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A study was made of sedimentation properties of the nucleoid (chromatin) of HeLa cells with radio- and thermostable mode of DNA synthesis induced by 5-fluorodeoxyuridine (FUdR). After the incubation of HeLa cells with FUdR (10(-6) M, 6 h or 24 h) the rate of nucleoid sedimentation was shown to rise by 40 and 25%, respectively. Maximum relaxation of the nucleoid was observed under 5 mg/ml ethidium bromide concentration in sucrose gradients. After the incubation with FUdR the nucleoid relaxes to a lesser extent, and after irradiation its response to ethidium bromide in various concentrations was similar to that of intact nucleoid, and by this property the "FUdR nucleoid" differs essentially from the irradiated "normal nucleoid". A model of chromatin structure of cells exposed to FUdR is proposed, based on the transformation of large domains in small ones, for the explanation of radioresistant DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

The kinetics of DNA synthesis restoration in cultured HeLa cells and in L-929 mouse fibroblasts irradiated by gamma-rays of 60Co with a dose of 10 Gy was studied. Early after irradiation the rate of DNA synthesis in HeLa cells measured with 3H-thymidine incorporation was seen to decrease. Two hours later the incorporation starts to increase to reach the control level 4 hours after irradiation and then becomes even higher than this level. The distribution of cells among phases of the cell cycle measured with flow cytometry undergoes changes. 4-6 hours after irradiation part of S-phase cells increased contributing presumably to the elevating of 3H-thymidine incorporation observed at this time. The restoration of the incorporation was suppressed by inhibitors of protein and RNA synthesis--cycloheximide and actinomycin D. It is suggested that the processes of restoration of DNA synthesis in irradiated cells can be of inducible nature. In irradiated HeLa and L-929 cells the restoration of DNA synthesis is resistant to novobiocin, an inhibitor of DNA replication.  相似文献   

The influence of preincubation of HeLa and Chinese hamster V79 cells with fluorodeoxyuridine (FUdR, 10(-6) M) on DNA replication and molecular weight of nascent DNA was studied after gamma-irradiation with a dose as much as 10 Gy. The 60Co-radiation inhibits DNA synthesis in both HeLa and V79 cells by 30-40 per cent. The incubation with FUdR before irradiation suppresses the inhibitory effect of irradiation on DNA synthesis. It is suggested that differences in gamma-radiation inhibition of DNA synthesis may result from the FUdR-induced changes in chromatin structure, rather than from synchronization of cell growth. This suggestion is based on the observation that the radioresistant mode of DNA synthesis occurred 18 hours following the short-term (6 hours) incubation with FUdR in cell cultures differing from each other in almost 2-fold their cell longevity.  相似文献   

In Chinese hamster cells, hydroxyurea and 5-fluorodeoxyuridine have both been shown to induce nuclear membrane associated DNA synthesis after release from different periods of inhibition. This synthesis occurs in cells which have lost their ability to form clones. The DNA precursors in the medium, the cell pools and the effectiveness of the inhibitors influence the time of expression of these effects. In cells with pre-labelled DNA, nuclear swelling occurs followed by an association of labelled DNA with the nuclear membrane. Eventually degraded DNA, expressed as a reduction in grain counts, is lost from the cells. It is suggested that cell nucleases are responsible for this process. DNA synthesis can still occur in these cells for a certain period while the DNA is associated with the nuclear periphery.  相似文献   

The inhibition of DNA synthesis and the appearance of single-strand breaks and/or alkali-labile sites in DNA and DNA-membrane cross-links were observed after formaldehyde treatment of cultured LL-line cells. It was shown that supercoiling of cell chromatin is not affected under these conditions. The initiation of DNA replication after the exposure with 10(-4) M formaldehyde occurs also without disturbance. Under the higher concentration of formaldehyde (10(-3) M), DNA elongation was inhibited. It is suggested that cross-linking of DNA with other molecules and structures for example membranes, stabilizes DNA supercoiling (chromatine). This conformational stability is essential for normal initiation of DNA replication, although the parenteral DNA contains many lesions in its primary and secondary structures.  相似文献   

It was shown that preincubation of HeLa cells with 5-fluorodeoxyuridine (10(-6) M) induced DNA synthesis resistant to gamma-radiation (6 Gy). At the same time, the death rate of exposed cells increased and nucleoid relaxation decreased. The role of DNA synthesis inhibitors in the reproductive death of exposed cells is discussed.  相似文献   

Survival of V-79 Chinese hamster cells was assessed by colony growth assay after hypothermic exposure in the presence of iron chelators. At 5 degrees C, maximum protection from hypothermic damage was achieved with a 50 microM concentration of the intracellular ferric iron chelator Desferal. A 3-hr prehypothermic incubation with 50 microM Desferal followed by replacement with chelator-free medium at 5 degrees C also provided some protection. This was not observed when the extracellular chelator DETA-PAC (50 microM) was used prior to cold storage. Treating 5 degrees C-stored cells with Desferal just prior to rewarming was ineffective, but treating cells with Desferal during hypothermia exposure after a significant period of unprotected cold exposure ultimately increased the surviving fraction. Submaximal protection during hypothermia was achieved to various degrees with extracellular chelators at 5 degrees C, including 50 microM DETAPAC and 110 microM EDTA. EGTA (110 microM) had little effect. The sensitization of cells at 5 degrees C with 200 microM FeCl3 could be reduced or eliminated with Desferal in accordance with a 1:1 binding ratio. At 10 degrees C, 50 microM Desferal, 50 microM DETAPAC, and 110 microM EDTA were as or less effective in protecting cells than at 5 degrees C. An Arrhenius plot of cell inactivation rates shows a break at 7-8 degrees C, corresponding to maximum survival for control cells and cells in 50 microM Desferal; however, the amount of protection offered by the chelator increases with decreasing temperature below about 19 degrees C, and sensitization increases above that point. It has not previously been shown that iron chelators protect against cellular hypothermia damage which is uncomplicated by previous or simultaneous ischemia. This may be relevant to the low-temperature storage of transplant organs, in which iron of intracellular origin and in the perfusate may be active and damaging.  相似文献   

After 16 h of incubation with 10-minus6 M FdUrd, the rate of (32P) orthophosphate uptake into DNA isolated from L-cells amounted to 15% of that of an untreated culture, although cell division had stopped several hours earlier. All 4 deoxynucleotides were present in this DNA but its nucleotide composition, as measured by enzymatic digestion and chromatography, reflected a decreased thymidine precursor pool in FdUrd-treated cells. Sedimentation analysis in alkaline sucrose gradients revealed that the DNA formed in the presence of FdUrd had a sedimentation coefficient of 10 S which corresponded to a single-stranded molecular weight of 5.5.105. This DNA could be "chased" into a high molecular weight DNA if the FdUrd block was bypassed with added dThd or BrdUrd. Other analyses failed to detect RNA covalently linked to the DNA fragments at a level of more than 5% RNA or about 90 ribonucleotides. The accumulation of these DNA fragments could be explained by assuming that in the presence of limiting precursor pool the rate of DNA chain initiation is greater than the rate of chain elongation.  相似文献   

The expression of the transient depression in the rate of DNA synthesis normally observed after exposure of randomly-dividing Chinese hamster V-79 or Chinese hamster CHO cells to ionizing radiation can be postponed or diminished by a post-irradiation treatment with 1.0 to 1.0 mM adenine or 1.5 mM caffeine. Caffeine may exert its effect by creating additional sites for replication in irradiated cells. Cells treated with caffeine or adenine for 2 or 4 hours after exposure to 3000 rad of 300 kVp X-rays exhibit depressed synthesis only after the removal of caffeine or adenine. These alterations in the timing of the X-ray-induced depression of the rate of DNA synthesis have no effect on X-ray-induced cell killing. Although a 4 hour post-irradiation treatment of randomly-dividing Chinese hamster V-79 cells with 1.0 or 2.0 mM caffeine potentiates X-ray-induced cell killing, this reduction in survival is due primarily to effects on cells in S-phase.  相似文献   

The effects of inhibition of protein synthesis by the antibiotics cycloheximide and puromycin on the initiation of DNA replication in mouse L cells were studied. Cellular DNA was pulse labeled with [3H]thymidine of high, then of low specific activity and prepared for fiber autoradiography. Autoradiograms containing multiple (up to four) replication units were analyzed. In control cells, the proportion of replication units that initiated during a 10-min, high specific activity pulse was approximately equal to the proportion initiating immediately before the pulse. The addition of cycloheximide or puromycin at the start of the pulse inhibited the frequency of initiation in that there was a decrease by up to one-third of units initiating during the pulse relative to controls. Replication direction was also altered. Addition of the antibiotics 2 h before the pulse reduced the proportion of bidirectional units observed from 0.98 to 0.70. Antibiotic treatment for 2 h also decreased initiation synchrony in that the proportion of multiunit autoradiograms on which neighboring units showed similar replication patterns (indicating temporally coordinated initiation) was reduced by one-half. These observations indicate that inhibition of protein synthesis alters the normal pattern of DNA initiation.  相似文献   

Novobiocin, an inhibitor of gyrase-induced DNA supercoiling and DNA replication in prokaryotes, inhibited the incorporation of DNA precursors into DNA in both intact and permeable Chinese hamster ovary cells; much higher concentrations were required for permeable cells, in which no new replicons were initiated. Nucleoids were prepared from cells that were incubated for 60 min with 200 micrograms/ml novobiocin, made permeable, and incubated with 0--50 micrograms/ml ethidium bromide. Sedimentation of the nucleoids in neutral sucrose gradients suggested that the number of supercoils in the average nucleoid had been reduced by prior incubation with novobiocin. In intact cells, novobiocin is required inside the cell for continued inhibition of DNA synthesis, suggesting that it does not act directly on the DNA. Alkaline sucrose gradient profiles of DNA synthesized in the presence of novobiocin in intact cells indicated that the drug inhibited replicon initiation while having little if any effect on chain elongation. These data are consistent with the idea that an activity similar to the bacterial gyrase generates supercoils in mammalian DNA and produces the proper conformation for the initiation of DNA replication.  相似文献   

Werner syndrome is a progeroid disorder caused by mutations of the WRN gene. The encoded WRN protein belongs to the family of RecQ helicases that plays a role in the maintenance of genomic stability. Single nucleotide polymorphisms in WRN have been associated with an increased risk for some cancers and were recently linked to benzene hematotoxicity. To further address the role of WRN in benzene toxicity, we employed RNA interference (RNAi) to silence endogenous WRN in HeLa cells and examined the susceptibility of these WRN-depleted cells to the toxic effects of the benzene metabolite hydroquinone. HeLa cells were used as the experimental model because RNAi is highly effective in this system producing almost complete depletion of the target protein. Depletion of WRN led to a decrease in cell proliferation and an enhanced susceptibility to hydroquinone cytotoxicity as revealed by an increase in necrosis. WRN-depleted HeLa cells treated with hydroquinone also displayed an increase in the amount of DNA double-strand breaks as determined by the Comet assay, and an elevated DNA damage response as indicated by the sevenfold induction of gammaH2AX and acetyl-p53 (Lys373 and Lys382) over control levels. Together, these results show that WRN plays an important role in the protection of HeLa cells against the toxicity of the benzene metabolite hydroquinone, specifically in mounting a normal DNA damage response following the induction of DNA double-strand breaks. Further studies in bone marrow-derived stem or progenitor cells are required to confirm our findings in HeLa cells and expand our ability to extrapolate the results to benzene toxicity in humans.  相似文献   

In order to elucidate whether data about the fast regulation of DNA replication in dependence on oxygen supply and on a functioning protein synthesis, previously elaborated with Ehrlich ascites cells, are valid for human cells too, we repeated key experiments with CCRF-CEM and HeLa cells. The most important techniques employed were DNA fibre autoradiography and alkaline sedimentation analyses of growing (pulse-labeled) daughter strand DNA. It was found that CCRF-CEM and HeLa cells responded to transient hypoxia and to transient inhibition of protein synthesis in an almost identical fashion. Scheduled replicon initiations were reversibly suppressed and the progress rates of replication forks, which were already active before the respective inhibitory conditions were established, were reversibly slowed down. The inclusion of the fork progress rate in the response differs from Ehrlich ascites cells, which respond only by suppressing initiation. Further circumstances of the fast oxygen dependent response, concerning the behaviour of ribonucleotide reductase and of the dNTP pools, revealed no significant differences among the three cell lines. The striking identity of the response of each of the cell lines to hypoxia and to inhibited protein synthesis prompts the suspicion that converging fast regulatory pathways act on the cellular replication machinery. The phenomena as such seem to be rather widespread among mammalian cells.  相似文献   

It has been hypothesized that exposure of cells to hyperthermia results in an increased flux of reactive oxygen species (ROS), primarily superoxide anion radicals, and that increasing antioxidant enzyme levels will result in protection of cells from the toxicity of these ROS. In this study, the prostate cancer cell line, PC-3, and its manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD)-overexpressing clones were subjected to hyperthermia (43°C, 1 h). Increased expression of MnSOD increased the mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP). Hyperthermic exposure of PC-3 cells resulted in increased ROS production, as determined by aconitase inactivation, lipid peroxidation, and H2O2 formation with a reduction in cell survival. In contrast, PC-3 cells overexpressing MnSOD had less ROS production, less lipid peroxidation, and greater cell survival compared to PC-3 Wt cells. Since MnSOD removes superoxide, these results suggest that superoxide free radical or its reaction products are responsible for part of the cytotoxicity associated with hyperthermia and that MnSOD can reduce cellular injury and thereby enhance heat tolerance.  相似文献   

The combined effects of heavy-ion radiation and hyperthermia on the survival of CHO-SC1 cells and its temperature-sensitive (ts) mutant tsH1 cells were studied using accelerated neon ions followed by mild heating at 41.5 degrees C. The sequence of application of heat and high-LET radiation is significant to cell-killing effects. Heat applied to cells prior to irradiation with neon plateau ions (LET = 32 keV/microns) was less effective than heat applied immediately after irradiation. The ability of cells to synthesize new proteins plays a key role in this sequence-dependent thermal sensitization. When protein synthesis was shut down in tsH1 cells, the thermal enhancement of cell killing by high-LET radiation was the same regardless of the sequence. The thermal enhancement of radiation-induced cell killing was LET-dependent for the SC1 cells, but this was not clearly demonstrated in the tsH1 cells. Furthermore, the RBE of heated SC1 cells varied with LET and reached a maximum of greater than 3 at 80 keV/microns. In the absence of protein synthesis, the maximum RBE value was reduced to 2.6. These results suggest that the accumulation of cellular damage caused by exposure to densely ionizing particles with increasing LETs can be potentiated with active protein synthesis during postirradiation heat treatment.  相似文献   

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