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Résumé Les auteurs ont étudié comparativement des souches de Brettanomyces isolées de vins de diverses origines et dans diverses circonstances. En plus des tests habituels de classification, portant surtout sur les caractères morphologiques et sur la fermentation et l'assimilation des différents sucres, il a été procédé notamment aux mesures des intensités respiratoire et fermentatives, à l'établissement des bilans analytiques des produits secondaires formés, à l'étude des besoins en facteurs de croissance.Ces Brettanomyces provenant de vins appartiennent à deux espèces nouvelles, différentes des espèces isolées de la bière. Les auteurs proposent de les nommer Brettanomyces vini et Brettanomyces schanderlii.  相似文献   

Résumé Dans cet exposé, nous avons montré que les Abeilles sont capables de changer de place les réserves sucrées et le couvain. Ces comportements ne correspondent pas à des conditions de vie normales de la colonie.Cependant, le transport des réserves indique la possibilité, pour les Abeilles, de réagir à une perturbation importante selon un ordre que nous avions déjà établi dans l'élevage des larves (Montagner, 1962). C'est ainsi qu'en cas de nourrissement brutal et pendant une période de disette, elles tendent à grouper la majeure partie des réserves près de la reine, tout en laissant une place sur un cadre pour la ponte. La reine représenterait donc bien, dans la ruche, le potentiel survie à partir duquel les ouvrières auraient tendance à répartir leurs activités de façon décroissante.Par contre, les transports de couvain ne semblent répondre à aucun plan d'organisation comme chez les Fourmis. Nous avons montré qu'ils étaient associés à de profondes perturbations, telles que le manque de nourriture ou la perte de la reine.
Summary The results of these studies indicate that bees are able to remove sugary stores and brood.We have established that bees remove their stores according to a certain order that we also made evident when studying brood rearing (Montagner, 1962). So, the bees hoarded the most part of their stores in the side of the hive where the queen stood, when we fed them suddenly during a dearth time.Then, the queen would be in beehive the attractive center from which the workers would share theirs activities in a decreasing way.On the contrary, it never seemed to us that the removals of brood were connected to any right order as for ants. We have established that they were associated to great troubles in beehive such as a want of food or the death of the queen.

Zusammenfassung In diesem Bericht haben wir bewiesen, dass die Bienen die Zuckervorräte und die Brut an andere Plätze zu bringen vermögen. Dieses Verhalten entspricht nich den normalen Lebenszuständen der Kolonie.Soch bezeugt der Transport der Vorräte die Möglichkeit für die Bienen, gegen eine erhebliche Störung, nach einer bestimmten Regel zu reagieren, die wir schon bei der Aufzucht der Larven festgestellt haben (Montagner, 1962).Also, im Falle einer plötzlich verstärkten Zufuhr und während einer Mangelperiode haben sie die Neigung, den grössten Teil der Vorräte um die Königin zu sammeln, indem sie aber einen Platz für das Eierlegen auf einem Rahmen frei lassen. Die Königin würde also im Bienenstock die Möglichkeit der Fortdauer darstellen. Von dieser Tatsache ausgehend würden die Arbeiterinnen also ihre Tätigkeit in abnehmender Weise ausüben.Im Gegenteil scheinen die Brutversetzungen keinem Organisationsplan zu entsprechen, wie es bei den Ameisen der Fall ist. Wir haben gezeigt, dass sie mit schwerwiegenden Störungen, wie z. B. dem Nahrungsmangel oder dem Tod der Königin, in Verbindung stehen.

《L' Année biologique》1999,38(3-4):149-168
Tropical arboreal ants are distributed in a mosaic pattern in the canopy of forests and tree crop plantations each of them characterised by their status of dominance. One can distinguish ‘dominant’ species, characterised by extremely populous societies and highly developed interspecific as well as intraspecific territorial behaviour. They tolerate on their territory nonterritorial and less populous species classified as ‘non-dominants’. Nonetheless, many species do exist whose status is intermediary. Usually, they behave like non-dominant species but are able, under certain conditions, to defend a territory. They are cited as ‘sub-dominant’. According to the chemical trapping method employed by researchers, the structure of mosaics have most often been studied using an index of dominance, characterised by the number of negative or positive associations between one species and the others. This index only covers the relative presence or absence of the different species on the same trees. It only gives a punctual statement on the structure of the mosaic without any notion of evolution of the mosaic in time. It does not take into account the behavioural intra- and interspecific interactions. Aggressive interactions between species depend on genetic and environmental factors. Many studies have shown that aggressiveness is closely related to a mechanism of interindividual discrimination, permitting an individual to discriminate between nestmates and non-nestmates. This colonial recognition is based on the existence of a ‘colonial odour’ as a result of a blending of ‘individual odours’. Each individual odour is due to cuticular hydrocarbons which play the role of a contact pheromone. The colonial odour also depends on the environmental odour of the nest. Aggressiveness which results from this mechanism of recognition can be expressed through different mechanisms such as territorial behaviour, dominance hierarchy, and ritualised aggressive behaviour. Territorial behaviour is the expression of a strong intraspecific aggressiveness, by which workers of a colony defend an area of their vital domain against neighbouring conspecifics. In arboreal ant mosaics, dominance hierarchy can exist between dominant ants, and should explain the overturning of dominant ants in time. Ritualised behaviours were observed under intra- and interspecific low-aggressiveness conditions and allow to economise the loss of one or several workers during fights whose issue are uncertain. Their systematic study would greatly facilitate understanding of the evolution of arboreal mosaics.  相似文献   

René Strauss 《Hydrobiologia》1986,141(3):263-267
Chara vulgaris was cultivated in a natural medium containing nickel and cobalt chloride.Growth increased in a culture solution containing Ni and Co in small amounts. Tissue analysis showed that the levels of Ni and Co in the dry matter were high. The two ions are found here as insoluble compounds, which explains why Chara vulgaris is an organism resistant to metal pollution.Université de Dijon, Laboratoire de Nutrition minérale des Végétaux  相似文献   

Résumé Une méthode est proposée pour le dosage du fer et de l'aluminium échangeable dans les minéraux argileux et dans les sols. La méthode est basée sur l'extraction successive des oxinates de fer et d'aluminium en fonction du pH.Les conditions optimales et l'influence des divers facteurs déterminant l'extraction quantitative et sélective de ces deux éléments ont été préalablement étudiées.Publication du Centre de Chimie Biologique et Colloïdale du sol subsidié par I'I.R.S.I.A.  相似文献   

Résumé La phosphatase acide et la phosphatase alcaline ont été localisées dans les cellules des cloisons septales stériles d'un Cérianthe. Chez les animaux à jeun, l'activité de la phosphatase acide a été observée dans les citernes de l'appareil de Golgi, les lysosomes et les phagosomes provenant d'un repas précédent. Chez les animaux nourris dans les 12 heures précédentes, le précipité est localisé dans les mêmes structures ainsi que dans des phagosomes récemment formés par l'absorption de proie. La phosphatase alcaline a été détectée sur les membranes plasmiques apicales et latérales et dans les phagosomes anciens.
Ultrastructural localization of acid and alkaline phosphatases in sterile septae of the anthozoa Pachycerianthus fimbriatus
Summary Acid and alkaline phosphatase activity has been localized in the cells of the sterile septae of starved and fed anthozoa. Acid phosphatase is present in lysosomes, in Golgi cisternae and old phagosomes of starved animals. In fed animals, the reaction is more intense and the number of lysosomes is increased. New phagosomes are loaded with lead phosphate. In starved animals, the alkaline phosphatase activity has been observed on the plasma membranes and in the old phagosomes.

Ce travail a été rendu possible grâce à une bourse post-doctorale de recherche attribuée au titre des accords France-Québec, (Y.T.) et grâce à un octroi du Conseil des Recherches Médicales du Canada (J.H.)  相似文献   

Résumé On peut rendre horizontaux les rayons d'une ruche et verticaux ceux d'un nid de guêpes sans perturbations visibles pour l'élevage ou le comportement des ouvrières.Les abeilles réparent très facilement et immédiatement les trous creusés dans les cellules d'ouvrières ou de reines, elles posent sans difficulté un fond aux cellules d'ouvrières si on l'a enlevé. Elles tordent une lame de cire perpendiculaire aux rayons pour la mettre en position parallèle.Les abeilles peuvent déposer leur miel dans les trous d'une plaque de bois, dans des rayons de métal ou de plastique; elles peuvent élever leur couvain dans des rayons de plastique et leurs reines dans des cellules de verre ou de plastique. Les guêpes peuvent operculer avec du carton les rayons des abeilles. Les guêpes souterraines dont on vient de déterrer le nid le couvrent de terre et l'enterrent en creusant au-dessous. Si une plaque de métal glissée au-dessous s'y oppose, elles le reconstruisent peu à peu de manière à l'amener sur le bord de la plaque et à l'enterrer à nouveau.  相似文献   

J. A. Sánchez  J. Rubio 《Genetica》1986,70(2):153-160
Evolution of enzyme polymorphism in experimental populations of Drosophila melanogaster III. Linkage disequilibrium between alleles of the Adh and -Gpdh loci — The evolution of gametic frequencies and linkage disequilibria between alleles of the Adh and -Gpdh-loci was followed in two experimental populations of Drosophila melanogaster maintained at different temperatures. The results observed were compared with those expected on the basis of theoretical models of gametic selection. Gametic fitness values were estimated from the analysis of the productivity of the different homozygous genotypes.Our experimental results indicate that the selection favours an association between the alleles Adh-F and -Gpdh-S, but it is impossible to generate and/or maintain a stable linkage disequilibrium between the two alleles.  相似文献   

Jacques Figier 《Planta》1972,108(3):215-226
Summary In the glandular cells of the petiolary glands of Impatiens holstii, acid phosphatase is present in endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, cytosomes, vacuoles, some nuclei and mitochondria. Only a few plasmalemma and cell walls are lightly marked except in the region of sieve tubes and transfer cells where there are heavy deposits of lead phosphate. We note two fundamental types of vacuoles: autophagic vacuoles which are heavily marked and others which have lead deposits only in their tonoplast.The possible role of the enzyme in secretory processes is discussed.

Ce travail fait partie d'une Thèse de Doctorat d'Etat sur la cytophysiologie des nectaires. (Travail effecturé au Laboratoire de Bot. Appl. et Microbiologie et au Centre de Microscopie électronique de la Faculté des Sciences de Bordeaux (France).  相似文献   

Men with a chromosomal translocation produce a significant percentage of unbalanced spermatozoa. In order to determine a correlation between chromosomal anomalies and apoptosis in human sperm, we analysed DNA fragmentation and meiotic segregation in sperm from men with a (13;14) Robertsonian translocation. We studied sperm from 12 (13;14) translocation carriers and 9 proven fertile men with a normal karyotype. Meiotic segregation of chromosomes 13 and 14 was analysed using dual-colour fluorescencein situ hybridization with locus-specific probes for chromosomes 13 and 14. Apoptosis in spermatozoa was measured byin situ TUNEL assay. The meiotic segregation study showed a significantly increased frequency of unbalanced spermatozoa for chromosomes 13 and 14 in (13;14) carriers (15.9%) compared to the control population (1.3%) (p=0.00016). The study of apoptosis showed an increase of DNA fragmentation in (13;14) carriers (34.9%) compared to the control population (13.8%) (p=0.0036). This increased apoptosis was observed in spermatozoa presenting an increase of unbalanced chromosomal anomalies concerning chromosomes 13 and 14, but with a predominance of balanced spermatozoa compared to the theoretical risk of meiotic segregation. These results suggest that apoptosis could be involved as a regulatory mechanism to eliminate unbalanced chromosomal spermatozoa in men with a (13;14) Robertsonian translocation.  相似文献   

Interspecific variation of protein amino acids between peanut, horse bean, french bean, lentil, cowpea and chick-pea was undertaken in relation to larval development of C. maculatus. Twenty-one groups of amino acids were identified and quantified. In all seeds, free amino acids exist in low quantities; but they are more numerous than bound amino acids. Essential amino acids for man are sufficient in the six species, except for the sulphur amino acids in all seeds, and for lysine in peanut. Utilization of those pulses, after cooking, in human food complements cereals. Larval development possibilities of C. maculatus upon the used seeds shows up that: (a) with chick-pea and cowpea, the bruchid thrives normally. However, although amino acids are higher in cowpea than in chick-pea, the better performances were observed on the latter; (b) peanut, french bean, horse bean and lentil are unsuitable for larval development of the insect. Although they are rich in amino acids, all larvae die at first in star within these pulses. We conclude that larval development of C. maculatus does not depend only on the amounts of amino acids in the seeds but also on other trophic factors. These could consist of the balance between different nutritive compounds and the presence of allelochemical substances in the tested seeds which bruchid larvae are unable to utilize.  相似文献   

A selective medium and biochemical tests were used to search for Aeromonas spp. in the stools of 536 children, more than 90% of whom had "gastroenteritis", seen at Sainte-Justine Hospital, Montreal, in June or July 1986. The organism was found in seven children, six of whom had bloody diarrhea. One of the six, a 6 1/2-year-old boy, required intravenous alimentation and later manifested ulcerative colitis; the other five recovered. The remaining child, a 14-year-old boy, had synovitis of the knee and spondylarthritis. Two of the seven carried other enteric pathogens. The authors discuss the pathogenicity of Aeromonas spp., which is not very marked in temperate climates, in human summer diarrhea and its possible role in the development of ulcerative colitis.  相似文献   

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