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目的:探讨我国成年居民蛋类食物摄入量与血脂异常的关系。方法:利用“中国健康与营养调查”2009年调查资料,选择有完整个人信息的18~65岁成年居民作为研究对象,分析不同蛋类食物摄入水平人群的人口统计学特征差异,探讨我国成年居民较高蛋类食物摄入量的人群患高甘油三酯血症和高胆固醇血症的风险。结果:调查对象每日蛋类食物摄入量超过《中国居民膳食指南》推荐量的人群比例为25.5%。不同蛋类食物摄入水平的成年居民BMI、能量摄入水平以及性别、饮酒、教育水平、人均家庭收入和居住地区的分布差异均有统计学意义。调整混杂因素后,女性较高水平蛋类食物摄入(≥50 g/d)的人群患高胆固醇血症的风险是蛋类食物摄入适量(25~50 g/d)人群的1.26倍(OR=1.26,95%CI:1.01~1.58,P=0.04)。结论:我国9省区女性成年居民蛋类食物摄入过多可增加高胆固醇血症的患病风险。  相似文献   

目的:分析2018年中国15省份成年居民膳食钠的摄入状况。方法:数据来源于中美合作课题“中国健康与营养调查”,该项目采用连续3 d 24 h回顾法记录食物摄入量及称重法记录的家庭调味品消费量。本研究选取2018年15个省份调查中数据完整的18岁及以上成年居民(共计14 320人)进行钠摄入量分析,比较不同特征居民膳食钠的摄入量差异。结果:2018年中国成年居民膳食钠摄入量中位数为3 838.6 mg/d;男性的钠摄入量(4 114.7 mg/d)高于女性(3 598.2 mg/d);45~59岁居民(4 098.1 mg/d)高于其他年龄组(18~44岁居民为3 745.0 mg/d,60岁及以上居民为3 700.7 mg/d);大学及以上居民(3 711.1 mg/d)低于其他文化程度组(小学及以下居民为3 788.1 mg/d、初中居民为3 945.6 mg/d、高中居民为3 849.8 mg/d),农村居民(3 881.6 mg/d)高于城市(3 747.2 mg/d)(P值均<0.05)。膳食钠摄入量高于2 000 mg/d 的占86.7%。2018年中国成年居民膳食钠主要来源于调味品(78.8%),其次为天然食物(11.1%)和加工食品(10.1%)。调味品中,食盐提供的钠占62.3%,其次为酱油(占11.4%)。结论:2018年中国成年居民膳食钠摄入较高,调味品是膳食钠的主要来源,应关注加工食品对居民钠摄入的影响。  相似文献   

使用2010年黑龙江省部分地区居民营养与健康状况调查调味品摄入量数据,对黑龙江省居民食盐的摄入情况进行分析得出,18岁及以上调查居民平均每人每日调味品钠盐摄入量为10.6 g,其中农村居民(10.8 g)高于城市居民(10.3 g)。有71.6%的居民食盐日摄入量超过《中国居民膳食指南》建议限量(6 g),其中城市和农村居民食盐日摄入量超过《指南》建议限量的百分比分别为75.5%和67.8%,应加强“减盐”工作的开展。  相似文献   

目的:预测2030年中国成年居民的畜肉平均摄入量。方法:以2000—2018年7轮分城镇和农村中国健康与营养调查(CHNS)中20岁及以上成年居民畜肉平均摄入量数据为基础,比较ARIMA、灰色模型和趋势外推法3种模型的精度,并对2030年我国成年居民畜肉摄入量进行预测。结果:城镇居民畜肉平均摄入量的拟合预测中,ARIMA模型的拟合精度和预测精度均优于趋势外推法和灰色模型。农村居民畜肉平均摄入量的预测,ARIMA模型的拟合精度优于趋势外推法和灰色模型;预测精度则为第二,略低于灰色模型,综合拟合精度和预测精度,ARIMA模型优于其他2种模型。ARIMA模型预测到2030年城镇居民和农村居民的畜肉平均摄入量将分别达到131.0、130.6 g/d,比2018年分别增加37.2%、43.5%,将高于膳食指南推荐量。结论:ARIMA模型对畜肉摄入量的长期预测效果最理想。依据预测结果,需采取措施引导居民适量摄入畜肉,以达到平衡膳食的目标。  相似文献   

目的:分析2015年中国15省(区、市)老年居民膳食脂肪摄入状况。方法:数据来自2015年中国居民营养状况变迁的队列研究。选取参加本次调查并有完整的调查数据的60岁以上老年居民作为研究对象,分析研究对象膳食脂肪摄入量、供能比和食物来源,并与《中国居民膳食指南(2016版)》膳食脂肪推荐摄入量进行比较。结果:我国15省(区、市)老年居民2015年膳食脂肪摄入量为69.2g/d、膳食脂肪供能比为34.2%、膳食脂肪供能比超过30%的人群比例为61.7%;调查人群中来源于动物性食物、动物油、植物油和植物性食物的脂肪占膳食脂肪总量为32.8%、3.8%、43.3%和20.1%。结论:中国15省(区、市)老年居民膳食脂肪摄入量较高,脂肪供能比已超过《中国居民膳食指南(2016版)》膳食脂肪推荐摄入量的要求,应控制含脂肪高的食物的摄入量。  相似文献   

基于食物当量统一量化分析了1980年以来中国居民食物消费量和食物消费结构的演变趋势,结合Shannon-Wiener指数,分析探讨了居民食物消费种类的变化;通过进一步比较城乡居民恩格尔系数和不同收入阶层食物消费性支出,对比分析中国城乡居民及不同收入群体间的食物消费支出差异。研究发现,居民消费的食物质量不断提高,消费种类趋于多元化;居民直接粮食消费量逐年降低,动物性食物消费量持续增加,未来我国食物安全问题将转变为畜产品的生产和供给安全问题;我国居民肉类消费量与发达国家及饮食结构相似的地区相比仍有一定差距;参照《中国居民膳食指南(2016)》,目前居民谷类食物的摄入量已达到要求,肉类食物的摄入量略高于标准,但奶类的消费量还远远低于营养目标,食物消费结构还需进一步调整优化。  相似文献   

目的:通过小样本调查,利用称重法和评估法获取学校食堂带量食谱,比较两种方法食物摄入量、能量及主要营养素的相关性与差异性。方法:2019年6—12月,在广西壮族自治区桂林市、崇左市扶绥县、吉林省辽源市、公主岭市的10个学校食堂中,使用称重法和厨师评估法获取学校食堂连续2天的带量食谱,依据《中国食物成分表》计算食物摄入量、能量及主要营养素,对两种方法所得结果进行比较分析。结果:称重法与厨师评估法得出的结果相似,能量和营养素方面,除α-维生素E外,其他能量和营养素的摄入量与称重法的相对差异均在10%以内,两种方法的差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);食物量方面,评估法得出的摄入量较高的食物与称重法接近,大米、谷类、薯类、大豆及其制品、蔬菜、畜肉类、禽肉类、动物内脏、蛋类、鱼虾类、植物油、食盐、其他调味品的摄入量与称重法的相对差异均在15%以内,两种方法的差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);两种方法获得的能量、营养素摄入量以及食物摄入量呈现正相关(P<0.05),相关系数在0.58~1.00之间。结论:以称重法为标准的验证结果表明,支持厨师评估法在学生群体中进行膳食调查,对于消费量较高的食物,其调查结果与称重法的相关性较好,并建议学校或供餐单位制定营养带量食谱。  相似文献   

目的:评价天津市糖尿病人群膳食营养状况及类黄酮物质的摄入量,为其健康饮食提供指导。方法:采用连续5d的24h膳食回顾法,对糖尿病病人进行膳食营养调查,结合中国居民膳食营养素的推荐摄入量(recommended nutrition intake,RNI)、适宜摄入量(adaptive intake,AI)以及中国居民平衡膳食宝塔(Balance Diet Pagoda)对其膳食营养状况做出评价;根据膳食调查的结果,计算类黄酮物质的摄入量。结果:本次调查显示,糖尿病病人能量摄入量均偏低,脂肪的供能比例偏高。男性仅维生素C和烟酸的摄入量达标,女性维生素的摄入量均不达标。糖尿病病人存在钙摄入严重不足而钠摄入量严重超标的现象,且与男性相比,女性矿物质的摄入量要普遍偏低。除了钙以外,男性其余种类矿物质摄入量均达标;女性除了磷、钠、铁、锰的摄入量达标以外,其余种类均不达标。糖尿病病人类黄酮的主要食物来源为玉米、土豆、西瓜以及甜瓜等,男性每日类黄酮的摄入量为38.23mg、女性为38.27mg。糖尿病病人摄入的膳食种类主要包括粮谷类、蔬菜、水果、畜禽肉类、蛋类、豆制品、牛奶及奶制品、食用油以及食盐。其中水果类、鱼虾以及奶制品的摄入量偏低,蛋类以及食盐摄入过多;男性的畜禽肉摄入过多。结论:糖尿病病人能量摄入偏低,脂肪供能比偏高,维生素和钙摄入不足,而钠摄入偏高;类黄酮的主要食物来源为谷物、季节性水果蔬菜等;膳食结构存在不合理现象,水果、鱼虾、奶制品的摄入量过低,而畜禽肉、蛋类以及食盐的摄入量过多。  相似文献   

张颖  李俞莹  姚旋  应浩 《生命科学》2012,(8):901-908
碘是人体必需的微量元素,是合成甲状腺激素(thyroid hormone,TH)的主要原料。人体内的碘主要从饮水及食物中获取。碘的摄入缺乏或过量,不仅对TH的合成及分泌有至关重要的影响,而且与甲状腺形态及多种甲状腺疾病的发生、发展及转归密切相关。加碘盐的推广有效预防了碘缺乏可能引起的相关疾病;而碘过量导致的甲状腺疾病谱和发病率的急剧变化,也引起各界高度重视。流行病学调查表明,碘的摄入量与甲状腺功能亢进、自身免疫性甲状腺炎、甲状腺功能减退、甲状腺肿大和甲状腺癌等疾病的发病率密切相关。针对碘的相关生物学问题,对近年来的基础研究和人群研究进行综述,希望借此抛砖引玉,引起相关部门的重视,提高人民群众对碘营养的科学认识水平。  相似文献   

目的:了解我国9省区成年居民鱼虾类食物消费现状及其变化趋势。方法:研究资料来源于1991—2011年“中国健康与营养调查”,选择参加8轮调查并有完整膳食调查数据的18~59岁成年居民作为研究对象,分析其鱼虾类食物消费率、鱼虾类食物消费人群的摄入量现状及变化趋势,并与《中国居民膳食指南》(2007版)鱼虾类食物推荐摄入量进行比较。结果:1991—2001年间,调查人群鱼虾类食物消费率上升了38.9%、鱼虾类食物消费人群的摄入量中位数增加了13.3 g;鱼虾类食物摄入量达到《中国居民膳食指南》(2007版)鱼虾类食物推荐摄入量下限的人群比例上升47.0%。结论:中国9省区成年居民鱼虾类食物摄入发生显著变化,但仍远未达到《中国居民膳食指南》(2007版)鱼虾类食物推荐摄入量的要求,应进一步增加鱼虾类食物摄入量。  相似文献   

Iodine deficiency disorder (IDD) has been recognized as a major public health problem worldwide and has serious detrimental effects on the growth and development of the children. Therefore, monitoring the iodine status of the school-aged children is of great importance. We randomly recruited 159 boarding school students (aged from 6 to 14) from 10 primary schools in Lincang County, Yunnan Province. The dietary iodine level of the students was measured by the new mixed meal method and chemical analysis. Fifty-seven daily water samples and 32 salt samples were collected from the same surveyed area to determine the iodine content using the sulfate cerium catalytic spectrophotometric method and the hyposulphite quantitative titration method, respectively. The iodine level of each water sample was ranged from 0.611 to 1.473 μg/L. The median and the mean value of the iodine content in water were 0.972 and 0.979?±?0.189 μg/L. The average iodine intake of each age group was higher that the recommended nutrient intakes (RNI) but lower than the tolerable upper intake level (UL). The median and the mean value of the iodine content in salt were 25.53 and 25.62?±?1.70 mg/kg. Taken together, the present study investigated the iodine intake status of Wa school-aged children through examination of their dietary iodine intake, the environment, and the salt iodine status. Results showed that the status of the iodine uptake of the Wa children were higher than the RNI, but lower than the UL.  相似文献   

I Turai 《Radiobiologiia》1992,32(1):30-34
As is proved by nuclear disaster in Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant (NPP), iodine prophylaxis may be respected as one of the most urgent and effective methods of prevention of radiation injury of the thyroid gland in the population affected. Author has studied factors and methods of its efficacy and reliability. On the basis of experiments in rats, analytical ways of determination of the dietary iodine intake (iodine supply) of people living around NPP Paks (Hungary) as well as compartment modelling, experiments it is shown, that for optimisation of iodine prophylaxis in masses it is very important to increase the iodine supply up to the recommended values. Combined use of decreased doses of potassium iodide and perchlorate was found to be the optimal way for removal of radioiodine from pregnant organisms and their offsprings following accidental intake of radioiodine.  相似文献   

L-ergothioneine is an amino acid synthetized by fungi and mycobacteria that cannot be synthesized by other species. It has been detected in plants, animals, and the human body. In the last few years, it has been recognized as a good antioxidant and, recently, it has also been related to other properties besides antioxidant properties. Even though few studies on the toxicity of L-ergothioneine have been carried out, evidence suggests that L-ergothioneine is not harmful to health. Considering that L-ergothioneine has increasingly been linked to positive effects on human health, coupled with the fact that it seems to be safe for human consumption, this molecule may be suitable for use as an ingredient in foods. On the other hand, despite the positive effects reported for this molecule, no estimate of L-ergothioneine intake has been carried out until now. Thus, the aim of this work is to estimate the intake of L-ergothioneine through food consumption of several European countries and the United States. Values were estimated by using the deterministic and probabilistic approach. Results show that the populations with the highest intake of L-ergothioneine correspond to Italian population, both for children and adults.  相似文献   

《Endocrine practice》2013,19(5):839-846
ObjectiveAssessing iodine nutrition at the population level is usually done by measuring the urinary iodine concentration (UIC) and, in some countries, by estimating household coverage of adequately iodized salt (HHIS). Using these indicators, the objective of this review is to assess global and national iodine status in 2013.MethodsThe most recent data on HHIS were obtained from the United Nations Children's Fund. The most recent data on UICs were obtained from the International Council for the Control of Iodine Deficiency Disorders Global Network and the World Health Organization (WHO). Median UIC was used to classify national iodine status based on the current WHO classification system, with the following modification: the “adequate (100 to 199 μg/L)” and “more than adequate (200 to 299 μg/L)” categories of median UIC in school-aged children were combined into a single category of “adequate” iodine intake (100 to 299 μg/L).ResultsOver the past decade, the number of countries that are iodine deficient has fallen from 54 to 30. The number iodine-sufficient countries has increased from 67 to 112, while the number with excessive iodine intake has increased from 5 to 10. In most countries with excess intake, this is due to overiodization of salt and/or poor monitoring of salt iodization. Out of 128 countries with HHIS data, at least 90% of households in 37 countries consume adequately iodized salt, but in 39 countries, coverage rates are below 50%. Overall, about 70% of households worldwide have access to iodized salt.ConclusionThere has been substantial recent progress in the global effort to control iodine deficiency. However, iodized salt programs need to be carefully monitored to ensure adequate iodine intake while avoiding iodine excess. (Endocr Pract. 2013;19:839-846)  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to investigate the intestinal development of newborn intrauterine growth-restricted (IUGR) piglets subjected to normal nutrient intake (NNI) or restricted nutrient intake (RNI). Newborn normal birth weight (NBW) and IUGR piglets were allotted to NNI or RNI levels for 4 weeks from day 8 postnatal. IUGR piglets receiving NNI had similar growth performance compared with that of NBW piglets. Small intestine length and villous height were greater in IUGR piglets fed the NNI than that of piglets fed the RNI. Lactase activity was increased in piglets fed the NNI compared with piglets fed the RNI. Absorptive function, represented by active glucose transport by the Ussing chamber method and messenger RNA (mRNA) expressions of two main intestinal glucose transporters, Na+-dependent glucose transporter 1 (SGLT1) and glucose transporter 2 (GLUT2), were greater in IUGR piglets fed the NNI compared with piglets fed the RNI regimen. The apoptotic process, characterized by caspase-3 activity (a sign of activated apoptotic cells) and mRNA expressions of p53 (pro-apoptotic), bcl-2-like protein 4 (Bax) (pro-apoptotic) and B-cell lymphoma-2 (Bcl-2) (anti-apoptotic), were improved in IUGR piglets fed the NNI regimen. To test the hypothesis that improvements in intestinal development of IUGR piglets fed NNI might be mediated through circulating glucagon-like peptide-2 (GLP-2), GLP-2 was injected subcutaneously to IUGR piglets fed the RNI from day 8 to day 15 postnatal. Although the intestinal development of IUGR piglets fed the RNI regimen was suppressed compared with those fed the NNI regimen, an exogenous injection of GLP-2 was able to bring intestinal development to similar levels as NNI-fed IUGR piglets. Collectively, our results demonstrate that IUGR neonates that have NNI levels could improve intestinal function via the regulation of GLP-2.  相似文献   

Feed is a major component of variable costs associated with dairy systems and is therefore an important consideration for breeding objectives. As a result, measures of feed efficiency are becoming popular traits for genetic analyses. Already, several countries account for feed efficiency in their breeding objectives by approximating the amount of energy required for milk production, maintenance, etc. However, variation in actual feed intake is currently not captured in dairy selection objectives, although this could be possible by evaluating traits such as residual feed intake (RFI), defined as the difference between actual and predicted feed (or energy) intake. As feed intake is expensive to accurately measure on large numbers of cows, phenotypes derived from it are obvious candidates for genomic selection provided that: (1) the trait is heritable; (2) the reliability of genomic predictions are acceptable to those using the breeding values; and (3) if breeding values are estimated for heifers, rather than cows then the heifer and cow traits need to be correlated. The accuracy of genomic prediction of dry matter intake (DMI) and RFI has been estimated to be around 0.4 in beef and dairy cattle studies. There are opportunities to increase the accuracy of prediction, for example, pooling data from three research herds (in Australia and Europe) has been shown to increase the accuracy of genomic prediction of DMI from 0.33 within country to 0.35 using a three-country reference population. Before including RFI as a selection objective, genetic correlations with other traits need to be estimated. Weak unfavourable genetic correlations between RFI and fertility have been published. This could be because RFI is mathematically similar to the calculation of energy balance and failure to account for mobilisation of body reserves correctly may result in selection for a trait that is similar to selecting for reduced (or negative) energy balance. So, if RFI is to become a selection objective, then including it in an overall multi-trait selection index where the breeding objective is net profit is sensible, as this would allow genetic correlations with other traits to be properly accounted for. If genetic parameters are accurately estimated then RFI is a logical breeding objective. If there is uncertainty in these, then DMI may be preferable.  相似文献   

Thyroid diseases(TD) can be induced by either deficient or excessive iodine intake. Universal Salt Iodization(USI) program has been implemented in China since 1995, to prevent iodine deficiency disorders (IDD). To evaluate the current conditions of TD and the role of USI, a multi-stage stratified random sampling scheme was used to perform a cross-sectional survey on the incidence of TD among participants in 6600 households in Zhejiang Province, a coastal area in China. Iodine nutrition status of the population was assessed by dietary iodine intake recall and urinary iodine concentration (UIC) of the participants, and TD were diagnosed by thyroid ultrasonography for 15122 participants and for 5873 participants by serum criteria for thyroid function(fT3, fT4, TSH, TRAb, TgAb, TPOAb; see Introduction for abbreviations). The median UIC of the surveyed population was 163 μg iodine/L. From the participants 23.2% had UIC < 100 μg/L which is moderately iodine-deficient according to WHO classification. Diffuse goiter was present in 2.3% of the population and thyroid nodule in 20.9%. The incidence of hyperthyroidism, subclinical hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, subclinical hypothyroidism, Graves’ disease and chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis was 0.5%, 0.6%, 0.6%, 7.8%, 0.2% and 0.3%, respectively. The proportion of several TD for participants with non-iodized salt intake was higher than that for participants with iodized salt intake.  相似文献   

Administration of large quantities of stable iodine is an effective means of reducing the radiation burden on the thyroid in the event of a nuclear power-plant accident. Such administration may involve countries with low baseline dietary iodine intake. It is questioned whether stable iodine overload is safe, and in particular, what are its effects in newborn infants? Iodine-deficient newborn rats were submitted to a single acute administration of stable iodine (100 microg) on the second day of life. The effects on thyroid structure were studied, after 24 hr and after 7 days, using light microscopy. Compared to controls, the thyroids of animals submitted to stable iodine overload showed, 7 days after treatment, signs of acute toxicity including marked desquamation of epithelial cells and rupture of a large number of thyroid follicles. Our findings in iodine deficient newborn rats suggest that stable iodine overload may have side effects during perinatal life. This prophylactic measure should, therefore, be accompanied by follow-up of thyroid function. Thyroid hormones are critical for brain development, during the first period of life.  相似文献   

IntroductionRecent studies in Spain have shown an inadequate iodine intake in a significant proportion of pregnant women. Pregnancy increases thyroid hormone requirements, and adequate iodine intake is therefore needed.Material and methodsOne hundred and forty-seven women in their third trimester (week 37) of pregnancy provided a blood sample and a 24-hour urine sample to test serum and urine iodine levels and completed a food frequency questionnaire to assess iodine intake during pregnancy. Serum TSH levels were measured in the babies born to the 140 mothers in the postpartum group.ResultsOnly 10.9% of pregnant women consumed more than 250 μg iodine daily, and 24.4% of them consumed less than 100 μg daily. Mean free T4 levels were 9.37 pmol/L, and 74 women (54.41%) had levels below the hypothyroxinemia threshold. TSH levels were normal in 135 newborns (96.4%), while 5 (3.6%) had levels higher than 5 μU/mL.  相似文献   

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