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Production of the glycoprotein hormone common α-subunit and placental alkaline phosphatase activity can be modulated in HeLa cells by a variety of deoxynucleosides. Dose response curves for thymidine (Thd), fluorodeoxyuridine (FdUrd), bromodeoxyuridine (BrdUrd) and iododeoxyuridine (IdUrd) demonstrate that, in general, alkaline phosphatase was increased by lower concentrations of inducer than was α-subunit. The deoxynucleosides were not as effective as sodium butyrate as inducers of either protein. Whereas Thd and the halogenated dUrd derivatives enhanced protein expression, deoxycytidine (dCyd) had negative effects. Induction by deoxynucleosides of both alkaline phosphatase and α-subunit was inhibited by dCyd, but induction of alkaline phosphatase by butyrate was more sensitive to dCyd inhibition than was the buryrate-mediated induction of α-subunit. These results suggest that the two proteins are not regulated in a coordinate manner. Reversal of alkaline phosphatase induction by dCyd was not observed in cells preincubated with sodium butyrate for 6–24 h before the addition of dCyd, indicating that the deoxynucleoside interferes with an early event in the butyrate-mediated response. Combinations of butyrate with Thd, BrdUrd or IdUrd were synergistic with respect to the induction of HeLa-α. It is concluded that incorporation of the deoxynucleosides into DNA may not be required for the synergistic response since 2′,5′-dideoxythymidine was an effective as Thd. Cytoplasmic dot hybridizations demonstrate that a primary effect of the various effectors is to increase the steady-state levels of α-subunit mRNA. There was a good correlation between α-subunit accumulation and corresponding levels of α-mRNA, suggesting that regulation occurs at a pretranslational site. Although the mechanism(s) is not understood, these data provide evidence that nucleosides or their derivatives can significantly affect gene expression.  相似文献   

Summary Growth of choriocarcinoma cells in the presence of 5-bromo-2′-deoxyuridine (BrdUrd) results in a 30- to 40-fold increase in alkaline phosphatase activity. The effect of BrdUrd is specific for phosphatase with an alkaline pH optimum. The induction by BrdUrd is probably not due to the production of an altered enzyme, since the induced enzyme resembles the basal enzyme in thermal denaturation and kinetic properties. Enzyme induction can be prevented by thymidine but not by deoxycytidine or deoxyuridine. The induction of alkaline phosphatase appears to require incorporation of the BrdUrd into cellular DNA. The presence of BrdUrd in the growth medium is not necessary for alkaline phosphatase induction in proliferating cells containing: BrdUrd-substituted genomes. However, enzyme induction and maintenance of the induced levels of alkaline phosphatase in nonproliferating cells containing BrdUrd-substituted DNA requires the presence of the analogues in the medium. The induction of alkaline phosphatase by BrdUrd in probably an indirect process.  相似文献   

Lu W  Yu P  Li J 《Biotechnology letters》2011,33(3):637-644
The α-subunit of C-phycocyanin (CpcA) was expressed in Escherichia coli and purified. The recombinant CpcA inhibited the growth of human colon carcinoma COLO 205 cells. Typical apoptotic morphological characteristics, such as chromatin condensation and nuclear fragmentation, were observed in CpcA-treated COLO 205 cells by fluorescence microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. Moreover, the apoptotic process was associated with the Bax/Bcl-2 ratio up-regulation, mitochondrial membrane depolarization, cytochrome c release, and caspase-9 activation. These findings indicate that CpcA induced the death of COLO 205 cells through the intrinsic apoptotic pathway.  相似文献   

Our earlier studies have shown that gossypol is a specific inhibitor of DNA synthesis in cultured cells at low doses. In an attempt to determine the mechanism for the inhibition of DNA synthesis by gossypol we observed that gossypol does not interact with DNA per se but may affect some of the enzymes involved in DNA replication. These studies indicated that gossypol inhibits both in vivo and in vitro the activity of DNA polymerase α (EC, a major enzyme involved in DNA replication, in a time- and dose-dependent manner. Kinetic analysis revealed that gossypol acts as a noncompetitive inhibitor of DNA polymerase α with respect to all four deoxynucleotide triphosphates and to the activated DNA template. Inhibition of DNA polymerase α does not appear to be due to either metal chelation or reduction of sulfhydryl groups on the enzyme. Gossypol also inhibited HeLa DNA polymerase β in a dose-dependent manner, but had no effect on DNA polymerase γ. These results suggest that inhibition of DNA polymerase α may account in part for the inhibition of DNA synthesis and the S-phase block caused by gossypol. The data also raise the possibility that gossypol may interfere with DNA repair processes as well.  相似文献   

Ganglioside GM1 inhibited either DNA synthesis in isolated nuclei or the activity of DNA polymerase α fractionated from S-phase HeLa cells. The concentrations of GM1 necessary for 50% inhibition were about 5 μM and 10 μM for nuclei and DNA polymerase α, respectively. The GM1 inhibition of the enzyme activity was suppressed by the addition of 0.05% Triton X-100. Neither gangliotetraosylceramide (asialo-GM1) nor free N-acetylneuraminic acid inhibited the enzyme activity. These facts suggest that GM1, probably in the form of micelles, could influence the enzyme activity by behaving as a polyanionic macromolecule. The kinetic studies indicate that the GM1 inhibition of the enzyme activity was not competitive with the substrate, deoxythymidine triphosphate, but rather with the template DNA. Binding of GM1 and DNA polymerase α was suggested by the cocentrifugation of GM1 and the enzyme fraction after their preincubation. It was also observed that other acidic glycolipids, i.e., brain sulphatide and seminolipid, also inhibited the enzyme activity, whilst neutral galactosylceramide did not. The inhibitory influences of these sulphate esters of glycolipids were, similarly to GM1, suppressed by the addition of 0.05% Triton X-100.  相似文献   

Indirect immunofluorescence microscopy with monoclonal antibody against DNA polymerase α revealed the intranuclear localization of DNA polymerase α in G1, S, and G2 phases of transformed human cells, and dispersed cytoplasmic distribution during mitosis. In the quiescent, G0 phase of normal human skin fibroblasts or lymphocytes, the α-enzyme was barely detectable by either immunofluorescence or enzyme activity. By exposing cells to proliferation stimuli, however, DNA polymerase a appeared in the nuclei just prior to onset of DNA synthesis, increased rapidly during S phase, reached the maximum level at late S and G2 phases, and was then redistributed to the daughter cells through mitosis. It was also found that the increase in the amount of DNA polymerase a by proliferation stimuli was not affected by inhibition of DNA synthesis with aphidicolin or hydroxyurea.  相似文献   

The accessory subunit of mitochondrial DNA polymerase γ, POLGβ, functions as a processivity factor in vitro. Here we show POLGβ has additional roles in mitochondrial DNA metabolism. Mitochondrial DNA is arranged in nucleoprotein complexes, or nucleoids, which often contain multiple copies of the mitochondrial genome. Gene-silencing of POLGβ increased nucleoid numbers, whereas over-expression of POLGβ reduced the number and increased the size of mitochondrial nucleoids. Both increased and decreased expression of POLGβ altered nucleoid structure and precipitated a marked decrease in 7S DNA molecules, which form short displacement-loops on mitochondrial DNA. Recombinant POLGβ preferentially bound to plasmids with a short displacement-loop, in contrast to POLGα. These findings support the view that the mitochondrial D-loop acts as a protein recruitment centre, and suggest POLGβ is a key factor in the organization of mitochondrial DNA in multigenomic nucleoprotein complexes.  相似文献   

The human polymerase α (pol α) is a promising target for the therapy of cancer e.g. of the skin. The authors recently built a homology model of the active site of human DNA pol α. This 3D model was now used for molecular modelling studies with eight novel analogues of 2-butylanilino-dATP, which is a highly selective nucleoside inhibitor of mammalian pol α. Our results suggest that a higher hydrophobicity of a carbohydrate side chain (pointing into a spacious hydrophobic cavity) may enhance the strength of the interaction with the target protein. Moreover, acyclic acyclovir-like derivatives outperformed those with a sugar-moiety, indicating that structural flexibility and higher conformational adaptability has a positive effect on the receptor affinity. Cytotoxicity tests confirmed our theoretical findings. Besides, one of our most promising compounds in the molecular modelling studies revealed high selectivity for the SCC-25 cell line derived from squamous cell carcinoma in man.  相似文献   

The human polymerase α (pol α) is a promising target for the therapy of cancer e.g. of the skin. The authors recently built a homology model of the active site of human DNA pol α. This 3D model was now used for molecular modelling studies with eight novel analogues of 2-butylanilino-dATP, which is a highly selective nucleoside inhibitor of mammalian pol α. Our results suggest that a higher hydrophobicity of a carbohydrate side chain (pointing into a spacious hydrophobic cavity) may enhance the strength of the interaction with the target protein. Moreover, acyclic acyclovir-like derivatives outperformed those with a sugar-moiety, indicating that structural flexibility and higher conformational adaptability has a positive effect on the receptor affinity. Cytotoxicity tests confirmed our theoretical findings. Besides, one of our most promising compounds in the molecular modelling studies revealed high selectivity for the SCC-25 cell line derived from squamous cell carcinoma in man.  相似文献   

Previously, my colleagues and I have reported that the immunopurified hyper-phosphorylated retinoblastoma protein (ppRb) stimulates the activity of DNA polymerase α. I describe here the biochemical characteristics of this stimulatory activity. DNA polymerase α-stimulatory activity of ppRb was most remarkable when using activated DNA as a template-primer, rather than using poly(dT)-(rA)10, poly(dA)-(dT)12–18, and so on. Kinetic analysis showed that there was no significant difference in Km value for deoxyribonucleotides of DNA polymerase α in the presence of ppRb. Adding ppRb resulted in the overcoming pause site on the template, but did not affect the rate of misincorporation of incorrect deoxyribonucleotides. By adding ppRb, the optimal concentration of template-primer was shifted to a higher region, but not using M13 singly primed DNA. The ppRb seemed to assist the process that DNA polymerase α changed its conformation resulting in appropriate enzyme activity. These results suggest that ppRb affects both template-primer and DNA polymerase α and makes appropriate circumstances for the enzyme reaction.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli DNA polymerase III holoenzyme (HE) contains a core polymerase consisting of three subunits: α (polymerase), ε (3'-5' exonuclease), and θ. Genetic experiments suggested that θ subunit stabilizes the intrinsically labile ε subunit and, furthermore, that θ might affect the cellular amounts of Pol III core and HE. Here, we provide biochemical evidence supporting this model by analyzing the amounts of the relevant proteins. First, we show that a ΔholE strain (lacking θ subunit) displays reduced amounts of free ε. We also demonstrate the existence of a dimer of ε, which may be involved in the stabilization of the protein. Second, θ, when overexpressed, dissociates the ε dimer and significantly increases the amount of Pol III core. The stability of ε also depends on cellular chaperones, including DnaK. Here, we report that: (i) temperature shift-up of ΔdnaK strains leads to rapid depletion of ε, and (ii) overproduction of θ overcomes both the depletion of ε and the temperature sensitivity of the strain. Overall, our data suggest that ε is a critical factor in the assembly of Pol III core, and that this is role is strongly influenced by the θ subunit through its prevention of ε degradation.  相似文献   

The amount of DNA synthesis in vitro with the ultraviolet-irradiated poly-(dT) · oligo(rA) template initiators catalysed by DNA polymerase α (Masaki, S. and Yoshida, S., Biochim. Biophys. Acta 521, 74–88) decreased with the dose of ultraviolet-irradiation. The ultraviolet irradiation to the template, however, did not affect the rate of incorporation of incorrect deoxynycleotides into the newly synthesized poly(dA). The addition of terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase to this system enhanced the DNA synthesis to a level which is comparable to that of the control and it concomitantly increased the incorporation of the mismatched deoxynucleotide into the newly synthesized poly(dA) strands. On the other hand, with an unirradiated template initiator, the misincorporation was only slightly enhanced by the addition of terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase. The sizes of newly synthesized DNA measured by the sedimentation velocities were found to be smaller with the ultraviolet-irradiated templates but they increased to the control level with the addition of terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase to the systems. These results suggest that terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase can help DNA polymerase α to ‘bypass’ thymine dimers in vitro by the formation of mismatched regions at the positions opposite to pyrimidine dimers on the template.  相似文献   

Herein, we describe the synthesis and structure–activity relationships of dehydroaltenusin derivatives as inhibitors of a mammalian DNA polymerase α. We have newly synthesized nine dehydroaltenusin derivatives modified at the side chains or benzoquinone moiety. We also achieved the first synthesis of desmethylaltenusin and desmethyldehydroaltenusin, metabolites of Alternaria sp. or Talaromyces flavus, respectively. Among all synthesized derivatives, demethoxydehydroaltenusin was the most selective inhibitor of DNA polymerase α. The o-hydroxy-p-benzoquinone (2-hydroxycyclohexa-2,5-dienone) moiety is essential for the inhibition of DNA polymerases. Substitution at the 5-position of dehydroaltenusin is important for the inhibitory potency. Because dehydroaltenusin is conjugated with N-acetylcysteine methyl ester at the o-hydroxy-p-benzoquinone moiety, one or more cysteine residues of DNA polymerase α may act as a target for this compound.  相似文献   

Numerous genetic studies have provided compelling evidence to establish DNA polymerase ɛ (Polɛ) as the primary DNA polymerase responsible for leading strand synthesis during eukaryotic nuclear genome replication. Polɛ is a heterotetramer consisting of a large catalytic subunit that contains the conserved polymerase core domain as well as a 3′  5′ exonuclease domain common to many replicative polymerases. In addition, Polɛ possesses three small subunits that lack a known catalytic activity but associate with components involved in a variety of DNA replication and maintenance processes. Previous enzymatic characterization of the Polɛ heterotetramer from budding yeast suggested that the small subunits slightly enhance DNA synthesis by Polɛ in vitro. However, similar studies of the human Polɛ heterotetramer (hPolɛ) have been limited by the difficulty of obtaining hPolɛ in quantities suitable for thorough investigation of its catalytic activity. Utilization of a baculovirus expression system for overexpression and purification of hPolɛ from insect host cells has allowed for isolation of greater amounts of active hPolɛ, thus enabling a more detailed kinetic comparison between hPolɛ and an active N-terminal fragment of the hPolɛ catalytic subunit (p261N), which is readily overexpressed in Escherichia coli. Here, we report the first pre-steady-state studies of fully-assembled hPolɛ. We observe that the small subunits increase DNA binding by hPolɛ relative to p261N, but do not increase processivity during DNA synthesis on a single-stranded M13 template. Interestingly, the 3′  5′ exonuclease activity of hPolɛ is reduced relative to p261N on matched and mismatched DNA substrates, indicating that the presence of the small subunits may regulate the proofreading activity of hPolɛ and sway hPolɛ toward DNA synthesis rather than proofreading.  相似文献   

DNA replication occurs in various compartments of eukaryotic cells such as the nuclei, mitochondria and chloroplasts, the latter of which is used in plants and algae. Replication appears to be simpler in the mitochondria than in the nucleus where multiple DNA polymerases, which are key enzymes for DNA synthesis, have been characterized. In mammals, only one mitochondrial DNA polymerase (pol γ) has been described to date. However, in the mitochondria of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, we have found and characterized a second DNA polymerase. To identify this enzyme, several biochemical approaches such as proteinase K treatment of sucrose gradient purified mitochondria, analysis of mitoplasts, electron microscopy and the use of mitochondrial and cytoplasmic markers for immunoblotting demonstrated that this second DNA polymerase is neither a nuclear or cytoplasmic contaminant nor a proteolytic product of pol γ. An improved purification procedure and the use of mass spectrometry allowed us to identify this enzyme as DNA polymerase α. Moreover, tagging DNA polymerase α with a fluorescent probe demonstrated that this enzyme is localized both in the nucleus and in the organelles of intact yeast cells. The presence of two replicative DNA polymerases may shed new light on the mtDNA replication process in S. cerevisiae.  相似文献   

Mammalian DNA polymerase δ (pol δ) is essential for DNA replication, though the functions of this smallest subunit of POLD4 have been elusive. We investigated pol δ activities in vitro and found that it was less active in the absence of POLD4, irrespective of the presence of the accessory protein PCNA. shRNA-mediated reduction of POLD4 resulted in a marked decrease in colony formation activity by Calu6, ACC-LC-319, and PC-10 cells. We also found that POLD4 reduction was associated with an increased population of karyomere-like cells, which may be an indication of DNA replication stress and/or DNA damage. The karyomere-like cells retained an ability to progress through the cell cycle, suggesting that POLD4 reduction induces modest genomic instability, while allowing cells to grow until DNA damage reaches an intolerant level. Our results indicate that POLD4 is required for the in vitro pol δ activity, and that it functions in cell proliferation and maintenance of genomic stability of human cells.  相似文献   

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