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The nucleotide sequence preferences of the DNA interstrand cross-linking agents dehydroretronecine diacetate (DHRA), 2,3-bis(acetoxymethyl)-1-methylpyrrole (BAMP), dehydromonocrotaline, and dehydroretrorsine were studied by using synthetic DNA duplex fragments and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE). These agents have structural features in common with the reductively activated aziridinomitosene of mitomycin C (MC). Like MC, they preferentially cross-linked DNA duplexes containing the duplex sequence 5'-CG. For DHRA and BAMP interstrand cross-linked DNA duplexes, PAGE analysis of iron(II)-EDTA fragmentation reactions revealed the interstrand cross-links to be deoxyguanosine to deoxyguanosine (dG-to-dG), again analogous to DNA cross-links caused by MC. Unlike MC, DHRA could be shown to dG-to-dG cross-link a 5'-GC sequence. Furthermore, the impact of flanking sequence on the efficiency of interstrand cross-linking at 5'-CG was reduced for BAMP, with 5'-TCGA and 5'-GCGC being equally efficiently cross-linked. Possible origins of the 5'-CG sequence recognition common to all of the agents are discussed. A model is presented in which the transition state for the conversion of monoadducts to cross-links more closely resembles ground-state DNA at 5'-CG sequences.  相似文献   

DNA duplexes containing an ethyl interstrand crosslink that bridges the N3 atoms of thymidines on the opposite strands have been synthesized using an approach that combines conventional solid phase oligonucleotide synthesis and the selective removal of protecting groups of a crosslinked thymidine dimer. This approach allows for the assembly of a crosslinked duplex directly on the solid support. Duplexes that contain a N3T-ethyl-N3T interstrand crosslink in a staggered orientation at either a -TA- or -AT-step in a duplex have been prepared. When placed in an -AT- step of a duplex the effect was stabilizing relative to the non-crosslinked control duplex (deltaTm= +24 degrees C) and this crosslinked duplex was found to efficiently form multimers in the presence of T4 ligase. In the case of the -TA- crosslinked duplex the stabilizing effect was less pronounced (deltaT.= +6 degrees C) and likewise did not undergo self ligation under identical conditions. Molecular modeling studies suggested that the -AT- containing lesion had little deviation in structure relative to the non-crosslinked duplex DNA control, whereas the -TA- crosslinked duplex exhibited significant buckling of the base pairs flanking the lesion.  相似文献   

Brca1 is required for DNA repair by homologous recombination (HR) and normal embryonic development. Here we report that deletion of the DNA damage response factor 53BP1 overcomes embryonic lethality in Brca1-nullizygous mice and rescues HR deficiency, as measured by hypersensitivity to polyADP-ribose polymerase (PARP) inhibition. However, Brca1,53BP1 double-deficient cells are hypersensitive to DNA interstrand crosslinks (ICLs), indicating that BRCA1 has an additional role in DNA crosslink repair that is distinct from HR. Disruption of the nonhomologous end-joining (NHEJ) factor, Ku, promotes DNA repair in Brca1-deficient cells; however deletion of either Ku or 53BP1 exacerbates genomic instability in cells lacking FANCD2, a mediator of the Fanconi anemia pathway for ICL repair. BRCA1 therefore has two separate roles in ICL repair that can be modulated by manipulating NHEJ, whereas FANCD2 provides a key activity that cannot be bypassed by ablation of 53BP1 or Ku.  相似文献   

A new type of interstrand DNA–DNA cross-link between abasic (Ap) sites and 2′-deoxyadenosine (dA) residues was recently reported, but the chemical structure and properties of this lesion were not rigorously established. Here we characterized the nucleoside cross-link remnant released by enzymatic digestion of duplex DNA containing the dA-Ap cross-link. A synthetic standard was prepared for the putative nucleoside cross-link remnant 6 in which the anomeric carbon of the 2-deoxyribose residue was connected to the exocyclic N6-amino group of dA. Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysis showed that the synthetic material 6 matched the authentic cross-link remnant released by enzymatic digestion of cross-linked DNA. These findings establish the chemical structure of the dA-Ap cross-link released from duplex DNA and may provide methods for the detection of this lesion in cellular DNA. Both the nucleoside cross-link remnant 6 and the cross-link in duplex DNA were quite stable at pH 7 and 37°C, suggesting that the dA-Ap cross-link could be a persistent lesion with the potential to block the action of various DNA processing enzymes.  相似文献   

The solution structure of an interstrand cross-linked self-complementary oligodeoxynucleotide containing directly opposed alkylated N(4)C-ethyl-N(4)C cytosine bases was determined by molecular dynamics calculations guided by NMR-derived restraints. The undecamer d(CGAAACTTTCG)(2), where C represents directly opposed alkylated N(4)C-ethyl-N(4)C cytosine bases, serves as model for the cytotoxic cross-links formed by bifunctional alkylating agents used in cancer therapy. The structure of the duplex shows the cross-link protruding into the major groove. An increase in the diameter of the DNA at the pseudoplatform formed by the cross-linked residues creates an A-DNA characteristic hole in the central portion of the DNA. This results in a centrally underwound base step and a number of subsequent overwinding steps leading to an overall axis bend toward the major groove. The structure shows narrowing of both minor and major grooves in the proximity of the cross-link. The perturbation leads to preferential intrastrand base stacking, disruption of adjacent canonical (A.T) base pairing, and buckling of base pairs, the extent of which diminishes with progression away from the lesion site. Overall, the distortion induced by the cross-link spreads over three base pairs on the 5'- and 3'-sides of the cross-link.  相似文献   

Fanconi anemia (FA) is a rare genetic disease characterized by congenital abnormalities, bone marrow failure and heightened cancer susceptibility. The FA proteins are known to function in the cellular defense against DNA interstrand crosslinks (ICLs), a process that remains poorly understood. A recent spate of discoveries has led to the identification of one new FA gene, FANCP/SLX4, and two strong candidate FA genes, FAN1 and RAD51C. In this perspective we describe the discovery of FANCP/SLX4 and discuss how these new findings collectively refine our understanding of DNA ICL repair.Key words: Fanconi anemia, DNA repair, ubiquitin, FANCP/SLX4, DNA interstrand crosslink repair  相似文献   

We have used DNase I footprinting to assess the formation of triple helices at 15mer oligopurine target sites which are interrupted by several (up to four) adjacent central pyrimidine residues. Third strand oligonucleotides were designed to generate complexes containing central (X.TA)nor (X.CG)n triplets (X = each base in turn) surrounded by C+.GC and T.AT triplets. It has previously been shown that G.TA and T.CG are the most stable triplets for recognition of single TA and CG interruptions. We show that these triplets are the most useful for recognizing consecutive pyrimidine interruptions and find that addition of each pyrimidine residue leads to a 30-fold decrease in third strand affinity. The addition of 10 microM naphthylquinoline triplex-binding ligand stabilizes each complex so that all the oligonucleotides produce footprints at similar concentrations (0.3 microM). Targets containing two pyrimidines are only bound by oligonucleotides generating (G.TA)2 and (T.CG)2 with a further 30-fold decrease in affinity. (G.TA)2 is slightly more stable than (T.CG)2. In the presence of the triplex-binding ligand the order of stability is (G.TA)2 > (C.TA)2 > (T.TA)2 > (A.TA)2 and (T.CG)2 > (C.CG)2 > (G.CG)2 = (A.CG)2. No oligonucleotide footprints are generated at target sites containing three consecutive pyrimidines, though addition of 10 microM triplex-binding ligand produces stable complexes with oligonucleotides generating (G.TA)3, (T.CG)3 and (C.CG)3, with a further 30-fold reduction in affinity. No footprints are generated at targets containing four Ts, though the ligand induces a weak interaction with the oligonucleotide generating (T.CG)4.  相似文献   

A new trifunctional crosslink, termed hydroxyaldol-histidine, was isolated from cow skin collagen. This compound was not reducible by sodium borohydride; it was characterized by PMR spectroscopy and by low and high resolution mass spectroscopy of volatile derivatives. This crosslink is identical to an unknown amino acid previously detected in pure collagen-derived peptides. We postulate that it arises by condensation of peptidyl allysine, hydroxyallysine and histidine. This is the first example of a non-borohydride reducible crosslink found in collagen.  相似文献   

Fanconi anemia (FA) is a devastating genetic disease, associated with genomic instability and defects in DNA interstrand cross-link (ICL) repair. The FA repair pathway is not thought to be conserved in budding yeast, and although the yeast Mph1 helicase is a putative homolog of human FANCM, yeast cells disrupted for MPH1 are not sensitive to ICLs. Here, we reveal a key role for Mph1 in ICL repair when the Pso2 exonuclease is inactivated. We find that the yeast FANCM ortholog Mph1 physically and functionally interacts with Mgm101, a protein previously implicated in mitochondrial DNA repair, and the MutSα mismatch repair factor (Msh2-Msh6). Co-disruption of MPH1, MGM101, MSH6, or MSH2 with PSO2 produces a lesion-specific increase in ICL sensitivity, the elevation of ICL-induced chromosomal rearrangements, and persistence of ICL-associated DNA double-strand breaks. We find that Mph1-Mgm101-MutSα directs the ICL-induced recruitment of Exo1 to chromatin, and we propose that Exo1 is an alternative 5'-3' exonuclease utilised for ICL repair in the absence of Pso2. Moreover, ICL-induced Rad51 chromatin loading is delayed when both Pso2 and components of the Mph1-Mgm101-MutSα and Exo1 pathway are inactivated, demonstrating that the homologous recombination stages of ICL repair are inhibited. Finally, the FANCJ- and FANCP-related factors Chl1 and Slx4, respectively, are also components of the genetic pathway controlled by Mph1-Mgm101-MutSα. Together this suggests that a prototypical FA-related ICL repair pathway operates in budding yeast, which acts redundantly with the pathway controlled by Pso2, and is required for the targeting of Exo1 to chromatin to execute ICL repair.  相似文献   

A new rapid method for the identification and cloning of DNA fragments containing specific protein-binding domains is based on the common bandshift assay. Cloned DNA is digested with a restriction endonuclease recognizing a particular 4-bp sequence, an aliquot of this digest is end-labelled and used in protein binding reactions with and without protein extract. The binding reactions are then loaded onto nondenaturing polyacrylamide gel. The main portion of the digest is run in a parallel lane and serves as a source of fragments for cloning. Autoradiography of the wet gel reveals loss in intensity of some bands from the restriction digest incubated with the protein extract. DNA fragments corresponding to these bands are cut out from the gel; DNA is eluted and cloned in the M13 vector, thus allowing rapid and simple sequencing of the inserts.

The method, terned multiple bandshift assay, is especially useful when screening relatively long DNA fragments (of several kb) for potential protein-binding domains. The procedure was used to study interaction of HeLa-cell nuclear proteins with a 5.2-kb downstream region of pseudorabies virus immediate-early gene ( . Vl ek, Z. Kozmik, V. Pa es, S. Schirm and M. Schwyzer, unpublished).  相似文献   

The flexibility and curvature of duplex DNAs containing mismatched sites have been monitored as a function of temperature. The diffusion coefficients are dependent on the flexibility and the curvature of the DNA, and these have been determined by NMR-based methods. The diffusion coefficients, D, depend on a Boltzmann term and the viscosity of the solvent, eta, which is also temperature dependent. To analyze the temperature dependence of the diffusion results, the shape function, S(f) = etaD/T, is used. The shape functions do not have the viscosity and temperature dependence of the diffusion coefficients. The presence of mismatched sites significantly enhances the shape function of duplex DNA at all temperatures examined. The observed increases in the shape functions are attributed to the mismatched sites acting as localized flexible joints. The results on the temperature dependence of the shape functions, the optical absorbance, and the proton chemical shifts indicate that local melting at, and adjacent to, mismatched site occurs at a lower temperature than the overall melting of the duplexes. The localized melting gives rise to a considerable increase in the shape function. The contribution of the curvature of the mismatched sites to the enhanced diffusion has been examined. A DNA with mismatches that are in phase with respect to the helical repeat and a DNA which has the mismatches out of phase with respect to the helical repeat have been examined. The results indicate that mismatched sites have modest curvature.  相似文献   

A simple agarose gel electrophoresis method for the determination of DNA interstrand crosslinks is described. Following complete denaturation of 32P-end-labeled DNA the presence of an interstrand crosslink results in renaturation to double-stranded DNA. The single- and double-stranded bands separated on an agarose gel can be accurately quantitated by densitometry of the autoradiograph produced from the dried gel. The technique is particularly applicable to detailed time-course experiments of both total crosslink formation and, following removal of free drug, the "second-arm" of the crosslink reaction. The method is illustrated for a number of nitrogen mustard antitumor agents, showing how the moiety attached to a bifunctional reactive group can influence the extent and rate of crosslink formation and, in particular, the conversion of monoadducts to crosslinks. It is sensitive enough to follow the formation of crosslinks by slow and inefficient cross-linking agents such as busulfan which have not previously been measured by physical procedures.  相似文献   

Endonuclease NaeI cleaves DNA using a two-site mechanism. The DNA-binding sites are nonidentical: they recognize different families of flanking sequences. A unique NaeI site that is resistant to cleavage resides in M13 double-stranded DNA. NaeI can be activated to cleave this site by small DNA fragments containing one or more NaeI sites. These activators are not practical for genetic engineering because unphosphorylated activators that are consumed during the cleavage of substrate give ends that may interfere with subsequent ligations. We show that a DNA fragment containing phosphorothioate linkages at the NaeI scissile bonds (S-activator) is not cleaved by NaeI, even though this S-activator binds to the substrate site. The S-activator activates NaeI to cleave M13 DNA under conditions that completely exhaust unsubstituted activator. These results demonstrate that activation is not coupled to cleavage of activator, that NaeI reverts to its inactive state soon after dissociation of the EA complex, and that S-activator makes for a nondepletable activator during prolonged incubations.  相似文献   

The design and synthesis of three novel bisalkylating agents derived from the achiral seco-duocarmycin or CC-1065 analogs and pyrrolobenzodiazepines (PBDs) are described: achiral seco-CBI (cyclopropanebenz[e]indoline)-PBD 11, achiral seco-CI-PBD 12, and achiral seco-CBI dimer 13. Compounds 11 and 12 demonstrated enhanced cytotoxicity over the monomer counterparts against the growth of P815 murine mastocytoma cells in culture. Conjugate 11 was found to covalently react with adenine-N3 positions within the minor groove at AT-rich sequences and to produce DNA interstrand crosslinks. Both compounds were found to induce apoptosis in P815 cells. Due to its poor water solubility, dimer 13 did not give any appreciable DNA binding or cytotoxicity.  相似文献   

The effect of the single, site-specific interstrand cross-link formed by cisplatin or transplatin on the thermal stability and energetics of a 20-base pair DNA duplex is reported. The cross-linked or unplatinated 20-base pair duplexes were investigated with the aid of differential scanning calorimetry, temperature-dependent UV absorption, and circular dichroism. The cross-link of both platinum isomers increases the thermal stability of the modified duplexes by changing the molecularity of denaturation. The structural perturbation resulting from the interstrand cross-link of cisplatin increases entropy of the duplex and in this way entropically stabilizes the duplex. This entropic cross-link-induced stabilization of the duplex is partially but not completely compensated by the enthalpic destabilization of the duplex. The net result of these enthalpic and entropic effects is that the structural perturbation resulting from the formation of the interstrand cross-link by cisplatin induces a decrease in duplex thermodynamic stability, with this destabilization being enthalpic in origin. By contrast, the interstrand cross-link of transplatin is enthalpically almost neutral with the cross-link-induced destabilization entirely entropic in origin. These differences are consistent with distinct conformational distortions induced by the interstrand cross-links of the two isomers. Importantly, for the duplex cross-linked by cisplatin relative to that cross-linked by transplatin, the compensating enthalpic and entropic effects almost completely offset the difference in cross-link-induced energetic destabilization. It has been proposed that the results of the present work further support the view that the impact of the interstrand cross-links of cisplatin and transplatin on DNA is different for each and might also be associated with the distinctly different antitumor effects of these platinum compounds.  相似文献   

Bifunctional polynuclear platinum compounds represent a novel class of metal-based antitumor drugs which are currently undergoing preclinical development. A typical agent is [(trans-PtCl(NH(3))(2))(2)H(2)N(CH(2))(4)NH(2)]Cl(2) (1,1/t,t), which coordinates to bases in DNA and forms various types of covalent crosslinks. It also forms a 1,2-d(GpG) intrastrand adduct, the equivalent of the major DNA lesion of 'classical' cisplatin. In the present study differential scanning calorimetry and spectroscopic techniques were employed to characterize the influence of this crosslink on the thermal stability and energetics of 20 bp DNA duplexes site-specifically modified by 1,1/t,t. Thermal denaturation data revealed that the crosslink of 1,1/t,t reduced thermal and thermodynamical stability of the duplex noticeably more than that of 'classical' cisplatin. The energetic consequences of the intrastrand crosslink at the d(GG) site are discussed in relation to the structural distortions induced by this adduct in DNA and to its recognition and binding by HMG domain proteins. It has been suggested that the results of the present work are consistent with different DNA binding modes of cisplatin and polynuclear bifunctional DNA-binding drugs, which might be relevant to their distinct biological effectiveness.  相似文献   

Duplex DNA containing oligo(dG.dC)-rich clusters can be isolated by specific binding to poly(rC)-Sephadex. This binding, probably mediated by the formation of an oligo(dG.dC)rC+ triple helix, is optimal at pH 5 in 50% formamide, 2 M LiCl; the bound DNA is recovered by elution at pH 7.5. Using this method we find that the viral DNAs PM2, lambda and SV40 contain at least 1, 1 and 2 sites for binding to poly(rC)-Sephadex, respectively. These binding sites have been mapped in the case of SV40; the binding sites can in turn be used for physical mapping studies of DNAs containing (dG.dC) clusters. Inspection of the sequence of the bound fragments of SV40 DNA shows that a (dG.dC)6-7 tract is required for the binding of duplex DNA to poly(rC)-Sephadex. Although about 60% of rabbit DNA cleaved with restriction endonuclease KpnI binds to poly(rC)-Sephadex, no binding is observed for the 5.1 kb DNA fragment generated by KpnI digestion, which contains the rabbit beta-globin gene. This indicates that oligo(dG.dC) clusters are not found close to the rabbit beta-globin gene.  相似文献   

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