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An online catalogue of AFLP markers covering the potato genome   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
An AFLP marker catalogue is presented for gene mapping within cultivated potato. The catalogue is comprised of AFLP fingerprint images of 733 chromosome-specific AFLP markers which are mapped relative to 220 RFLP loci, isozyme loci, morphological characteristics and disease resistance traits. Use of the catalogue is based on identification of common AFLP markers which are visually recognized on autoradiogram images as co-migrating bands in fingerprints generated from different genotypes. Images of AFLP fingerprints combined with detailed information on the genomic location of all AFLP markers are available at URL: http://www.spg.wau.nl/pv/aflp/catalog.htm. It is demonstrated that the comparison of autoradiogram images and subsequent identification of common AFLP markers solely are efficient means for alignment of linkage groups and mapping target genes.  相似文献   

许瑾  高妍  杨碧  宋云  李明福  陈乃中 《生物资源》2018,40(4):334-338
本研究收集了珙桐、喜树等19份植物材料,运用分子生物学和生物信息学手段比对分析了rpoB,rpoC,matK等8个基因碱基序列上的单核苷酸多态性(SNP)位点,在atpF-atpH基因上找到了合适的SNP位点并设计了dCAPS引物,经PCR扩增和酶切验证后,将SNP转化为衍生型酶切扩增多态性序列(dCAPS)标记,可促进SNP标记在珙桐的遗传图谱构建、基因定位、种质资源鉴定、遗传多样性研究等领域的应用。  相似文献   

Late blight caused by the oomycete Phytophthora infestans is the most destructive disease in potato cultivation worldwide. New, more virulent P. infestans strains have evolved which overcome the genetic resistance that has been introgressed by conventional breeding from wild potato species into commercial varieties. R genes (for single-gene resistance) and genes for quantitative resistance to late blight are present in the germplasm of wild and cultivated potato. The molecular basis of single-gene and quantitative resistance to late blight is unknown. We have cloned R1, the first gene for resistance to late blight, by combining positional cloning with a candidate gene approach. The R1 gene is member of a gene family. It encodes a protein of 1293 amino acids with a molecular mass of 149.4 kDa. The R1 gene belongs to the class of plant genes for pathogen resistance that have a leucine zipper motif, a putative nucleotide binding domain and a leucine-rich repeat domain. The most closely related plant resistance gene (36% identity) is the Prf gene for resistance to Pseudomonas syringae of tomato. R1 is located within a hot spot for pathogen resistance on potato chromosome V. In comparison to the susceptibility allele, the resistance allele at the R1 locus represents a large insertion of a functional R gene.  相似文献   

对特异核苷酸序列的高选择性检测在生物医学研究和临床检测中日趋重要. 纳米金特殊的光学性质、电学性质、化学性质、以及良好的生物相容性,使之成为检测生物大分子的首选工具.本文介绍了几种典型的基因突变检测及单核苷酸多态性(SNP)分析系统:基因芯片、生物传感器和光学检测系统.综述了多种颇有新意的检测方法和原理,详细阐明了它们的检测机制和研究进展,分析并比较了纳米金不同的作用方式,为纳米金在突变检测上的进一步研究提供了一定思路和参考.  相似文献   

Single nucleotide polymorphisms are the most common polymorphism in plant and animal genomes and, as such, are the logical choice for marker-assisted selection. However, many plants are also polyploid, and marker-assisted selection can be complicated by the presence of highly similar, but non-allelic, homoeologous sequences. Despite this, there is practical and academic demand for high-throughput genotyping in several polyploid crop species, such as allohexaploid wheat. In this paper, we present such a system, which utilizes public single nucleotide polymorphisms previously identified in both agronomically important genes and in randomly selected, mapped, expressed sequence tags developed by the wheat community. To achieve relatively high levels of multiplexing, we used non-amplified genomic DNA and padlock probe pairs, together with high annealing temperatures, to differentiate between similar sequences in the wheat genome. Our results suggest that padlock probes are capable of discriminating between homoeologous sequences and hence can be used to efficiently genotype wheat varieties.  相似文献   

Targeted selection and inbreeding have resulted in a lack of genetic diversity in elite hexaploid bread wheat accessions. Reduced diversity can be a limiting factor in the breeding of high yielding varieties and crucially can mean reduced resilience in the face of changing climate and resource pressures. Recent technological advances have enabled the development of molecular markers for use in the assessment and utilization of genetic diversity in hexaploid wheat. Starting with a large collection of 819 571 previously characterized wheat markers, here we describe the identification of 35 143 single nucleotide polymorphism‐based markers, which are highly suited to the genotyping of elite hexaploid wheat accessions. To assess their suitability, the markers have been validated using a commercial high‐density Affymetrix Axiom® genotyping array (the Wheat Breeders’ Array), in a high‐throughput 384 microplate configuration, to characterize a diverse global collection of wheat accessions including landraces and elite lines derived from commercial breeding communities. We demonstrate that the Wheat Breeders’ Array is also suitable for generating high‐density genetic maps of previously uncharacterized populations and for characterizing novel genetic diversity produced by mutagenesis. To facilitate the use of the array by the wheat community, the markers, the associated sequence and the genotype information have been made available through the interactive web site ‘CerealsDB’.  相似文献   

We report the characterization of 18 new single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers for an endangered species, the sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus), developed using a targeted gene approach. SNP markers were derived from autosomal regions of the genome using primers originally characterized for genome mapping in other mammals. These SNP markers are the first to be designed for genotyping sperm whale populations and will provide a necessary addition to the genetic tools employed for understanding population structure on a global scale and for developing a conservation management strategy for this endangered species.  相似文献   

With its small, diploid and completely sequenced genome, sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) is highly amenable to genomics‐based breeding approaches. Here, we describe the development and testing of a robust single‐nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) array platform that enables polymorphism screening for genome‐wide and trait‐linked polymorphisms in genetically diverse S. bicolor populations. Whole‐genome sequences with 6× to 12× coverage from five genetically diverse S. bicolor genotypes, including three sweet sorghums and two grain sorghums, were aligned to the sorghum reference genome. From over 1 million high‐quality SNPs, we selected 2124 Infinium Type II SNPs that were informative in all six source genomes, gave an optimal Assay Design Tool (ADT) score, had allele frequencies of 50% in the six genotypes and were evenly spaced throughout the S. bicolor genome. Furthermore, by phenotype‐based pool sequencing, we selected an additional 876 SNPs with a phenotypic association to early‐stage chilling tolerance, a key trait for European sorghum breeding. The 3000 attempted bead types were used to populate half of a dual‐species Illumina iSelect SNP array. The array was tested using 564 Sorghum spp. genotypes, including offspring from four unrelated recombinant inbred line (RIL) and F2 populations and a genetic diversity collection. A high call rate of over 80% enabled validation of 2620 robust and polymorphic sorghum SNPs, underlining the efficiency of the array development scheme for whole‐genome SNP selection and screening, with diverse applications including genetic mapping, genome‐wide association studies and genomic selection.  相似文献   

鸡Apo-AI基因g.-163 A>T单核苷酸多态性(SNP)与鸡腹脂重和腹脂率显著相关. 生物信息分析显示,该SNP位于鸡Apo AI基因转录起始位点,提示它可能是一个功能性SNP. 为确定该SNP的功能性, 本研究分别构建了含该SNP位点A和T等位基因的启动子报告基因载体,分别在DF1细胞和HepG2细胞中比较这2个等位基因对鸡Apo AI基因启动子活性的影响. 研究发现,T等位基因的启动子报告基因活性及报告基因mRNA表达水平均显著高于A等位基因(P<0.05),表明该SNP影响基因表达,是1个功能性SNP. 本研究结果提示,鸡Apo-AI基因g.-163 A>T有望作为优质鸡育种的功能性分子标记.  相似文献   

郇聘  张晓军  李富花  张洋  赵翠  刘保忠  相建海 《遗传》2009,31(12):1241-1247
病害问题是制约我国扇贝养殖业发展的关键, 因此贝类的先天免疫也成为当前研究的热点。丝氨酸蛋白酶是先天免疫中至关重要的酶类,在许多通路中起信号放大作用。目前对栉孔扇贝丝氨酸蛋白酶的研究主要集中于基因序列分析和表达谱研究, 基因定位方面的研究尚未开展。文章以包含一种栉孔扇贝丝氨酸蛋白酶基因的BAC克隆为探针, 利用BAC-FISH技术将其定位到一对同源染色体的长臂上, 为丝氨酸蛋白酶基因的后续研究提供了基础; 同时, 利用PCR产物直接测序法筛选了该基因内部的6个SNP标记, 这些SNP标记可供遗传图谱定位使用, 从而可以实现遗传图谱与染色体间的锚定与初步整合  相似文献   

The potato tuber starch trait is changed depending on the composition of amylose and amylopectin. The amount of amylopectin is determined by the activity of the starch branching enzymes SBE1, SBE2, and SBE3 in potato. SBE3, a homolog of rice BEI, is a major gene that is abundant in tubers. In this study, we created mutants of the potato SBE3 gene using CRISPR/Cas9 attached to the translation enhancer dMac3. Potato has a tetraploid genome, and a four-allele mutant of the SBE3 gene is desired. Mutations in the SBE3 gene were found in 89 of 126 transformants of potato plants. Among these mutants, 10 lines contained four mutant SBE3 genes, indicating that 8% efficiency of target mutagenesis was achieved. These mutants grew normally, similar to the wild-type plant, and yielded sufficient amounts of tubers. The potato starch in these tubers was similar to that of the rice BEI mutant. Western blot analysis revealed the defective production of SBE3 in the mutant tubers, suggesting that these transformants were loss-of-function mutants of SBE3.  相似文献   

We have constructed a partial linkage map in tetraploid potato which integrates simplex, duplex and double-simplex AFLP markers. The map consists of 231 maternal and 106 paternal markers with total map lengths of 990.9 cM and 484.6 cM. The longer of the two cumulative map lengths represents approximately 25% coverage of the genome. In tetraploids, much of the polymorphism between parental clones is masked by `dosage' which significantly reduces the number of individual markers that can be scored in a population. Consequently, the major advantage of using AFLPs – their high multiplex ratio – is reduced to the point where the use of alternative multi-allelic marker types would be significantly more efficient. The segregation data and map information have been used in a QTL analysis of late blight resistance, and a multi-allelic locus at the proximal end of chromosome VIII has been identified which contributes significantly to the expression of resistance. No late blight resistance genes or QTLs have previously been mapped to this location. Received: 1 October 1997 / Accepted: 18 March 1998  相似文献   

水稻单核苷酸多态性及其应用现状   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
刘传光  张桂权 《遗传》2006,28(6):737-744
单核苷酸多态性(single nucleotide polymorphisms, SNPs)在水稻中数量多,分布密度高,遗传稳定性高。水稻SNPs的发现方法主要有对样本DNA的PCR产物直接测序、从SSR区段检测SNPs和从基因组序列直接搜索等。目前已有多种基因分型技术运用到了水稻SNPs检测,SNPs检测的高度自动化使水稻SNPs基因分型非常方便。单核苷酸多态性在水稻遗传图谱的构建、基因克隆和功能基因组学研究、标记辅助选择育种、遗传资源分类及物种进化等方面的应用具有巨大潜力。  相似文献   

Molecular mapping of the potato virus Y resistance gene Rysto in potato   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Ry sto is a dominant gene which confers resistance to potato virus Y (PVY) in potato. We have used bulked segregant analysis of an F1 tetraploid potato population to identify three AFLP markers linked to and on either side of Ry sto . The tomato homologue of one of these AFLP markers was assigned to linkage group XI by analysis of an F2 mapping population of tomato, suggesting that Ry sto is also on chromosome XI of the potato genome. This map position was confirmed by the demonstration that Ry sto was linked to markers which had been previously mapped to chromosome XI of the potato genome. Four additional AFLP markers were identified that were closely linked to Ry sto in a population of 360 segregating progeny of a potato cross between a resistant (Ry sto ) and a susceptible parent. Two of these markers were on either side of Ry sto , separated by only a single recombination event. The other two markers co-segregated with Ry sto . Received: 29 July 1996 / Accepted: 30 August 1996  相似文献   

The distribution of virus-infected cells was examined, by fluorescence microscopy, within plants of a range of potato clones infected with potato leafroll luteovirus (PLRV). This range included nine PLRV-resistant clones, of which four were transgenic lines carrying the PLRV coat protein gene and five were conventionally bred. Plants of these clones were resistant to PLRV multiplication and accumulated less virus antigen in leaf tissue than did susceptible clones. Indirect fluorescent antibody staining of thin sections from carbodiimide-fixed petiole tissue revealed that in plants of PLRV-susceptible clones, virus-infected cells were abundant within both external (abaxial) and internal (adaxial) phloem bundles. In plants of the PLRV-resistant conventionally bred clones and in resistant transgenic lines of cv. Pentland Squire, virus-infected cells were much fewer in number and largely restricted to internal phloem bundles. In resistant transgenic lines of cv. Désirée, this restricted distribution of PLRV antigen was only detected in petioles of young leaves. The results suggest that the transgenic and a host-mediated type of resistance that restricts virtis multiplication have underlying similarities.  相似文献   

Sugars are not only metabolic substrates: they also act as signals that regulate the metabolism of plants. Previously, we found that glycolysis is induced in transgenic tubers expressing a yeast invertase in the cytosol but not in those expressing invertase in the apoplast. This suggests that either the low level of sucrose, the increased formation of cytosolic glucose or the increased levels of metabolites downstream of the sucrose cleavage is responsible for the induction of glycolysis in storage organs. In order to discriminate between these possibilities, we cloned and expressed a bacterial sucrose phosphorylase gene from Pseudomonas saccharophila in potato tubers. Due to the phosphorolytic cleavage of sucrose, formation of glucose was circumvented, thus allowing assessment of the importance of cytosolic glucose – and, by implication, flux through hexokinase – in glycolytic induction. Expression of sucrose phosphorylase led to: (i) a decrease in sucrose content, but no decrease in glucose or fructose; (ii) a decrease in both starch accumulation and tuber yield; (iii) increased levels of glycolytic metabolites; (iv) an induction of the activities of key enzymes of glycolysis; and (v) increased respiratory activity. We conclude that the induction of glycolysis in heterotrophic tissues such as potato tubers occurs via a glucose‐independent mechanism.  相似文献   

The genotype data of 7054 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) loci in 40 tomato lines, including inbred lines, F1 hybrids, and wild relatives, were collected using Illumina''s Infinium and GoldenGate assay platforms, the latter of which was utilized in our previous study. The dendrogram based on the genotype data corresponded well to the breeding types of tomato and wild relatives. The SNPs were classified into six categories according to their positions in the genes predicted on the tomato genome sequence. The genes with SNPs were annotated by homology searches against the nucleotide and protein databases, as well as by domain searches, and they were classified into the functional categories defined by the NCBI''s eukaryotic orthologous groups (KOG). To infer the SNPs'' effects on the gene functions, the three-dimensional structures of the 843 proteins that were encoded by the genes with SNPs causing missense mutations were constructed by homology modelling, and 200 of these proteins were considered to carry non-synonymous amino acid substitutions in the predicted functional sites. The SNP information obtained in this study is available at the Kazusa Tomato Genomics Database (http://plant1.kazusa.or.jp/tomato/).  相似文献   

Formulae were developed to compute exclusion probabilities for parentage confirmation for any number of diallelic markers under the assumption that the minor allele frequency (MAF) varied among markers, but has a uniform distribution. Three scenarios were analysed: a progeny with (1) a single putative parent; (2) two putative parents; and (3) one actual parent and one putative parent. Exclusion probabilities were computed for minimum values for the MAFs of 0.1, 0.2 and 0.3, and required either one or at least two conflicts for exclusion. The numbers of markers required to obtain 99% exclusion probabilities based on a single conflict for the three minimum MAFs were 54, 45 and 39 for scenario 1; 17, 16 and 15 for scenario 2; and 28, 25 and 24 for scenario 3. The requirement of at least two conflicts for exclusion increased the number of markers required by approximately 45% for all three scenarios and all three minimum MAFs. The results obtained by the analytical formulae were very close to results obtained by simulation and to values in the literature for specific marker sets.  相似文献   

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