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Spermatidal protein TP2, which appears transiently during stages 12-16 of mammalian spermiogenesis, is a DNA condensing zinc metalloprotein with a preference to GC-rich DNA. We have carried out a detailed site-directed mutagenesis analysis of rat spermatidal protein TP2 to delineate the amino acid residues involved in coordination with two atoms of zinc. Two zinc fingers modules have been identified involving 4 histidine and 4 cysteine residues, respectively. The modular structure of the two zinc fingers identified in TP2 define a new class of zinc finger proteins that do not fall into any of the known classes of zinc fingers. Transfection experiments with COS-7 cells using wild type and the two zinc finger pocket mutants have shown that TP2 preferentially localizes to nucleolus. The nuclear localization signal in TP2 was identified to be (87)GKVSKRKAV(95) present in the C-terminal third of TP2 as a part of an extended NoLS sequence.  相似文献   

Thaumatin‐like proteins (TLPs) share structural similarity with the sweet‐tasting thaumatin protein but exhibit antifungal activity by inhibiting growth of fungal pathogens. In a Tenebrio model, two TLP genes were identified by RNA‐sequencing analysis and genome sequencing. Both TmTLP1 and TmTLP2 genes contain 729 nucleotide sequences encoding 242 amino acid residues, including an initiation codon (ATG) and a termination codon (TAA). Interestingly, TmTLPs are proteins with 14 central cysteine residues that may have an important role in structure formation. These data will be used to characterize the innate immune functions of TmTLPs in Tenebrio molitor.  相似文献   

Dupuy D  Dupérat VG  Arveiler B 《Gene》2002,289(1-2):1-6
The SCAN domain is a recently recognized protein domain that characterizes a subfamily of the Krüppel-like zinc finger proteins. We have previously described a novel SCAN domain-containing 2 gene (SCAND2) that does not belong to the zinc finger family. We report structural and sequence analyzes of all known members of the SCAN family and use these data to illustrate a model of gene family evolution. Most of the SCAN containing genes share common gene organization features that support the proposed origin for SCAND2 by disruption of an ancestral SCAN-zinc finger gene by a retroposition event and subsequent exon shuffling.  相似文献   

We have recently identified a novel RING finger protein expressed in the rat brain, which associates with myosin V and alpha-actinin-4. Here we have cloned and characterized the orthologous human BERP cDNA and gene (HGMW-approved symbol RNF22). The human BERP protein is encoded by 11 exons ranging in size from 71 to 733 bp, and fluorescence in situ hybridization shows that the BERP gene maps to chromosome 11p15.5, 3' to the FE65 gene. The human BERP protein is 98% identical to the rat and mouse proteins, and we have identified a highly conserved potential orthologue in Caenorhabditis elegans. BERP belongs to the RING finger-B-box-coiled coil (RBCC) subgroup of RING finger proteins, and a cluster of these RBCC protein genes is present in chromosome 11p15. Chromosome region 11p15 is thought to harbor tumor suppressor genes, and deletions of this region occur frequently in several types of human cancers. These observations indicate that BERP may be a novel tumor suppressor gene.  相似文献   

Superoxide dismutase (SOD, EC is an important antioxidant enzyme that protects organs from damage by reactive oxygen species (ROS). We cloned cDNA encoding SOD activated with copper/zinc (CuZn SOD) from the rotifer Brachionus calyciflorus Pallas. The full-length cDNA of CuZn SOD was 692 bp and had a 465 bp open reading frame encoding 154 amino acids. The deduced amino acid sequence of B. calyciflorus CuZn SOD showed 63.87%, 60.00%, 59.74% and 48.89% similarity with the CuZn SOD of the Ctenopharyn godonidella, Schistosoma japonicum, Drosophila melanogaster and Caenorhabditis elegans, respectively. The phylogenetic tree constructed based on the amino acid sequences of CuZn SODs from B. calyciflorus and other organisms revealed that rotifer is closely related to nematode. Analysis of the expression of CuZn SOD under different temperatures (15, 30 and 37 °C) revealed that its expression was enhanced 4.2-fold (p < 0.001) at 30 °C after 2 h, however, the lower temperature (15 °C) promoted CuZn SOD transiently (4.1-fold, p < 0.001) and then the expression of CuZn SOD decreased to normal level (p > 0.05). When exposed to H2O2 (0.1 mM), CuZn SOD, manganese superoxide dismutase (Mn SOD) and catalase (CAT) gene were upregulated, and in addition, the mRNA expression of CuZn SOD gene was induced instantaneously after exposure to vitamin E. It indicates that the CuZn SOD gene would be an important gene in response to oxidative and temperature stress.  相似文献   

A gene OsZnI encoding Cys3/His1-type zinc finger protein was isolated from the water stress-induced cDNA library of rice (Oryza sativa) cv. N-22, an early maturing, deep-rooted, drought-tolerant genotype adapted to upland conditions. The in-silico analysis revealed an insert of 800 bp with an ORF of 663 nucleotides, encoding 221 amino acids. OsZnI had three distinct features--nuclear localization signal (NLS) present in Arg152-Arg168, Zn finger domain between 185-193 amino acids and 12 amino acids conserved domain in 71-82 amino acids homologous to LEA motif, and belonged to C-type family of Zn finger protein. OsZnI showed induced expression under water deficit stress.  相似文献   

During progression of Moloney murine leukemia virus (Mo-MuLV)-induced rat T cell lymphomas, growth selection results in the expansion of cell clones carrying increasing numbers of integrated proviruses. These new provirus insertions reproducibly contribute to enhanced growth, allowing the emergence of cell clones from the initially heterogeneous population of tumor cells. The Mo-MuLV-induced rat T cell lymphoma lines 2780d and 5675d, which are dependent on interleukin-2 (IL-2) for growth in culture (IL-2d), were placed in IL-2-free medium to select for IL-2-independent (IL-2i) mutants. Southern blot analysis of genomic DNA from these mutants, which was hybridized to a Mo-MuLV long terminal repeat probe, revealed that all mutants carried new provirus insertions (from one to four new proviruses per cell line). A locus of integration identified through cloning of the single new provirus detected in one of the IL-2i mutants, 2780i.5, was found to be the target of provirus insertion in 1 additional IL-2i cell line of 24 tested. A full-length cDNA of a gene (growth factor independence-1 [Gfi-1]) activated by promoter insertion in the 2780i.5 cells was cloned and shown to encode a novel zinc finger protein. Gfi-1 is expressed at low levels in IL-2d cell lines cultured in IL-2-containing medium and at high levels in most IL-2i cell lines, including the two harboring a provirus at this locus. Gfi-1 expression in adult animals is restricted to the thymus, spleen, and testis. In mitogen-stimulated splenocytes, Gfi-1 expression begins to rise at 12 h after stimulation and reaches very high levels after 50 h, suggesting that it may be functionally involved in events occurring after the interaction of IL-2 with its receptor, perhaps during the transition from the G1 to the S phase of the cell cycle. In agreement with this, Gfi-1 does not induce the expression of IL-2. Expression of Gfi-1 in 2780d cells following transfer of a Gfi-1/LXSN retrovirus construct contributes to the emergence of the IL-2i phenotype.  相似文献   

Two members of the zinc finger Krüppel family, ZNF24 (KOX17) and ZNF29 (KOX26), have been localized by somatic cell hybrid analysis and in situ chromosomal hybridization to human chromosomes 18q12 and 17p13-p12, respectively. The mapping of ZNF29 together with the previously reported localization of ZFP3 suggests that a zinc finger gene complex is located on human chromosome 17p. ZNF29 maps centromeric to the human p53 tumor antigen gene (TP53). In the analogous murine position, the two mouse zinc finger genes Zfp2 and Zfp3 have recently been assigned to the distal region of mouse chromosome 11, the murine homolog of human chromosome 17. Both human zinc finger genes ZNF24 and ZNF29 are in chromosomal regions that have been noted to be deleted in neoplasms of the lung and of the central nervous system at chromosome 17p and in colorectal neoplasia at chromosomes 17p and 18q.  相似文献   

The 5' ends of eukaryotic mRNAs are blocked by a cap structure, m7GpppX (where X is any nucleotide). The interaction of the cap structure with a cap-binding protein complex is required for efficient ribosome binding to the mRNA. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the cap-binding protein complex is a heterodimer composed of two subunits with molecular masses of 24 (eIF-4E, CDC33) and 150 (p150) kDa. p150 is presumed to be the yeast homolog of the p220 component of mammalian eIF-4F. In this report, we describe the isolation of yeast gene TIF4631, which encodes p150, and a closely related gene, TIF4632. TIF4631 and TIF4632 are 53% identical overall and 80% identical over a 320-amino-acid stretch in their carboxy-terminal halves. Both proteins contain sequences resembling the RNA recognition motif and auxiliary domains that are characteristic of a large family of RNA-binding proteins. tif4631-disrupted strains exhibited a slow-growth, cold-sensitive phenotype, while disruption of TIF4632 failed to show any phenotype under the conditions assayed. Double gene disruption engendered lethality, suggesting that the two genes are functionally homologous and demonstrating that at least one of them is essential for viability. These data are consistent with a critical role for the high-molecular-weight subunit of putative yeast eIF-4F in translation. Sequence comparison of TIF4631, TIF4632, and the human eIF-4F p220 subunit revealed significant stretches of homology. We have thus cloned two yeast homologs of mammalian p220.  相似文献   

We report the cloning of the AOH1 and AOH2 genes, which encode two novel mammalian molybdo-flavoproteins. We have purified the AOH1 protein to homogeneity in its catalytically active form from mouse liver. Twenty tryptic peptides, identified or directly sequenced by mass spectrometry, confirm the primary structure of the polypeptide deduced from the AOH1 gene. The enzyme contains one molecule of FAD, one atom of molybdenum, and four atoms of iron per subunit and shows spectroscopic features similar to those of the prototypic molybdo-flavoprotein xanthine oxidoreductase. The AOH1 and AOH2 genes are 98 and 60 kilobases long, respectively, and consist of 35 coding exons. The AOH1 gene has the potential to transcribe an extra leader non-coding exon, which is located downstream of exon 26, and is transcribed in the opposite orientation relative to all the other exons. AOH1 and AOH2 map to chromosome 1 in close proximity to each other and to the aldehyde oxidase gene, forming a molybdo-flavoenzyme gene cluster. Conservation in the position of exon/intron junctions among the mouse AOH1, AOH2, aldehyde oxidase, and xanthine oxidoreductase loci indicates that these genes are derived from the duplication of an ancestral precursor.  相似文献   

Fucose is a major constituent of the protein- and lipid-linked glycans of the various life-cycle stages of schistosomes. These fucosylated glycans are highly antigenic and seem to play a role in the pathology of schistosomiasis. In this article we describe the identification and characterization of two fucosyltransferases (FucTs) in cercariae of the avian schistosome Trichobilharzia ocellata, a GDP-Fuc:[Galbeta1-- >4]GlcNAcbeta-R alpha1-->3-FucT and a novel GDP-Fuc:Fucalpha-R alpha1-- >2-FucT. Triton X-100 extracts of cercariae were assayed for FucT activity using a variety of acceptor substrates. Type 1 chain (Galbeta1- ->3GlcNAc) based compounds were poor acceptors, whereas those based on a type 2 chain (Galbeta1-->4GlcNAc), whether alpha2'-fucosylated, alpha3'-sialylated, or unsubstituted, and whether present as oligosaccharide or contained in a glycopeptide or glycoprotein, all served as acceptor substrates. In this respect the schistosomal alpha3- FucT resembles human FucT V and VI rather than other known FucTs. N- ethylmaleimide, an inhibitor of several human FucTs, had no effect on the activity of the schistosomal alpha3-FucT, whereas GDP-beta-S was strongly inhibitory. Large scale incubations were carried out with Galbeta1-->4GlcNAc, GalNAcbeta1-->4GlcNAcbeta-O -(CH2)8COOCH3 and Fucalpha1-->3GlcNAcbeta1-->2Man as acceptor substrates and the products of the incubations were isolated using a sequence of chromatographic techniques. By methylation analysis and 2D-TOCSY and ROESY1H-NMR spectroscopy the products formed were shown to be Galbeta1-- >4[Fucalpha1-->2Fucalpha1-->3]GlcNAc, GalNAcbeta1-->4[Fucalpha1-- >2Fucalpha1-->3]GlcNAcbe ta-O-(CH2)8COOCH3, and Fucalpha1-->2Fucalpha1-- >3GlcNAcbeta1-->2Man, respectively. It is concluded that the alpha2- FucT and alpha3-FucT are involved in the biosynthesis of the (oligomeric) Lewisx sequences and the Fucalpha1-->2Fucalpha1-->3GlcNAc structural element that have been described on schistosomal glycoconjugates.   相似文献   

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