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Summary We have studied the differentiation of the vitelline coat (VC) of the ascidianCiona intestinalis. In the young previtellogenic oocyte the vitelline coat precursor material (VCPM) makes its first appearance as patches of fibrous material in close apposition to the outer surface of the oocyte. The presence of subcortical vescicles containing a fuzzy electron-dense material and their opening into the oocyte surface parallels the formation of VCPM. Numerous microvillar-like structures emerge from the oocyte surface. When the VCPM completely surrounds the oocyte the microvilli are withdrawn. An overall increase of VCPM parallels the growth of the oocyte. The next step in the differentiation of the vitelline coat consists in the packing of the constituent fibrils in a dense layer at its outer surface, i.e. the one in contact with the follicle cells. At this time the VC is penetrated by microvilli protruding both from the oocyte and follicle cells. The VC reaches its final structure and thickness at the time the test cells are extruded into the perivitelline space.The participation of the follicle cells in VC organization is also discussed.  相似文献   

In Ciona intestinalis, sperm penetration through the egg vitelline coat is an essential event of fertilization. We investigated whether trypsin- and chymotrypsin-like enzymes are involved in this event. Inhibitors and peptide substrates for chymotrypsin-like enzymes blocked the overall process of fertilization in a concentration-dependent manner. The inhibitory activity was specifically exerted on the step of sperm penetration. Chymotrypsin-like protease activity was identified in spermatozoa with the fluorogenic synthetic substrate Suc-Ala-Ala-Phe-AMC, which was the most effective substrate in blocking sperm penetration. These data indicate that a chymotrypsin-like protease activity is a sperm lysin of Ciona intestinalis.  相似文献   

In the course of this study we found that in Mytilus galloprovincialis eggs long filamentous protrusions never described before, which we have termed "vitelline coat spikes," could be clearly detected using the lectin from Dolichos biflorus, which recognizes the GalNAc residues. The spikes could be also observed by transmission electron microscope but only in some fortuitous sections could their origin in the vitelline coat be clearly observed. The spikes were also clearly visible using the scanning electron microscope. Observations of the sperm-egg interaction very few seconds after insemination or using fixed eggs suggested that the spikes could play a role in a primary binding to the unreacted sperm. Experiments have been done to test the effect of GalNAc on the sperm-egg binding and on the fertilization process which seem to confirm this hypothesis.  相似文献   

Synbranchus marmoratus is a protogynous diandric teleost fish widely distributed throughout South America. The aim of this work was to study the ultrastructure of the vitelline envelope and the relationship among oocyte and their follicular cells during oogenesis. During perinucleolar stage, the oocyte and the follicular cells form microvillar processes that project into the perivitelline space. The oocyte secretes a dense and amorphous material, which appears as the first evidence of the vitelline envelope (VE) development. The VE passes from a double to a multilayered structure during oocyte growth. In mature oocytes, the VE reach a mean thickness of 11 microm, having up to 30 layers. Oocyte microvilli are thinner than the follicular ones and were seen in contact with the follicular plasmalema, however we could not find any contact between the follicular microvilli and the oolemma. Before ovulation, microvillar processes retract and the pore canals seem to collapse. An outer electron dense layer occludes the superficial pore and forms a continuous layer. No jelly or adhesive coatings were seen at least in ovulated eggs sampled from ovarian lumen. Follicular cell and oocyte cytological characteristics do not differ from those described in other teleosts species.  相似文献   

A feeding experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of dietary pyridoxine (PN) on the immune responses of abalone, Haliotis discus hannai Ino. Purified diets supplemented with 0, 40, 800 mg PN kg(-1) or 80 mg kg(-1) of 4-deoxypyridoxine (PN antagonist) were fed to adult abalone (initial weight 45.77 +/- 0.25 g; initial shell length 68.02 +/- 0.78 mm) for 90 days. The air-dried brown kelp, Laminaria japonica, was used as a control diet. Each diet was fed to three replicate groups of abalone in a recirculation system using a completely randomised design. The results showed that weight gain ratio (WGR) of the abalone generally increased with the level of dietary PN supplementation though no significant differences were found among the treatments (P > 0.05). Phagocytic and phenoloxidase activities were significantly higher in abalone fed diets supplemented with 800 mg PN kg(-1) than those fed the PN-free diet or the one with 4-deoxypyridoxine (P < 0.05). Agglutination titre and respiratory burst activity were significantly higher in abalone fed diets supplemented with 40 mg PN kg(-1) than those fed the PN-free diet or the one with 4-deoxypyridoxine (P < 0.05). There were no significant differences in immunological characteristics between the abalone fed the diet containing 40 mg PN kg(-1) and those fed the diet containing 800 mg PN kg(-1) (P > 0.05). L. japonica resulted in significantly lower agglutination titre, respiratory burst and phagocytic activities than the artificial diets supplemented with 40 or 800 mg PN kg(-1) (P < 0.05). Total haemocyte count (THC), serum protein concentration, and the activities of lysozyme and acid phosphatase were not significantly affected by the dietary treatments (P > 0.05). These results demonstrate that dietary deficiency of pyridoxine suppresses the immune functions in H. discus hannai, and further investigations are needed to optimise the dietary level of this vitamin for maintaining the best immune responses in abalone.  相似文献   

A traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) preparation was formulated from orange peel (Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae), hawthorn (Crataegus pinnatifida), astragalus (Astragalus membranaceus (Fisch.) Bunge), pilose asiabell root (Radix codonopsis), indigowoad root (Radix isatidis), taraxacum (Herba taraxaci) and malt (Fructus Hordei Germinatus) at a weight ratio of 1:1:1.5:1.5:1.5:1.5:2. A feeding experiment was conducted to determine the effects of TCM on innate immunity of abalone, Haliotis discus hannai Ino. Artificial diets containing 1%, 3%, 5% TCM preparation, 1% hawthorn or 1% astragalus, respectively, were fed to juvenile abalone (initial weight 10.38+/-2.51 g; initial shell length 44.15+/-4.15 mm) for 80 days. A TCM-free diet was used as a control. Each diet was fed to three replicate groups of abalone using a randomized design. The results indicated that phagocytic activity was significantly higher in abalone fed 3%, 5% TCM preparation, 1% astragalus or 1% hawthorn (P<0.05). Respiratory burst activity was significantly higher in abalone fed 1%, 3%, 5% TCM preparation, 1% astragalus or 1% hawthorn (P<0.05). Agglutination titre was significantly higher in abalone fed 5% TCM preparation (P<0.05). Weight gain ratio (WGR), daily increment in shell length (DISL), total haemocyte count (THC), plasma protein concentration, and the activity of acid phosphatase (ACP) were not significantly affected by the TCM preparation (P>0.05). These results indicate that TCM preparation can modulate the immunity of H. discus hannai, and it is very possible that TCM might be used as immunostimulants in abalone farming.  相似文献   

In the toad Bufo bufo japonicus the vitelline coat (VC) of the uterine egg (UEVC) is more readily lysed by the sperm lysin than the VC of coelomic egg (CEVC). Fluorometric determinations of released proteins after incubation of the VC with the sperm lysin in vitro revealed that the CEVC is not completely refractory to the lysin but increases in susceptibility after treatment with a pars recta extract (PRE). Experiments employing isolated pars recta granules showed that both this increase of VC susceptibility and the acquisition of egg fertilizability are ascribable to the contents of the granules. SDS-PAGE analyses of VC proteins revealed that in comparison with CEVC, UEVC lacks 40–52K proteins concomitant with the increased stainability of 39K protein and the appearance of 36K protein. These changes in SDS-PAGE profiles were observed either in oviducal eggs after passage through the pars recta or in coelomic eggs treated with PRE but were inhibited when coelomic eggs were treated with PRE containing soybean trypsin inhibitor (SBTI) and leupeptin. Likewise, the acquisition of fertilizability by treatment of coelomic egg with PRE was inhibited by SBTI. Dejellied uterine eggs were successfully fertilized when pretreated with trypsin inhibitors before insemination but were not fertilized when pre-treated with concanavalin A. We propose that the hydrolytic degradation of certain VC proteins due to the tryptic activity of pars recta granules renders the VC susceptible to the sperm lysin, so that the eggs are made receptive to a fertilizing sperm.  相似文献   

We developed 17 new microsatellite markers in Haliotis discus hannai. All loci were found to be polymorphic with an average of 13.1 alleles per locus (range 3–28). The mean observed and expected heterozygosities were 0.77 (range 0.17–1.00) and 0.79 (range 0.42–0.96), respectively. Six loci deviated significantly from Hardy–Weinberg proportions, and thus should be used with caution. The high variabilities revealed in this study suggest that these microsatellite loci should provide useful markers for studies of trait mapping, kinship and population genetics.  相似文献   

Summary Electron microscopic studies on developing follicles of Locusta migratoria show the vitelline membrane to be composed of two ultrastructurally distinguishable components: The vitelline membrane bodies (VMBs) and, in addition, fine granular material, cementing the VMBs together. VMBs form first in the oocyte-near zone within the oocyte-follicle cell space. Subsequently, the second vitelline membrane substance is secreted between the VMBs through apical protrusions of the follicle cells. The possible origin of the VMBs is discussed.Yolk uptake in Locusta seems to occur predominantly by pinocytosis. During oocyte development the oocyte membrane is enlarged by numerous microvilli and folds. In addition pinocytotic vesicles are pinched off. It is supposed that the latter loose their coat and eventually transform into large proteid yolk spheres.This work was supported by the Volkswagenstiftung, HannoverI wish to thank Prof. Dr. H. Emmerich, Techn. Hochschule Darmstadt, for valuable discussions  相似文献   

Vitelline membranes from fresh and stored eggs were treated with either 0.5 M sodium chloride or 1% sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) and the resulting solutions examined by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Several differences between the fresh and stored membranes were evident, the most noticeable being the loss of protein VMO I (vitelline membrane outer I) and the formation of a dimer of lysozyme during storage.  相似文献   

In the ascidian Halocynthia roretzi, sperm-egg binding is probably mediated through the interaction between alpha-L-fucosidase present on the sperm surface and anionic saccharide chains of the egg vitelline coat. To characterize biologically active glycans, total glycans were chemically released from the glycopeptide fraction of the vitelline coat. The fraction of uncharged glycans and two fractions of negatively charged glycans were separated by diethylaminoethyl-anion exchange chromatography. In a competitive inhibition assay of fertilization, both anionic fractions showed inhibitory activity, with more anionic glycans being most potent, while uncharged glycans were biologically inactive. Chemical desulfation combined with a competitive inhibition assay of fertilization and ion analysis determined that sulfate groups were responsible for anionic character and crucial for biological activity. Monosaccharide analysis of anionic fractions showed a high content of N-acetylgalactosamine, galactose, xylose and the presence of arabinose, mannose, N-acetylglucosamine, glucose and rhamnose. Glycans were O-linked and galactose and xylose residues were detected at reducing termini. Linkage analysis suggested that 1,4-linked xylose, 1,3-linked galactose and N-acetylgalactosamine residues, substituted to different degrees by sulfate groups on the C-3 and C-4 carbons, respectively, constituted the core structures of anionic glycans.  相似文献   

The sonicated supernatant of the sperm of the toad, Bufo japonicus, can digest easily the vitelline coat (VC) of uterine eggs, and to a lesser extent the VC of coelomic eggs, but not that of activated eggs. The VC lysis and fertilization were competitively inhibited in the presence of t-butyloxycarbonyl-L-Gln-L-Arg-L-Arg-4-methylcoumaryl-7-amide (Boc-Gln-Arg-Arg-MCA), suggesting the involvement of proteases in the fertilization process. Starting from a sonicated supernatant, a potent VC lysin, possessing hydrolytic activity on Boc-Gln-Arg-Arg-MCA, was obtained by anion-exchange chromatography and gel filtration. The activity of the partially purified lysin was inhibited by diisopropyl fluorophosphate (DFP) and by such trypsin inhibitors as soybean trypsin inhibitor, leupeptin, and (p-amidinophenyl) methanesulfonyl fluoride hydrochloride, but not by chymostatin, E-64, and ethylene glycol bis(β-aminoethyl ether)-N,N,N′,N′-tetraacetic acid. The molecular weight of the lysin was estimated to be 32K, based on the fluorographic image of 3H-DFP binding to the lysin on sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis. The VC lysin was most active at pH 7.0–7.6 and under low ionic strength equivalent to fresh water. The release of the VC lysin was induced upon incubation of sperm with the contents of oviducal pars recta granules (PRG), which are known to induce the acrosome reaction. We conclude that the protease studied here represents the VC lysin of toad sperm that is involved in fertilization by digesting the VC of uterine eggs, probably released as a result of the acrosome reaction induced by PRG.  相似文献   

杂色鲍足的显微与超微结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李娜  石和荣  李海云  柯浩  温山鸿 《动物学报》2006,52(5):I0001-I0002,968
杂色鲍(Haliotis diversicolor)隶属软体动物门、腹足纲、前鳃亚纲、原始腹足目、鲍科、鲍属。鲍的足是柔韧性很好的器官,它具有运动、支持、感觉与辅助捕获功能,是鲍生活中匍匐和吸附岩石等固着物的重要部位,因其首先接触环境而成为脓疱病、裂壳病、弧菌病等病病原体的主要侵袭部位,这些病可造成十分严重的鲍死亡现象。国内学者对鲍足的研究文献较少,仅有关于皱纹盘鲍(Haliotis discus hannai Ino)足的组织学(崔龙波等,1997)及皱纹盘鲍足的粘液细胞的片断研究(王宜艳等,2004)报道。  相似文献   

The surface coat of Dunaliella parva Lerche was investigated using several techniques. Degradation by several cell lytic enzymes and ultrastructural observation revealed that D. parva has a specialized cell surface structure containing a glycoprotein that is sensitive not only to proteinases but also to lysozyme. This sensitivity was also demonstrated by electrophoresis of the cells and measurement of released glycerol after enzyme treatment. Immunochemical labeling indicated that the surface glycoprotein of D. parva is analogous to pepti-doglycan.  相似文献   

We report here for the first time 12 polymorphic single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in a commercially important gastropod, Pacific abalone (Haliotis discus hannai) that were identified by searching expressed sequence tag database. These SNP loci (seven nuclear and five mitochondrial SNPs) were polymorphic among 37 wild abalone individuals, based on a four-primer allele-specific polymerase chain reaction analysis. All loci had two alleles and the minor allele frequency ranged from 0.027 to 0.473. For the seven nuclear SNPs, the expected and observed heterozygosities ranged from 0.053 to 0.499 and from 0.054 to 0.811, respectively.  相似文献   

The expression patterns of different genes encoding antioxidant enzymes and heat shock proteins were investigated, in present study, by real-time quantitative PCR in the hepatopancreas of abalone Haliotis discus hannai fed with different levels of dietary zinc (6.69, 33.8, 710.6 and 3462.5 mg/kg) for 20 weeks. The antioxidant enzymes include Cu/Zn-superoxide dismutase (Cu/Zn-SOD), Mn-superoxide dismutase (Mn-SOD), catalase (CAT), mu-glutathione-s-transferase (mu-GST) and thioredoxin peroxidase (TPx). The results showed that the mRNA expression of these antioxidant enzymes increased and reached the maximum at the dietary zinc level of 33.8 mg/kg, and then dropped progressively. Expression levels of the heat shock proteins (HSP26, HSP70 and HSP90) firstly increased at 33.8 mg/kg dietary Zn level, and reached to the maximum at 710.6 mg/kg, then dropped at 3462.5 mg/kg (p<0.05). Excessive dietary Zn (710.6 and 3462.5 mg/kg) significantly increases the Zn content and significantly decreases the total antioxidant capacity (T-AOC) in hepatopancreas (p<0.05). These findings showed that dietary Zn (33.8 mg/kg) could highly trigger the expression levels of antioxidant enzymes and heat shock proteins, but excessive dietary Zn (710.6 and 3462.5 mg/kg) induces a high oxidative stress in abalone.  相似文献   

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