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NaCl胁迫对白玉兰形态及生理特性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为探究白玉兰对盐环境的耐受性,通过营养液培养法模拟盐胁迫,对不同胁迫强度下白玉兰的生长状态和生理生化应答特征进行测定分析。在整个胁迫过程中,幼苗受盐害症状最高等级为2级,即叶片出现变黄焦枯;随着胁迫时间的延长,幼苗叶片的相对电导率、丙二醛含量和脯氨酸含量呈上升趋势。叶绿素b含量、可溶性糖含量、可溶性蛋白含量、SOD活性和POD活性呈先升后降趋势。叶绿素总量和叶绿素a含量在100和200 mmol·L-1NaCl胁迫下呈先升后降趋势,在300 mmol·L-1NaCl胁迫下呈下降趋势。白玉兰有一定的耐盐能力,可在轻度盐土栽培应用。  相似文献   

二乔玉兰花粉贮存条件的比较研究   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
探讨了二乔玉兰(MagnoliasoulangeanaSoul.-Bod.)花粉在不同温度和贮存条件下的活力。结果表明:二乔玉兰花粉在5%蔗糖 0.01%硼酸及5%蔗糖 0.1%硼酸两种培养液上萌发较好,萌发率均达到70%以上。随着保存时间的延长,花粉萌发率不断降低,降低速度从快到慢依次为室温、5℃和-20℃。超低温(-196℃)保存花粉的萌发率并没有随着保存时间的延长而降低,液氮保存2a的花粉萌发率达到79.3%,与新鲜花粉的萌发率差异不显著。超低温反复冻存6次的花粉萌发率与新鲜花粉没有显著变化。  相似文献   

天女木兰花粉形态特征及其生活力   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
对天女木兰(Magnolia sieboldii)花粉的采集时期、形态以及培养的温度和培养基进行了研究,并探讨贮存温度和时间对花粉生活力的影响。结果表明,扫描电镜观察到的花粉形状和萌发孔与其他已报道的木兰科植物相同,但大小和花粉外壁的纹理不同。在花瓣刚刚展开的初花期采集的花粉生活力最高。25℃下最适于花粉的萌发;花粉在含10%蔗糖+0.1%硼酸的培养基上培养14h的萌发率最高,0.01%~0.05%的氯化钙对花粉的萌发影响不显著,0.1%的氯化钙对花粉的萌发有抑制作用。随着贮存时间的延长,花粉萌发率不断降低。不同贮存温度下花粉萌发率的降低速度依次为-10℃〈4℃〈25℃,-10%下贮藏5d的花粉萌发率降低了48.8%,10d后萌发率降低为0。  相似文献   

五种木兰属植物的花粉形态   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对木兰属(Magnolia)5种花粉进行了光学显微镜观察,形态相似。扫描电镜下观察,花粉外壁均为小穴状纹饰,荷花玉兰(M.grandiflora)略为粗糙。透射电镜下观察,5种花粉外壁均可分为覆盖层、柱状层和基层。覆盖层不连续,有小穿孔。在远极面萌发沟区域,外壁逐渐减薄,最后覆盖层和柱状层消失,仅残留基层。柱状层内部空隙较小,多由颗粒构成,处于小柱发育的初级阶段。荷花玉兰和玉兰萌发沟区域下有明显的外壁-2。木兰属花粉属于原始类型的代表。  相似文献   

景宁木兰花粉萌发与贮藏特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以景宁木兰的花粉为试材,采用花粉离体培养法,用单因子与正交试验研究不同浓度蔗糖、H3BO3、CaCl2所组成的基本培养基对景宁木兰花粉萌发的影响,同时探讨不同贮藏条件和贮藏时间对花粉活力的影响。结果表明:景宁木兰在30 g·L-1蔗糖+200 mg·L-1H3BO3+200 mg·L-1CaCl2的液体培养基上萌发率最高(74.56%)。低温条件下有利于景宁木兰花粉生活力的保持,在-80℃条件下,花粉生活力下降较慢,并且随着贮藏时间的增加,经过硅胶干燥的花粉的活力明显高于湿润花粉的活力。  相似文献   

对香港木兰的花果期物候、花朵结构、单花期、开花特性及花粉在离体培养和人工授粉条件下的萌发现象进行观察和研究。结果表明,该种的开花习性限制蜂类昆虫在其柱头可授期内进入花内传粉,为专一的甲虫传粉植物;花粉萌发时间长、开花不集中、花期适逢雨季都影响到昆虫的传粉活动和有效受精。  相似文献   

Brasenia is a monotypic genus sporadically distributed throughout the Americas, Asia, Australia, and Africa. It is one of eight genera that comprise the two families of Nymphaeales, or water lilies: Cabombaceae (Brasenia, Cabomba) and Nymphaeaceae (Victoria, Euryale, Nymphaea, Ondinea, Barclaya, Nuphar). Evidence from a range of studies indicates that Nymphaeales are among the most primitive angiosperms. Despite their phylogenetic utility, pollen developmental characters are not well known in Brasenia. This paper is the first to describe the complete pollen developmental sequence in Brasenia schreberi. Anthers at the microspore mother cell, tetrad, free microspore, and mature pollen grain stages were studied using combined scanning electron, transmission electron, and light microscopy. Both tetragonal and decussate tetrads have been identified in Brasenia, indicating successive microsporogenesis. The exine is tectate-columellate. The tetrad stage proceeds rapidly, and the infratectal columellae are the first exine elements to form. Development of the tectum and the foot layer is initiated later during the tetrad stage, with the tectum forming discontinuously. The endexine lamellae form during the free microspore stage, and their development varies in the apertural and non-apertural regions of the pollen wall. Degradation of the secretory tapetum also occurs during the free microspore stage. Unlike other water lilies, Brasenia is wind-pollinated, and several pollen characters appear to be correlated with this pollination syndrome. The adaptive significance of these characters, in contrast to those of the fly-pollinated genus Cabomba, has been considered. Brasenia does not produce pollenkitt nor develop tectal microchannels as does Cabomba. Instead, the discontinuity of the tectum reduces the amount of sporopollenin in the wall, which may allow for more effective wind dispersal. The importance of reassessing palynological characters in light of new ontogenetic data and the phylogenetic implications of this reevaluation are also discussed.  相似文献   

The pollen grains of Heliotropium europaeum are heterocolpate, with alternation of 3 colpori and 3 pseudocolpi. The exine is characterized by a scabrate and thick tectum, massive columellae with a granular appearance and a thick nexine. The thickening of the intine at the apertural level makes the interpretation of this zone difficult. The ontogenetic study helped to understand the ultrastructure of the exine and the apertures. The different steps are as follows. The primexine matrix is formed during the beginning of the tetrad stage; it consists of an outer thick and electron dense zone and an inner one, less dense to electrons. The tectum and the infratectum begin to form in the outer zone of the matrix, towards the middle of the tetrad stage. The infratectum consists of a network of columellae variable in thickness and oriented in different directions. The foot layer is lacking. The endexine is formed on a lamella system during the callose loss and microspore separation. The endexine becomes compact very early on its inner part. The apertures are initiated during the tetrad stage; a granulo-fibrillar oncus develops. At the free microspore stage, the oncus gets fibrillar and is bordered by endexine lamellae on its outer side and by endexine granulations on its inner one and laterally. The intine is set at the end of this stage. At the vacuolated microspore stage, the intine shows three layers: two thin, clear and homogeneous layers, one outside and the other inside, and a thick middle layer that forms the zwischenkörper, crossed by trabecula, in the apertural areas.  相似文献   

红花玉兰等5个玉兰种花粉形态观察及分类学意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对红花玉兰(Magnolia wufengensis L. Y. Ma et L. R. Wang)等5个玉兰种的花粉的光学显微镜和扫描电子显微镜观察拍照,测量光学显微镜下的花粉大小并对其进行统计学分析。结果表明:光学显微镜下,木兰属5个种的花粉均呈现椭圆形或近圆形,各种之间大小、形状方面有较大差异,种内部也存在不同程度的差异;扫描电子显微镜下,各种花粉均为舟形,且具有闭合、长及两端的远极萌发单沟等一致特征,花粉表面纹饰、突起等特征在种内部比较稳定,不同种之间差异明显,可以为木兰属植物种的划分提供比较准确的依据。  相似文献   

The study observed the pollen morphology and ontogeny of Maianthemum bifolium (L.) F.W. Schmidt and explored the development and structure of its anther wall using conventional paraffin section and histochemical techniques. The results showed that it has four anthers, consecutive cytokinesis, tetragonally arranged microspore tetrads, two-celled mature pollen grains, and a secretory tapetum. Fascicular crystals were found in the connective tissues and anther wall during pollen ontogeny. The distribution of carbohydrates and lipids changes regularly in the process of pollen development and is related to their physiological activities such as cell division and material synthesis. Under a light microscope, its pollen grains are ellipsoid and have a sulcus and exine with fine, reticulate ornamentation.  相似文献   

Cabomba is a small water lily genus that is native to the New World. Studies of pollen development and associated changes in the anther yield valuable characters for considering the evolution of reproductive biology in seed plants. Here we characterized the complete ontogenetic sequence for pollen in Cabomba caroliniana. Anthers at the microspore mother cell, tetrad, free microspore, and mature pollen grain stages were studied using scanning electron, transmission electron, and light microscopy. Tetragonal and decussate tetrads both occur in C. caroliniana, indicating successive microsporogenesis. The exine is tectate-columellate, and the infratectal columellae are the first exine elements to form, followed by a continuous tectum and a thin foot layer. A lamellate endexine initiates in the early free microspore stage, but becomes compressed in mature grains. Tectal microchannels and sculptural rods also initiate during the early free microspore stage, and significant pollenkitt deposition follows, supporting the hypothesis that these elements function in entomophily. The tapetum is morphologically amoeboid, with migratory tapetal cells directly contacting developing free microspores within the anther locule. Results from this study illustrate the importance of including ontogenetic data in analyzing pollen characters and in developing evolutionary and ecological hypotheses. The new palynological data also emphasize the character plasticity that occurs in basal angiosperms.  相似文献   

The generative cell (GC) development during three sequentialstages of Magnolia x soulangeana pollen grain maturation wasinvestigated by light and electron microscopy. Plastids werenot identified in this cell but mitochondria, Golgi bodies andvesicles as well as rough endoplasmic reticulum profiles werealways present. Microtubules were also present, their numberincreasing and their disposition varying during GC maturation.The most conspicuous components of the GC cytoplasm were themicrobodies. The latter were few in number in the newly formedGC, and the appearance of their matrix was different from laterdevelopmental stages. A clear microbodial proliferation occurredin the GC during an intermediate stage of pollen maturation.Then, the microbody matrix was either fibrillar to granularas in the vegetative cell microbodies or very dense and compact.The polymorphism and size range and the frequent aggregationof these organelles in one or more clusters were also noteworthy.Tilting of semithin sections as well as the analysis of serialsections suggested that a number or enlarged and irregularlyshaped microbodies co-exist with smaller and more sphericalones, the latter probably originating by budding. In the GCof the mature pollen the microbody-like organelles were in generalmore uniform both in shape and size. The cytochemical test ofDAB was positive in the microbodies of both the pollen cells,thus demonstrating their peroxisomic nature. The function ofthe microbodies in the GC is not clear. In this cell, a fewlipid droplets only exist during the first developmental stageand the microbodies were apparently unrelated to any other organelle.Possibly, these are unspecialized microbodies which are paternallytransmitted, but it is not excluded that, temporarily, theymay play some special role during GC maturation.Copyright 1994,1999 Academic Press Peroxisomes, generative cell, pollen maturation, Magnolia x soulangeana Soul.-Bod  相似文献   

Cytoskeleton in Pollen and Pollen Tubes of Ginkgo biloba L.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The distribution of F-actin and microtubules was investigated in pollen and pollen tubes of Ginkgo biloba L. using a confocal laser scanning microscope after fluorescence and immunofluorescence labeling. A dense F-actin network was found in hydrated Ginkgo pollen. When Ginkgo pollen was germinating,F-actin mesh was found under the plasma membrane from which the pollen tube would emerge. After pollen germination, F-actin bundles were distributed axially in long pollen tubes of G. biloba. Thick F-actin bundles and network were found in the tip of the Ginkgo pollen tube, which is opposite to the results reported for the pollen tubes of some angiosperms and conifers. In addition, a few circular F-actin bundles were found in Ginkgo pollen tubes. Using immunofluorescence labeling, a dense microtubule network was found in hydrated Ginkgo pollen under confocal microscope. In the Ginkgo pollen tube, the microtubules were distributed along the longitudinal axis and extended to the tip. These results suggest that the cytoskeleton may have an essential role in the germination of Ginkgo pollen and tube growth.  相似文献   

A new species of Magnolia sect. Gwillimia DC., Magnoliaceae from Vietnam is described and illustrated. Magnolia tiepii is recognized from southern Vietnam, where it occurs in Khanh Vinh slope, Khanh Vinh District, Khanh Hoa Province. It is distinguished from the closely related M. henryi by having narrowly cuneate leaf blade, short petiole, stipular scar at the base of the leaf blade, short peduncle and ellipsoid fruit.  相似文献   

Fertilization Ability of Maize Pollen Grains. I. Pollen Sources   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
P. L. Pfahler 《Genetics》1965,52(3):513-520

The authors have investigated the factors affecting pollen cryopreservation in Brassica campestris var. purpurea, such as pollen development stages cryoprotectant and the process of freezing. A suitable procedure was established as follows :Pollen grains suspended in B5 medium containing 10X DMSO and 1SM sucrose were frozen by a three- –1℃/min – 1 ℃/min step method(0℃———→–10 ℃ ,standing for 15 min———→–40 ℃ , standing for 1 hr→liquid nitrogen)and later thawed in 40℃ water bath. During a period of 60, 90 days′preservation, the relative survival percentage of mature (at the day of anthesis)and nearly mature(2 days before anthesis, trinucleate stage)pollens maintained at ca. 91% that of young pollens(7-8 days before anthesis, late uninucleate stage to early binucleate stage)slightly declined from the original 91.6% to 84. 3%. Culture. experiment showed that the cryopreserved young pollen could be induced to cell division just as well as the fresh pollen. The method of isolating protoplasts from fresh mature pollen developed previously was improved and simplified. As a result, protoplasts were isolated more conveniently from mature pollen and young pollen for the first time. The protoplasts from cryopreserved mature and young pollen could be obtained as well with an isolation rate of 77.4% and 35.9% respectively. However, for isolation of protoplasts from preserved young pollen, an incubation in NLN medium at 35℃ after thawing was necessary.  相似文献   

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