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中国第一个完整的锯齿龙头骨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王军有  伊剑  刘俊 《古生物学报》2019,58(2):216-221
中国已经命名了7种锯齿龙,但是没有一个有完整的头骨。本文描述一个产自鄂尔多斯盆地孙家沟组的新材料,包括一个近于完整头骨及关连的下颌。根据下列特征将其归入埃尔金龙科(Elginiidae):头骨的膜质骨突起形成长而尖的角,面颊上装饰有显著的锥型角,上颞骨角从头骨一角向侧后方伸出,副基蝶骨细长且腹面中间有凹沟,案骨加大并在中间相互接触,使后顶骨不参与形成头骨边缘。该标本与矮小三川龙(Sanchuansaurus pygmaeus)有下列共同特征:鼻孔后的上颌骨前背支有小的突起,上颌齿齿冠扇形,9—11个齿尖;但是有以下特征区别于后者:眶下神经两个外开口距离更近且更接近上颌骨腹缘,齿冠不重叠,只有14个牙槽。与柳林黄河龙(Huanghesaurus)共有以下特征:下颌腹缘直、光滑,隅骨突位于后缘,下颌齿有中脊,17个齿尖;不过其下颌前部厚度比后部大。新标本表明三川龙和黄河龙关系接近,两者都应可能属于埃尔金龙科。根据新标本建立一个新种并暂时归入石千峰龙属,即完整石千峰龙(Shitienfenia completus);但是目前不能排除这个标本属于二叠石千峰龙的可能性。  相似文献   

吉林省中部早白垩世泉头组-原始鸟脚类恐龙   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道了在松辽盆地白垩纪沉积中首次发现的原始鸟脚类恐龙化石,并根据其头部特征建立一新属新种——娇小长春龙(Changchunsaurus parvus gen.etsp.nov.)。化石产于吉林省公主岭市刘房子镇山前泉头组上部紫红色含砾泥质砂岩中,同一层位还产有兽脚类、鳄类、恐龙蛋、哺乳类等化石。娇小长春龙是一种混合了原始的和衍生性状的小型鸟脚类恐龙。它具有某些比多数鸟脚类和头饰龙类要原始的特征,例如,5颗前上颌齿、前上颌骨吻部只有很短一段齿缺、前上颌骨与上颌齿之间的间隙较小、颊齿两侧的釉质对称、前上颌骨腹侧边缘与上颌骨腹侧边缘基本处于同一水平线等。同时,娇小长春龙也具有一些与真鸟脚类类似的进步特征,比如眶前孔小、外下颌孔缺失。娇小长春龙具有颧骨突,这在鸟脚类恐龙中较为罕见,它的颧骨突表面具有鲕状构造,这一特征未见于其他已知鸟脚类。娇小长春龙的前齿骨形态与角龙类接近,腹支明显长于侧支,前齿骨与齿骨的愈合方式同角龙类相似。娇小长春龙的确切系统分类位置需要进一步的工作来确定。  相似文献   

中国二叠纪四足类的研究由来已久,在新疆和内蒙古大青山发现了大量二齿兽类(Dicynodontia)化石,而在华北地层区则以锯齿龙类(Pareiasauria)化石为主,还没有发现二齿兽类。近年来,在山西寿阳二叠系中发现了产自上石盒子组中的锯齿龙类和产自孙家沟组中的二齿兽类化石。根据髂骨的形态特征,相较于二叠石千峰龙(Shihtienfenia permica),新的锯齿龙类化石与多齿河南龙(Honania complicidentata)更相似。这表明济源动物群(河南龙组合带)可能在山西的上石盒子组中也有分布。根据头骨的特征,新二齿兽类化石属于隐齿兽目(Cryptodontia),可能是其中的某个支系在中国的第一个代表。  相似文献   

本文对一颗新发现的安徽和县直立人上第三前臼齿的尺寸、形态特征、齿冠外轮廓形状和齿尖排列样式进行了观测, 并与世界范围内相关古人类标本进行了对比。结果发现, 新发现的和县直立人P3齿冠尺寸较大, 同一地点还发现了另外一颗尺寸较大的P3, 两颗牙齿基本是目前发现的中国直立人和早期智人标本中齿冠尺寸最大的, 显示其较为原始的一面。在齿冠外轮廓形状和齿尖排列样式上, 新发现的和县直立人标本表现出与世界各地其他直立人的一致性, 但齿冠颊侧面显著发育的近中纵向沟将这颗牙齿归入到了亚洲直立人的变异范围内, 与非洲和Dmanisi直立人区别。中国直立人P3在齿冠尺寸、横脊发育与否、颊侧面近远中纵向沟发育程度、齿根数目、齿冠外轮廓形状和齿尖排列样式这些在人类演化过程中具有明显演化变化趋势的特征上表现出较大的变异, 和县这颗牙齿处于中国直立人总体变异范围内较原始的一侧。与周口店直立人相比,新发现的和县直立人标本和同一地点发现的另一颗P3部分形态特征较原始, 这与和县人头骨形态特征相对周口店直立人进步的趋势相反。新发现的这颗牙齿及其他和县直立人化石对探讨东亚地区直立人的起源和地区性差异具有重要意义。  相似文献   

描述了产自美国北卡罗来纳州上三叠统横齿兽类北方阔齿兽新材料的牙齿。基于牙齿的特征,尤其是犬后齿的形态,这些标本被暂归入杰斐逊北方阔齿兽Boreogomphodon jeffersoni;不过它们的下阔齿型犬后齿前横脊一般有两个而不是3个齿尖。根据牙齿大小、直接替换情况,推测阔齿型齿从后部萌发,从前部脱落。这个类群仅有一代阔齿型犬后齿;至少有一代,可能是两代裂齿型犬后齿。  相似文献   

辽宁早白垩世义县组一原始鸟脚类恐龙   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
初步记述了采自辽西地区早白垩世义县组新的原始鸟脚类恐龙化石材料,并依此建立一新属新种上园热河龙(Jeholosaurus shangyuanensis gen. et sp. nov.)。化石产于北票市上园镇陆家屯义县组下部第一段灰白色凝灰质砂岩中,同一层位产出过大量鹦鹉嘴龙化石。上园热河龙的主要鉴定特征包括6个前上颌齿,鼻骨背面发育小孔,前齿骨约为前上颌骨主体长度的1.5倍、未发育股骨前髁间沟、骨不在一平面上,第三趾趾节中第四节最长。上园热河龙具有一些真鸟脚类恐龙的近裔性状,比如眶前孔小,方骨孔大,位于方颧骨侧面,外下颌孔缺失。另外,上园热河龙的股骨近端形态非常接近进步的鸟脚类恐龙。但是上园热河龙发育有6个前上颌齿,上下颌关节处与齿列位于同一水平线,前上颌齿列与上颌齿列位于同一水平线,这些原始特征未见于已知鸟脚类恐龙。上园热河龙确切系统分类位置需要进一步确定。 上园热河龙是义县组中发现的第二种鸟臀类恐龙,增加了这类恐龙在热河生物群中的分异度。  相似文献   

中国西部准噶尔盆地东北缘中侏罗世晚期到晚侏罗世早期沉积的石树沟组(Eberth et al.,2001)产出过巨型的蜥脚类恐龙化石(Russell and Zheng,1993),但产出的兽脚类恐龙个体则相对较小(Currie and Zhao,1993)。我们近年来在石树沟组中采集到大量脊椎动物化石(Clark et al.,2006),其中包括许多零散的骨骼和牙齿标本。本文报道一个产自石树沟组上部的兽脚类牙齿化石(IVPP V 15310),对于全面了解石树沟脊椎动物群具有一定意义。V 15310保存了一个近乎完整的上颌齿或下颌齿的齿冠。它具有典型兽脚类恐龙牙齿的特征:强烈侧扁,向后弯曲,前后缘有锯齿。齿冠有几种不同的磨蚀面:齿尖磨蚀成近圆形,靠近齿尖的齿冠前缘有一较大的平的磨蚀面,锯齿也受到不同程度的磨蚀。V 15310很大,相关的测量数据和一些白垩纪的巨型兽脚类恐龙牙齿的测量数据相近。依据我们定义的一个定量评估锯齿大小的指标(锯齿大小指数),得出V 15310的锯齿大小指数非常小,与霸王龙相似,这与锯齿和齿冠大小具有反比关系的结论是一致的(Farlow et al,1991)。V 15310的另外一些形态特征对于推断它在兽脚类中的系统位置也提供了帮助。这些特征包括后缘锯齿明显高于前缘锯齿以及齿冠的唇侧和舌侧都有微弱的釉质褶皱。根据牙齿大小、釉质褶皱的发育程度以及锯齿的形态(Sereno et al.,1996;Chure et al.,1999;Holtz,2004),V 15310被归入中国盗龙类。其中,后缘锯齿和前缘锯齿的基部长度近似,但前者明显高于后者这一特征组合可能是中国盗龙类的一个鉴定特征。这一特征组合也见于四川的中国盗龙类。相比而言,V 15310在已报道的侏罗纪兽脚类恐龙牙齿中尺寸最大(Smith,2005;Smith et al.,2005),大小接近白垩纪的一些巨型兽脚类恐龙牙齿。新材料的发现表明兽脚类至少在晚侏罗世早期就已演化出了这种巨型体型。  相似文献   

贵州三叠纪海龙类化石-新材料   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
记述了贵州关岭晚三叠世早期法郎组瓦窑段新的海龙标本一个基本完整的侧向挤压头骨及下颌(中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所标本编号V11860).根据图版,它与尹恭正等(2000)建立并归入鱼龙目Cymbospondylidae科的孙氏“新铺鱼龙”(Xinpusaurussuni)极为相似.但是由于从文章中得不到头部关键性状的描述,并且本文第一作者到贵阳也不被允许观察标本,目前只有依据与正模图版的对比将V11860标本暂定为孙氏新铺龙相似种(XinpusauruscfXsuni).由于系统分类位置的改变,建议将该属的中文名称由“新铺鱼龙”改为新铺龙.迄今为止,在所有海龙类头骨中此标本提供了最多可以观察到的性状,包括脑颅侧面的特征.这是一类小型的海龙,吻部中等长度,微微向腹面倾斜;上颌骨前端背向弯曲,此处牙齿扩大且向前平伏;头骨前部的牙齿(前颌骨、上颌骨前部、齿骨)圆锥形,较突出,而靠后部的牙齿可能较圆钝(保存不完整);前颌骨与上颌骨牙齿间无明显间隙;犁骨和翼骨具齿;下颌细长,齿骨联合部窄.长的齿骨大约占下颌长度的2/3.基于18个性状进行了初步的支序分析,结果表明新铺龙与北美的Nectosaurus关系最近.但受海龙类化石保存所限,提供性状较少,支序分析对此结果的支持较弱.目前只能说海龙类是一个化石发现尚少的广布类群.关岭动物群目前包括海龙类、鱼龙类及楯齿龙类.其中中国豆齿龙(Sinocyamodus)(李淳,2000)是中国第一个楯齿龙类,安顺龙(Anshunsaurus)(刘俊,1999)是海龙类在中国的首次发现.  相似文献   

短吻贫齿龙(双孔亚纲:海龙目)的新材料及补充研究(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
记述了产自贵州关岭法郎组瓦窑段(上三叠统)短吻贫齿龙一新材料。新标本头后骨骼十分完整,使我们对该海龙的全身骨骼形态有了一个完整的认识,尤其是澄清了其肩带及前、后肢的解剖学特征。短吻贫齿龙牙齿稀少且局限于上、下颌的前端,以及末端指/趾骨(爪)扁平等性状表明,该种不是纯粹的肉食动物。依据新材料,短吻贫齿龙在局部形态上存在个体变异,并确认后肢趾趾式(2-3-4-5-5)可作为该海龙的特征之一。  相似文献   

记述了贵州关岭晚三叠世早期法郎组瓦窑段新的海龙标本:一个基本完整的侧向挤压头骨及下颌(中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所标本编号V 11860)。根据图版,它与尹恭正等(2000)建立并归入鱼龙目Cymbospondylidae科的孙氏“新铺鱼龙”(Xinpusaurus suni)极为相似。但是由于从文章中得不到头部关键性状的描述,并且本文第一作者到贵阳也不被允许观察标本,目前只有依据与正模图版的对比将V11860标本暂定为孙氏新铺龙相似种(Xinpusaurus cf. X suni)。由于系统分类位置的改变,建议将该属的中文名称由“新铺鱼龙”改为新铺龙。 迄今为止,在所有海龙类头骨中此标本提供了最多可以观察到的性状,包括脑颅侧面的特征。这是一类小型的海龙,吻部中等长度,微微向腹面倾斜;上颌骨前端背向弯曲,此处牙齿扩大且向前平伏;头骨前部的牙齿(前颌骨、上颌骨前部、齿骨)圆锥形,较突出,而靠后部的牙齿可能较圆钝(保存不完整);前颌骨与上颌骨牙齿间无明显间隙;犁骨和翼骨具齿;下颌细长,齿骨联合部窄。长的齿骨大约占下颌长度的2/3。 基于18个性状进行了初步的支序分析,结果表明新铺龙与北美的Nectosaurus?  相似文献   

Pareiasaurs were important medium‐ to large‐sized herbivores in the Middle and Late Permian, some 268–252 Ma. They are best known from abundant remains of several taxa found in South Africa and Russia, with isolated finds from other parts of the world. Six genera and species of pareiasaurs have been described from China, and yet they have not been reviewed. Of these six, Tsiyuania may be a synonym of Honania, but this taxon is not further considered here. The other four, which were named for separate finds from the Sunjiagou Formation (Changhsingian, 254–252 Ma), show considerable similarities. Despite earlier suggestions, there are no convincing anatomical characters to distinguish Shihtienfenia, Shansisaurus, and Huanghesaurus, and these three genera are synonymized as Shihtienfenia permica Young & Yeh, 1963. The fourth taxon, Sanchuansaurus pygmaeus Gao, 1989, shows distinctly different teeth from those of Huanghesaurus (= Shihtienfenia), and was about one‐third of the size, so it is retained as a second valid pareiasaur from the Chinese latest Permian. Phylogenetic analysis confirms the validity of these two taxa, with Sanchuansaurus belonging among the derived forms, close to Elginiidae, and with Shihtienfenia associated with Pumiliopareiasauria and Pareiasuchus.  相似文献   

Pareiasaurs were an abundant group of large herbivores during Middle and Late Permian times. The habitat of pareiasaurs has proven enigmatic, and ecological interpretations from anatomical and taphonomic data have included aquatic, semi‐aquatic to fully terrestrial lifestyles. Insight into the ecology of extinct taxa can also be gained from stable isotope analyses, and interpretations benefit from studies of multiple, coeval groups. Here, we report the first stable carbon and oxygen isotope analyses from the enamel, dentine and bone of pareiasaurs and contemporaneous therapsids (dinocephalians and therocephalians), in specimens recovered from the Permian Tapinocephalus to lower Pristerognathus Assemblage Zones of South Africa. Previous ecological inferences for dinocephalians (riparian to terrestrial) and therocephalians (terrestrial) are less ambiguous than reconstructions for pareiasaurs and provide an independent reference for interpreting stable isotope measurements. Oxygen isotopes of enamel carbonate were indistinguishable between pareiasaurs and therocephalians, which had higher values than dinocephalians. The data suggest that dinocephalians and pareiasaurs (megaherbivores) inhabited different ecological niches and that pareiasaurs may have shared a terrestrial habitat with therocephalians (carnivores). Our results agree with earlier suggestions of a terrestrial lifestyle among pareiasaurs and provide evidence of niche partitioning among large coeval Capitanian herbivores of South Africa.  相似文献   

The designed peptide (denoted 20-mer, sequence VFITS(D)PGKTYTEV(D)PGOKILQ) has been shown to form a three-strand antiparallel beta-sheet. It is generally believed that the (D)Pro-Gly segment has the propensity to adopt a type II' beta-turn, thereby promoting the formation of this beta-sheet. Here, we replaced (D)Pro-Gly with Asp-Gly, which should favor a type I' turn, to examine the influence of different type of turns on the stability of the beta-sheet. Contrary to our expectation, the mutant peptide, denoted P6D, forms a five-residue type I turn plus a beta-bulge between the first two strands due to a one amino-acid frameshift in the hydrogen bonding network and side-chain inversion of the first beta-strand. In contrast, the same kind of substitution at (D)Pro-14 in the double mutant, denoted P6DP14D, does not yield the same effect. These observations suggest that the SDGK sequence disfavors the type I' conformation while the VDGO sequence favors a type I' turn, and that the frameshift in the first strand provides a way for the peptide to accommodate a disfavored turn sequence by protruding a bulge in the formation of the beta-hairpin. Thus, different types of turns can affect the stability of a beta-structure.  相似文献   

N3 is the third position from the N terminus in the alpha-helix with helical backbone dihedral angles. All 20 amino acids have been placed in the N3 position of a synthetic helical peptide (CH(3)CO-[AAX AAAAKAAAAKAGY]-NH(2)) and the helix content measured by circular dichroism spectroscopy at 273 K. The dependence of peptide helicity on N3 residue identity has been used to determine a free energy scale by analysis with a modified Lifson-Roig helix coil theory that includes a parameter for the N3 energy (n3). The most stabilizing residues at N3 in rank order are Ala, Glu, Met/Ile, Leu, Lys, Ser, Gln, Thr, Tyr, Phe, Asp, His, and Trp. Free energies for the most destabilizing residues (Cys, Gly, Asn, Arg, and Pro) could not be fitted. The results correlate with N1, N2, and helix interior energies and not at all with N-cap preferences. This completes our work on studying the structural and energetic preferences of the amino acids for the N-terminal positions of the alpha-helix. These results can be used to rationally modify protein stability, help design helices, and improve prediction of helix location and stability.  相似文献   

Electrophysiological recording of action potentials from sensory neurons of mosquitoes provides investigators a glimpse into the chemical perception of these disease vectors. We have recently identified a bitter sensing neuron in the labellum of female Aedes aegypti that responds to DEET and other repellents, as well as bitter quinine, through direct electrophysiological investigation. These gustatory receptor neuron responses prompted our sequencing of total mRNA from both male and female labella and tarsi samples to elucidate the putative chemoreception genes expressed in these contact chemoreception tissues. Samples of tarsi were divided into pro-, meso- and metathoracic subtypes for both sexes. We then validated our dataset by conducting qRT-PCR on the same tissue samples and used statistical methods to compare results between the two methods. Studies addressing molecular function may now target specific genes to determine those involved in repellent perception by mosquitoes. These receptor pathways may be used to screen novel repellents towards disruption of host-seeking behavior to curb the spread of harmful viruses.  相似文献   

Alcohol use disorders are a significant public health concern, for which there are few effective treatment strategies. One difficulty that has delayed the development of more effective treatments is the relative lack of understanding of the molecular underpinnings of the effects of ethanol on behavior. The nematode, Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans), provides a useful model in which to generate and test hypotheses about the molecular effects of ethanol. Here, we describe an assay that has been developed and used to examine the roles of particular genes and environmental factors in behavioral responses to ethanol, in which locomotion is the behavioral output. Ethanol dose-dependently causes an acute depression of crawling on an agar surface. The effects are dynamic; animals exposed to a high concentration demonstrate an initial strong depression of crawling, referred to here as initial sensitivity, and then partially recover locomotion speed despite the continued presence of the drug. This ethanol-induced behavioral plasticity is referred to here as the development of acute functional tolerance. This assay has been used to demonstrate that these two phenotypes are distinct and genetically separable. The straightforward locomotion assay described here is suitable for examining the effects of both genetic and environmental manipulations on these acute behavioral responses to ethanol in C. elegans.  相似文献   


Background and Scope

Plant responses to the toxic effects of soil contaminants, such as excess metals or organic substances, have been studied mainly at physiological, biochemical and molecular levels, but the influence on root system architecture has received little attention. Nevertheless, the precise position, morphology and extent of roots can influence contaminant uptake. Here, data are discussed that aim to increase the molecular and ecological understanding of the influence of contaminants on root system architecture. Furthermore, the potential of plant-associated bacteria to influence root growth by their growth-promoting and stress-relieving capacities is explored.


Root growth parameters of Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings grown in vertical agar plates are quantified. Mutants are used in a reverse genetics approach to identify molecular components underlying quantitative changes in root architecture after exposure to excess cadmium, copper or zinc. Plant-associated bacteria are isolated from contaminated environments, genotypically and phenotypically characterized, and used to test plant root growth improvement in the presence of contaminants.

Key Results

The molecular determinants of primary root growth inhibition and effects on lateral root density by cadmium were identified. A vertical split-root system revealed local effects of cadmium and copper on root development. However, systemic effects of zinc exposure on root growth reduced both the avoidance of contaminated areas and colonization of non-contaminated areas. The potential for growth promotion and contaminant degradation of plant-associated bacteria was demonstrated by improved root growth of inoculated plants exposed to 2,4-di-nitro-toluene (DNT) or cadmium.


Knowledge concerning the specific influence of different contaminants on root system architecture and the molecular mechanisms by which this is achieved can be combined with the exploitation of plant-associated bacteria to influence root development and increase plant stress tolerance, which should lead to more optimal root systems for application in phytoremediation or safer biomass production.  相似文献   

红火蚁巢穴土壤中生物碱成分分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李晓玲  陈立  方守国 《昆虫学报》2020,63(4):494-501
【目的】红火蚁Solenopsis invicta栖息在真菌和细菌较丰富的土壤环境中,容易受多种真菌和细菌性病原体的侵染,因红火蚁的毒液具有很好的防御和抗菌作用,致使红火蚁能生存于此类土壤环境中。为了探索这一奥秘,本研究旨在建立红火蚁巢穴土壤中的毒液生物碱的最佳提取方法,并对毒液生物碱成分进行定量分析。【方法】采集蚁巢周边3 m处的土壤,进行添加、回收红火蚁毒液实验。采用抽滤法提取土壤中的毒液生物碱,利用GC-FID对毒液生物碱成分进行定量分析,筛选最佳的提取溶剂,并且确定添加三乙胺的最佳体积比。然后用最优方法提取蚁巢土壤中的毒液生物碱,并进行定量分析。【结果】正己烷、二氯甲烷、乙酸乙酯、丙酮和甲醇5种提取溶剂中,正己烷处理的生物碱回收率略优。当添加的三乙胺的体积为1 mL及以上时,提取效果最佳。红火蚁巢穴土壤中的毒液生物碱成分中,trans-C15∶1的含量最高,trans-C13∶1的含量次之。巢穴土壤中总生物碱含量约为22μg/g。【结论】三乙胺有助于提取蚂蚁巢穴土壤中的毒液生物碱。红火蚁巢穴土壤中的生物碱浓度较高,有可能对巢穴土壤微生物群落产生重要影响。  相似文献   

Structure and formation of the spermatophore and the extrusion of its contents in ixodid ticks were studied. The structure of the ectospermatophore resembles that of argasid ticks, whereas that of the endospermatophore differs completely; it is composed of several organelles which are absent in argasids.The chemical nature of the components of the spermatophore was studied by histochemical methods. The male forms the spermatophore by ejaculating the components in a definite order. The components of the ectospermatophore are deposited one into another—while those of the endospermatophore one on top of the other and are linked together in a chain. The last component to be ejected is a plug that closes the endospermatophore.During extrusion of the endospermatophore all of the components burst out of the ectospermatophore. The endospermatophore sheath evaginates and forms the capsule into which the sperm is inserted. Each capsule has two tube-like appendices.  相似文献   

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