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Mycothiol is the major thiol present in most actinomycetes and is produced from the pseudodisaccharide 1D-myo-inosityl 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-alpha-D-glucopyranoside (GlcNAc-Ins). A transposon mutant of Mycobacterium smegmatis shown to be GlcNAc-Ins and mycothiol deficient was sequenced to identify a putative glycosyltransferase gene designated mshA. The ortholog in Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Rv0486, was used to complement the mutant phenotype.  相似文献   

Summary This paper reports the cloning and characterization of a gene encoding galactoside acetyltransferase from a strain ofLactococcus lactis. AP stI library ofL. lactis strain ATCC7962 DNA was constructed in plasmid pUC18. A clone harbouring a 10 kbp DNA fragment containing part of thelac operon was isolated using a labelled probe generated by PCR. DNA sequence analysis revealed the presence of a gene encoding a protein with 64.5% similarity to the galactoside acetyltransferase fromEscherichia coli. The codon usage pattern of this gene was not typical of lactococcal genes. The lactococcallac operon organization appears to be different to that of other organisms.  相似文献   

Mycothiol is a low molecular weight thiol compound produced by a number of actinomycetes, and has been suggested to serve both anti-oxidative and detoxifying roles. To investigate the metabolism and the role of mycothiol in Streptomyces coelicolor, the biosynthetic genes (mshA, B, C, and D) were predicted based on sequence homology with the mycobacterial genes and confirmed experimentally. Disruption of the mshA, C, and D genes by PCR targeting mutagenesis resulted in no synthesis of mycothiol, whereas the mshB mutation reduced its level to about 10% of the wild type. The results indicate that the mshA, C, and D genes encode non-redundant biosynthetic enzymes, whereas the enzymatic activity of MshB (acetylase) is shared by at least one other gene product, most likely the mca gene product (amidase).  相似文献   

UROS (uroporphyrinogen III synthase; EC is the enzyme responsible for the formation of uroporphyrinogen III, the precursor of all cellular tetrapyrroles including haem, chlorophyll and bilins. Although UROS genes have been cloned from many organisms, the level of sequence conservation between them is low, making sequence similarity searches difficult. As an alternative approach to identify the UROS gene from plants, we used functional complementation, since this does not require conservation of primary sequence. A mutant of Saccharomyces cerevisiae was constructed in which the HEM4 gene encoding UROS was deleted. This mutant was transformed with an Arabidopsis thaliana cDNA library in a yeast expression vector and two colonies were obtained that could grow in the absence of haem. The rescuing plasmids encoded an ORF (open reading frame) of 321 amino acids which, when subcloned into an Escherichia coli expression vector, was able to complement an E. coli hemD mutant defective in UROS. Final proof that the ORF encoded UROS came from the fact that the recombinant protein expressed with an N-terminal histidine-tag was found to have UROS activity. Comparison of the sequence of AtUROS (A. thaliana UROS) with the human enzyme found that the seven invariant residues previously identified were conserved, including three shown to be important for enzyme activity. Furthermore, a structure-based homology search of the protein database with AtUROS identified the human crystal structure. AtUROS has an N-terminal extension compared with orthologues from other organisms, suggesting that this might act as a targeting sequence. The precursor protein of 34 kDa translated in vitro was imported into isolated chloroplasts and processed to the mature size of 29 kDa. Confocal microscopy of plant cells transiently expressing a fusion protein of AtUROS with GFP (green fluorescent protein) confirmed that AtUROS was targeted exclusively to chloroplasts in vivo.  相似文献   

The Rhodobacter sphaeroides pgsA gene (pgsARs), encoding phosphatidylglycerophosphate synthase (PgsARs), was cloned, sequenced, and expressed in both R. sphaeroides and Escherichia coli. As in E. coli, pgsARs is located immediately downstream of the uvrC gene. Comparison of the deduced amino acid sequences revealed 41% identity and 69% similarity to the pgsA gene of E. coli, with similar homology to the products of the putative pgsA genes of several other bacteria. Comparison of the amino acid sequences of a number of enzymes involved in CDP-diacylglycerol-dependent phosphatidyltransfer identified a highly conserved region also found in PgsARs. The pgsARs gene carried on multicopy plasmids was expressed in R. sphaeroides under the direction of its own promoter, the R. sphaeroides rrnB promoter, and the E. coli lac promoter, and this resulted in significant overproduction of PgsARs activity. Expression of PgsARs activity in E. coli occurred only with the E. coli lac promoter. PgsARs could functionally replace the E. coli enzyme in both a point mutant and a null mutant of E. coli pgsA. Overexpression of PgsARs in either E. coli or R. sphaeroides did not have dramatic effects on the phospholipid composition of the cells, suggesting regulation of the activity of this enzyme in both organisms.  相似文献   

为探索硫醇乙酰基转移酶(mycothiol acetyltransferase,MshD)在结核分枝杆菌中的生物学特性,本实验利用噬菌体为载体的同源重组技术,构建结核分枝杆菌mshD基因敲除株、mshD基因回补株,用实时定量聚合酶链反应(real time-quantitative polymerase chain reaction, RT-qPCR)对所构建的菌株进行验证。分别收集H37Ra野生株、mshD基因敲除株、mshD基因回补株对数生长期菌液各5 mL, 离心收集菌体并培养,以观察菌落形态、生物膜形成及生长曲线测定;用5 mmol/L H2O2、0.05% SDS,50 ℃热激及低氧条件下分别处理基因敲出菌株和野生菌株,将菌液进行10倍梯度稀释,培养4~6周后检测抗胁迫能力并计算存活率。结果显示, 与野生株H37Ra相比,mshD基因敲除株菌落褶皱减少且菌落偏小,生长趋势较为缓慢;生物膜形成所需时间增长且褶皱明显减少;抗逆能力下降,存活率略低于野生株和回补株。揭示了mshD基因对结核分枝杆菌的生长具有重要作用,为进一步揭示该基因的功能和作用机制奠定了基础。  相似文献   

A second cellulose synthase gene (acsAII) coding for a 175-kDa polypeptide that is similar in size and sequence to the acsAB gene product has been identified in Acetobacter xylinum AY201. Evidence for the presence of this gene was obtained during analysis of A. xylinum mutants in which the acsAB gene was disrupted (I.M. Saxena, K. Kudlicka, K. Okuda, and R.M. Brown, Jr., J. Bacteriol. 176:5735-5752, 1994). Although these mutants produced no detectable cellulose, they exhibited significant cellulose synthase activity in vitro. The acsAII gene was isolated by using an acsAB gene fragment as a probe. The acsAII gene coded for cellulose synthase activity as determined from sequence analysis and study of mutants in which this gene was disrupted. A mutant in which only the acsAII gene was disrupted showed no significant differences in either the in vivo cellulose production or the in vitro cellulose synthase activity compared with wild-type cells. Mutants in which both the acsAII and acsAB genes were disrupted produced no cellulose in vivo and exhibited negligible cellulose synthase activity in vitro, thus confirming that the cellulose synthase activity observed in the acsAB mutants was coded by the acsAII gene. These results establish the presence of an additional gene for cellulose synthase expressed in cells of A. xylinum, yet this gene is not required for cellulose production when cells are grown under laboratory conditions.  相似文献   

Mycothiol [2-(N-acetylcysteinyl)amido-2-deoxy-alpha-D-glucopyranosyl- (1-->1)-myo-inositol] (MSH) has recently been identified as a major thiol in a number of actinomycetes (S. Sakuda, Z.-Y. Zhou, and Y. Yamada, Biosci. Biotech. Biochem. 58:1347-1348, 1994; H. S. C. Spies and D. J. Steenkamp, Eur. J. Biochem. 224:203-213, 1994; and G. L. Newton, C. A. Bewley, T. J. Dwyer, R. Horn, Y. Aharonowitz, G. Cohen, J. Davies, D. J. Faulkner, and R. C. Fahey, Eur. J. Biochem. 230:821-825, 1995). Since this novel thiol is more resistant than glutathione to heavy-metal ion-catalyzed oxidation, it seems likely to be the antioxidant thiol used by aerobic gram-positive bacteria that do not produce glutathione (GSH). In the present study we sought to define the spectrum of organisms that produce MSH. GSH was absent in all actinomycetes and some of the other gram-positive bacteria studied. Surprisingly, the streptococci and enterococci contained GSH, and some strains appeared to synthesize it rather than import it from the growth medium. MSH was found at significant levels in most actinomycetes examined. Among the actinobacteria four Micrococcus species produced MSH, but MSH was not found in representatives of the Arthrobacter, Agromyces, or Actinomyces genera. Of the nocardioforms examined, Nocardia, Rhodococcus, and Mycobacteria spp. all produced MSH. In addition to the established production of MSH by streptomycetes, we found that Micromonospora, Actinomadura, and Nocardiopsis spp. also synthesized MSH. Mycothiol production was not detected in Propionibacterium acnes or in representative species of the Listeria, Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, Enterococcus, Bacillus, and Clostridium genera. Examination of representatives of the cyanobacteria, purple bacteria, and spirochetes also gave negative results, as did tests of rat liver, bonito, Candida albicans, Neurospora crassa, and spinach leaves. The results, which indicate that MSH production is restricted to the actinomycetes, could have significant implications for the detection and treatment of infections with actinomycetes, especially those caused by mycobacteria.  相似文献   

Mucopolysaccharidosis IIIC (MPS IIIC), or Sanfilippo C, represents the only MPS disorder in which the responsible gene has not been identified; however, the gene has been localized to the pericentromeric region of chromosome 8. In an ongoing proteomics study of mouse lysosomal membrane proteins, we identified an unknown protein whose human homolog, TMEM76, was encoded by a gene that maps to 8p11.1. A full-length mouse expressed sequence tag was expressed in human MPS IIIC fibroblasts, and its protein product localized to the lysosome and corrected the enzymatic defect. The mouse sequence was used to identify the full-length human homolog (HGSNAT), which encodes a protein with no homology to other proteins of known function but is highly conserved among plants and bacteria. Mutational analyses of two MPS IIIC cell lines identified a splice-junction mutation that accounted for three mutant alleles, and a single base-pair insertion accounted for the fourth.  相似文献   

The structure of the ternary complex of mycothiol synthase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis with bound desacetylmycothiol and CoA was determined to 1.8 A resolution. The structure of the acetyl-CoA-binary complex had shown an active site groove that was several times larger than its substrate. The structure of the ternary complex reveals that mycothiol synthase undergoes a large conformational change in which the two acetyltransferase domains are brought together through shared interactions with the functional groups of desacetylmycothiol, thereby decreasing the size of this large central groove. A comparison of the binary and ternary structures illustrates many of the features that promote catalysis. Desacetylmycothiol is positioned with its primary amine in close proximity and in the proper orientation for direct nucleophilic attack on the si-face of the acetyl group of acetyl-CoA. Glu-234 and Tyr-294 are positioned to act as a general base and general acid to promote acetyl transfer. In addition, this structure provides further evidence that the N-terminal acetyltransferase domain no longer has enzymatic activity and is vestigial in nature.  相似文献   

Thromboxane synthase (CYP5A1) catalyzes the conversion of prostaglandin H2 to thromboxane A2, a potent mediator of platelet aggregation, vasoconstriction and bronchoconstriction. It has been implicated in the patho-physiological process of a variety of diseases, such as atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction, stroke and asthma. On the basis of the hypothesis that variations of the CYP5A1 gene may play an important role in human diseases, we performed a screening for variations in the human CYP5A1 gene sequence. We examined genomic DNA from 200 individuals, for mutations in the promoter region, the protein encoding sequences and the 3'-untranslated region of the CYP5A1. Eleven polymorphisms have been identified in the CYP5A1 gene including eight missense mutations R61H, D161E, N246S, L357V, Q417E, E450K, T451N and R466Q. This is the first report of genetic variants in the human CYP5A1 altering the protein sequence. The effect of these variants on the metabolic activity of CYP5A1 remains to be further evaluated.  相似文献   

Natural products provide a unique element of molecular diversity and biological functionality and they are still indispensable for drug discovery. The polyketides, comprising a large and structurally diverse family of bioactive natural products, have been isolated from a group of mycelia-forming Gram-positive microorganisms, the actinomycetes. Relatively high amino acid sequence identity of the actinomycetes type I polyketide synthases (PKSs) was used to design three degenerate primer pairs for homology-based PCR detection of novel PKS genes, with particular interest into PKSs involved in biosynthesis of immunosuppressive-like metabolites. The stepdown PCR method, described here, enables fast insight into the PKS arsenal within actinomycetes. Designed primers and stepdown PCR were applied for the analysis of two natural isolates, Streptomyces sp. strains NP13 and MS405. Sequence analysis of chosen clones revealed the presence of two distinctive sequences in strain Streptomyces sp. NP13, but only one of these showed homology to PKS-related sequences. On analysing PCR amplicons derived from Streptomyces sp. strain MS405, three different PKS-related sequences were identified demonstrating a potential of designed primers to target PKS gene pool within single organism.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Acute intermittent porphyria (AIP), an autosomal dominant inborn error, results from the half-normal activity of the heme biosynthetic enzyme hydroxymethylbilane synthase (EC; HMB-synthase). This disease is characterized by acute, life-threatening neurologic attacks that are precipitated by various drugs, hormones, and other factors. The enzymatic and/or biochemical diagnosis of AIP heterozygotes is problematic; therefore, efforts have focused on the identification of HMB-synthase mutations so that heterozygotes can be identified and educated to avoid the precipitating factors. In Spain, the occurrence of AIP has been reported, but the nature of the HMB-synthase mutations causing AIP in Spanish families has not been investigated. Molecular analysis was therefore undertaken in nine unrelated Spanish AIP patients. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Genomic DNA was isolated from affected probands and family members of nine unrelated Spanish families with AIP. The HMB-synthase gene was amplified by long-range PCR and the nucleotide sequence of each exon was determined by cycle sequencing. RESULTS: Three new mutations, a missense, M212V; a single base insertion, g4715insT; and a deletion/insertion, g7902ACT-->G, as well as five previously reported mutations (G111R, R116W, R149X R167W, and R173W) were detected in the Spanish probands. Expression of the novel missense mutation M212V in E. coli revealed that the mutation was causative, having <2% residual activity. CONCLUSIONS: These studies identified the first mutations in the HMB-synthase gene causing AIP in Spanish patients. Three of the mutations were novel, while five previously reported lesions were found in six Spanish families. These findings enable accurate identification and counseling of presymptomatic carriers in these nine unrelated Spanish AIP families and further demonstrate the genetic heterogeneity of mutations causing AIP.  相似文献   

Applying the genomic library construction strategy and colony screening, a new aroA gene encoding 5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase has been identified, cloned and overexpressed in Escherichia coli, and the enzyme was purified to homogeneity. Kinetic analysis of the AroA P.fluorescens indicated that the full-length enzyme exhibits 10-fold increased IC50 and an approximately 38-fold increased K i for glyphosate compared to those of the AroA E.coli , while retaining high affinity for the substrate phosphoenolpyruvate. Furthermore, we have transformed the new aroA P.fluorescens gene into Arabidopsis thaliana via a floral dip method, and demonstrated that transgenic A. thaliana plants exhibit significant glyphosate resistance when compared with the wild type.  相似文献   

The hepatotoxin cylindrospermopsin is produced by several cyanobacteria species, which may flourish in tropical and sub-tropical lakes. Biosynthesis of cylindrospermopsin is poorly understood but its chemical nature, and feeding experiments with stable isotopes, suggested that guanidinoacetic acid is the starter unit and indicated involvement of a polyketide synthase. We have identified a gene encoding an amidinotransferase from the cylindrospermopsin producing cyanobacterium Aphanizomenon ovalisporum. This is the first report on an amidinotransferase gene in cyanobacteria. It is likely to be involved in the formation of guanidinoacetic acid. The aoaA is located in a genomic region bearing genes encoding a polyketide synthase and a peptide synthetase, further supporting its putative role in cylindrospermopsin biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Still IH  Vince P  Cowell JK 《Genomics》1999,62(3):533-536
Poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation of nuclear proteins plays a significant role in the maintenance of genomic DNA stability. To date, four poly(ADP-ribosyl)ating proteins have been identified in humans. We now report the full-length sequence, expression profile, and chromosomal localization of a novel gene, ADPRTL1, encoding an ADP-ribosyltransferase-like protein. The predicted open reading frame encodes a protein of 1724 amino acids with a molecular mass of 192.8 kDa. The protein contains a region showing homology to the catalytic domains of the nuclear-localized ADP-ribosyltransferase proteins (Adprt), two recently identified Adprt-like proteins (Adprtl2 and Adprtl3), and the telomere-associated protein tankyrase. Key amino acids known to be important for the activity of these enzymes are conserved within this region of the Adprtl1 protein, indicating that Adprtl1 is a functional poly(ADP-ribosyl)transferase. As has been noted for tankyrase, sequence analysis of the Adprtl1 protein suggests that it is not capable of binding DNA directly. Thus, the transferase activity of Adprtl1 may be activated by other factors such as protein-protein interaction mediated by the extensive carboxyl terminus. We have subsequently refined the location of the ADPRTL1 genomic locus to 13q11, close to the recently cloned ZNF198 gene.  相似文献   

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