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Recent experimental work suggests that under normal conditions cell sorting plays an important part in maintaining and re-establishing the axial pattern of cell types in the slug stage of the cellular slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum. Following removal of the anterior zone of the slug, anterior-like cells that are normally distributed throughout the posterior of the slug rapidly migrate to the anterior end of the transected slug, and new anterior-like cells appear in the posterior portion. These results provide evidence that the direct linkage between spatial location and differentiation hypothesized in positional information models of spatial pattern formation is not universal. In this paper we develop and analyze a class of mathematical models of the slug in which cell determination can be less rigidly tied to spatial location, and which involve chemotactic cell sorting to re-establish and maintain the spatial pattern of cell types. We show that these models can reproduce the qualitative aspects of the experimental observations and that sorting takes place on the observed time scale when reasonable values of the parameters are used.  相似文献   

Length distribution of F-actin in Dictyostelium discoideum   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Inhibition of deoxyribonuclease I activity was used to assay the actin monomers and the pointed ends of actin filaments in lysates of Dictyostelium discoideum. The KD for the binding reaction was 0.2-0.3 nM. Total cellular actin was 93 microM in monomers (approximately 0.1 fmol/cell) of which roughly half was initially polymeric. Essentially all of the filamentous actin (F-actin) was readily pelleted in the microcentrifuge and was therefore presumed to be in the cytoskeleton. Free F-actin barbed ends, measured as pelletable [3H]cytochalasin B, numbered 1.8 x 10(5)/cell; nuclei for the polymerization of rabbit muscle globular (monomeric) actin numbered 2.0 x 10(5)/cell; and pointed ends, determined by their inhibition of deoxyribonuclease I, numbered 3.6 x 10(5)/cell. These values suggest that half the barbed ends might be occluded. On average, the filaments contained approximately 76 subunits and were therefore about 0.2 micron long. The distribution of their lengths was estimated from the time course of depolymerization following vast dilution. Three populations were defined. In one experiment, the smallest population contained 71% of the F-actin mass and 96% of the pointed ends; these filaments averaged 80 subunits or 0.22 microns in length. An intermediate population contained 14% of the F-actin mass and 3% of the filaments; these were roughly 460 subunits (1.3 microns) long. The largest population contained 15% of the F-actin mass in about 0.3% of the filaments; these were 13 microns in length, about the diameter of the cell. The numerous short filaments might populate a cortical mesh, while the long filaments might constitute endoplasmic bundles.  相似文献   

During the slug stage, the cellular slime mould Dictyostelium discoideum moves towards light sources. We have modelled this phototactic behaviour using a hybrid cellular automata/partial differential equation model. In our model, individual amoebae are not able to measure the direction from which the light comes, and differences in light intensity do not lead to differentiation in motion velocity among the amoebae. Nevertheless, the whole slug orientates itself towards the light. This behaviour is mediated by a modification of the cyclic AMP (cAMP) waves. As an explanation for phototaxis, we propose the following mechanism, which is basically characterized by four processes: (i) light is focused on the distal side of the slug as a result of the so-called ''lens-effect''; (ii) differences in luminous intensity cause differences in NH3 concentration; (iii) NH3 alters the excitablity of the cell, and thereby the shape of the cAMP wave; and (iv) chemotaxis towards cAMP causes the slug to turn. We show that this mechanism can account for a number of other behaviours that have been observed in experiments, such as bidirectional phototaxis and the cancellation of bidirectionality by a decrease in the light intensity or the addition of charcoal to the medium.  相似文献   

Prespore-specific Antigen (PsA) is selectively expressed on the surface of prespore cells at the multicellular migratory slug stage of Dictyostelium discoideum development. It is a developmentally regulated glycoprotein that is anchored to the cell membrane through a glycosyl phosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchor. We present the results of an in vitro immunological investigation of the hypothesis that PsA functions as a cell adhesion molecule (CAM), and of a ligand-binding assay indicating that PsA has cell membrane binding partner(s). This is the first evidence to implicate a direct role for a putative CAM in cell-cell adhesion during the multicellular migratory slug stage of D. discoideum development. Cell-cell adhesion assays were carried out in the presence or absence of the monoclonal antibody (mAb) MUD1 that has a single antigenic determinant: a peptide epitope on PsA. These assays showed specific inhibition of cell-cell adhesion by MUD1. Further, it was found that a purified recombinant form of PsA (rPsA), can neutralize the inhibitory effect of MUD1; the inhibitory effect on cell-cell adhesion is primarily due to the blocking of PsA by the mAb. The resistance of aggregates to dissociation in the presence of 10 mM EDTA (ethylenediamintetraacetic acid) indicates that PsA mediates EDTA-stable cell-cell contacts, and that PsA-mediated cell adhesion is likely to be independent of divalent cations such as Ca(2+) or Mg(2+).  相似文献   

While the role of myosin II in muscle contraction has been well characterized, less is known about the role of myosin II in non-muscle cells. Recent molecular genetic experiments on Dictyostelium discoideum show that myosin II is necessary for cytokinesis and multicellular development. Here we use immunofluorescence microscopy with monoclonal and polyclonal antimyosin antibodies to visualize myosin II in cells of the multicellular D. discoideum slug. A subpopulation of peripheral and anterior cells label brightly with antimyosin II antibodies, and many of these cells display a polarized intracellular distribution of myosin II. Other cells in the slug label less brightly and their cytoplasm displays a more homogeneous distribution of myosin II. These results provide insight into cell motility within a three-dimensional tissue and they are discussed in relation to the possible roles of myosin II in multicellular development.  相似文献   

When cells dissociated from "slugs" are allowed to reaggregate, they reconstruct slugs. During this process, the cells showed a marked decrease in the ratio of labeled RNA lacking poly(A) to labeled total RNA as compared with that of cells in normal slugs. Irrespective of the change in total labeled RNA, the ratio remained low even after 6 h of reconstruction. Sucrose density gradient analysis of RNA showed that the synthesis of high molecular weight rRNA (26S and 17S) was considerably repressed in reconstructed slugs as compared with normal slugs. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of low molecular weight rRNA revealed that the synthesis of 5S rRNA, but not 4S tRNA, was repressed.  相似文献   

Dictyostelium is a favored model for studying problems in cell and developmental biology. To comprehend the genetic potential and networks that direct growth and multicellular development, we are performing a large-scale analysis of Dictyostelium cDNAs. Here, we newly determine 7720 nucleotide sequences of cDNAs from the multicellular, slug stage (S) and 10 439 from the unicellular, vegetative stage (V). The combined 26 954 redundant ESTs were computer assembled using the PHRAP program to yield 5381 independent sequences. These 5381 predicted genes represent about half of the estimated coding potential of the organism. One-third of them were classified into 12 functional categories. Although the overall classification patterns of the V and S libraries were very similar, stage-specific genes exist in every category. The majority of V-specific genes function in some aspect of protein translation, while such genes are in a minority in the S-specific and common populations. Instead, genes for signal transduction and multicellular organization are enriched in the population of S-specific genes. Genes encoding the enzymes of basic metabolism are mainly found in the common gene population. These results therefore suggest major differences between growing and developing Dictyostelium cells in the nature of the genes transcribed.  相似文献   

How the collective motion of cells in a biological tissue originates in the behavior of a collection of individuals, each of which responds to the chemical and mechanical signals it receives from neighbors, is still poorly understood. Here we study this question for a particular system, the slug stage of the cellular slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum (Dd). We investigate how cells in the interior of a migrating slug can effectively transmit stress to the substrate and thereby contribute to the overall motive force. Theoretical analysis suggests necessary conditions on the behavior of individual cells, and computational results shed light on experimental results concerning the total force exerted by a migrating slug. The model predicts that only cells in contact with the substrate contribute to the translational motion of the slug. Since the model is not based specifically on the mechanical properties of Dd cells, the results suggest that this behavior will be found in many developing systems.  相似文献   

Cell-cycle regulation of center initiation in Dictyostelium discoideum   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The center-initiating behavior of Dictyostelium discoideum amoebae in various cell-cycle phases was investigated. Small populations of synchronized AX-2 cells were seeded 1 in 1000 into cultures of a nonsignaling mutant (NP160) incapable of initiating centers. The ability of the wild-type AX-2 cells to initiate centers among mutant amoebae displayed cell-cycle regulation. Approximately 50% of a population of S-phase cells initiated centers while only 7.5% of a population of late G2-phase cells resulted in center formation. The timing of center formation also varied with cycle position. Synchronous cultures containing only AX-2 S-phase amoebae (no NP160) displayed the initial signs of aggregation after 4.5 hr of starvation and streaming into the aggregate was complete after 6 hr. In contrast, cultures of late G2-phase amoebae initiated aggregation centers after 5.5 hr of starvation and did not complete streaming until 7.5 hr. In addition, the number of aggregates formed by these synchronous cultures of AX-2 cells also varied with cycle position. In general, these results suggest a cell-cycle modulation of the autonomous signaling responsible for center initiation.  相似文献   

We describe sixteen new families of cDNA clones representing mRNAs that are expressed preferentially in either prespore or prestalk cells during development of Dictyostelium discoideum and two new mRNAs that are expressed in a non-cell-type-specific manner. None of the prespore-enriched mRNAs are detectable in Dictyostelium cells until 13-15 h of development but then they increase dramatically and peak at 18-22 h. Upon dissociation of developing aggregates, all these mRNAs rapidly decay to low levels. In marked contrast to data presented for prespore genes by other workers, cyclic AMP either has no effect on the mRNA levels in dissociated cells or is only weakly effective in restoring normal expression. A prestalk-enriched mRNA examined, 5G mRNA, is similarly expressed late in development but is also expressed in vegetative cells. The level of 5G mRNA is only moderately affected by cell disaggregation.  相似文献   

The last 5 years have resulted in many advances in knowledge of the cytoskeleton and motility of individual cells. Here the problem of multicellular movement is addressed. The Dictyostelium discoideum slug is examined, and models for how approximately 100,000 cells become coordinated to move are briefly reviewed. Experiments that contributed to model building as well as those used to test models are considered. Four levels of experimentation are considered: (1) the extracellular matrix (ECM) is examined as a component of the system; (2) information obtained by examining the organisation of slug cells through sectioning is presented; (3) time, the 4th dimension, is considered, and approaches to studying the dynamics of cell interactions from the point of view of movement are outlined, and (4) cell adhesion molecules are addressed.  相似文献   

Starvation induces free-living Dictyostelium discoideum amoebae to form slugs that typically contain 100,000 cells. Only recently have sufficient clues become available to suggest how coordinated cell actions might result in slug movement. We propose a “squeeze-pull” model that involves circumferential cells squeezing forward a cellular core, followed by pulling up of the rear. This model takes into account the different classes of cells in the slug; it is proposed that prestalk cells are engines and prespore cells are the cargo.  相似文献   

Two isozymes of β-galactosidase (EC have been identified during growth and development of the cellular slime mold, Dictyostelium discoideum. The isozymes have been partially purified and differ in a variety of physical and enzymatic properties. β-Galactosidase-1 is present in vegetative cells. The specific activity is reduced during early development and then increases again during culmination. The specific activity of β-galactosidase-2 increases in early development and then again during culmination and spore maturation. The specific activity of β-galactosidase-2 is extremely dependent upon growth conditions and is regulated over a 160-fold range. The accumulation of both isozymes is dependent on concomitant RNA and protein synthesis.  相似文献   

Abstract. Monoclonal antibodies reactive with proteins specifically present either in the prespore cells or the prestalk cells of Dictyostelium discoideum were obtained. Four of them recognized prespore-enriched proteins, as shown by both immunoblotting assays and immunofluorescent staining. The other monoclonal antibody ( mab150 ) produced more than 10 protein bands when reacted with both prespore and prestalk cell extracts in immunoblotting assays. However, a protein band with molecular weight 35 000 (st35) was specifically detected in prestalk cells as well as mature stalk cells. St35 was solubilized from the Triton X-100 insoluble fraction of mature stalks by sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS). The purified sample gave a single spot on two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, with pI of 5.0. During development, st35 first appeared at the tipped aggregate stage and accumulated up to stalk-cell formation without modification. The protein was not lost even when slugs were disaggregated. The importance of the tipped aggregate stage for prestalk differentiation as well as prespore differentiation is discussed.  相似文献   

Previous work has shown that cells developing at high density release a low-molecular-weight factor that can induce isolated Dictyostelium discoideum amoebae of strain V12M2 to differentiate into stalk cells in the presence of cyclic AMP. We now show that this differentiation-inducing factor, called DIF, can be extracted from cells during normal development and that its production is strongly developmentally regulated. DIF is not detectable in vegetative cells but rises dramatically after aggregation to reach a peak during slug migration. DIF levels are very low in two mutants defective in aggregation. The postaggregative synthesis of DIF is stimulated by the addition of extracellular cyclic AMP. We propose that DIF is a morphogen controlling prestalk cell differentiation.  相似文献   

肌动蛋白是盘基网柄菌(Dictyostelium discoideum)细胞吞噬过程中的关键组分,通过其细胞内的定位和多聚化形式在确定的时间和地点连接特定的分子,使吞噬过程得以完成。profilin是肌动蛋白多聚化的重要调节分子,在磷脂酰肌醇信号转导与细胞骨架相交处起关键作用。许多小分子G蛋白参与细胞骨架调节,CAP蛋白是两者间重要连接分子。所以,吞噬作用是细胞内诸分子协同作用的结果。  相似文献   

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