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Effectors of fatty acid synthesis in hepatoma tissue culture cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An investigation was undertaken to better understand the process of fatty acid synthesis in hepatoma tissue culture (HTC) cells. By comparing the findings to the normal liver some of the differences between normal and cancer tissue were defined. Incubation of the HTC cells in a buffered salt-defatted albumin medium showed that fatty acid synthesis was dependent upon the addition of substrate. The order of stimulation was glucose + pyruvate ~- glucose + alanine ~- glucose + lactate ~- pyruvate > glucose > alanine ? no additions. Fatty acid synthesis in HTC cells was decreased by oleate. In these respects HTC cells are similar to the liver; however, in contrast to the normal liver, N6, O2-dibutyryl cyclic adenosine 3′,5′-monophosphate (dibutyryl-cAMP) did not inhibit glycolysis or fatty acid synthesis. The cytoplasmic redox potential, as reflected by the lactate to pyruvate ratio, was found to be elevated compared to normal liver but unchanged by the addition of dibutyryl cAMP. Since higher rates of fatty acid synthesis are associated with lower lactate-to-pyruvate ratios in normal liver, it was expected that by decreasing the lactate-to-pyruvate ratio in HTC cells the rate of fatty acid synthesis would increase. One way to lower the lactate to pyruvate ratio is to increase the activity of the malate-aspartate shuttle. Stimulators of the hepatic malate-aspartate shuttle in normal liver (ammonium ion, glutamine, and lysine) had mixed effects on the redox state and fatty acid synthesis in HTC cells. Both ammonium ion and glutamine decreased the redox potential and increased the rate of fatty acid synthesis. Lysine was without effect on either process. Since NH4Cl and glutamine stimulate the movement of reducing equivalents into the mitochondria and decrease the redox potential, then the stimulation of fatty acid synthesis by NH4Cl and glutamine may be due to an increase in the movement of reducing equivalents into the mitochondria. However, if the shuttle were rate determining for fatty acid synthesis the rate from added lactate would be the same as from glucose alone but would be lower than from pyruvate which does not require the movement of reducing equivalents. This was not the case. Lactate and pyruvate gave comparable rates which were higher than glucose alone. Other possible sites of stimulation were investigated. The possibility that NH4+ and glutamine stimulated fatty acid synthesis by activating pyruvate dehydrogenase was excluded by finding that dichloroacetate, an activator of pyruvate dehydrogenase, did not stimulate fatty acid synthesis when glucose was added. Stimulation by NH4+ and glutamine at steps beyond pyruvate dehydrogenase was ruled out by the observation that NH4+ caused no stimulation from added pyruvate. NH4+ and glutamine did not alter the pentose phosphate pathway as determined by 14CO2 production from [1-14C]- or [6-14C]glucose. Ammonium ion and glutamine increased glucose consumption and increased lactate and pyruvate accumulation. The increased glycolysis in HTC cells appears to be the explanation for the stimulation of fatty acid synthesis by NH4+ and glutamine, even though glycolysis is much more rapid than fatty acid synthesis in these cells. The following observations support this conclusion. First, the percentage increase in glycolysis caused by NH4+ or glutamine is closely matched by the percentage increase in fatty acid synthesis. Second, the malate-aspartate shuttle, the pentose phosphate pathway, and the steps past pyruvate are not limiting in the absence of NH4+ or glutamine.  相似文献   

Mouse L-M fibroblasts, grown in a serum-free medium, were supplemented with fatty acids of 16 and 18 carbon chain lengths that contain a cyclopentene ring in the ω position. These fatty acids, unnatural to mammalian systems, were incorporated into the major lipid classes of L-M fibroblasts. Supplementation with the cyclopentenyl fatty acids caused an accumulation of neutral glycerolipids and marked inhibition of cell growth. Following the addition of supplement, the cells became more rounded. Of particular interest was the fact that the phospholipid fraction isolated from treated cells contained cyclic fatty acids that accounted for as much as 24% of the total phospholipid acyl groups. Unlike the pattern of distribution displayed by endogenous natural monoenes, the majority of the cyclic acid present was esterified in the sn-1 position of both phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine. The 18-carbon cyclic fatty acid [chaulmoogric acid, 13-(2-cyclopenten-1-yl)tridecanoic acid] was incorporated at the expense of the endogenous C-16:0, C-18:0, and C-18:1 fatty acids of the glycerophospholipids. The esterification altered the ratio of saturated to unsaturated acyl groups in the cellular phospholipids. No biochemical modification of chaulmoogric acid was detected.Our results imply that incorporation of unnatural fatty acid analogs, such as chaulmoogric acid, into cellular membranes would alter the functional properties of biological membranes that are dependent on membrane fluidity and structural organization.  相似文献   

Siderophore utilization and iron uptake by Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The growth of Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides in iron-deficient medium did not result in the production of detectable levels of siderophores of either the catechol or hydroxamate type. Iron-limited cultures of R. sphaeroides were not able to remove iron from ferric transferrin unless supplemented with 2,3-dihydroxybenzoic acid. R. sphaeroides was shown to take up 59Fe+3 when it was supplied as ferric chloride, ferric citrate, or ferric parabactin, but not when supplied as ferric rhodotorulate or ferric Desferal. When iron was supplied as ferric citrate, citrate was not taken up by the cells. The growth rate of R. sphaeroides under iron-limiting conditions was decreased by the addition of either Desferal or rhodotorulic acid, while the addition of citrate or parabactin did not affect growth.  相似文献   

A Franchi  G Ailhaud 《Biochimie》1977,59(10):813-817
Radioactive 12-(4-azido-2-nitrophenoxy)-stearic acid (NAP-stearate) was synthetized; it behaves as a competitive inhibitor of long-chain fatty acids for the entry into cultured cardiac cells from chick embryo. After uptake, [3H] NAP-stearate was incorporated by an energy-dependent process into neutral and polar lipids. Photoactivation as a function of time leads to a covalent labelling of the cells: up to 31 per cent of the radioactivity was recovered in the 105 000 g cell pellet, mainly in proteins. These experiments show that fatty acids containing photosensitive groups would potentially allow to localize the proteins involved in the binding and/or in the transport of fatty acids.  相似文献   

Supernatants were harvested from a 24-hr culture of immune mouse spleen cells and erythrocyte antigens. Delayed footpad reactions to such heterologous erythrocytes were augmented antigen specifically when the supernatants were transferred a few hours before immunization of recipients. The augmentation factor(s) contained in the supernatants may exert its effect on the induction phase of delayed-type hypersensitivity.  相似文献   

This study characterizes the outgrowth patterns of superior cervical ganglia (SCG) obtained from embryonic (E15), perinatal (E20–21), and adult (P35) rats when placed in culture on various substrata. Outgrowth morphology, degree of fasciculation, and outgrowth length were examined on collagen (COL), polyornithine (PO), polylysine (PL), fibronectin (FN), and nonneuronal cells (NNCs) from the ganglion. COL and FN supported extensive neuritic outgrowth; PO and PL provided poor support. Outgrowth pattern, degree of fasciculation, neurite growth rate, and the number of NNCs in the outgrowth varied considerably depending upon the COL configuration. When undiluted COL (~5 mg/ml) was air dried, a three-dimensional loose fibrillar network was formed. Upon COL dilution or gelling undiluted COL by ammoniation, an essentially two-dimensional layer was formed. On two-dimensional COL, NNCs were able to proliferate and migrate extensively from ganglia of all ages; their presence influenced the form and extent of neurite growth. E15, E20, and P35 neurites responded differently to their endogenous NNCs. E15 neurites extended in relation to NNC surfaces and were predominantly nonfasciculated. E20 neurites became more fasciculated in the presence of NNCs that exhibited morphological and behavioral differences from those migrating from E15 ganglia. E20 neurite bundles became defasciculated when they extended into E15 outgrowth. Far fewer neurites grew from P35 explants in the presence of their NNCs. Three-dimensional COL greatly slowed NNC migration and thus allowed investigation of neurite outgrowth from ganglia of differing age in the absence of NNCs. We conclude that neuritic outgrowth patterns on varying substrata reflect not only neurite differences depending upon ganglion age but also variation in the behavior of accompanying NNCs.  相似文献   

The presence of nerve growth factor receptors and the imipramine-sensitive uptake of catecholamines in sympathetic neurons of chick embryos were investigated by autoradiography. Neurons were dissociated from paravertebral ganglia of different embryonic ages and receptors and catecholamine uptake were then determined both at the beginning of culture and after 2 days in culture, at which time the number of surviving neurons is determined by the survival factors present. It was found that while essentially all the neurons specifically bound 125I-NGF both after dissociation and at the end of the culture period, only 60% of the neurons take up [3H]norepinephrine after dissociation, and this proportion remained constant through the culture period under conditions where all the neurons survived. All of the neurons maintained by NGF in culture (35% of the total) displayed this uptake, and in contrast, only one-quarter of those maintained by heart cell-conditioned medium alone (60% of the total) took up catecholamines. The uptake was shown to be neither induced by NGF nor suppressed by heart cell-conditioned medium. These results support the hypothesis that chick sympathetic ganglia contain discrete subpopulations of neurons which may be selected in culture by virtue of their different requirements for survival factors.  相似文献   

Chicken embryo liver explants cultured in chemically defined medium in the absence of serum provide a unique system to probe into the mechanism of insulin induction of lipogenic enzymes. Colchicine at concentrations of 0.2 and 1 microM in the culture medium caused inhibition of insulin induction of stearoyl-CoA desaturase and fatty acid synthetase by 50 and 90%, respectively. As measured by immunochemical techniques, the inhibition of the induction of these two enzyme systems resulted from the decreased content of the delta 9-terminal desaturase component of the stearoyl-CoA desaturase and the fatty acid synthetase. Colchicine, however, had no effect on the general protein synthesis, nor did it affect the malic enzyme, which is induced by triiodothyronine but not by insulin. Also, colchicine had no influence on the binding of 125I-insulin to isolated plasma membrane. Pretreatment of liver explants with insulin for 0.5-1 h and subsequent incubation in insulin-free media for 48 h resulted in induction of the desaturase and fatty acid synthetase. However, inclusion of colchicine in the media for 3 h subsequent to the treatment with insulin completely abolished the inductive effect of insulin, suggesting that colchicine affects events occurring subsequent to insulin binding to the cell surface membranes. Since lumicolchicine, an inactive isomer of colchicine, had no effect on insulin action, it is suggested that the inhibition of insulin induction of the desaturase and synthetase is related to the depolymerizing action of colchicine. Therefore, in eliciting long-term responses to insulin, microtubular integrity of the cell may be required for the transfer of a putative from cell surface insulin receptor to intracellular sites.  相似文献   

In muscle, insulin stimulates uptake of d-galactose as well as d-glucose and certain other sugar isomers (Kono, T. and Colowick, S.P. (1961) Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 93, 514–519). In fat cells, the hormone also stimulates uptake of d-glucose and certain other monosaccharides. Nonetheless, the hormone does not increase the uptake, as determined by the utilization, of d-galactose by fat cells (Ball, E.G. and Cooper, O. (1960) J. Biol. Chem. 235, 584–588; Kuo, J.F. and Dill, I.K. (1969) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 177, 17–26).As pointed out by Ball and Cooper, this does not necessarily indicate that insulin has no effect on the membrane transport of d-galactose in fat cells. The possible effect of the hormone on transport may not be seen in the utilization data if the intracellular metabolism is considerably slower than the rate of transport and insensitive to insulin.  相似文献   

S Paris  D Samuel  G Romey  G Ailhaud 《Biochimie》1979,61(3):361-367
Cultured heart cells from chick embryo accumulate fatty acids up to 50 fold at a steady-state level under defined conditions [ref.1]. Studies of fatty acid uptake as a function of different cellular parameters (intracellular ATP and pH, membrane potential and electrochemical gradients for monovalent and divalent cations) show the lack of effect of these factors. The rate of uptake is temperature-dependent. The maximum velocity V is affected with no change in the Km value of the saturable component; the activation energies were found to be 35.5 kJ.mol-1 for palmitate and 42 kJ.mol-1 for oleate. The results are in favour of a facilitation process which leads to an accumulation of fatty acids without energy dependence. The accumulation of fatty acids could be due to their association to intracellular membraneous and/or cytosolic components.  相似文献   

The kinetics of acetylcholine (ACh) receptor channels on cultured myotomal muscle cells from Xenopus embryos were studied by analyzing focally recorded membrane currents. The mean open time for receptor channels on embryonic muscle cells grown in dissociated cell cultures showed a time-dependent decrease similar to that seen in vivo. The changes in power density spectra are consistent with the hypothesis that the decrease results from the appearance of a class of ACh receptor with a short mean channel open time (0.7 msec) and a decrease in the proportion of receptors with a long mean channel open time (3 msec). The addition of dissociated neural tube cells to muscle cell cultures resulted in an unexpected increase in mean channel open time for ACh receptors in both synaptic and nonsynaptic regions. These studies demonstrate that ACh receptor function may be altered in cultured muscle cells.  相似文献   

Using bovine adrenocortical cells in monolayer culture it has been shown that treatment with adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) causes a dramatic increase in 17 alpha-hydroxylase activity. In postmitochondrial supernatant fractions (PMS) prepared from cells maintained in culture, there was a 15-fold increase in 17 alpha-hydroxylase activity 36 h following initiation of ACTH treatment compared with the activity measured in PMS prepared from control cells. In the continued presence of ACTH, 17 alpha-hydroxylase activity declined; however, even after 60 h of exposure to ACTH, 17 alpha-hydroxylase activity was eight times higher than that present in control cells. The dramatic increase in 17 alpha-hydroxylase activity provides an explanation for the previously observed phenomenon that following initiation of ACTH treatment of bovine adrenocortical cells in monolayer culture there is a shift in the pattern of corticosteroid secretion from approximately equal amounts of cortisol and corticosterone to almost exclusively cortisol. Thus, the modulation of 17 alpha-hydroxylase activity by ACTH action appears to serve a key regulatory role in the pattern of corticosteroid production. Soluble cytosolic factors apparently do not participate in the regulation of 17 alpha-hydroxylase activity in the bovine adrenal cortex. Increases in the magnitude of substrate-induced absorbance changes are indicative that the increase in 17 alpha-hydroxylase activity is due, at least in part, to an elevation of cytochrome P-450(17)alpha synthesis.  相似文献   

Supplementation of culture medium with elaidic acid (400 μg/flask) in L-M cells results in the formation of an otherwise undetected lipid component. We have identified this lipid component to be a mixture of free fatty alcohols containing primarily elaidyl alcohol with cetyl, stearoyl, and oleoyl alcohols as minor constituents. Formation of fatty alcohols by fatty acid supplementation seems to be specific with trans fatty acids (i.e., elaidate, trans vaccenate, and linolelaidate); addition of stearate and oleate to the L-M cells does not produce fatty alcohols. The fatty alcohols accumulated by the trans fatty acid supplementation are associated with both the particulate and supernatant fractions of the cells.  相似文献   

The uptake of glucose by the glucose phosphotransferase system in Escherichia coli was inhibited greater than 90% by ascorbate. The uptake of the nonmetabolizable analog of glucose, methyl-alpha-glucoside, was also inhibited to the same extent, confirming that it was the transport process that was sensitive to ascorbate. Similarly, it was the transport function of mannose phosphotransferase for which mannose and nonmetabolizable 2-deoxyglucose were substrates that was partially inhibited by ascorbate. Other phosphotransferase systems, including those for the uptake of sorbitol, fructose and N-acetylglucosamine, but not mannitol, were also inhibited to varying degrees by ascorbate. The inhibitory effect on the phosphotransferase systems was reversible, required the active oxidation of ascorbate, was sensitive to the presence of free-radical scavengers, and was insensitive to uncouplers. Because ascorbate was not taken up by E. coli, it was concluded that the active inhibitory species was the ascorbate free radical and that it was interacting reversibly with a membrane component, possibly the different enzyme IIB components of the phosphotransferase systems. Ascorbate also inhibited other transport systems causing a slight reduction in the passive diffusion of glycerol, a 50% inhibition of the shock-sensitive uptake of maltose, and a complete inhibition of the proton-symport uptake of lactose. Radical scavengers had little or no effect on the inhibition of these systems.  相似文献   

A simple and sensitive fluorometric method is described for the determination of butaperazine in plasma and red blood cells. This method is specific for butaperazine and reproducible over a wide range of drug levels in the blood. The sensitivity of the method is 8 ng/ml of blood, but could be increased for determining much lower levels.  相似文献   

We have used antibody and complement-mediated cell killing, fluorescence-activated cell sorting and tissue culture to study the development of rat oligodendrocytes. We show that (1) three ligands that bind to the majority of CNS neurons (the monoclonal antibodies A4 and A2B5 and tetanus toxin) also bind to immature oligodendrocytes and to precursor cells in 14-day embryonic rat brain that develop into oligodendrocytes in vitro; and (2) precursor cells in 17- to 18-day embryonic rat optic nerve can develop into oligodendrocytes in vitro in the absence of living neurons.  相似文献   

Isolated rat pancreatic acini were employed to demonstrate that the exocrine pancreas can metabolize [14C]-arachidonic acid by way of the lipoxygenase pathway as well as the cyclooxygenase pathway. Analysis by high performance liquid chromtography delineated a monohydroxy acid, presumably 12-L-hydroxy-5,8–10,14-eicosatetraenoic acid (12-HETE) as the major lipoxygenase product. The formation of this hydroxy arachidonic derivative was stimulated by the calcium ionophore ionomycin. Stimulation of lipoxygenase pathway by ionomycin was confirmed by thin layer chromatography. In addition, 6-keto-PGF, PGF, and PGE2 were identified; and ionomycin, carbamylcholine, and caerulein enhanced the formation of these metabolites of the cyclooxygenase pathway. Ionomycin induced stimulation of HETE formation was inhibited by ETYA and nordihydroguaiaretic acid, but spontaneous and evoked enzyme secretion was unaffected. Thus, although ionomycin, a pancreatic secretagogue, stimulates the lipoxygenase pathway, the precise role of these arachidonate metabolites in the physiology of the exocrine pancreas is still obscure.  相似文献   

Human peripheral lymphocytes were separated from whole blood on a Ficoll-Hypaque gradient. They were then depleted of monocytes, separated into T and non-T fractions, and assayed for locomotor responses toward casein and endotoxin-activated serum in Boyden chambers. Non-T cells showed higher random motility than did T cells. Culture prior to assay was necessary in order to demonstrate locomotor activity of T cells, but this requirement, although desirable, was not essential for non-T lymphocytes. It was not necessary for Con A to be present in the culture medium or for either T or non-T lymphocytes to be in blast form to show locomotion.  相似文献   

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