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Developing conservation strategies to restore populations of threatened species has been signaled as an important task by the Convention on Biological Diversity 2011–2020 targets. Species are being threatened not only by habitat loss and fragmentation but increasingly by climate change. As resources for conservation are often limited, and restoration is among the most expensive conservation strategies, developing approaches that help in the prioritization of areas for restoration efforts is a critical task. In this study, we propose a spatial multicriteria decision analysis (SMCDA) framework for identifying potential areas for plant species restoration initiatives that can explicitly take into account future climatic change. As a way to show how the framework can be applied, we took advantage of freely available niche modeling software and geospatial information to identify regional‐scale priority areas for restoration of two threatened endemic tree species (i.e. Bielschmiedia miersii and Pouteria splendens) of the “Chilean Winter Rainfall‐Valdivian Forest” Hotspot. The SMCDA framework allowed us not only to identify priority areas for species restoration but also to analyze how different environmental conditions and land‐use types may affect the selection of areas for species restoration. Our analysis suggests that the inclusion of climate change is a key factor to assess the potential areas for species restoration because species may respond differentially to future climatic conditions. This framework is conceived to be used as a complementary approach to available landscape‐scale spatial conservation planning tools.  相似文献   

To manage and conserve biodiversity, one must know what is being lost, where, and why, as well as which remedies are likely to be most effective. Metabarcoding technology can characterise the species compositions of mass samples of eukaryotes or of environmental DNA. Here, we validate metabarcoding by testing it against three high‐quality standard data sets that were collected in Malaysia (tropical), China (subtropical) and the United Kingdom (temperate) and that comprised 55,813 arthropod and bird specimens identified to species level with the expenditure of 2,505 person‐hours of taxonomic expertise. The metabarcode and standard data sets exhibit statistically correlated alpha‐ and beta‐diversities, and the two data sets produce similar policy conclusions for two conservation applications: restoration ecology and systematic conservation planning. Compared with standard biodiversity data sets, metabarcoded samples are taxonomically more comprehensive, many times quicker to produce, less reliant on taxonomic expertise and auditable by third parties, which is essential for dispute resolution.  相似文献   

In Japan the River Law was amended in 1997 to expand the traditional roles of flood control and water supply in river management to include environmental conservation. Two major multidisciplinary research groups were also founded to address the environmental issues arising from the management of rivers and watershed areas in Japan. One called the River Ecology Research Group was formed in 1995 to search for an ideal dynamic state of rivers to be managed. Six case studies commenced involving measurements of natural and human impacts on representative rivers and their biota selected from different regions of the country. Restoration of natural rivers has also been attempted. The other, called the Watershed Ecology Research Group, was formed in 1998 to study the natural environment surrounding dams. It consists of four groups concerned with forest ecology in the headwaters, raptor management research, reservoir ecology, and flow regime research. The topics include modeling of regeneration dynamics of riparian forests, GIS mapping of endangered raptor habitats, developing measures to reduce eutrophication of reservoir water, and the use of biodiversity of benthic faunas as an indicator of environmental change in the downstream. In both groups, ecologists collaborate with engineers who are responsible for the river infrastructure, to predict future impacts and keep ecological perspectives for the maintenance of the healthy environment of rivers and reservoirs.  相似文献   

The assessment of the value of ecosystem services is a valuable tool for biodiversity conservation that can facilitate better environmental policy decision-making and land management, and can help land managers develop interventions to compensate for biodiversity loss at the patch level. Previous studies have suggested that it is appropriate to assess the value of biodiversity for conservation planning by considering both the condition of the landscape and the spatial configuration of adjacent land uses that can be reflected as a proximity effect. This research examines the influence of spatial proximity on biodiversity conservation from the ecosystem service perspective based on the assumption that the variation in the proximity effect caused by land cover change has positive or negative impacts on ecological services. Three factors related to the spatial characteristics of the landscape were considered in this approach: the relative artificiality of the land cover types, the distance decay effect of patches and the impact of one land cover type on others. The proximity effect change (PEC) parameter reflected the relationship between the spatial proximity effect and biodiversity conservation. The results of a quantitative and spatial comparative analysis of the proposed method and the conventional method in Yingkou for the periods of 2000–2005 and 2005–2010 showed that the former can account for the temporal and spatial changes in ecosystem services for biodiversity conservation that were caused by patch-level changes as well as the interaction between the altered and adjacent patches from a spatial perspective. The metric can also identify the most critical areas for biodiversity protection and inform the efficient allocation of limited land resources for nature conservation to maximize the benefit to biodiversity by guiding the process of land-use change, particularly urbanization and agriculture. Future studies should focus on the other important factors that are applicable to the assessment of the value of biodiversity conservation in socio-ecological systems, where society and nature are mutually capable of fulfilling their roles.  相似文献   

国土空间规划是中国新时代发展和生态文明建设背景下规划领域的重大变革,绿地系统规划作为其中的重要支撑专项之一,须充分响应生态优先、绿色发展理念,从“多规合一”和“城乡统筹”视角进行合理转变。以新时代国土空间规划为指引,从规划路径和规划管控两大方面,针对传统城市绿地系统规划如何适应当前城乡绿色空间优化需求进行规划模式探索。在规划路径方面,提出借助国土空间基础信息平台,确定规划的流程、层次、内容、技术。在规划管控方面,提出呼应“多规合一”发展要求,构建多民众参与、多部门合作、多渠道沟通的城乡绿地管控体系。通过构建科学合理的城乡绿地系统规划路径和稳定完善的管理机制,支撑新时代国土空间规划体系下绿色空间的城乡统筹和可持续发展。  相似文献   

Aim  The recent concern that quaking aspen ( Populus tremuloides Michx.) has been declining in parts of western North America due to fire suppression is largely based on trends during the latter part of the 20th century. The aim of the current study was to compare the extent of aspen in the modern landscape with its extent in the late 19th century prior to fire suppression, and to assess the effects of elevation, late-19th century fires, and pre-fire forest composition on the successional status of aspen.
Location  North-west Colorado, USA.
Methods  We used a georeferenced 1898 map and modern maps to examine trends in aspen dominance since the late 19th century in a 348,586 ha area of White River and Routt National Forests in north-western Colorado. Stand age and structure were sampled in 30 stands.
Results  We found no evidence of overall aspen decline over this period. In fact, aspen distribution has increased in parts of the study area following severe fires in the late 19th century in forests that were previously dominated by conifers. Aspen persistence and increase was especially pronounced at elevations below 3000 m a.s.l. Most 120-year-old post-fire stands that are presently being successionally replaced by conifers were dominated by conifers prior to the last severe fire.
Main conclusions  Human perceptions of ecosystems are often on time scales that are shorter than the cycles of natural variation within those ecosystems. This disparity may lead to an underestimation of the range of natural variability of ecosystem patterns and processes. The appropriate temporal scale of inquiry is necessary for the correct understanding of natural variation in ecosystems.  相似文献   

Caribbean yellow band syndrome (YBS) is a poorly understood, progressively fatal disease primarily affecting Montastraea spp. coral. This disease has exhibited rapid spread throughout the entire Caribbean over the last few decades. In this study, geographical information systems (GIS) and spatial statistics were used to analyze the distribution of YBS in Akumal Bay, Mexico, and host and environmental risk factors for YBS were evaluated epidemiologically. In this Bay, there are hundreds of colonies of Montastraea annularis from 1 m depths inside the fringing reefs to reef crests and beyond. Of 63 corals that were evaluated, the overall prevalence of YBS in Akumal Bay was 28.6%, with 35.7% in large colonies, 23.8% in medium-sized colonies, and 23.8% in small colonies, where small colonies were <200 cm diameter, medium-sized were 200–500 cm, and large were >500 cm. Lesions covered 3.8% (±1.3 s.e.) of the surface of colonies assessed, compared with a mean percentage of dead colony cover of 54.4% (±4.2 s.e.). Analysis for spatial clustering documented that M. annularis colonies (well and sick) were highly spatially clustered, compared to expected complete spatial randomness. However, compared with all M. annularis corals, colonies with YBS tended to be less spatially clustered (i.e. within the overall clustered spatial distribution of M. annularis colonies, YBS-affected colonies’ distribution was more regular). These findings are consistent with several hypotheses for the etiology of YBS, including near-shore pathogens or toxins either directly inducing disease or indirectly leading to disease by increasing host susceptibility. Ongoing investigations into the management and cause of YBS can use this information to develop management strategies and more efficiently target future sampling.  相似文献   

温晓金  刘焱序  杨新军 《生态学报》2015,35(13):4377-4389
植被恢复是建设生态型城市的重要途径,通过明晰植被恢复空间分异与潜在的植被恢复力,有助于指导可持续性生态城市的建设。以商洛市为例,基于MODIS归一化植被指数(NDVI)数据,利用Sen+Mann-Kendall模型和Hurst模型研究2000—2013年商洛市植被恢复趋势及未来持续能力,并采用地理加权回归模型(GWR)分析市域尺度内植被恢复空间分布的影响因素。结果表明:(1)2000—2013年商洛市的植被恢复效果明显,植被覆盖增大的区域占总面积的82.5%,减小的区域占总面积的9.4%;(2)2000—2013年,受城镇的距离及土地集约程度等人文因素的影响,西北部植被恢复略好于东南部。(3)Hurst指数显示,商洛市未来植被恢复的持续性不强。48.0%的区域未来植被覆盖可能会呈现由改善变退化的现象,而持续增大的区域仅占36.7%,植被恢复力仍有待加强。(4)市域尺度上,植被恢复趋势空间差异形成的自然因素包括高程、坡度、坡向、与水体的距离,而人文因素则由距离城镇的距离和土地利用集约度所主导。地理加权回归显示各区县植被恢复趋势的空间影响因素及其强度并不一致,充分说明人地关系变化对植被恢复作用机理的复杂性。  相似文献   

In systems of interconnected ponds or lakes, the dispersal of zooplankton may be mediated by the active population component, with rivulets and overflows functioning as dispersal pathways. Using a landscape-based approach, we modelled the effective geographical distance among a set of interconnected ponds (De Maten, Genk, Belgium) in a Geographic Information System (GIS) environment. The first model (the Landscape Model; LM) corrects for the presence of direct connections among ponds and was based on the existing landscape structure (i.e. network of connecting elements among ponds, travelling distance and direction of the current). A second model (the Flow Rate Model; FRM) also incorporated field data on flow rates in the connecting elements as the driving force for the passive dispersal of the active zooplankton population component. Finally, the third model (the Dispersal Rate Model; DRM) incorporated field data on zooplankton dispersal rates. An analysis of the pattern of genetic differentiation among Daphnia ambigua populations inhabiting 10 ponds in the pond complex reveals that the effective geographical distance as modelled by the flow rate and the dispersal rate model provide a better approximation of the true rates of genetic exchange among populations than mere Euclidean geographical distances or the landscape model that takes into account solely the presence of physical connections.  相似文献   

Population viability of the giant panda ( Ailuropoda melanoleuca ) is threatened by small population sizes in scattered isolated habitat areas. Designing a conservation plan for protecting and connecting the fragmented habitat will improve the chances for survival of this endangered species. For such a plan, this study assessed the overall habitat suitability for the species in the Qionglai mountain range (Sichuan, China) using Landsat TM imagery acquired in 2001, geographical data, field surveys, and information acquired in previous researches. Results show that the habitat is separated by roads and rivers, as well as by human settlements and cropland areas, into four main habitat blocks. Overlapping these four habitat blocks with the current nature reserve network reveals that only 36% of the total habitat is protected within nature reserves. Thus, the current nature reserve network is failing to preserve essential habitat for dispersal and genetic exchange. In this study, five key areas and four linkage areas were identified and suggested as nature reserves and/or corridors. These areas, together with the six currently established nature reserves in the mountain range, will form a conservation unit for facilitating the exchange of giant panda individuals among previously isolated habitat blocks. Policies recently implemented by the Chinese government, including the Natural Forest Conservation Program (NFCP) and the Grain-to-Green Program (GTGP), could aid in the formation of such a conservation unit.  相似文献   

The Madagascar plover Charadrius thoracicus is a shorebird endemic to western Madagascar, currently classified as globally vulnerable. It is restricted to specialized wetland habitats that are increasingly threatened by humans. To inform future conservation measures for this poorly known species, we develop a predictive habitat suitability map and use this map to estimate the size of the Madagascar plover population. We integrate spatially referenced presence-only observations of Madagascar plovers with Landsat data, elevation data and measures of distance to settlements and the coast to produce a habitat suitability model using ecological niche factor analysis. Validation of this model using a receiver operating characteristic plot suggests that it is at least 84% accurate in predicting suitable sites. We then use our estimate of total area of suitable habitat above a critical suitability threshold and data on Madagascar plover density in suitable sites to estimate the total population size to derive a total population estimate of 3100±396 standard error individuals. Finally, we explore the conservation applications of our model.  相似文献   

Bioenergy production is seen as one way of meeting future energy needs. The growing demand for biomass for energy production induces the cultivation of a few fast growing and high‐yielding energy crops on vast areas of arable land. This land‐use change has been found associated with the reduction of habitat suitability for farmland birds and a decline in farmland biodiversity in general. A large number of studies have assessed the ecological effects of energy crop cultivation at the local scale of a single field. This study focuses on regional landscape changes caused by increased energy crop cultivation, which includes reduction of crop‐type richness and spatial concentration of single crop‐types. We present a spatially explicit ecological model to assess the population‐level consequences of these effects on the abundance of the farmland bird species Skylark (Alauda arvensis). We also investigate the impacts of different land‐use scenarios and aim to identify adaptive conservation options. We show that (1) the impacts of increased energy crop cultivation on Skylark population abundance depend strongly on the landscape structure; (2) impacts could be tolerated as long as a certain minimum level of crop‐type heterogeneity is retained at the landscape level and (3) conservation actions are required and effective especially on landscapes where crop‐field size is large.  相似文献   

Conservation strategies are often established without consideration of the impact of climate change. However, this impact is expected to threaten species and ecosystem persistence and to have dramatic effects towards the end of the 21st century. Landscape suitability for species under climate change is determined by several interacting factors including dispersal and human land use. Designing effective conservation strategies at regional scales to improve landscape suitability requires measuring the vulnerabilities of specific regions to climate change and determining their conservation capacities. Although methods for defining vulnerability categories are available, methods for doing this in a systematic, cost‐effective way have not been identified. Here, we use an ecosystem model to define the potential resilience of the Finnish forest landscape by relating its current conservation capacity to its vulnerability to climate change. In applying this framework, we take into account the responses to climate change of a broad range of red‐listed species with different niche requirements. This framework allowed us to identify four categories in which representation in the landscape varies among three IPCC emission scenarios (B1, low; A1B, intermediate; A2, high emissions): (i) susceptible (B1 = 24.7%, A1B = 26.4%, A2 = 26.2%), the most intact forest landscapes vulnerable to climate change, requiring management for heterogeneity and resilience; (ii) resilient (B1 = 2.2%, A1B = 0.5%, A2 = 0.6%), intact areas with low vulnerability that represent potential climate refugia and require conservation capacity maintenance; (iii) resistant (B1 = 6.7%, A1B = 0.8%, A2 = 1.1%), landscapes with low current conservation capacity and low vulnerability that are suitable for restoration projects; (iv) sensitive (B1 = 66.4%, A1B = 72.3%, A2 = 72.0%), low conservation capacity landscapes that are vulnerable and for which alternative conservation measures are required depending on the intensity of climate change. Our results indicate that the Finnish landscape is likely to be dominated by a very high proportion of sensitive and susceptible forest patches, thereby increasing uncertainty for landscape managers in the choice of conservation strategies.  相似文献   

O'Sullivan  P. E. 《Hydrobiologia》1992,(1):421-434
Palaeolimnological studies of sediments from Slapton Ley and Loe Pool, two coastal freshwater lakes in Southwest England, show that in the period since 1945, they have been eutrophicated by nutrient inputs from intensification of agriculture, but also from sewage effluent. Two simple models have been used to identify the main sources of catchment outputs, and in the case of Slapton Ley, to evaluate historical changes in land use, and their likely effect on lake trophic status.Restoration strategies may also be evaluated using the same models. They suggest that in order to reduce loads on either lake to within OECD permissible limits, not only will all sewage inputs need to be prevented, and non-phosphate detergents used, but also losses from agricultural land must be reduced. This could take the form of the keeping of fewer cattle (the main source of organic nitrogen and phosphorus in both catchments), or the zoning of the respective catchments so that steep slopes close to riparian zones are not used, as at present, for the grazing of livestock.A better option, however, would appear to be the establishment along most of the rivers draining into these lakes, of buffer strips of woodland at least 15 m wide. According to the models, this measure, along with treatment or diversion of sewage effluent, would reduce phosphorus loads upon the lakes to within acceptable limits.  相似文献   

Aim Project‐specific data for biogeographical models are often logistically impractical to collect, forcing the use of existing data from a variety of sources. Use of these data is complicated when neither absence nor an estimate of the area sampled is available, as these are requirements of most analytical techniques. We demonstrate the Mahalanobis distance statistic (D2), which is a presence‐only modelling technique and does not require information on species absence or the sampled area. We use badger (Meles meles) setts as the basis for this investigation, as their landscape associations are well understood, and survey data exist against which to compare estimates of sett distribution and abundance. Location  England and Wales (151,403 km2). Methods We used stratified random samples of sett locations, and landscape variables that are known to be important for choice of badger sett location within a geographic information system at a cell resolution of 100 × 100 m. Landscape conditions at two scales were extracted, at and around sett locations, and the D2 was used to classify all cells in England and Wales into a sett suitability model. Comparison of this sett suitability model with known main sett densities allowed estimates of main sett density to be made across England and Wales, with associated uncertainty. Results The sett suitability model was shown through iterative sampling and model evaluation using independent data to be stable and accurate. Main sett density estimates were biologically plausible in comparison with previous field‐derived estimates. We estimate 58,000 main setts within England and Wales, with 95% confidence intervals suggesting a value between 31,000 and 93,000. Main conclusions The D2, which could be applied to other species and locations, proved useful in our context, where absence data were not available and the sampled area could not be reliably established. We were able to predict sett suitability across a large area and at a fine resolution, and to generate plausible estimates of main sett density. The final model provides valuable information on probable badger sett distribution and abundance, and may contribute to future research on the spatial ecology of badgers in England and Wales.  相似文献   

Since 1999, SPVS has been involved in three projects that combine two fundamental goals over the course of 40 years: the conservation of one of Brazil's most important remnants of Atlantic Forest and the implementation of projects for carbon sequestration. In addition, there is an interest in replicating these projects in order to restore other degraded areas, protect the Brazilian biomes, and help to diminish deforestation and forest fire, therefore reducing carbon emissions. The acquisition of 19,000 ha of degraded areas of high biological importance in southern Brazil was the first step towards the implementation of the projects. These areas are owned by SPVS, a Brazilian NGO, and are being restored, conserved and transformed into Private Natural Reserves, in partnership with the NGO – The Nature Conservancy, and financed by the companies – American Electric Power, General Motors and Chevron Texaco. The process of forest restoration involves several stages: soil studies, surveying the region's native plants, planning for restoration by means of a Geographical Information System, production of seedlings, application of different techniques for planting (such as manual or mechanised planting with seedlings and stakes), and biomass and biodiversity monitoring. To guarantee the survival of the seedlings on the planted areas, during the first three years, there is a continuous and systematic maintenance programme including weeding of undergrowth, crowing and organic fertilisation. The three projects already planted around 500,000 seedlings of native species until September 2004, and aim to plant a further 300,000 until 2008.  相似文献   

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