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Plasmodium falciparum gametocytes: their longevity and infectivity.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The longevity and infectivity of isolated populations of Plasmodium falciparum gametocytes were studied. Following chloroquine treatment gametocyte numbers fell with a constant rate of loss over a period of 16-24 days; the populations had a half-life of 2-4 days. The sex ratio stayed constant throughout at 4 female: 1 male. The ability of the microgametocytes to exflagellate and the infectivity of the population to mosquitoes persisted for 3 weeks. Antibodies to the gametocytes were detected but not in every patient studied. It was concluded that the gametocytes of P. falciparum are both long-lived and show persistent infectivity to mosquitoes. They can stimulate antibody production but the immune response appears to play no part in their elimination, which probably takes place in the spleen as a part of the normal process of removing old, damaged and malformed red cells.  相似文献   

The effects of environmental factors and exudates from the amphipod Corophium volutator on the emergence of Maritrema subdolum cercariae (Digenea: Microphallidae) from the snail Hydrobia ulvae were investigated in the laboratory. Increasing the temperature (15 to 25 degrees C) caused an overall 11-fold increase in emergence rate under varying salinities (24 to 36 per thousand). The effect of salinity depended on the experimental temperature. Emergence increased with increasing salinity at higher temperatures, but decreased with increasing salinity at 15 degrees C.Whereas the different levels of salinity had no effect, increasing the temperature significantly reduced the life span of cercariae. In comparison with complete darkness, light caused a two-fold increase in emergence, whereas an increment of the water pressure from 1.0 to 1.3 ATM (corresponding to 0 and 3 m of depth) left the shedding rate unaffected. Unidentified exudates from the second intermediate host, C. volutator, significantly depressed the cercarial emergence rate. The main transmission window of M. subdolum seems to occur during low water in tidal pools where light levels are high and solar radiation rapidly elevates the water temperature, as well as salinity through evaporation. The consequence of such a transmission strategy is discussed in relation to the impact of M. subdolum on the population dynamics of the second intermediate host.  相似文献   

酸雨、铜和莠去津对土壤水解酶活性的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
运用正交试验设计方案,考察了酸雨、重金属铜和农药莠去津复合污染情况下各因素的主效应及两两交互作用对土壤脲酶、转化酶和酸性磷酸酶活性的影响。结果表明,H^+、Cu^2+对酶活性影响显著且其对3种酶的抑制效应为H^+>Cu^2+;Al^3+仅对脲酶表现出一定的激活效应;而除磷酸酶外,莠去津对脲酶、转化酶活性无明显影响。交互作用试验表明:莠去津×Cu的协同作用主要表现为对磷酸酶活性的影响;而H×Cu对脲酶、转化酶均表现为颉抗作用;在本文所考察的浓度范围内,未见莠去津与氢有显著的交互作用存在3种酶中,以磷酸酶对外来污染物最为敏感。  相似文献   

The effects of various chemical agents on longevity of the cercariae of Schistosoma mansoni Sambon, 1907, were investigated. The median lifetime of cercariae maintained in dechlorinated tap water (DTW) was 10.5 hr. Increasing concentrations of sodium chloride added to distilled water increased the median lifetime to an optimum of 10 hr at 0.01 M; higher salt levels decreased longevity. At this optimum sodium chloride level, concentrations of glucose between 0.003 M and 0.03 M enhanced median survival to 13–14 hr. Using Tris-HCl buffers the effects of pH and ionic strength were examined. Cercarial longevity increased from 3.5 to 25 hr as pH increased from 6.4 to 9.0, and 0.01 M Tris was superior to 0.001 M Tris at a given pH. The greatest median lifetime (26 hr) was obtained in 0.01 M Tris, pH 9.0. Infectivity of cercariae in Tris at this optimal pH was compared to that in DTW. Maintenance in DTW resulted in greater worm burdens in mice than did treatment with Tris. This suggested that factors which affect cercarial longevity may not influence infectivity in the same manner. The effects of rotenone, Antimycin A, dinitrophenol, and potassium cyanide on cercarial viability suggested the existence of a functioning terminal electron transport chain similar to that of mammalian systems.  相似文献   

During a 27-hr period of food deprivation, Biomphalaria glabrata infected with Schistosoma mansoni had lower heartbeat rates and locomotor activities than did controls that were feeding ad lib. However, there was no difference between the cercarial emergence from control and experimental snails either before, during, or after the period of food deprivation. No correlation was found between the locomotor activity of the snail and the number of cercariae emerging from the snail in continuous light. Our results indicated that the emergence of S. mansoni cercariae from B. glabrata was not affected by the heartbeat rate or locomotor activity of the snail. The factors controlling the rhythm of S. mansoni cercarial emergence from B. glabrata may be independent of the snail.  相似文献   

Effects of tunicamycin on rotavirus morphogenesis and infectivity   总被引:18,自引:13,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
The functions of the two rotavirus glycoproteins were investigated by using tunicamycin and a variant of SA11 rotavirus having nonglycosylated VP7. Results showed that glycosylation of VP7 is not required for normal viral morphogenesis and infectivity and suggested that the nonstructural glycoprotein is involved in assembly of the outer capsid.  相似文献   

Atrazine (1,000 ppm), endosulfan (1 ppm) or butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) (1,000 ppm) added to a semi-synthetic diet of Orthosia gothica for 2 days in the last instar did not change the soft tissue cytosolic glutathione-S-transferase (GST) activities towards 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene (CDNB), 1,2-dichloro-4-nitrobenzene (DCNB) and cumene hydroperoxide (CU). However, all three pesticides changed the GST subunit composition compared with the control as observed by reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography of the isozymes purified by glutathione-Sepharose affinity chromatography. The changes seem to have occurred mainly in the GST class 2 subunit. There is no obvious explanation for the changes, which may be a result of interactions between xenobiotic and GST in the cytosol as well as changes in the level of regulation of synthesis. However, the observation added to our knowledge of the processes involved when pesticides are degraded by GSTs in vivo.  相似文献   

In the Biomphalaria glabrata-Schistosoma mansoni association, variations in cercarial production, in cercarial infectivity, and in the growth of infected snails are rhythmic. These chronobiological aspects are correlated with the dynamics of the intramolluscan larval stages of the parasite during the course of the infection. Rhythmic variations in the growth kinetics of infected snails are interpreted in terms of host-parasite metabolic exchanges.  相似文献   

不同温度对麦蛾茧蜂实验种群生长发育的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
田秋  丛斌  张海燕  董辉  钱海涛 《昆虫知识》2006,43(5):666-669
在15,20,25和30℃4个温度梯度下,测定了麦蛾茧蜂Habrobracon hebetor(Say)成蜂寿命、生殖力、发育历期等生物学参数。结果表明,在实验温度范围内,卵期在15℃最长,为(9.50±1.39)d;幼虫发育历期在20℃最长,为(6.60±1.41)d;蛹期在15℃最长,为(23.71±2.63)d。雌蜂的寿命在15℃时最长,为(50.15±6.9)d;30℃时最短,为(9.20±3.12)d雄蜂的寿命在15℃时最长,为(11.45±3.52)d;30℃时最短为(5.90±1.62)d。产卵量在25℃最大,为(208.50±40.12)粒;羽化数、羽化率在30℃最高,分别为(23.60±9.33)%和(35.87±13.87)%;温度变化对麦蛾茧蜂雌成蜂生物学参数具有显著影响。  相似文献   

Effects of pollination on floral attraction and longevity   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:6  
The end of a flower's attraction to pollinators may be due toa range of visible cues such as permanent flower closure, acolour change, and withering or abscission of the petals. Floralattraction may be reduced by pollination. Pollination-inducedconclusion of floral attraction is often due to a colour changeor to flower closure. This may or may not be followed by a reductionin floral longevity, defined as the time to petal withering,wilting or shattering. In a few species floral longevity isincreased following pollination-induced flower closure or apollination-induced change in colour. Floral attraction, therefore,has to be disting uished from floral longevity. A literature survey shows that pollination rapidly reduces floralattraction in numerous orchids, but among other plant familiesonly about 60 genera have been found to show pollination-inducedshortening of floral attraction. Although only a few specieshave been investigated, it was invariably established that theeffect of pollination is blocked by inhibitors of ethylene synthesisor ethylene perception, hence is mediated by ethylene. The flowersthat cease to be attractive to pollinators, shortly followingpollination, tend to be from families that are known mainlyto comprise species in which flower longevity, petal colour,or flower closure, is sensitive to exogenous ethylene. Thisindicates that the effect of pollination on floral attractionis generally mediated by endogenous ethylene. Numerous species reportedly show a decrease in the period offloral attraction after exposure to ethylene, whereas only fora small number of species a decrease in the period of floralattraction induced by pollination has been observed. This discrepancymay be due to the greater attention that has been paid to theeffects of ethylene. Nonetheless, the possibility remains thatendogenous ethylene has a role in changing perianth form andcolour in addition to signalling the occurrence of pollination. Key words: Ethylene sensitivity, flower closure, flower longevity, pollination, petal colour, petal wilting, petal withering, petal abscission  相似文献   

Many organisms with complex life cycles show considerable variation in size and timing at metamorphosis. Adult males of Megarcyssignata (Plecoptera: Perlodidae) are significantly smaller than females and emerge before females (protandry) from two western Colorado streams. During summer 1992 stoneflies from a trout stream emerged earlier in the season and at larger sizes than those from a colder fishless stream, and size at metamorphosis did not change over the emergence period in either stream. We performed two experiments to determine whether variation in size at metamorphosis affected the fecundity, reproductive success and longevity of individuals of this stonefly species and if total lifetime fecundity was affected by the number of matings. In the first experiment, total lifetime fecundity (eggs oviposited) was determined for adult females held in small plastic cages in the field. Males were removed after one copulation, or pairs were left together for life and allowed to multiply mate. Most copulations occurred in the first few days of the experiment. Females in treatments allowing multiple matings had significantly lower total lifetime fecundity and shorter adult longevity than females that only mated once. Multiple matings also reduced longevity of males. Fecundity increased significantly with female body mass at emergence, but only for females that mated once. While multiple matings eliminated the fecundity advantage of large female body size, number of matings did not affect the significant positive relationship between body mass at metamorphosis and longevity of males or females. In a second experiment designed to determine if body mass at emergence affected male mating success, we placed one large and one small male Megarcys in an observation arena containing one female and recorded which male obtained the first mating. The large and the small male had equal probabilities of copulating with the female. Copulations usually lasted all night, and the unmated male made frequent, but unsuccessful attempts to take over the copulating female. Our data suggest that selection pressures determining body size at metamorphosis may operate independently on males and females, resulting in evolution of sexual size dimorphism, protandry, and mating early in the adult stage. We emphasize the importance of interpreting the fitness consequences of larval growth and development on the timing of and size at metamorphosis in the context of the complete life cycle. Received: 1 July 1997 / Accepted: 12 November 1997  相似文献   

It has been postulated that life span is inversely related to energy expenditure. If this is correct, regularly performed exercise could accelerate the aging process. In two early studies, exercise shortened the life span of rats; the results of these studies have been cited as evidence for the concept that an increase in energy expenditure accelerates aging. However, subsequent studies have not confirmed this finding. Instead, the weight of evidence now indicates that rats that exercise regularly have a longer average life span than sedentary, ad libitum-fed controls. Freely eating sedentary rats become obese, indicating that their food intake is in excess of their energy requirements. Available evidence seems compatible with the interpretation that exercise results in improved survival in rats by countering deleterious effects of a sedentary life combined with overeating.  相似文献   

Contrary to the reports of others, the surface coat of Trypanosoma brucei brucei was not removed by extensive washing in the various media investigated; in fact, other than a deformed profile when washed in saline, ultrastructure was little affected by column separation and washing in any of these media. Washing in saline increased the agglutinability but reduced the activity and infectivity of the organisms. Washing in bicine-buffered saline-glucose did not impair activity or infectivity but increased agglutinability, albeit to a lesser extent than after washing in phosphate-buffered saline-glucose. The inclusion of 0.1% serum or plasma in the washing medium (phosphate-buffered saline-glucose or bicine-buffered saline-glucose) increased the activity of the T. b. brucei and did not increase agglutinability or impair infectivity. T. congolense and T. vivax were more susceptible to ionic strength changes than were T. b. brucei or T. lewisi, in that not only was their activity impaired, but they began to aggregate on standing in lower ionic strength buffers.  相似文献   

Roots form one of the most important carbon (C) pools in alpine ecosystems. Uncertainty about the effects of warming on root dynamics limits our ability to predict how C will transfer between biological and atmospheric pools in alpine regions under global warming. We used a minirhizotron technique to gain a better understanding of the response of alpine plant roots to warming. We looked for effects on root diameter, root depth in the soil, and root lifespan under a controlled asymmetrical warming (1.2/1.7 °C during daytime/nighttime) experiment during the growing season of 2009 in an alpine meadow on the northern Tibetan plateau. Roots became smaller in diameter, moved toward the upper soil layers, and showed significantly shorter lifespans in heated (H) than in unheated (UH) plots. Furthermore, in H treatment plots root lifespan was more strongly influenced by the time of root emergence rather than by root diameter. These results provide evidence that alpine plants may respond to climate change by altering their roots so that they are thinner, distributed shallower and turning over faster, suggesting that soil C flow and nutrient cycling would be accelerated resulting from the fast turnover of fine roots under elevated temperatures.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effect of host desiccation on entomopathogenic nematode (EPN) development, emergence, infectivity, and cross-protection against secondary environmental stress. Galleria mellonella hosts infected with the EPN Steinernema carpocapsae A10 were allowed to dehydrate in an environmental chamber for up to 56 days at 23 degrees C achieving a weight loss of approximately 86% by day 44 post-infection. Host carcasses were rehydrated on water-saturated filter paper in White traps to collect emergent infective juveniles (IJ) at specific time intervals. Populations were counted with an apparent peak coinciding with desiccated hosts rehydrated at 24-day post-infection. Desiccation-stressed IJ populations from each time interval were tested for infectivity, and cross-resistance to secondary temperature and pH stresses and were found to have significant increases in both infectivity and protection from extremes of temperature and pH compared with controls. Total aqueous soluble protein profiles from control and desiccation-stressed IJs were analyzed using 10% SDS Laemmli gels. Several novel proteins were over-expressed in EPN from hosts subjected to desiccation suggesting the induction and expression of stress response genes.  相似文献   

This study integrates results from acute contamination with atrazine of isolated perfused gills, and from in vivo chronic contamination of euryhaline Chinese mitten crabs, Eriocheir sinensis, acclimated to freshwater. Atrazine 1 mg/l in contact with the basolateral membrane (IN) increases the transepithelial potential difference (TEP) from -20.8 +/- 4.9 to -29.7 +/- 3.8 mV in isolated perfused posterior gills (P < 0.01). This effect is only partially explained by a modification of Na(+) and Cl(-) active influxes. No TEP modification is detected when atrazine is added (OUT) indicating that molecular mechanisms located on the basolateral membrane are likely to be the only ones affected. Another explanation would be that cuticular barrier prevents atrazine penetration into the gill. Haemolymph osmolarity, Na(+) and Cl(-) concentrations of crabs living in freshwater contaminated with atrazine 1 mg/l during 14 days are not significantly modified. We conclude that although atrazine can disturb osmoregulatory mechanisms of isolated gills, this pollutant would be of minor importance in affecting osmoregulatory capacities of the Chinese mitten crab in natural conditions.  相似文献   

The effect of temperature on the production, survival and infectivity of zoospores of an Argentinean isolate of Leptolegnia chapmanii was determined under laboratory conditions. Production of zoospores of L. chapmaniiin vitro and in vivo upon first and fourth instars larvae of the mosquito Aedes aegypti was studied at three different temperatures. Zoospores from infected larvae were infective to mosquito larvae for 51, 12, and 5 consecutive days when maintained at 25, 35, and 10 °C, respectively. Maximum zoospore production in infected fourth-instar larvae was 9.6 ± 1.4 × 104 zoosp/larva at 48 h at 25 °C. The average number of zoospores produced by individual fourth-instar Ae. aegypti larvae infected with L. chapmanii was 3.57 ± 0.46 × 105 zoospores during 6 consecutive days at 25 °C. Zoospore production in vitro was also affected by temperature with a maximum of zoospores (n = 47,666/ml) produced at 25 °C. When zoospores produced in vitro were used as inoculum against Ae. aegypti larvae at 25 °C, larval mortality was recorded for 5 consecutive weeks. The encystment process for zoospores took 17-20 min; the germination of cysts (excystment) occurred 5 min after exposure in water to mosquito larvae. The minimal time of contact between zoospores and mosquito larvae to develop infection was two minutes. Infection took place by zoospore attachment onto and then penetration through the larval cuticle or by ingestion of cysts as was confirmed by histological studies. Temperature directly affected infectivity and production of zoospores in vivo and in vitro although L. chapmanii zoospores tolerate a wide range of temperatures.  相似文献   

Aims Floral longevity, the duration that a flower remains open and functional, varies greatly among species. Variation in floral longevity has been considered to be optimal strategy for resource allocation under different ecological conditions, mainly determined by the rates of pollination and cost of flower maintenance. However, it is unclear whether an intrinsic factor, floral sexual investment, constrains evolution of floral longevity. The theoretical model also predicts that dichogamy favors long-lived flowers, but empirical studies to test this prediction remain unexplored.Methods To examine the effect of floral sexual investment on floral longevity, we measured flower size together with pollen and ovule production in 37 sympatric flowering plants in a natural community. The duration of the female and male phase in 21 protandrous species and floral longevity of the other 16 adichogamous species were documented in the field.Important findings Floral longevity varied from 1 day to 15 days, while pollen number per flower varied from 643 to 710880 and ovule number per flower from 1 to 426 in the 37 species. Flower size was correlated with pollen production as well as ovule production. Floral longevity was positively related to pollen production but not to ovule production. Consistent with the prediction that dichogamy favors long-lived flowers, we found the floral longevity of protandrous species was significantly longer than that of adichogamous species. In the protandrous species, pollen production per flower was observed to be positively related to male duration, while ovule production was not related to female duration. Our analyses of variation in floral longevity and sexual investment among different species suggest that the floral sexual investment could be an intrinsic factor contributing to the selected floral longevity, particularly the male phase, and that high pollen production could potentially increase pollen removal, i.e. male productive success.  相似文献   

Effects of applications of a mixture of ammonium sulphate and mono-ammonium phosphate and of ammonium nitrate on the incidence of take-all disease of wheat (caused by Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici) and on subsequent inoculum levels were studied in field and glasshouse experiments. In a field experiment in Western Australia, on a sandy soil at pH 5·4, nitrogen applications had no detectable effect on disease severity at anthesis, but ammonium sulphate treatment increased the number of propagules of the pathogen in the soil. In a pot experiment, in which seed was sown in the field experiment soils, disease was greater in soil from plots treated with ammonium sulphate and least in soil from the nil-nitrogen plots, reflecting the respective inoculum levels in the field plot. However, treatment of the soils of lower inoculum with ammonium sulphate and ammonium nitrate during this pot experiment decreased disease. A second pot experiment confirmed the effectiveness of ammonium sulphate and ammonium nitrate in reducing take-all at lower inoculum levels, and their ineffectiveness at higher inoculum levels.  相似文献   

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