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Abstract .Two designs of cross-shaped sticky panels (XT and XLP) were compared with the royal blue–white legpanel (LPBuWh) in the Jozani forest on Unguja Island as trapping devices for male Glossina austeni . Single coloured royal blue (XTBu) and bi-coloured royal blue–white XT (XTBuWh) caught more than twice as many male G. austeni as the LPBuWh, whereas single coloured black XT trapped significantly fewer flies (10%) than the control LPBuWh. XT's in various horizontal and diagonal blue–white configurations likewise trapped more flies than the LPBuWh, except a horizontally striped blue–white XT which trapped fivefold fewer flies than the LPBuWh. Cross-shaped LP in the blue–white (XLPBuWh) and black–white (XLPBlWh) combination scored significantly better than the control LPBuWh. Similar fly numbers were trapped with XTBuWh and XLPBuWh. Long-term trapping data indicated that the XTBu, XTBuWh and XLPBuWh were three- to fourfold more effective in trapping female flies than the LPBuWh.
The landing bias on bi-coloured panels was low in the blue–white but more pronounced in the blue–black and white–black combinations and was affected by the type of sticky panel used. A high proportion (49%) of the flies alighted on the bottom corners of the XTBu panel, but landing positions were more scattered if white was added.
Increasing the width of the XTBu from 70 to 120 cm improved the catch by a factor of two as compared with standard sized XTBu. The effect of doubling the height of the XT on total fly catch was negligible.
At present, it is the XTBu which can be recommended as the best trapping device for male and female G. austeni.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The copulatory behaviour of Glossina morsitans morsitans West. and G.austeni Newst. was analysed by filming. After a male and female engaged genitalia, the male performed a repertoire of five actions for 3–4 min: (1) 'rubbing' his metathoracic, tibiotarsal joint against the region of genital contact; (2) 'stroking' or hitting the female's head and thorax with his meso- and metathoracic legs; (3) 'wing flick' by moving his mesothoracic legs in a rowing motion whilst at the same time vibrating the wings as in normal flight; (4) 'wing vibration' with the wings vibrated in the closed position; (5) 'wings out' in which the wings are moved out to the flying position without any observable vibration. Each action was repeated many times, to give variable individual sequences, but declined in frequency exponentially over the first 3–4 min in copulo. The two species differed in the frequency of acts. Shortly before separation, a few hours later, actions 1 and 2 reappeared. Receptive females exhibited little overt behaviour except in the maintenance of a passive stance. Refractory females rejected a mating attempt by flexing the abdomen ventrally, vibrating their wings in the closed position, and pushing the male with meso- and metathoracic legs. The significance and possible functions of male behaviour are discussed in relation to mating in Glossina and other Diptera.  相似文献   

The distribution and abundance of Glossina austeni Newstead and Glossina brevipalpis Newstead (Diptera: Glossinidae) were studied in the three main vegetation types in Zululand, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. During a period of 12 months, a trap transect consisting of 38 H-traps traversing the three vegetation types was monitored. The Index of Apparent Abundance (IAA) for G. brevipalpis was high in indigenous forest and open grassland but lower in exotic plantations. Glossina austeni, on the other hand, was captured mainly in or adjacent to indigenous forest. The seasonal trend in the IAA did not differ between vegetation types. The findings on the distribution of G. brevipalpis are in contrast with the historic records. Historically, this species was considered to be restricted to areas with a dense overhead canopy and high relative humidity. The repercussions of these findings for the epidemiology of livestock trypanosomiasis and the control of tsetse in Zululand are discussed.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of odour-baited targets treated with 0.8% deltamethrin in controlling Glossina austeni Newstead and G. brevipalpis Newstead (Diptera: Glossinidae) was evaluated in Zululand, South Africa. Targets were initially deployed in the three habitat types (grassland, woodland and forest) of two adjacent areas at a density of four targets per km(2). One area functioned as the treatment block (c. 35 km(2)) and included the focus of the target deployment, and the second area functioned as a barrier block (c. 40 km(2)) against tsetse fly re-invasion from the untreated area to the south. After 8 months, targets were removed from open grassland in both areas and target density in wooded habitats and sand forest was increased to eight per km(2). Twelve months later, all targets were removed from the barrier block and used to increase target density in the wooded and sand forest habitats of the treatment block to 12 per km(2). This target density was maintained for 14 months. In the treatment area, a 99% reduction in G. austeni females occurred after 13 months at a target density of eight per km(2) in wooded habitat; this was maintained for 22 months. Reduction in G. brevipalpis was less marked. The relatively poor reduction in G. brevipalpis is attributed to the high mobility of this species and its distribution throughout less wooded and more open habitats.  相似文献   

Recent studies of Palpalis group tsetse [Glossina fuscipes fuscipes (Diptera: Glossinidae) in Kenya] suggest that small (0.25 × 0.25 m) insecticide-treated targets will be more cost-effective than the larger (≥1.0 × 1.0 m) designs currently used to control tsetse. Studies were undertaken in Zimbabwe to assess whether small targets are also more cost-effective for the Morsitans group tsetse, Glossina morsitans morsitans and Glossina pallidipes. Numbers of tsetse contacting targets of 0.25 × 0.25 m or 1.0 × 1.0 m, respectively, were estimated using arrangements of electrocuting grids which killed or stunned tsetse as they contacted the target. Catches of G. pallidipes and G. m. morsitans at small (0.25 × 0.25 m) targets were, respectively, ~1% and ~6% of catches at large (1.0 × 1.0 m) targets. Hence, the tsetse killed per unit area of target was greater for the larger than the smaller target, suggesting that small targets are not cost-effective for use against Morsitans group species. The results suggest that there is a fundamental difference in the host-orientated behaviour of Morsitans and Palpalis group tsetse and that the former are more responsive to host odours, whereas the latter seem highly responsive to visual stimuli.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Glossina morsitans morsitans Westw. and G. pallidipes Aust. flying around and landing on coloured screens and traps were sampled using electrocuting nets. External colour affected both attractiveness and efficiency of traps, such that yellow and green traps were unattractive and inefficient; black and red, attractive and inefficient; white, moderately attractive, and very efficient; and blue traps, attractive and efficient. The order of attractiveness of coloured screens was similar to that for traps. Landing responses were generally strongest on black surfaces, and weakest on white, but the results for blue were variable. Carbon dioxide and acetone odours improved trap catches and also eliminated most catch differences between traps differently coloured on their outer surfaces. The relative performances of traps coloured differently on inside surfaces only were not affected significantly by these odours, and in all cases black or red target areas inside the trap were required for optimum trap performance. When acetone and 1-octen-3-ol odours were used, catches were improved but the relative performance of differently coloured traps and screens was not changed. There were no obvious species differences in colour responses although numbers of G. morsitans were too low for statistical comparisons.  相似文献   

Abstract. In Zimbabwe, studies were made of the flight responses of tsetse ( Glossina spp.) to synthetic and natural ox odour using arrangements of electric nets.Tsetse flying away from a target showed a significant upwind bias when a blend of carbon dioxide (2/1 min), acetone (500 mg/h), octenol (0.4 mg/h), 4-methylphenol (0.8 mg/h) and 3-n-propylphenol (0.1 ma) was dispensed 15 m upwind, with c. 35% flying upwind.Without carbon dioxide this percentage was significantly reduced to 15% which was not significantly different from that with no odour (8%).This pattern was not altered by reducing the doses of acetone, octenol and phenols by 10–100 times, to levels comparable to those produced by an ox.With natural ox odour or a synthetic equivalent of ox odour dispensed from a ventilated pit 8 m upwind of the target, c. 28% flew upwind.This was reduced significantly to 15% if carbon dioxide was removed.In studies using a 17 m line of nets arranged orthogonally across the prevailing wind line, c. 50% of the catch was caught on the downwind side in the absence of odour.This increased significantly to c.60% when acetone, octenol and phenols were dispensed 15 m upwind, with or without carbon dioxide.With a shorter line (9 m) or an incomplete one (16.5 m long with 5 times 1.5 m wide gaps along its length) there was no change in the proportion caught downwind.For all three lines, dispensing odour upwind increased the catch 2–5 times on both the up-and downwind sides of the nets.It is concluded that a stronger upwind response to host odour is elicited when carbon dioxide is present.It is suggested that in nature upwind flight is very imprecisely orientated, with tsetse making flights up and down an odour plume 'searching' for a host.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Studies were conducted in Zimbabwe of the catch of Glossina pallidipes Austen from an electric net plus target baited with mixtures of acetone plus carbon dioxide or 1-octen-3-ol (octenol) plus carbon dioxide. For acetone dispensed alone at 5–50, 000 mg h-1, ten-fold increments in the dose increased the catch 1.7 times. For carbon dioxide dispensed alone, dose increments from 12 to 1201 h-1 doubled the catch, but the catch was not further increased by dispensing carbon dioxide at 600–1200 1 h-1. For mixtures of these two odours, ten-fold increments in the dose of carbon dioxide between 12 and 12, 0001 h-1 increased the catch c . 2.5 times if acetone was also dispensed at >50 mg h-1; changes in the dose of acetone between 50 and 50 000 mg h-1 did not affect the catch. The addition of octenol (0.05 mg h-1) to carbon dioxide (12–12001 h-1) doubled the catch. Ten-fold increments in the dose of octenol between 0.05 and 5 mg h-1 did not increase the catch significantly and the catch was independent of changes in the dose of carbon dioxide between 120 and 12001 h-1. The behavioural basis of the dose-response curves was investigated using an incomplete ring of electric nets to assess the flight orientation of tsetse in different odours. Upwind flight was not elicited by acetone or octenol alone, or by carbon dioxide unless it was at very high doses, however, mixtures of carbon dioxide with acetone or octenol elicited upwind flight. It is suggested that the attractiveness of mixtures of acetone and carbon dioxide is a function of the region of overlap of these two odours at above threshold concentration. Acetone and octenol on their own appear to increase the responsiveness of flies to visual cues.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Studies were conducted in Zimbabwe of the responses of Glossina morsitans morsitans Westwood and Glossina pallidipes Austen resting in a refuge to various host stimuli. Tsetse took off in response to 100% ox odour, 0.08% carbon dioxide or a visual stimulus consisting of a 0.75 × 0.75 m black target placed c . 5 m from the refuge moving at 4o s-1, but the level of response was low with only 35%, 19% and 29% responding, respectively. Tsetse did not take off in response to any one of 25% ox odour, 0.8% carbon dioxide, acetone (3 μg 1-1) or octenol (0.03 μg 1-1). In the absence of any host stimuli, flies emerged from the refuge later on hotter days (35–37oC) than on cooler days (32–34.5oC). Male G.pallidipes emerging later in the afternoon contained significantly more haematin than those emerging relatively earlier. There were no significant differences between the responses of G.m. morsitans and G.pallidipes. It is suggested that the initial activation of resting flies is primarily mediated through endogenous, rather than host, stimuli.  相似文献   

Copulatory responses of male Glossina austeni (Newstead) (Diptera: Glossinidae), that were elicited after contact with frozen female tsetse, were not observed after solvent washing of cuticular lipids. Chromatographic analysis of extracts from laboratory-reared and field-collected G. austeni females yielded natural hydrocarbons that were highly stimulatory to males. Most of this activity was produced by compounds in the alkene fraction. Gas chromatograms (GC) contained five natural alkenes; these were separated by preparative GC for bioassays conducted in Tanzania. The two major alkenes were identified using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) to be 13,17-dimethyltritriacont-1-ene and 13,17-dimethylpentatriacont-1-ene, after the samples had undergone derivatization using dimethyl disulphide and saturation with deuterium. These alkenes and natural alkanes were quantified from G. austeni of both sexes from laboratory and field samples to confirm that their presence was consistent in this species. Trials of synthetic samples resulted in the order of biological activity for the stereoisomers of 13,17-dimethyltritriacont-1-ene as follows: S,R-33:1 > R,S- 33:1 > S,S-33:1 > R,R-33:1. Dose-response data showed an ED(50) at 5 microg per treated, solvent-washed male decoy. Of the four stereoisomers of 13,17-dimethylpentatriacont-1-ene, R,R-35:1 showed the most activity. This is the first report of alkene-induced sexual activity in males of the genus Glossina.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Studies were made in Zimbabwe of the propensity of Glossina pallidipes Austen and G. morsitans morsitans Westwood to divert from flying upwind in plumes of host odour to various visual features (termed targets). Using various arrangements of electrocuting nets with targets placed downwind of an odour source it was found that 45% diverted to a square target, c. 30% diverted to a black vertical oblong and there was no significant diversion to a bark-coloured vertical oblong that simulated the bole of a tree. The relative propensity of tsetse to divert to variously coloured targets decreased in the order: black = blue > red > yellow; for different shapes it decreased in the order: circle > square > horizontal oblong = vertical oblong. Changes in the composition or concentration of the odour, or loss of contact with it, did not markedly affect the percentage that diverted. Tsetse that diverted to a target and subsequently flew away from it showed an upwind bias in the presence of odour. In the absence of odour there was a slight crosswind bias. If these crosswind fliers then flew into a plume of host odour they turned c. 50 upwind.  相似文献   

Experiments were carried out to improve the NG2B tsetse trap (Brightwell et al., 1987), baited with acetone and cow urine, for use by rural communities to control G.pallidipes Austen and G.longipennis Corti. Modifications included a lower dose rate of acetone, a new cage design and raising the trap about 15-20 cm. Research on different trap cone materials showed that the degree of light transmission of the netting, rather than its colour, was the crucial factor affecting the catch of G.pallidipes. Adding an additional metre of blue cloth to one side of the trap increased catches of females of both species by about 60%. Traps baited with synthetic phenols yielded similar numbers of G.pallidipes and significantly more G.longipennis than those baited with natural cow urine. The latter difference was not apparent when octenol was also used, so cow urine was retained as one of the odour baits in preference to the imported phenols. Although octenol increased catches of G.pallidipes by only about 30%, catches of G.longipennis were increased 2-4-fold, making it a very useful attractant for the latter species. The cost of the trap/odour-bait system was estimated to be US$8.5 per unit per annum. The economics of this method of tsetse control are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract. Female Glossina morsitans morsitans Westwood were video-recorded in a wind-tunnel as they entered, in crosswind flight, a broad plume of either octenol or acetone (two components of ox odour). Both odours produced upwind turning responses (in-flight anemotaxis) to a range of concentrations, with thresholds at around 10-8mg1-l for octenol and 10-6mg1-1 for acetone. Kinetic responses were unaffected by octenol at low concentrations, but flight speed was significantly reduced and sinuosity (om-1) and angular velocity (os-1) significantly increased by concentrations at or above those in ox breath; for acetone, these effects were apparent but inconsistently related to concentration. It is concluded that octenol and acetone vapour are used by tsetse flies to locate hosts by upwind anemotaxis, probably combined with kinetic responses. The behavioural basis for the 'repellency' of high octenol concentrations in the field is discussed in the context of the virtual loss of upwind anemotaxis to octenol at the highest concentration tested in the tunnel (30 × ox breath).  相似文献   

Abstract. Pupae and teneral flies of Glossina palpalis gambiensis originating from three successive reproductive cycles were compared for their size and weight. In general, pupal weight and fly weight increased, whereas fly size, measured as wing vein length, decreased with the number of reproductive cycles. The linear regression observed between weight and wing vein length of the fly demonstrated that, particularly for flies originating from the first and second larvipositions, small changes in wing vein length reflected substantial differences in weight.
The results of these laboratory experiments were compared with some field data on Glossina morsitans from Zambia and related literature. The life span of the female tsetse, affecting the size of her progeny, could clarify partially some of the field observed seasonal changes in size, whereas the correlation between fly size and weight could eventually explain the differential mortality of some size classes of tsetse flies. However, whether these laboratory observations can be extrapolated to the field has still to be confirmed.  相似文献   

During 1986 the tsetse fly Glossina pallidipes Austen was monitored daily at Nguruman, southwestern Kenya, using three unbaited biconical traps. This was done to investigate the nature and causes of daily variation in trap catches. The variability of the observed catches was compared to a model which includes the trapping probability and the stochastic variation in the sex-ratio. By comparing the catches of male and female flies we are able to establish the sampling distribution of the trap catches. In addition to seasonal changes in the trap catches, day-to-day variations are observed and these are considered greater than the variation arising from the stochastic nature of the sampling process. Recommendations are made in relation to sampling tsetse fly populations.  相似文献   

Wind speed effects on odour source location by tsetse flies (Glossina)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract. Tsetse flies (mainly Glossina pallidipes Aust.) were captured by various means at sources of artificial host odour in Zimbabwe and Kenya. Their rates of arrival and flight directions were compared with simultaneous data on the wind's speed and direction, on time-scales ranging from 1 s to 30 min. It was predicted that because increasing wind speed up to 1 m s-1 straightens out the airflow (Brady et al. , 1989) it will straighten out odour plumes, make them easier to navigate, and should therefore increase the rate of arrival of flies at an odour source. In the event, the relationship proved to be more complex, with both positive and negative correlations of arrival rate on wind speed. It seems there is a bimodal relationship: odour source finding is positively related to increasing wind speed in weak winds up to ∼0.5 m s-1 (presumably as the odour plume straightens out), but is negatively related to increasing wind speed in strong winds above ∼1.0 m s-1 (presumably due to increasing turbulence breaking up the odour plume).  相似文献   

Abstract The effect of artificial host odour on the landing responses of males of Glossina m.morsitans West, and on their reaction to visual targets has been investigated in a wind tunnel. Landing was induced in flies that traversed steep odour gradients as they flew upwind and downwind across the edge of an odour plume, irrespective of whether visual targets were present or not; the landing response could be elicited over a wide range of odourconcentrations. When targets were present such odour gradients also tended to increase the proportion of landing flies which alighted on or near the targets; and the bigger the target, or the hungrier the flies, the greater was the propensity for target landing. In air which was more uniformly permeated with odour, the propensity to land on targets was increased only at high odour concentration.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. In Zimbabwe, studies were made of the responses of Glossina pallidipes Austen and G.morsitans morsitans Westwood to artificial host odour using an incomplete ring of electrocuting nets. In a plume of synthetic host odour tsetse flew generally upwind, with 50–60% flying within 35o of due upwind. More than 80% of tsetse flew at < 50 cm above ground level. Upon losing contact with odour they executed a reverse turn within about 2 m, and upon regaining contact they turned upwind. There were no clear differences in the responses of G.m.morsitans and G.pallidipes. Using electrocuting nets lying horizontally on the ground it was found that tsetse landed in the vicinity of the odour source, the propensity to land being greater for G.pallidipes than for G.m, morsitans , greater for immature than mature flies, and greater for males than females.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The hourly and quarter-hourly distribution of larval deposition by female Glossina morsitans Westw. was studied at various temperatures. At constant temperature and humidity, peak larviposition occurred 8–9 h after lights on. The effect of confining the flies to daily (LD 12:12 h) regimes of at least twenty-five consecutive cycles that included a sudden increase in temperature of c. 6°C for 2 h was a significant reduction in depositions during each period of increased temperature, and a significant increase before the heat impulse. When the temperature was allowed to fall rapidly, larviposition rate doubled in the following 15 min.  相似文献   

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