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Intramolecular transposition by a synthetic IS50 (Tn5) derivative.   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
We report the formation of deletions and inversions by intramolecular transposition of Tn5-derived mobile elements. The synthetic transposons used contained the IS50 O and I end segments and the transposase gene, a contraselectable gene encoding sucrose sensitivity (sacB), antibiotic resistance genes, and a plasmid replication origin. Both deletions and inversions were associated with loss of a 300-bp segment that is designated the vector because it is outside of the transposon. Deletions were severalfold more frequent than inversions, perhaps reflecting constraints on DNA twisting or abortive transposition. Restriction and DNA sequence analyses showed that both types of rearrangements extended from one transposon end to many different sites in target DNA. In the case of inversions, transposition generated 9-bp direct repeats of target sequences.  相似文献   

Tn10 transposition and circle formation in vitro   总被引:45,自引:0,他引:45  
D Morisato  N Kleckner 《Cell》1987,51(1):101-111
We describe a cell-free system that promotes Tn10 transposition and transposon circle formation, a related intramolecular event. Tn10 circle formation in vitro has been characterized in detail, and is shown to require a supercoiled substrate and to proceed in the absence of ATP. The reaction requires Tn10 transposase protein, and either of two E. coli proteins, integration host factor (IHF) and HU, which are small DNA binding proteins that change the conformation of DNA. Tn10 is composed of inverted repeats of insertion sequence IS10. Pair-wise combinations of the IS10 "outside" and "inside" ends mediate distinct classes of rearrangements in vivo, and they exhibit different reaction requirements in vitro. In contrast to the Tn10 reaction, which involves two outside ends, circle formation with two inside ends proceeds with a transposase fraction alone, in the absence of added host factors, and is inhibited by methylation of the dam site within each terminus.  相似文献   

Determinants for hairpin formation in Tn10 transposition   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Tn10 transposition involves the formation of a hairpin intermediate at the transposon termini. Here we show that hairpin formation exhibits more stringent DNA sequence requirements at the terminal two base pairs than either transpososome assembly or first strand nicking. We also observe a significant DNA distortion at the terminal base pairs upon transpososome assembly by chemical nuclease footprinting. Interestingly, mutations at these positions do not necessarily inhibit the formation of the distortion. However, it remains a possibility that the inhibitory effect of these mutations is due to a defect in protein-DNA interactions subsequent to this deformation. Terminal base pair mutations also inhibited strand transfer, providing evidence that transposase interactions with the terminal residues on both 'transferred' and 'non-transferred' strands are important for hairpin formation. We also demonstrate that mutation of a highly conserved tyrosine residue that is a component of the YREK motif, Y285, results in a phenotype comparable to that of the terminal base pair mutations. In contrast, a mutation at another conserved position, W265, is shown to relax the specificity of the hairpin formation reaction.  相似文献   

Tn10 is a bacterial transposon that transposes through a non-replicative mechanism. This mode of DNA transposition is widely used in bacteria and is also used by "DNA-based" transposons in eukaryotes. Tn10 has served as a paradigm for this mode of transposition and continues to provide novel insights into how steps in transposition reactions occur and how these steps are regulated. A common feature of transposition reactions is that they require the formation of a higher order protein-DNA complex called a transpososome. A major objective in the last few years has been to better understand the dynamics of transpososome assembly and progression through the course of transposition reactions. This problem is particularly interesting in the Tn10 system because two important host proteins, IHF and H-NS, have been implicated in regulating transpososome assembly and/or function. Interestingly, H-NS is an integral part of stress response pathways in bacteria, and its function is known to be sensitive to changes in environmental conditions. Consequently, H-NS may provide a means of allowing Tn10 to responed to changing environmental conditions. The current review focuses on the roles of both IHF and H-NS on Tn10 transposition.  相似文献   

Tn10/IS10 transposition involves assembly of a synaptic complex (or transpososome) in which two transposon ends are paired, followed by four distinct chemical steps at each transposon end. The chemical steps are dependent on the presence of a suitable divalent metal cation (Me(2+)). Transpososome assembly and structure are also affected by Me(2+). To gain further insight into the mechanisms of Me(2+) action in Tn10/IS10 transposition we have investigated the effects of substituting Mn(2+) for Mg(2+), the physiologic Me(2+), in transposition. We have also investigated the significance of an Me(2+)-assisted conformational change in transpososome structure. We show that Mn(2+) has two previously unrecognized effects on the Tn10 donor cleavage reaction. It accelerates the rates of hairpin formation and hairpin resolution without significantly affecting the rate of the first chemical step, first strand nicking. Mn(2+) also relaxes the specificity of first strand nicking. We also show that Me(2+)-assisted transpososome unfolding coincides with a structural transition in the transposon-donor junction that may be necessary for hairpin formation. Possible mechanisms for these observations are considered.  相似文献   

The rate of DNA synthesis after gamma-irradiation was studied either by analysis of the steady-state distribution of daughter [3H]DNA in alkaline sucrose gradients or by direct assay of the amount of [3H]thymidine incorporated into DNA of fibroblasts derived from a normal donor (LCH882) and from Down's syndrome (LCH944), Werner's syndrome (WS1LE) and xeroderma pigmentosum (XP2LE) patients with chromosomal sensitivity to ionizing radiation. Doses of gamma-irradiation that markedly inhibited the rate of DNA synthesis in normal human cells caused almost no inhibition of DNA synthesis in the cells from the affected individuals. The radioresistant DNA synthesis in Down's syndrome cells was mainly due to a much lower inhibition of replicon initiation than that in normal cells; these cells were also more resistant to damage that inhibited replicon elongation. Our data suggest that radioresistant DNA synthesis may be an intrinsic feature of all genetic disorders showing increased radiosensitivity in terms of chromosome aberrations.  相似文献   

Transposon Tn10 and its component insertion sequence IS10 move by non-replicative transposition. We have studied the array of reaction intermediates and products in a high efficiency in vitro IS10/Tn10 transposition reaction. Synapsis of two transposon ends, followed by cleavage and strand transfer, can occur very efficiently irrespective of the relative locations and orientations of the two ends. The two participating ends can occur in inverted or direct orientation on the same molecule or, most importantly, on two different molecules. This behavior contrasts sharply with that of Mu, in which transposition is strongly biased in favor of inverted repeat synapsis. Mechanistically, the absence of discrimination amongst various end configurations implies that the architecture within the IS10/Tn10 synaptic complex is relatively simple, i.e. lacking any significant intertwining of component DNA strands. Biologically these observations are important because they suggest that the IS10 insertion sequence module has considerable flexibility in the types of DNA rearrangements that it can promote. Most importantly, it now seems highly probable that a single non-replicative IS10 element can promote DNA rearrangements usually attributed to replicative transposition, i.e. adjacent deletions and cointegrates, by utilizing transposon ends on two sister chromosomes. Other events which probably also contribute to the diversity of IS10/Tn10-promoted rearrangements are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Intermolecular transposition of Tn2660 into pCR1 was measured at 30°C in recA and recA + hosts as between 2.6 and 5.5x10–3, a similar value to that previously found for Tn3. No cointegrate structures were found under conditions where 104 transposition events occurred. Immunity to intermolecular transposition of Tn2660, similar to that found for Tn3 was demonstrated by showing that the above transposition frequency was reduced by a factor of between 10–3 and 10–4 when a mutant Tn2660 (resulting in the synthesis of a temperaturesensitive -lactamase) was present in the recipient plasmid. Intramolecular transposition of Tn3 was found to occur under the same conditions as previously demonstrated for Tn2660 giving rise to similar end products, in which the newly introduced Tn3 is oriented inversely to the resident Tn3 and the DNA sequence between the two transposons has been inverted. Thus, in all respects functional identity of the transposition activities of Tn3 and Tn2660 is shown, thereby identifying characteristics of intramolecular transposition that are not readily accommodated by current models of transposition.  相似文献   

Kinetics of Tn5 transposition   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
O L Rossetti  R Altman  R Young 《Gene》1984,32(1-2):91-98
The kinetics of Tn5 transposition and gene expression were studied. For about 2 h after infection with lambda Tn5, Tn5 transpositions accumulate, reaching a level of about 1.5% of the infected cells. After 2 h transposition is essentially turned off. In cells carrying a resident Tn5, transposition is undetectable after infection. The synthesis of the Tn5-specific proteins p58 and p54 and the kanamycin-resistance protein were studied in pre-irradiated cells infected with lambda Tn5. The synthesis of p58 and p54 peaked early after infection and was significantly reduced, relative to pneo, by 2 h after infection. Moreover, p54 appeared to reach a maximum later than p58. These kinetic data put new constraints on models for the regulation of Tn5 transposition.  相似文献   

Analysis of Tn7 transposition   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  

Postexcision transposition of the transposon Tn10 in Escherichia coli K12   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
An experimental analysis of the fate of transposon Tn10 after excision from a proA::Tn10 site localized on the plasmid F' leads to the conclusions: 1. The precise excision is a progressive process. Its probability is estimated per time unit. 2. An excised Tn10 is always integrated into a different genetic locus. 2. An excised Tn10 is always integrated into a different genetic locus. 3. The kinetics of postexcision transposition are sometimes very slow. The excised transposon is inherited in one cell line in spite of cell multiplication. 4. The processes of excision and secondary insertion have no absolute requirement for the recA+ genotype but they are strongly enhanced in recA+ cells. 5. The kinetics of postexcision transposition are strongly dependent on the genetic site from which the transposon was excised. 6. The probability of postexcision transposition is fully determined by the probability of excision and depends on the genotype of the host and many other factors.  相似文献   

Summary A system for the direct selection of intra- and inter-molecular transposition events has been used to show that intra-molecular transposition of Tn1 generates deletions and inversions and requires the tnpA but not the tnpR gene product, as predicted by current models of transposition. Intra-molecular Tn1 transposition is much less limited by transposition immunity than inter-molecular transposition, and occurs at frequencies comparable to those for inter-molecular transposition. The selection system, which uses the bacteriophage cI-PR region as a target can be used to select, quantify, and characterize any spontaneous or induced mutations.  相似文献   

Summary Our isolate of Tn7 (named Tn7S) contains an IS1 insertion, and this IS1 can be converted into Tn9. In vitro and in vivo deletions of Tn7S and Tn7S:: Tn9 define regions of the transposon required for antibiotic resistance and transposition. Complementation of deletion mutants by cloned Tn7 fragments indicates the existence of two regions, denoted tnp7A and tnp7B, required for all transposition events. Another region, denoted tnp7C, is required for transposition from the chromosome to RP1 but not for transposition from a small IncP-1 replicon to the chromosome. The presence of Tn7S terminal sequences in an RP1 replicon reduces the transposition of a second Tn7S derivative from the chromosome by about one order of magnitude. The measured frequency of Tn7S transpositions from a small IncP-1 replicon to the chromosome depends on the particular incompatibility system used to eliminate that replicon. Genetic and physical data indicate that high frequencies of Tn7S transposition to the chromosome (40%) are triggered by the IncP-1 incompatibility reaction, thus suggesting the existence of a Tn7 mechanism for sensing the state of the carrier replicon.  相似文献   

The bacterial transposon Tn10 inserts preferentially into specific target sequences. This insertion specificity appears to be linked to the ability of target sites to adopt symmetrically positioned DNA bends after binding the transposition machinery. Target DNA bending is thought to permit the transposase protein to make additional contacts with the target DNA, thereby stabilizing the target complex so that the joining of transposon and target DNA sequences can occur efficiently. In the current work, we have asked whether the introduction of a discontinuity in a target DNA strand, a modification that is expected to make it easier for a DNA molecule to bend, can enhance or rescue target capture under otherwise suboptimal reaction conditions. We show that either a nick or a missing phosphate specifically at the site of reaction chemistry increases the ability of various target DNAs to form the target capture complex. The result suggests that the bends in the target DNA are highly localized and include the scissile phosphates. This raises the possibility that strand transfer is mechanistically linked to target capture. We have also identified specific residues in the target DNA and in transposase that appear to play an important role in target DNA bending.  相似文献   

The bacterial transposon Tn10 inserts preferentially into sites that conform to a 9 bp consensus sequence: 5' NGCTNAGCN 3'. However, this sequence is not on its own sufficient to confer target specificity as the base-pairs flanking this sequence also contribute significantly to target-site selection. We have performed a series of "contact-probing experiments" to define directly the protein-DNA interactions that govern target-site selection in the Tn10 system. The HisG1 hotspot for Tn10 insertion was the main focus here. We infer that there is a rather broad zone ( approximately 24 bp) of contact between transposase and target DNA in the target-capture complex. This includes base-specific contacts at all of the purine residues in the consensus positions of the target core and primarily backbone contacts out to 7-8 bp in the two flanking regions immediately adjacent to the core. Also, highly localized sites of chemical hypersensitivity are identified that reveal symmetrically disposed deformations in DNA structure in the target-capture complex. Furthermore, the level of strand transfer is shown to be reduced by phosphorothioate substitution of phosphate groups at or close to the sites of target DNA deformation. Interestingly, for one particular target DNA, a mutant form of HisG1 called MutF, the above phosphorothioate inhibition of strand transfer is suppressed by replacing Mg(2+) with Mn(2+). Based on these results a model for sequence-specific target capture is proposed which attempts to define possible relationships between transposase interactions with the target core and flanking sequences, transposase-induced DNA deformation of the target site and divalent metal ion binding to the target-capture complex.  相似文献   

Tn10/IS10 transposition takes place in the context of a protein-DNA complex called a transpososome. During the reaction, the transpososome undergoes several conformational changes. The host proteins IHF and H-NS, which also are global regulators of gene expression, play important roles in directing these architectural changes. IHF binds tightly to only one of two transposon ends within the transpososome, folding this end into a DNA loop structure. Unfolding this DNA loop is necessary for excising the transposon from flanking donor DNA and preventing integration of the transposon into itself. We show here that efficient DNA loop unfolding relies on the continuity of the flanking donor DNA on the side of the transpososome opposite to the folded transposon end. We also show this same donor DNA is a preferred binding site for H-NS, which promotes opening of the IHF-loop, which is required for productive target interactions. This is counter to the usual mode of H-NS action, which is repressive due to its propensity to coat DNA. The interplay between IHF and H-NS likely serves to couple the rate of transposition to the host cell physiology as both of these proteins are integrated into cellular stress response pathways.  相似文献   

The Tn10 transpososome has symmetrical components on either side: there are two transposon ends each of which has binding sites for a monomer of transposase and an IHF heterodimer. The DNA bending activity of IHF stimulates assembly of an intermediate with tightly folded transposon ends in which transposase has additional ‘subterminal’ DNA contacts, located distal to the IHF site. These subterminal contacts are required to activate later steps in the reaction. Quantitative hydroxyl radical footprinting and gel retardation unfolding experiments show that the transpososome is fundamentally asymmetric, despite having identical components on either side. Major differences between the transposon ends define α and β sides of the complex. IHF can dissociate from the transposon arm on the β side of the complex in the absence of metal ion. However, IHF is locked onto the α side of the complex, probably by the subterminal transposase contacts, until released by a metal ion-dependent conformational change. Later in the reaction, IHF inhibits target interactions. Using a very short transposon arm, target interactions are demonstrated at a saturating IHF concentration. This suggests that inhibition of target interactions is due to steric hindrance of the target binding site by a single IHF-folded transposon arm.  相似文献   

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