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白菜细胞核雄性不育花药的细胞化学观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对一种由一对隐性基因控制的白菜细胞核雄性不育和可育株的花药进行了细胞学和组织化学研究。种子播种后,有1/4植株为不育株,其余的为可育株。通过对不育株和可育株花药发育的细胞学观察,确认不育花粉的败育发生在小孢子发育时期。用组织化学的方法研究了可育株和不育株花药发育过程中的多糖和脂类的分布动态,发现在减数分裂前,可育花药和不育花药的药隔细胞中都储藏了大量的淀粉粒。二者的差异仅是不育花药的绒毡层细胞液泡化明显。在减数分裂后的小孢子发育时期,可育花药的绒毡层细胞具有将药隔细胞中的淀粉粒多糖吸收并转化成脂类的功能,小孢子及以后的二胞花粉中也积累了大量的脂类储藏物质在不育花药中,虽然减数分裂后药隔细胞中的淀粉粒也都消失,但绒毡层细胞中的脂类物质相比很少,同时绒毡层细胞显示了明显的多糖反应,表明不育花药的绒毡层细胞将糖类转化为脂类的功能受阻。在小孢子的表面有些脂类物质,但在细胞质中却没有脂类积累。这一结果暗示在该种白菜细胞核雄性不育株中,由于花药绒毡层细胞转换多糖为脂类的功能失常,导致了小孢子的败育。  相似文献   

白菜细胞核雄性不育两用系的细胞学观察   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对白菜细胞核雄性不育两用系进行了花粉母细胞减数分裂和小孢子发育的细胞学观察,实验结果初步表明不育系小孢子败育时期在减数分裂末期Ⅱ这一阶段,败育方式是不能形成四分体,随后小孢子内颗粒状的内含物不断外溢,直至成为一个空壳,药室萎缩,导致花粉败育。  相似文献   

白菜核雄性不育花药超微结构的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对白菜核雄性不育两用系的可育与不育花药进行了超微结构的比较观察。结果显示不育花药的造孢细胞核仁靠边分布;包裹小孢子母细胞的胼胝质厚薄不均匀,不完整等早期异常现象。减数分裂后.四分体细胞中常有多个细胞核。从四分体释放出的小孢子外壁的孢粉素物质不均匀沉积,呈不连续的单层异常结构。最后小孢子通过细胞质收缩方式败育。在可育花药中.绒毡层细胞在小孢子发育后期已显示出退化迹象,同时在细胞中开始积累脂类物质。但在同时期的不育花药中.绒毡层细胞没有显示出退化的迹象,也不合成脂类物质。从时间上看,败育花药中小孢子母细胞及小孢子的异常在先,绒毡层细胞的异常在后。本研究揭示了白菜核雄性不育花药的超微结构特征.对我们以前的光学显微镜观察结果予以补充和修正。  相似文献   

辣椒雄性不育材料小孢子发生的细胞形态学观察   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
用石蜡切片技术,在光学显微镜下观察了辣椒雄性不育材料1A及其保持系1B的小孢子发育过程和各时期的形态特征.结果表明,雄性不育材料1A的小孢子败育发生在四分体至单核花粉粒时期,此时绒毡层细胞异常肥大,四分体受到挤压后破裂并降解,无法形成正常的单核花粉粒.扫描电镜观察结果表明,保持系1B的花粉粒结构完整,表面有3个明显的萌发沟;而雄性不育材料1A的成熟花粉粒形状不规则,空瘪,有部分花粉粒解体,败育比较彻底,说明该雄性不育材料在辣椒育种工作中有较高的利用价值.  相似文献   

对白菜核雄性不育两用系的可育与不育花药进行了超微结构的比较观察。结果显示不育花药的造孢细胞核仁靠边分布:包裹小孢子母细胞的胼胝质厚薄不均匀,不完整等早期异常现象。减数分裂后,四分体细胞中常有多个细胞核。从四分体释放出的小孢子外壁的孢粉素物质不均匀沉积.呈不连续的单层异常结构。最后小孢子通过细胞质收缩方式败育。在可育花药中,绒毡层细胞在小孢子发育后期已显示出退化迹象,同时在细胞中开始积累脂类物质。但在同时期的不育花药中, 绒毡层细胞没有显示出退化的迹象,也不合成脂类物质。从时间上看,败育花药中小孢子母细胞及小孢子的异常在先,绒毡层细胞的异常在后。本研究揭示了白菜核雄性不育花药的超微结构特征, 对我们以前的光学显微镜观察结果予以补充和修正。  相似文献   

光(温)敏核不育水稻花药和小孢子发生的细胞化学   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
利用细胞化学方法,对光(温)敏核不育水稻农垦585和W6154S的花药和小孢子发生过程的观察结果表明,在可育条件下,其花药组织和小孢子发生过程不论形态结构还是细胞化学变化都基本一致。小孢子母细胞时期的药隔薄壁组织、药壁中层及药室内壁中分布了一些多糖颗粒,但到进入减数分裂时多糖颗粒基本消失。绒毡层在解体前一直富含细胞质,从染色反应看,它表现为小孢子母细胞时期的蛋白质向减数分裂开始后的多糖物质的转变过程。在不育条件下,农垦585在小孢子母细胞时期就出现异常,其败有时间比W6154S要稍早一些。两者最后都表现为典败,但W6154S的花药壁解体较为彻底,只剩下干皱的表皮和药室内壁,而农垦585的花药壁还有多层细胞结构。  相似文献   

宁夏枸杞雄性不育材料小孢子发生的细胞形态学观察   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用常规显微制片法,在光学显微镜下观察了宁夏枸杞雄性不育材料'YX-1'与可育材料'宁杞1号'的小孢子发生过程和各时期的形态特征.结果表明:不育材料'YX-1'小孢子发育受阻于四分体时期,无法形成正常的单核花粉粒,败育的特征是四分体胼胝质壁不能适时降解,四分孢子在胼胝质壁内液泡化、核质收缩降解,绒毡层细胞异常肥大增生,推迟解体.压片结果表明,不育材料'YX-1'四分孢子形状不规则、空瘪、解体,败育比较彻底.  相似文献   

以不结球白菜(Brassica campestris ssp.chinensis Makino)雄性不育系及其保持系为试验材料,选择不同发育阶段的花蕾,取其花药,制成石蜡切片和超薄切片,经染色后在电子显微镜下观察。结果表明,不结球白菜雄性不育系与保持系的花药发育有明显的不同:不育系花药发育受阻于花粉母细胞分化期,形成1~3个药室,并形成正常的四分体小孢子,此时细胞组织逐步解体,形成空腔花药;最后向内皱缩;保持系花粉母细胞能形成正常的四分体,进而形成小孢子,最终形成充满正常花粉粒的花药。  相似文献   

中国鹅掌楸子小孢子发生的细胞化学研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
多糖,脂类和蛋白质的消长变化与花粉发育过程中营养供应存在着密切的关系。雄蕊特别是花药壁内的多糖在减数分裂过程中逐渐消耗殆尽。初期的小孢子母细胞内脂滴的含量丰富,无淀粉粒,也无颗粒状的蛋白质。进行减数分裂的小孢子母细胞内,中层及绒毡层细胞积累了大量的蛋白质与脂类;减数分裂完成后,绒毡层和四分体小孢子开始逐渐积累淀粉与脂类,但蛋白质的含量较少,至小孢子时期小孢子壁及绒毡层细胞的径向向壁和内切向壁沉积了  相似文献   

对白菜核雄性不育两用系可育花药和不育花药的ATPase做了定位分析。可育花药的花粉母细胞核中积累了大量的ATPase反应颗粒,而细胞质中ATPase反应颗粒较少,但在线粒体中特异地聚集了一些大的ATPase反应颗粒。减数分裂后,小孢子细胞质中ATPase反应颗粒明显增加。随着小孢子发育,其细胞质中ATPase反应颗粒逐渐减少,但在线粒体中又特异性地聚集了较多的AT-Pase反应颗粒。当花药发育到二胞花粉时期,花粉和绒毡层细胞中的ATPase反应颗粒已很少了。不育花药的花粉母细胞中呈现较多的ATPase,然而在线粒体中很少。异常四分体小孢子细胞质中虽然有较多的ATPase反应颗粒,但还是通过细胞质收缩和质壁分离方式退化。对可育花药的花粉母细胞线粒体中特异出现的簇状ATPase分布现象进行了分析,讨论了不育花药中花粉母细胞线粒体ATPase的异常与花粉败育的可能关系。  相似文献   

Calcium distribution in fertile and sterile anthers of a thermosensitive male-sterile wheat genotype was investigated using an antimonate precipitation method. During fertile anther development, before meiosis of the microspore mother cells, calcium precipitates were apparent in tapetal cells of the anther wall. After meiosis, precipitates were detected in the early microspores and accumulated in the large vacuole of late microspores. After microspore division, following decomposition of the large vacuole, precipitates decreased in the bicellular pollen. The earliest abnormality in calcium precipitate distribution detected during sterile pollen development was the greater accumulation of precipitates in the cytoplasm and nucleus of late microspores. The sterile microspore can divide to form bicellular pollen, but the large vacuole of sterile bicellular pollen did not decompose and greater abundance of precipitates was retained in the large vacuole. Abnormal distribution of calcium precipitates in sterile pollen precedes structural changes, suggesting that abnormal calcium metabolism is associated with pollen abortion.  相似文献   

Potassium antimonate was used to locate Ca2+ in fertile and sterile anthers of a photoperiod-sensitive genic male-sterile rice (Oryza sativa L. japonica). During the development of fertile anthers, abundant calcium precipitates accumulated in the anther walls and on the surface of pollen grains and Ubish bodies at the late developmental stage of the microspore, but not in the cytoplasm of pollen grains. Following the accumulation of starch grains in pollen, calcium precipitates on pollen walls diminished and increased in parenchymatous cells of the connective tissue. In sterile anthers, calcium precipitates were abundant in the middle layer and endothecium, but not in the tapetum, as was found in fertile anthers. A special cell wall was observed between the tapetum and middle layer of sterile anthers that appeared to relate to distinctive calcium accumulation patterns and poor pollen wall formation in the loculi. The formation of different patterns of antimonate-induced calcium precipitates in the anthers of photoperiod-sensitive genic male-sterile rice indicates that anomalies in the distribution of calcium accumulation correlate with the failure of pollen development and pollen abortion. Received: 30 May 1997 / Accepted: 5 July 1997  相似文献   

Summary A 12-stage normal table of anther development in Oenothera, is presented. The stages are characterized by developmental steps in the reproductive cells and the tapetum, including waves of amylogenesis and lipogenesis as well as the production of the sporoderm layers. This is compared to a corresponding table for the male-sterile (mst) mutant sterilis (ster). Differences between the development of fertile and mst anthers appear after the liberation of the microspores from the tetrads. Male sterility results from a malfunction of the tapetum in the production of ektexine sporopollenin precursors, which aggregate in the tapetal cells. The consequence is the absence of ektexine from the microspores. The endexine is then dissolved, presumably by an enzyme. This process leads to naked microspores whose unprotected cytoplasms are attacked by hydrolytic enzymes present in the thecal fluid. At anthesis the anthers contain only undefined remnants of microspores and tapetum.  相似文献   

We report here two environmental genic male-sterilities (EGMS) in rice. These two EGMS rice lines, thermo-sensitive genic male-sterility (TGMS) and photoperiod-sensitive genic male-sterility (PGMS), are controlled by temperature and photoperiod, respectively, in determining their male-sterility. Male-sterility of the TGMS and PGMS was found to be induced when they were grown at 32 degrees C/26 degrees C (day/night) with 14 h daylight, while they were fertile at 26 degrees C/20 degrees C (day/night) with 10 h daylight in a growth chamber. We also examined their anther structures under a light microscope. The light microscopic observation revealed that the EGMS lines showed a complete pollen abortion at the sterile growth condition while they produced normal fertile pollens at the fertile growth condition.  相似文献   

Pollen development is disturbed in the microspore development stage of the double-recessive nuclear male-sterile line ms5ms6 (Gossypium hirsutum L.). This study aimed to identify differentially expressed anther proteins and their potential roles in pollen development and male sterility. We compared the proteomes of sterile and fertile anthers of the double recessive nuclear male-sterile line ms5ms6. Approximately 1,390 protein spots were detected by two-dimensional differential gel electrophoresis. Proteins with altered accumulation levels in sterile anthers compared with fertile anthers were identified by mass spectrometry and the NCBInr and Viridiplantae EST databases. Down-regulated proteins in the sterile anthers included cytosolic ascorbate peroxidase 1 and glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase (glutamine-tRNA ligase). Several carbohydrate metabolism- and photosynthesis-related enzymes were also present at lower levels in the mutant anthers. By contrast, ATP-dependent RNA helicase eIF4A-13, NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1, enolase, gibberellin 20-oxidase, gibberellin 3-hydroxylase 1, alcohol dehydrogenase 2d, 3-ketoacyl-CoA synthase, and trehalose 6-phosphate synthase were expressed at higher levels in sterile anthers than in fertile anthers. The regulation of upland cotton pollen development involves a complex network of differentially expressed genes. This study provides the foundation for future investigations of gene function in upland cotton pollen development and male sterility.  相似文献   

An electron cytochemical study of glycoproteins and glycolipids was made for the mature sarcocysts of Sarcocystis muris. Glycoprotein structures as branched fibrilles were seen on the surface of the sarcocyst wall. The fibrillar and granular glycoprotein structures were found in the ground substance of sarcocysts near the cyst wall and in the septae. In the plasmalemma of two types of cyst stages (merozoites and intermediate cells), glycoprotein fibrillar structures were revealed connecting these two cell types with each other. The third type cyst stages, i.e. the metrocytes, are situated separately without any fibrillar connections between them and other cyst stages being observed. This question is discussed in terms of the problem of cytodifferentiation. The fibrillar and granular glycoprotein material is scattered over the cytoplasm of the cyst stages, being especially concentrated in micronemes, rhoptries and around amylopectin granules. The control ultrathin sections were treated with saliva or pronase for the aims of protein identification in the material under study. In addition to glycoprotein, some glycolipids material was detected in the sarcocysts in the form of drops surrounded with thin glycoproteinaceous layers. Glycolipids were found in the ground substance of sarcocysts near the cyst stages and in the parasite cell cytoplasm around the micronemes and rhoptries. The data obtained are discussed in connection with the functional role glycoproteins and glycolipids play in S. muris.  相似文献   

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