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维生素D膳食参考摄入量的再评估   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
最新临床研究显示,维生素D有众多的健康功能.但目前维生素D的膳食参考摄入量(DRIs)过低,阻碍了维生素D营养功能的临床应用,应该更新评估.本文综述儿童、成年人、老年人和孕产妇的平均需要量(EAR)和推荐摄入量(RNI),鼓励增加维生素D的推荐摄入量;综述美国营养责任委员会(CRN)对高剂量维生素D摄入风险的再评估,提高可耐受最高摄入量(UL);最后建议能否考虑将中国维生素D的UL由 20 μg提高到 50 μg.  相似文献   

对各国居民的食盐每日平均摄入量、世界卫生组织和各国相关机构建议的食盐每日推荐摄入量进行综述,旨在为进一步限制居民过量摄入食盐提供理论依据。  相似文献   

微量元素硒的人体需要量和安全摄入量范围   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  

钠/碘同向转运体的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
甲状腺对I^-的摄取是甲状腺激素合成的第一步,而调节这一过程的重要物质是位于甲状腺滤泡细胞基底膜上的钠/碘同向转运体(sodium/iodide symporter,NIS)。NIS主要存在于甲状腺组织,其调节I^-摄取要依赖Na^ 的存在,摄取过程可被SCN^-、ClO4^-等一价阴离子所抑制。人和大鼠NIS的基因都已经被克隆,对其基因表达调控的研究也逐渐兴起。促甲状腺激素(TSH)对NIS的基因的表达及I^-摄取具有很强的刺激作用。研究人员在一些自身免疫性甲状腺疾病患的血清中发现了针对NIS的抗体,而且,认识到NIS的基因突变是先天性甲状腺功能低下的一个重要原因。此外,人们利用NIS的基因,进行基因治疗肿瘤的研究也已逐步展开。  相似文献   

目的:调查河北省某大学学生每天水摄入量及其影响因素。方法:采用简单随机抽样方法抽取河北省某大学156名健康成年大学生,调查对象使用带刻度的水杯,连续记录7 d内每次饮水的量。采用双份饭法与称重法结合的方式,测定调查对象连续3 d每天所吃的所有食物中水的含量。总水摄入量等于饮水量与食物水摄入量之和。结果:调查对象总水摄入量为2 342 mL/d、饮水量为1 135 mL/d、食物水摄入量为1 174 mL/d,男性的总水摄入量、饮水量、食物水摄入量均高于女性(P<0.05),体脂率肥胖的调查对象的总水摄入量、饮水量与食物水摄入量均低于非体脂率肥胖的调查对象(P<0.05),不同体表面积等级的调查对象其总水摄入量与食物水摄入量存在显著差异(P<0.05),但饮水量无显著差异。BMI等级以及腰臀比对调查对象饮水量与总水摄入量的影响均无显著性。性别、BMI等级、体表面积、腰臀比、体脂率对调查对象饮水量占总水摄入量的比例的影响均无显著性。结论:河北省大学生的饮水量偏少。水摄入量的影响因素较多,不仅仅有性别、体重,还可能涉及到腰臀比、体成分等因素,这些因素对水摄入量的影响较为复杂,应综合考虑各项因素,为修订适宜饮水量提供科学依据。  相似文献   

对常用的两种计算营养元素安全界限的方法--营养安全界限法和指导剂量法进行了一般性的比较,并且利用几种营养推荐摄入量和不利作用水平之间范围较大的营养元素,对两种方法进行了初步评价。  相似文献   

目的:探讨我国成年居民蛋类食物摄入量与血脂异常的关系。方法:利用“中国健康与营养调查”2009年调查资料,选择有完整个人信息的18~65岁成年居民作为研究对象,分析不同蛋类食物摄入水平人群的人口统计学特征差异,探讨我国成年居民较高蛋类食物摄入量的人群患高甘油三酯血症和高胆固醇血症的风险。结果:调查对象每日蛋类食物摄入量超过《中国居民膳食指南》推荐量的人群比例为25.5%。不同蛋类食物摄入水平的成年居民BMI、能量摄入水平以及性别、饮酒、教育水平、人均家庭收入和居住地区的分布差异均有统计学意义。调整混杂因素后,女性较高水平蛋类食物摄入(≥50 g/d)的人群患高胆固醇血症的风险是蛋类食物摄入适量(25~50 g/d)人群的1.26倍(OR=1.26,95%CI:1.01~1.58,P=0.04)。结论:我国9省区女性成年居民蛋类食物摄入过多可增加高胆固醇血症的患病风险。  相似文献   

目的:预测2030年中国成年居民的畜肉平均摄入量。方法:以2000—2018年7轮分城镇和农村中国健康与营养调查(CHNS)中20岁及以上成年居民畜肉平均摄入量数据为基础,比较ARIMA、灰色模型和趋势外推法3种模型的精度,并对2030年我国成年居民畜肉摄入量进行预测。结果:城镇居民畜肉平均摄入量的拟合预测中,ARIMA模型的拟合精度和预测精度均优于趋势外推法和灰色模型。农村居民畜肉平均摄入量的预测,ARIMA模型的拟合精度优于趋势外推法和灰色模型;预测精度则为第二,略低于灰色模型,综合拟合精度和预测精度,ARIMA模型优于其他2种模型。ARIMA模型预测到2030年城镇居民和农村居民的畜肉平均摄入量将分别达到131.0、130.6 g/d,比2018年分别增加37.2%、43.5%,将高于膳食指南推荐量。结论:ARIMA模型对畜肉摄入量的长期预测效果最理想。依据预测结果,需采取措施引导居民适量摄入畜肉,以达到平衡膳食的目标。  相似文献   

单宁酸对根田鼠食物摄入量和蛋白质消化率的效应   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9  
在食物中含10 %和20%蛋白质的条件下, 采用食物平衡法测定了单宁酸对根田鼠食物摄入量和蛋白质消化率的作用。食物蛋白质含量为10 %时, 第1~5 天, 单宁酸对根田鼠食物摄入量具有显著的抑制作用, 自第6天, 其作用不明显, 以3 %和6 %单宁酸处理的根田鼠, 其食物蛋白质消化率较对照组分别降低22 %和47.67 %;在食物蛋白质含量为20 %的条件下, 单宁酸对根田鼠的食物摄入量和蛋白质消化率无显著作用。上述结果验证了植物次生化合物能抑制植食性小哺乳动物食物摄入量及蛋白质消化率的假设。  相似文献   

目的:检测咸阳市市售油条中铝的含量及人群的摄入量,为估计咸阳市居民铝的膳食暴露量提供部分依据。方法:2013年12月采用随机抽样方法,采集咸阳市早餐供应点、超市及快餐店的样品共计158份,按照国家标准方法检测油条中铝的含量,并根据检测结果计算居民铝的摄入量。结果:所检测的158份样品中只有19份合格,合格率为12%,铝含量的均值为247.3mg/kg,中位值178.2 mg/kg。不同采样地点样品中铝含量均值无显著性差异,不同区样品中铝含量均值无显著性差异。居民通过油条摄入铝的平均量为6.7 mg/d,被调查居民通过油条摄入铝的量,在地区上无显著性差异,在性别上差异有统计学意义。结论:咸阳市市售油条中铝含量超标,被调查居民每天通过油条摄入一定量的铝,长期食用会引起铝中毒,应采取方法降低油条中铝的含量,呼吁监督管理部门应加强监督。  相似文献   

Boron, which is ubiquitous in the environment, causes developmental and reproductive effects in experimental animals. This observation has led to efforts to establish a Tolerable Intake value for boron. Although risk assessors agree on the use of fetal weight decreases observed in rats as an appropriate critical effect, consensus on the adequacy of toxicokinetic data as a basis for replacement of default uncertainty factors remains to be reached. A critical analysis of the existing data on boron toxicokinetics was conducted to clarify the appropriateness of replacing default uncertainty factors (10-fold for interspecies differences and 10-fold for intraspecies differences) with data-derived values. The default uncertainty factor for variability in response from animals to humans of 10-fold (default values of 4-fold for kinetics and 2.5-fold for dynamics) was recommended, since clearance of boron is 3-to 4-fold higher in rats than in humans and data on dynamic differences—in order to modify the default value—are unavailable. A data-derived adjustment of 6-fold (1.8 for kinetics and 3.1 for dynamics) rather than the default uncertainty factor of 10-fold was considered appropriate for intrahuman variability, based on variability in glomerular filtration rate during pregnancy in humans and the lack of available data on dynamic differences. Additional studies to investigate the toxicokinetics of boron in rats would be useful to provide a stronger basis for replacement of default uncertainty factors for interspecies variation.  相似文献   

ObjectivesExcessive iodine intake may lead to thyroid dysfunction, which may be particularly harmful during pregnancy and lactation. The main objective was to describe iodine status and the prevalence of thyroid dysfunction among lactating women in areas with high iodine (HI) and very high iodine (VHI) concentrations in drinking water.Design and methodsA cross-sectional survey was performed among 111 lactating women in the Saharawi refugee camps, Algeria. Breast milk iodine concentration (BMIC), urinary iodine concentration (UIC) and the iodine concentration in the most commonly consumed foods/drinks were measured. A 24-h dietary recall was used to estimate iodine intake. Thyroid hormones and antibodies were measured in serum.ResultsMedian UIC, BMIC and iodine intake across both areas was 350 μg/L, 479 μg/L and 407 μg/day, respectively. In multiple regression analyses, we discovered that being from VHI area was associated with higher UIC and BMIC. BMIC was also positively associated with iodine intake. Thyroid dysfunction and/or positive thyroid antibodies were found in 33.3% of the women, of which 18.9% had hypothyroidism and 8.1% had hyperthyroidism and 6.3% had positive antibodies with normal thyroid function. Elevated thyroid antibodies were in total found in 17.1%. We found no difference in distribution of thyroid dysfunction or positive antibodies between HI and VHI areas. BMI, BMIC and elevated thyroglobulin (Tg) predicted abnormal thyroid function tests.ConclusionsThe high prevalence of thyroid dysfunction may be caused by excessive iodine intake over several years.  相似文献   

A survey based on 838, samples of milk obtained from 537 dairies covering 70 of 95 districts in France was organized to assess iodine content of milk and its contribution to total intake. Iodine levels were significantly higher in winter than in summer. Very low iodine contents (<25 μg I/kg) were found in the eastern part of the country (the Vosges, Jura, and the Alpes) and the Massif Central. During milk processing, much of the iodine is lost in the whey. The other significant sources of dietary iodine are fish and eggs. Iodized salt is sold only to households and not to industry. Even if about 20% of the iodine is lost over the first 3 mo, salt remains the main source for this trace element. It is concluded that, if iodized salt is not provided systematically for both domestic and agro-industrial use, then milk may be the most important source of iodine. This key role may explain seasonal and geographical variations in the frequencies of goiter in France.  相似文献   

Nitrate and nitrite were successfully extracted from deproteinized chicken egg with aqueous solution, and analyzed by gasliquid chromatography with an electron capture detector without further cleaning. The distribution of these anions in 50 egg samples was the logarithmic normal distribution in each case, that is, N and p{0.052 ppm ≤ ¼ ≤ 0.076ppm} = 0.95 for nitrate-N, and N and p{0.026ppm ≤ ¼ ≤ 0.034 ppm} = 0.95 for nitrite-N. When the chickens were fed with a commercial diet containing elevated levels (1,000 or 5,000 ppm) of nitrate- or nitrite-N, the concentration of these anions in their eggs markedly increased and proceeded to the steady state within 2 or 3 days, where the level was proportional to that of anions added to the diet. After withdrawing the excess of anions from the diet, the concentrations of anions in the eggs decreased exponentially, where the rate constants for nitrate and nitrite were about 0.6 day?1 and 1.0 day?1, respectively. In the series of experiments, it was assumed that the reactions proceed simultaneously in the body of chickens.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe Nutrition Societies of Germany, Austria and Switzerland as the joint editors of the ‘D-A-CH reference values for nutrient intake’ have revised the reference values for zinc in July 2019.MethodsFor infants aged 0 to under 4 months, an estimated value was set based on the zinc intake via breast feeding. For all other age groups, the reference values were calculated using the factorial method considering endogenous zinc losses via intestinal losses, urine, faeces, skin and sweat, semen in men and the additional zinc requirements to build up body weight in children and adolescents as well as in pregnant women. Due to the strong influence of phytate intake on zinc absorption, the recommendations for the intake of zinc for adults are derived depending on low (0.5 mmol/day, corresponding to 330 mg/day), moderate (1.0 mmol/day, corresponding to 660 mg/day) and high (1.5 mmol/day, corresponding to 990 mg/day) phytate intake. The reference values for lactating women take into account the zinc loss via breast milk.Results and conclusionFor adults, pregnant and lactating women, the recommended intake values for zinc range from 7 mg/day to 16 mg/day, depending on sex and dietary phytate intake.  相似文献   

In experiments with rats, we have found that at enhanced intake of bromide, bromine does not replace chlorine in the thyroid; it replaces iodine. Under our experimental conditions, more than onethird of the iodine content in the thyroid was replaced by bromine. In the thyroid, bromine probably remained in the form of bromide and, in proportional to its increased concentration, the production of iodinated thyronines decreased, with the sum of the iodine and bromine concentrations being constant at the value of 20.51±1.16 μmol/g dry wt of the thyroid. In contrast to other organs, the biological behavior of bromine in the thyroid is not similar to the biological behavior of chlorine but resembles more that of iodine.  相似文献   

The German, Austrian and Swiss nutrition societies are the joint editors of the ‘reference values for nutrient intake’. They have revised the reference values for the intake of selenium and published them in February 2015. The saturation of selenoprotein P (SePP) in plasma is used as a criterion for the derivation of reference values for selenium intake in adults. For persons from selenium-deficient regions (China) SePP saturation was achieved with a daily intake of 49 μg of selenium. When using the reference body weights the D-A-CH reference values are based upon, the resulting estimated value for selenium intake is 70 μg/day for men and 60 μg/day for women. The estimated value for selenium intake for children and adolescents is extrapolated using the estimated value for adults in relation to body weight. For infants aged 0 to under 4 months the estimated value of 10 μg/day was derived from the basis of selenium intake via breast milk. For infants aged 4 to under 12 months this estimated value was used and taking into account the differences regarding body weight an estimated value of 15 μg/day was derived. For lactating women compared to non-lactating women a higher reference value of 75 μg/day is indicated due to the release of selenium with breast milk. The additional selenium requirement for pregnant women is negligible, so that no increased reference value is indicated.  相似文献   

The International Program on Chemical Safety (IPCS), a collaborative program of the United Nations Environment Program, the International Labour Organization (ILO), and the World Health Organization (WHO), includes the Environmental Health Criteria (EHC) Program inaugurated in 1973 by WHO. These EHC are integrated evaluations of the human health and environmental risks from exposure to specific chemicals carried out by a group of international scientists. Boron (B) was evaluated at an IPCS Task Group (TG) convened in November 1996. All TGs are convened under WHO rules and procedures. These procedures relate the overall process used to prepare an EHC including transparency of the process, conflict of interest, the roles of Members and Observers, and the conduct of the TG. The scope and purpose of an EHC, for an element such as B, and its possible role in national and international chemical safety programs will be discussed. In the early 1990s, countries asked that IPCS request TGs to prepare, where data permit, health-based guidance values (GVs) (both total daily intake and to recommend health-based guidelines for various environmental media). This final evaluation in an EHC reflects the collective consensus view of the TG Members. To foster the use of consistent methodology by TGs, IPCS prepared in 1994 an EHC on the methodology for the preparation of GVs for human exposure limits (EHC 170). In developing their final evaluation, TGs have been asked to consider using this methodology. This was done by the TG on B, and a total daily intake for humans of 0.4 mg/kg body wt was derived from animal studies of reproductive and developmental effects in rodents and pharmacokinetic data from both animals and humans. The application of the methodology described in EHC 170 regarding choice of critical effect and uncertainty factors will be discussed.  相似文献   

The selenium content of infant formulae varies as a result of differences in the amount of intrinsic selenium compounds. Manufacturers have been gradually changing the protein profile of infant formulae to reflect human milk contents more closely. Because of these variations in infant formula composition and their potential impact on selenium content, this trace element was analysed with regard to the different protein sources.

The aims of this study were to determine the selenium content in infant formulae sold commercially in Spain, to estimate a daily dietary intake for infants fed on formulae and to compare with the selenium provided by Spanish breast milk samples used as a reference. We have also identified certain trace elements added to formulae which interact with selenium according to the type and protein matrix of the infant formulae.

Selenium concentration was determined by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) with a hydride generator.

The selenium concentrations in human milk and infant formulae determined in this study are similar to those found by other researchers in different countries. The daily selenium intake from the formulae studied was estimated according to the recommended doses from the manufacturers. The theoretical selenium intake of nursed infants has been studied in relation to the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA: 10 μg Se/day) and the specific recommendations for infant formula nutrient contents (10–35 μg Se/L) set by the Expert Panel of Life Sciences Research Office (LSRO) of the American Society for Nutritional Sciences.

According to our results, on an overall view, infants fed on the studied infant formulae have an intake between basal and normative requirements. This might be considered as providing an adequate selenium supply. However, the intake of selenium provided by several formulae included in this research did not reach the RDA for the first month of neonate life.  相似文献   

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