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Summary The ultrastructure of microtriches of the rat tapeworm, Hymenolepis diminuta, was examined with a number of electron-microscopic techniques. Fixatives containing different buffers, non-ionic detergents, chelators, tannic acid and various concentrations of aldehydes were tested for ability to stabilize cytoskeletal components while extracting background material. These methods revealed features unique to these specialized microvilli, and permitted construction of a detailed model of microthrix architecture. The microtriches of H. diminuta are comprised of a microfilament-containing base, a dense cap and a complex junctional region between the base and cap. The microfilaments of the base are contiguous distally with a tubular structure (the junctional tubule) within the junctional region; proximally, the microfilaments end abruptly: a terminal web appears to be absent. A beveled bilayered cylinder of dense material (the core tunic) encircles the microfilamentous core. The core tunics and junctional tubules of the microtriches are specifically and uniformly aligned along the strobila. Microtriches therefore can be distinguished from other microvilli (e.g., those of enterocyte brush borders) by their complex ultrastructure and precise orientation upon the cytoplasmic surface.  相似文献   

《Trends in parasitology》2022,38(11):991-992

Lipids of Pseudomonas diminuta   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

The morphology and fine valve structure of the marine epiphytic diatom Cocconeis heteroidea Hantzsch have been investigated. The entire frustule, including the internal and external structure of the raphid valve (RV) and araphid valve (AV), and the complete cingulum, are described using light microscopy and scanning and transmission electron microscopy, using a bleaching method. The strongly sigmoid raphe terminates in elongate hooked helictoglossae internally. The hymenes, with perforations arranged in a centric array, are located near the internal openings of the areolae in the RV. The striae in the AV consist of alveoli occluded by hymenes, that have perforations arranged in a parallel array and are located near the outer surface. The complete cingulum of AV consists of three open bands without fimbriae: a valvocopula, a copula with a ligula and a pleura with a small ligula. The RV has only a valvocopula which is open type and not fimbriate.  相似文献   

The phosphoglucolipid from Pseudomonas diminuta   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Zusammenfassung Früher untersuchte Sippen vonCocconeis zeigen die Gesetzmäßigkeit, daß Zellen nur paarungsfähig sind, wenn ihre Rapheschale der Hypotheka angehört. Der Richtungskörper entsteht dann, in der Folge einer inäqualen, differentiellen Cytokinese, gesetzmäßig an der Seite der Hypotheka, also in bezug auf die festsitzende Zelle unten. Bei var.euglyptoides sind außerdem auch Zellen sexualisierbar, welche die Rapheschale als Epitheka ausgebildet haben; sie können sich aber nicht mit ihresgleichen paaren. Die Paarung erfolgt überwiegend zwischen Partnern mit verschiedener Thekenkombination und nur in 1/8 der Fälle zwischen Partnern, deren Rapheschale der Hypotheka angehört. Die bei anderen Sippen bestehende 50%ige Sterilität wird dadurch entsprechend eingeschränkt.Die fixe Beziehung zwischen Richtungskörperbildung und Hypotheka ist auch beieuglyptoides erhalten, daher entsteht der Richtungskörper in Zellen mit oberer Hypotheka oben; die Polaritätsachse, welche den Ablauf der meiotischen Cytokinese kontrolliert, ist also in bezug auf den Protoplasten um 180° gedreht. Es sind also zweierlei Polaritäten zu unterscheiden: die den vegetativen Zellen inhärente Polarität, die sich in der Heteropolie der Pervalvarachse ausdrückt und nicht umkehrbar ist, und die während der Meiose auftretende, die beieuglyptoides mit ersterer gleich- oder gegensinnig wirken kann, während sie bei anderen Sippen immer gleichsinnig wirkt.Bei der Kopulation zeigen sich außerdem bestimmte (nicht zufällige) Beziehungen zwischen der Thekenkombination und der Lage der Partner zueinander, dem Eintritt in die Meiose und vermutlich der Bildung des Kopulationsschlauchs. Auch hieraus ist auf eine verschiedene physiologische Disposition der Zellen mit verschiedener Thekenkombination zu schließen.Infolge des verschiedenen Widerstands, den die oberen Theken in Paaren mit verschiedener Thekenkombination bei ihrem Aufklappen während der Bildung der Kopulationsgallerte leisten, entstehen bei der konstitutionell isogamen var.euglyptoides asymmetrische Kopulationsbilder, die eine bewegungsphysiologische Anisogamie, wie sie bei anderen Sippen konstitutionell ist, bloß vortäuschen.Mit 5 Textabbildungen  相似文献   

The valve structure of three marine diatom species, Cocconeis molesta var. crucifera, C. dirupta and C. pellucida was studied by transmission and scanning electron microscopy. In all Cocconeis examined, the areolae are occluded by hymenes located near the internal openings in the raphid valve and near the internal openings in the araphid valves.  相似文献   

A new species of Cocconeis has been found growing on the green seaweed Caulerpa racemosa (Forsskål) J. Agardh var. laete‐virens (Montagne) Weber van Bosse from Shikine Island in the Izu Islands on the Pacific coast of Japan; we propose the name Cocconeis shiki‐nensis Hid. Suzuki and describe the species by light microscopy (LM) and electron microscopy (EM). This taxon was also collected from the plastic plates used for rearing in seed production systems of the abalone Nordotis discus hannai Ino and the horned turban Turbo cornutus Solander in the Toyama Prefectural Fisheries Research Institute facing the Sea of Japan. The main morphological features of C. shikinensis are as follows. The valves are elliptic. The valve face of the raphid valve (RV) is slightly concave and that of the araphid valve (AV) is complementary to the RV and convex. The single plastid is flat, C‐shaped and elaborately lobed. The raphe on the RV is straight. The each terminal area expands to both sides along the valve margin, forming an arrowhead‐shaped, thickened hyaline area. The striae consist of small, round areolae and are radiate and uniseriate. On the AV, the striae consist of several alveoli. Each alveolus opens internally by means of a circular foramen. The valvocopula of each valve is fimbriate and open. The cingulum attached to the AV consists of three girdle bands; a valvocopula and two bands (copula and pleura), which are open and have ligulae. The relationship between C. shikinensis and similar members of the genus Cocconeis is discussed.  相似文献   

The taxonomy of the "diminuta" group is discussed. The method of numerical taxonomy was used to characterize 135 strains of 10 species belonging to Pseudomonas, Gluconobacter and Acetobacter in terms of sixty phenotypical features. The similarity coefficients of the strains were calculated with computers. According to the data of numerical analysis, the species P. diminuta and P. vesiculare represent a single phenon different from Pseudomonas, Gluconobacter and Acetobacter species.  相似文献   

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