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群落内物种多样性发生与维持的一个假说   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:18  
本文根据作者对竞争排除法则的研究而提出了一个新的群落多样性假说。按照作者的观点,占用相同生态位的物种可以稳定共存;这样,群落内物种多样性将受到4个基本因子所控制。它们分别是:(Ⅰ)生态位的数量;(Ⅱ)区域物种库的大小;(Ⅲ)物种迁入速率,以及(Ⅳ)物种灭绝速率。该假说强调区域生物地理过程与局域生态过程共同决定了群落内种多样性的大小及分布模式。  相似文献   

植物群落中物种多样性的维持是当代生态学领域中的一个核心问题。根据高斯竞争排除法则,占有相同生态位的物种不能共存。然而植物群落中共存种的数目经常可达数十个以上,难于用以竞争排除法则为基础的竞争共存理论加以解释。本文根据性别分配理论提出了一个新的植物种竞争共存机制;它可以允许占有相同生态位的物种共存。  相似文献   

植物群落物种共存机制的研究进展   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
物种共存是由进化、历史及生态尺度上的过程决定的.现存的理论从不同的尺度探讨了植物群落物种共存的可能机制,本文阐述了其中几种重要的理论.种库理论在进化和历史尺度上解释了植物物种共存的形成原因.在生态尺度上,虽然传统的生态位理论受到质疑,但是更新生态位理论和资源比率/异质性假说越来越受到重视;竞争共存理论认为具有相似竞争能力或能够避免竞争排斥的植物物种可以共存.在非平衡条件下,生物和非生物因素对植物物种共存也有显著影响,它们一方面作用于竞争优势种,使竞争优势向稀有种转移,另一方面可以创造生境时空异质性,为生态位分化提供机会.生态漂变学说认为群落中物种的组成不断变化,物种的共存和分布由随机因素决定.这些植物群落物种共存理论各有所长,互相补充.应用现代科学技术进行研究,结果必将促进人们对植物物种共存问题的深刻理解.  相似文献   

一直以来,生态学家和进化生物学家对森林群落物种多样格局及其形成机制持有不同的观点。虽然Robert Ricklefs将进化和生态过程整合的观点已经被群落生态学家广泛接受,但是区域物种进化历史以及局域群落微进化过程是否能够影响群落生态学过程以及这些过程如何影响群落结构和动态还有待商榷。经典的生态位理论同时强调了种间和种内生态位分化对群落多样性维持的影响。但是生态学家普遍认为种间差异足以代表群落内个体间的相互作用关系,并且由于进化过程导致的种内分化往往涉及较长的时间尺度,因此,虽然种内差异是自然选择的重要材料,物种对环境的适应性进化过程所导致的种内分化对群落构建的影响往往被生态学家所忽视。为此,通过回顾种间和个体生态位分化的研究历史,对两类研究分别进行简要阐述,强调在今后的群落生态学研究中需要考虑个体分化对局域群落构建的影响。  相似文献   

为探讨从区域到局域的变化过程中的主导影响机制,通过整理百山祖自然保护区的历次植物调查资料,并详细调查5 hm2的样地群落,对保护区整个区域和样地群落物种组成的差异和功能性状的组成差异进行了比较。结果表明,在区域种库和局域群落之间的物种组成差异明显,在区域和局域物种数量排名前10的科和属中只有5科和5属是共有的;相较于区域中的属,样地中温带分布的属明显增多,而热带分布的属较少。功能性状方面,与区域相比,样地中草本植物比例减少而木本植物比例增加;单叶植物比例增加,复叶植物比例下降;两性花比例下降,雌雄异株比例上升;肉质果比例上升,而干果比例下降。这些结果表明从区域到局域群落构建过程中生态位分化机制等非随机过程起着重要的作用。  相似文献   

局域和区域过程共同控制着群落的物种多样性:种库假说   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
解释群落的物种多样性大小是生态学研究的一个重要的理论和实践问题。人们提出了群落物种多样性的多种假说, Zobel等人提出的种库假说(species pool hypothesis)是生物多样性理论研究的重要发展。该假说认为, 一个群落的物种多样性不仅与环境条件和生态过程(ecological process)(如竞争、捕食)有关, 也受区域种库(regional species pool)的限制。区域种库是指一个地区可进入某一群落的潜在物种数量, 它由地史过程(如冰期、地质年代)和区域过程(物种形成、迁移扩散以及消亡)所决定。按照种库假说, 某一生境类型的面积越大, 地质年代越古老, 物种形成的机会也就越多, 因而能适应和分布于该生境的物种也就越多, 实际群落中的物种丰富度也就越高。种库在空间上主要有两个层次: 区域种库和实际种库, 前者指某一生境所拥有的潜在物种数量, 主要由生物地理过程(biogeographic processes)所决定; 后者则为调查的群落中实际出现的物种数量, 主要由竞争等生态过程和区域种库共同决定。本文对种库假说的基本概念、主要内容、种库确定方法等作了介绍, 并阐述了作者对这些问题的理解和认识。  相似文献   

王永健  钟章成  陶建平 《生态学报》2008,28(7):3082-3091
运用空间格局、生态位及多样性分析,探讨了重庆缙云山自然保护区林缘旷地(OAFE)、竹林(BF)及常绿阔叶林(EBF)3类生境蝴蝶花(Iris japonica Thumb.)自然种群分株格局特征及对草本多样性的影响机制.结果表明:方差均值比(V/m)和Moristia指数(Iδ)的格局判别分析表明,3类生境中蝴蝶花分株种群从0.5 m×0.5 m至2 m×2 m尺度均为聚集分布;从林缘旷地-竹林-常绿阔叶林,种群分株密度逐渐降低,总体格局规模与格局强度(PI)在各尺度均呈下降趋势.林缘旷地与竹林生境中,蝴蝶花的分布,降低了原优势种的优势度,并显著降低草本层物种多样性(p<0.05),但在常绿阔叶林生境中对原优势种的优势度及草本物种多样性的影响很小.不同生境中蝴蝶花种群格局对草本多样性的影响机制各不相同:林缘旷地生境,通过强的更新生态位(地上空间与根生态位)与营养生态位(获取水分与养分资源)竞争,降低草本物种丰富度尤其是偶见种丰富度;竹林生境,通过更新生态位(根生态位)与营养生态位(获取光与养分资源)竞争,降低了草本偶见种丰富度;常绿阔叶林生境,物种间生态位重叠较低,表现一定的资源竞争,但对草本多样性影响很小.林冠决定蝴蝶花分株种群格局强度、克隆生长的强弱及林下土壤状况,从而影响蝴蝶花与草本层其它物种之间生态位竞争的强弱是决定蝴蝶花种群对草本层物种多样性影响机制的重要因素.  相似文献   

物种分布模型理论研究进展   总被引:23,自引:12,他引:23  
李国庆  刘长成  刘玉国  杨军  张新时  郭柯 《生态学报》2013,33(16):4827-4835
利用物种分布模型估计物种的真实和潜在分布区,已成为区域生态学与生物地理学中非常活跃的研究领域。然而,到目前为止,这项技术的理论基础仍然存在不足之处,一些关键的生态过程未能被有效纳入到物种分布模型的理论框架中,从而为解释物种分布模型预测的结果带来了诸多困惑。鉴于此,总结了物种分布模型的理论基础;系统探讨了物种分布模型与物种分布区的关系;特别指出了物种分布模型研究中存在的理论问题;重点阐述了物种分布模型未来的发展方向。研究认为,物种分布模型与生态位理论、源-库理论、种群动态理论、集合种群理论、进化理论等具有重要的联系;正确理解物种分布模型的预测结果与物种分布区的关系,有赖于对影响物种分布的3个主要因素(环境条件、物种相互作用与物种迁移能力)做出定量的分离;目前物种分布模型主要存在的问题是未能将物种的相互作用和物种的迁移能力有效纳入到模型的构建过程中;未来物种分布模型的发展应该加强模型背后理论框架的研究,并进一步加强整合物种相互作用过程、种群动态过程、迁移过程和物种进化过程等内容。研究还认为,从更高的理论层次模拟功能群和群落结构将是未来物种分布模型的重要发展方向。  相似文献   

Abstract Luminous bacteria harboured in the skin, gill and gut of the fishes Mugil cephalus and Tachysurus arius were studies. Within the gut, the distribution of bacteria was studied regionwise, i.e., foregut, midgut and hindgut. In M. cephalus , maximum luminous bacterial population density was observed in the hindgut and minimum was found in the foregut. In T. arius , maximum luminous bacterial population density was recorded in the hindgut and minimum was found in the midgut. Luminous microflora associated with the host showed seasonal variation. Bacterial load of the surrounding medium and type of food governed the distribution of luminous microbiota in fish. Vibrio harveyi and V. fischeri were the two species identified, the former accounting for the majority of the isolates.  相似文献   

Fungi that selectively remove lignin cause extensive bleaching of leaf litter, which results in the acceleration of litter decomposition. The taxonomic diversity and host recurrence of saprotrophic fungi associated with bleached leaf litter were investigated in a subtropical forest in southern Japan. A total of 211 fungal isolates and sporocarps were obtained from bleached portions of leaf litter of 33 plant species in 18 families and were classified into 83 operational taxonomic units (OTUs) at the 97% similarity level of the ITS rDNA sequence. These fungal OTUs belonged to Rhytismataceae and Xylariaceae in the Ascomycota, and Marasmiaceae, Mycenaceae, Lachnocladiaceae, and Physalacriaceae in the Basidiomycota. OTUs in Rhytismataceae and Marasmiaceae showed a significantly higher degree of recurrence for plant species than simulated networks where partners were associated randomly. In contrast, OTUs in Xylariaceae and Mycenaceae showed no significant recurrence for plant species. Such differing degrees of recurrence for plant species implied different roles of fungal families in leaf litter decomposition.  相似文献   

本文报道了广东省小菇属 Mycena(Pers.ex Fr.)s.F.Gray 的21个种,其中新种3个,国内新记录种4个以及新组合1个。新种是鼎湖小菇 Myce-na dinghuensis Bi sp.nov.,近细小菇 Mycena subgracilis Bi sp.nov.以及亚长刺小菇 Mycena sublongiseta Bi sp.nov.。新组合为拟安络小菇 Mycena pseudo-androsacea(Bull.ex Fr.)Bi comb.nov;新记录种是:唯一小菇 Mycena insignis Smith,狭褶小菇 Mycena leptophylla(Pk.)Sacc.,粗糙孢小菇 Mycena trachyspora Rea 以及特洛伊小菇 Mycena,tro-jana Murr.。  相似文献   

中国小菇属四新记录   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
图力古尔  刘宇 《菌物学报》2011,30(4):653-657
报道了中国小菇属4个新记录种,即香小菇Mycena adonis、黄小菇Mycena luteopallens、绿缘小菇Mycena viridimarginata和基盘小菇Mycena stylobates,并提供了详尽的形态描述和线条图。研究标本存放在鲁东大学菌物标本馆(HMLD)和吉林农业大学菌物标本馆(HMJAU)。  相似文献   

Summary Aeriobiological studies are essential for understanding the distribution, ecology and deposition patterns of both phytopathogenic and nonpathogenic fungal spores which are carried away from their source. Many spores and conidia are devitalized during aerial transportation as a consequence of being exposed to atmospheric agents. Nonetheless, a sufficient number remain viable, causing infections of various kinds, some of which extremely serious and with an epidemic trend.In order to predict the onset of fungi-induced diseases, it is necessary to be able to determine the inoculum source of the pathogenic agent. As air is the main vector transporting pathogenic fungal spores and conidia, periodical monitoring is required. Thus, having established the critical stages of plant infection, necessary precautionary measures can be undertaken in order to control diseases onset and development.It is therefore necessary to gain a through understanding of spore takeoff and dispersal mechanisms so as to determine how the spores and conidia are transported by air currents onto the plants and how they cause infective impaction. Spores and conidia suspended in the atmosphere can be collected by means of appropriate traps filtering a predetermined amount of air at predetermined time intervals in order to be able to make predictions as to the possibility of plant infection. Volumetric air sampling allows not only to determine the concentration of spores and conidia in a given period of time but also to establish the hours of the day in which they are present in highest concentrations and in which therefore they are more liable to cause infection. This information may be used in estimating the incidence of disease symptoms, the duration of infection and the seriousness of the disease.On the basis of this data, mathematical models for predicting epidemics can be worked out.  相似文献   

目的 探讨常见病原性丝状真菌的菌种保藏方法.方法将73株病原性丝状真菌经过纯化后,接种于马铃薯葡萄糖琼脂斜面分别在4℃和-80℃冷冻管保存,均用10% (v/v)的丙三醇作为保护剂.结果经过1 a左右的保存,将菌株复活,发现4℃斜面保藏法菌株的存活率为100%,-80℃冷冻管保藏法菌株的存活率为98.6%,有些毛癣菌属...  相似文献   

Living organisms establish complex networks of mutualistic and antagonistic interactions in nature, which impact strongly on their own survival and on the stability of the whole population. Fungi, in particular, can shape natural as well as man-managed ecosystems due to their ubiquitous occurrence and the range of interactions they establish with plants, animals and other microbes. This review describes some examples of mutualistic and antagonistic fungal interactions that are of particular interest for their ecological role, or because they can be exploited by man to improve plant health and/or productivity in sustainable agriculture and forestry.  相似文献   

Mycorrhiza and root-associated fungi in Spitsbergen   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Summary Roots of 76 plant species collected in West Spitsbergen (Svalbard), in the middle-northern Arctic zone, were examined for mycorrhiza and root-associated fungi. Dryas octopetala, Pedicularis dasyantha and Salix polaris were ectomycorrhizal and Cassiope tetragona and Empetrum hermaphroditum ericoid mycorrhizal. Pedicularis dasyantha was only slightly infected. Structures resembling vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) fungi were not found in the roots, and soil samples screened for VAM fungi contained only one spore. Root endophytic fungi commonly occurred in Spits-bergen, but only Olpidium brassicae, Pleospora herbarum, Papulaspora, Microdochium bolleyi and Rhizoctonia solani were identified with reasonable certainty. A sterile endophytic dark-septate fungus (DSF) was in 39.5% of the flowering-plant species examined, especially in the Brassicaceae, Caryophyllaceae, Saxifragaceae and Poaceae. DSF were categorized into four slightly overlapping groups. Sterile endophytic hyaline septate fungi were rare. In the literature it is suggested that at least some of the DSF species or the hyaline septate fungi are functionally mutualistic rather than saprophytic or pathogenic. The literature on ectomycorrhizal fungi and plants in Spitsbergen is reviewed, including about 50 species, mainly of the genera Cortinarius, Hebeloma, Inocybe, Laccaria, Lactarius and Russula. These are symbiotic with the above-mentioned ectomycorrhizal plants. Four further ectomycorrhizal plants (Betula nana, Salix spp.) are very rare in the area.  相似文献   

Numbers and type of the cycloheximide-resistant part of the aerially transmitted mycoflora of Turin were studied. Samples from three areas characterized by differing human usage were taken in the first week of March. During each sampling, 12 m3 of air were aspirated, using an one-stage volumetric sieve sampler. Fifty-two mesophilic species and eight thermotolerant were isolated. Propagule load varied from 2.92 to 120.31 cfu m–3. The following species appear not to have been reported previously from air samples:Ascotricha bosei, Blastobotrys navarrensis, Cryptendoxyla hypophloia, Chrysosporium an.gymnoascus demonbreunii, Ophiostoma piceae, Penicillium vulpinum, Phialophora mustea, Rhinocladiella pedrosoi, Scopulariopsis croci, S. komngii andSesquiallium candelabrum. A significant number of potential opportunistic pathogens was isolated.Abbreviations CH Cycloheximide - RH relative humidity  相似文献   

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