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CD1d是人类白细胞表面的抗原分子,它可以将脂质抗原递呈给天然杀伤T细胞(NKT),使其激活.而NKT是近年来发现的一类特殊的T细胞,它既可以表达T细胞表面标志,又可以表达天然杀伤细胞(NK)表面标志,能识别由CD1d递呈的抗原,广泛参与自身免疫调节.近年来,许多研究发现,CD1d/NKT可以有效抑制肝炎病毒的复制.  相似文献   

宾淑英  吴仲真  张鹤  林进添 《昆虫学报》2014,57(9):1094-1104
遗传变异与种群持续性及其进化潜力密切相关,而生物入侵导致种群遗传变异或遗传多样性的改变为研究自然界中各种生态和进化问题提供了理想模式。分子标记技术是调查种群遗传变异的重要工具,揭示了入侵种的入侵过程和结果,并预测未来的发生情况。本综述归纳了分子标记技术在昆虫入侵机制研究中的应用,以典型的研究个案为例,分别综述了分子标记技术在隐蔽入侵的监测应用,分子标记技术在重构入侵历史研究中的推算方式,分子标记技术在探索种群遗传变异与成功入侵机制方面取得的重要进展,并进一步介绍了高分辨率熔解曲线(high-resolution melting, HRM)分析在昆虫入侵研究中的应用前景。  相似文献   

分子伴侣及其在蛋白质折叠中的作用研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蛋白质折叠是一个复杂的、动态的过程,蛋白质的折叠不是自发的,需要其他物质的帮助.了解分子伴侣在蛋白质折叠过程中的的作用,有助于进一步研究蛋白质折叠机制.本文介绍了分子伴侣及其分类,重点综述了各类分子伴侣在蛋白质折叠中的机制,并提出了研究分子伴侣在蛋白质折叠中的作用的重要意义.  相似文献   

分子伴侣在蛋白质折叠中的作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分子伴侣主要由三个高度保守的蛋白质家族组成,这三个家族的成员广泛分布于原核和真核细胞中。TCP1复合物是真核细胞细胞溶质内的伴侣蛋白。分子伴侣在蛋白质折叠过程中防止多肽链形成聚集物或无活性结构,提高正确折叠率。本文重点讨论Stress-70家族蛋白质和伴侣蛋白协助蛋白质折叠过程中的协同性以及伴侣蛋白GroEL和GroES的作用机理。  相似文献   

ISSR分子标记在入侵植物研究中的应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
外来生物入侵是对全球生物多样性最为严重的威胁之一,对经济安全、生态安全、社会安全、国际利益和国际贸易都具有重要影响.入侵种群的分子标记分析是外来入侵生物研究的重要途径.其中,简单序列重复区间标记(inter-simple sequence repeat,ISSR)是一种基于微卫星序列发展起来的新型分子标记,具有简便、快捷、结果稳定和DNA多态性高等优点.本文系统地介绍了ISSR分子标记的原理、技术特征及其实验操作,并简要地阐述了ISSR分子标记在外来入侵植物的群体遗传结构分析、遗传多样性检测、入侵来源推测、入侵植物的分布模式及其亲缘关系分析、入侵植物的繁育特性检测等方面的应用及其研究进展.  相似文献   

系统研究了通过霍乱毒素B亚基与HCV的4个抗原决定簇进行基因融合所表达的12种融合蛋白中HCV抗原决定簇的反应原性,探索了以融合蛋白为抗原,进行抗-HCV检测的途径。结果表明,多数融合蛋白中HCV抗原决定簇均能与对应的HCV抗体结合。以融合蛋白95082为抗原研制的抗-HCV ELISA试剂检测122名献血员血清,结果与美国雅培公司抗-HCV ELISA试剂检测的结果完全一致,经药品生物制品检定所检定,其特异性、灵敏度、精密性及稳定性均达到国家卫生部抗-HCV ELISA试剂的暂行检定标准。  相似文献   

噬菌体随机肽库技术是研究抗原表位及其配体受体相互作用位点的强有力的工具。本文对噬菌体肽库技术的原理及其在抗原表位研究尤其在HCV抗原表位研究中的应用作一综述。  相似文献   

分子内分子伴侣--Pro肽在蛋白质折叠中的作用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在体内,许多蛋白质,如很多胞外蛋白酶、某些多肽激素等都以含前导肽的前体形式合成,前导肽在蛋白质折叠中具有分子伴侣的功能。为了与一般意义上的分子伴侣相区别,人们将对蛋白质折叠有帮助的前导肽称为分子内分子伴侣,分子内分子伴侣帮助蛋白质在折叠过程中克服高的能量障碍,某些蛋白质的分子内分子伴侣甚至促进其在氧化性折叠中二硫键的正确配对。  相似文献   

目的:构建HCV core 1b亚型和HA共表达的腺病毒载体并予以鉴定。方法:合成HCV核心蛋白1b亚型的核苷酸,连接入pcmv5-HA质粒中。用XhoⅠ单酶切,后用Klenow酶补平,再用HindⅢ单酶切下HA-HCV core 1b片段,连入pShuttle-cmv穿梭质粒中,构建穿梭质粒pShuttle-CMV-HA core 1b.将pShuttle-CMV-HA core 1b转化至含有AdEasy-1的BJ5183感受态细菌中进行同源重组。PacⅠ酶切线性化重组质粒pAd-HA-HCV core 1b并转染AD293细胞进行病毒包装和扩增。用RT-PCR检测HA-HCVcore 1b的mRNA的表达水平,并用Western blot检测融合表达蛋白HA-HCV core 1b的表达水平。结果:穿梭质粒pShuttle-CMV-HA-HCV core 1b经PCR和测序证实构建成功。重组腺病毒载体经AD293细胞包装后,可观察到CPE现象。用获得的重组腺病毒载体感染AD293细胞,经RT-PCR检测,在mRNA水平上有表达;经Western blot检测,HCV core 1b亚型腺病毒载体(Ad-HA-HCV core 1b)感染组与未感染腺病毒载体组及空白对照组相比,只有Ad-HA-HCV core 1b感染组有融合蛋白HA-HCVcore 1b的表达。结论:通过分子克隆体外重组技术,成功构建了HCV core 1b亚型和HA共表达的重组腺病毒载体Ad-HA-HCVcore 1b。为进一步研究丙型肝炎病毒1b亚型引起丙肝感染中胰岛素抵抗的作用机制提供了方法。  相似文献   

GATA-1在造血干细胞的谱系分化中起关键的调控作用,为红系和巨核系发育成熟必不可少,对肥大细胞系及嗜酸性粒细胞系发育也有一定的调控作用。GATA-1的转录活性受到多层次的精确调节,其调控不同谱系分化的功能大多通过与不同的蛋白质相互作用来实施。近年来,多种新的GTAT-1相互作用蛋白质被确定,特别是GATA-1复合体的研究,揭示了GATA-1转录活性及其调控造血分化的新机制。  相似文献   

The PDZ1 domain of the four PDZ domain-containing protein PDZK1 has been reported to bind the C terminus of the HDL receptor scavenger receptor class B, type I (SR-BI), and to control hepatic SR-BI expression and function. We generated wild-type (WT) and mutant murine PDZ1 domains, the mutants bearing single amino acid substitutions in their carboxylate binding loop (Lys14-Xaa4-Asn19-Tyr-Gly-Phe-Phe-Leu24), and measured their binding affinity for a 7-residue peptide corresponding to the C terminus of SR-BI (503VLQEAKL509). The Y20A and G21Y substitutions abrogated all binding activity. Surprisingly, binding affinities (Kd) of the K14A and F22A mutants were 3.2 and 4.0 μm, respectively, similar to 2.6 μm measured for the WT PDZ1. To understand these findings, we determined the high resolution structure of WT PDZ1 bound to a 5-residue sequence from the C-terminal SR-BI (505QEAKL509) using x-ray crystallography. In addition, we incorporated the K14A and Y20A substitutions into full-length PDZK1 liver-specific transgenes and expressed them in WT and PDZK1 knock-out mice. In WT mice, the transgenes did not alter endogenous hepatic SR-BI protein expression (intracellular distribution or amount) or lipoprotein metabolism (total plasma cholesterol, lipoprotein size distribution). In PDZK1 knock-out mice, as expected, the K14A mutant behaved like wild-type PDZK1 and completely corrected their hepatic SR-BI and plasma lipoprotein abnormalities. Unexpectedly, the 10–20-fold overexpressed Y20A mutant also substantially, but not completely, corrected these abnormalities. The results suggest that there may be an additional site(s) within PDZK1 that bind(s) SR-BI and mediate(s) productive SR-BI-PDZK1 interaction previously attributed exclusively to the canonical binding of the C-terminal SR-BI to PDZ1.  相似文献   

The normal expression, cell surface localization, and function of the murine high density lipoprotein receptor scavenger receptor class B type I (SR-BI) in hepatocytes in vivo, and thus normal lipoprotein metabolism, depend on its four PDZ domain (PDZ1–PDZ4) containing cytoplasmic adaptor protein PDZK1. Previous studies showed that the C terminus of SR-BI (“target peptide”) binds directly to PDZ1 and influences hepatic SR-BI protein expression. Unexpectedly an inactivating mutation in PDZ1 (Tyr20 → Ala) only partially, rather than completely, suppresses the ability of PDZK1 to control hepatic SR-BI. We used isothermal titration calorimetry to show that PDZ3, but not PDZ2 or PDZ4, can also bind the target peptide (Kd = 37.0 μm), albeit with ∼10-fold lower affinity than PDZ1. This binding is abrogated by a Tyr253 → Ala substitution. Comparison of the 1.5-Å resolution crystal structure of PDZ3 with its bound target peptide (505QEAKL509) to that of peptide-bound PDZ1 indicated fewer target peptide stabilizing atomic interactions (hydrogen bonds and hydrophobic interactions) in PDZ3. A double (Tyr20 → Ala (PDZ1) + Tyr253 → Ala (PDZ3)) substitution abrogated all target peptide binding to PDZK1. In vivo hepatic expression of a singly substituted (Tyr253 → Ala (PDZ3)) PDZK1 transgene (Tg) was able to correct all of the SR-BI-related defects in PDZK1 knock-out mice, whereas the doubly substituted [Tyr20 → Ala (PDZ1) + Tyr253 → Ala (PDZ3)]Tg was unable to correct these defects. Thus, we conclude that PDZK1-mediated control of hepatic SR-BI requires direct binding of the SR-BI C terminus to either the PDZ1 or PDZ3 domains, and that binding to both domains simultaneously is not required for PDZK1 control of hepatic SR-BI.  相似文献   

The glutamate transporter excitatory amino acid carrier (EAAC1/EAAT3) mediates the absorption of dicarboxylic amino acids in epithelial cells as well as the uptake of glutamate from the synaptic cleft. Its cell‐surface density is regulated by interaction with accessory proteins which remain to be identified. We detected a consensus sequence for interaction with post‐synaptic density‐95/Discs large/Zonula occludens (PDZ) proteins (‐SQF) and a tyrosine‐based internalization signal (‐YVNG‐) in the C‐terminus of EAAC1, and investigated their role in the transporter localization. We demonstrated that PDZ interactions are required for the efficient delivery to and the retention in the plasma membrane of EAAC1 and we identified PDZK1/NHERF3 (Na+/H+‐exchanger regulatory factor 3) as a novel EAAC1 interacting protein. Expression of PDZK1 in Madin‐Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells tethered EAAC1 to filopodia and increased its surface activity. Removal of the PDZ‐target motif promoted the EAAC1 binding to α‐adaptin and clathrin and the transporter internalization in endocytic/degradative compartments. This defect was largely prevented by hypertonic treatment or overexpression of the dominant‐negative µ2‐W421A‐subunit of AP‐2 clathrin‐adaptor. The rate of transporter endocytosis was attenuated following tyrosine mutagenesis in the internalization signal, thus indicating that this motif can regulate the transporter endocytosis. We suggest that EAAC1 density is controlled by balanced interactions with PDZK1 and adaptor protein 2 (AP2): the former promotes the transporter expression at the cell surface, and the latter mediates its constitutive endocytosis.  相似文献   

Hepatitis C virus(HCV)is a leading cause of liver disease worldwide.Although several HCV protease/polymerase inhibitors were recently approved by U.S.FDA,the combination of antivirals targeting multiple processes of HCV lifecycle would optimize anti-HCV therapy and against potential drug-resistanee.Viral entry is an essential target step for antiviral development,but FDA-approved HCV entry inhibitor remains exclusive.Here we identify serotonin 2A receptor(5-HT2aR)is a HCV entry factor amendable to therapeutic intervention by a chemical biology strategy.The silencing of 5-HT2aR and clinically available 5-HT2aR antagonist suppress cell culture-derived HCV(HCVcc)in different liver cells and primary human hepatocytes at late endocytosis process.The mechanism is related to regulate the correct plasma membrane localization of claudin 1(CLDN1).Moreover,phenoxybenzamine(PBZ),an FDAapproved 5-HT2aR antagonist,inhibits all major HCV genotypes in vitro and displays synergy in combination with clinical used anti-HCV drugs.The impact of PBZ on HCV genotype 2a is documented in immune-competent humanized transgenic mice.Our results not only expand the understanding of HCV entry,but also present a promising target for the invention of HCV entry inhibitor.  相似文献   

Hepatic SR-BI mediates uptake of circulating cholesterol into liver hepatocytes where a part of the cholesterol is metabolised to bile acids. In the hepatocytes, bile acids reduce their own synthesis by a negative feedback loop to prevent toxic high levels of bile acids. Bile acid-activated FXR/RXR represses expression of CYP7A1, the rate-limiting enzyme during bile acid synthesis, by inducing the expression of SHP, which inhibits LXR/RXR and LRH-1-transactivation of CYP7A1. The present paper presents data indicating that CDCA suppresses SR-BI expression by the same pathway. As previously reported, LRH-1 induces SR-BI promoter activity. Here we show that CDCA or over-expression of SHP inhibit this transactivation. No FXR-response element was identified in the bile acid-responsive region of the SR-BI promoter (-1200bp/-937bp). However, a binding site for LRH-1 was characterised and shown to specifically bind LRH-1. The present study shows that also the SR-BI-mediated supply of cholesterol, the substrate for bile acid synthesis, is feedback regulated by bile acids.  相似文献   

磷脂酶C β (PLCβ)在G蛋白偶联受体 (GPCR)介导的细胞信号转导中发挥重要作用. 通过水解磷脂酰肌醇4,5二磷酸 (PIP2),磷脂酶C β可以产生3种重要的第二信使分子:二乙酰甘油 (DAG)、三磷酸肌醇 (IP3)和质子. 在果蝇中,磷脂酶C β通过它的羧基末端盘状同源区域结合模块 (PBM)与盘状同源区域 (PDZ)支架蛋白-失活无后电位D蛋白 (INAD)相互作用,从而调节果蝇的光信号传导 . 在哺乳动物中,磷脂酶C β家族有4个亚型,每1个亚型的羧基末端都有1个典型的盘状同源区域结合模块. 这一结构特点提示我们,磷脂酶C β可能通过其羧基末端的盘状同源区域结合模块与盘状同源区域支架蛋白相互作用,进而调节它们自身的细胞定位和功能. 然而,目前仍对哺乳动物磷脂酶C β家族的盘状同源区域结合蛋白知之甚少. 本文运用分析型凝胶过滤和等温滴定量热技术,系统地研究了不同磷脂酶Cβ亚型的羧基末端盘状同源区域结合模块与不同盘状同源区域蛋白质的结合. 结果表明,磷脂酶Cβ2的羧基末端盘状同源区域结合模块,可以特异地与含有4个盘状同源区域的支架蛋白-盘状同源区域蛋白1 (PDZK1)以2∶1的方式相互结合. 进一步的测定显示,磷脂酶C β2羧基末端盘状同源区域结合模块在盘状同源区域蛋白1上的结合位点为第1和第3个盘状同源区域,而它们与磷脂酶Cβ2的解离常数分别为11.8±3.4 μmol/L 和33.3±8.7 μmol/L.  相似文献   

将丙型肝炎病毒C+E1区基因插入到原核高效表达载体pBV221质粒中,构建了质粒pBV221HCV/C+E1作为表达载体,然后,将含有该质粒的宿主大肠杆菌进行升温诱导表达HCV/C+E1区基因,并对表达产物进行了生物活性的检测。结果表明,插入到表达载体pBV221中的HCV/C+E1基因片段能够得到有效的表达,表达产物主要为非融合蛋白形式存在于细胞中,同时这种C区和E1区连接共表达的产物保持了良好的抗原活性  相似文献   

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