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This work deals with the role of myosin phosphorylation in anaphase chromosome movement. Y27632 and ML7 block two different pathways for phosphorylation of the myosin regulatory light chain (MRLC). Both stopped or slowed chromosome movement when added to anaphase crane-fly spermatocytes. To confirm that the effects of the pharmacological agents were on the presumed targets, we studied cells stained with antibodies against mono- or bi-phosphorylated myosin. For all chromosomes whose movements were affected by a drug, the corresponding spindle fibres of the affected chromosomes had reduced levels of 1P- and 2P-myosin. Thus the drugs acted on the presumed target and myosin phosphorylation is involved in anaphase force production.Calyculin A, an inhibitor of MRLC dephosphorylation, reversed and accelerated the altered movements caused by Y27632 and ML-7, suggesting that another phosphorylation pathway is involved in phosphorylation of spindle myosin. Staurosporine, a more general phosphorylation inhibitor, also reduced the levels of MRLC phosphorylation and caused anaphase chromosomes to stop or slow. The effects of staurosporine on chromosome movements were not reversed by Calyculin A, confirming that another phosphorylation pathway is involved in phosphorylation of spindle myosin.  相似文献   

Summary The correlations of abnormal X chromosome constitutions and the resulting phenotypes in the human female are reviewed. The following hypotheses put forward to explain these correlations are discussed in detail: (1) The damage is done before X inactivation; (2) An effect is exerted between reactivation of the X chromosome(s) and meiosis in oocytes; (3) A recessive gene(s) in hemizygous condition might be expressed in the cases in which the same X is active in all cells; (4) A change in the number of presumed active regions on the inactive X chromosomes might have an effect; (5) A position effect, in that the region Xq13-q27 has to be intact in both X chromosomes to allow normal development, may be responsible; (6) An effect during the period when cells with different inactivation patterns compete is a probability; (7) The original X inactivation may be neither regular nor random.The conclusion reached is that the phenotypic effects of a specific X chromosome aberration may be simultaneously exerted through different pathways (Tables 1 and 2). Hypotheses (2), (4), (5), and (6) are considered probable. Hypothesis (3) has been discarded, and there is very little evidence for hypotheses (1) and (7).  相似文献   

The initiation and progression of homologous chromosome pairing at meiosis were investigated in female mice. The proximal end of the X chromosome was identified in fetal oocytes using fluorescence in situ hybridisation with the repeat copy probe 70-38. The X centromeres appeared to be randomly positioned in the nuclei from pre-meiotic interphase to leptotene. The observations indicated no pre-synaptic association for the proximal end of the X chromosome. There was a significant increase in the number of paired X centromeres from mid-zygotene to late zygotene. The proximal end of the X chromosome is therefore a generally late pairing region with no significant association seen before mid-zygotene. The centromeric heterochromatin of all chromosomes could be seen to associate into varying numbers of clusters during pre-leptotene through to pachytene. These clusters do not seem to be directly involved in bringing homologues together, as X centromeres did not consistently localise to the same cluster. Received: 1 August 1996; in revised form: 1 June 1997 / Accepted: 1 June 1997  相似文献   

W Z Cande 《Cell》1982,28(1):15-22
Permeabilized PtK1 cells continue to undergo anaphase chromosome movements provided MgATP is included in the lysis medium. However, chromosome-to-pole movement (anaphase A) and spindle elongation (anaphase B) differ with respect to nucleotide requirements. The rate of anaphase B depends on the concentration of ATP in the lysis medium; two-thirds the maximal rate is observed in 0.2 mM ATP. However, other nucleotides, such as ITP, CTP and GTP, cannot substitute for ATP. Spindle elongation is blocked by the addition of nonhydrolyzable ATP analogs. ADP, AMP and inhibitors such as vanadate, the magnesium chelator EDTA and sulfhydryl reagents. Anaphase does no require exogenous ATP and is unaffected by these inhibitors. These results are consistent with "dynein-like" ATPase involvement during spindle elongation, and rule out the possibility of tubulin-dynein and actomyosin mechanochemistry during anaphase A. I suggest that chromosome-to-pole movement involves the collapse of an elastic component in the spindle. Force generation could be provided by microtubule depolymerization or by the contraction of a nonmicrotubule microtrabecular lattice.  相似文献   

Kathleen Church 《Chromosoma》1979,71(3):359-370
The X chromosome can be identified with the light microscope throughout all stages of the gonial cell cycle (including interphase) in the grasshopper Brachystola magna. At gonial mitotic stages the X chromosome gives the appearance of being undercondensed or negatively heteropycnotic. At interphase the X projects out from the body of the nucleus. — Examination with the electron microscope reveals that the X is compartmentalized at least two gonial cell cycles prior to the entry of the cells into meiotic prophase. The membrane layers that envelope the X chromatin at interphase remain associated with the X chromosome throughout gonial mitotic stages providing the ultrastructural basis for the apparent negative heteropycnosis observed with the light microscope. — The X chromosome is inactive in RNA synthesis during gonial mitotic stages but is hyperactive in RNA synthesis when compared to autosomes at gonial interphase. — X chromosome condensation which reaches its maximum at premieotic interphase is initiated at or prior to the pre-pentultimate gonial division.  相似文献   

X chromosome gene expression in human tissues: male and female comparisons   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
About 25% of X-linked genes may escape inactivation at least to some degree. However, in vitro results from somatic cell hybrids may not reflect what happens in vivo. Therefore, we analyzed the female/male (F/M) gene fold expression ratio for 299 X-linked and 7795 autosomal genes from 11 different tissues from an existing in vivo microarray database. On average 5.1 and 4.9% of genes showed higher expression in females compared with 7.4 and 7.9% in males, respectively, for X-linked and autosomal genes. A trend was found for F/M gene fold ratios greater than 1.5 for several X-linked genes indicating overexpression in females among multiple tissues. Nine X-linked genes showed overexpression in females in at least 3 of the 11 studied tissues. Of the 9 genes, 6 were located on the short arm and 3 on the long arm of the X chromosome. Six of the 9 genes have previously been reported to escape X inactivation. However, in general, no consistent pattern was seen for the expression of X-linked genes between in vitro and in vivo systems. This study indicates that factors other than the X-inactivation process may impact on the expression of X-linked genes resulting in an overall similar gender expression for both X-linked and autosomal genes.  相似文献   

Fragile X syndrome represents the most common inherited cause of mental retardation. It is caused by a stretch of CGG repeats within the fragile X gene, which increases in length as it is transmitted from generation to generation. Once the repeat exceeds a threshold length, no protein is produced, resulting in the fragile X phenotype. Both X chromosome inactivation and inactivation of the FMR1 gene are the result of methylation. X inactivation occurs earlier than inactivation of the FMR1 gene. The instability to a full mutation is dependent on the sex of the transmitting parent and occurs only from mother to child. For most X-chromosomal diseases, female carriers do not express the phenotype. A clear exception is fragile X syndrome. It is clear that more than 50% of the neurons have to express the protein to ensure a normal phenotype in females. This means that a normal phenotype in female carriers of a full mutation is accompanied by a distortion of the normal distribution of X inactivation.  相似文献   

I have tested two contending views of chromosome-to-pole movement in anaphase. Chromosomes might be pulled poleward by a traction fiber consisting of the kinetochore microtubules and associated motors, or they might propel themselves by a motor in the kinetochore. I cut through the spindle of demembranated grasshopper spermatocytes between the chromosomes and one pole and swept the polar region away, removing a portion of the would-be traction fiber. Chromosome movement continued, and in the best examples, chromosomes moved to within 1 micron of the cut edge. There is nothing beyond the edge to support movement, and a push from the rear is unlikely because cuts in the interzone behind the separating chromosomes did not stop movement. Therefore, I conclude that the motor must be in the kinetochore or within 1 micron of it. Less conclusive evidence points to the kinetochore itself as the motor. The alternative is an external motor pulling on the kinetochore microtubules or directly on the kinetochore. A pulling motor would move kinetochore microtubules along with the chromosome, so that in a cut half-spindle, the microtubules should protrude from the cut edge as chromosomes move toward it. No protrusion was seen; however, the possibility that microtubules depolymerize as they are extruded, though unlikely, is not ruled out. What is certain is that the motor for poleward chromosome movement in anaphase must be in the kinetochore or very close to it.  相似文献   

Chromosome segregation in most animal cells is brought about through two events: the movement of the chromosomes to the poles (anaphase A) and the movement of the poles away from each other (anaphase B). Essential to an understanding of the mechanism of mitosis is information on the relative movements of components of the spindle and identification of sites of subunit loss from shortening microtubules. Through use of tubulin derivatized with X-rhodamine, photobleaching, and digital imaging microscopy of living cells, we directly determined the relative movements of poles, chromosomes, and a marked domain on kinetochore fibers during anaphase. During chromosome movement and pole-pole separation, the marked domain did not move significantly with respect to the near pole. Therefore, the kinetochore microtubules were shortened by the loss of subunits at the kinetochore, although a small amount of subunit loss elsewhere was not excluded. In anaphase A, chromosomes moved on kinetochore microtubules that remained stationary with respect to the near pole. In anaphase B, the kinetochore fiber microtubules accompanied the near pole in its movement away from the opposite pole. These results eliminate models of anaphase in which microtubules are thought to be traction elements that are drawn to and depolymerized at the pole. Our results are compatible with models of anaphase in which the kinetochore fiber microtubules remain anchored at the pole and in which microtubule dynamics are centered at the kinetochore.  相似文献   

Small, square stretches were applied during contractions of soleus and plantaris muscles in the cat to measure muscle stiffness. The stiffness of the slow-twitch soleus muscle (but not of the fast plantaris muscle) reaches a maximum after the peak in twitch tension. Since the number of active bonds should be maximum before the peak in tension, we suggest that many bonds are in the rigor state during the falling phase of the twitch. The stiffness of the bonds in this state may be useful for prolonging the twitch in slow-twitch muscles and for maintaining a posture.  相似文献   

Summary The cytidine analogue 5-azadeoxycytidine (5-aza-dC) induces a very distinct inhibition of condensation in the genetically inactive, late-replicating X chromosome (XL) when applied to human lymphocyte cultures. One of the two X chromosomes in cytogenetically normal female cells becomes dramatically longer than its homologous partner. The highest rate of metaphases with an undercondensed XL chromosome is achieved when 5-aza-dC is added at a final concentration of 10-5 M 2 h before cell harvesting. The interactions between 5-aza-dC and chromosomal DNA as well as the factors involved in X chromosome inactivation are discussed.  相似文献   

Blastocysts and late gestation stages of the marsupial mouse, Antechinus stuartii, were examined cytologically and electrophoretically to investigate X chromosome activity during embryogenesis. A late replicating X chromosome was identified in the protoderm cells of female unilaminar blastocysts and in the cells of embryonic and extra-embryonic regions of older blastocysts. Sex chromatin bodies were also observed in female bilaminar and trilaminar blastocysts. The X linked enzyme -galactosidase showed no evidence of paternal allele expression in the extra-embryonic region of bilaminar blastocysts or in the yolk sac and embryonic tissue of known heterozygotes. It is concluded that the late replicating X chromosome is paternal in origin and that unlike the laboratory mouse, X inactivation is not correlated with cell differentiation in Antechinus.  相似文献   

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