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Summary The hybrid GH cell strain, 928-9b, isolated from PRL+ (prolactin [PRL] producing) GH4Cl and PRL (PRL non-producing) FIBGH12CI cells, has specific TRH (thyroliberin) receptors, yet does not respond to this peptide hormone. Unlike the parent strain, GH4Cl, TRH does not stimulate synthesis or release of PRL in the hybrid strain. In contrast, treatment of 928-9b cells with another peptide, EGF (epidermal growth factor), stimulates both release and synthesis of PRL. The number of EGF receptors in the hybrid strain (2.5 × 103/cell) and the affinity of these receptors for ligand (2.2 nM) are comparable to that of the parent strain, GH4C1. The EGF dose response curve is also essentially the same for parent and hybrid cells for the enhancement of PRL production. A 3-8-fold enhancement of PRL production is observed and 1/2 maximal enhancement occurs at approximately 5 × 1011 M EGF for both strains. TRH does not have any potentiating effect on EGF-induced stimulation of PRL release or PRL synthesis in the hybrid strain. Although EGF and TRH have similar biological effects in responsive GH cells, binding of one hormone to its receptors does not modulate the binding of the heterologous hormone. These findings demonstrate that more than one effect of TRH is defective in 928-9b cells even though EGF responses are intact. This suggests that 1) TRH-stimulated PRL release and TRH-stimulated PRL production have a common intermediate step, and 2) TRH and EGF have a different mechanism of action in GH cells.  相似文献   

Summary Chronic treatment (more than 3 d) of GH3 cells, cloned rat pituitary cells producing prolactin, with 100 nM TRH resulted in a 41% reduction in the rate of cell growth in a medium containing 0.5% fetal bovine serum. These effects of TRH appeared both in the medium containing a higher concentration of serum and in that containing six growth factors, i.e. insulin, transferrin, parathyroid hormone, fibroblast growth factor, triiodothyronine, and multiplication-stimulating activity (MSA) instead of serum. TRH stimulated prolactin production by GH3 cells in a dose-dependent manner both in the serum-supplemented and serum-free media. On the other hand, TRH, at 1 nM, elicited a 130% stimulation in the cellular growth, whereas, at concentrations of more than 10 nM, it inhibited the growth significantly. In the defined culture system, it was demonstrated that TRH stimulated prolactin production in the presence or absence of six growth factors, whereas its inhibitory effects on cellular growth appeared only in the presence of MSA regardless of the presence or absence of the other five factors. Furthermore, it was shown that a dose-dependent stimulatory effect of MSA on the growth of GH3 cells was suppressed by TRH. TRH exhibited only a stimulatory effect on cellular growth in the medium containing the five factors other than MSA. In conclusion, TRH could inhibit cell growth of GH3 in the presence of MSA in the defined medium or MSA-like factor(s) in the serum-supplemented medium.  相似文献   

Summary The growth of GH4C1, GH3, GH1, and GH3C15 rat pituitary tumor cell lines was studied in a serum-free medium (designated TRM-1) formulated with 1∶1 (vol/vol) mixture of Ham's F12 nutrient mixture and Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium (F12-DME) containing 15 mM 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazineethanesulfonic acid (HEPES), 50 μg/ml gentamicin supplemented with 10 μg/ml bovine insulin, 10 μg/ml human transferrin (Tf), 10 ng/ml selenous acid, 10 nM 3,5,3′-triiodothyronine (T3), 50 μM ethanolamine (Etn), and 500 μg/ml bovine serum albumin. Of the lines evaluated, only the GH1 failed to grow in TRM-1. Passage of the GH4C1 and GH3 lines from serum-containing medium into TRM-1 caused an initial selection resulting in cells that grew progressively at higher rates and finally were maintained indefinitely in TRM-1. These populations showed a requirement for supraphysiologic concentrations of T3 (1.0 to 10 nM). After adaptation of the GH4C1 line in TRM-1 for ≤20 generations, removal of components gave a less complex mixture containing 15 mM HEPES, 50 μ/ml gentamicin, 10 μg/ml Tf, 10 nM T3, and 50 μM Etn (designated TRM-2) that supported serial passage of the cells. Under these conditions, thyroid hormone dependence was lost progressively. When T3 was removed from TRM-2 adapted cells, a third population was selected that no longer required thyroid hormones and was only slightly stimulated by T3. These studies demonstrated that the combination of serum-containing and serum-free conditions can be used to select pituitary cell populations that a) required both serum-factor(s) and T3 for optimum growth, b) required supraphysiologic concentrations of T3 without serum proteins other than Tf and albumin, and c) were completely autonomous in that they proliferated in medium supplemented only with Tf and nutrients without necessity of other serum factor(s) or T3. This work was supported by grants CA-26617 and CA-38024 from the National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD, American Cancer Society grant BC-255, and grant 2225 from the Council for Tobacco Research, Inc., USA.  相似文献   

The induction of prolactin (PRL)-gene expression by calcitriol (1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3, 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol) in clonal rat pituitary tumour (GH4C1) cells was selectively inhibited by cortisol [IC50 (concentration causing 50% inhibition) = 3.2-4.1 nM]. The steroid specificity of this effect was investigated and various steroids were found to inhibit calcitriol-stimulated PRL production with the following relative potencies: cortisol, 1; dexamethasone, 8; 11-deoxycortisol, 0.5; corticosterone, 0.4; aldosterone, 0.07; testosterone and oestradiol, less than 0.003. The steroid antagonist RU 38486 did not affect basal or calcitriol-stimulated PRL production, but antagonized the effect of 10 nM-cortisol in a concentration-dependent manner. Neither progesterone nor 11-deoxycortisol antagonized the effect of 10 nM-cortisol. Calcitriol-induced PRL production was 14 times more sensitive to dexamethasone inhibition than was non-stimulated PRL production. Growth-hormone production was stimulated by dexamethasone, in the presence or absence of calcitriol, with a concentration-dependence similar to that of dexamethasone inhibition of basal PRL production. These data indicate that steroid inhibition of calcitriol-stimulated PRL production is a specific glucocorticoid effect. The sensitivity of calcitriol-stimulated PRL production to dexamethasone was 14-26-fold greater than that of other measured responses in the same cells. Two of the possible explanations for this selectively increased sensitivity to glucocorticoids are: amplification of the glucocorticoid effect via an induced mediator; and the presence of very-high-affinity glucocorticoid-receptor-binding sites on DNA.  相似文献   

Whilst looking for vertebrate growth factor homologues in insects, we found that a soluble fraction of a 12-80 kDa molecular weight band peaking at 25 kDa, isolated from mosquito larvae extracts by gel permeation chromatography, had a modulatory effect on mouse hepatocytes and adult human mononuclear cell proliferation. The effect disappeared after heating the extract at 90 degrees C for 30 min, suggesting that the active factor may be a protein. In order to determine the activity of the extract on cell function, we assessed the effect of the extract on pituitary hormone secretion in vitro. We assayed a dialyzed fraction (MW greater than 12 kDa) of mosquito larvae for its effect on the release of luteinizing hormone (LH) and prolactin (PRL) from dispersed rat pituitary cells. In normal anterior pituitary (AP) cells we found that the extract had a stimulatory effect on LH release but an inhibitory action on prolactin secretion. In AP cells obtained from estrogen-induced hyperplasia, the extract had an inhibitory effect on prolactin secretion. In all cases the effects were time- and dose-dependent. Interference of the mosquito proteins with the radioimmunoassay was checked and found to be negligible. After a 60 min incubation, cell viability was comparable in control and treated cells. Furthermore, the biological effect of the extract was thermally unstable. Our results suggest that mosquito larvae may share common factors with mammals, probably peptidic in nature, which are able to modulate cell function.  相似文献   

Summary In previous work we have shown that perifused GH3 cells exhibit spontaneously accelerating growth hormone (GH) and prolactin (PRL) secretory rates. This behavior contrasts with GH and PRL secretion rates that are decreasing or stable over the same 3-d period in static cell culture. We now report that GH3 cells maintained in serum-supplemented medium produce an autocrine-paracrine factor(s) which inhibits GH secretion in plate culture; PRL release is frequently reduced as well. The inhibitory effect of conditioned medium on GH secretion was concentration dependent, whereas PRL release was stimulated at low and inhibited at high concentrations over the same range. Extensive dialysis of conditioned medium using membranes with a molecular weight cut-off of 12 000–14 000 did not remove GH inhibition but produced a retentate that stimulated PRL secretion. Heat-inactivation of conditioned medium did not abolish inhibition of GH release but did remove the PRL-stimulatory effect. IGF-I added to fresh culture medium did not reproduce the GH-inhibitory effects of conditioned medium. We conclude that GH3 cell secretory behavior in perifusion and plate culture systems may be partially explained by the production of an autocrine-paracrine factor: its accumulation in plate culture inhibits GH and PRL secretion whereas its removal, by perifusing medium, allows GH and PRL secretion to accelerate. Supported by grant DK33388 to M. E. S. from the National Institute of Health, Bethesda, MD, and in part by the Medical Research Service of the Veterans Administration, Washington, DC.  相似文献   

In order to study Gq-tubulin interaction in the cytosol, GH3 and AtT-20 cells (stably expressing TRH receptor) were transiently transfected with G cDNA. Forty-eight hours after transfection, thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH)-stimulated prolactin (PRL) secretion by G-transfected GH3 cells increased by 90% compared to mock-transfected cells. In addition, using immunocytochemistry it was observed that G-specific staining was much more prominent in G-transfected GH3 and AtT-20 cells (also transfected with G) compared to mock-transfected cells. Thus, transfection resulted in successful overexpression of functional G. Forty-eight hours after transfection, cells were processed to obtain soluble and polymerized tubulin fractions. Tubulin levels were determined in these fractions by immunoblotting using polyclonal anti-tubulin antibodies. Compared to mock-transfected cells soluble tubulin levels decreased in G-transfected GH1 and AtT-20 cells, by 33 and 52%, respectively. Moreover, compared to mock-transfected cells a 50% reduction in the ratio (an index of the flux between tubulin pools) of soluble and polymerized tubulin levels was observed in G-transfected GH3 and AtT-20 cells. To determine whether these effects on tubulin were mediated by Gq directly, we examined the influence of purified Gq on tubulin polymerization. Gq (0.5 μM) inhibited polymerization of crude tubulin (present in GH3 cell cytosol) by 53%. In contrast to its effects on GH3 cell cytosol tubulin, Gq stimulated purified tubulin polymerization by 160%. These results suggest that Gq modulates the polymerization and depolymerization cycles of tubulin and that this modulation is in turn influenced by other unknown cellular components. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary GH cells are a widely used cell strain for the investigation of mechanisms regulating hormone release and synthesis. This report identifies two inducible phenotypes of the GH4 clone (epithelioid and motile) which may extend studies of this well-characterized cell line to different stages of pituitary cell development. GH4C1 cells treated in suspension with epidermal growth factor plus tetradecanoylphorbol acetate aggregate to form large epithelioid colonies with extensive cell-to-cell and cell-to-substratum adhesion. These cells cease replicating within 48 h, increase 50% in cell volume, and synthesize 40-fold more prolactin. A GH4C1 variant with enhanced substratum adhesion and little or no cell-to-cell adhesion (GH4S1), responds differently to this treatment. These cells cease replicating immediately, show increased cell separation, develop leading lamellae, and display locomotory activity. Each phenotype coexists in mixed cultures of GH4C1 and GH4S1 cells. This indicates that the different inducible response of the variant does not result from autocrine secretion. A molecular basis for cell-to-cell adhesion in GH4 cells was investigated. GH4C1, but not the variant cells, express a 180 kDa immunoreactive protein indistinguishable from an isoform of the neural cell adhesion molecule. Therefore the absence of cell-to-cell adhesion and inability to develop extensive cell-to-cell adhesion characteristic of the epithelioid phenotype may result from altered expression of the neural cell adhesion molecule. These findings are important because they have defined an in vitro approach to investigate genetic and cellular changes associated with the development and progression of pituitary cell phenotype. This study was initiated in the laboratory of Dr. A. H. Tashjian, Jr., under the support of grant DK11011 from the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD. The completion of this study was supported by the Medical University of South Carolina Biomedical Support Grant of 1987–1988 and the American Cancer Society grant 1N-175.  相似文献   

GH3B6 cells, a rat pituitary tumor cell line, synthesize and secrete large amounts of prolactin (PRL) in vitro. In the present work, we evaluated the capacity of these cells to express extracellular matrix (ECM) components and receptors in vitro. The expression of laminin (LN), fibronectin (FN) and type IV collagen (CIV) was investigated by immunofluorescence assays. In comparison to PRL distribution, where around 50-70% of the cells contained PRL concentrated in the Golgi region, a variable immunolabeling for the three ECM components could be observed in the majority of GH3B6 cells. Importantly, this pattern was not modified when cells were cultured in the presence of 30 nM thyroliberin (TRH). The expression of the ECM receptors: alpha5beta1 (FN receptor), alpha6beta1 (LN receptor) and CD44 (hyaluronic acid receptor) could be demonstrated by cytofluorometric analysis. Using biochemical procedures, we analyzed the synthesis and secretion of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs). The cells synthesized and secreted mainly heparan sulfate (75%) with a minor amount of chondroitin sulfate/dermatan sulfate. In an attempt to evaluate the individual contribution of the ECM components to influence cell morphology and PRL distribution in vitro, GH3B6 cells were cultivated separately on LN, FN and CIV substrates. Under all conditions, it was possible to observe an increase of cell adherence to the substrate, accompanied with changes of cellular morphology, characterized by the appearance of cytoplasmatic processes. However, no changes on PRL distribution could be observed. Our results suggest that endocrine tumor cell lines are involved in synthesis of ECM components and receptors.  相似文献   

The presence of the pertussis toxin (PTX) insensitive GTP-binding proteins (G-proteins) Gq and/or G11 has been demonstrated in three different prolactin (PRL) and growth hormone (GH) producing pituitary adenoma cell lines. Immunoblocking of their coupling to hormone receptors indicates that Gq and/or G11 confer throliberin (TRH) responsive phospholipase C (PL-C) activity in these cells. The contention was substantiated by immunoprecipitation analyses snowing that anti Gq/11-sera coprecipitated PL-C activity. In essence, only Gq/11 (but neither Gi2, Gi3 nor Go) seems to mediate the TRH-sensitive PL-C activity, while Go may be coupled to a basal or constitutive PL-C activity. Immunoblocking studies imply that the B-complex also, to some extent, may stimulate GH3 pituitary cell line PL-C activity. Finally, the steady state levels of Gq/11 mRNA and protein were downregulated upon long term exposure of the GH3 cells to TRH (but not to vasoactive intestinal peptide = VIP).  相似文献   

Summary The rates at which growth hormone (GH) and prolactin (PRL) are spontaneously secreted from a rat pituitary tumor cell line (GH3) were significantly reduced when these cells were maintained in medium containing 2.5 μg/ml Fungizone (Fz). The reduction in hormone secretion was not immediately reversed by removal of Fz during perifusion, but after 3 wk in control medium, secretory rates approached the pre-Fz treatment levels. In plated cells, secretion of GH was reduced by Fz in a dose-dependent manner, whereas PRL secretion was significantly reduced only by the highest concentration (2.5 μg/ml) of Fz. We concluded that Fz is not an acceptable medium constituent for the long-term culture of GH3 cells. However, because its effects are reversible, its short-term use as a decontaminating agent might eliminate the necessity for reinitiating the culture of cells whose secretory behavior must be followed in long-term protocols. Technical assistance provided by Y. S. Lee. Supported by grant AM33388 to M. E. S. from the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, and in part by the Medical Research Service of the Veterans Administration.  相似文献   

The epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is a cyto-skeleton-binding protein. Although purified EGFR can interact with acting in vitro and normally at least 10% of EGFR exist in the insoluble cytoskeleton fraction of A431 cells, interaction of cytosolic EGFR with actin can only be visualized by fluorescence resonance energy transfer when epidermal growth factor presents in the cell medium. Results indicate that the correct orientation between EGFR and actin is important in the signal transduction process.  相似文献   

Thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) affects hormone secretion and synthesis in GH4C1 cells, a clonal strain of rat pituitary cells. Recent evidence suggests that the intracellular mediators, inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate and 1,2-diacylglycerol, which are generated as a result of TRH-induced hydrolysis of the polyphosphatidylinositols, may be responsible for some of the physiological events regulated by TRH. Because diacylglycerol is an activator of protein kinase C, we have examined a role for this enzyme in TRH action. The subcellular distribution of protein kinase C in control and TRH-treated cells was determined by measuring both enzyme activity and 12,13-[3H]phorbol dibutyrate binding in the cytosol and by measuring enzyme activity in the particulate fraction. Acute exposure of GH4C1 cells to TRH resulted in a decrease of cytosolic protein kinase C, and an increase in the level of the enzyme associated with the particulate fraction. The redistribution of protein kinase C induced by TRH was dose- and time-dependent, with maximal effects occurring within the first minute of TRH treatment. Analogs of TRH which do not bind to the TRH receptor did not induce redistribution of protein kinase C, while the active analog, methyl-TRH, did promote redistribution. Treatment of GH4C1 cells with phorbol myristate acetate also resulted in a shift in protein kinase C distribution, although the response was slower than that produced by TRH. TRH-induced redistribution of protein kinase C implies translocation of the enzyme from a soluble to a membrane-associated form. Because protein kinase C requires a lipid environment for activity, association with the membrane fraction of the cell suggests activation of the enzyme; thus, protein kinase C may play a role in some of the actions of TRH on GH4C1 cells.  相似文献   

Summary Growth hormone (GH) production by GH1 rat pituitary tumor cells in iron restricted serum-free defined medium requires apotransferrin (apoTf) and triiodothyronine (T3). As measured by radioimmunoassay, apoTf plus T3 induced GH levels 2 to 4-fold above controls. Deletion of either apoTf or T3 arrested GH secretion. ApoTf/T3 defined medium regulated GH production as effectively as whole serum. Because glucocorticoids enhance GH secretion in serum containing cultures, the effects of dexamethasone were evaluated in apoTf/T3 defined medium. The steroid hormone showed no enhancing effects unless the cells were exposed to serum prior to incubation in apoTf/T3 defined medium. Even under these conditions, the response to dexamethasone remained T3 dependent. These observations indicate that a yet to be characterized serum factor(s), other than apoTf, regulates the reponse to the steroid hormone. This is the first report of thyroid hormone regulation of GH secretion by rat pituitary tumor cells under completely serum-free chemically defined conditions.  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken to assess whether chronic exposition to cadmium (Cd, 0.133 mM per liter for 2 months) through drinking water may affect the lipid contents in the pituitary anterior lobe (PAL) of adult male Wistar rats. As compared to metal non-exposed controls, PALs exposed to cadmium showed an increase in total phospholipid contents, which was associated to an increase of the incorporation of [1–14C]-methyl choline into phosphatidylcholine and of [U–14C]-glucose into total phospholipids. The incorporation of [1–14C]-methyl choline into sphingomyelin was not changed. Incorporation of [1–14C]-acetate into total fatty acids also increased but incorporation of [1–14C]-acetate into cholesterol did not change. The activity of phospholipase D decreased both in PALs from Cd exposed rats and in PAL dispersed cells treated with Cd in the culture medium from Cd non-exposed rats. In PALS from Cd exposed rats, a decrease of serum prolactin and growth hormone concentrations was determined. The results shown that cadmium modifies the lipid contents of pituitary gland and directly or indirectly the levels of prolactin and growth hormone in serum.  相似文献   

To determine whether hormone synthesis by the GH4C1 pituitary cell line could be regulated by specifically modulating the movement of Ca2+ through voltage-sensitive channels, we have compared the effects of the dihydropyridine Ca2+ channel agonist BAY K8644 and the antagonist nimodipine on hormone production and Ca2+ current in these cells. BAY K8644 elicited, after a 10-15-h lag, a dose-dependent increase in prolactin (PRL) production as determined by measurements of total intracellular and secreted hormone. Over a 72-h period, GH4C1 cells incubated with 300 nM BAY K8644 produced 2-3 times as much total PRL as control cells. The effect on PRL was specific, since BAY K8644 did not increase growth hormone production, cell growth rate, or total cell protein. Exposing GH4C1 cells to BAY K8644 for short periods, up to 90 min, did not induce the delayed increase in PRL production observed with longer incubations. The effects of nimodipine were opposite to those of the Ca2+ channel agonist. PRL production was reduced 85% during 48-h treatment with 200 nM nimodipine, whereas growth hormone production was decreased less than 15%, and cell growth and total protein were unaffected. The actions of these two drugs on PRL production were well correlated with their effects on GH4C1 Ca2+ currents as measured by whole-cell patch-clamp recordings. BAY K8644 enhanced the magnitude of the peak Ca2+ current and shifted the current-voltage relationship such that Ca2+ channels were activated at less depolarized potentials. Nimodipine potently inhibited Ca2+ movement through the non-inactivating channel, while it antagonized the increases elicited by BAY K8644. These results indicate that PRL synthesis by GH4C1 cells can be specifically regulated by agents that enhance or block the movement of Ca2+ through voltage-sensitive channels. They also suggest that hormone synthesis by a secretory cell may be coupled to electrical activity by the opening of Ca2+ channels.  相似文献   

The EGF-like homeotic gene Dlk1 appears to function as an inhibitor of adipogenesis. Overexpression of Dlk1 prevents adipogenesis of 3T3-L1 cells. Dlk1-deficient mice are obese; however, adipose tissue still develops in Fc-dlk1 transgenic mice, suggesting that Dlk1 is not a strict inhibitor of adipogenesis. To clarify the role of Dlk1 in adipogenesis, we studied whether Dlk1 could act differently on this process depending upon the differentiation state of the precursor cells. We found that Dlk1 is a potentiator of adipogenesis for mesenchymal C3H10T1/2 cells. This potentiating effect can be triggered by overexpressing the entire protein or the extracellular EGF-like-containing region, but not by overexpressing the intracellular dlk1 sequence. In addition, coculture of C3H10T1/2 cells with other cells expressing Dlk1, but not with cells lacking Dlk1 expression, enhances their adipogenic response. Potentiation of adipogenesis by Dlk1 was associated with changes in the activation of ERK1/2 after IGFI/insulin induction. Finally, as reported with other cells, dlk1 functioned as a Notch signaling inhibitor in C3H10T1/2 cells, but inhibition of Notch1 expression prevented the potentiating effects of Dlk1 in adipogenesis. These data suggest that Dlk1 may potentiate or inhibit adipogenesis depending upon the cellular context, and that Notch1 expression and activation are important factors in this context.  相似文献   

Summary We previously documented both the spontaneous acceleration of growth hormone (GH) and prolactin (PRL) production by GH3 cells during periffusion and the suppression of their production during plate culture. We here present the role played by medium flow itself in this differential behavior. Increasing rates of perifusion flow (pump rates of 1 to 5 ml/h, equivalent to chamber flow rates of 0.19 to 1.3 μl·min−1·mm−2 of cross-sectional area) were associated with enhanced GH and PRL secretion. Flow rate-dependent basal hromone secretion rates were established quickly and were stable for the first 10 to 14 h of perifusion. The previously documented independent, spontaneous, and continuously accelerating production of both hormones that followed during the subsequent 40 (PRL) to 60 (GH) h of perifusion was also shown to be flow-rate related. Any time the rate of medium flow was changed within an experiment, the rate of hormone secretion was modulated. However, that modulation did not interrupt ongoing flow-associated acceleration of hormone production once the latter had begun. In addition, GH3 cell product(s) from one cell column reversibly inhibited secretion from cells in a downstream column. The inhibition did not occur when cells in the downstream column had been exposed to trypsin. Other work had suggested that neither GH, PRL, insulinlike growth factor-I, leucine, nor nutrient exhaustion were responsible for the effect. These data are consistent with autocrine-paracrine feedback regulation of GH3 cells by a secretory product(s). Feedback would thus provide a mechanism to effect flow-rate-dependent modulation of GH and PRL release, and to explain accelerating hormone production during perifusion. This work was supported by a grant to M. E. S. from the National Institutes of Health (DK33388), Bethesda, MD, and in part, by the Medical Research Service of the Veterans Administration.  相似文献   

Summary Primary cultures of 9-d-gestation Syrian hamster embryo (E9) cells are distinct from primary cultures of later gestational age in terms of their growth and differentiation. First, primary E9 cell cultures express multiple mesenchymal differentiation lineages (e.g., adipocyte, myoblast) only rarely seen in cultures of 13-d-gestation fetal (F13) cells. Second, although most primary E9 cultures have a limited in vitro proliferative life span and exhibit cellular senescence similar to primary cultures of F13 cells, E9 cultures seem to have higher frequency of escape from senescence and conversion to continuous cell lines compared to F13 cells. Moreover, this frequency can be further increased 4- to 5-fold by continuous exposure of the E9 cells to tumor promoters or epidermal growth factor. Eleven continuous cell lines have been isolated from unreated, promoter-treated, or epidermal growth factor-treated primary E9 cultures. Seven of these are neoplastic or preneoplastic. However, the remaining four do not show any evidence of being in neoplastic progression and three of these continue to express the same differentiated phenotype observed in ther parental primary cell cultures. These studies were supported in part by grants from the National Institutes of Health (AG 01998), Bethesda, MD, and the U.S. Department of Energy (DE-A-C02-76-EVO-3280), Washington, DC.  相似文献   

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