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The multifunctional enzyme complex anthranilate synthase from Neurospora crassa has been purified to homogeneity by a new procedure which yields a stable preparation of the enzyme. Unlike earlier preparations of the enzyme, anthranilate synthase prepared by this technique is not degraded during incubation at 37 °C or during freeze-thaw treatment. Purified anthranilate synthase contains two subunits of Mr 84,000 (β-subunit) and 76,000 (α-subunit), which are shown, by partial proteolysis, to be unrelated in sequence. Immunoprecipitation studies demonstrate that freshly prepared crude extracts of Neurospora contain anthranilate synthase subunits identical in size with those of the purified enzyme. The β-subunit is shown to be the product of the trp1 gene, and the a-subunit, of the trp2 gene.  相似文献   

Liver poly(A+)-RNA was isolated from untreated and phenobarbital-treated rats and translated in cell-free systems derived from wheat germ and rabbit reticulocyte lysates. The primary translation product of glutathione S-transferase B was comprised of two nonidentically sized subunits which comigrated on SDS-polyacrylamide gels with the purified glutathione S-transferase B subunits. The level of translatable glutathione S-transferase B mRNA in rat liver was elevated approximately 3 to 4-fold by phenobarbital administration. Our data suggest that chronic phenobarbital administration to rats increases the amount of cytosolic glutathione S-transferase B via an increase in the functional mRNA level encoding for the enzyme.  相似文献   

Electrochemical studies on several dimethylbenzo[a]pyrene (DMBP)1 derivatives were carried out at a platinum disk electrode employing cyclic voltammetric and chronopotentiometric techniques in (1:1) acetonitrile-benzene mixed solutions with tetra-n-butylammonium perchlorate as a supporting electrolyte. The results indicate that DMBPs undergo reversible one-electron oxidations and reductions to form the cation radical and the radical anion respectively as electrode products. The stability of the cation radicals of 1,3-, 2,3-, and 3,6-DMBPs is determined by the current reversal chronopotentiometric method in the medium studied at room temperature, and the pseudo-first-order decay rate constants of these radical species are 0.00046, 0.061, and 0.090 s?1, respectively. Reactions of cation radicals with nucleophiles such as water and pyridine were also studied electrochemically and the result is described.  相似文献   

Changes in the activity of gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase (GGT, EC during development in rats were investigated. The activity of GGT in fetal liver increased rapidly immediately before birth, reached a maximum at birth and then decreased rapidly within a week after birth to nearly the level in adult rat liver. In contrast, placental GGT showed higher activity at an early stage (from day 13 to day 15) of the gestation period, but the activity decreased in the last part of fetal life. The activity in the amniotic fluid increased significantly just before birth, in parallel with the increase of activity in the fetal liver. No change of activity in the uterine wall was observed throughout gestation. The kinetic and immunological properties of partially purified GGTs from fetal liver and placenta were almost identical with those of adult liver GGT. However, the activity of soluble GGT in fetal liver was less effectively inhibited by antibody against adult kidney GGT. Thus, it is likely that at least one isozyme of GGT is present in the soluble fraction of fetal liver.  相似文献   

The nature of the cuticle secreted by integument from a day-1 penultimate instar larval Galleria when cultured in vivo in the abdomen of a last instar larva varied with the age of the host. When placed in a day-5 last instar larva, the implanted integument secreted a pupal cuticle at the time the host metamorphosed and became a pupa. However, when placed in a day-7 last instar larva the implant, from the same stage donor, secreted a larval cuticle at the time the host pupated. Experimental studies involving implantation of the integument for a 24 hr period, into various developmental stages of normal and ligated last instar larvae, pupae, and pharate adults, prior to placing it in a day-7 last instar larva suggest that a non-hormonal factor present in day-4 and -5 last instar larvae is important to initiate pupal syntheses.  相似文献   

Males of the spring peeper (Hyla crucifer) in central Missouri produce frequency-modulated, sinusoidal advertisement calls with a duration of 90–250 ms, and a mid-point frequency of 2800–3360 Hz. The frequency of the call is inversely correlated with body size. In playback experiments with synthetic stimuli, females did not prefer a frequency-modulated call to a call of constant frequency. Females preferred a call with a duration of 150 ms to sounds with durations of 40, 75 and 400 ms; a call of 300 ms was just as attractive as the 150-ms call. Females preferred a call of 2875 Hz to alternatives of 4000 Hz and 2600 Hz. The auditory system of H. crucifer is thus only roughly tuned to the temporal and spectral properties of the advertisement call. The female's specificity with respect to duration alone is adequate for species recognition, but intraspecific mate choice based on call frequency is extremely unlikely.  相似文献   

Heliothis virescens F., the tobacco budworm, were reared individually on a semi-defined diet. The 5th and 6th instar larvae digested and absorbed approx. 72% of the available dietary lipid. Analysis of the fatty acid composition of total lipid in the diet and that remaining in the faeces indicated that the polyunsaturated fatty acids, linoleate and linolenate, were preferentially absorbed as compared to saturated and monoenoic fatty acids.  相似文献   

Membrane-defective mutants of Escherichia coli J5 were isolated on the basis of supersensitivity to the antibiotic novobiocin. These mutants display an increased sensitivity to a wide range of antibiotics and to several dyes and detergents. In addition, several mutants leak the periplasmic enzymes, alkaline phosphatase and ribonuclease. This evidence indicates an outer membrane defect in these mutants. The inner and outer membranes of one mutant were separated and subjected to compositional analysis. A deficiency in galactose-containing lipopolysaccharide in the outer membrane of the mutant was observed. Two possible causes of this deficiency were examined and discounted: defective galactose uptake into the cell, and defective translocation of lipopolysaccharide from the inner membrane. Extraction and chemical analysis of mutant and wild type lipopolysaccharides suggests that the mutant is defective in the enzyme which transfers glucose to the growing lipopolysaccharide core, UDPglucose transferase. Thus, the mutant's deficiency in galactose-containing lipopolysaccharide can be ascribed to the fact that addition of glucose to the lipopolysaccharide core is a prerequisite for galactose addition. The physiological implications of this alteration are discussed.  相似文献   

2-Methylacetoacetyl-CoA and 3-keto-2-methyl pentanoyl-CoA have been proposed to be intermediates in the synthesis of 2-methylbutyrate and 2-methylvalerate, respectively, by Ascaris lumbricoides muscle. These volatile acids are major fermentation products of Ascaris metabolism. 2-Methylacetoacetyl-CoA reductase has been purified 532-fold from Ascaris muscle to yield a homogeneous preparation which contained a single protein species as observed on discontinuous polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate. The purification procedure utilized subcellular fractionation, affinity chromatography on NAD+ agarose, and ion-exchange chromatography on DEAE-cellulose. A constant activity ratio for ethyl 2-methylacetoacetate and acetoacetyl-CoA was observed during purification, indicating that the same enzyme catalyzed both reactions. In addition, the purified protein catalyzed the NADH-dependent reduction of ethyl-3-keto-2-methyl pentanoate at essentially the same rate as it did ethyl 2-methylacetoacetate. The purified enzyme is a basic protein with an isoelectric point of 8.45 at 4 degrees C. The molecular weight of the native protein (Mr = 64,000 by exclusion chromatography) and the size of the subunit (Mr = 30,000 by dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide electrophoresis) indicate that the enzyme is composed of two subunits of the same molecular weight. Substrate-specificity studies, undertaken with the purified protein, demonstrated that the ethyl esters can substitute for the coenzyme A derivatives but this substitution results in an active substrate only when a branched 2-methyl group is present. The straight-chain ethyl ester is inactive. Kinetic constants for the substrates and nucleotides were determined. The role of the CoA esters as the physiological substrates for the Ascaris enzyme is substantiated. When assayed in the reductive direction with ethyl 2-methylacetoacetate as substrate, the activity of the purified enzyme was inhibited not only by coenzyme A as previously reported, but also by acetyl-CoA. The physiological implications of these inhibitions are discussed.  相似文献   

Tetrahymena cells elongated and desaturated massive supplements of palmitic or lauric acid at nearly twice the rates employed by unfed cells, thereby maintaining constant the physical properties of their membrane lipids. However, when a mixture of the 9- and 10-monomethoxy derivatives of stearic acid was administered, these compounds were incorporated without further metabolism. The marked fluidizing effect of the phospholipid-bound methoxy-fatty acids elicited an immediate reduction in fatty acid desaturase activity, the pattern of change very similar to that induced by supplements of polyunsaturated fatty acids. The modulation of fatty acid desaturase activity by methoxy-acids clearly seems to be governed by embrane fluidity rather than by some form of end product inhibition of the type which might have been postulated to explain the similar effect caused by polyunsaturated fatty acids.  相似文献   

(Des-Histidine1) (N?-phenylthiocarbamoyllysine12)-glucagon, synthesized by the one-step Edman degradation procedure is a competitive inhibitor of glucagon action in the rat liver plasma membrane adenylate cyclase system. However, in the perfused rat liver, the compound did not inhibit glucagon stimulated glycogenolysis even when used at a concentration 100-fold in excess of native glucagon. Instead, it showed a weak potency, but full agonist activity, stimulating liver glycogenolysis to 100% of the level obtained by glucagon. These results are discussed in terms of the possible mechanism(s) of glucagon action.  相似文献   

Bromopyruvate is an alkylating agent of pigeon liver malic enzyme (malate dehydrogenase (decarboxylating), EC It combines first with the enzyme to give an enzyme-bromopyruvate complex, then reacts with a proximal -SH group, resulting in the formation of a pyruvate derivative. Bromopyruvate is also a substrate for the reductase partial reaction, and a non-competitive inhibitor of L-malate in the overall oxidative decarboxylase reaction catalyzed by this enzyme. Modification of the -SH group by this compound is accompanied by concomitant loss of both oxidative decarboxylase activity and reductase activity on bromopyruvate. Inactivation of the overall activity is partially prevented by NADP+ or NADPH, singly or in combination with L-malate.  相似文献   

The thermal inactivation of a Citrobacter sp. ribonuclease (RNase) is subject to control by a number of factors. Low concentrations of naturally occurring polyamines such as spermidine and spermine, and certain analogs of these compounds, protect the enzyme from inactivation. Changes in ionic strength cause wide variations in the rate at which enzyme activity is lost. Additionally, depending on the type of ion added to the reaction mixture, the rate constant for enzyme inactivation-may either increase or decrease as the ionic strength is raised. Thermodynamic parameters were determined under a variety of experimental conditions for the thermal inactivation of this RNase. It was found in all of these cases that the entropy of activation is large and negative, implying that a gross change in enzyme conformation is not taking place. The concentration and identity of ions present and the amount of polyamine available to interact with this RNase determines the rate of loss, by thermal inactivation, of enzyme activity in this in vitro system. These factors therefore constitute a system whereby substrate hydrolysis may be controlled with time.  相似文献   

The ability for various ligands to modulate the binding of fructose 1,6-bisphosphate (Fru-1,6-P2) with purified rat liver pyruvate kinase was examined. Binding of Fru-1,6-P2 with pyruvate kinase exhibits positive cooperativity, with maximum binding of 4 mol Fru-1,6-P2 per enzyme tetramer. The Hill coefficient (nH), and the concentration of Fru-1,6-P2 giving half-maximal binding [FBP]1/2, are influenced by several factors. In 150 mM Tris-HCl, 70 mM KCl, 11 mM MgSO4 at pH 7.4, [FBP]1/2 is 2.6 microM and nH is 2.7. Phosphoenolpyruvate and pyruvate enhance the binding of Fru-1,6-P2 by decreasing [FBP]1/2. ADP and ATP alone had little influence on Fru-1,6-P2 binding. However, the nucleotides antagonize the response elicited by pyruvate or phosphoenolpyruvate, suggesting that the competent enzyme substrate complex does not favor Fru-1,6-P2 binding. Phosphorylation of pyruvate kinase or the inclusion of alanine in the medium, two actions which inhibit the enzyme activity, result in diminished binding of low concentrations of Fru-1,6-P2 with the enzyme. These effectors do not alter the maximum binding capacity of the enzyme but rather they raise the concentrations of Fru-1,6-P2 needed for maximum binding. Phosphorylation also decreased the nH for Fru-1,6-P2 binding from 2.7 to 1.7. Pyruvate kinase activity is dependent on a divalent metal ion. Substituting Mn2+ for Mg2+ results in a 60% decrease in the maximum catalytic activity for the enzyme and decreases the concentration of phosphoenolpyruvate needed for half-maximal activity from 1 to 0.1 mM. As a consequence, Mn2+ stimulates activity at subsaturating concentrations of phosphoenolpyruvate, but inhibits at saturating concentrations of the substrate or in the presence of Fru-1,6-P2. Both Mg2+ and Mn2+ diminish binding of low concentrations of Fru-1,6-P2; however, the concentrations of the metal ions needed to influence Fru-1,6-P2 binding exceed those needed to support catalytic activity.  相似文献   

Anti-Markovnikov hydration of the olefinic bond of 5,6-dideoxy-1,2-O-isopropylidene-3-O-p-tolylsulfonyl-α- d-xylo-hex-5-enofuranose (4) and methyl 5,6-dideoxy-2,3-di-O-p-tolylsulfonyl-α-l-arabino-hex-5-enofuranoside (11) by the addition of iodine trifluoroacetate, followed by hydrogenation in the presence of a Raney nickel catalyst in ethanol containing triethylamine, afforded 5-deoxy-1,2-O-ísopropylidene-3-O-p-tolylsulfonyl-α-d-xylo-hexofuranose (6) and methyl 5-deoxy-2,3-di-O-p-tolylsulfonyl-α-d-arabino-hexofuranoside (14), respectively. 5-deoxy-d-xylo-hexose and 5-deoxy-l-arabino-hexose were prepared from 6 and 14, respectively, by photolytic O-detosylation and acid hydrolysis. Syntheses of 9-(5-deoxy-β-d-xylo-hexofuranosyl)-adenine and 9-(5-deoxy-α-l-arabino-hexofuranosyl)adenine are also described. Application of the sodium naphthalene procedure, for O-detosylation, to 11 is reported in connection with an alternative synthetic route to methyl 5-deoxy-α-l-arabino- hexofuranoside.  相似文献   

The lectins of the seeds of four species of the genus Erythrina, namely E. indica, E. arborescens, E. lithosperma, and E. suberosa were isolated by affinity chromatography on acid-treated ECD-Sepharose 6B. The lectins were found homogeneous in polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and immunochemical tests. In SDS-gel electrophoresis, E. indica and E. lithosperma lectins each gave two bands with subunit molecular weights of 30,000 and 33,000 in the case of the former and 26,000 and 28,000 in the case of the latter. E. arborescens and E. suberosa gave single bands corresponding to polypetide chain molecular weight of 28,000. The lectins were found to be glycoproteins with their neutral sugar contents ranging from 4–9%. In carbohydrate specificity all the lectins were d-galactose specific. Their close similarity was also demonstrated by their homologous cross-reaction against the antiserum to E. indica lectin. In hemagglutinating activity toward human erythrocytes, E. indica and E. suberosa lectins showed higher activity toward the O group and E. arborescens toward the B group. The results show the similarity of the lectins derived from different species of the same genus in respect of immunochemical properties and carbohydrate specificity. In studies on E. indica lectin, the protein was found homogeneous by electrophoretic, immunochemical, and sedimentation experiments. Its molecular weight of 68,000 determined from sedimentation and diffusion data indicated that the molecule was a dimer of two noncovalently bound unequal subunits whose SDS-gel electrophoretic molecular weights are noted above. The lectin was devoid of cysteine and methionine and contained valine as its N-terminal amino acid. It had 9% neutral sugars and 1.5% glucosamine. Equilibrium dialysis studies with lactose showed that the values of the association constant K at different temperatures were of similar orders of magnitude to other lectins and the dimeric molecule possessed two noninteracting binding sites.  相似文献   

Evidence is presented for the association of a phosphorylase kinase activity with transverse tubules as well as terminal cisternae in triads isolated from rabbit skeletal muscle. This activity remained associated with T-tubules throughout the purification of triad junctions by one cycle of dissociation and reassociation. The possibility that the presence of phosphorylase kinase in these highly purified membrane vesicle preparations was due to its association with glycogen was eliminated by digestion of the latter with α-amylase. The phosphorylase kinase activity associated with the T-tubule membranes was similar to that reported for other membrane-bound phosphorylase kinases. The enzyme had a high pH 6.8pH 8.2 activity ratio (0.4 – 0.7) and a high level of Ca2+ independent activity (EGTACa2+ = 0.3?0.5). The kinase activated and phosphorylated exogenous phosphorylase b with identical time courses. When mechanically disrupted triads were centrifuged on continuous sucrose gradients, the distribution of phosphorylase kinase activity was correlated with the distribution of a Mr 128,000 polypeptide in the gradients. This polypeptide and a Mr 143,000 polypeptide were labeled with 32P by endogenous and exogenous protein kinases. These findings suggest that the membrane-associated phosphorylase kinase may be similar to the cytosolic enzyme. Markers employed for the isolated organelles included a Mr 102,000 membrane polypeptide which followed the distribution of Ca2+-stimulated 3-O-methylfluorescein phosphatase activity, which is specific for the sarcoplasmic reticulum. A Mr 72,000 polypeptide was confirmed to be a T-tubule-specific protein. Several proteins of the triad component organelle were phosphorylated by the endogenous kinase in a Ca2+/calmodulin-stimulated manner, including a Mr ca. 72,000 polypeptide found only in the transverse tubule.  相似文献   

The two major skin packaging formats for transplantable human skin, flat — folded and rolled — cylindrical, were evaluated with respect to the control of cooling rate, warming rate, and storage efficiency. Experiments were performed with six amounts of skin ranging from 7.6 × 20 cm (0.17 ft2) up to 7.6 × 120 cm (1.00 ft2).Contrary to previously published statements, when skin packaged in either of the two formats is cooled at an uncontrolled rate in a low temperature (?70 °C) mechanical refrigerator or dry-ice chest, the smaller skin dimensions cool too rapidly (up to ?24 °C min?1), while the packets containing larger skin dimensions exhibit prolonged exothermic temperature plateaus (8–44 min), allowing the possibility of significant crystallization damage to the cells. On the other hand, controlled-rate cooling of ?1 °C min?1 can be obtained using a temperature-feedback controlled-rate freezer along with a flat skin packet geometry. Much less control is obtained if a cylindrical skin packet geometry is used with a controlled-rate freezer.Skin processed in the flat format is capable of being warmed by water immersion about 10 times more quickly than equivalent amounts of skin processed in the rolled format. The longer warming times associated with the cylindrical package format (3.5–25 min, depending upon the amount of skin per packet) result from extended endothermic temperature plateaus in the subzero region, which have been shown to damage skin cells and reduce their subsequent viability. The short warming times (0.25–3.5 min) associated with the flat skin package format are devoid of such complications, since they are within the needed warming rate of 50 °C–70 °C min?1.Package geometry affects the storage requirements of transplantable skin. The flat format possesses a two- to threefold advantage in storage efficiency. Capital equipment and liquid nitrogen usage for storage is drastically decreased if a flat package format is chosen.  相似文献   

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