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In all eukaryotes examined so far, hsp70 gene families include cognate genes (hsc70) encoding proteins of about 70 Kd which are expressed constitutively during normal growth and development. We have investigated the structural relationship of heat-inducible and cognate members of the human hsp70 gene family. Among several human genomic clones isolated using Drosophila hsp/hsc70 probes, one contained an hsc70 gene. Its complete sequence is reported here. It is split by eight introns and encodes a predicted protein of 70899 d that would be 81% homologous to hsp70. Structural comparisons with corresponding genes from other species provide one of the most striking examples of gene conservation. Isolation of a corresponding cDNA clone, RNA-mapping and in vitro translation data demonstrate that the gene is expressed constitutively and directs the synthesis of a 71 kd protein. The latter is very likely to be identical to a clathrin uncoating ATPase recently identified as a member of the hsp70-like protein family.  相似文献   

We have cloned a human gene encoding the 70,000-dalton heat shock protein (HSP70) from a human genomic library, using the Drosophila HSP70 gene as a heterologous hybridization probe. The human recombinant clone hybridized to a 2.6-kilobase polyadenylated mRNA from HeLa cells exposed to 43 degrees C for 2 h. The 2.6-kilobase mRNA was shown to direct the translation in vitro of a 70,000-dalton protein similar in electrophoretic mobility to the HSP70 synthesized in vivo. From the analysis of S1 nuclease-resistant mRNA-DNA hybrids, the HSP70 gene appears to be transcribed as an uninterrupted mRNA of 2.3 kilobases. We show that the cloned HSP70 gene contains the sequences necessary for heat shock-induced expression by two criteria. First, hamster cells transfected with a subclone containing the HSP70 gene and flanking sequences synthesized a HSP70-like protein upon heat shock. Second, human cells transfected with a chimeric gene containing the 5' flanking sequences of the HSP70 gene and the coding sequences of the bacterial chloramphenicol acetyltransferase gene transcribed the chimeric gene upon heat shock. We show that the HSP70 mRNA transcribed in an adenovirus 5 transformed human cell line (293 cells) is identical to the HSP70 mRNA induced by heat shock.  相似文献   

Rat genome was assayed for the presence of hsp70 gene-related sequences. Southern blots prepared from rat DNA digested with EcoRI or HindIII restriction endonucleases were hybridized with mouse, human and fruit fly hsp 70 gene probes at increasing stringencies. At the stringency which allows sequences divergent up to about 30% to form stable complexes all three probes detected 25–30 restriction fragments. Increased stringency of the hybridization reduced the number of detectable bands to a few and among them the DNA fragments hybridizing specifically either with mouse or human hsp70 gene probes were detected. Most of the genomic fragments containing hsp70 gene-related sequences were subsequently isolated by screening the rat genomic library with mouse hsp70 gene probe. 168 positive clones were plaque purified and on the basis of the restriction and hybridization pattern we deduced that inserts represented 20 different genomic regions. Partial restriction maps of all isolated genomic fragments were constructed and regions containing hsp70 gene related as well as highly repetitive DNA sequences were localized. A putative sequence rearrangement in the proximity of the hsp70 gene-related sequence was detected in one of the isolated genomic segments.  相似文献   

cDNA sequence of a human heat shock protein HSP27.   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文

As a member of small heat shock proteins, HSP16.3 was identified as the major membrane-bound protein of Mycobacterium tuberculosis during stationary phase. Previous studies revealed that HSP16.3 was in a nonameric form in solution. Here, two-dimensional crystal of HSP16.3 molecules on lipid monolayer was obtained for the first time. The crystal exhibited p422 symmetry with lattice parameters a=b=90A, gamma=90 degrees. The projection map of untilted crystals showed that the basic unit of the crystal was a rod-like structure with two high-density regions. The three-dimensional map at 2.2 nm resolution revealed a rod-like structure with a dimension of 56A x 32A x 25A, similar to the dimeric forms of M. jannaschii HSP16.5 and wheat HSP16.9. Cross-linking experiments confirmed that HSP16.3 nonamers dissociated into dimers upon interaction with the positively charged lipid layer. Surface plasmon resonance measurements revealed that both electrostatic and hydrophobic forces involved in the formation of the 2D crystal on the lipid monolayer. These results provide a basis for further investigation on the unique dimeric structure of HSP16.3 and its functions in vivo.  相似文献   

During renal development the cells in the medulla are exposed to elevated and variable interstitial osmolality. Heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) is a major molecular chaperone and plays an important role in the protection of cells in the renal medulla from high osmolality. The purpose of this study was to establish the time of immunolocalization and distribution of HSP70 in developing and adult rat kidney. In addition, changes in HSP70 immunolocalization following the infusion of furosemide were investigated. In adult animals, the HSP70 was expressed in the medullary thin ascending limb of Henle's loop (ATL) and inner medullary collecting duct (IMCD). In developing kidney, HSP70 immunoreactivity was first detected in the IMCD of the papillary tip on postnatal day 1. From four to 14 days of age, HSP70 was detected in the ATL after transformation from thick ascending limb, beginning at the papillary tip and ascending to the border between the outer and inner medulla. The immunolocalization of HSP70 in both the ATL and IMCD gradually increased during two weeks. The gradual increase in HSP70 was associated with an increase in its mRNA abundance. However, furosemide infusion resulted in significantly reduced HSP70 immunolocalization in the IMCD and ATL. These data demonstrated that the expression of HSP70 was closely correlated with changes in interstitial osmolality during the development of the kidney. We suggest that HSP70 protects ATL and IMCD cells in the inner medulla from the stress of high osmolality and may be involved in the transformation of the ATL of the long loop of Henle during renal development.  相似文献   

Heat shock protein 60 (HSP60), a member of the chaperonin family, has an essential role in mediating correct folding of nuclear encoded proteins imported to mitochondria. We have investigated immunocytochemical expression of HSP60 in developing fetal, newborn, postnatal, and pubertal testis and ovary, and in the adult ovary of the rat. In the fetal gonads, HSP60 was expressed in the germ cells organized into sex cords and in the developing Leydig cells of the testis. In the pubertal testis, Leydig cells were strongly, spermatogonia and premeiotic spermatocytes moderately labeled, spermatids unlabeled. In the postnatal ovary, oocytes at all stages of folliculogenesis were positive for HSP60. In the pubertal ovary, glandular theca cells, and in the mature ovary, also the cells of the corpora lutea exhibited intense cytoplasmic labeling. At the electron microscopic level, immunogold particles were localized in the mitochondrial matrix, and in the Western blot analysis the antibody detected one single band of 60 kDa. Anti-HSP60 labeling in male and female sex steroid producing cells and their progenitors seems to be coordinated with the functional differentiation of these endocrine cells of the gonad. In the oocytes, a key element required for proper folding of imported mitochondrial proteins seems to be constitutively expressed throughout folliculogenesis. However, the data suggest that in the male germ cells mitochondrial chaperonin HSP60 is either not needed during the haploid phase of spermatogenesis or its level becomes extensively reduced and therefore undetectable by the methods used in the study.  相似文献   

To elucidate the molecular basis of the binding of proteins to the membrane phospholipid phosphatidylserine (PS), we characterized PS-binding peptides isolated from a phage display library. Amino acid sequences deduced from the nucleotide sequences of over 60 phage clones isolated revealed that there was no common primary structure among these peptides, but all peptides were rich in basic amino acid residues. In particular, 15 clones encoded peptides that contained contiguous arginine residues. Characterization of two such peptides in more detail showed that they bound to PS, and to a much lower extent to other phospholipids, including phosphatidylinositol, phosphatidylethanolamine, and phosphatidylcholine. Unlike other Ca2+-dependent PS-binding proteins, these peptides did not require Ca2+ for binding to PS, and the addition of Ca2+ did not alter the phospholipid specificity. Substitution of one of the two RR sequences in one peptide by alanine had no effect, but that of both sequences completely abolished the activity. Furthermore, we identified a Drosophila gene coding for a presumed nuclear protein that shares an amino acid sequence, including a RR residue, with one of the two PS-binding peptides. This protein bound to PS partly depending on the presence of the RR residue. These results allowed us to conclude that an amino acid sequence including contiguous arginine residues is a novel motif that defines Ca2+-independent PS-binding activity.  相似文献   

Exposure of postimplantation rat embryos on days 9, 10, 11, and 12 of gestation to an in vitro heat shock of 43 degrees C for 30 min results in the induction of heat shock proteins (HSPs) in day 9 and 10 embryos, a severely attenuated response in day 11 embryos, and no detectable response in day 12 embryos. The heat shock response in day 9 embryos (presomite stage) is characterized by the synthesis of HSPs with molecular weights of 28-78 kDa. In heat shocked day 10 embryos, two additional HSPs are induced (34 and 82 kDa). In addition, two HSPs present on day 9 are absent on day 10. In day 11 heat shocked embryos, only three HSPs (31, 39, and 69 kDa) are induced, while in day 12 embryos no detectable HSPs are induced. Northern blot analysis of HSP 70 RNA levels indicates that the accumulation of this RNA, but not actin RNA, varies depending on developmental stage at the time of exposure to heat as well as the duration of the heat shock. Day 9 embryos exhibit the most pronounced accumulation of HSP 70 RNA while embryos on days 10-12 exhibit an increasingly attenuated accumulation of HSP 70 RNA, particularly after the more acute exposures (43 degrees C for 30 or 60 min). Thus, the ability to synthesize HSP 70 and to accumulate HSP 70 RNA changes dramatically as rat embryos develop from day 9 to day 12 (presomite to 31-35 somite stages).  相似文献   

We have investigated the role of Toxoplasma gondii-derived heat shock protein 70 (TgHSP70) as a B cell mitogen by measuring proliferative responses in vitro. TgHSP70 induced prominent proliferative responses in murine B cells derived not only from T gondii-infected but also from uninfected mice. Nude mice responded to TgHSP70; however, severe combined immunodeficiency, RAG1-/- B6, and microMT mice failed to respond. B220+ spleen cells showed marked proliferation after stimulation with TgHSP70, but neither CD4+ nor CD8+ population responded. This unresponsiveness of CD4+ and CD8- T cells to TgHSP70 was antigen presenting cells independent. These data indicate that TgHSP70 induced the proliferation of B cells but not T cells. Polymyxin B, a potent inhibitor of lipopolysaccharide (LPS), did not eliminate TgHSP70-induced proliferation. C3H/HeN mice responded well to TgHSP70 stimulation; however, C3H/HeJ mice carrying a point mutation in the Toll-like receptor (TLR) 4 failed to respond. This indicates that TLR4 is required for TgHSP70-induced B cell activation. The involvement of TLR4 in the TgHSP70-induced proliferative responses of spleen cells was also shown by the use of TLR4-/- mice. But TgHSP70-induced, but not LPS-induced, spleen cell proliferation was observed in MyD88-/- mice, indicating that the MyD88 molecule was involved in LPS-induced proliferation but not in TgHSP70-induced proliferation.  相似文献   

A highly specific and reproducible approach for the simultaneous detection of enteric pathogenic bacteria was developed using bacterial hsp60 gene and molecular biological tools. A single pair of universal primers was derived from the highly conserved sequence of hsp60 genes encompassing a 600-bp hypervariable region. PCR amplification followed by either dot blot hybridization or restriction enzyme digestion performed on 38 enteric bacteria indicated that this approach could differentiate not only different genera such as Campylobacter, Yersinia and Vibrio, but also species that are closely related genetically, such as between C. jejuni and C. coli, or between Salmonella and Shigella or Escherichia coli.  相似文献   

M J Powell  F Z Watts 《Gene》1990,95(1):105-110
We have isolated cDNA and genomic clones encoding a mitochondrial HSP70 protein from Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Nucleotide sequence analysis indicates that the encoded protein is homologous to the HSP70s of other organisms. The highest degree of amino acid conservation is with the proteins encoded by the Escherichia coli dnaK gene, the SSC1 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and the MTP70 gene of Trypanosoma cruzi, the latter two having recently been shown to be located in the mitochondria. Western-blot analysis with immunoglobulin G raised against a peptide corresponding to the C terminus of the SSP1 protein indicates a 70-kDa protein which is associated with the mitochondria.  相似文献   

Antimony-containing drugs are still the drugs of choice in the treatment of infections caused by the parasite Leishmania. Resistance to antimony is now common in some parts of the world, and several mechanisms of resistance have been described. By transfecting cosmid banks and selecting with potassium antimonyl tartrate (SbIII), we have isolated a cosmid associated with resistance. This cosmid contains 2 copies of the heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) and 1 copy of the heat shock cognate protein 70 (HSC70). Several data linked HSP70 to antimony response and resistance. First, several Leishmania species, both as promastigotes and amastigotes, increased the expression of their HSP70 proteins when grown in the presence of 1 or 2 times the Effect Concentration 50% of SbIII. In several mutants selected for resistance to either SbIII or to the related metal arsenite, the HSP70 proteins were found to be overexpressed. This increase was also observed in revertant cells grown for several passages in the absence of SbIII, suggesting that this increased production of HSP70 is stable. Transfection of HSP70 or HSC70 in Leishmania cells does not confer resistance directly, though these transfectants were better able to tolerate a shock with SbIII. Our results are consistent with HSP70 and HSC70 being a first line of defense against SbIII until more specific and efficient resistance mechanisms take over.  相似文献   

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