine” linkage is established by the existence of one aspartic acid residue and one glucosamine residue. After permethylation, the initial data give some evidence that the branching points in the molecule were the carbon atoms 3 and (or) 6 of the mannose moiety and that some glucose moieties are bound to the non-reducing terminal end.  相似文献   

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