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The [Cu(Terpy)(pyz.)](ClO4)2 complex (were Terpy = 2,2′:6′,2′'-terpyridine and pyz. = pyrazine) was synthesized and characterized by means of spectral and magnetic properties. UV-visible and EPR spectra indicate a square pyramidal coordination for the copper(II) ion. Magnetic susceptibility measurements, reported in the temperature range 2–125 K, are analyzed in terms of regular and alternating Heisenberg-chain models giving 2J = ?4.4 K, g = 2.19 (regular chain) and 2J = ?5.6 K, 2J′ = ?1.7 K, g = 2.15 (alternating chain). The better agreement obtained with the alternating-chain model allows us to propose a dimerized zig-zag chain structure with the pyz. ligand bridging the copper(II) ions.  相似文献   

The possible time- and/or light-dependent decomposition of the purple Cu(I), Cu(II)-complex of D-penicillamine (Cu(II)6Cu(I)8(D-penicillamine)12Cl)5? was examined. Superoxide dismutase activity of the freshly prepared complex was assayed using the nitroblue tetrazolium assay. The formazan colour formation was inhibited by 50% in the presence of approximately 500 μM copper. Ageing of the copper complex, especially in the light, resulted in a marked increase of EDTA-sensitive activity. Upon gel chromatography of the aged samples the original low inhibitory activity was restored. All EDTA-sensitive inhibitory activity was found in a clearly separated low Mr copper-containing fraction. Aerobic irradiation with a tungsten lamp at 30 °C accelerated the decomposition of (Cu(II)6Cu(I)8(D-penicillamine)12Cl)5?. ?Cu518 = 1800 M?1 cm?1 dropped to ?Cu640 = 60 M?1 cm?1. The photochemical conversion of (Cu(II)6? Cu(I)8(D-penicillamine)12Cl)5? was complete within 48 h. Due to the identical electronic absorption profile of both, the decomposition product and Cu(II) D-penicillamine disulphide the latter complex was assigned to be the unknown low Mr copper-compound. Circular dichroism and electron paramagnetic resonance measurements support this conclusion.  相似文献   

Neodymium complex compound with glycine: Nd2(Gly)6·(ClO46·9H2O was synthesized and obtained in the form of monocrystals. Absorption spectra recorded in the region of 8000–35 000 cm-1 were measured along the crystallographic axes. Intensities of the f-f transitions were analysed on the basis of the Judd theory. The X-ray crystal structure determination of the complex is reported. Crystals are triclinic, space group PI, with a = 11.554(4) Å, b = 14.108(1) Å, c = 15.660(3) Å, α = 97.14(1)°, β = 102.82(2)°, γ = 105.28(1)°, V = 2355.25 Å3 Z = 2, M.W. = 1495.4, Dc = 2.129)(3) g cm-3, Dm = 2.103(1) g cm-3. The structure was solved by Patterson's method and successive Fourier syntheses giving the locations of all nonhydrogen atoms. The final R factor was 0.062 and Rw = 0.073 for 12869 reflections with |Fo| > 5σ|(Fo)|. The asymmetric unit consists of a dimeric formula unit. The coordination polyhedron of Nd atoms comprises seven oxygen atoms from glycine and two from water molecules. The neodymium-glycine bonding mode is compared with that of the calcium-glycine complex.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of hexaaquamanganese(II) bis{bis(N-salicylideneglycinato)manganate(III)} dihydrate has been determined by X-ray analysis. The complex crystallizes in the monoclinic space group I2|a, with unit-cell dimensions a = 37.431(5), b = 12.100(1), c = 9.448(1) Å, β = 92.31(1)°. The structure was deduced by the direct method and refined by the block-diagonal least-squares technique to a final R value of 0.062 for 3904 observed reflections. The Mn(II) is octahedrally ligated by six water molecules, while Mn(III) is octahedrally chelated by two salicylideneglycinate ligands, of which one is nearly planar and the other considerably bent.It was discovered that the crystal is, as a whole, of a ‘sandwich’ structure made of one central sheet containing hexaaquamanganese(II)'s and the water molecules of crystallization, and two outside sheets containing bis(N-salicylideneglycinato)manganate(III)'s.  相似文献   

The fluorescence spectrum of Eu3+ recorded at a temperature of 12 K between 14.000 and 20.000 cm?1 shows transitions from the excited stare 5Do to the Stark components of the lowest 7Fj. The optical analysis suggests an octahedral site symmetry for the rare earth ion which is confirmed by the three-dimensional crystal determination. The highly disordered crystal structure refined in space group F23 to an R-factor of 13.2%. Both the europium and the arsenic ions are located in special positions of point symmetry 23(T). The EuO bond distance is 2.28 Å. The value of the Bqk parameters was determined.  相似文献   

The Self Consistent Modified Extended Hückel (SC-MEH) molecular orbital method has been applied to the HCo(CO)4 and Co(CO)4 molecules. The results show that the highest occupied orbitals are predominantly ligand in character, which is at variance with other published calculations. Computation of the UV and photoelectron spectra, bond energy and some associated parameters, and magnetic hyperfine parameters of Co(CO)4 have been carried out and found to be in exceptionally good agreement with experiment. The reported results also provide an acceptable rationalization for the observed photolysis and homolytic activity of the HCo(CO)4 molecule.  相似文献   

Uranyl(VI) and thorium(IV) complexes of the type UO2(NO3)2(L1)2, UO2(NO3)2(L2)2, UO2(CH3COO)2L1, UO2(CH3COO)2L2, Th(NO3)4(L1)2 and Th(NO3)4(L2)2 (L1 = (2-nitro)phenyl-bis-phenyl phosphine oxide, L2 = triferrocenylphosphine oxide) are reported, together with their physico-chemical properties.The crystal structure of UO2(NO3)2(L1)2 is also reported. The crystals are monoclinic, space group P21/n with a = 17.78(1), b = 13.88(1), c = 17.37(1) Å, β = 114.8(1)° for Z = 4. The uranium atom is 8-coordinated, the uranyl(VI) group being equatorially surrounded by an irregular hexagon of six oxygen atoms from two trans neutral ligands and two nitrato groups.  相似文献   

The title compound has been found to consist of tricapped trigonal prismatic Sm(H2O)93+ ions in C2v symmetry, sandwiched between expanded ‘close packed’ layers of bromide ions, with 1,4-dioxan molecules in chair conformation hydrogen bonding between the equatorial water molecules of adjacent cations.Orthorhombic, Amm2, a = 8.010(3), b = 19.848(4), c = 7.388(3) Å, R = 0.022 for 992 unique reflexions.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of the compound [(Ph2PCH2CH2PPh2)Pt(3,5-Me2pzH)2][BF4]2·CH2Cl2 has shown that the ligands around the Pt atom are approximately in a square planar coordination, whereas the pyrazole rings point roughly in the same direction, away from the coordination plane. This unusual conformation is probably due to the hydrogen bonds with fluorine atoms of the BF4? anion. Bond distances and angles are compared with those in other pyrazole complexes.  相似文献   

The binuclear cyanoferrate, tetraphenylphosphonium pentacyanoiron(III)-μ-cyano-amminetetracyanoiron(III), [(C6H5)4P]4[Fe2(CN)10NH3]4−, was synthesized by air oxidation of aqueous solutions of Na3[Fe(CN)5NH3] · 3H2O. Single crystal X-ray diffraction studies show the compound to contain the binuclear, cyano-bridged anion, [(NC)5Fe---NC---Fe(CN)4NH3]4−. This compound is structurally identical to the one prepared by A. Ludi et al., [Inorg. Chim. Acta, 34, 113 (1979)], with the exception that [Fe(CN)6]3− is not required for the synthesis of this compound. The Fe(III) atoms are antiferromagnetically coupled through the CN bridge, as shown by a maximum in the magnetic susceptibility at 50 K. The electronic and IR spectra of the complex in the solid state and in solution are discussed.  相似文献   

The title compounds were made by reacting bis(diphenylphosphino)methane (dppm) with reduced solutions of OsCl64? and Ru2OCl104?. The crystal and molecular structures of these compounds have been determined form three-dimensional X-ray study. The cis-isomers crystallize with one CHCl3 per molecule of the complex. All three compounds crystallize in the monoclinic space group P21/n with unit cell dimensions as follows: Cis-OsCl2(dppm)2·CHCl3: a = 13.415(4) Å, b = 22.859(4) Å, c = 16.693(3) Å, β = 105.77(3)°, V = 4926(3) Å3, Z = 4. cis-RuCl2(dppm)2·CHCl3: a = 13.442(3) Å, b = 22.833(7) Å, c = 16.750(4) Å, β = 105.53(2)°, V = 4953(3) Å3, Z = 4. trans-RuCl2(dppm)2: a = 11.368(7) Å, b = 10.656(6) Å, c = 18.832(12) Å; β = 103.90(6)°, V = 2213(7) Å3; Z = 2. The structures were refined to R = 0.044 (Rw = 0.055) for cis-OsCl2(dppm)2·CHCl3; R = 0.065 (Rw = 0.079) for cis-RuCl2(dppm)2·CHCl3 and R = 0.028 (Rw = 0.038) for trans-RuCl2(dppm)2. The complexes are six coordinate with stable four-membered chelate rings. The PMP angle in the chelate rings is ca. 71° in each case.  相似文献   

In an attempt to prepared tetrakis(tert-butoxy)uranium(IV) a trinuclear oxo-alkoxide of uranium(IV) was obtained instead. The compound has the formula U3O[(CH3)3CO]10 and it crystallizes in the hexagonal space group P63mc with a = b = 18.256(4) Å, c = 10.013(2) Å, Z = 2. The trinuclear unit is strikingly reminiscent of that in Mo3O(OCH2CMe3)10. In contrast to the molybdenum compound where there is metal-metal bonding, the U?U distance of 3.574(1) Å indicates a non-bonded interaction.  相似文献   

Complexes are described of Cobalt(II) and Nickel- (II) salts with the title ligand L. The X-ray crystal structure is described of NiL2L′1(ClO4)1. One ligand molecule (L′) in this complex is deprotonated and the structure involves strongly hydrogen bonded dimers with OHO bonds = 2.56 Å and 2.62 Å and a NiNi bond = 4.77 Å. The corresponding Cobalt complex is thought to be similar but no other compounds containing L′ were obtained.  相似文献   

A 1:1 complex of mercuric chloride with D-peniccillamine has been isolated and characterised as 2[(μ3-Cl){HgSC(CH3)2CH(NH3)COO}3]·3(μ2-Cl)·2(H3O)·(H2O·Cl)3. The compound crystallises in cubic space group P4132, with a = 18.679(5) Å and Z = 4. The structure, refined to RF = 0.086 for 443 observed Mo-Kα diffractometer data, features a triply bridging chloride ion linking three equivalent [HgSC(CH3)2CH(NH3)COO]+ units [Hg-Cl = 2.37(1) Å, Hg-Cl-Hg′ = 98.5(9)°]. The carboxylate groups of a pair of adjacent penicillamine ligands are strongly linked via a symmetrical O?H?O hydrogen bond of length 2.24(8) Å, and neighboring pyramidal trinuclear [μ3-Cl){HgSC(CH3)2CH(NH3)-COO}3]2+ moieties are further connected by symmetrical chloride bridges [Hg-Cl = 3.06(2) Å; HgClHg′' = 79.6(7)°] to form a three-dimensional network. The voids in the lattice are filled by hydronium ions and novel planar cyclic hydrogen-bonded (H2O·Cl?)3 rings of edge O-H?Cl = 2.46(4) Å.  相似文献   

The reaction of (diphoe)Pt(CH2CN)(OH) and trans-(PBz3)2Pt(Ph)(OH) with CO2 is reported as producing dimeric, bridged carbonato complexes of the type: P4Pt2(R)2(CO3). The crystal and molecular structure of (PBz3)4Pt2(Ph)2(μ-CO3)·(toluene) is also reported, showing η1, η1 bonding. The reaction is recognized to proceed in a stepwise fashion through bicarbonato intermediates.  相似文献   

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