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Positive correlations between measures of “fitness” and the number of electrophoretic loci for which an individual is heterozygous have been observed in many species. Two major hypotheses have been proposed to explain this phenomenon: inbreeding depression and overdominance. Until recently, there has been no way to distinguish between these hypotheses. The overdominance model devised by Smouse (1986) is used here in a reanalysis of Ledig et al.‘s (1983) study of heterozygosity and growth rate in eight populations of pitch pine and is contrasted with an inbreeding-depression analysis. Ledig et al. (1983) regressed mean growth rate per heterozygosity class on the number of heterozygous loci, a method of analysis which, although it points to general trends in the data, does not differentiate between hypotheses. The correlations they obtained in four populations were significant only because regressing on the means eliminates most of the sum of squares for error and does not weight the unequally sized heterozygosity classes. Reanalysis of Ledig et al.‘s data using individuals, not means, showed no significant correlations between heterozygosity and fitness. A major assumption of Smouse's overdominance model is that genetic polymorphism is in part a reflection of selection for heterozygotes at genetic equlibrium. The homozygote for the most frequent allele at a locus should be more fit than a homozygote for a less frequent allele, with the heterozygote superior to both homozygotes. Smouse's model predicts a negative, linear relationship between fitness and “adaptive distance,” a variable that for a heterozygote is zero and for homozygotes is equal to the inverse of the frequency of the corresponding allele. The adaptive-distance model accounted for between 15% and 50% of the variation in growth rate within eight P. rigida population samples by accounting for genotypic differences at eight polymorphic loci. This is over twice as much of the variation in growth rate accounted for by Ledig et al.'s (1983) analysis using individuals. Significant correlations were found between adaptive distance and growth rate in four of the eight populations, but in only two of the populations were more of the partial coefficients negative than positive, as would be predicted by the overdominance hypothesis. The remaining two populations in which correlations were significant did not lend themselves to such clear-cut interpretation, as the majority of the partial coefficients were positive. Positive partial coefficients indicate that the growth rate of the heterozygote is inferior to that of at least one of the homozygotes. The adaptive-distance analysis provides evidence that specific genotypes do play a role in determining growth rate in pitch pine. The correlation between growth rate and adaptive distance increased significantly with the age of the population, possibly reflecting competition subsequent to crown closure.  相似文献   

 增加有效分蘖数被认为是提高小麦(Triticum aestivum)产量的重要方法之一,但是小麦种群在生长进程中也会形成大量的无效分蘖,存在“生长冗余”。研究了覆膜栽培对两个春小麦种群中无效分蘖比率和收获指数的影响,并从植物个体大小不整齐性和生活史策略的种群生态学角度探讨其影响机制。与露地对照相比,覆膜栽培能显著提高春小麦产量(+38.5%);产量的提高源于地上部分生物量(+44.7%)的显著增加。但是, 覆膜种群的繁殖分配(穗重/地上部分生物量,-5.2%)和收获指数(-4.5%)显著降低;在几个主要生  相似文献   

Relationships between growth rate and the degree of individual heterozygosity at ten nuclear RFLP loci were examined in two populations of the Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua, from northern Norway. A highly significant positive correlation was observed between growth rate and DNA heterozygosity in one population (Balsfjord) but not in the other (Barents Sea). Our results provide support for an important prediction of the associative overdominance hypothesis that heterozygosity-fitness correlations can be detected at neutral genetic markers and suggest that environmental conditions might play a dominant role in the manifestation of the correlation.  相似文献   

通过对不同肥力条件下“8455”小麦植株内含物及温湿度、平均拥挤度等因子与长管蚜、二叉蚜种群有翅率关系的研究与分析,得出,小麦植株内含物中含水量、可溶性糖含量、全氮量及相对湿度、平均拥挤度是影响长管蚜种群有翅率的主要因子;含水量、全钾量和相对湿度是影响二叉蚜种群有翅率的主要因子。  相似文献   

Light-limited cultures of the marine diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana (Hustedt) Hasle and Heimdal (3H clone) were grown over a range of growth rates between 0.06 and 1.64 d?1. Variations in cell volume, cell quotas of carbon, nitrogen, and protein, and maximal activity of the enzyme nucleoside diphosphate kinase (NDPK) were measured and examined as a function of growth rate. NDPK from T. pseudonana showed Km values of 0.24 and 0.68 mM for thymidine 5′-diphosphate and adenosine 5′-triphosphate (ATP), respectively, which are similar to those found for NDPK from a variety of organisms, from bacteria to mammals. An apparent activation enthalpy of 3.52 kCal·mol?1 was determined from Arrhenius plots. No thermodynamic transition points were noted over a temperature range from 10° to 25°C. NDPK activity was significantly correlated with growth rate but not with cell volume, carbon, nitrogen, or protein; for interspecific comparisons, normalization of enzyme activity to cell number may be most meaningful. NDPK activity per cell versus growth rate followed a U-shaped relationship, being relatively constant between 0.5 and 1.0 d?1 and rising at higher and lower growth rates. Over this range, enzyme activity may be regulated by substrate concentration (ATP or other nucleoside triphosphates) or by adenylate energy charge. At higher growth rates where energy charge and substrate concentrations are probably high, changes in enzyme concentration appear to be required. The reasons for a rise in enzyme activity at low growth rate is unclear. Simultaneous measurement of nucleoside di- and triphosphate levels alongside NDPK measurements may help clarify the relationship, but these preliminary experiments indicate that NDPK is of limited usefulness as an index of in situ growth rate.  相似文献   

为考察温水性鲤科鱼类在不同食物资源条件下标准代谢率(Standard metabolic rate, SMR)与其生长性能的关系, 研究在(25.00.5)℃条件下测定体重相近的30尾锦鲫(Carassius auratus)幼鱼的SMR, 将所有实验鱼置于多单元格水槽进行实验处理(摄食与饥饿)。实验时间为4周(0、7d、14d、21d和28d), 包括两周的生长实验(014d)和两周的饥饿实验(1528d)。摄食期间, 于每天上午9: 00和下午21: 00用商业饲料对每尾鱼饱足投喂并记录投喂量。单尾鱼的体重和体长每隔1周测定一次, 而SMR仅在第0、第14和第28天测定。结果显示:(1)锦鲫幼鱼在摄食期间的体重、体长以及SMR均明显上升, 饥饿期间体重和SMR显著降低(P0.05), 但体长变化不明显; SMR不论摄食期间还是饥饿期间呈现较好的稳定性(二者P0.05)。(2)锦鲫幼鱼在摄食期间开始时的SMR (测定Ⅰ)与摄食率(FR)、摄食转化率(FE)以及特定体重生长率(SGRBM)均无相关性, 摄食期间结束时的SMR (测定Ⅱ)仅与FR呈正相关(P0.05), 但与FE以及SGRBM不相关。(3)摄食期间(饥饿期间)实验鱼的第一周日均体重增(减)量与第二周日均体重增(减)量呈正相关, 其体重的增率与减率无显著差异(P0.05)。(4)实验鱼在摄食期间的特定体重增长率(SGRBM)与饥饿期间的不相关(P0.05), 但摄食期间的特定SMR增长率(SGRSMR)与饥饿期间的呈负相关(P0.05)。研究表明在实验室环境中锦鲫幼鱼的SMR具有稳定性, 该种鱼的日均体重变化量保持相近, 此形态变化特征与SMR不相关, 并且该种鱼在实验起始时的SMR的个体差异未能预测其在实验室食物资源变动下生长性能的适应特征。  相似文献   

de Terra, Noël, and E. L. Tatum. (Rockefeller Inst., New York, N. Y.) A relationship between cell wall structure and colonial growth in Neurospora crassa . Amer.Jour. Bot. 50(7): 669–677. Illus. 1963.—Cell walls were isolated from morphological mutants of Neurospora crassa and from their corresponding wild-type strains. Acid hydrolysates prepared from these cell walls were then studied, qualitatively and quantitatively, with respect to their reducing sugar content. Paper chromatography revealed the presence of glucose and glucosamine in the cell walls of all strains studied. Quantitative analysis has shown that a group of 4 colonial mutants which strongly resemble each other in morphology all have significantly less glucose and more glucosamine per unit weight of cell wall than do their corresponding wild-type strains. These data strongly suggest that a particular type of morphological aberration in Neurospora is associated with similar changes in cell wall composition.  相似文献   

冠层温度和气温的差与冬小麦生长的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘瑞文  董振国 《生态学报》1993,13(4):377-379
作物冠层温度与气温的差(简称冠气温差,下同)可指示作物的水分状况,也可作为作物生长环境的一个综合指标。目前,关于冠层气温差指示作物生长的报道尚少,本文就这一问题进行了初步探讨。 1 材料与方法 试验于1987年和1988年在中国科学院北京农业生态系统试验站进行。土壤为壤质褐潮土,有机质含量在15.0g/kg左右,土壤持水量229.0g/ks。麦田按常规方法管理,春季以后浇3—4次水。设充分湿润(相对含  相似文献   

1. The effects of temperature and H-ion concentration on the reaction between antistaphylococcus phage and a susceptible staphylococcus have been studied. 2. The temperature optimum for phage production is in the neighborhood of 35°C. and that for bacterial growth is approximately 40°C. 3. With increasing H-ion concentrations there occur: (a) an increase in the lag phase of bacterial growth without any corresponding increase in the lag phase of phage production; (b) a diminution in the total bacterial population accumulating in the medium without any corresponding drop in the total amount of phage formed. 4. With increasing alkalinity there is no pronounced change in the curves of bacterial growth and phage formation. At pH 8.5 the lytic threshold is increased to about 1000 phage units per bacterium instead of 100–140 as is usually the case and the time of lysis is delayed. 5. By adjusting the medium to pH 6 and 28°C. bacterial growth can be completely inhibited while phage production continues at a rapid rate. 6. Apparently, the previously stressed importance of bacterial growth as the prime conditioning factor for phage formation does not hold, for under certain experimental conditions the two mechanisms can be dissociated.  相似文献   

长白落叶松激素含量与生长的关系及在早期选择中的应用   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
冯玉龙  王丽华 《植物研究》1998,18(4):461-467
用间接酶联免疫吸附法测定了不同季节不同种源长白落叶松激素含量。结果表明:不同季节长白落叶松的激素含量不同,速生期长白落叶松赤霉素、生长素和细胞分裂素含量高,脱落酸含量低,赤霉素/脱落酸比值大,生长缓慢期测定结果恰好相反。各类激素含量在不同种源长白落叶松间的变异显著,且与生长性状的差异密切相关。生长快的种源赤霉素,细胞分裂素含量高,脱落酸含量低,赤霉素/脱落酸之比大。生长慢的种源则相反。回归分析表明  相似文献   

In a natural population of two-year-old mussels, shell length was correlated with degree of heterozygosity. There was no correlation between an individual's glycogen level and its degree of heterozygosity, but when individuals were grouped in heterozygosity classes a near-significant correlation was observed between degree of heterozygosity and mean glycogen level corrected for the effects of sex and stage of gonad development. There was no correlation between degree of heterozygosity and index of gonad development. Such a correlation would have provided support for the hypothesis (Zouros and Foltz, 1984) that dependence of time of spawning on heterozygosity may explain the observed heterozygote-deficiency. The causes of heterozygote-deficiency, a common phenomenon in populations of marine bivalves, remain obscure. The observed heterozygosity-growth correlation is examined in the light of the controversy of whether allozymes act as markers in linkage association with genetic conditions that are responsible for the differences in growth among individuals or are themselves the agents of the correlation. The observations that 1) the contributions of individual loci to the correlation vary among populations, 2) the correlation is observed in samples from natural populations but not among progeny from pair matings, and 3) the correlation is nearly always accompanied with heterozygote-deficiency in the population are more compatible with the first explanation and suggest that the growth-heterozygosity correlation results mostly from associative overdominance and to a lesser extent from the direct contributions of scored loci to growth.  相似文献   

There is a growing body of literature suggesting that the fitness of an individual increases with the observed number of heterozygous loci. Broad theoretical considerations indicate that under various sorts of balancing selection, this is what one should generally expect in a population of multiple-locus genotypes. To date, however, it has not been possible to distinguish between two potential explanations of the phenomenon. The first explanation is that the loci examined are themselves responsible for the fitness differences observed (or, equivalents, are very closely linked to those that do). The genetic variation in question is thought to be maintained in polymorphic equilibrium by some form of balancing selection. The second explanation assumes that the observed loci are themselves selectively irrelevant but that their heterozygosity reflects that of the total genome. Genomic heterozygosity is thought to be predictive of fitness, being an obverse measure of generalized inbreeding depression. We provide a formal derivation of an explicit relationship between fitness and multiple-locus genotype for a simple form of the first explanation, the multiplicative overdominance model. The inbreeding depression model is a degenerate special case of this more general formulation. A formal estimation and testing framework is constructed that should facilitate evaluation of the two models with empiric data on heterozygosity and fitness.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigate whether a tissue-level constraint can explain the general inverse relationship between growth rate and precocity of development in birds. On the whole, altricial (dependent) chicks grow three to four times faster than the less dependent, more able chicks of precocial species of similar adult mass. We suggest that an antagonism between growth and acquisition of mature function in skeletal muscle constrains postnatal growth and development in most species of birds. Altricial species, represented by European starlings in this study, hatch with skeletal muscle having low capacity for generating force but grow rapidly. Conversely, precocial species (northern bobwhite quail and Japanese quail), hatch with relatively mature skeletal muscle, especially in their legs, but grow more slowly. As development proceeds in all species, exponential growth rates decrease as muscles acquire adult levels of function. Among four variables associated with muscle function, exponential growth rate (EGR) was negatively correlated with pyruvate kinase activity (glycolysis), potassium concentration (electrical potential), and dry weight fraction (contractile proteins) in both pectoral and leg muscles but not with citrate synthase activity (aerobic metabolism) in either set of muscles. For pectoral muscle, these variables accounted for 87% of the total variation in EGR in all three species combined despite a twofold difference in growth rates between the starling and quail. EGRs of leg muscle (51% of variation accounted for) were less than predicted by the pectoral-muscle equation in quail during the early part of the postnatal period and in starlings during the late postnatal period. This result would not contradict a growth rate/maturity constraint hypothesis if EGRs were down-regulated for allometric or other considerations.  相似文献   

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