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生物多样性的基本概念及其应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
一个区域或一个生态系统保护得是否完整,在很大的程度上要以其生物多样性保护得是否完整来决定。当前,许多地方鼠害和病虫害的严重发生与蔓延、地力衰退与环境恶化等,都与生物多样性受到破坏有着密切的关系。因此,保护生物多样性是当前自然保护工作中的一项重要任务。生物多样性与生态多样性密切相关,而动物多样性在很大程度上取决于植物多样性,其中有许多问题值得深入探讨。  相似文献   

加强生物多样性保护基础建设,开展生物多样性本底调查与编目,完成高等植物、脊椎动物和大型真菌受威胁现状评估,发布濒危物种名录。加强生物多样性保护科研能力建设,完善学科与专业设置,加强专业人才培养。开展生物多样性保护与利用技术方法的创新研究。进一步加强生物多样性监测能力建设,提高生物多样性预警和管理水平。摘编自《中国生物多样性保护战略与行动计划》(2011-2030年)  相似文献   

程卓  张晴  龙春林 《生物多样性》2022,30(7):22372-9918
《生物多样性公约》《名古屋议定书》《植物科学深圳宣言》等指导性文件都强调要认识到生物多样性相关传统知识的重要作用。生物多样性相关传统知识在生物文化多样性保护和可持续发展方面的作用也越来越受到人们的关注。民族植物学研究人与植物的相互作用关系, 是研究生物多样性相关传统知识的最主要学科领域, 近些年来取得了一系列的研究进展, 研究成果对于《植物科学深圳宣言》第六个优先领域目标的完成具有重要的推动作用。本文回顾了近年来特别是《植物科学深圳宣言》发布后的民族植物学研究状况, 主要从认知、利用、保护、管理植物等方面进行概述, 以便全面了解近期民族植物学研究的发展状况, 保护传统知识和植物文化, 为生物文化多样性的保护与发展做出重要贡献。近期获得的民族植物学成果, 说明民族植物学研究可以解决当下的一些热点问题。民族植物学的研究发现, 该学科能极大地促进传统知识、植物文化、生物文化多样性的保护, 尤其在农家品种以及濒危语言的保护方面有着巨大优势。  相似文献   

沙区植物多样性保护研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
沙区景观表现为沙丘和低地交错分布.沙区常具独特的植物区系,含有特有和稀有植物.沙区植物丰富度降低和特有(稀有)植物消失问题近些年已受到很大关注,被列入国际生物多样性保护计划,很多国家和地区都对此开展了专门的研究.本文以近期发表的文献为基础,从植物多样性保护问题的提出、植物多样性形成机制、植物多样性保护途径、植物多样性研究与生态学理论的发展等方面论述了沙区植物多样性保护及其研究进展.沙区植物多样性保护应注意植物多样性保护目标的地域间差异(维持沙丘上的高植物丰富度还是保护特有或稀有植物)、流沙固定-植物多样性保护间的均衡、"植物多样性保护的量(高的植物丰富度)-质(特有或稀有植物出现)"间的均衡.还应将沙丘体和丘间低地视为一个统一体,研究干扰和生境破碎化对植物多样性造成的影响.  相似文献   

中国自然保护区建设与发展   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
生物多样性保护,在当今世界倍受重视,是全球性环境保护行动计划的重要组成部分。生物多样性是指地球上所有生物——动物、植物和微生物及其所构成的综合体,包括生物物种多样性、遗传基因多样性和生态系统多样性3个部分。在保护生物多样性的途径方面,除了易地保护和离体遗传种质保护外,更主要的是就地保护,即建立自然保护区。中国的生物多样性损失较为严重,大约有200种植物已经灭绝,估计另有5000种植物在近期处于濒危状态,占中国高等植物总数的20%。另有近400种动物(脊椎动物)处于濒危之中,占中国脊椎动物总数的7.7%。因此,中国的生物多样性…  相似文献   

生物多样性的研究内容与目标   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一个区域和一个生态系统保护得是否完整,在很大的程度上要以其生物多样性保护和利用是否合理来决定。当前,许多地方景观单调,鼠害、病虫害严重发生与蔓延、地力衰退、资源枯竭与环境恶化等,都与生物多样性受到破坏有着密切的关系。 (一)生物多样性的现况和保护问题当前,被科学家正式命名和描述过的物种约140万,其中昆虫75万种,脊椎动物41,000种,高等植物25万种,其它为无脊椎动物、真菌和微  相似文献   

李飞飞  罗斌圣  崔夏  龙春林 《广西植物》2023,43(8):1383-1391
生物文化对生物多样性保护具有重要意义,植物园的形成和发展在历史长河中处处体现着人类因物质和精神需求而形成的植物文化。现代植物园在植物迁地保护上虽然做出了卓越贡献,但其植物文化的建设稍显滞后。在全球生物多样性保护工作的开展过程中,传统文化对生物多样性保护和生物资源可持续利用的重要作用越来越被重视。在此背景下,该文探讨了生物文化多样性和生物多样性之间紧密联系、共同演化的关系,回顾了早期植物园和我国古典园林中植物文化的体现; 通过对全球3 085个现代植物园主要功能的分析,发现开展了民族植物学研究的植物园占比7.36%,开展了保护生物学研究的植物园占比11.18%,制定了植物保护计划的占比17.18%,从而揭示了现代植物园保护功能的提升和文化功能的弱化。基于当前植物园植物多样性有效保护中对植物文化建设的需求,该文进一步分析了我国植物园植物文化建设的不足,主要包括:(1)植物物种多样性信息中植物文化信息数据不足;(2)对生物多样性保护中传统知识惠益分享的考虑欠缺;(3)缺少以文化展现植物多样性的主题园。在此基础上,该文聚焦国家植物园植物多样性保护和管理的目标,从植物多样性保护和利用、惠益共享、公众参与3个层面对国家植物园体系中的植物文化建设提出了建议,以期为我国建设具有中国生态文明特色的国家植物园体系提供参考。  相似文献   

植物保护遗传学研究进展   总被引:50,自引:5,他引:45  
李昂  葛颂 《生物多样性》2002,10(1):61-71
保护遗传学是过用遗传学的原理和研究手段,以生物多样性尤其是遗传多样性的研究和保护为核心的一门新兴学科,近几十年来,遗传学研究在生物多样性保护的理论和实践中发挥着越来越重要的作用。本文简要回顾了保护遗传学的发展历史,研究方向和涉及的概念,着重介绍了植物保护遗传学研究所取得的一些进展,包括植物系统发育重建和保护单元的确定,遗传多样性与物种和群体适应性之间的关系,群体遗传结构与保护策略的制定以及植物遗传资源的鉴定和利用等方面的内容,并强调保护遗传学研究是未来生物多样性和保护生物学研究中一个亟待加强的研究领域。  相似文献   

植物迁地保护将是正在建设的国家植物园体系的核心任务,然而,有关植物迁地保护在植物多样性保护中的地位与作用、我国植物迁地保护的目标应该如何确立等诸多问题尚待讨论。本文通过文献研究,简要回顾了植物迁地保护的发展历史、过去40年国内外植物迁地保护取得的成绩,澄清了人们对植物迁地保护工作的一些疑虑;结合《昆明-蒙特利尔全球生物多样性框架》和即将发布的《支持<昆明-蒙特利尔全球生物多样性框架>实施的植物保护相关的自愿补充行动》,提出我国植物迁地保护的目标应该为“对所有受威胁植物实施有效的迁地保护,包括保护其遗传的多样性和代表性”。  相似文献   

周韩洁  杨入瑄  李嵘 《广西植物》2022,42(10):1694-1702
全球气候变化与人为活动等因素导致的生物多样性丧失,引起了全球各界对生物多样性保护的高度关注。传统生物多样性保护主要对物种、特有种、受威胁物种的种类组成及其分布模式开展研究,忽视了进化历史在生物多样性保护中的作用。云南是全球生物多样性热点地区的交汇区,生物多样性的保护历来受到广泛关注,为了更好地探讨云南生物多样性的保护措施,该研究以云南被子植物菊类分支物种为研究对象,基于物种间的演化关系,结合其地理分布,从进化历史的角度探讨物种、特有种、受威胁物种的种类组成及系统发育组成的分布格局,并整合自然保护地的空间分布,识别生物多样性的重点保护区域。结果表明:云南被子植物菊类分支的物种、特有种及受威胁物种的物种密度与系统发育多样性均显著正相关;通过零模型分析发现,由南向北标准化系统发育多样性逐渐降低;云南南部、东南部、西北部是云南被子植物菊类分支的重点保护区域,加强这些区域的保护,将最大化地保护生物多样性的进化历史和进化潜能。由此可见,融合进化历史信息的植物多样性格局分析不仅有助于更加深入地理解植物多样性的形成与演变,也为生物多样性保护策略的制定提供更多的思路。  相似文献   

运用傣族的传统信仰保护西双版纳植物多样性的探讨   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
探讨不同的途径来保护日益减少的生物多样性已成为国际社会关注的一个热点。研究证明依靠西双版纳傣族传统信仰文化而建立的龙山林与寺庙庭园 ,就象一些小保护区和小植物园一样在植物多样性的保护中发挥了重要作用。在此基础上 ,探讨了在人口增加、森林减少和生活方式发生一定改变的今天通过成立宗教植物保护协会来运用信仰的力量参与生物多样性的管理、通过多层次培训教育提高公众的保护意识与技能 ,通过示范来鼓励土著民族参与等多种方法来保护该地区生物多样性的途径 ,受到了良好的效果。  相似文献   

Developing various strategies for the global biodiversity conservation is important for today's critically degraded environment, and there is a growing recognition that the effective conservation of biodiversity will depend on the long-term participation and understanding of local communities. In order to establish the connection between traditional beliefs and the conservation of biodiversity, a case study was undertaken in Xishuangbanna, one of the richest areas in biodiversity in China. The Dai nationality, a dominant ethnic group in Xishuangbanna, has both Polytheistic and Buddhist beliefs, which have close relationships with plant diversity. This paper recommends the following approaches to conserve plant diversity by the application of traditional beliefs: (1) depending on the religious belief system, establishing an Association of Religious Plant Conservation to organize local people to participate in the conservation by means of religious activities, to document the indigenous botanical knowledge and to train local people; (2) training local people to different levels to improve their capacity in conservation of plant diversity with science and religion working together; (3) demonstrating the conservation of plant diversity through the recovering of holy hill forests and plants in temple gardens.  相似文献   

In Japan, forests associated with shrines and temples are recognized as important components of urban green space, which can potentially function as centers for ecosystem conservation in rapidly urbanizing Japanese cities. In addition to their ecological value, shrine/temple forests have social value, providing recreational and aesthetic needs to residents of urban areas. We review the historical development of shrine/temple forests in Japan and discuss current conservation issues from both ecological and sociological perspectives. Generally, shrine forests are minimally managed and public access is discouraged, whereas temple forests are intensively managed for public display. Shrines tend to be spatially scattered across the landscape but associated with specific geographical features, whereas temples tend to be clustered. Their wide and random distribution in urban areas suggests that shrine forests can potentially be used as stepping stones in the urban green space network, whereas spatially clustered temple forests can be integrated to form large areas of green space. Species diversity of shrine/temple forests declines with decreasing area. The distribution pattern of species is not completely nested, indicating that although conservation of large forest fragments may be effective for maintaining landscape-level biodiversity, smaller forest fragments and adjacent precincts are sometimes significant because rare species occasionally inhabit them. Active management and ecological restoration, such as removal of invasive species, are also important to maintain the desirable near-natural forest conditions. A working group including the owner, community, regional government, and ecologists should be involved in creating an effective, long-term management plan. Because social and cultural values are diverse, basic ecological studies of shrine/temple forests would contribute a scientific basis that fosters public confidence in the process.  相似文献   

The analyses of congruencies among biodiversity components address the issue of conservation priorities, but previously they have been done at coarse scales with limited relevance for conservation actions. Moreover, these former studies consider only the species level components of biodiversity and not the intra-specific evolutionary legacy that influences future biodiversity. This study represents the first assessment of congruencies between various components of plant biodiversity and the evolutionary legacy of a narrow endemic taxon (Arenaria provincialis, Caryophyllaceae). Assessment is conducted in the vicinity of a Mediterranean big city (Marseille, S.E. France) where habitats and flora are threatened by mass tourism and urban sprawl. Our analyses reveal that the different plant biodiversity facets assessed are spatially mismatched and unequally protected. Moreover, by using only species-level components of biodiversity as conservation targets we ignore crucial areas for the evolutionary legacy of this narrow endemic plant. Our results highlight the crucial role of phylogeography as a criterion to target the genetic precursors of future biodiversity in conservation planning.  相似文献   

Continuous livestock grazing can have negative effects on biodiversity and landscape function in arid and semi‐arid rangelands. Alternative grazing management practices, such as rotational grazing, may be a viable option for broad‐scale biodiversity conservation and sustainable pastoral management. This study compared ground cover, plant species composition and floristic and functional diversity along gradients of grazing intensity between a pastoral property rotationally grazed by goats and an adjacent nature reserve (ungrazed by commercial livestock) in semi‐arid south‐eastern Australia. Understorey plant species composition differed significantly between the rotationally grazed property and the nature reserve, with a greater proportion and frequency of palatable species recorded in the nature reserve. Understorey plant species richness, diversity, functional biodiversity measures and ground cover declined with increasing grazing pressure close to water points under commercial rotational grazing management. However, at a whole‐paddock scale, there were few differences in plant biodiversity and ground cover between the rotationally grazed property and the nature reserve, despite differences in overall plant species composition. Flexible, adaptive, rotational grazing should be investigated further for its potential to achieve both socio‐economic and biodiversity conservation outcomes in semi‐arid rangelands to complement existing conservation reserves.  相似文献   

This study was carried out in forestland of Camili Biosphere Reserve (CBR) area in NE Turkey. It was designed to evaluate the consequences of disturbances on changes in secondary forest succession from 1985 to 2005 for monitoring forest plant biodiversity changes and developing conservation strategies. The successional stages were mapped using Geographic Information System (GIS), Global Positioning System (GPS), aerial photos and high resolution satellite images (IKONOS). The results showed that stable stage decreased about 77.96% over the last 20-year time period. Although 701.6 ha conifer forests existed in competition and reaction stages in 1985, none existed in 2005. In overall, about 33.23% of the area decreased, 42.36% did not change and 24.41% increased in different seral stages. Consequently, 8.83% of the area decreased as a whole to indicate that the forest has been developing from stable to nudation stage, that is to say, retrogressive succession is going on in the area. Forest structure and its relationship with plant biodiversity along with its changes over time were determined using FRAGSTATS. We also investigated spatio-temporal configuration of six secondary forest successional stages and generated structural diversity measures. These measures revealed that the landscape has been fragmented, posing a danger to lose the important components of plant biodiversity. Sustainable management of such degraded forests is of crucial importance for plant biodiversity conservation. In conclusion, the study contributes to the development of a framework for effective conservation of plant biodiversity through plant biodiversity integrated Multiple Use Forest Management (MUFM) plans by using the successional stages and plant biodiversity changes.  相似文献   

生物多样性和生态系统服务的保护与可持续管理是当今世界面临的重大挑战之一,但如何判识与优化集成生态系统服务与生物多样性保护对象的保护优先区网络,相关研究还很有限。针对“三江并流”区,选取珍稀濒危与特有动植物物种和自然植被类型作为生物多样性保护对象,以调节服务(碳存储、固碳和土壤保持)、文化服务(自然游憩)和供给服务(水源供给)为生态系统服务保护对象。应用系统保护规划方法,首先判识出单一生物多样性和生态系统服务保护优先区;然后,分析这些保护优先区间的相关关系,并选择与生物多样性正相关的生态系统服务类型,判识集成生态系统服务与生物多样性的保护优先区;最后,评估了集成生态系统服务与生物多样性保护优先区在六类已建保护地中的保护状况。结果表明:(1)“三江并流”区多情景规划得到的生物多样性与生态系统服务保护优先区之间均呈正相关关系;(2)与分别针对生态系统服务和生物多样性的规划情景相比,集成生态系统服务与生物多样性保护优先区能够同时对两类保护对象提供最高的保护覆盖率;(3)集成生态系统服务和生物多样性保护优先区占研究区总面积的48.9%,其已建保护地覆盖率为32.5%,说明现有保护地体系仍存在保护...  相似文献   

In the European Union, the Directive 92/43/EEC defines a number of species and habitats of community interest that are worthy to be preserved because in danger to disappear or because they are representative of the different European bio-geographical regions. In the light of the limited economic resources generally allocated to conservation efforts, there is the necessity to prioritise conservation actions in order to avoid deterioration of protected areas. To this aim, in the present study the most representative habitats of the Italian Alps are compared on the basis of vascular plant biodiversity and a conservation priority index is proposed for each habitat taking into account the potential distribution of 252 threatened vascular plant species. Rocky slopes, screes and alpine grasslands resulted to have the greatest percentage of endemic plant species so reflecting the general distributional pattern of endemic plant species at high altitudes in Eurasian mountains. The relationship between the conservation priority index and the corresponding habitat extent within the Natura 2000 network suggests that peatlands, arid grasslands, wet meadows and freshwater habitats deserve a higher priority in conservation actions. Although vascular plant biodiversity is not necessarily a surrogate of overall biodiversity of Alpine habitats, the results here reported can be used as an initial reference framework for prioritising conservation actions, so as to accomplish the provisions of Article 6 of Habitats Directive.  相似文献   

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