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Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is usually depicted as a circular molecule, however, there is increasing evidence that linearization of mtDNA evolved independently many times in organisms such as fungi, unicellular eukaryotes, and animals. Recent observations in various models with linear mtDNA revealed the presence of conserved inverted repeats (IR) at both ends that, when they become single-stranded, may be able to fold on themselves to create telomeric-hairpins involved in genome architecture conversions. The atypical mtDNA of terrestrial isopods (Crustacea: Oniscidea) composed of linear monomers and circular dimers is an interesting model to study genome architecture conversions. Here, we present the mtDNA control region sequences of two species of the genus Armadillidium: A. vulgare and A. pelagicum. All features of arthropods mtDNA control regions are present (origin of replication, poly-T stretch, GA and TA-rich blocks and one variable domain), plus a conserved IR. This IR can potentially fold into a hairpin structure and is present in two different orientations among the A. vulgare populations: either in one sense or in its reverse complement. This polymorphism, also observed in a single individual (heteroplasmy), might be a signature of genome architecture conversions from linear to circular monomeric mtDNA via successive opening and closing of the molecules.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. AS an ecotone, the littoral environment is often complexand is generally rich in numbers and species of organisms. Thedisadvantages of the biotope in terms of exposure to physicalfactors of both the marine and terrestrial environments arepatent, but the advantages are not so evident. The continualreplenishment of food brought from the sea, particularly fordetritus-feeding animals such as hermit crabs, coupled withthe possibility and ability to establish microhabitatswith microclimaticconditions may constitute the principal advantage. Escape fromspecialized predators may also be important. Hermit crabs havesuccessfully exploited most intertidal environments. As membersof the "benthic detritus-feeding guild" food is abundant, andby utilizing their shells in conjunction with movements withinthe littoral zone they have met successfully most of the rigorsof the environment. The shell also provides some protectionfrom predation, particularly from non-specialized predators.Indeed,the behavioral patterns associated with living in shells whichpermit the shell to serve as a microhabitat constitute the majoradaptation enabling the hermit crabs to exploit the intertidalenvironment so successfully.  相似文献   

The alpha-proteobacteria Wolbachia are the most widespread endosymbionts in arthropods and nematodes. Mainly maternally inherited, these so-called sex parasites have selected several strategies that increase their vertical dispersion in host populations. However, the lack of congruence between the Wolbachia and their host phylogenies suggests frequent horizontal transfers. One way that could be used for horizontal Wolbachia transfers between individuals is predation. The aim of this study was to test whether horizontal passage of Wolbachia is possible when an uninfected terrestrial isopod eats an infected one. After having eaten Armadillidium vulgare harbouring Wolbachia, the predator-recipients (the two woodlice A. vulgare and Porcellio dilatatus dilatatus) that were initially Wolbachia-free were tested positive for the presence of Wolbachia both by quantitative PCR and Fluorescence in situ Hybridization (FISH). Even if the titers were low compared to vertically infected individuals, this constitutes the first demonstration of Wolbachia occurrence in various organs of an initially uninfected host after eating an infected one.  相似文献   

Abstract: Sodium has many fundamental physiological functions in animals but is rare in boreal ecosystems where moose (Alces alces) thrive. In Québec (Canada), sodium is readily available in aquatic vegetation and in salt pools that form along highways. We do not know if moose are adopting specific behaviors to access sodium sources or if they simply use the sodium sources they encounter during their movements. We tested the hypothesis that moose modify both space and habitat use to gather sodium from salt pools. We expected moose to use salt pools mostly in spring and early summer, when needs are greatest and before aquatic vegetation has fully developed. We fitted 47 moose with Global Positioning System telemetry collars and collected data for 2 to 36 months between 2003 and 2006. We rarely located moose at salt pools (0.12% among the 95,007 locations collected). As we expected, use of salt pools was highest in late spring and in early summer, and we observed a time lag between peak use of salt pools compared to use of lakes and waterways, indicating moose fulfilled their sodium requirements in salt pools before aquatic vegetation was available. Moose selected salt pools over lakes and waterways when these 2 sodium sources were present in their home range and moved rapidly over large distances to reach them. Our results were consistent with moose using salt pools when they are likely to be sodium deficient. Salt pools were less accessible, required long-distance movements, and were located in habitually avoided areas along highways. Elimination of roadside salt pools should be considered among strategies to reduce cervid-vehicle collision risks in boreal environments.  相似文献   

Armadillidium vulgare is a terrestrial isopod (Crustacea, Oniscidea) which harbors Wolbachia bacterial endosymbionts. A. vulgare is the major model for the study of Wolbachia-mediated feminization of genetic males in crustaceans. As a consequence of their impact on host sex determination mechanisms, Wolbachia endosymbionts are thought to significantly influence A. vulgare evolution on various grounds, including population genetic structure, diversity and reproduction strategies. To provide molecular tools for examining these questions, we isolated microsatellite loci through 454 pyrosequencing of a repeat-enriched A. vulgare genomic library. We selected 14 markers and developed three polymorphic microsatellite multiplex kits. We tested the kits on two A. vulgare natural populations and found high genetic variation, thereby making it possible to investigate the impact of Wolbachia endosymbionts on A. vulgare nuclear variation at unprecedented resolution. In addition, we tested the transferability of these kits by cross-species amplification in five other terrestrial isopod species harboring Wolbachia endosymbionts. The microsatellite loci showed good transferability in particular in Armadillidium nasatum and Chaetophiloscia elongata, for which these markers represent promising tools for future genetic studies.  相似文献   

Three new species of terrestrial isopods from the leaf litter of a rain forest near Gamboa, canal zone, Panama, are described. They belong to the genera Ischioscia Verhoeff, 1928 and Andenoniscus Verhoeff, 1941, occurring in Central America and northern South America. I. panamensis spec. nov. is a typical member of the genus, whereas I. zebricolor spec. nov. differs remarkably from its congeners, both in colour and morphological aspects. Andenoniscus schmalfussi spec. nov. belongs to a different phyletic line of the so-called "Philosciidae", a paraphyletic group. The generic position of both I. zebricolor spec. nov. and A. schmalfussi spec. nov. is discussed, together with the evolution of specific characters and the biogeography of these Central American Oniscidea.  相似文献   

Studying how novel phenotypes originate and evolve is fundamental to the field of evolutionary biology as it allows us to understand how organismal diversity is generated and maintained. However, determining the basis of novel phenotypes is challenging as it involves orchestrated changes at multiple biological levels. Here, we aim to overcome this challenge by using a comparative species framework combining behavioral, gene expression, and genomic analyses to understand the evolutionary novel egg-laying substrate-choice behavior of the invasive pest species Drosophila suzukii. First, we used egg-laying behavioral assays to understand the evolution of ripe fruit oviposition preference in D. suzukii compared with closely related species D. subpulchrella and D. biarmipes as well as D. melanogaster. We show that D. subpulchrella and D. biarmipes lay eggs on both ripe and rotten fruits, suggesting that the transition to ripe fruit preference was gradual. Second, using two-choice oviposition assays, we studied how D. suzukii, D. subpulchrella, D. biarmipes, and D. melanogaster differentially process key sensory cues distinguishing ripe from rotten fruit during egg-laying. We found that D. suzukii’s preference for ripe fruit is in part mediated through a species-specific preference for stiff substrates. Last, we sequenced and annotated a high-quality genome for D. subpulchrella. Using comparative genomic approaches, we identified candidate genes involved in D. suzukii’s ability to seek out and target ripe fruits. Our results provide detail to the stepwise evolution of pest activity in D. suzukii, indicating important cues used by this species when finding a host, and the molecular mechanisms potentially underlying their adaptation to a new ecological niche.  相似文献   

Successive development of millipede and terrestrial isopod assemblages in colliery spoil heaps in the Sokolov region (northwest Bohemia, Czech Republic) was studied during the years 1993–1998. Younger colliery spoil heaps were characterized by a lower number and low density of millipede species. The millipedes Polydesmus inconstans, Polydesmus testaceus, and Craspedosoma rawlinsii represented the main pioneer species. Alder afforestation proved to be more suitable for the recolonization of millipede populations, especially for the predominant Julus scandinavius. Terrestrial isopods colonized all parts of the heaps, including the youngest open plots. The most frequent isopod, Trachelipus rathkii, is a colonizing species with an apparently high adaptability to different environmental conditions. The isolated character of the extensive heap areas, together with existing extreme soil conditions, resulted in slow recolonization and a successional development of stable populations of these animals. However, the relatively high densities of millipede and isopod assemblages in suitable alder afforestation can represent further potential sources for colonization of other open‐heap areas.  相似文献   

Terrestrial immigrants from the sea have to cope with two importantnutritional problems: a shift in pathways of absorption, andthe altered availability of nutrients. The more terrestrialspecies of littoral crustaceans switch to food as the main sourceof water and salts. No serious difficulties accompany the oraluptake of mobile ions, but the vegetarians amongst the immigrantsare required to assume a new attitude with regard to the assimilationor heavier metals. Some important heavy elements, notably Cuand Zn, are soluble in sea water but form rather intractableorganic complexes in plant tissues. Herbivorous amphipods andisopods on land are incapable of extracting copper directlyfrom their primary food sources. To compensate for this shortcoming,help is enlisted from microorganisms, which render the copperpresent in ill-digested fecal material available to the crustaceans.Moreover, in terrestrial and intertidal herbivorous crustaceans—ascompared with their marine relatives—the storage capacityof the hepatopancreas, as well as the efficiency of Cu-assimilation,is augmented; compartmentalization of Cu-storage is more rigorouslycarried through; the movements of Cu and Zn within the bodyare more strictly regulated, copper, for example, being exchangedbetween different compartments in the course of endogenouslyor exogenously induced phases of the animal's life cycle.  相似文献   

Summary In two species of isopods (mainlyTracheoniscus rathkei, plus a fewOniscus asellus) total copper content as well as the amount of copper extractable with zinc-dibenzyldithiocarbamate in CCl4 (CTC) were determined. Both copper fractions show near perfect relationship with total copper concentration of the litter collected in the isopods' habitats. Between copperrich and copper-poor sites in Tirol, Austria, mean total copper content of the isopods varies by a factor of 7, mean CTC-extracted copper by a factor of 140 (Table 2). With the exception of one, particularly impoverished, site the concentration of copper in the CTC-extracted compartment reflects the total copper concentration of the food of the animals. Both copper fractions increase with the weight of animals, but the proportionality factor of the increase is three times larger for total copper than for CTC-extracted copper.A simplified geological map of Tirol is given in which the relationship between copper content of soil and litter and of the isopods at selected sites is indicated.  相似文献   

Butterflies in the genera Heliconius and Laparus obtain fitness-related benefits from using amino acids derived from pollen. These butterflies have morphological features of the proboscis that facilitate pollen-feeding. Here we investigate behavioral characteristics potentially involved in pollen-gathering. Analysis of four behavioral characters showed that pollen-feeding species manipulate Lantana flowers faster and more thoroughly compared to non-pollen-feeding relatives. Although this suggests that pollen-feeding species are potentially more efficient in harvesting pollen, every butterfly tested successfully removed pollen from Lantana and non-pollen-feeding butterflies generally extracted larger amounts of pollen than Heliconius and Laparus. Morphological characteristics of the proboscis and the production of abundant fluid exudate help keep pollen attached in the proboscis for long periods of time—possibly key to Heliconius' and Laparus' ability to obtain amino acids from pollen. Our results, in concert with those of previous morphological analysis, indicate that behavioral and structural attributes associated with pollen-feeding in Heliconius and Laparus are subtle modifications of widespread butterfly characteristics and raise the question why other butterflies do not use pollen in their diet.  相似文献   

The historical definition of adaptations has come into wide use as comparative biologists have applied methods of phylogenetic analysis to a variety of evolutionary problems. Here we point out a number of difficulties in applying historical methods to the study of adaptation, especially in cases where a trait has arisen but once. In particular, the potential complexity of the genetic correlations among phenotypic traits, performance variables and fitness makes inferring past patterns of selection from comparative data difficult. A given pattern of character distribution may support many alternative hypotheses of mechanism. While phylogenetic data are limited in their ability to reveal evolutionary mechanisms, they have always been an important source of adaptive hypotheses and will continue to be so.  相似文献   


The properties of haemoglobin oxygen dissociation curves and the Bohr effect have, been studied in various poikiloterms animals living in different ecological conditions. The position of the curve and the direction and the intensity of the Bohr effect are perfectly correlated with the ecological habit of the organism under examination. Both these parameters are regulated by cofactors modifiyng the properties of the haemoglobin. An increase in the Bohr effect, probably with evolutionary adaptive value has been found in the indian peruvian population living from generation at high altitude. Also in this case the increase in Bohr effect is due to some factor presente in the red cell and different by the organic phosphates.  相似文献   

《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(89):181-198

A general model of high country adaptations by hunters and gatherers is proposed. It is derived from a consi eration of the specific nature of high country resources and the social structure that seems to exploit them most efficiently. The general model is then illustrated by two test cases, one from northwestern Wyoming and one from southwestern Asia. The paper concludes with a comparative perspective. and discusses the problem of why Native Amen cans 1n the central Rockies failed to domesticate wild sheep while hunters and gatherers in southwestern Asia did.  相似文献   

We examine the importance of both the hydric environment ofnaturally incubating reptilian eggs and the energetic needsof hatchlings via an investigation of reproduction in Galapagosland iguanas (Conolophus subcristatus). Hatching success ofegg clutches and the size of subsequent hatchlings are bothpositively correlated with the water potential of natural nests,as predicted from previous laboratory experiments. Water potentialsrepresenting optimal incubation environments are available foronly a brief period in nature, and depend upon the same seasonalrainfall as does food abundance for the emerging hatchlings.The temporal placement of the reproductive season of Conolophussubcristatus balances these conflicting needs for water by eggsand energy by hatchlings. Oviposition occurs slightly beforesuitable water potentials are reached and hatchling emergenceoccurs after the peak in food abundance. Morphological adaptations by Conolophus subcristatus to theirprecarious reproductive phenology include greater amounts ofalbumen in their eggs, and greater energy reserves in emergenthatchlings than most other lizard species. These adaptationslessen the severity of an arid environment where water becomesavailable for periods too short to allow both oviposition andhatching to be temporally placed in an optimal manner.  相似文献   

Adaptations to Environmental Stresses   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文

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