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The NAD+-dependent deacylase family of sirtuin enzymes have been implicated in biological ageing, late-life health and overall lifespan, though of these members, a role for sirtuin-2 (SIRT2) is less clear. Transgenic overexpression of SIRT2 in the BubR1 hypomorph model of progeria can rescue many aspects of health and increase overall lifespan, due to a specific interaction between SIRT2 and BubR1 that improves the stability of this protein. It is less clear whether SIRT2 is relevant to biological ageing outside of a model where BubR1 is under-expressed. Here, we sought to test whether SIRT2 over-expression would impact the overall health and lifespan of mice on a nonprogeroid, wild-type background. While we previously found that SIRT2 transgenic overexpression prolonged female fertility, here, we did not observe any additional impact on health or lifespan, which was measured in both male and female mice on standard chow diets, and in males challenged with a high-fat diet. At the biochemical level, NMR studies revealed an increase in total levels of a number of metabolites in the brain of SIRT2-Tg animals, pointing to a potential impact in cell composition; however, this did not translate into functional differences. Overall, we conclude that strategies to enhance SIRT2 protein levels may not lead to increased longevity.  相似文献   

Atherosclerosis is a chronic immuno‐inflammatory disease associated with blood lipids disorder. Many studies have demonstrated that caloric restriction (CR) can prevent atherosclerosis and extend lifespan. Sir2 protein, mammal's SIRT1, has been reported to at least partly contribute to the protective effect of CR. Hence, we hypothesize that SIRT1 is a key regulator in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis and that upregulation of SIRT1 in endothelial cells may mimic CR's beneficial effect on vascular health. The recent studies have demonstrated that endothelial SIRT1 is an anti‐atherosclerosis factor and the possible mechanism may be related to inhibit oxidized low‐density lipoprotein (oxLDL)‐induced apoptosis, upregulate endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) expression, and improve endothelium relaxation function. We infer that SIRT1 may be a novel target for atherosclerosis prevention and treatment. J. Cell. Biochem. 108: 10–13, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Modest dietary restriction extends lifespan (LS) in a diverse range of taxa and typically has a larger effect in females than males. Traditionally, this has been attributed to a stronger trade‐off between LS and reproduction in females than in males that is mediated by the intake of calories. Recent studies, however, suggest that it is the intake of specific nutrients that extends LS and mediates this trade‐off. Here, we used the geometric framework (GF) to examine the sex‐specific effects of protein (P) and carbohydrate (C) intake on LS and reproduction in Drosophila melanogaster. We found that LS was maximized at a high intake of C and a low intake of P in both sexes, whereas nutrient intake had divergent effects on reproduction. Male offspring production rate and LS were maximized at the same intake of nutrients, whereas female egg production rate was maximized at a high intake of diets with a P:C ratio of 1:2. This resulted in larger differences in nutrient‐dependent optima for LS and reproduction in females than in males, as well as an optimal intake of nutrients for lifetime reproduction that differed between the sexes. Under dietary choice, the sexes followed similar feeding trajectories regulated around a P:C ratio of 1:4. Consequently, neither sex reached their nutritional optimum for lifetime reproduction, suggesting intralocus sexual conflict over nutrient optimization. Our study shows clear sex differences in the nutritional requirements of reproduction in D. melanogaster and joins the growing list of studies challenging the role of caloric restriction in extending LS.  相似文献   

热量限制(caloric restriction, CR)可以引起细胞、生物体寿命延长和降低衰老相关疾病的发生,其中Sirtuin起着关键作用.Sirtuin将机体能量代谢和基因表达调控相偶联,通过赖氨酸去乙酰化改变蛋白质的活性和稳定性,从而调节衰老进程.酵母中度CR影响其复制寿命和时序寿命,主要依赖于激活Sir2,增加细胞内NAD+/NADH的比例和调节尼克酰胺浓度来实现.类似的机制也存在于秀丽线虫和果蝇中.哺乳动物在CR条件下SIRT1蛋白表达应答性上升,细胞中NAM磷酸基转移酶能够直接影响NAM和NAD+浓度,并影响SIRT1活性.NO表达增加能导致SIRT1上调和线粒体合成增加.SIRT1可能通过改变组蛋白、p53、NES1、FOXO等底物蛋白的乙酰化影响到细胞和个体的衰老.表明不同生物体中的Sirtuin及其同源类似物在CR条件下对衰老进程和寿命都起着非常重要的作用.  相似文献   

Dietary restriction extends lifespan in a wide variety of animals, including Drosophila, but its relationship to functional and cognitive aging is unclear. Here, we study the effects of dietary yeast content on fly performance in an aversive learning task (association between odor and mechanical shock). Learning performance declined at old age, but 50‐day‐old dietary‐restricted flies learned as poorly as equal‐aged flies maintained on yeast‐rich diet, even though the former lived on average 9 days (14%) longer. Furthermore, at the middle age of 21 days, flies on low‐yeast diets showed poorer short‐term (5 min) memory than flies on rich diet. In contrast, dietary restriction enhanced 60‐min memory of young (5 days old) flies. Thus, while dietary restriction had complex effects on learning performance in young to middle‐aged flies, it did not attenuate aging‐related decline of aversive learning performance. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that, in Drosophila, dietary restriction reduces mortality and thus leads to lifespan extension, but does not affect the rate with which somatic damage relevant for cognitive performance accumulates with age.  相似文献   

Rapamycin, an inhibitor of mTOR kinase, increased median lifespan of genetically heterogeneous mice by 23% (males) to 26% (females) when tested at a dose threefold higher than that used in our previous studies; maximal longevity was also increased in both sexes. Rapamycin increased lifespan more in females than in males at each dose evaluated, perhaps reflecting sexual dimorphism in blood levels of this drug. Some of the endocrine and metabolic changes seen in diet‐restricted mice are not seen in mice exposed to rapamycin, and the pattern of expression of hepatic genes involved in xenobiotic metabolism is also quite distinct in rapamycin‐treated and diet‐restricted mice, suggesting that these two interventions for extending mouse lifespan differ in many respects.  相似文献   

Cellular senescence, which is known to halt proliferation of aged and stressed cells, plays a key role against cancer development and is also closely associated with organismal aging. While increased insulin‐like growth factor (IGF) signaling induces cell proliferation, survival and cancer progression, disrupted IGF signaling is known to enhance longevity concomitantly with delay in aging processes. The molecular mechanisms involved in the regulation of aging by IGF signaling and whether IGF regulates cellular senescence are still poorly understood. In this study, we demonstrate that IGF‐1 exerts a dual function in promoting cell proliferation as well as cellular senescence. While acute IGF‐1 exposure promotes cell proliferation and is opposed by p53, prolonged IGF‐1 treatment induces premature cellular senescence in a p53‐dependent manner. We show that prolonged IGF‐1 treatment inhibits SIRT1 deacetylase activity, resulting in increased p53 acetylation as well as p53 stabilization and activation, thus leading to premature cellular senescence. In addition, either expression of SIRT1 or inhibition of p53 prevented IGF‐1‐induced premature cellular senescence. Together, these findings suggest that p53 acts as a molecular switch in monitoring IGF‐1‐induced proliferation and premature senescence, and suggest a possible molecular connection involving IGF‐1‐SIRT1‐p53 signaling in cellular senescence and aging.  相似文献   

Combating the social and economic consequences of a growing elderly population will require the identification of interventions that slow the development of age‐related diseases. Preserved cellular homeostasis and delayed aging have been previously linked to reduced cell proliferation and protein synthesis rates. To determine whether changes in these processes may contribute to or predict delayed aging in mammals, we measured cell proliferation rates and the synthesis and replacement rates (RRs) of over a hundred hepatic proteins in vivo in three different mouse models of extended maximum lifespan (maxLS): Snell Dwarf, calorie‐restricted (CR), and rapamycin (Rapa)‐treated mice. Cell proliferation rates were not consistently reduced across the models. In contrast, reduced hepatic protein RRs (longer half‐lives) were observed in all three models compared to controls. Intriguingly, the degree of mean hepatic protein RR reduction was significantly correlated with the degree of maxLS extension across the models and across different Rapa doses. Absolute rates of hepatic protein synthesis were reduced in Snell Dwarf and CR, but not Rapa‐treated mice. Hepatic chaperone levels were unchanged or reduced and glutathione S‐transferase synthesis was preserved or increased in all three models, suggesting a reduced demand for protein renewal, possibly due to reduced levels of unfolded or damaged proteins. These data demonstrate that maxLS extension in mammals is associated with improved hepatic proteome homeostasis, as reflected by a reduced demand for protein renewal, and that reduced hepatic protein RRs hold promise as an early biomarker and potential target for interventions that delay aging in mammals.  相似文献   

Sirt基因家族及其对细胞寿命的调节   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在酵母、线虫和果蝇中,Sir2基因家族是寿命调节的关键因子。哺乳动物的Sirt基因家族在进化上与Sir2基因高度同源,共有7个成员。Sir2基因调节酵母寿命的机理已比较清楚。而哺乳动物Sirt基因,特别是Sirt1基因与细胞衰老的关系正在成为新的研究热点。最近的研究表明,在热量限制或氧化逆境条件下,SIRT1蛋白主要是通过以下3个途径影响细胞寿命:一是SIRT1蛋白抑制PPAR-γ减少细胞的脂质过氧化的损伤;二是SIRT1蛋白通过调控p53的活性影响细胞寿命;三是SIRT1蛋白通过调控FOXO的信号通路,启动细胞的抗氧化途径。进一步研究Sirt基因家族对揭示哺乳动物寿命之谜具有重要的科学意义。  相似文献   

Loss of SURF1, a Complex IV assembly protein, was reported to increase lifespan in mice despite dramatically lower cytochrome oxidase (COX) activity. Consistent with this, our previous studies found advantageous changes in metabolism (reduced adiposity, increased insulin sensitivity, and mitochondrial biogenesis) in Surf1?/? mice. The lack of deleterious phenotypes in Surf1?/? mice is contrary to the hypothesis that mitochondrial dysfunction contributes to aging. We found only a modest (nonsignificant) extension of lifespan (7% median, 16% maximum) and no change in healthspan indices in Surf1?/? vs. Surf1+/+ mice despite substantial decreases in COX activity (22%–87% across tissues). Dietary restriction (DR) increased median lifespan in both Surf1+/+ and Surf1?/? mice (36% and 19%, respectively). We measured gene expression, metabolites, and targeted expression of key metabolic proteins in adipose tissue, liver, and brain in Surf1+/+ and Surf1?/? mice. Gene expression was differentially regulated in a tissue‐specific manner. Many proteins and metabolites are downregulated in Surf1?/? adipose tissue and reversed by DR, while in brain, most metabolites that changed were elevated in Surf1?/? mice. Finally, mitochondrial unfolded protein response (UPRmt)‐associated proteins were not uniformly altered by age or genotype, suggesting the UPRmt is not a key player in aging or in response to reduced COX activity. While the changes in gene expression and metabolism may represent compensatory responses to mitochondrial stress, the important outcome of this study is that lifespan and healthspan are not compromised in Surf1?/? mice, suggesting that not all mitochondrial deficiencies are a critical determinant of lifespan.  相似文献   

Alterations in food intake such as caloric restriction modulate the expression of SIRT1 and SIRT4 proteins that are involved in pancreatic β-cell function. Here, we search for a possible relationship between insulin secretion and the expression of SIRT1, SIRT4, PKC and PKA in islets from adult rats submitted to CR for 21 days. Rats were fed with an isocaloric diet (CTL) or received 60% (CR) of the food ingested by CTL. The dose-response curve of insulin secretion to glucose was shifted to the right in the CR compared with CTL islets (EC50 of 15.1±0.17 and 10.5±0.11 mmol/L glucose). Insulin release by the depolarizing agents arginine and KCl was reduced in CR compared with CTL islets. Total islet insulin content and glucose oxidation were also reduced in CR islets. Leucine-stimulated secretion was similar in both groups, slightly reduced in CR islets stimulated by leucine plus glutamine but higher in CR islets stimulated by ketoisocaproate (KIC). Insulin secretion was also higher in CR islets stimulated by carbachol, compared with CTL islets. No differences in the rise of cytosolic Ca2+ concentrations stimulated by either glucose or KCl were observed between groups of islets. Finally, SIRT1, but not SIRT4, protein expression was lower in CR compared with CTL islets, whereas no differences in the expression of PKC and PKA proteins were observed. In conclusion, the lower insulin secretion in islets from CR rats was, at least in part, due to an imbalance between the expression of SIRT1 and SIRT4.  相似文献   

SIRT1 transgenic mice show phenotypes resembling calorie restriction   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We generated mice that overexpress the sirtuin, SIRT1. Transgenic mice have been generated by knocking in SIRT1 cDNA into the β-actin locus. Mice that are hemizygous for this transgene express normal levels of β-actin and higher levels of SIRT1 protein in several tissues. Transgenic mice display some phenotypes similar to mice on a calorie-restricted diet: they are leaner than littermate controls; are more metabolically active; display reductions in blood cholesterol, adipokines, insulin and fasted glucose; and are more glucose tolerant. Furthermore, transgenic mice perform better on a rotarod challenge and also show a delay in reproduction. Our findings suggest that increased expression of SIRT1 in mice elicits beneficial phenotypes that may be relevant to human health and longevity.  相似文献   

A proper equilibrium of post‐translational protein modifications is essential for normal cell physiology, and alteration in these processes is key in neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer's disease. Recently, for instance, alteration in protein SUMOylation has been linked to amyloid pathology. In this work, we aimed to elucidate the role of protein SUMOylation during aging and increased amyloid burden in vivo using a His6‐HA‐SUMO1 knock‐in mouse in the 5XFAD model of Alzheimer's disease. Interestingly, we did not observe any alteration in the levels of SUMO1‐conjugation related to Alzheimer's disease. SUMO1 conjugates remained localized to neuronal nuclei upon increased amyloid burden and during aging and were not detected in amyloid plaques. Surprisingly however, we observed age‐related alterations in global levels of SUMO1 conjugation and at the level of individual substrates using quantitative proteomic analysis. The identified SUMO1 candidate substrates are dominantly nuclear proteins, mainly involved in RNA processing. Our findings open novel directions of research for studying a functional link between SUMOylation and its role in guarding nuclear functions during aging.  相似文献   

Methionine restriction (MetR) extends lifespan across different species and exerts beneficial effects on metabolic health and inflammatory responses. In contrast, certain cancer cells exhibit methionine auxotrophy that can be exploited for therapeutic treatment, as decreasing dietary methionine selectively suppresses tumor growth. Thus, MetR represents an intervention that can extend lifespan with a complementary effect of delaying tumor growth. Beyond its function in protein synthesis, methionine feeds into complex metabolic pathways including the methionine cycle, the transsulfuration pathway, and polyamine biosynthesis. Manipulation of each of these branches extends lifespan; however, the interplay between MetR and these branches during regulation of lifespan is not well understood. In addition, a potential mechanism linking the activity of methionine metabolism and lifespan is regulation of production of the methyl donor S‐adenosylmethionine, which, after transferring its methyl group, is converted to S‐adenosylhomocysteine. Methylation regulates a wide range of processes, including those thought to be responsible for lifespan extension by MetR. Although the exact mechanisms of lifespan extension by MetR or methionine metabolism reprogramming are unknown, it may act via reducing the rate of translation, modifying gene expression, inducing a hormetic response, modulating autophagy, or inducing mitochondrial function, antioxidant defense, or other metabolic processes. Here, we review the mechanisms of lifespan extension by MetR and different branches of methionine metabolism in different species and the potential for exploiting the regulation of methyltransferases to delay aging.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial NAD+‐dependent protein deacetylase Sirtuin3 (SIRT3) has been proposed to mediate calorie restriction (CR)‐dependent metabolic regulation and lifespan extension. Here, we investigated the role of SIRT3 in CR‐mediated longevity, mitochondrial function, and aerobic fitness. We report that SIRT3 is required for whole‐body aerobic capacity but is dispensable for CR‐dependent lifespan extension. Under CR, loss of SIRT3 (Sirt3 −/− ) yielded a longer overall and maximum lifespan as compared to Sirt3 +/+ mice. This unexpected lifespan extension was associated with altered mitochondrial protein acetylation in oxidative metabolic pathways, reduced mitochondrial respiration, and reduced aerobic exercise capacity. Also, Sirt3 −/− CR mice exhibit lower spontaneous activity and a trend favoring fatty acid oxidation during the postprandial period. This study shows the uncoupling of lifespan and healthspan parameters (aerobic fitness and spontaneous activity) and provides new insights into SIRT3 function in CR adaptation, fuel utilization, and aging.  相似文献   

Caloric restriction (CR) extends lifespan in various heterotrophic organisms ranging from yeasts to mammals, but whether a similar phenomenon occurs in plants remains unknown. Plants are autotrophs and use their photosynthetic machinery to convert light energy into the chemical energy of glucose and other organic compounds. As the rate of photosynthesis is proportional to the level of photosynthetically active radiation, the CR in plants can be modeled by lowering light intensity. Here, we report that low light intensity extends the lifespan in Arabidopsis through the mechanisms triggering autophagy, the major catabolic process that recycles damaged and potentially harmful cellular material. Knockout of autophagy‐related genes results in the short lifespan and suppression of the lifespan‐extending effect of the CR. Our data demonstrate that the autophagy‐dependent mechanism of CR‐induced lifespan extension is conserved between autotrophs and heterotrophs.  相似文献   

Oxidative stress and telomere attrition are considered the driving factors of aging. As oxidative damage to telomeric DNA favors the erosion of chromosome ends and, in turn, telomere shortening increases the sensitivity to pro‐oxidants, these two factors may trigger a detrimental vicious cycle. To check whether limiting oxidative stress slows down telomere shortening and related progeria, we have investigated the effect of p66SHC deletion, which has been shown to reduce oxidative stress and mitochondrial apoptosis, on late‐generation TERC (telomerase RNA component)‐deficient mice having short telomeres and reduced lifespan. Double mutant (TERC?/? p66SHC?/?) mice were generated, and their telomere length, fertility, and lifespan investigated in different generations. Results revealed that p66SHC deletion partially rescues sterility and weight loss, as well as organ atrophy, of TERC‐deficient mice, but not their short lifespan and telomere erosion. Therefore, our data suggest that p66SHC‐mediated oxidative stress and telomere shortening synergize in some tissues (including testes) to accelerate aging; however, early mortality of late‐generation mice seems to be independent of any link between p66SHC‐mediated oxidative stress and telomere attrition.  相似文献   

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