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The studies of 137Cs and 90Sr accumulation characteristics by birch wood (Betula pendula Roth.) growing in different edaphic conditions. Were conducted was stated that the increase in soil fertility from trophotops A to D results in 5-fold 137Cs transfer factor decrease and 2-fold decrease of 90Sr. Soil humidity increase for each grade of trophic net results happens the increase of 137Cs transfer factors to wood and decrease for 90Sr. Total activity of 37Cs and 90Sr in birch wood plantation depends on plantation productivity and on radionuclide transfer factors depending on different plantation conditions. In the most prevailing edaphotops (B2, B3, C2 and C3) birch wood accumulates 0.6-1.2% of 137Cs and 13-19% of 90Sr from total activity of radionuclides in biogeocenosis.  相似文献   

The uptake of 137Cs and 90Sr by six varieties of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum) was compared in field trials on land contaminated by the Chernobyl accident. All the experimental varieties are officially adopted for agricultural use in Belarus and are used in large-scale production. Under identical conditions of nutrition, the productivity of the varieties varied significantly by a factor of 1.3. The extent of 137Cs and 90Sr accumulation by wheat grain, quantified as the concentration ratio, differed between the varieties by as much as a factor of 1.6, for both radionuclides. There was a significant linear positive correlation between the 90Sr activity concentration in grain and straw, and the calcium concentration. The correlation between 137Cs and potassium was not significant. The results suggest that certain varieties of spring wheat used in normal agricultural practice accumulate less 137Cs and 90Sr into grain than others. Some spring wheat varieties accumulated relatively less 137Cs, but did not accumulate less 90Sr. One variety, Quattro, had a significantly lower uptake of both 90Sr (for grain) and 137Cs (for both grain and straw) than that of the other varieties tested. The reduction efficiency achieved by the use of these varieties, however, is not as high as that achieved by soil amelioration techniques in the past. Nevertheless, since there are no additional costs or production losses associated with these varieties, their use in the contaminated areas is worth considering as a simple, practical, and effective contribution to reducing the uptake of both 90Sr and 137Cs and allowing farmers to produce food-grade grain.  相似文献   

The decision of protein problem on contaminated by radionuclides territories as a result of the accident on Chernobyl NPP is not possible without increase of the sowing areas legumes crops (peas, lupine, soybean). Introduction in agricultural manufacture of grades with a low level of accumulation radionuclides (peas--Aist, Polesskay, Gomelskay Agat; soybean--Severnaya zvezda, Mageva) will allow to receive agricultural production adequate "Republican allowable levels of the contents of 137Cs and 90Sr in agricultural raw material and forages" on arable lands at their higher density of radioactive contamination: 137Cs--1300-1480 kBq/m2 (35.0-40.0 Ci/km2): 90Sr--18.5-37.0 kBq/m2 (0.50-1.00 Ci/km2).  相似文献   

For prognosis of accumulation of 137Cs and 90Sr in forages harvested in radionuclide contaminated sod-podzolic soils, it is suggested to use transfer factors (TF9a) (Bq/kg)/(kBq/m2)) established not only by the content of mobile potassium (137Cs, r = -0.53) and the value of exchange acidity (90Sr, r = -0.73), but also by the index of agrochemical soil cultivation I(cd) (137Cs, r = -0.69; 90Sr, r = -0.64). The possibility of obtaining forages conforming to the state standards on the haymaking and pasture areas with high density of radioactive contamination of soils was shown by the example of "Sudkovo" collective farm. The approach is based on achievement of a high degree of cultivation (l(cd) - 0.81-1.0) due to a complex of protective measures, which resulted in a 10-fold decrease in the specific activity of 137Cs and a 4-fold decrease in the activity of 90Sr, compared to the soils with a low degree of cultivation (I(cd) - 0.41-0.60).  相似文献   

During the field researches were determined the differences between agrochemical optimum of the acidity of the Sod-podzol loamy sand soil, which provides high productivity of the crops and the pH-value, which provides the minimal accumulation of 137Cs and of 90Sr by the biomass (the ecological optimum). On the average for the majority of the agricultural plants the minimal accumulations of 137Cs and of 90Sr are noticed under pHKCl 6.7, which is higher than agrochemical optimum on 0.7. The efficiency of liming under the discrimination of 137Cs and of 90Sr is much higher in soils with low values of pH. On the average, in crop rotation due to decreasing of the acidity in the soil from 4.9 to 5.9 pHKCl, the crop yield has grown on 9%, 137Cs contents has decreased on 16.7%, 90Sr--on 23.7%. The further decreasing of the soil acidity (from 5.9 to 6.8 pHKCl) was poorly effective: the productivity didn't change essentially. The transfer of 137Cs decreased on 8.9% and of 90Sr on 8.4%.  相似文献   

It is shown, that the roots of plants concentrate 137Cs and 90Sr from water solutions in different zones: 137Cs--mainly in a meristem zone, 90Sr--in a stretching zone. The similar character of radionuclide distribution was established regarding water and soil cultures. The real dose loading on critical tissues of main root have appeared to be much higher than it was expected from the assumption of uniform distribution of radionuclides in tissues.  相似文献   

On the basis of long-term stationary experience it was established that the minimum accumulation quantities for 137Cs and 90Sr in the herbage of the dry, lowland and flood-plain types of the Belarus Polessje meadows contaminated with Chemobyl radionuclides are determined when the optimum of basic agrochemical soil properties is achieved with application of the scientifically reasonable protective measures. For remote prognosis of radionuclide contents in natural and cultural meadow herbage the use of transfer factors (TFa, (Bq/kg)(kBq/m2)) based on the complex agrochemical parameters--agrochemical cultivation soil index (Icd) and basic saturation degree (V, %), which take into account some soil characteristics simultaneously, is a streamlined approach. This paper provides the equations of linear and multiple regressions, which can be used to calculate the transfer factors for 137Cs and 90Sr uptake and the herbage contamination degree for the main types of meadows of the region, that will allow reducing the volume of forage production (hay, green bulk), which is not adequate to established permissible levels: "Republican allowable levels of the contents of 137Cs and 90Sr in agricultural raw material and forages".  相似文献   

A method of calculation of radiocaesium uptake by forest mushrooms as a function of soil properties is presented. Calculated value of 137Cs transfer factor for Xerocomus badius in the contaminated area of Bryansk Province of Russia is in a good agreement with experimental data.  相似文献   

The assessment of 137Cs accumulation by wood is made by using a chamber model of radionuclide behavior. Maximum of 137Cs specific activity in wany wood was in the midst of 1990s, with subsequent decrease in activity and half-time up to 22 to 25 years.  相似文献   

A method of calculation of radiocaesium concentration ratio in plants and mushrooms as a function of radionuclide and soil properties distribution within the root (myzelium) zone is presented. The method allows to predict the long-term dynamics of radiocaesium content in field and forest plants and mushrooms.  相似文献   

The content of radionuclides 90Sr and 137Cs in higher aquatic plants of water objects within Chernobyl NPP exclusion zone has been analysed. Biodiversity of phytocenose was studied and species-indicators of radioactive contamination were revealed. The seasonal dynamics of radionuclide content in macrophytes was studied and the role of main aquatic plant clumps in processes of 137Cs and 90Sr distribution in abiotic component of biohydrocenose was demonstrated.  相似文献   

The changes studied in 137Cs uptake by plants and its distribution between vegetative and generative organs of barley cultivated with the application of potassium humate. A relationship has been found between 137Cs accumulation size in barley at various ontogenesis stages and way of potassium humate application (treatment of seeds or plants), as well as availability of mineral nutrients in the soil. Changes in K+ and NH4+ concentrations in soil solution are shown to be of prevailing importance in regulating 137Cs uptake by plants compared with potassium humate effects.  相似文献   

Soil-to-plant transfer factors (TF) of 137Cs and 90Sr have been determined for different plants/crops, such as rice, beans, peanuts, pineapple, cabbage, tomato, spinach and grass. They were obtained from radioisotope experiments on plants grown in pots under outdoor ambient tropical conditions for three growing seasons (1994–1996). In the case of 137Cs and concerning the above mentioned plants/crops, the average TFs were found to be 0.28, 0.25, 0.77, 0.19, 0.23, 0.28, 0.59 and 0.18, respectively. In the case of 90Sr, the average TFs were found to be 0.82, 0.51, 0.20, 0.82, 0.69, 0.59, 0.91 and 0.84, respectively. A minor seasonal variation was observed. This study provides a database of TFs for tropical environments to be used, e.g., for radiological safety assessment models. Received: 14 October 1997 / Accepted in revised form: 9 February 1998  相似文献   

A mathematical model of 137Cs migration in forest ecosystem is presented, which describes the behaviour of this radionuclide in the forest litter-soil system, trees, understory and forest animals. The model's parameters for different types of forest ecosystems are estimated and model's adequacy is tested through the use of independent experimental data. The sensitivity of the model's output variables is analyzed to variations in the most significant parameters. The differences in the seasonal and mean annual dynamics of 137Cs concentration in muscles of roe deers and mooses are shown to be defined by specific features of the diets of these animals and variations in 137Cs content in the main diet components.  相似文献   


Background and aims

Uptake of 90Sr and 137Cs in plants varies widely between soil types and between plant species. It is now recognized that the radionuclide uptake in plants is more influenced by site-specific and plant-specific parameters rather than the bulk radionuclide concentration in soil. We hypothesized that the stress which Alpine plants experience because of the short growing season may enhance the phylogenetic effect on the 137Cs and 90Sr transfer factors as well as the dependency of the uptake by plant to the concentrations of exchangeable Ca and K of soils.


We carried out a field study on the 90Sr and 137Cs uptake by 11 species of Alpine plants growing on 6 undisturbed and geochemically different soils in the Alpine valley of Piora, Switzerland.


Results show that a strong correlation exists between the log TF and the log of exchangeable Ca or K of the soils.


Cs uptake by Phleum rhaeticum (Poales) and Alchemilla xanthochlora (Rosales) is more sensitive to the amount of exchangeable K in the soil than the corresponding uptake by other orders. Moreover, the 90Sr results indicate a phylogenetic effect between Non-Eudicot and Eudicots: the order Poales (Phleum rhaeticum) concentrating much less 90Sr than Eudicots do.  相似文献   

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