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The tumor suppressor adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) is mutated in familial adenomatous polyposis and in sporadic colorectal tumors. APC forms a complex with beta-catenin, Axin, and glycogen synthase kinase-3beta and induces the degradation of beta-catenin. In the present study, we examined whether APC association with Axin is required for degradation of beta-catenin. We found that a fragment of APC that induces beta-catenin degradation was rendered inactive by disruption of its Axin-binding sites. Also, overexpression of an Axin fragment spanning the regulator of the G-protein signaling domain inhibited APC-mediated beta-catenin degradation. An APC fragment with mutated beta-catenin-binding sites but intact Axin-binding sites also failed to induce degradation of beta-catenin. These results suggest that APC requires interaction with Axin and beta-catenin to down-regulate beta-catenin.  相似文献   

Adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) and β-catenin, two key interacting proteins implicated in development and cancer, were recently found to traffic into and out of the nucleus in response to internal and external signals. The two proteins can enter and exit the nucleus independently, a discovery that has prompted debate about the previously proposed role of APC as a β-catenin chaperone. Here, we review the regulation of APC and β-catenin subcellular localization, in particular in cancer cells. We speculate that, in non-stimulated cells, APC actively exports β-catenin from the nucleus to the cytoplasm where its levels are regulated by degradation; and, conversely, that, in cancer cells or those stimulated by Wnt signaling, β-catenin degradation is inhibited and the accruing protein is capable of moving between the nucleus and cytoplasm independently of APC. Models that link APC and β-catenin transport to function are discussed.  相似文献   

The many faces of the tumor suppressor gene APC   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Inactivation of the tumor suppressor adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) protein is a critical early step in the development of familial and sporadic colon cancer. Close examination of the function of APC has shown that it is a multifunctional protein involved in a wide variety of processes, including regulation of cell proliferation, cell migration, cell adhesion, cytoskeletal reorganization, and chromosomal stability. Tantalizing clues to the different functions of APC have been provided by the identification of proteins interacting with several discrete motifs within APC. Each of these putative functions could link APC inactivation with tumorigenesis. Here, we will summarize recent findings regarding the diverse role of APC. We will emphasize the interaction of APC with different binding partners, the role of these complex interactions for normal functioning of the cell, and how disruption of these interactions may play a role in tumor development. The rapid progress made recently shows the many faces of APC, leading to a constant reappreciation of this multitasking tumor suppressor protein.  相似文献   

Defects in the APC gene are inarguably linked to the progression of colon cancers that arise both sporadically and through the transmission of germline mutations. Genetic evidence from humans and mouse models suggest that APC is a classic tumor suppressor in that both alleles likely require inactivation for tumor growth to ensue. Nearly all of the mutations, germline and somatic, result in premature termination of the single polypeptide chain, normally consisting of 2843 amino acids. Several definable motifs have now been mapped to the linear amino acid sequence of the APC polypeptide. These include an oligomerization domain, armadillo repeats, binding sites for β-catenin, the human discs large protein, microtubules, and other proteins of unknown function. Inactivation of APC in cancer is likely due to loss of function(s) normally associated with the deleted protein structure.  相似文献   

In neural cells, such as oligodendrocytes and neurons, transport of certain RNAs along microtubules is mediated by the cis-acting heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A2 response element (A2RE) trafficking element and the cognate trans-acting heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein (hnRNP) A2 trafficking factor. Using a yeast two-hybrid screen, we have identified a microtubule-associated protein, tumor overexpressed gene (TOG)2, as an hnRNP A2 binding partner. The C-terminal third of TOG2 is sufficient for hnRNP A2 binding. TOG2, the large protein isoform of TOG, is the only isoform detected in oligodendrocytes in culture. TOG coimmunoprecipitates with hnRNP A2 present in the cytoskeleton (CSK) fraction of neural cells, and both coprecipitate with microtubule stabilized pellets. Staining with anti-TOG reveals puncta that are localized in proximity to microtubules, often at the plus ends. TOG is colocalized with hnRNP A2 and A2RE-mRNA in trafficking granules that remain associated with CSK-insoluble tissue. These data suggest that TOG mediates the association of hnRNP A2-positive granules with microtubules during transport and/or localization.  相似文献   

Adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) is a multifunctional tumor suppressor protein that negatively regulates the Wnt signaling pathway. The APC gene is ubiquitously expressed in various tissues, especially throughout the large intestine and central nervous system. Mutations in the gene encoding APC have been found in most colorectal cancers and in other types of cancer. The APC gene product is a large multidomain protein that interacts with a variety of proteins, many of which bind to the well conserved armadillo repeat domain of APC. Through its binding partners, APC affects a large number of important cellular processes, including cell-cell adhesion, cell migration, organization of the actin and microtubule cytoskeletons, spindle formation and chromosome segregation. The molecular mechanisms that control these diverse APC functions are only partly understood. Here we describe the identification of an additional APC armadillo repeat binding partner - the Striatin protein. The Striatin family members are multidomain molecules that are mainly neuronal and are thought to function as scaffolds. We have found that Striatin is expressed in epithelial cells and co-localizes with APC in the epithelial tight junction compartment and in neurite tips of PC12 cells. The junctional localization of APC and Striatin is actin-dependent. Depletion of APC or Striatin affected the localization of the tight junction protein ZO-1 and altered the organization of F-actin. These results raise the possibility that the contribution of APC to cell-cell adhesion may be through interaction with Striatin in the tight junction compartment of epithelial cells.  相似文献   

Matrix Gla protein (MGP) regulates calcification in cartilage and arteries. MGP synthesis during embryonic development and its binding and regulation of growth factors and morphogens of the TGF-beta/BMP superfamily suggests that it has additional functions. Assay by far-western gel overlays and gel filtration shift shows MGP binds vitronectin. Binding is saturable and consistent with a single class of binding sites. MGP binds to vitronectin but not collagen, fibromodulin, heparin, osteocalcin, chondroitin sulfate, laminin, ovalbumin or albumin. We have identified a vitronectin binding site within a 17-amino acid peptide 61-77 near the carboxyl-terminus that corresponds to a naturally occurring MGP C-terminus. MGP and the 61-77 MGP peptide also binds to fibronectin. MGP and vitronectin are focally co-localized in embryonic tissues. Co-localization in vivo suggests that the MGP and vitronectin interactions may modify cell-matrix interactions. Alternatively, vitronectin-bound MGP may have altered function for modulating BMP2 or TGF-beta activity. The current study demonstrates that MGP has a novel binding activity for vitronectin, an extracellular protein that promotes cell-matrix interactions and regulates coagulation.  相似文献   

The von Hippel-Lindau tumor suppressor protein   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  

The C-terminal domain of the tumor suppressor protein p53 is the site of non-specific DNA binding. Purified p53 produced from baculovirus-infected insect cells binds preferentially to supercoiled DNA, forming bands with lower electrophoretic mobility. This non-covalent binding does not change the linking number of the DNA. An anti-p53 antibody targeting the C-terminal domain partially competes with supercoiled DNA in binding to p53, while antibodies targeted to the N terminus of p53 supershift the complex bands. A synthetic peptide corresponding to amino acid residues 319-393 of human p53 also displays preferential binding to supercoiled DNA, while a mutant peptide, which is unable to form tetramers, is inactive. The center of the equilibrium distribution of topoisomers formed by relaxation with topoisomerase I is not shifted in the presence of p53 although the distribution is broadened. The preferential binding of p53 is exhibited toward both positively and negatively supercoiled DNA. These observations are consistent with a model in which p53 binds to right-handed or left-handed strand crossings.  相似文献   

The nuclear matrix (NM) of mouse contains a protein (miSat BP) that can specifically bind to mouse centromeric minor satellite DNA as shown by gel shift assay. The ion-exchange chromatography on DEAE-Sepharose was used as the first miSat BP purification. MiSat BT was eluted by 0.2 M NaCl. Antibodies against p70, a human NM protein of 70 kDa described earlier as a protein recognizing human alphoid DNA, produce hypershift effect when added to the retardation incubation mix. Immunoblotting of NM and an active NM fraction (0.2 M NaCl) with these antibodies revealed a protein with 70 kDa in both preparations. This antigen retained in NM in situ being associated with residual DNA as shown by indirect immunofluorescent staining. In the untreated interphase nucleus most of miSat BP granules were shown to be colocalized with prekinetochores. We suggest that miSat BP is capable of recognizing the minor satellite DNA due to its structural features, but it does not belong to a group of constitutive centromeric proteins.  相似文献   

The binding of nuclear non-histone protein to DNA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) plays a critical role in the Wnt signaling pathway by tightly regulating beta-catenin turnover and localization. The central region of APC is responsible for APC-beta-catenin interactions through its seven 20 amino acid (20aa) repeats and three 15 amino acid (15aa) repeats. Using isothermal titration calorimetry, we have determined the binding affinities of beta-catenin with an APC 15aa repeat fragment and each of the seven 20aa repeats in both phosphorylated and unphosphorylated states. Despite sequence homology, different beta-catenin binding repeats of APC have dramatically different binding affinities with beta-catenin and thus may play different biological roles. The third 20aa repeat is by far the tightest binding site for beta-catenin among all the repeats. The fact that most APC mutations associated with colon cancers have lost the third 20aa repeat underlines the importance of APC-beta-catenin interaction in Wnt signaling and human diseases. For every 20aa repeat, phosphorylation dramatically increases its binding affinity for beta-catenin, suggesting phosphorylation has a critical regulatory role in APC function. In addition, our CD and NMR studies demonstrate that the central region of APC is unstructured in the absence of beta-catenin and Axin, and suggest that beta-catenin may interact with each of the APC 15aa and 20aa repeats independently.  相似文献   

Midkine (MK) is a heparin binding multifunctional protein that promotes cell survival and cell migration. MK was found to bind to 37-kDa laminin binding protein precursor (LBP), a precursor of 67-kDa laminin receptor, with K(d) of 1.1 nM between MK and LBP-glutathione-S-transferase fusion protein. The binding was inhibited by laminin, anti-LBP, amyloid beta-peptide, and heparin; the latter two are known to bind to MK. In CMT-93 mouse rectal carcinoma cells, LBP was mostly located in the cytoplasm as revealed by immunostaining with anti-LBP antibody. That a portion of LBP or 67-kDa laminin receptor was located at the surface of these cells was verified by inhibition of cell attachment to laminin-coated dishes by anti-LBP antibody. When MK was added to culture medium of these cells, a part of LBP migrated to the nucleus. The movement occurred concomitantly with nuclear transport of biotin-labeled MK. These findings suggested that the binding of MK to LBP caused nuclear translocation of the molecular complex.  相似文献   

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