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Abstract. The vegetation of a mire in a medium‐high rainfall area of South Island, New Zealand is described. The central part of the bog is raised 6 m above the surroundings, suggesting that it is ombrotrophic, and the species present are those of apparently ombrotrophic bogs elsewhere in New Zealand. pH of < 4.0 and Ca/Mg molar quotient of < 1.0 also indicates ombrotrophic conditions. Within the mire, these criteria provide effective discrimination between the fen (rheotrophic) and bog (ombrotrophic) communities. A bimodal distribution of ordination scores suggests that the change in pH and in Ca/Mg quotients cause a switch to operate.  相似文献   

Peat bogs are very sensitive and highly endangered ecosystems. They were once typical landscape elements in northern Germany, but today only a few remnants exist. On-going habitat degradation has alarming adverse effects on biodiversity, and, from a conservation viewpoint, it is imperative to evaluate the current ecological quality of the remaining peat bog remnants to assess the intensity of degradation and to suggest reasonable management strategies. In 2007, spiders were sampled in 23 study sites representing typical peat bog habitat types in the northern parts of Westphalia (NW Germany). In all, 214 species from 18,413 adult individuals have been collected. Multivariate analyses showed that different peat bog successional stages harbour distinct spider assemblages with succession being the main driver for species separation. Pardosa sphagnicola, Pirata piscatorius and P. uliginosus can be considered as flagship species for near-natural or natural peat bogs. Trait analyses showed that habitat specialisation for high moisture is negatively affected by succession. Peat bogs are now only small remnants, but, nevertheless, they have a high conservation value as they still harbour a distinct species assemblage and specialised species.  相似文献   

Question: How do we distinguish between concurrent allogenic and autogenic forcings behind changing patterns in plant community structures during mire development? Location: Lakkasuo raised bog, southern Finland. Methods: Two radiometrically dated peat profiles were studied using high resolution plant macrofossil analysis. A combination of partial direct and indirect gradient analyses (CCA and DCA) was applied to quantify the role of different drivers of vegetation changes. Results: Autogenic hydroseral succession explained 16% of the compositional variation in the vegetation. Disturbance successions initiated by fire explained 15% of the variation in the hummock, but only 9% in the wetter lawn. The early post‐disturbance successional stages were characterized by Eriophorum vaginatum. After partialling out the effects of peat depth and time since fire, a moisture gradient explained 29% of variation in the hummock core and 26% in the lawn. The analyses also indicated alternation between species with a similar niche. This interaction gradient explained 26% and 31% of the compositional variation in the hummock and lawn, respectively. The similar order of species replacement from both cores supported the existence of general directional succession in mire vegetation, both during the mire development and after fire events. The autogenic succession was slow and gradual while the disturbance successions were episodic and fast. Conclusion: Our results support the paradigm of the complex nature of mire vegetation dynamics where several interlinked agents have simultaneous effects. The approach of combining partial ordinations developed here appeared to be a useful tool to assess the role of different environmental factors in controlling the vegetation succession.  相似文献   

Revegetation of peat excavations in a derelict raised bog   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Abstract. The vegetation succession in a floating mire was studied in relation to management and hydrological conditions in a former peat cutting area in the northern part of the Netherlands. An existing map showed that in 1956 the vegetation consisted mainly of meadows, reedbeds and rich fen vegetation while a recent survey revealed that this picture had completely changed in 1989. The area had mainly become woodland but part had remained open, due to the continuation of a mowing regime. The timing of the mowing appears to be critical, especially during the earlier phases of the succession. Winter-mowing favours the development of eutrophic reedbeds, while summer-mowing promotes mesotrophic sedge communities. In the course of time these succession lines converge increasingly towards acidic vegetation types. The development from open water to embryonic bog differed greatly between sites with a similar management regime. Mostly this took only a few decades but in a few sites the vegetation had hardly changed since 1956. Whereas the former sites were acid throughout the profile, the latter showed a high pH from top to bottom. It is obvious that acidification does not occur as long as alkaline surface water can move freely underneath the floating mat. As soon as a given site becomes disconnected from the surface water the depletion of bases by infiltrating rainwater is no longer compensated. A rough estimate of the acidification rate shows that in an infiltration area three decades are sufficient for a floating mat of 40 cm to become completely decalcified. This corresponds well to the observed succession from rich fens to embryonic bogs in the same period. It is suggested that the best way to preserve rich fen vegetation is to start the succession anew by digging turf ponds.  相似文献   

1. van Duinen et al. (Freshwater Biol., 2006) raise an interesting point regarding Mazerolle et al.’s (Freshwater Biol., 2006, 51 , p. 333) conclusion on the ability of invertebrates, especially sedentary species, to colonise newly created bogs pools. We wish to clarify that Mazerolle et al. (2006) targeted large arthropods and the absence of smaller sedentary species was purely a result of sampling design. 2. van Duinen et al. (2006) postulate that colonisation rates by bog specialists should be higher in Canada than in the Netherlands, given the extensive amount of intact peatlands in Canada. Here, we emphasise the importance of taking the regional context into account when assessing restoration success as our study site occurs in a landscape where most bog pools have been drained. 3. An evaluation of restoration efforts should focus on both sedentary and vagile invertebrates, to resolve the importance of persistence and colonisation. Such patterns are difficult to interpret, however, when sampling designs and analyses do not account for the probability of detection: an absence may be due to non‐detection or true absence. We strongly urge investigators to directly estimate detection probability in addition to the parameters of interest (e.g. presence, abundance) to provide the best information possible regarding restoration success.  相似文献   

Severe natural disturbances can lead to the recovery of the original vegetation or the shift to new vegetation types. While post-disturbance succession is well documented for regularly disturbed ecosystems, little is known about the pathways and rapidity of vegetation dynamics after rare events such as peat mass movements in bogs. We monitored the floristic changes in a mire subject to a bog burst in 1987 for two decades through the repeated sampling of permanent plots. The mean species number per plot increased continuously, while the evenness increased only in the first decade and then slightly decreased. Declining species were mostly mire species, while colonist species were mostly wet meadow species. Species turnover was higher in the first decade after the disturbance, and was also higher in the area of peat erosion than in the area of peat accumulation. Changes in plant species composition indicate a succession towards tall-forb vegetation (Filipendulion), acidic fen vegetation (Caricion fuscae) and swamp willow forest (Salicion). We conclude that the effects of the disturbance are still ongoing, and that the mire’s potential for recovery is therefore difficult to predict.  相似文献   

Bog ecosystems fulfil important functions in Earth's carbon and water turnover. While plant communities and their keystone species Sphagnum have been well studied, less is known about the microbial communities associated with them. To study our hypothesis that bog plants share an essential core of their microbiome despite their different phylogenetic origins, we analysed four plant community plots with 24 bryophytes, vascular plants and lichen species in two Alpine bogs in Austria by 16S rDNA amplicon sequencing followed by bioinformatic analyses. The overall bog microbiome was classified into 32 microbial phyla, while Proteobacteria (30.8%), Verrucomicrobia (20.3%) and Planctomycetes (15.1%) belonged to the most abundant groups. Interestingly, the archaeal phylum Euryarcheota represented 7.2% of total microbial abundance. However, a high portion of micro‐organisms remained unassigned at phylum and class level, respectively. The core microbiome of the bog vegetation contained 177 operational taxonomic units (OTUs) (150 526 seq.) and contributed to 49.5% of the total microbial abundance. Only a minor portion of associated core micro‐organisms was host specific for examined plant groups (5.9–11.6%). Using our new approach to analyse plant–microbial communities in an integral framework of ecosystem, vegetation and microbiome, we demonstrated that bog vegetation harboured a core microbiome that is shared between plants and lichens over the whole ecosystem and formed a transkingdom metacommunity. All micro‐ and macro‐organisms are connected to keystone Sphagnum mosses via set of microbial species, for example Burkholderia bryophila which was found associated with a wide spectrum of host plants and is known for a beneficial plant–microbe interaction.  相似文献   

East Sidney Lake, a small, eutrophic bottom release impoundment in NY, has undergone artificial circulation for three seasons. The artificial circulation system resulted in an overall reduction in the physical stability of the water column, making the lake subject to alternating periods of weak chemical stratification and mixing. Phytoplankton community succession exhibited a high degree of regularity from year to year, culminating in mid summer dominance by heterocystous cyanophytes in all years. Changes in the physical structure of the water column, with attendant changes in Z eu :Z mix , were not important determinants of phytoplankton community makeup in East Sidney Lake. Seasonal patterns and community characteristics were not affected by artificially induced alterations in stability, but instead were most sensitive to surface temperatures, flushing rate and TN:TP. The timing of cyanophyte blooms was not affected by artificial circulation, nor was maximum seasonal phytoplankton biomass reduced.  相似文献   

This study is a follow-up of medium-term succession studies based on a vegetation map, scale 1:2 500, of the dunes near Oostvoorne made in 1959 and 1980. The area has a marked zonation with partly very young dunes and inner dunes at a distance of >1 200 m from the beach which are 800 yr old. The overall succession trend is a development from a largely open vegetation (resulting from overgrazing in the 19th century, which ceased 1910), to a scrub/woodland complex with locally dying off of patches of woody vegetation. To understand the processes of change, the age structure of most of the major woody species was determined.Two transects were followed in the area running from the seaward coastal ridge towards the inner dunes. 86 plots were analyzed as to represent the vegetation types distinguished in 1980. In each plot all trees and shrubs were estimated on age by means of increment boring and counting of annual rings. The abundance of seedlings and saplings (<4 yr old) of all woody species was estimated in all plots.The most important woody species are Betula (most B. pendula + some B. pubescens). Crataegus monogyna, Rhamnus catharticus, Sambucus nigra, Alnus glutinosa, Quercus robur, Salix(most S. cinerea + S. aurita and their hybrid S. multinervis). Hippophae rhamnoides, Ligustrum vulgare, and Salix repens, three important early successionals, could not be aged easily.Age distribution curves show a marked stand-still in development in the 1960s. Some species stopped rejuvenating at all. Cumulative development curves for different zones show a clear change in growth rate over the zones for Crataegus and a simultaneous rapid development for Crataegus.Two examples of species sequence within a community type are shown. An explanation of these results includes three main factors: (a) overall changes in the whole area related to disturbance and relaxation, (b) soil moisture and (c) rabbit grazing. Two main events in the development of a population are considered: germination and early development of the seedling, and untimely death of a dominant.Nomenclature follows Arnolds & van der Meijden (1976), Standaardlijst van de Nederlandse flora, 1975. Rijksherbarium, Leiden.Research on population dynamics reported on in this paper was carried out by de Cock & de Wildt as MSc students and supervised by van der Maarel, then all at the Division of Geobotany, University of Nijmegen, Nijmegen, The Netherlands. The preparation of the paper including some new observations and calculations were done by the first author in the framework of the project Population dynamics of woody species in primary successions supported by NFR, the Swedish Natural Science Research Council.  相似文献   

通过2006年11月至2008年8月2周年8个季度的野外采样调查和室内分析,研究了新疆乌伦古湖浮游甲壳动物的季节演替格局及其与环境因子的相关性。结果表明,枝角类和桡足类的总种类数为25种,其中枝角类6种,桡足类19种。枝角类Shannon-Wiener指数2007年夏季和2008年夏季较高,2007年冬季最低;Pielou 指数2006年冬季最高;桡足类Shannon-wiener指数和Pielou指数除冬季较低外,其余三季较高。方差分析结果表明枝角类和无节幼体的密度与生物量呈现出显著的季节变动格局,其中,枝角类密度和生物量在夏秋季形成单一高峰,最大值出现在2007年夏,最大密度和生物量分别为2.12个/L和0.062 mg/L,而无节幼体密度和生物量形成春秋双高峰,其最大值出现在2007年春,密度和生物量分别为5.14个/L和0.015 mg/L,桡足类密度和生物量季节变化不明显。优势种的季节演替方面,象鼻溞和模式有爪猛水蚤全年形成优势,其他枝角类、哲水蚤和剑水蚤不同季节的优势种各异。经典范对应分析(CCA)结果表明,长刺溞等与水体中的pH值、SD呈正相关,与浮游植物生物量呈负相关;长额象鼻溞等与水深呈正相关,无节幼体等与水温也呈正相关性。  相似文献   

The effect of a seed source on primary succession in a forest ecosystem   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
An analysis of the Relative Importance Value Index (RIVI) of later successional tree species and the Shannon diversity indexH of all tree and shrub species was undertaken on previously mined sites within a sparsely forested area in central Florida, USA. A comparative analysis of the distance to a seed source and the age of a site suggested that the distance to a seed source was the best predictor (R 2=0.85) of the regeneration of the later successional species and a good predictor of species diversity. Both theRIVI of the later successional species and the diversity index decreased with the distance from the seed source. The lack of a seed source containing climax species resulted in arrested succession at some sites. It is suggested that biological information is the causative means of succession and the dispersal of this information entails spatial dependency while its introduction and development are time dependent processes.Research was part of a project of the Center for Wetlands, University of Florida, Gainesville under contract with the Florida Institute of Phosphate Research. Interactions of Wetlands with Phosphate Mining, H. T. Odum and G. R. Best, principal investigators. B. T. Rushton, J. Butner, G. R. Best, R. S. Schnoes and S. R. Humphrey are thanked for the use of their data.  相似文献   

Testing the assumptions of chronosequences in succession   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Many introductory ecology textbooks illustrate succession, at least in part, by using certain classic studies (e.g. sand dunes, ponds/bogs, glacial till, and old fields) that substituted space for time (chronosequence) in determining the sequences of the succession. Despite past criticisms of this method, there is continued, often uncritical, use of chronosequences in current research on topics besides succession, including temporal changes in biodiversity, productivity, nutrient cycling, etc. To show the problem with chronosequence-based studies in general, we review evidence from studies that used non-chronosequence methods (such as long-term study of permanent plots, palynology, and stand reconstruction) to test the space-for-time substitution in four classic succession studies. In several cases, the tests have used the same locations and, in one case, the same plots as those in the original studies. We show that empirical evidence invalidates the chronosequence-based sequences inferred in these classic studies.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to correlate magnitude andcontrols of CH4 fluxes with the microtopographyand the vegetation in a hollow-ridge complex of araised bog. High CH4 emission rates were measuredfrom hollows and mud-bottom hollows, while hummocksconsumed atmospheric CH4 at a low rate. Thehighest emissions were measured from plots with Eriophorum vaginatum and Scheuchzeriapalustris. CH4 emission ceased after Scheuchzeria had been clipped below the water table,indicating the importance of this aerenchymatic plantas a conduit for CH4.Peat in the upper catotelm of hollows was younger andless decomposed than in hummocks. Potential CH4production in vitro was higher and themethanogenic association was better adapted to highertemperatures in hollow than in hummock peat. Highertemperatures in hollows resulted in a strongerCH4 source in hollows than in hummocks. Negativefluxes from hummocks indicated that even in wetlandsmethanotrophic bacteria exist that are able to oxidizeCH4 at atmospheric mixing ratios, and thatoxidation controls CH4 emission completely. TheCH4 mixing ratio was low in the acrotelm, but itincreased within the catotelm. Comparing fluxesmeasured in static chambers with fluxes calculatedfrom the porewater CH4 profiles it was deducedthat the zone of methane oxidation was located closeto the water table.In hollows, CH4 production at in situtemperature was far higher than emission into theatmosphere, corresponding to an oxidation rate ofnearly 99%. The CH4 flux between the catotelmand the acrotelm of hollows was also higher than theemission, indicating the importance of CH4oxidation in the aerobic acrotelm, too. CH4microprofiles showed that CH4 oxidation inmud-bottom hollows was confined to the topmost 2 mm,and that in Sphagnum-covered hollows CH4oxidation occurred at the lower edge of green Sphagnum-parts.  相似文献   

Terrestrial isopods were studied in the Dubravica peat bog and surrounding forest in the northwestern Croatia. Sampling was conducted using pitfall traps over a two year period. Studied peat bog has a history of drastically decrease in area during the last five decades mainly due to the process of natural succession and changes in the water level. A total of 389 isopod individuals belonging to 8 species were captured. Species richness did not significantly differ between bog, edge and surrounding forest. High species richness at the bog is most likely the result of progressive vegetation succession, small size of the bog and interspecific relationships, such as predation. With spreading of Molinia grass on the peat bog, upper layers of Sphagnum mosses become less humid and probably more suitable for forest species that slowly colonise bog area. The highest diversity was found at the edge mainly due to the edge effect and seasonal immigration, but also possibly due to high abundance and predator pressure of the Myrmica ants and lycosid spiders at the bog site. The most abundant species were Trachelipus rathkii and Protracheoniscus politus, in the bog area and in the forest, respectively. Bog specific species were not recorded and the majority of the species collected belong to the group of tyrphoneutral species. However, Hyloniscus adonis could be considered as a tyrphoxenous species regarding its habitat preferences. Most of collected isopod species are widespread eurytopic species that usually inhabit various habitats and therefore indicate negative successive changes or degradation processes in the peat bog.  相似文献   

Recent environmental change in Lake Baikal has been attributed to anthropogenic influences on the ecosystem, especially through pollution and cultural eutrophication. These hypotheses are tested in this paper principally by diatom analyses in 20 short sediment cores. Most of the cores were collected with a new type of box corer specifically designed for use on Lake Baikal. Most cores contain a good sediment record but turbidites occur in some sediment profiles which may be best recognized using a combination of techniques, such as radiometric dating and percentage dry weight analyses. The most recent sediments, especially those in the southern basin and in the very north of Baikal, contain a record of anthropogenic contamination in the form of lead and spheroidal carbonaceous particles, which confirms that the southern basin of Baikal is most affected by atmospheric sources of pollution. However, there is no sedimentary diatom evidence indicating offshore water quality deterioration in Baikal owing to air pollution or eutrophication. Small increases in diatoms which indicate nutrient enrichment (e.g. Stephanodiscus minutulus, Synedra acus v. radians and Synedra acus v. acus) may reflect local eutrophication of the shallow waters close to the Selenga Delta and certain coastal sites in the southern basin near to the Baikalsk paper and pulp mill. By using numerical techniques, Lake Baikal can be split into at least four regions on the basis of its surface sediment flora: the south, middle and north basins, and the shallow waters surrounding the Selenga Delta region. Diatom analyses reveal that the endemic flora of Lake Baikal has been constantly changing over at least the last 2000 years and that these fluctuations are probably responses to natural climatic variability. Recent sediments of Baikal may be affected by taphanomic processes (e.g. dissolution) and turbidite deposition, and these must be taken into account when interpreting the sedimentary diatom record. The diatom flora of the lake is currently dominated by several species, such as Aulacoseira baicalensis, A. islandica, Cyclotella minuta and Stephanodiscus binderanus v. baicalensis. All these species, except for C. minuta, have become more common in the lake in approximately the last 130 years, and we hypothesize that these changes may be attributed to a number of different processes linked to an ameliorating climate after the end of the Little Ice Age. The results presented here have important implications for this recently designated World Heritage Site, with regard to future pollution controls and catchment management policies.  相似文献   

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